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Rev. biol. trop ; 69(4)dic. 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387698


Abstract Introduction: Despite growing interest by the ecosystems derived from the Guyanese formations, the vertical structure of the communities and relationships of the biota with the climatic conditions in these ecosystems are unknown. Objective: Characterize the structure and vertical composition of the arthropod fauna associated with three of the most representative ecosystems of the Northern area of the serranía de La Lindosa in Colombia based on morphological and ecological parameters. Methods: The arthropod fauna was sampled, from the subsurface soil level to the shrub and tree stratum. The fauna was determined up to the level of family or supraspecific group and the values of Alfa and Beta diversity were determined. Body length measurements were made, and the coloration and trophic level of each group were determined. Results: The composition and diversity of the arthropod fauna was different in each ecosystem and vertical stratum and most of the groups in all the ecosystems studied present low abundances. Groups of phytophagous and predatory habits were frequent in all ecosystems and the highest biomass of arthropod fauna comes from groups of polyphagous habits, of medium size and great abundance. Light and dark colorations are the most frequent in landscape-scale. Conclusion: The ecosystems studied are characterized by the low values of diversity and replacement and the large number of non-shared groups that apparently respond to the microclimatic characteristics; however, there are some generalities on a landsc ape scale such as the greater richness and abundance of groups in the intermediate strata, the greater proportion of groups with phytophagous habits and medium body sizes, and the predominance of dark colorations in the lower strata.

Resumen Introducción: A pesar del interés que despiertan los ecosistemas derivados de las formaciones guyanesas, se desconoce la estructura vertical de las comunidades y las relaciones de la biota con las condiciones climáticas. Objetivo: Caracterizar la estructura y composición vertical de la artropofauna asociada a tres de los ecosistemas más representativos de la zona norte de la serranía de La Lindosa en Colombia, con base en parámetros morfológicos y ecológicos. Métodos: Se muestreó la artropofauna, desde el nivel del suelo subsuperficial hasta los estratos arbustivos y arbóreos, y se identificó hasta el nivel de familia o grupo supraespecífico. Se determinaron los valores de diversidad Alfa y Beta, se realizaron mediciones de la longitud corporal y se determinó la coloración y el nivel trófico de cada grupo. Resultados: La composición y diversidad de la artropofauna fue diferente en cada ecosistema y estrato vertical y la mayoría de los grupos de artrópodos en todos los ecosistemas estudiados presentan abundancias bajas. Los grupos de hábitos fitófagos y depredadores fueron frecuentes en todos los ecosistemas y la mayor biomasa de artropofauna proviene de grupos de hábitos polífagos, de tamaño medio y de gran abundancia. Las coloraciones claras y oscuras son las más frecuentes a escala de paisaje. Conclusión: Los ecosistemas estudiados se caracterizan por los bajos valores de diversidad y recambio y por la gran cantidad de grupos no compartidos que aparentemente responden a las características microclimáticas; sin embargo, existen algunas generalidades a escala de paisaje como la mayor riqueza y abundancia de grupos en los estratos intermedios, la mayor proporción de grupos de hábitos fitófagos y tallas corporales medianas y el predominio de coloraciones oscuras en los estratos inferiores.

Animales , Artrópodos/anatomía & histología , Ecosistema , Biodiversidad
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(2)jun. 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387657


Abstract Introduction: Rocky outcrops influence both micro and macro habitat for plants and animals by increasing the availability and predictability of food, providing shelter, and unique microclimatic conditions. Objective: We describe the bat assemblage in three isolated rocky outcrops and their surrounding pediments, adding new data about trophic guilds and roosts. Methods: We surveyed the bat fauna of Paraje Tres Cerros, Corrientes Province, Argentina, exploring 13 sites during 26 field trips, using mist nets and search of roosts. We made an accumulation species curve and calculate inventory completeness. The similarity and composition of different habitats was compared by a Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) and an ANOSIM test. Results: We reported 13 species, with a completeness inventory of the 80 % (Jacknife1), corresponding to the families Vespertilionidae, Molossidae and Phyllostomidae. The insectivorous bats were the best represented guild. We found nine types of roost for eight species in different sites. The analysis expressed low differences in the species composition between both types of habitats in the area. Conclusions: The rocky outcrops and their pediments are important ecosystems for the conservation and diversity of the bats in the region, since their assemblages are regionally unique.

Resumen Introducción: Los afloramientos rocosos influyen tanto en el micro como en el macro hábitat de plantas y animales al incrementar la disponibilidad de alimentos, proporcionar refugios y brindar condiciones microclimáticas únicas. Objetivo: Describir el ensamble de murciélagos en tres afloramientos rocosos aislados y sus pendientes circundantes, incorporando nuevos datos sobre gremios tróficos y refugios. Métodos: Muestreamos la fauna de murciélagos del Paraje Tres Cerros, provincia de Corrientes, Argentina, exploramos 13 sitios durante 26 viajes de campo, usando redes de niebla y búsqueda de refugios. Realizamos una curva de acumulación de especies y calculamos la completitud del inventario. La similitud y composición de diferentes hábitats se comparó mediante un escalado multidimensional no métrico (NMDS) y una prueba ANOSIM. Resultados: Reportamos 13 especies, con una completitud del 80 % del inventario (Jacknife1), correspondientes a las familias Vespertilionidae, Molossidae y Phyllostomidae. Los gremios mejor representados fueron los insectívoros. Encontramos nueve tipos de refugios para ocho especies en diferentes sitios. Los análisis expresaron bajas diferencias en la composición de especies entre ambos tipos de hábitats en el área. Conclusión: Los afloramientos rocosos y pendientes son ecosistemas importantes para la conservación y diversidad de los murciélagos en la región, ya que sus comunidades son regionalmente únicas.

Animales , Quirópteros/clasificación , Argentina
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(1): e20211295, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355773


Abstract: The Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC), located on extreme South of São Paulo's cost, in Brazil, holds an important Atlantic Forest remnant which still in a good state of conservation, but lack a deepen study about the avian community that habits the island. This study aimed to elaborate a census of avian species that occur in the park approaching richness, occurrence frequency, occurrence status and the structure of trophic guilds. A total of 25 field expedictions occurred between September 2015 and September 2017 during five days each, the field work included different ecosystems as mangrove, restinga, forest, sandbank, beach and marine. The census was made combine three different techniques used in ornithological studies: visual identification, auditory identification and catch by mist-nets (with five fixed sites in mangrove, restinga and forest). Were recorded 335 avian species, with 28 of them endemic from Brazil and 33 being threatened with extinction. Seventy-three species were recorded in all sampled months (FO 100%), while 46 were recorded in just one month (FO = 4%). About occurrence status, 55% of species are residents, 20% occasional visitors, 13% unusual residents, 6% migratory and 6% visitors. According the recorded species were recognized 25 trophic guilds based on food items, corporal size and strata that commonly forage, which of most representative in the community, the guild of "of insectivorous of medium-strata" (N = 55), "canopy omnivorous" (N = 33), "aquatic invertebrates consummers" and "piscivorous" (N = 31). Finally, with the current study, we aimed through a significative field effort bring a better knowledge about avifauna of PEIC, which could be a good base when is necessary take actions that aim to park management and the Conservation Unities around it.

Resumo: O Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC), localizado no estremo sul do litoral paulista, reúne um importante remanescente de Floresta Atlântica em bom estado de conservação, carecendo, porém, de um estudo aprofundado sobre a comunidade de aves que habita a ilha. Diante disso, o presente estudo visou a elaborar um inventário das espécies de aves do parque abordando a riqueza, frequência de ocorrência, status de ocorrência e divisão das espécies em guildas. Foram realizadas entre setembro de 2015 e setembro de 2017, 25 expedições de campo com cinco dias de duração cada, incluindo os ecossistemas de manguezal, restinga, floresta, baixio, praia e marinho. O inventário foi realizado combinando três técnicas para estudos ornitológicos: identificação visual, identificação auditiva e captura com redes-de-neblina (cinco pontos fixos no manguezal, restinga e floresta). Foram registradas 335 espécies de aves, sendo 28 espécies consideradas endêmicas para o Brasil e 33 com algum grau de risco de extinção. Setenta e três espécies foram registradas em todos os meses amostrados (FO = 100%), enquanto que 46 apresentaram registros em apenas um mês (FO = 4%). No que se refere ao status de ocorrência, 55% das espécies são residentes, 20% visitantes ocasionais, 13% residentes incomuns, 6% migratórias e 6% visitantes. As espécies registradas permitiram o reconhecimento de 25 guildas com base nos itens alimentares, tamanho corporal e estrato em que comumente forrageiam, sendo as mais representativas na comunidade, as guildas de "Insetívoros de estrato médio" (N = 55), "Onívoros de copa" (N = 33), "Consumidores de Invertebrados Aquáticos" e "Piscívoros" (N = 31). Por fim, com o presente estudo, buscamos através de um significativo esforço em campo trazer um melhor conhecimento no que diz respeito a avifauna do PEIC, que pode vir a servir de base na hora de traçar ações visando ao manejo do parque bem como das unidades de conservação que se distribuem no seu entorno.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 22(2): e1094, Jul-Dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094797


RESUMEN La Estación Agraria Cotové está ubicada en Santa Fe de Antioquia, zona de bosque seco tropical, en la que se han desarrollado actividades agropecuarias por más de 40 años, transformado sus ecosistemas originales y modificando las condiciones ambientales. Por lo anterior, este estudio tiene por objetivo evaluar la composición y la estructura de las hormigas en cinco sitios, con diferentes usos del suelo de la Estación Agraria: frutales, sistema silvopastoril, bosque secundario, pastos de corte y pastoreo con baja densidad de árboles. En cada uso del suelo, se ubicaron tres transectos de 100m cada uno, al interior, interior-borde y borde, tomando una muestra cada 20m, a una profundidad de 10cm. Se identificaron las hormigas presentes, a nivel de morfoespecies y se clasificaron por gremios tróficos y por grupos funcionales. Se recolectaron 5.239 individuos, agrupados en 253 colonias, pertenecientes a 23 géneros y 37 morfoespecies de las subfamilias Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, Formicinae y Ecitoninae. La diversidad fue más alta en bosque secundario y frutales, mientras que la dominancia fue mayor en el sistema silvopastoril y en pastoreo con baja densidad de árboles. Entre bosque secundario y frutales, se encontró el mayor valor de morfoespecies compartidas. Los gremios tróficos mejor representados fueron omnívoros y depredadores y, por grupo funcional, se presentó una mayor proporción de Especialistas de Clima Tropical y de Myrmicinae Generalistas.

ABSTRACT The Agrarian Station Cotové is located in Santa Fe de Antioquia, an area of tropical dry forest in which agricultural activities have been carried out for more than 40 years, which have transformed their original ecosystems and modified the environmental conditions. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the composition and structure of ants in five sites with different land uses: fruit trees, silvopasture, secondary forest, grass for cutting, and pastures with low density of trees. In each land use, three transects of 100m each were located, inside, inside-edge, and edge, taking a sample every 20m to a depth of 10cm. In each site, the ants were identified to morphospecies, and classified by trophic guilds and by functional groups. The diversity index for each land uses were determined. We collected 5239 ants, grouped in 253 colonies, belonging to 23 genera and 37 morphospecies of subfamilies Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, Formicinae y Ecitoninae. Species diversity was highest in secondary forest and fruit trees, while the dominance was higher in silvopasture and pastures with low density of trees. Secondary forest and fruit trees showed the highest value of shared morphospecies. The omnivorous and predator's trophic guilds were the best represented, and regarding functional groups, we found a high proportion of tropical climate specialists and Myrmicinae generalists.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 21(2): 519-529, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094754


RESUMEN Se estudió la relación entre la diversidad taxonómica y funcional del ensamblaje de aves y la estructura de vegetación, en cuatro estadios de sucesión secundaria de bosque, realizando cinco muestreos, entre junio de 2016 y febrero de 2017, en los que se registraron las aves, mediante puntos de conteo de radio fijo y se caracterizó la estructura de la vegetación de cada sucesión. Se estableció la abundancia, la preferencia, la especificidad de hábitat y el gremio trófico, así como la riqueza y la diversidad de las especies de aves y las relaciones entre la composición de las especies y los gremios tróficos con las variables del hábitat. Se registraron 9.516 individuos de 187 especies, pertenecientes a 42 familias y 15 órdenes. Se determinaron dos agrupaciones, separando los estadios sucesionales SS1 y SS2, de los estadios SS3 y SS4, con una similitud entre los dos grupos del 10%, a nivel taxonómico y del 32%, a nivel funcional. La regeneración natural posterior al abandono de prácticas agropecuarias, permiten un incremento de áreas de bosque secundario que, en la medida en que obtienen mayor complejidad estructural, se asocian con una mayor cantidad de especies con preferencia de hábitat de interior de bosque y un aumento de los gremios tróficos nectarívos y frugívoros.

ABSTRACT The relationships between taxonomic and functional diversity of bird assemblage and vegetation structure in four stages of secondary forest succession were studied. Five field samplings were carried out between June 2016 and February 2017, in which birds were recorded using fixed radius point counts, and the vegetation structure of each successional stage was characterized. Bird species were identified and their habitat preference, specificity and trophic guilds were established. The abundance, preference, habitat specificity and trophic guild, and the richness and diversity of species of birds and relationships between species composition and trophic guilds with habitat variables in the four sequences was established. 9516 individuals from 187 bird species belonging to 42 families and 15 orders were registered. Two clusters separating the SS1 and SS2 of SS3 and SS4 successional stages, were determined, with a similarity between both of 10% at taxonomic level and 32% at functional level. The natural regeneration subsequent to the abandonment of agricultural practices allow an increase in secondary forest areas, which to the extent they get greater structural complexity, are associated with increased number of forest interior species, and an increase of nectarivorous and frugivorous guilds.

Rev. biol. trop ; 66(3): 1258-1271, jul.-sep. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977382


Abstract Amazonian fish assemblages are typically high in species diversity and trophic complexity. Stable isotopes are valuable tools to describe the trophic structure of such assemblages, providing useful information for conservation and ecological management. This study aimed at estimating the relative contribution of the different basal carbon sources to the diet of primary consumer fishes (herbivores and detritivores), and determining the trophic position (TP) of the dominant fishes from each trophic guild (herbivores, detritivores, invertivores and piscivores). For this purpose we analyzed stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in potential food sources, and muscle tissue of fishes in five oxbow lakes located in the floodplain of River Ichilo, Bolivia. Terrestrial plants and C3 aquatic macrophytes were the major carbon source contributing to the diet of herbivorous fishes, whereas particulate organic matter (POM) contributed more to the diet of detritivore fishes. In general, C4 aquatic macrophytes contributed little to the diet of herbivores and detritivores. However, we found a relatively high contribution of C4 macrophytes (28 %) to the diet of the herbivores Mylossoma duriventre and Schizodon fasciatus. We found a good agreement between our estimated TP values and the trophic group assigned based on diet composition from literature. The herbivore M. duriventre was at the bottom of the food web, being the baseline organism (TP = 2). The remaining primary consumers (herbivores and algivore/detritivores) exhibited relatively high TP values (2.3-2.9), probably due to their opportunistic feeding behavior. Omnivore/invertivore species studied displayed TP values near the 3.0 value expected for secondary consumers. Piscivore fishes were at the top TP, with TP values varying from 3.3 (Serrasalmus spilopleura and Serrasalmus rhombeus) to 3.8 (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum). The fact that detritivore fishes, the most abundant food source for piscivores, occupy relatively high TPs determines that food chains in these particular Amazonian floodplains are longer than previously thought. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1258-1271. Epub 2018 September 01.

Resumen Los ensamblajes de peces amazónicos presentan alta diversidad y complejidad trófica. La descripción de su estructura trófica proporciona información útil para su manejo. Con el fin de estimar la contribución de las fuentes básicas de carbono en la dieta de los consumidores primarios, y determinar la posición trófica (PT) de las especies dominantes de peces de cada gremio, analizamos isótopos estables de carbono (δ13C) y nitrógeno (δ15N) en las fuentes de carbono y en músculo de peces, de la llanura de inundación del río Ichilo. Las plantas terrestres y las macrófitas C3 fueron las mayores fuentes de carbono en la dieta de los peces herbívoros, mientras que la materia orgánica particulada contribuyó más a la dieta de los detritívoros. Las macrófitas C4 contribuyeron poco a la dieta de herbívoros y detritívoros, excepto para Mylossoma duriventre y Schizodon fasciatus, en las que encontramos una contribución relativamente alta (28 %). Encontramos una buena relación entre los valores estimados de PT y el gremio trófico asignado en la literatura. El herbívoro M. duriventre estuvo en la base de la red trófica (PT = 2). Los restantes consumidores primarios mostraron valores de PT relativamente altos (2.3 - 2.9), probablemente debido a sus hábitos alimenticios oportunistas. Las especies omnívoras/invertívoras mostraron valores cercanos a 3. Los peces piscívoros estuvieron en la cima de la red trófica, con PT que variaron entre 3.3 (Serrasalmus spilopleura y Serrasalmus rhombeus) y 3.8 (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum). Estos datos sugieren que las cadenas tróficas en llanuras de inundación amazónicas, son más largas de lo que se suponía.

Animales , Carbono , Sistemas Ecológicos Cerrados , Cadena Alimentaria , Peces , Isótopos/análisis , Nitrógeno/análisis , Bolivia , Proteínas de Peces en la Dieta
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(1): 136-148, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-897660


Resumen Los lagos tropicales de alta montaña presentan condiciones ambientales únicas donde los quironómidos tienen un papel importante en el funcionamiento del ecosistema. Las características de estos ambientes podrían favorecer el solapamiento de dietas y por ende una alta competencia interespecífica. En este estudio se describen los hábitos alimentarios de géneros de quironómidos, se identifica si los hábitos alimenticios son especializados o generalistas y se analiza el solapamiento en la dieta de los géneros. Entre abril y mayo de 2016 se colectaron larvas de Chironomidae de cuatro lagos del páramo de Chingaza. Se evaluó la dieta de larvas, mediante el análisis de contenido estomacal. Se ubicó cada género en gremios tróficos (carnívoro, detritívoro y alguívoro) y se estimó el solapamiento de las dietas entre los géneros mediante el índice de Pianka. Se colectó un total de 1 003 individuos y se identificaron nueve géneros. Las larvas consumieron principalmente materia orgánica particulada fina (MOPF), algas, fragmentos de macrófitas, macroinvertebrados y tejido animal. La MOPF fue la fuente principal de alimento de detritívoros. El análisis de dietas mostró una alta afinidad de cada género con un único gremio trófico y la mayor parte de los géneros son generalistas en el uso de recursos. En todos los lagos se observaron valores altos de solapamiento en la dieta entre los géneros y los gremios tróficos, principalmente entre los detritívoros. Los resultados sugieren que las larvas de Chironomidae presentan hábitos tróficos bien diferenciados, ocurriendo un moderado solapamiento de dietas entre géneros de detritívoros y carnívoros.

Abstract Tropical high mountain lakes show unique environmental conditions where chironomids play an important role in ecosystem functioning. The characteristics of these environments could favor diet overlap and therefore a high interspecific competition. This study described the dietary habits of chironomid genera, identified whether the dietary habits were specialized or generalist, and analyzed the diet overlap in the genera. Chironomidae larvae were collected from four lakes of the Chingaza paramo during the dry season, between April and May of 2 016. The feeding habits of larvae were evaluated by analyzing gut contents following standard methods. Each genus was assigned to trophic guilds (carnivore, detritivore and algivore) and the diet overlap was estimated using the Pianka's index. A total of 1 003 individuals were collected and nine genera were identified. Larvae consumed mainly fine particulate organic matter (FPOM), algae, macrophyte fragments, macroinvertebrates, and animal tissues. FPOM was the main feeding resource of detritivores. The analysis of diets showed a high affinity of each genus for a single trophic guild and most of the genera were generalist in the use of resources. For all lakes, high levels of diet overlap were observed among genera and trophic guilds, mainly among detritivores. Our results suggested that Chironomidae larvae of these lakes presented well differentiated trophic habits, and showed a moderate diet overlap within detritivores and carnivores. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(1): 136-148. Epub 2018 March 01.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 16(4): e180022, out. 2018. tab, graf, mapas
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976295


In floodplain communities, beta diversity is influenced by different factors; however, environmental heterogeneity and floods are believed to be particularly influential. The influence of environmental heterogeneity and floods on beta diversity may vary among guilds that present different ecological traits. This study evaluated the correlation between the environmental heterogeneity and flood periods and the beta diversity of trophic and reproductive guilds of fish assemblages. Sampling was conducted quarterly between 2000 and 2012 in the upper Paraná River floodplain. The environmental heterogeneity and period (i.e., dry or flood) were associated with the beta diversity of each guild based on the results of generalized least squares linear models. Only guilds with parental care were influenced by the interaction between environmental heterogeneity and period. The beta diversity of the other guilds presented no relationship between environmental heterogeneity and period. It is likely that species with parental care presented less dispersal capacity, which increased the dissimilarity among assemblages. The higher dispersion rates of the other guilds may be responsible for the lack of relationship between the beta diversity and the environmental heterogeneity and period. In sum, these results suggest that reproductive guilds influence how environmental heterogeneity and floods affect beta diversity variation.(AU)

A diversidade beta é influenciada por diferentes fatores em comunidades de planícies de inundação; contudo, acredita-se que a heterogeneidade ambiental e inundações sejam particularmente influentes. A influência da heterogeneidade ambiental e inundações na diversidade beta podem variar entre guildas que apresentam diferentes características ecológicas. Este estudo avaliou a correlação entre heterogeneidade ambiental, os períodos de inundação e a diversidade beta de guildas tróficas e reprodutivas de peixes. A amostragem foi realizada trimestralmente entre 2000 e 2012 na planície de inundação do Alto rio Paraná. Heterogeneidade ambiental e o período (i.e., seca ou cheia) foram associados à diversidade beta de cada guilda por modelos lineares de quadrados mínimos generalizados. Somente guildas com cuidados parentais foram influenciadas pela interação entre heterogeneidade ambiental e período. A diversidade beta das outras guildas não apresentou relação com heterogeneidade ambiental e período. É provável que espécies com cuidados parentais apresentem menor capacidade de dispersão, o que aumenta a diferença entre as assembleias. As maiores taxas de dispersão de outras guildas podem ser responsáveis pela ausência de relação entre a diversidade beta e heterogeneidade ambiental e o período. Em suma, os resultados sugerem que as guildas reprodutivas influenciam a forma como a heterogeneidade ambiental e as inundações afetam a variação da diversidade beta.(AU)

Animales , Biodiversidad , Peces/genética , Zonificación de Llanuras de Inundación
Acta biol. colomb ; 22(3): 348-358, sep.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-886072


RESUMEN La dispersión de semillas por fauna juega un papel fundamental en la reproducción vegetal. Los murciélagos son unos de los dispersores de semillas más importantes en los ecosistemas neotropicales. El objetivo en esta investigación fue describir la comunidad de murciélagos y las semillas que potencialmente dispersan, en el gradiente sucesional (sabana, arbustal, borde de bosque y bosque ripario), de una localidad de la altillanura colombiana. Se midió abundancia, riqueza, diversidad de murciélagos y las semillas de sus heces. Se capturaron 534 individuos pertenecientes a cuatro familias y 39 especies. Las especies más abundantes fueron Carollia perspicillata, Artibeus obscurus y Molossus molossus. C. perspicillata y A. obscurus presentaron los mayores valores en el índice de dispersión de semillas (DII). Los registros pertenecen a seis gremios, siendo más abundantes los frugívoros (sedentarios y nómadas). El hábitat con mayor abundancia y riqueza de especies de murciélagos fue el borde de bosque. Se recolectaron un total de 11808 semillas, siendo Cecropia engleriana la especie más abundante. Los estados sucesionales difieren significativamente en abundancia de semillas, mas no en riqueza; mostrando dominancia de determinados géneros de semillas. Se resalta el arbustal como dinamizador de la sucesión, con un flujo potencial de semillas diversas, donde los murciélagos juegan un papel clave para su dispersión, pues aquellos que vuelan sobre las áreas abiertas tienen la misma carga de semillas para dispersar que los hallados en el bosque, evidenciando un potencial de regeneración coadyuvado por una comunidad de murciélagos con una estructura diversa en grupos tróficos y especies.

ABSTRACT Faunal seed dispersal plays a fundamental role in plant reproduction. Bats are one of the most important seed dispersers in Neotropical ecosystems. The objective of this research was to describe the bat community and seeds that are potentially dispersed in a successional gradient (savanna, woods, forest edge and riparian forest) in a locality of the Colombian Altillanura. We measured abundance, richness, and diversity of bats and the seeds found in their feces. 534 individuals belonging to four families and 39 species were captured. The most abundant species were Carollia perspicillata, Artibeus obscurus and Molossus molossus. C. perspicillata and A. obscurus presented the highest values in the seed dispersion index (DII). The records belong to six guilds, the most abundant being frugivores (sedentary and nomadic). The habitat with the greatest bat abundance and richness of species was the forest edge. A total of 11808 seeds with Cecropia engleriana were collected as the most abundant species. Successional states differed significantly in seed abundance but not in wealth, and certain genera showed dominance. Shrubs were highlighted for their dynamic succession and a potential flow of diverse seeds. Here bats play a fundamental role in seed dispersal since those flying over open areas have the same seed load for dispersal as those found in forest, exhibiting a regeneration potential that is contributed to by a bat community having a diverse structure in trophic groups and species.

Rev. biol. trop ; 65(2): 535-550, Apr.-Jun. 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897561


ResumenLos afloramientos rocosos aislados se describen como paisajes destacados en biodiversidad debido a la gran variedad de microhabitats, presencia de taxones restringidos y al alto recambio de especies con la matriz circundante. Particularmente los afloramientos rocosos aislados del Paraje Tres Cerros (ARPTC), Corrientes, Argentina, representan un paisaje único en la región, biológicamente fueron poco explorados. Se estudió la comunidad de aves de bosques y pastizales de los ARPTC mediante 136 listas de Mackinnon de diez especies durante la temporada reproductiva y no reproductiva. Se evaluó la diversidad, riqueza estimada y completitud de inventarios, abundancia de gremios tróficos y fenología de las especies. Se comparó estos atributos entre los bosques y pastizales. Se registraron 107 especies donde el bosque es 1.3 veces más diverso que el pastizal. La completitud de inventarios varió de 83 a 90 % en el pastizal y de 88 a 99 % en el bosque. Los hábitats se complementaron en un 62 % indicando una elevada ocurrencia de especies exclusivas. Las aves insectívoras fueron abundantes en ambos ambientes, mientras que las frugívoras en bosques y las granívoras en pastizales. Ambos hábitats son significativamente más ricos en especies en la estación reproductiva por la llegada de los migrantes estivales. Los resultados concuerdan con los patrones generales conocidos para las comunidades de aves y con otros específicos para las comunidades de aves de afloramientos rocosos. El presente estudio resalta la importancia de los afloramientos rocosos aislados de Paraje Tres Cerros para la protección de la biodiversidad de aves a nivel local y regional y representa una herramienta de manejo para la conservación de estos ecosistemas.

AbstractIsolated rocky outcrops can act as patch habitats that host great biodiversity through the diversity of microhabitats, presence of restricted taxa and the high turnover of species in the patch matrix. The isolated rocky outcrops of Paraje Tres Cerros (ARPTC), Corrientes, Argentina, are a unique landscape in the region and biologically little explored. We conducted a study to describe for the first time the bird community of the forest and grassland of the ARPTC, using 136 lists following the ten species Mackinnon method from the breeding and non-breeding seasons. We evaluated the diversity, trophic guilds and phenology of the species, and compared attributes of grassland and forest communities. The total species richness was 107, with the forest being 1.3 times more diverse than the grassland. Completeness of inventories ranged from 83-90 % in the grassland and 88 to 99 % in the forest. The habitat complementarity was 62 %, indicating the presence of several species exclusive of forest and grassland habitats. The trophic structure of communities showed a good representation of insectivorous birds in both habitats. Frugivorous birds were more frequent in the forest and granivorous birds were more frequent in the grasslands. Due to the arrival of migrant species, both habitats had significantly higher richness in the breeding season than in the non-breeding season. Our results showed similar general aspects and patterns for bird communities and with specific studies for bird communities of rocky outcrops. The present study highlights the importance of the isolated rocky outcrops of Paraje Tres Cerros for the protection of local and regional bird biodiversity and represents a benchmark for the management and the protection of these ecosystems.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 13(4): 723-732, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-769839


The aim of this study was to evaluate the isotopic profile and mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish (carnivores, omnivores and detritivores) in the lower portion of the rio Paraíba do Sul watershed, southeastern Brazil. Carbon (δ13C) isotopic analyses revealed that pelagic and benthonic sources are part of the feeding of the fish from the different guilds (-14.0 to -24.8 ‰). The benthic sources are usually enriched in δ13C (-16.9‰, from watershed runoff) compared to pelagic sources because the phytoplankton, important primary producer that supports several pelagic chains, has δ13C signature lighter (-23.9‰). The nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic signatures indicated that most guilds were at the same trophic position (10.0 to 15.5 ‰), except for pelagic omnivorous fish, which had a lower trophic position. Niche overlap was observed among pelagic and demersal carnivorous fish, demersal omnivorous fish, and demersal detritivorous fish. The lower isotopic niche breadth of pelagic carnivorous fish reveals the specialized resource use by this guild. Hg concentrations (ng g-1 dry weight) differed significantly between demersal carnivorous fish (185.3 dry weight; 27.8 wet weight) and demersal omnivorous fish (277.9 dry weight; 41.7 wet weight) and between pelagic omnivorous fish (197.2 dry weight; 29.6 wet weight) and demersal omnivorous fish due to (1) differences in food sources: guilds that fed on bottom resources were more affected by contamination because the sediment is an important Hg accumulator in the study area, and (2) because of its trophic positions. Considering that the fish consumed prey of similar trophic positions, the guilds did not show a well-defined food hierarchy. Therefore, in this study, there was no clear relationship between Hg and δ15N.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o perfil isotópico e as concentrações de mercúrio (Hg) em peixes (carnívoros, onívoros e detritívoros) na bacia inferior do rio Paraíba do Sul, sudeste do Brasil. As análises isotópicas de carbono (δ13C) revelaram participação de fontes pelágica e bentônica na alimentação dos peixes das diferentes guildas (-14,0 a -24,8 ‰). As fontes bentônicas são usualmente mais enriquecidas em δ13C (-16,9‰, derivado do escoamento superficial da bacia de drenagem) comparadas às fontes pelágicas pois, o fitoplâncton, importante produtor primário que suporta inúmeras cadeias pelágicas, tem assinatura de δ13C mais leve (-23,9‰). As assinaturas isotópicas de nitrogênio (δ15N) indicaram que a maioria das guildas estava no mesmo nível trófico (10,0 a 15,5 ‰), exceto os peixes onívoros pelágicos cuja posição trófica foi inferior. Observou-se sobreposição de nicho entre peixes carnívoros pelágicos e demersais, onívoros demersais, e detritívoros demersais. A menor amplitude de nicho isotópico dos peixes carnívoros pelágicos revela o uso de recursos especializados por esta guilda. A concentração de Hg (ng g-1 peso seco) diferiu significativamente entre peixes carnívoros demersais (185,3 peso seco; 27,8 peso úmido) e onívoros demersais (277,9 peso seco; 41,7 peso úmido), e entre peixes onívoros pelágicos (197,2 peso seco; 29,6 peso úmido) e onívoros demersais devido a (1) diferenças nas fontes alimentares: guildas que utilizaram recursos de fundo foram mais afetadas pela contaminação pois o sedimento é um importante acumulador de Hg na área de estudo, e (2) por causa das suas posições tróficas. Tendo em vista que os peixes consumiram presas com níveis tróficos semelhantes, as guildas não apresentaram uma hierarquia alimentar definida. Desse modo, no presente estudo não se verificou uma relação clara entre Hg e δ15N.

Animales , Isótopos de Mercurio/análisis , Isótopos de Mercurio/aislamiento & purificación , Peces/crecimiento & desarrollo , Peces/fisiología
Braz. j. biol ; 75(2): 380-390, 05/2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-749692


In this study, we investigated differences in feeding habits of small-sized ichthyofauna among lateral lagoons and the river channel in a large reservoir. The study was performed in four lagoons and in one sampling site of the main channel in Rosana Reservoir, Paranapanema River, Brazil. The samples were taken in September and November of 2004 and in January, March, May, and August of 2005. Fish were sampled with a 7.5 m2 hand net. Five manual throws were made toward aquatic macrophytes stands. The sampling design favored the collection of small-sized fish fauna (juveniles/small-sized species). The stomach contents of 42 species were analyzed. A total of 183 different items were consumed by fish. These items were grouped in 11 food categories, which were used to classify fish into seven trophic guilds. Aquatic insects were consumed by 32 species and were the predominant feeding item. In the river, the most consumed items were aquatic insects, cladocerans, and phytoplankton, whereas in the lagoons aquatic insects, copepods, and cladocerans were the main items. By comparing each trophic guild, the number of insectivores, algivores, and zooplanktivores species was higher in the lagoons than in the river, and the opposite was found only for omnivore fish. Low niche width in all sites indicates high trophic specialization and low niche overlap between pairs of species. Fish assemblage in the lateral lagoons presents feeding habits distinct from those of the river species, indicating that the coexistence and high abundance of small-sized fish in the sampling sites are explained by their high feeding adaptability, which includes a tendency toward dietary specialization, low feeding overlap, and resource partitioning, along with different temporal resource uses.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a diferença no hábito alimentar da ictiofauna entre lagoas laterais e o canal do rio num reservatório de grande porte. O estudo foi realizado em quatro lagoas e um ponto no reservatório de Rosana, rio Paranapanema, Brasil. As amostras foram coletadas em setembro e novembro de 2004 e janeiro, março, maio e agosto de 2005. Foram realizados cinco arrastos manuais com uma rede de 7,5m2, junto aos bancos de macrófitas aquáticas. O desenho amostral favoreceu a coleta de peixes juvenis e espécies de pequeno porte. Os conteúdos estomacais de 42 espécies foram analisados. Um total de 183 diferentes itens foi consumido, que foram agrupados em 11 categorias alimentares. Sete guildas tróficas foram estabelecidas. Insetos aquáticos foram consumidos por 32 espécies de peixes, sendo o item alimentar predominante. O padrão alimentar da ictiofauna no rio foi diferente quando comparado as lagoas, como demonstrado na Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada. No rio, os principais itens alimentares foram insetos aquáticos, cladóceros e fitoplâncton, enquanto que nas lagoas os principais itens foram insetos aquáticos, copépodes e cladóceros. Comparando-se cada guilda trófica, o número de espécies de insetívoros, algívoros e zooplanctívoros foi maior nas lagoas do que no rio e o oposto foi encontrado somente para os onívoros. Foram registrados baixos valores de amplitude de nicho, indicando que as espécies apresentam alta especialização trófica, e baixa sobreposição de nicho trófico entre os pares de espécies. Finalmente, este estudo mostra que a coexistência e alta abundância das espécies de peixe de pequeno porte encontrada nas lagoas laterais são explicadas pela adaptabilidade alimentar, o uso temporal dos recursos pelos peixes e pela ampla disponibilidade de alimento existente nas lagoas.

Animales , Dieta , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Peces/fisiología , Contenido Digestivo , Brasil , Peces/clasificación , Lagos , Ríos , Estaciones del Año
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3,supl.1): S023-S032, 8/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-732282


The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of spatial variation in river channels and habitats on the distribution of fish communities in the headwater streams of the Jaú River System, a blackwater tributary of the Negro River. Collections and measurements were made in 34 headwater streams during the period of November- December, 1998. Fish were captured with fish traps and hand nets along standard reaches of two meanders. Data on benthic habitat structure, stream depth and width were collected along lateral transects in each sample reach. A total of 66 fish species from 24 families were collected and classified into seven trophic guilds: allocthonous insectivore, autochthonous insectivore, general insectivore, piscivore, detritivorous planktivore, detritivorous insectivore and insectivorous piscivore. Variations in the distribution and diversity of bottom substrates were important factors influencing fish community structures in these systems. Also, variation in stream size explained the observed variability in fish communities.

O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a influência da variação espacial de características físicas do canal dos igarapés e habitats na distribuição das comunidades de peixes em igarapés de cabeceira no sistema do rio Jaú. O rio Jaú é um tributário de águas pretas do rio Negro. Coletas e medidas foram realizadas em 34 igarapés de cabeceira durante os períodos de novembro a dezembro de 1998. Os peixes foram capturados com armadilhas e puçás ao longo de dois meandros em cada local. Um total de 66 espécies de peixes de 24 famílias foram coletados e classificados em sete guildas tróficas: insetívoro alóctone, insetívoro autóctone, insetívoro em geral, piscívoro, detritívoro algívoro, detritívoro insetívoro e insetívoro piscívoro. Variações na distribuição e diversidade do substrato de fundo foram importantes fatores influenciando a estrutura da comunidade nesses sistemas. Sendo assim, variações no tamanho dos igarapés mostraram reflexos nas comunidades de peixes.

Animales , Ecosistema , Peces/clasificación , Ríos , Brasil , Densidad de Población
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3)8/2014.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468176


The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of spatial variation in river channels and habitats on the distribution of fish communities in the headwater streams of the Jaú River System, a blackwater tributary of the Negro River. Collections and measurements were made in 34 headwater streams during the period of November- December, 1998. Fish were captured with fish traps and hand nets along standard reaches of two meanders. Data on benthic habitat structure, stream depth and width were collected along lateral transects in each sample reach. A total of 66 fish species from 24 families were collected and classified into seven trophic guilds: allocthonous insectivore, autochthonous insectivore, general insectivore, piscivore, detritivorous planktivore, detritivorous insectivore and insectivorous piscivore. Variations in the distribution and diversity of bottom substrates were important factors influencing fish community structures in these systems. Also, variation in stream size explained the observed variability in fish communities.

O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a influência da variação espacial de características físicas do canal dos igarapés e habitats na distribuição das comunidades de peixes em igarapés de cabeceira no sistema do rio Jaú. O rio Jaú é um tributário de águas pretas do rio Negro. Coletas e medidas foram realizadas em 34 igarapés de cabeceira durante os períodos de novembro a dezembro de 1998. Os peixes foram capturados com armadilhas e puçás ao longo de dois meandros em cada local. Um total de 66 espécies de peixes de 24 famílias foram coletados e classificados em sete guildas tróficas: insetívoro alóctone, insetívoro autóctone, insetívoro em geral, piscívoro, detritívoro algívoro, detritívoro insetívoro e insetívoro piscívoro. Variações na distribuição e diversidade do substrato de fundo foram importantes fatores influenciando a estrutura da comunidade nesses sistemas. Sendo assim, variações no tamanho dos igarapés mostraram reflexos nas comunidades de peixes.

Rev. biol. trop ; 62(supl.2): 155-167, abr. 2014. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-753763


Aquatic macroinvertebrates are involved in numerous processes within aquatic ecosystems. They often have important effects on ecosystem processes such as primary production (via grazing), detritus breakdown, and nutrient mineralization and downstream spiraling. The functional feeding groups (FFG) classification was developed as a tool to facilitate the incorporation of macroinvertebrates in studies of aquatic ecosystems. This classification has the advantage of combining morphological characteristics (e.g., mouth part specialization) and behavioral mechanisms (e.g., way of feeding) used by macroinvertebrates when consuming resources. Although recent efforts have greatly advanced our ability to identify aquatic macroinvertebrates, there is limited information on FFG assignment. Furthermore, there has been some variation in the use of the FFG classification, in part due to an emphasis on using gut content analysis to assign FFG, which is more appropriate for assigning trophic guilds. Thus, the main goals of this study are to (1) provide an overview of the value of using the FFG classification, (2) make an initial attempt to summarize available information on FFG for aquatic insects in Latin America, and (3) provide general guidelines on how to assign organisms to their FFGs. FFGs are intended to reflect the potential effects of organisms in their ecosystems and the way they consume resources. Groups include scrapers that consume resources that grow attached to the substrate by removing them with their mouth parts; shredders that cut or chew pieces of living or dead plant material, including all plant parts like leaves and wood; collectors-gatherers that use modified mouth parts to sieve or collect small particles (<1mm) accumulated on the stream bottom; filterers that have special adaptations to remove particles directly from the water column; and predators that consume other organisms using different strategies to capture them. In addition, we provide details on piercers that feed on vascular plants by cutting or piercing the tissue using sharp or chewing mouth parts and consume plant liquids. We also provide a list of families of aquatic insects in Latin America, with an initial assignment to FFGs. We recommended caution when assigning FFGs based on gut contents, as it can provide misleading information. Overall, FFG is a very useful tool to understand the role of aquatic macroinvertebrates in stream ecosystems and comparisons among studies will benefit from consistency in their use. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 2): 155-167. Epub 2014 April 01.

Animales , Cadena Alimentaria , Agua Dulce , Insectos/clasificación , Insectos/fisiología , América Latina , Estaciones del Año
Braz. j. biol ; 71(2): 469-479, maio 2011. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-592583


The present study analysed the relationship between morphology and trophic structure of Siluriformes (Pisces, Osteichthyes) from the Caracu Stream (22º 45' S and 53º 15' W), a tributary of the Paraná River (Brazil). Sampling was carried out at three sites using electrofishing, and two species of Loricariidae and four of Heptapteridae were obtained. A cluster analysis revealed the presence of three trophic guilds (detritivores, insectivores and omnivores). Principal components analysis demonstrated the segregation of two ecomorphotypes: at one extreme there were the detritivores (Loricariidae) with morphological structures that are fundamental in allowing them to fix themselves to substrates characterised by rushing torrents, thus permitting them to graze on the detritus and organic materials encrusted on the substrate; at the other extreme of the gradient there were the insectivores and omnivores (Heptapteridae), with morphological characteristics that promote superior performance in the exploitation of structurally complex habitats with low current velocity, colonised by insects and plants. Canonical discriminant analysis revealed an ecomorphological divergence between insectivores, which have morphological structures that permit them to capture prey in small spaces among rocks, and omnivores, which have a more compressed body and tend to explore food items deposited in marginal backwater zones. Mantel tests showed that trophic structure was significantly related to the body shape of a species, independently of the phylogenetic history, indicating that, in this case, there was an ecomorphotype for each trophic guild. Therefore, the present study demonstrated that the Siluriformes of the Caracu Stream were ecomorphologically structured and that morphology can be applied as an additional tool in predicting the trophic structure of this group.

O presente estudo investigou as relações entre morfologia e a estrutura trófica das espécies de Siluriformes (Pisces, Osteichthyes) do riacho Caracu (22º 45' S e 53º 15' W), afluente do rio Paraná. Foram amostrados três pontos com pesca elétrica, sendo registradas duas espécies de Loricariidae e quatro de Heptapteridae. A análise de agrupamento revelou a presença de três guildas tróficas: detritívoros, insetívoros e omnívoros. A Análise de Componentes Principais evidenciou a tendência de segregação entre dois ecomorfotipos: em um extremo do gradiente ecomorfológico estiveram dispostos detritívoros (Loricariidae), com estruturas morfológicas importantes para sustentação em substratos de corredeiras, as quais permitem a pastagem sobre detritos e materiais orgânicos incrustados no substrato. No outro extremo estiveram insetívoros e omnívoros (Heptapteridae), com estruturas morfológicas que tendem a melhorar o desempenho na exploração de recursos em hábitats estruturalmente complexos e com baixa velocidade de corrente, comumente colonizados por insetos e plantas. A Análise Discriminante Canônica revelou um caso de divergência ecomorfológica entre insetívoros e omnívoros, sendo os primeiros, detentores de estruturas morfológicas que favorecem a captura de presas que ocupam pequenos espaços entre rochas e, o segundo grupo, caracterizado por possuir corpos mais comprimidos, tendendo a explorar itens alimentares em zonas marginais de remanso. Os resultados dos testes de Mantel revelaram que a estrutura trófica apresentou relações significativas com a forma do corpo, independentemente das relações filogenéticas. Portanto, o presente estudo demonstrou que, entre os Siluriformes do riacho Caracu, existe uma estrutura ecomorfológica, o que evidenciou que a morfologia pode ser utilizada como mais uma importante ferramenta na tentativa de predizer a estrutura trófica desse grupo.

Animales , Bagres/clasificación , Ecosistema , Brasil , Bagres/fisiología , Cadena Alimentaria , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Contenido Digestivo , Insectos , Filogenia , Plantas
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(1): 121-130, Apr. 2010. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-556903


Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a comunidade de aves de um remanescente florestal de pequeno porte (10 ha) localizado no município de Tijucas do Sul, estado do Paraná, nos domínios da Floresta com Araucária. Durante o período de novembro de 1999 a abril de 2001 foram realizadas 15 amostragens de dois dias de duração no qual foram utilizados os métodos de amostragem por captura com redes de neblina e observações visuais e auditivas. Foram registradas 118 espécies de 35 famílias. De acordo com a freqüência de ocorrência cerca de 44 por cento das espécies foram consideradas pouco freqüentes. As guildas tróficas mais representativas foram aquelas compostas por espécies onívoras, seguidas pelas insetívoras de folhagem. O método de captura com redes ornitológicas obteve 501 capturas de 47 espécies. As espécies capturadas apresentaram abundâncias relativas variando de 0,31 a 13,16 por cento e o índice de equitabilidade foi de 0,83, demonstrando que a taxocenose apresenta uma baixa dominância. A estrutura da taxocenose registrada é a esperada para um fragmento de pequeno porte, com a maior abundância de guildas e espécies generalistas e com a presença de um grande número de espécies com baixa frequência de ocorrência. Apesar disso, a composição específica com uma grande presença de espécies silvícolas demonstra que o remanescente desempenha um importante papel na manutenção de espécies dependentes dos ambientes florestais.

In this study the community of birds in a small size remnant (10 ha) of Araucária forest, located in the city of Tijucas do Sul, Paraná was evaluated. During the period of November, 1999 to April 2001, 15 surveys had been carried, in which capture with mist nets and visual and aural contacts were used to estimate avian abundance and richness. We recorded 118 species of 35 families. According to the frequency of occurrence around 44 percent of species were considered with low frequency. When analyzed the trophics guilds, omnivorous and insectivorous of foliage were the most representative. By the capture method had been gotten 501 captures of 47 species. The capture species had relative abundances varying from 0.31 to 13.16 percent and the uniformity index was 0.83, demonstrating that the avian assemblage had a low dominance of some species. The structure of avian assemblage registered is expected for a small size remnant, with high relative abundance of generalists species and guilds, and the presence of a high number of species with low frequency of occurrence. Despite of, the specific composition presents a great number of species forest dependents showing that this forest remnant has a important role in the maintenance of species regionally.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 8(3): 569-586, 2010. ilus, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-562940


Ecomorphological patterns of the fish assemblage from the upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil, were described and evaluated according to trophic (guilds), spatial (habitats) and phylogenetic (taxonomic distances) structures. The samples were obtained through the Long Term Research Project (LTER-CNPq/UEM/NUPELIA) in August and October 2001. Thirty-five species were analyzed from thirty-one morphological variables. Strong significant correlations (Mantel test) between morphology and trophic guilds and between morphology and taxonomy were found, while morphology and habitat revealed a weak correlation. However, the partial Mantel test showed that the correlations between morphology and trophic guilds persist even when the effect of taxonomy is discounted. The ecomorphological pattern shown by the Principal Component Analysis separated species according to locomotion structures used in feeding. At one extreme there are the piscivores and insectivores that exploit lentic habitats and have compressed bodies and well developed anal fins, while at the other there are detritivores and invertivores that exploit lotic and semi-lotic habitats and have depressed bodies and well developed pectoral, pelvic and caudal fins. Canonical Discriminant Analysis using ecomorphological variables successfully predicted 94.5 percent of the trophic guild ecomorphotypes, but only 57.1 percent of the habitat ecomorphotypes. These data indicate that the fish assemblage of the upper Paraná River floodplain is structured ecomorphologically mainly according to trophic structure rather than habitat.

Este trabalho objetivou descrever e avaliar os padrões ecomorfológicos da assembleia de peixes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná, Brasil, analisando os efeitos das estruturas trófica (guildas), espacial (tipos de habitats) e filogenética (distância taxonômica). Trinta e cinco espécies foram analisadas a partir de 31 variáveis morfológicas obtidas de espécimes coletados em agosto e outubro de 2001 no âmbito do Projeto Ecológico de Longa Duração (PELD-CNPq/UEM/NUPELIA). O teste de Mantel revelou que há correlação significativa das distâncias morfológicas com guildas tróficas e distâncias taxonômicas, enquanto com os tipos de habitats a correlação se mostrou fraca. Contudo, o teste de Mantel parcial demonstrou que a correlação da morfologia com as guildas tróficas independe da filogenia. O padrão de diversificação ecomorfológica apresentado pela Análise de Componentes Principais revelou um gradiente ecomorfológico relacionado à locomoção associada à ecologia trófica. Em um extremo estão espécies de piscívoros e insetívoros que exploram preferencialmente habitats lênticos com corpos comprimidos e nadadeiras anais desenvolvidas, enquanto no outro extremo estão os detritívoros e invertívoros que exploram preferencialmente habitats lóticos e semi-lóticos e apresentam corpos deprimidos e nadadeiras peitorais, pélvicas e caudais desenvolvidas. A Análise Discriminante Canônica realizada com os índices ecomorfológicos previu com sucesso 94,5 por cento dos ecomorfotipos relacionados às guildas tróficas e apenas 57,1 por cento dos ecomorfotipos que exploram os diferentes habitats analisados. Conclui-se que a assembleia de peixes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná está estruturada ecomorfologicamente, revelando-se mais influenciada pela estrutura trófica do que pela espacial.

Animales , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Peces , Agua Dulce/análisis , Brasil , Ecosistema , Ecosistema/efectos adversos , Zona Tropical/efectos adversos