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Braz. dent. sci ; 25(4): 1-9, 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1410540


Aim: To describe through a clinical case report the surgical sequence of rehabilitation with 3D-printed implants associated with maxillary sinus floor lift with synthetic regenerative materials, including biphasic bioceramic. Case Report: Patient had an agenesis of the upper left premolars (#12 and #13), a vertical bone deficiency caused by maxillary sinus' pneumatization, and a horizontal alveolar resorption around the missing teeth area. During the surgical procedures, incisions, detachment, and osteotomy were performed in the lateral region of the maxillary sinus. The sinus membrane was detached and lifted 10 mm. Then, a thick poly(dioxanone)-based synthetic resorbable membrane (Plenum) was inserted and adapted inside the sinus to protect the sinus membrane. After the osteotomies with sub-instrumentation, 3D-printed implants (Plenum) were installed in the #12 area (3.5mm x 11.5 mm; 30N) and #13 area (4.0mm x 10mm; 20N). The maxillary sinus was entirely filled with a biphasic bioceramic, HA/ß-TCP (70:30) 500-1000 µm (Plenum) and covered by the same synthetic resorbable membrane. Connective tissue graft from the palatal area was positioned internally to the flap and stabilized with sutures to improve the vestibular tissue architecture. The entire surgical wound was sutured, and the tissues stabilized. No complications occurred in the postoperative period. Conclusion: The use of synthetic regenerative memberane and 3D-printed implants seems to be a promising option in areas of deficient bone remnants (AU)

Objetivo: Descrever por meio de um relato de caso clínico a sequência cirúrgica de reabilitação com implantes obtidos por impressão 3D associados à elevação do assoalho do seio maxilar com materiais regenerativos sintéticos, incluindo uma biocerâmica bifásica. Relato de Caso: Paciente apresentava agenesia dos pré-molares superiores esquerdos (24 e 25), deficiência óssea vertical causada pela pneumatização do seio maxilar e reabsorção alveolar horizontal ao redor da área dos dentes ausentes. Durante os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados incisões, descolamento e osteotomia na região lateral do seio maxilar. A membrana sinusal foi descolada e elevada 10 mm. Em seguida, uma membrana reabsorvível sintética à base de poli(dioxanona) espessa (Plenum) foi inserida e adaptada dentro do seio para proteger a membrana do seio. Após as osteotomias com subinstrumentação, implantes impressos em 3D (Plenum) foram instalados na área do 24 (3,5mm x 11,5mm; 30N) e na área do 25 (4,0mm x 10mm; 20N). O seio maxilar foi inteiramente preenchido com biocerâmica bifásica, HA/ß-TCP (70:30)500-1000 µm (Plenum) e recoberto pela mesma membrana sintética reabsorvível. O tecido conjuntivo da região palatina foi posicionado internamente ao retalho e estabilizado com suturas para melhorar a arquitetura do tecido vestibular. Toda a ferida cirúrgica foi suturada e os tecidos estabilizados. Não ocorreram complicações no pós-operatório. Conclusão:A utilização de biomateriais regenerativos sintéticos e implantes impressos parece ser uma opção promissora em áreas de remanescentes ósseos deficientes.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Implantes Dentales , Trasplante de Tejidos , Elevación del Piso del Seno Maxilar , Impresión Tridimensional , Seno Maxilar
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 40(1): e813, ene.-mar. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289455


Introducción: La encía queratinizada es un componente importante del complejo mucogingival. Su ausencia puede deberse a recesiones gingivales, traumas, caries radicular, entre otras. La técnica de injerto gingival libre es considerada el estándar de oro, por ser una técnica óptima para aumentar la extensión del vestíbulo y el ancho del tejido queratinizado por sus altas tasas de éxito y predictibilidad clínica. Objetivo: El propósito de este caso clínico fue evaluar el uso de una modificación de la técnica del injerto gingival libre. Presentación de caso: El caso clínico incluyó aumento de la profundidad del vestíbulo y de la encía queratinizada en ambas zonas del sector anteroinferior, para lo cual se utilizaron las dos hemiarcadas del paladar como la zona dadora del injerto (doble injerto). El caso utilizó un doble injerto gingival libre como técnica novedosa para el aumento gingival. Después de dos meses de cicatrización, se observó reducción de la recesión gingival y un aumento notorio del ancho de la encía queratinizada. Conclusiones: La técnica modificada de doble injerto gingival libre, es una buena alternativa para aumentar el grosor de la encía queratinizada en el sector anteroinferior, además de reducir el tiempo posoperatorio y generar una cicatrización uniforme a nivel de la línea mucogingival(AU)

Introduction: Keratinized gingiva is an important component of the mucogingival complex. Its absence may be due to gingival recessions, trauma, root caries, among others. The free gingival graft technique is considered the gold standard, as it is an optimal technique to increase the extension of the vestibule and the width of the keratinized tissue due to its high success rates and clinical predictability. Objective: The purpose of this clinical case was to evaluate the use of a modification of the free gingival graft technique. Case report: The clinical case included an increase in the depth of the vestibule as well as the keratinized gingiva in both areas of the anteroinferior sector, for which the two hemiarchates of the palate were used as the graft donor area (double graft). The case used a free double gingival graft as a novel technique for gingival augmentation. After two months of healing, a reduction in the gingival recession was observed, as well as a noticeable increase in the width of the keratinized gingiva. Conclusions: The modified free double gingival graft technique is a good alternative to increase the thickness of the keratinized gingiva in the anteroinferior sector, in addition to reducing the post-operative time and generating uniform healing at the level of the mucogingival line(AU)

Humanos , Donantes de Tejidos , Heridas y Lesiones , Tempo Operativo , Recesión Gingival , Herpes Zóster
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192218


Background: Which are the different ways of stabilizing connective tissue grafts (CTGs) for root coverage and gingival augmentation by means of placement of sutures? There are various defined and undefined ways of stabilizing CTGs depending on experience and personal preferences. Most of the techniques profess use of absorbable sutures in separate interrupted fashion (sutures at the corners of the graft wherever possible). Aim: This paper describes a new suturing method, “the lingually-tied horizontal mattress contouring suture,” for stabilization of CTGs with or without epithelialized collar at the recipient site, for use with papilla retention and sparing techniques to treat marginal tissue recessions. Methods and Material: The suturing technique is described in detail. It can be indicated for good number of root coverage cases, with additional objectives of gingival augmentation, specifically developed for papilla sparing and papillary buccal de-epithelialization recipient site preparations. Results: Over a period of last 16 years this suturing technique showed promising results in terms of graft stabilization and survival. The main advantage of this technique lies in the use of cost-effective nonabsorbable sutures that usually retain some amount of tension on the soft tissues longer. Conclusion: The primary objective of the suturing technique, per se, is to stabilize the CTG firmly along the contours of the root surface and to expedite a very close adaptation to the interdental soft tissues as well. The secondary objective of the article or publication is to disseminate the knowledge acquired through long periods of performance and observation for the benefit of the periodontal community as whole. Further validation is advocated.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805412


Objecive@#To assess the clinical outcomes of patients who received modified penile augmentation by free dermal-fat grafting.@*Methods@#From April 2012 to December 2014, a total of 15 male adults (18-24 years of age) after hypospadias repairs were included. They underwent modified penile augmentation, including girth enhancement using free dermal-fat grafting, and penile elongation (suprapubic skin advancement-ligamentolysis). Penile measurements were performed using ruler before operation and 6 months after operation. The outcome was evaluated by patients, based on the Male Genital Image Scale. SPSS 22.0 was used to analyze the data. In-paired t-test and Wilcoxon test were applied.@*Results@#In 6-84 months of follow-up, all patients achieved excellent cosmetic results, and satisfied with the appearance and diameter. In weak state, the penile length increased from (5.03±0.47) cm to (6.69±0.49) cm. The increased value was (1.67±0.24) cm (t=8.6, P<0.001). Under traction, the penile length increased from (7.29±0.74) cm to (9.21±0.73) cm. The increased value was (1.93±0.21) cm (t=7.8, P<0.001). In weak state, the diameter of the middle part of penis increased from (7.16±0.25) cm to (8.69±0.44) cm, with the increased value of (1.53±0.23) cm (t=8.2, P<0.001). The MGIS score grew from 31.73±4.86 to 40.20±4.54(Z=3.2, P=0.001).@*Conclusions@#This modified technique is safe and effective in enlarging penile size for patients who had underwent hypospadias repair. It is confirmed that physical dimensional enhancement does contribute to improving their self-estimation of penile size.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-808180


Objective@#To investigate the feasibility and indication of free grafting of split big toe nail bed for defects of fingernail bed.@*Methods@#From September 2008 to September 2011, 13 cases (4 females and 9 males) with fingernail bed defects(aged 17-38, average, 32) were treated with split big toe nail bed. The split big toe nail was harvested according to the defects size without bone exposure at donor site.@*Results@#Three grafted nail beds were necrotic completely and reconstructed with flaps. The 2 grafted nail bed was partial loss and healed after dressing. All the other grafted nail bed survived completely with primarily healing both in donor sites and recipient sites. The patients were followed up for 6-30 months(average, 14 months). The therapeutic effect was graded as excellent in 8 cases, good in 2 cases and poor in 14 cases(good rate, 76.9%). The nail matrix was excellent in 8 cases, good in 1 case and poor in 1 case(good rate, 90%). The toe nails in donor sites grew well.@*Conclusions@#The single fingernail defect with intact nail matrix can be reconstructed by split toe nail bed graft with good cosmetic and functional effect. There is no malfunction at donor site. The indication should be selected.

Periodontia ; 27(4): 86-90, 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-878499


Introdução: As cirurgias periodontais têm sido amplamente utilizadas para a correção de defeitos mucogengivais, como a recessão gengival. Objetivo: relatar por meio de um caso clínico o recobrimento radicular em recessões gengivais classe I de Miller nos dentes 11, 12 e 13 com enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial associado a retalho posicionado coronalmente. Relato do caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 24 anos de idade, foi atendido na Clínica de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, queixando-se de hipersensibilidade nos dentes 11, 12 e 13. Ao realizar a avaliação inicial, as medidas das recessões na face vestibular foram 5mm, 1mm e 2mm, respectivamente. Durante o planejamento periodontal optou-se pela realização dos procedimentos básicos: raspagem e alisamento coronorradicular e orientação de higiene bucal. Em seguida foi necessária a complementação cirúrgica para recobrimento radicular por meio da técnica de enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial associada ao tracionamento coronal do retalho, a fim de reduzir ou eliminar a recessão e ampliar a faixa de mucosa ceratinizada. Após a cirurgia foi aplicado laser de baixa intensidade a fim de diminuir a dor pós-operatória. O procedimento foi bem sucedido, com a cobertura radicular total. Conclusão: A técnica do enxerto subepitelial de tecido conjuntivo e tracionamento coronal do retalho merecem ser consideradas técnicas efetivas em obter resultados satisfatórios, tendo em vista a possibilidade de recobrimento radicular total em casos de recessões gengivais múltiplas. (AU)

Introduction: Periodontal surgery have been widely used for the correction of mucogengivais defects, such as gingival recession. Objective: To report through a case the root coverage in Miller's Class I recessions on teeth 11, 12 and 13 with graft of subepithelial connective tissue associated with coronally positioned flap. Case Report: A male patient, 24 years old, was treated at the Clinic of Dentistry, Federal University of Campina Grande, complaining of hypersensitivity in the teeth 11, 12 and 13. When performing the initial assessment, the measures of recessions the buccal surface were 5mm, 1mm and 2mm, respectively. During periodontal planning was chosen for carrying out the basic procedures: scaling and root planing and corono-orientation for oral hygiene. Then surgical root coverage for complementation by connective tissue graft technique subepithelial associated flap coronal traction was required in order to reduce or eliminate the recession and extend the range keratinized mucosa. After surgery low intensity laser was applied in to reduce postoperative pain. The procedure was successful, with complete root coverage. Conclusion: The subepithelial graft technique of connective tissue and coronally positioned flap deserve to be considered effective techniques to obtain satisfactory results, given the possibility of complete root coverage in cases of multiple gingival recessions. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Periodoncia , Trasplante de Tejidos , Recesión Gingival , Rayos Láser
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156564


Gingival recession related to periodontal disease or developmental problems can result in root sensitivity, root caries, and esthetically unacceptable root exposures. In the past, multiple surgical procedures have been proposed to obtain root coverage on exposed buccal root surfaces. There has been great interest in the treatment of gingival recession defects, especially with subepithelial connective‑tissue grafting (SCTG). Recent advances have focused on SCTG by the tunnel technique. This article highlights the esthetic results obtained by adopting a modification of the tunnel technique using a single vertical incision along with autologous SCTG in the management of multiple adjacent Miller Class‑II gingival recessions. A single vertical incision was used along with tunnel preparation for the facile placement of SCTG into the prepared tunnel. After 6 months of follow‑up, the clinical condition was stable with satisfactory root coverage outcome. An excellent esthetical outcome was achieved and the patient was satisfied with the result.

Tejido Conectivo/trasplante , /métodos , Encía/trasplante , /terapia
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2014 Apr ; 62 (4): 419-423
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-155591


Purpose: To study the microsurgical anatomy of the lacrimal drainage system and to provide anatomical evidence for transnasal endoscopic lacrimal drainage system bypass surgery by autogenous tissue grafting. Materials and Methods: A total of 20 Chinese adult cadaveric heads in 10% formaldehyde, comprising 40 lacrimal ducts were used. The middle third section of the specimens were examined for the following features: the thickness of the lacrimal fossa at the anterior lacrimal crest, vertical middle line, and posterior lacrimal crest; the cross section of the upper opening, middle part, and lower opening of the nasolacrimal canal; the horizontal, 30° oblique, and 45° oblique distances from the lacrimal caruncle to the nasal cavity; the distance from the lacrimal caruncle to the upper opening of the nasolacrimal duct; and the included angle between the lacrimal caruncle–nasolacrimal duct upper opening junction and Aeby’s plane. Results: The middle third of the anterior lacrimal crest was significantly thicker than the vertical middle line and the posterior lacrimal crest (P > 0.05). The horizontal distance, 30° oblique distance, and 45° oblique distance from the lacrimal caruncle to the nasal cavity exhibited no significant differences (P > 0.05). The included angle between the lacrimal caruncle and the lateral wall middle point of the superior opening line of the nasolacrimal duct and Aeby’s plane was average (49.9° ± 1.8°). Conclusion: The creation of the bony tunnel should start from the middle or posterior middle part of the lacrimal fossa, extending toward the anterior inferior region with an optimal downward oblique angle of 45°.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 28(3): 398-405, jul.-set. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-776131


Background: Body contouring has recently assumed an important role in body aesthetics. Liposuction in combination with free transplantation of adipose tissue is critical in such procedures. This study assessed the results of fat grafts implanted in unusual sites. Method: Over the past 21 years, the authors have performed 4,405 adipose tissue grafting procedures; 1,407 were classified as transfers to unusual sites. The technique used is based on histological studies and is thoroughly described, including obtaining, preparation, implantation, and postoperative care. The viability of the transplanted tissue was assessed by photographic documentation, a patient questionnaire, and clinical assessment. Results: Part of the transplanted tissue was viable in 100% of cases. The percent volume that remained in the implanted site was approximately 40% of the grafted tissue. The possibility of a late increase in transplanted adipose tissue volume was considered; such changes may be associated with a lack of genetic control in the mesenchymal stem cells present in the adipose tissue. Conclusions: Free transplants of adipose tissue in this series exhibited clinical and percent-wise progress in terms of viability, similar to grafting performed at other sites. Aviability of approximately 40% of grafted adipose tissue was possible because of the care taken throughout the procedure.

Introdução: Recentemente a definição do contorno corporal assumiu importante papel na estética do corpo. A lipoaspiração associada aos transplantes livres de tecido adiposo é fundamental nesses procedimentos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados dos enxertos gordurosos implantados em locais pouco habituais. Método: Nos últimos 21 anos, os autores realizaram 4.405 enxertos de tecido adiposo, dos quais 1.407 foram classificados como transferidos para locais pouco habituais. A técnica utilizada é fundamentada em estudos histológicos e descrita em todas as suas etapas, isto é, na obtenção, no preparo, na implantação e nos cuidados pós-operatórios. A viabilidade do tecido transplantado foi avaliada através de documentação fotográfica, de questionário respondido pelos pacientes e de avaliação clínica. Resultados: Foi possível comprovar a viabilidade de parte do tecido transplantado em 100% dos casos. O porcentual do volume que permaneceu na local implantado foi de aproximadamente 40% do tecido enxertado. Os autores chamam a atenção para a possibilidade tardia de aumento do volume do tecido adiposo transplantado, e relacionam essa alteração como um provável descontrole gênico das células-tranco mesenquimais presentes no tecido adiposo. Conclusões: Os transplantes livres de tecido adiposo avaliados nesta série apresentaram evolução clínica e porcentual de viabilidade semelhantes aos de enxertos realizados em outros locais. A viabilidade em torno de 40% do tecido adiposo enxertado foi possível graças aos cuidados tomados em todas as etapas do procedimento, conforme a técnica descrita.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Cuidados Posoperatorios , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos , Supervivencia Tisular , Trasplante Autólogo , Tejido Adiposo/cirugía , Técnicas Histológicas/métodos , Métodos , Pacientes , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Métodos
Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 171-176, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57792


This study aimed to measure the thickness of the epithelium and lamina propria of the palatal mucosa and to elucidate the location of the greater palatine artery to provide the anatomical basis for subepithelial connective tissue grafting. Thirty-two maxillary specimens, taken from the canine distal area to the first molar distal area, were embedded in paraffin and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The thickness of the epithelium and lamina propria of the palatal mucosa was measured at three positions on these specimens, starting from 3 mm below the alveolar crest and in 3-mm intervals. The location of the greater palatine artery was evaluated by using image-processing software. The mean epithelial thickness decreased significantly in the posterior teeth; it was 0.41, 0.36, 0.32, and 0.30 mm in the canine, first premolar, second premolar, and first molar distal areas, respectively. The lamina propria was significantly thicker in the canine distal; it was 1.36, 1.08, 1.09, and 1.05 mm, respectively. The mean length from the alveolar crest to the greater palatine artery increased toward the posterior molar; it was 7.76, 9.21, 10.93, and 11.28 mm, respectively. The mean depth from the surface of the palatal mucosa to the greater palatine artery decreased from the canine distal to the first premolar distal but increased again toward the posterior molar; it was 3.97, 3.09, 3.58, and 5.50 mm, respectively. Detailed histological assessments of the lamina propria of the palatal mucosa and the greater palatine artery are expected to provide useful anatomical guidelines for subepithelial connective tissue grafting.

Arterias , Diente Premolar , Tejido Conectivo , Epitelio , Diente Molar , Membrana Mucosa , Parafina , Trasplantes
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol ; 2012 Mar-Apr; 78(2): 159-164
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-141038


Background: Different surgical techniques in the form of tissue or cellular grafting procedures are used alone or in combination with narrowband UVB (NBUVB) to treat stable vitiligo resistant to medical treatment. Aim: To evaluate the cosmetic results obtained with ultrathin split-thickness skin grafts followed by NBUVB therapy in resistant, stable vitiligo. Methods: Forty patients of stable vitiligo were treated with ultrathin split-thickness grafting and the patients were then put on NBUVB therapy. The results obtained were analyzed by the extent of repigmentation achieved as well as the final cosmetic outcome at the recipient as well as donor sites. Results: The first evidence of repigmentation was seen in the second week after starting NBUVB. On objective assessment, more than 90% repigmentation was seen in 83% of patients and the overall cosmetic results at the recipient site were graded as good to excellent in 90% patients at the end of NBUVB treatment. Perigraft halo of depigmentation was seen in six patients (15%) on the recipient site. Hypertrophic scarring was observed in two patients at the donor site. Conclusions: Ultrathin split-thickness skin grafting, when combined with NBUVB therapy, leads to better cosmetic outcome with faster onset of repigmentation in resistant stable vitiligo.