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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226455


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of upper extremity. It affects approximately 3% of the general adult population in the world. Women are three times more likely to have CTS than men. In conventional system, medications such as corticosteroids, Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc., are used in management of carpal tunnel syndrome. Surgical decompression of carpal tunnel is the main stay of treatment for CTS. The structures involved in carpal tunnel is mainly the tendons, ligaments and nerves which can closely related with Snayu, thus Carpal tunnel syndrome can be correlated with Snayugata vata affecting Manibandhasandhi. Dahanopkarana used for Vatavyadi affecting Snayu, Sandhi, Asthi are Kshaudra, Guda, Sneha. Agnikarma with Snigdha dravyas have more penetrating capacity than Rooksha dravyas like Shalaka. So, Taptaguda is taken in the present study to assess the effect of Agnikarma in carpal tunnel syndrome. Here the patient was treated with Agnikarma using Taptaguda over the most painful and tender points. Assessments were done before treatment, after treatment, 7th day, 15th day and 30th day. The result showed Agnikarma with Taptha guda was effective in treating Carpal tunnel syndrome

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226418


Our human body is consists of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. Among all the Sharira Doshas, Vata Dosha is considered as most important because of its unique properties and diverse functions throughout the body. Vata Dosha regulates the movements of other Doshas as well as Dhatu and Mala. Vata Dosha helps to maintain equilibrium state between Doshas, Dhatus and Mala. During the aggravated states, Vata Dosha transports all other Doshas to various locations where they produce diseases. Vata Dosha helps to excrete Mala from body thus helps to maintain homeostatic condition within body. Moreover Vata Dosha regulates Agni, which is considered to be the most important factor responsible for various physiological functions like digestion, absorption and metabolism, thus Vata Dosha regulates all these processes essential for sustenance of life. Vata Dosha regulates the state of mind and its activities along with the proper functioning of various sensory organs also. Moreover, Vata Dosha regulates the activities of different Srotas and is responsible for different types of Srotadusti which lead to formation of different diseases. The most unique character of Vata Dosha which makes it most unique among all the Doshas is its capability to accentuate the properties of other Doshas without losing its own character. For this unique character it can produce different diseases in association with other Doshas also. Thus Vata Dosha in its aggravated condition produces maximum number of diseases whereas in its normal condition it helps to maintain homeostasis of human body and acts as the most essential factor for sustenance of life.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226379


Bronchial asthma is one of the most distressing chronic illness in all socio- economic status people, affecting all age groups. Changing in lifestyle, demographic factors, urbanization, environmental charges are the triggering factors of bronchial asthma. Tamaka swasa is characterized by paraoxysmal attacks of breathlessness, cough, coryza, due to chest tightness, rapid respiration, distress inability to expectorate and prolonged expiration. Methods: This is a single case study of a 34 year male patient, came with the complaints of difficulty in Breathing since 5 years. He also complaints of abdominal distension and decreased appetite. According to patient, he was apparently well before 5 years. Gradually he developed breathing difficulty because of his smoking habit. Patient also c/o abdominal distension and decreased appetite at that time. In the case study patient was given Sadhyo vaman first followed by Snehapana with Brahmi ghrta was given along with Internal medications. Result: Patient showed remarkable improvement in severity of symptoms and as well as time period between 2 successive episodes of dyspnea is increased. During this course we observed that the patient had partial relief of symptoms. Lesser the chronicity greater the relief and improvement in chronic condition was observed. Interpretations and Conclusion: The patient was given Sadhyovamana, followed by Snehapana with Brahmi ghrtam for Virechana. The contents of Brahmi ghrtham are Ghee, Brahmi, Shankapushpi, Trikatu, Shweta trivrt, Krishna Trivrt, Vidanga, Nipadruma, Saptala, Danti, followed by Virechana with Trivrt lehaya. Tamake tu virechana In this condition Virechana is advised as the best line of treatment, and in the above mentioned case after Virechana patient feels better and got much more relief from symptoms.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226346


Cauda equina compression at the level of L4/L5 or L5/S1 level is a surgical emergency with potentially significant consequences, including motor and sensory dysfunction. The causes include disc herniation, spinal stenosis, cancer, trauma, epidural abscess. The common cause is usually a disc herniation which is most commonly due to trauma, age, connective tissue disorders and congenital disorders. Cauda equina syndrome a disorder caused by compression of the nerve roots in the cauda equina region. This can cause permanent loss of bladder and bowel control if not treated within time. The incidence of a herniated disc is about 5 to 20 cases per 1000 adults annually and is most common in people in their third to the fifth decade of life with a male to female ratio 2:1. If decompressive surgery is delayed, there can be catastrophic consequences for the patient in terms of bladder, bowel and sexual function. In the present case study, a 36 year old female patient who was diagnosed as a case of Cauda Equina compression due to an extruded L4-L5 disc refused to undergo surgery and opted for Ayurvedic treatment. She was admitted in the Kayachikitsa IPD for 45 days. She was treated with the principle of Gridrasi along with Pakwasayagata vata. Deepana pachana and Vasti or Sodhana is the main treatment choice. Rooksha and Snigdha swedas were done which also help to reduce the stiffness and pain. After the management her physical condition and quality of life improved.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226324


Aging can be defined as the gradual anatomical and physiological decline which begins to after the achievement of sexual maturity. Vriddhavastha (senility) is Vata dosha prominent phase of life. Gunas (qualities) of Vata dosha are degenerative by the nature which is increased; they result in degenerative changes in the body in terms of Dhatukshaya, Ojakshaya and Balakshaya which result in Neuro degeneration. Dementia is the progressive deterioration of intellect, emotional control, behavior and motivation along with loss of memory. Vriddhavastha (aging) is Vata dosha prominent Avastha. Vata has some Guna (qualities) that get involved in the degenerative process in the body like Laghu guna and Khara guna which is act as Lekhaniya (scraping), Vishada guna has Kshalanashakti (elution power) and, Ruksha guna has Shoshanashakti (absorbability), etc. With increasing Vata dosha, these above Gunas are also be increased, might be together or separately and will initiate the process of degeneration in the body in the terms of Dhatukshaya, Ojakshaya and Balakshaya causing various degenerative diseases. Dementia is one among them. Symptomatology of dementia are similar to Vata vriddhi lakshana, Vata nanatmajavyadhi and Ojakshaya lakshana. Manifestation of the disease condition is purely due to degenerative changes in senile periods. The disease condition is not a reversible but with the healthy changes in dietary habits and lifestyle, the disease condition might be preventable and delayed.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226282


Janusandhivata is a Vataj disorder in which Vata resides in Janu sandhi (Vimarga gaman) and produces various signs and symptoms according to its Gunas. In modern sciences Janusandhivata is correlated with osteoarthritis. In the present study integrative measures like allopathy medicines, Ayurvedic medicines and Karmas, yoga, naturopathy and exercises are studied for the effective relief of symptoms of Janu sandhigata vata i.e., OA. Integrative measures are studied to provide effective and fast relief to the patient. Modern treatment provides instant relief while on the other hand Ayurveda heals by curing the disease from root and is considered Apunarbhav chikitsa which means it prevents recurrence of the disease. Other measures aid in achieving the ultimate goal of cure from the disease.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226232


Sandhigat Vata is a Vata vyadhi of degenerative nature, and Basti is preferred line of treatment for all Vata vyadhi as mentioned by Acharya Charak. Matra Basti is a type of Anuvasan Basti which is used for many degenerative diseases. So for present study Matra Basti with Sahachar Tail was selected. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Sahachar Taila in the management of the Vat Vyadhi. Acharya Yogratnakar has mentioned Sahacharadi Kwath with Til Taila under the context of Vat Vyadhi. Here Sahacharadi Kwath with Til Taila was selected for Shaman Chikitsa. Aims and objectives: To evaluate and compare the effect of Sahacharadi Kwath with and without Matra Basti in the management of Janu Sandhigat Vata w.s.r to Osteo-arthritis. Material and methods: For present study 30 patients of Janu Sandhigat Vata were selected according to the classical signs and symptoms of Sandhigat Vata according to Ayurveda as well as modern science, were randomly divided into 2. Result: In Group A, total 15 patients were treated. Out of 15 patients 20.0% patients got marked improvement, 73.33% got moderate improvement while 6.67% patients got mild improvement. No patient got complete remission. In Group B, total 15 patients were treated. Out of them 6.67% patients got marked improvement, 40.0% patients got moderate improvement and 46.67% showed mild improvement. One patient remains unimproved. No patient got complete remission. Conclusion: It is concluded that Matra Basti along with Sahacharadi Kwath provided better result as compare to only Sahacharadi Kwath in the management of Janu Sandhigata Vata.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194949


Nature is enriched with a huge variety of plant life having distinctive properties. Human ardor for herbal medicine dates lower back to Vedic length. People have been making use of plant materials lengthy earlier than scientific explanations were advanced. One of the tremendous capabilities of the local health practice is they use domestically available and quite often readily available sources. The “Birds eye view” of our great saints led to the invention of different medicinal plants one among them is drug Vata. Vata is considered as one among the Pancha valkala which constitute the famous Ksheeri vrukshas. Elaborate description of the plant Vata and its therapeutic action are explained by our Acharyas in Vedas, Puranas, and Samhithas and in the later Nighantus. Vata (Ficus bengalensis) is such a drug which is widely and cheaply available and is having many mentioning in the classics for its effectiveness in many diseases. Vata does not have any controversies in any of the literatures or classics regarding its identification or usage. The current article is to highlight the importance of drug Vata (Ficus benghalensis) and references has been collected from Vedas, Puranas, Samhita kala, Nighantu kala. Synonyms, Gana Varga, Vernacular names etc has been collected and arranged systematically.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194912


Break in the continuity of skin is known as wound. Nature has given tremendous natural capacities to human being to heal wounds. The processes of healing get activated immediately after the trauma and continue till the formation of a healthy scar in a sequential manner. This normal response gets disrupted in different conditions like slough, infection, blood supply to the area, presence of foreign bodies, unhygienic treatments, and general factors like nutritional conditions, presence of systemic diseases etc. Wound healing process can be facilitated by natural products with medicinal properties. Many studies on the wound healing properties of natural products with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and pro-collagen synthesis actions have been conducted. Panchavalkala was studied in different forms like gel, decoction, ointment, sanitizer, Ghanasatwa, Taila, Ghrita and cream. In all forms it has proved its efficiency for wound healing. This article is aimed to review and summarized the preclinical and clinical research studies conducted on wound healing activities of Panchavalkal in the different forms like extract, gel, ointment, douche, Kwath etc. Exciting clinical and preclinical studies found with very good healing property of Panchavalkala.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194911


In Ayurveda, Shalyatantra is one of the eminent branches based on six major methods of management among which Agnikarma is boon for local Vata and Kaphaja Vyadhi. Its effect can be assessed as Sthanik Karma (local action), Saarvadaihik Karma (Action throughout the body) and Vishista Karma (Special actions). Based on amount of Agni needed, the condition and site of disease, Dahanupakarana are used to produce therapeutic burns during Agnikarma Chikitsa. It can be classified according to Dravya used, site, disease, Akritiand Dhatu to be cauterized. Based on the Dagdha (Burn), it is again of four type viz. scorched burn, blistered burn, superficial burn and deep burn. Its indication is in all seasons except in summer and autumn. Indications and contraindications are well expounded in classics with detail information on Purva Karma, Pradhana Karma and Paschat Karma during Agnikarma as it is superior to every other procedure used in Ayurveda Surgery. In modern medicine, there is no use of therapeutical burn i.e., Samyak Dagdha Chikitsa but its use is in other form eg., Cauterization is used for coagulation and tissue destruction. Agnikarma is considered as the best therapy to pacify Kaphanubandha Vata Dosha because Agni possesses Ushna, Tikshna, Sukshma, Aashukari Gunas, which have anti Vataja and anti Kaphaja properties. It is done by red hot Shalaka. It gives quick relief to the patient and hence is termed as best therapy.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194908


Avascular necrosis (AVN), also called osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis, or ischemic bone necrosis, is a condition that occurs when there is loss of blood supply to the bone, an interruption to the blood supply causes bone to die. If not stopped this process eventually cause the bone to collapse. It is the most challenging condition of the present era in orthopedics. In Ayurveda it can be co-related with the Asthi Majja Gata Vata due to similar sign and symptoms of Avascular necrosis of neck of femur. Aim and objectives: To assess the efficacy of Manjisthadi Kshara Basti, Rooksha Choorna Pinda Swedana, Pizhichil and Shastikashali Pinda Swedana in the management of AVN. Objective was to stop the further deterioration of the hip joint and to reduce the chances of surgical intervention in managing AVN. Materials and methods: A diagnosed and non operated case of Avascular necrosis of stage 3 with complaints of pain of bilateral hip joint, restricted movements and limping gait approached the out-patient division of the hospital and was managed by Rooksha Choorna Pinda Swedana, Manjisthadi Kshara Basti, Pizhichil and Shastikashali Pinda Swedana. Observation and Result: Significant improvement was noticed after the treatment. Pain was reduced significantly with improvement in range of movement. Patient was able to walk and climb stairs after the treatment without pain and stiffness. There was reduction in VAS scale, marked improvement was noticed in Harris Hip Score.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211532


Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of Virechana (Arhtrox) followed by Kalbasti (14 in number), Knee dhara and Matrabastiin knee osteoarthritis patients.Methods: From OPD of Ayushakti Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd., 60 Patients suffering from knee Osteoarthritis (Janusandhigatavata) were selected randomly as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. On the basis of specific criteria prepared. Group-I-(30 patients) received only Ayushakti herbs for Osteoarthritis, viz. Painmuktimj, Painmukti sandhical and Painmukti cream for LA Group-II-(30 patients) received Virechana (Arthrox), KalBastikrama (14 Bastis) and Knee dhara with oil followed by Matrabasti (60 ml) twice a week for 6 months along with Ayushakti herbs for Osteoarthritis. Each participant was in the study for 6 months. The entire study duration was 12 months.Result: About 87 patients were enrolled in the study of which 60 completed the study, 27 patients were drop out of the study, at the different stages of project mainly due to poor follow up. Significant reduction in pain was observed in Groups I and II as compared to the baseline (p <0.001) Pain scale (p <0.001).Conclusion: In this study, good relief was offered in knee joint pain, stiffness and mobility, and daily activities like standing, walking, and climbing. Painmukti mj, Painmukti cream and Painmukti Sandhical tablets are Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic but their efficacy can be increased with Virechana.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194879


A 45 year old female patient complaining of pain, Sparsha Asahatwa (tenderness), Shotha (inflammation) crackle sounds of the joints and warmth for 4 years but severe since 5 months and restricted movement of bilateral knee join, was being diagnosed as a case of Janu Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthritis of knee joint) treatment planned with Hingwashtaka Choorna, Maha Yograj Guggulu, Maha Rasnadi Kadha, Gandharva Haritaki Choorna ausadhi and Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa i.e., Naga Mircha Lepa. There was a significant improvement in the scale of pain, range of movement and standing time along with diminution of inflammation and tenderness after treatment. Patient responded to the Ayurvedic treatment. After the therapy patient felt improvement.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194867


Gridhrasi is a Rujapradhana nanatmaja vata vyadhi, intervening with the functional ability of low back and lower limbs. Low back pain is the major cause of morbidity throughout the world affecting mainly the young adults. Life time incidence of low back pain is said to be 50-70% with the incidence of Sciatica more than 40%. Objective: The present study intended to focus on the disease evaluation i.e., Gridhrasi– Sciatica and combined effect of selective Yoga techniques and Sthanika Abhyanga in the management of Gridhrasi- Sciatica†is undertaken. Study Design: Total study duration was 60 days, treatment duration was 30days. 30 patients full filling the inclusion criteria of Gridhrasi were randomly selected and divided in to 2 groups, Group A- Yoga Techniques. Group B- Yoga techniques and Sthanika Abhyanga. Containing 15 patients in each group and advised for Yoga techniques in morning Abhyanga with Tilataila in morning. Results: Group ‘A’, Group ‘B’ shown significant effect after the treatment. Comparatively Group ‘B’ (Yoga techniques & Sthanika Abhyanga) shown better result than Group ‘A’ (Yoga Techniques).

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 2019 Apr; 10(2): 152-153
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214068
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194840


In the present century due to the busy and sedentary life people open the gate to welcome numerous diseases. Sthoulya is one among the major diseases that falls under the category of Santarpanottha vyadhi. The term overweight and obesity refers to body weight that is greater than what is considered healthy for a certain height. Sthoulya is mainly caused by Kapha, Vata Doshas and Meda Dhatu. Udvartana has better results in the management of Sthoulya, as it does Kapha-Vatahara, Medo vilayana. So, the present has been conducted to compare and evaluate the effect of Haridradi gana Churna and Triphala Churna Udvartana in Sthoulya. The study has been conducted in two groups with 20 patients each. One with Haridradi gana Churna and other group with Triphala Churna which are Kapha-Medahara & Kapha-Pramehahara respectively because of Laghu, Ruksha & Ushna properties. The present study concludes saying Haridradi gana Churna showed better results than Triphala Churna.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194780


Every man derives the happiness and benefit of his life through locomotion i.e., using his joints. For the minute if he loses this power of locomotion he not only feels himself a miserable creature but also becomes a burden both of his family and society. The loss or reduction in his locomotive power is due to dysfunction of the joints causing an impediment to his movements. If not treated in time, the disease makes man disable. Sandhigata Vata is most common articular disorder. It is a type of Vata Vyadhi which mainly occurs in Vriddhavastha, due to Dhatukshaya. Sandhigata Vata can be correlated with osteoarthritis (OA) which is one such chronic, degenerative, inflammatory disease and has a great impact on the quality of the life of an individual. Different modalities of treatment have been explained in the classics to tackle the condition effectively. The present study was aimed to assess clinically the effect of Upanaha Sweda and Vatari Guggulu in the management of Janusandhigata Vata. In this study total 42 patients were divided in 2 groups. In Group A, patients were treated with only Upanaha Sweda and other group patients were treated with Upanaha Sweda and Vatari Guggulu. Results obtained were analyzed for statistical significance which shows group B in which Vatari Guggulu and Upanaha Sweda were given, was more effective in bringing relief in signs and symptoms of Janusandhigata Vata.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194775


Nowadays Tvachavikar is most common skin disease, and it has social impact. It is a skin problem mentioned in Ayurvedic literature with Kapha and Pitta morbidly or pathology. In classical different text of Ayurveda and Acharyas emphasize the Shodhana therapy as the line of treatment at various places. In Shodhana treatment Raktamokshan is highlight specially because in Samprapti Ghataka Rakta is mainly involved as Dushya. In the present topic, Raktamokshana Acharya Sushruta propounds practical guidelines for bloodletting and claims it as most effective therapy in half of the body ailments. In all different methods for bloodletting such as Jalaukavacharana Karma, Prachhanna Karma and Siravedhana Karma, Jalaukaavacharna Karma (leech therapy) is considered as the ideal method to expel out the vitiated blood safely, quickly, and effectively. The vitiated external environment undoubtedly affects the body’s internal ailments. Large community prevalence studies have demonstrated that about 20-30% of the world population have various skin problems requiring attention. So Raktamokshan is one of the important Panckarma treatments to cure various type of Tvacha vikar highlighting in this topic.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194770


Relatively Myasthenia gravis is an uncommon disorder with an annual incidence of 10-20 new cases per million. Diagnosis follows a bimodal distribution with a predominantly female peak in the second and third decade of life and a predominantly male peak in the fourth to eighth decades. It presents with fluctuating skeletal muscle weakness and fatigue most commonly affecting the ocular muscles, although any muscle may be affected. MG affects 50 to 200 per million people. It is newly diagnosed in three to 30 per million people each year. Diagnosis is becoming more common due to increased awareness. Although there is still no cure for myasthenia gravis in modern sciences other than symptomatic management, Ayurvedic therapies can give much more promising results. Comparison between myasthenia gravis and diseases explained in Ayurveda is difficult and exact correlation is not possible. But based on Nidana, Roopa, Upashaya, and Anupashaya, a probable diagnosis can be made and treated accordingly. When aggravated, a single Dosha may cause manifold diseases depending upon the various etiological factors and the sites of manifestations. Hence nomenclature of all types of diseases in definite terms is not always possible. If a physician is not able to name a particular disease, he should not feel ashamed on that account. In the present study, Vatavyadhi chikitsa, Asthimajjagata vata chikitsa, Arditavat chikitsa and Avarana concepts were applied for diagnosis and treatment. Nasya, Nasapana, Basti chikitsa were planned accordingly. Vatakaphahara, Dhatvagni vardhana, Brimhana and Snehana dravyas were used in the management.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194738


Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is a degenerative disease, which significantly restricts the functions of the joint. Janu Sandigatavata (JS) is considered to be the close equivalent in traditional medicine to OA in modern medicine. The aim of this case series was to report the effectiveness of Traditional Sri Lankan Medicine (TSM)on JS patients attend to National Ayurveda Teaching Hospital. Method: Reported cases (n=10) were at the age range of 45years to70 years and both female (n=8) and male (n=2) patients were diagnosed as having JSof the knee joints. Radiology (X?ray) reported by a radiologist confirmed that they were in Kellgren?Lawrence grade III or less. TSM treatments were given as regimens up to 86days.At the end point, external treatment of oleation and herbal immune enhancing drugs were further continued over 8weeks. Visual analogue scale for pain, knee scores in Knee Society clinical Rating System (KSS) and Ayurveda clinical assessment criteria were used to evaluate the effects of treatment. Results: Reductions of visual analogue scale for pain was observed between baseline and the 86 days endpoint. Clinical assessment criteria and the KSS scores of pain, movement and stability were also improved up to good level and function score were improved up to excellent level. During the follow?up period, joint symptoms and signs and the knee scores were remaining unchanged. Conclusions: Study explored that substantial decrease in clinical parameters of OA in knee and improved patients’ quality of life by the intervention of the TSM.