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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226467


Many women are familiar with the experience of spasmodic dysmenorrhoea, one of the commonest gynaecological conditions that affects the quality of life of many in their reproductive years. This condition manifested as painful menstruation, is the most frequently encountered gynaecological complaint and it can be included under Udavartha yonivyapat, caused by Apanavata vaigunya described in Ayurvedic classics. This situation not only has a significant effect on quality of life and personal health but also resulting in loss of work hours and depression. Scholastic backwardness and work absenteeism as a result of dysmenorrhoea is common nowadays. Most of the medical therapies for painful periods like analgesics, antispasmodics, NSAID, and anti-prostaglandins are having many side effects. Hormonal and surgical therapies are also not advisable to all type of patients, especially teenagers as it may harm their future reproductive capacity. Here comes the importance of Yoga, which provides good approach to treat primary dysmenorrhea. Yoga asanas helps in stretching muscles of pelvic cavity and increases the blood circulation to the pelvic organs and also helps to neutralize Apana vayu, which help in normal menstrual flow. The practice of Asanas has a beneficial impact on the whole body systems and helps in relaxation of both body and mind. This study is undertaken to find out the Yogasanas having pain relieving capacity in spasmodic dysmenorrhoea as it doesn’t cause any side effects but improve the quality of life. A thorough literary survey was done in Yogic classics especially Asanas for women’s health, Asanas for reproductive health and tried to compile the Asanas together having the pain relieving capacity in primary dysmenorrhoea.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226350


Dysmenorrhea, one of the most prevalent gynaecological problems in young women, particularly among teenagers, characterized by painful menstruation severe enough to prevent a person from doing day-to-day activities. It is the main factor behind young women's missed job and school days of teenagers. Primary dysmenorrhea is widely prevalent in more than 70% of teenagers and 30 -50% of menstruating women. Among Yonirogas, Udavarta yonivyapat is a condition characterized by painful menstruation and the relief of discomfort following blood discharge, which is typical of primary dysmenorrhea. In modern medical science, various forms of treatments are available for the relief of Primary dysmenorrhea which includes antispasmodic, analgesics, prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors, hormonal therapy etc. Reluctance of young girls and ladies to adopt the hormone therapies bring them to Ayurvedic treatment or any other alternative treatment of their choice. Ayurvedic management aims at vatanulomana through Snehana, Swedana, Vasti along with Samana oushadha which can alleviate Vata. Abhayatrivrudadi kashaya mentioned in the context of Udavarta chikitsa from Chikitsa manjari consists of Abhaya, Trivrut, Kulatha, Pippali and Eranda taila. Properties of this yoga include Vatanulomana, Sulaghna and Udavartahara. An 18 year old girl complained with severe pain during menstruation, low back ache, nausea and vomiting came to the OPD of Prasutitantra & Streeroga, Government Ayurveda College, Tripunithura is taken for this study. It is evident from the case study that Abhayatrivrudadi kashaya is effective in the management of primary dysmenorrhea.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194901


Menstruation is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs every month in all women of reproductive age group (15-49yrs). According to Ayurveda, normal menstrual cycle is the pointer of healthy and normal reproductive organ in which intermenstrual period is one month (Candramasa=28days), duration of menstrual blood flow is 5 days(differ acc. to different opinion of Acharyas) is not associated with pain or burning sensation, menstrual blood is not unctuous, not very scanty nor excessive in amount. Dysmenorrhoea is one of the common symptoms found in abnormal menstruation. Dysmenorrhoea means painful menstruation, it is a burning health problem now especially in post pubescent women in the age group of 18-25 years with ovulatory cycles due to today’s life style. That badly affects the daily routine activities and quality of life. Our ancient Ayurveda also describe it as Udavarta Yonivyapada, it is also found in many other disease of female as a symptom like Vatala Yonivyapada ,Tridoshja Yonivyapada, Mahayoni, Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Aartavadushti, Kunapagandhi Aartavadushti, Aartavakshaya, Vataja and Kaphaja Asrigdar. Modern medicine system have analgesics, antispasmodic and surgery for its treatment but all these have their own many more side effects which further gave trouble, but according to Ayurveda Basti Chikitsa has a very miraculous effect on dysmenorrhea in every reproductive age group without any further side effect. So we describe role of Basti Chikitsa in dysmenorrhea rest of the article.