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Hepatología ; 5(1): 25-33, ene 2, 2024. fig, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525306


Las enfermedades hepáticas presentan múltiples manifestaciones sistémicas, entre las cuales se destacan los hallazgos en piel, siendo los más comunes el prurito y la ictericia; así mismo, se pueden encontrar angiomas en araña, eritema palmar, xantomas, vasculitis y cambios en anexos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los principales signos y síntomas cutáneos en las enfermedades hepáticas para brindar herramientas semiológicas al clínico en su práctica diaria

Liver disease present multiple systemic manifestations, among which skin findings stand out, being the most common pruritus and jaundice. Other findings can also be manifested like spider angiomas, palmar erythema, xanthomas, vasculitis and changes in skin appendages. The objective of this article is to describe the main skin signs and symptoms of liver diseases to provide semiological tools to the physician in his daily practice.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 463-468, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016913


With persistent breakthrough and maturity of surgical procedures and postoperative immunosuppressive therapy, the survival rate of liver transplant recipients and grafts has been significantly increased. The shortage of donor liver has become the main obstacle for clinical development of liver transplantation. How to expand the source of donor liver has become an urgent issue. Groundbreaking progresses have been made in the use of common marginal donor livers in clinical liver transplantation, such as elderly donor liver, steatosis donor liver, viral hepatitis donor liver and liver from donation after cardiac death. Nevertheless, multiple restrictions still exist regarding the use of marginal donor liver. Consequently, the definition of marginal donor liver and research progress in the application of common marginal donor livers were reviewed, and the opportunities and challenges of mariginal donoor liver were illustrated, aiming to provide reference for expanding the donor pool for clinical liver transplantation and bringing benefits to more patients with end-stage liver disease.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030965


Viral hepatitis is an important cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, which has become a major public health problem in the world. Traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages in treating viral hepatitis, which can inhibit virus replication and enhance immunity. It can effectively prevent liver fibrosis and canceration, improving liver function and symptoms significantly with definite clinical curative effects, a high level of safety, and seldom drug resistance. In addition, it reduces the side effects of western medicine, achieving the effect of synergy and attenuation while reducing the recurrence rate of patients after drug withdrawal. Attention has been paid to the research on the treatment of viral hepatitis with traditional Chinese medicine, and great progress has been made in experimental research and clinical practice. In this paper, the research progress of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of viral hepatitis at home and abroad in recent five years was systematically reviewed. Modern research has confirmed that traditional Chinese medicine can play a role in the treatment of viral hepatitis by directly or indirectly inhibiting the virus, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrosis, anti-oxidation, regulating immunity, regulating autophagy, and other signal pathways. In clinics, traditional Chinese medicine compound or combined with western medicine is often adopted to ameliorate the clinical symptoms of patients such as fatigue and loss of appetite, improve the immune mechanism of the body, enhance the antiviral ability, shorten the treatment course of patients and improve their quality of life. The research provides a reference for pharmacological research, clinical research, and new drug development for viral hepatitis.

Chinese Journal of Immunology ; (12): 556-563, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024763


Objective:To observe the effect of astragalus polysaccharides on liver injury in mice with viral hepatitis,and to investigate whether it can regulate the expression of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1(NOD1)/receptor-interacting protein 2(RIP2)/nuclear factor-κB(NF-κB)immune inflammation mediated by signaling pathway plays a protective role in liver.Methods:Sixty female C3H/HeJ mice were divided into modeling group(50 mice)and normal group(10 mice)using a random number table.The mouse model of viral hepatitis was established by intraperitoneal injection of mouse hepatitis virus type 3(MHV-3)in the modeling group.After the successful modeling was confirmed,the surviving mice were divided into thymus peptide group(10 μg),astragalus polysaccharide low,medium and high dose groups(100,200,400 mg/kg astragalus polysaccharide lyophilized in 1 ml/100 g body weight saline)and model group by random number table.Model group and normal group were given the same amount of normal saline intraperitoneal injection,each group was given once a day for 1 month.Results:The model was confirmed by HE staining of liver tis-sue and detection of viral plaque.Compared with the normal group,the liver index,serum alanine aminotransferase(ALT),aspartate aminotransferase(AST),total bilirubin(TBIL)and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),IL-1β and IL-8,viral plaques in liver tissue,NOD1,RIP2 and NF-κB p65 expressions and p-NF-κB p65 level in the model group increased(P<0.05),and the liver tissue showed severe pathological changes.Compared with the model group,the liver indexes,serum ALT,AST,TBIL and TNF-α,IL-1β and IL-8,viral plaques in liver tissue,NOD1,RIP2 and NF-κB p65 expressions and p-NF-κB p65 level in the thymosin group and astragalus polysaccharide each 3-dose groups decreased(P<0.05),and the pathological changes of liver tissue were alleviated.The effect of astragalus polysaccharide was dose-dependent,and there were no significant differences in these indexes between thymosin group and astragalus polysaccharide medium dose group(P>0.05).Conclusion:Astragalus polysaccharides can improve the liver function of mice with viral hepatitis,reduce the inflammatory response and pathological changes of liver tissue,reduce the level of virus,specu-late and inhibit NOD1/RIP2/NF-κB pathway and down-regulate NOD1,RIP2 and NF-κB p65 expressions,inhibit p-NF-κB p65 level,and high dose of astragalus polysaccharide has the best effect,which is better than thymosin-α1.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550971


Introducción: Entre las causas más frecuentes de mortalidad se encuentran las enfermedades infecciosas, en particular en el tercer mundo. Y entre estas, están las hepatitis virales crónicas, las cuales aumentan su incidencia en Cuba. Objetivo: Exponer elementos de un sistema de superación dirigido al desarrollo de los conocimientos en los miembros del Equipo Básico de Salud del Policlínico Docente José Martí de la provincia de Camagüey, Cuba, sobre la prevención de las hepatitis virales crónicas en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Método: Se desarrolló una investigación participativa cuanticualitativa de carácter explicativo causal, mediante la ejecución del proyecto de investigación no asociado a programa Sistema de estrategias para la prevención de las hepatitis virales crónicas, desde la consulta provincial, ejecutado entre 2017 y 2022. El universo involucró 137 profesionales para una muestra de 68. Resultados: Los profesionales adquirieron nuevas experiencias, reconocieron la necesidad de capacitación, así como la comprensión de su vínculo con los pacientes que padecen estas enfermedades para advertir el riesgo que corren al no acudir a los servicios de salud para ser diagnosticados y tener un seguimiento con los servicios de la Atención Primaria de Salud. Predominó el índice alto como calificación de las preguntas del instrumento de salida para todos los participantes. Conclusiones: El sistema favorece el desarrollo de los conocimientos sobre la prevención de las hepatitis virales crónicas del Equipo Básico de Salud objeto de estudio. Las acciones potencian la participación de los actores de la comunidad y sus sesiones de intercambio se distinguen por su carácter activo, dinámico y funcional, en pos de una mejor práctica asistencial, preventiva de las hepatitis virales crónicas en el nivel primario.

Introduction: Among the most frequent causes of mortality are infectious diseases, particularly in the third world. And among these are chronic viral hepatitis, which increases its incidence in Cuba. Objective: To present elements of an improvement system aimed at developing knowledge in the members of the Basic Health Team of the José Martí Teaching Polyclinic in the province of Camagüey, Cuba, on the prevention of chronic viral hepatitis in Primary Health Care. Method: A quantitative participatory research of a causal explanatory nature was developed, through the execution of the research project not associated with the System of Strategies for the Prevention of Chronic Viral Hepatitis program, from the provincial consultation, executed between 2017 and 2022. The universe involved 137 professionals for a sample of 68. Results: Professionals acquired new experiences, recognized the need for training, as well as understanding their relationship with patients who suffer from these diseases to warn of the risk they run by not going to health services, to be diagnosed and have follow-up with Primary Health Care services. The high index predominated as the rating of the output instrument questions for all participants. Conclusions: The system favors the development of knowledge on the prevention of chronic viral hepatitis of the Basic Health Team under study. The actions enhance the participation of community actors and their exchange sessions are distinguished by their active, dynamic and functional nature, in pursuit of better care practice, preventive of chronic viral hepatitis at the primary level.

Introdução: Entre as causas mais frequentes de mortalidade estão as doenças infecciosas, principalmente no terceiro mundo. E entre estas estão as hepatites virais crónicas, que aumentam a sua incidência em Cuba. Objetivo: Apresentar elementos de um sistema de melhoria que visa desenvolver conhecimentos nos membros da Equipe Básica de Saúde da Policlínica Escolar José Martí, na província de Camagüey, Cuba, sobre a prevenção das hepatites virais crônicas na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método: Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa quantitativa participativa de natureza causal explicativa, através da execução do projeto de pesquisa não vinculado ao programa Sistema de Estratégias de Prevenção das Hepatites Virais Crônicas, a partir da consulta provincial, executada entre 2017 e 2022. O universo envolveu 137 profissionais para uma amostra de 68. Resultados: Os profissionais adquiriram novas experiências, reconheceram a necessidade de capacitação, bem como compreenderam sua relação com os pacientes que sofrem dessas doenças para alertar sobre o risco que correm ao não procurarem os serviços de saúde. ser diagnosticado e ter acompanhamento nos serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde. O índice alto predominou na classificação das questões do instrumento de saída para todos os participantes. Conclusões: O sistema favorece o desenvolvimento do conhecimento sobre a prevenção das hepatites virais crônicas da Equipe Básica de Saúde em estudo. As ações potenciam a participação dos atores comunitários e as suas sessões de intercâmbio distinguem-se pelo seu caráter ativo, dinâmico e funcional, na procura de melhores práticas assistenciais, preventivas das hepatites virais crónicas no nível primário.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 61: e24004, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563980


ABSTRACT Background: Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) have immature morphology, relatively weak phagocytic activity, as well as some immunosuppressive functions. The capacity of MDSCs to inhibit T-cell-mediated immunological responses is their most notable functional characteristic. Down-regulating antitumor immune surveillance is one way that the expansion and activation of MDSCs contribute significantly to the occurrence and progression of tumors. Increased levels of MDSCs in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection could suppress T-cell responses, promoting viral escape and hepatitis progression. This may make HCV-infected individuals more vulnerable to severe infections, hepatic and extra-hepatic tumors, and a diminished capacity to react to immunization. It is still unknown if effective HCV eradication with directly acting antivirals (DAAs) can restore immune functions and immune surveillance capacity. Objective: The purpose of this study was to observe the frequency of M-MDSCs (CD33+, CD11b+, and HLA-DR) in patients with a previous history of HCV, 2-3 years after virus eradication using DAA therapy. Methods: This study was conducted on 110 subjects: fifty-five subjects without liver cirrhosis who were treated with HCV using DAAs and attained SVR for a period of 2-3 years and 55 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. The study was conducted during the period from January to July 2022. Patients were recruited from the National Viral Hepatitis Treatment Unit, Alexandria University Hepatology outpatient clinic, and the Alexandria University Tropical Medicine outpatient clinic. The frequencies of MDSCs (CD33+CD11b + HLA-DR-) by flow cytometry were assessed. Results: Even after the virus had been eradicated for longer than two years, MDSC levels in HCV-treated individuals were found to be considerably higher. In the HCV-treated group, the median number of MDSCs was 5, with an interquartile range (IQR) of 3.79-7.69. In contrast, the median for the control group was 3.1, with an IQR of 1.4-3.2 (P˂0.001). Conclusion: Successful DAA therapy leads to slow and partial immunological reconstitution, as demonstrated by the failure to attain normal levels of MDSC's 2 years after successful HCV eradication despite the normalization of laboratory parameters as well as the absence of liver fibrosis. The clinical implications of these findings should be thoroughly studied.

RESUMO Contexto: As células supressoras derivadas de mieloides (CSDMs) possuem morfologia imatura, atividade fagocítica relativamente fraca e algumas funções imunossupressoras. A capacidade das CSDMs de inibir respostas imunológicas mediadas por células T é sua característica funcional mais notável. A expansão e ativação das CSDMs contribuem significativamente para a ocorrência e progressão de tumores, regulando negativamente a vigilância imunológica antitumoral. Níveis aumentados de CSDMs em pacientes com infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite C (HCV) poderiam suprimir respostas das células T, promovendo a fuga viral e a progressão da hepatite. Isso pode tornar os indivíduos infectados pelo HCV mais vulneráveis a infecções graves, tumores hepáticos e extra-hepáticos, e a uma capacidade diminuída de reagir à imunização. Ainda não se sabe se a erradicação eficaz do HCV com antivirais de ação direta (AAD) pode restaurar as funções imunológicas e a capacidade de vigilância imunológica. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi observar a frequência de M-CSDMs (CD33+, CD11b+ e HLA-DR-) em pacientes com histórico anterior de HCV, 2-3 anos após a erradicação do vírus usando terapia com AADs. Métodos: Este estudo foi realizado em 110 indivíduos: 55 indivíduos sem cirrose hepática que foram tratados com AADs para HCV e atingiram resposta virológica sustentada (SVR) por um período de 2-3 anos e 55 controles saudáveis pareados por idade e gênero. O estudo foi conduzido no período de janeiro a julho de 2022. Os pacientes foram recrutados da Unidade Nacional de Tratamento de Hepatites Virais, da clínica ambulatorial de Hepatologia da Universidade de Alexandria e da clínica ambulatorial de Medicina Tropical da Universidade de Alexandria. As frequências de CSDMs (CD33+CD11b+HLA-DR-) foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo. Resultados: Mesmo após a erradicação do vírus por mais de dois anos, os níveis de CSDMs em indivíduos tratados para HCV foram consideravelmente mais altos. No grupo tratado para HCV, o número mediano de CSDMs foi de 5, com um intervalo interquartil (IQR) de 3,79-7,69. Em contraste, a mediana para o grupo controle foi de 3,1, com um IQR de 1,4-3,2 (P<0,001). Conclusão: A terapia bem-sucedida com AADs leva a uma reconstituição imunológica lenta e parcial, como demonstrado pela falha em atingir níveis normais de CSDMs 2 anos após a erradicação bem-sucedida do HCV, apesar da normalização dos parâmetros laboratoriais e da ausência de fibrose hepática. As implicações clínicas desses achados devem ser estudadas minuciosamente.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 27: e240033, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565309


ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate the probability of infection with hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) viruses in different socioeconomic strata of the population of Recife, Northeast Brazil. Methods: Study carried out from samples obtained in a survey of residents of a large urban center that had a population base and stratified sampling with random selection of households using the "Brazil Sample" package in the R software. HBV (HBsAg) and anti-HCV was performed using immunochromatographic tests. In cases positive for HBsAg, anti-HBc and HBeAg were tested using chemiluminescence, as well as HBV-DNA using real-time PCR. For cases positive for anti-HCV, the search for this antibody was repeated by chemiluminescence and for HCV-RNA by real-time PCR. The occurrence of HBsAg and anti-HCV cases in the general population was estimated based on a theoretical negative binomial distribution. Results: Among 2,070 samples examined, 5 (0.24%) were HBsAg and 2 (0.1%) anti-HCV positive. The majority of cases had self-reported skin color as black/brown (6/7), education level up to high school (6/7), a steady partner (5/7) and lived in an area of low socioeconomic status (5/7). Conclusion : The occurrence of HBsAg and anti-HCV was lower than those previously found in population-based studies and slightly lower than the most recent estimates. Individuals with lower socioeconomic status should be a priority target of public health policies.

RESUMO Objetivo: Estimar a probabilidade da ocorrência de infecção pelos vírus das hepatites B (HBV) e C (HCV) em diferentes estratos socioeconômicos da população de Recife, Nordeste do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo realizado com base em amostras obtidas em um inquérito de residentes de um grande centro urbano que teve base populacional e amostragem estratificada com seleção aleatória dos domicílios por meio do pacote "Amostra Brasil" no software R. A pesquisa do antígeno de superfície do HBV (HBsAg) e do anti-HCV foi realizada por testes imunocromatográficos. Nos casos positivos para HBsAg, foram realizadas pesquisas do anti-HBc e do HBeAg por quimioluminescência, bem como do HBV-DNA, por meio de PCR em tempo real. Para os casos positivos para anti-HCV, foi repetida a pesquisa desse anticorpo por quimioluminescência e do HCV-RNA por PCR em tempo real. A ocorrência de casos HBsAg e anti-HCV na população geral foi estimada com base em uma distribuição teórica binomial negativa. Resultados: Dentre 2.070 amostras examinadas, cinco (0,24%) foram HBsAg e duas (0,1%) anti-HCV positivas. A maioria dos casos tinha cor de pele autorreferida como preta/parda (6/7), nível de escolaridade até o ensino médio (6/7), companheiro fixo (5/7) e morava em área de baixo estrato socioeconômico (5/7). Conclusão: A ocorrência de HBsAg e anti-HCV foi inferior às anteriormente encontradas em estudos de base populacional e pouco menor do que as estimativas mais recentes. Indivíduos que apresentam menor condição socioeconômica devem ser alvo prioritário das políticas públicas de saúde.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 60(2): 271-281, Apr.-June 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447388


ABSTRACT Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori) is one of the main infectious causes of gastroduodenal diseases, however, its role in developing different extragastric diseases has been proven. The possible involvement of H. pylori in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular, metabolic, neurodegenerative, skin, and hepatobiliary diseases is suggested. The bacterium has been found in tissue samples from the liver, biliary tract, and gallstones of animals and humans. However, the role of H. pylori infection in the pathogenesis of liver and biliary diseases has not been finally established. The histopathological confirmation of the positive effect of H. pylori eradication is needed. In addition, there are discussions on the clinical significance of other Helicobacter species. The review presents the data available for and against the involvement of H. pylori in hepatobi­liary disease development and progression.

RESUMO Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) é uma das principais causas infecciosas de doenças gastroduodenais, no entanto, seu papel no desenvolvimento de diferentes doenças extragástricas tem sido comprovado. Sugere-se o possível envolvimento do H. pylori na patogênese de doenças cardiovasculares, metabólicas, neurodegenerativas, cutâneas e hepatobiliares. A bactéria tem sido encontrada em amostras de tecido do fígado, trato biliar e cálculos biliares de animais e humanos. No entanto, o papel da infecção por H. pylori na patogênese de doenças do fígado e das vias biliares ainda não foi estabelecido definitivamente. A confirmação histopatológica do efeito positivo da erradicação do H. pylori é necessária. Além disso, existem discussões sobre a importância clínica de outras espécies de Helicobacter. A revisão apresenta os dados disponíveis a favor e contra o envolvimento do H. pylori no desenvolvimento e progressão das doenças hepatobiliares.

Humanidad. med ; 23(1)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440198


La superación profesional constituye un proceso permanente de la educación superior que garantiza la actualización y preparación de sus graduados para un ejercicio adecuado de sus desempeños en la práctica: en particular, en el ámbito de las ciencias médicas favorece la atención a las situaciones de salud que se presentan en la comunidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo está encaminado a exponer los fundamentos teóricos que sustentan el estudio del proceso de formación del residente de Medicina General Integral y la concreción del trabajo preventivo desde la comunidad. Se trata de un acercamiento inicial al proceso de formación de los especialistas de la Atención Primaria de Salud y la prevención de las hepatitis virales crónicas y como continuidad de las acciones de un proyecto de investigación, se acomete el abordaje actual en el período comprendido entre septiembre de 2022 a octubre de 2024, bajo el auspicio del Centro de Estudios de Ciencias de la Educación Enrique José Varona, de la Universidad Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz y el Centro de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas en Salud, de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, ambas instituciones pertenecientes a la provincia de Camagüey.

Professional improvement constitutes a permanent process of higher education that guarantees the updating and preparation of its graduates for an adequate exercise of their performances in practice: in particular, in the field of medical sciences, it favors attention to health situations that appear in the community. The objective of this work is aimed at exposing the theoretical foundations that support the study of the training process of the Comprehensive General Medicine resident and the concretion of preventive work from the community. This is an initial approach to the training process of Primary Health Care specialists and the prevention of chronic viral hepatitis and as a continuation of the actions of a research project, the current approach is undertaken in the period between September from 2022 to October 2024, under the auspices of the Enrique José Varona Center for the Study of Education Sciences, of the Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University and the Center for the Development of Social and Humanistic Sciences in Health, of the University of Medical Sciences, both institutions belonging to the province of Camagüey.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 472-479, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025905


Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and application value of traditional Chinese medicine Shugan Jiangzhi decoction combined with L-ornithine-L-aspartate(LOLA)in the treatment of fatty liver after viral hepatitis.Methods Patients with fatty liver after viral hepatitis who were diagnosed and treated in Hebei Chest Hospital from October 2018 to October 2020 were enrolled and randomly divided into control group and test group.The control group was treated with LOLA,and the test group was treated with Shugan Jiangzhi decoction on the basis of the treatment of the control group,and the changes of liver function,blood lipids and immune function before and after treatment in the two groups were observed and compared.Results A total of 144 patients were included in the study,including 72 patients in the control group and 72 cases in the test group.After treatment,the total effective rate of the test group was 93.06% ,which was higher than that of the control group(79.17% )(P<0.05).After treatment,the serum levels of ALT,AST,TBIL,DBIL,GGT,TC,LDL-C and TG in the two groups were significantly decreased(P<0.05),and the test group was lower than that in the control group(P<0.05).The ratio of HDL-C value to CD4+ T lymphocytes in the two groups was higher than that before treatment(P<0.05),and the test group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05),but there was no significant change in the proportion of CD8+T lymphocytes(P>0.05).The ultrasound grade of fatty liver in the test group was better than that in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Shugan Jiangzhi decoction combined with LOLA can improve the immune function and the liver function,balance the blood lipid level,and continuously improve the prognosis of patients with fatty liver after viral hepatitis.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 1075-1079, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038811


Objective@#To investigate the trends in incidence of viral hepatitis in Yuxi City, Yunnan Province from 2004 to 2022, so as to provide insights into the management of viral hepatitis.@*Methods@#Data of viral hepatitis cases in Yuxi City from 2004 to 2022 were retrieved from the China Disease Prevention and Control Information System. The temporal, human and spatial distribution of viral hepatitis cases were analyzed using a descriptive epidemiological method, and the trends in incidence of viral hepatitis were evaluated in Yuxi City from 2004 to 2022 using annual percent change (APC) and average APC (AAPC).@*Results@#A total of 37 430 viral hepatitis cases were reported in Yuxi City from 2004 to 2022, with an average annual incidence rate of 91.27/105, and the incidence showed a tendency towards a rise (AAPC=12.686, P<0.05). There were 29 229 cases with hepatitis B, 5 796 cases with hepatitis C, 1 451 cases with hepatitis A, 520 cases with hepatitis E and 434 cases with unclassified hepatitis reported in Yuxi City, with average annual incidence rates of 71.27/105, 14.13/105, 3.54/105, 1.27/105 and 1.06/105, respectively. The average annual incidence rates of viral hepatitis were 98.24/105 and 78.94/105 among men and women, which both appeared a tendency towards a rise (AAPC=12.415% and 12.581%, both P<0.05). The highest average annual incidence of viral hepatitis was seen among residents at age of 25 to 29 years (139.89/105), with the lowest seen among residents at ages of 0 to 4 years (11.38/105), and the average annual incidence of viral hepatitis appeared a tendency towards a rise with age (P<0.05). The highest average annual incidence of viral hepatitis was seen in Huaning County (234.24/105), with the lowest seen in Chengjiang City (26.11/105), and the average annual incidence appeared a tendency towards a rise in Xinping County from 2004 to 2022 (AAPC=21.451%, P<0.05).@*Conclusions@#The reported incidence of viral hepatitis appeared a tendency towards a rise in Yuxi City from 2004 to 2022, with hepatitis B as the main type. High incidence was seen among men and adolescents. The viral hepatitis control strategy requires to be adjusted with adaptations to high-incidence hepatitis subgroups, residents and regions.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 1097-1101, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038816


Objective@#To investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice of hepatitis B prevention and control among junior high school students in Linping District, Hangzhou City, so as to provide insights into management of hepatitis B among adolescents.@*Methods@#Two classes were sampled using a cluster sampling method from grades 2 in 12 public junior high schools in Linping District, and all students in these two classes were enrolled. Students' knowledge, attitude and practice of hepatitis B prevention and control were collected using questionnaire surveys, and factors affecting knowledge, attitude and practice of hepatitis B prevention and control were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#A total of 1 102 questionnaires were allocated and 1 094 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 99.27%. The respondents included 540 males (49.36%) and 554 females (50.64%), and 542 rural students (49.54%) and 552 urban students (50.46%). The awareness of hepatitis B prevention and control knowledge was 43.60%, and a low awareness rate was seen for the item “use of condom may prevent hepatitis B” (21.12%). The percentage of correct attitudes towards hepatitis B prevention and control was 57.77%, and a low percentage was found for the item “individuals living with hepatitis B will tell others” (38.67%). The percentage of positive practices towards hepatitis B prevention and control was 80.07%, and a low percentage was seen for the item “hepatitis B vaccines have been inoculated in recent five years” (16.54%). Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified gender (females, OR=1.483, 95%CI: 1.159-1.898), household registration (urban, OR=1.300, 95%CI: 1.011-1.670), and parental highest educational level (high school or technical secondary school, OR=0.703, 95%CI: 0.532-0.929) as factors affecting the awareness of hepatitis B prevention and control knowledge among junior high students, and parental highest educational level (high school or technical secondary school, OR=0.705, 95%CI: 0.533-0.934) and serving as class cadres (OR=1.449, 95%CI: 1.128-1.860) were factors affecting the attitudes hepatitis B prevention and control, while household registration (urban, OR=1.566, 95%CI: 1.144-2.143) and route of acquiring hepatitis B control knowledge (internet or magazine, OR=0.473, 95%CI: 0.288-0.776) were factors affecting the formation of practices towards hepatitis B prevention and control.@*Conclusions@#The overall awareness of and percentage of attitudes towards hepatitis B prevention and control, and the percentage of hepatitis B vaccination are low among junior high school students in Linping District. Targeted health education pertaining to hepatitis B prevention and control is required to be reinforced and promotion of hepatitis B vaccination is recommended.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995691


In June 2022, the World Health Organization released the"Global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections for the period 2022—2030". It sets more specific and large-scale goals for eliminating the major infectious diseases, which are still threatening human health. In combination with our clinical practice, present document highlights the advances and challenges in the process of implementing the suggested strategies and ways to achieve the stated goal of eliminating the viral hepatitis in China.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998529


Objective To investigate the tendency of viral hepatitis in Changning District, Shanghai, and to provide scientific evidence for decision-making of prevention and control. Methods Cases of viral hepatitis in Changning District from 2009-2019 were collected , and the epidemiological characteristics of viral hepatitis were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Joinpoint regression analysis were used to estimate the annual percent change and average annual percent change, and to perform the trend test. Results Among the 2009-2019 in Changning District, a total of 3 397 cases of viral hepatitis were reported , the annual average incidence rate was 49.32/100 000. Results from Joinpoint trend analysis indicated that the incidence of viral hepatitis in Changning District was mainly due to hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Conclusions Although the annual incidence rate of viral hepatitis in Changning District is far below the incidence rate of viral hepatitis in China, but it still shows an increasing trend. This shows that the situation of prevention and control of viral hepatitis in Changning is still serious, and hepatitis B remains the key point of prevention of viral hepatitis in Shanghai.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 2524-2529, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998804


‍Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is one of the most common causes of acute viral hepatitis. Most patients with HEV infection are asymptomatic and the virus can be spontaneously eliminated. Pregnant women, the elderly, immunocompromised populations, patients with chronic liver disease, and individuals in close contact with HEV-infected animals are at a high risk for HEV infection. The recombinant hepatitis E vaccine HEV 239 is the only approved hepatitis E vaccine, with both short- and long-term protective efficacy. This vaccine has a favorable safety profile with few adverse events, and the high-risk populations should be given the priority to receive such vaccination. Immunocompromised individuals may develop chronic HEV infection. Ribavirin and interferon are currently the most commonly used antiviral drugs for the treatment of HEV infection; however, it still needs to develop safe and effective novel antiviral drugs for patients with contraindications to ribavirin or interferon or those who have no response to such therapy.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 902-2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016363


@#Abstract: Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of viral hepatitis E in Fujian Province from 2012-2021, and to provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of hepatitis E in the future. Methods Descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze hepatitis E cases in Fujian Province from 2012 to 2021. Results From 2012 to 2021, a total of 8 877 cases of hepatitis E were reported in Fujian Province from 2012-2021. The overall incidence rate showed a decreasing trend (χ2trend =458.14, P<0.001), with the lowest incidence rate of 1.32/100 000 in 2020 and an annual average incidence rate of 2.29/100 000 per year. The incidence was higher in winter and spring, with the months of March and April having the highest number of reported cases (2 146, 24.17%) and the fewest cases were reported in September (571, 6.43%). The difference in reported incidence rates between cities was statistically significant (χ2=1 877.75, P<0.01). The comprehensive experimental zone of Pingtan had the highest average reported incidence rate of 6.03/100 000, while Zhangzhou had the lowest at 0.94/100 000. The number of male cases was higher than the number of female cases, with a male to female ratio of 2.04∶1. The disease was most prevalent among middle-aged and elderly individuals, with the age group of 40-<65 years having the highest number of reported cases, accounting for 57.44% (5 099/8 877) of all cases. The age group of 50-<55 years had the highest reported incidence, with the number of reported cases increasing with age below 50 years, but decreasing with age over 50 years. As for occupational distribution, peasants had the highest proportion of the disease, accounting for 34.49% (3 062 cases) of the total cases. Conclusions The reported incidence rate of hepatitis E in Fujian showed a downward from 2012 to 2021. Due to the impact of COVID-19, incidence of the lowest was 2020, but it did not reflect the true situation of the disease, which may have affected trend of hepatitis E. In order to control and reduce the incidence of hepatitis E, efforts should be made to increase publicity and education on health knowledge and vaccination among key areas and populations, strengthen monitoring and diagnostic capability, and implement comprehensive prevention and control measures.

Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 17(1)2023. figures, tables
Artículo en Francés | AIM | ID: biblio-1525252


Context and objectives As the global epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome progresses, the coexistence of fatty liver disease in patients with chronic viral hepatitis B (VHB) becomes significant. The objective of this work was to determine the frequency of hepatic steatosis assessed by Fibroscan/CAP (Controlled Attenuation Parameter) in patients with chronic VHB in Côte d'Ivoire. Methods. The study included 83 patients with chronic VHB. These were black patients who had performed a Fibroscan/CAP during the recruitment period and were willing to participate in the study. Patients with significant alcohol consumption, a secondary cause of hepatic steatosis, another liver disease regardless of the etiology associated with VHB were not included. Results. The frequency of hepatic steatosis in chronic HBV carriers assessed by CAP in our study population was 48.19 %, including 24.10 % of severe steatosis. Obesity was statistically correlated with the presence of steatosis in our patients. Patients who had steatosis on ultrasound were 5 times more likely to have steatosis on CAP. Significant fibrosis was insignificantly associated with steatosis. Conclusion. The frequency of fatty liver disease detected by fibroscan/CAP is high in patients with chronic VHB.

Contexte et objectifs Avec la progression de l'épidémie mondiale d'obésité et du syndrome métabolique, la coexistence d'une stéatose hépatique chez les patients porteurs d'une hépatite virale B chronique devient non négligeable. L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la fréquence de la stéatose hépatique chez les patients porteurs d'une hépatite virale B (HVB) chronique. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une série des cas de HVB de race noire, ayant réalisé un Fibroscan/CAP pendant la période du recrutement et consentants à participer à l'étude. Les patients ayant une consommation d'alcool significative, une cause secondaire de stéatose hépatique, une autre hépatopathie quelle que soit l'étiologie associée à l'hépatite B n'ont pas été inclus. Résultats. Quatre-vingt-trois patients porteurs d'une HVB ont été inclus. La fréquence de la stéatose hépatique chez les porteurs du VHB chronique était de 48,19 % dont 24,10 % de stéatose sévère. L'obésité était statistiquement corrélée à la présence d'une stéatose chez nos patients. Les patients qui avaient une stéatose à l'échographie étaient 5 fois plus à risque d'avoir une stéatose au CAP. La fibrose significative était associée de façon non significative à la stéatose. Conclusion : Près de la moitié des patients porteurs d'une hépatite virale B chronique présente une stéatose hépatique.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Hígado Graso
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 27: e20220334, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1448225


Resumo Objetivo analisar os aspectos que fragilizam o acesso à atenção às hepatites virais. Método pesquisa avaliativa, desenvolvida no Estado de Mato Grosso, com os gestores da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde e os profissionais dos serviços de referência. Para a coleta de dados realizaram-se entrevistas, utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo, na vertente temática e, para a discussão as dimensões do modelo de análise de acesso universal aos serviços de saúde. Resultados a dimensão política apresenta pouca participação da gestão federal e estadual na proposição de diretrizes, coordenação e pactuação. Na dimensão econômico-social o baixo investimento na rede pública e a dificuldade de fixação de profissionais especialistas. Na dimensão organizacional a regulação do acesso, da assistência e a logística do tratamento sofrem com as barreiras geográficas, além do baixo uso do monitoramento e a avaliação. Na dimensão técnica a pouca formação profissional e a ausência de projeto compartilhado em rede. Na dimensão simbólica os fatores culturais, de crença, valores e subjetividade interferem no acesso. Conclusão e implicações para a prática os resultados colaboram para direcionar ações de enfrentamento, almejando alcançar as metas pactuadas para a Agenda 2030.

Resumen Objetivo analizar los aspectos que debilitan el acceso a la atención a las hepatitis virales. Método investigación evaluativa, desarrollada en el Estado de Mato Grosso, con los gestores del Departamento de Salud del Estado y los profesionales de los servicios de referencia. Para la recolección de datos fueron realizadas entrevistas, se utilizó el Análisis de Contenido, en el aspecto temático, y para discutir las dimensiones del modelo de análisis de acceso universal a los servicios de salud. Resultados la dimensión política presenta poca participación de la administración federal y estatal en la propuesta de lineamientos, coordinación y acuerdo. En la dimensión económico-social la baja inversión en la red pública y dificultad para fijar profesionales especializados. En la dimensión organizacional, la regulación de la logística de acceso, asistencia y tratamiento sufren con las barreras geográficas, además del bajo uso de monitoreo y evaluación. En la dimensión técnica poca formación y ausencia de proyecto compartido en red. En la dimensión simbólica los factores culturales, la creencia, los valores y la subjetividad interfieren en el acceso. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica los hallazgos colaboran para reflejar las acciones de afrontamiento destinadas a alcanzar los objetivos acordados para la Agenda 2030.

Abstract Objective to analyze the aspects that weaken the access to viral hepatitis care. Method evaluative research, developed in the State of Mato Grosso, with managers of the State Health Department and professionals from reference services. For data collection, interviews were conducted. Content analysis was used in a theme-based approach and, for the discussion, the dimensions of the analysis model of universal access to health services. Results The political dimension presents little participation of federal and state management in the proposition of guidelines, coordination, and pacts. In the economic-social dimension, the low investment in the public network and the difficulty in hiring specialist professionals were identified. In the organizational dimension, the regulation of access, assistance, and the logistics of treatment suffers from geographic barriers, besides the low use of monitoring and evaluation. In the technical dimension, the little professional training and the absence of a shared network project were noticed. In the symbolic dimension, cultural factors, beliefs, values, and subjectivity interfere with access. Conclusion and implications for the practice the results collaborate to direct confrontation actions, aiming to reach the goals agreed upon for the 2030 Agenda

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Sistema Único de Salud , Atención Integral de Salud/organización & administración , Gestión en Salud , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Hepatitis Viral Humana/terapia
Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e86762, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1448023


RESUMO Objetivo: analisar as tendências temporais dos casos notificados de hepatites virais em Mato Grosso - BR, no período de 2010 a 2019. Método: estudo epidemiológico do tipo ecológico, com coleta de dados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Para análise da tendência temporal foi realizada transformação logarítmica dos coeficientes e procedimento de Prais-Winsten para análise de regressão linear generalizada. Resultados: foram registrados 9.043 casos de hepatites virais: hepatites A (13,62%), B (67,19%), C (18,07%), D (0,49%) e ausência de registros hepatite E. Houve maior prevalência de casos notificados em 2014 (12,36%) e menor em 2018 (8,16%). A hepatite C (IC95% 2,5; 3,4) foi a única com tendência crescente, enquanto A (IC95% -4,8; -4,6), B (IC95% -0,9; -1,2) e D (IC95% -0,2; -3,9) apresentaram tendência decrescente. Conclusão: conclui-se que é imprescindível a continuidade e melhoria das ações de enfrentamento para eliminação desses agravos no estado em face de suas tendências e incidência.

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the time trends of viral hepatitis cases notified from 2010 to 2019 in Mato Grosso - BR. Method: an epidemiological study of the ecological type, with data collection in the Notifiable Diseases Information System. For the analysis of the time trend, a logarithmic transformation of the coefficients and the Prais-Winsten procedure for generalized linear regression analysis were performed. Results: 9,043 viral hepatitis cases were recorded: Hepatitis A (13.62%), Hepatitis B (67.19%), Hepatitis C (18.07%) and Hepatitis D (0.49%), with no Hepatitis E records. The prevalence of cases notified was higher in 2014 (12.36%) and lower in 2018 (8.16%). Hepatitis C (95% CI: 2.5; 3.4) was the only one with an increasing trend, while Hepatitis A (95% CI: -4.8; -4.6), Hepatitis B (95% CI: -0.9; -1.2) and Hepatitis D (95% CI:-0.2; -3.9) presented a decreasing trend. Conclusion: in view of their trends and incidence, it is concluded that it is indispensable to continue and improve coping actions to eradicate these diseases in the state.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar las tendencias temporales de los casos notificados de hepatitis viral en Mato Grosso, Brasil, de 2010 a 2019. Método: estudio epidemiológico de tipo ecológico, con recolección de datos en el Sistema de Información de Enfermedades de Información Obligatoria. Para el análisis de tendencia temporal se realizó una transformación logarítmica de los coeficientes y el procedimiento de Prais-Winsten para el análisis de regresión lineal generalizada. Resultados: se registraron 9.043 casos de hepatitis viral: hepatitis A (13,62%), B (67,19%), C (18,07%), D (0,49%) y ningún registro de hepatitis E. Hubo mayor prevalencia de casos notificados en 2014 (12,36%) y menor en 2018 (8,16%). La hepatitis C (IC 95% 2,5; 3,4) fue la única con tendencia creciente, mientras que la A (IC 95% -4,8; -4,6), B (IC 95% -0,9; -1,2) y D (IC 95% - 0.2; -3.9) mostraron una tendencia decreciente. Conclusión: es fundamental continuar y mejorar las acciones de afrontamiento para eliminar estas enfermedades en el estado, dadas las tendencias e incidencia que tienen.

Medisan ; 26(6)dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440552


Introducción: Los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en tratamiento de hemodiálisis constituyen un importante grupo de riesgo para adquirir la infección por el virus C de la hepatitis. Objetivo: Caracterizar a portadores del virus C de la hepatitis en tratamiento de hemodiálisis según variables clinicoepidemiológicas y endoscópicas. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, retrospectiva y longitudinal de 63 pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica, en tratamiento de hemodiálisis, portadores del virus C de la hepatitis, quienes fueron atendidos en la consulta de Gastroenterología del Hospital General Docente Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero de 2015 hasta septiembre de 2019. Resultados: En la investigación primaron el sexo masculino, el grupo etario de 31-60 años, además de la hipertensión arterial y la diabetes mellitus como antecedentes personales. Los factores de riesgo de mayor incidencia fueron las inyecciones y las transfusiones frecuentes. Conclusiones: Existió una correlación significativa entre el tiempo en hemodiálisis y el tiempo de diagnóstico del virus C de la hepatitis; sin embargo, la replicación viral se mantuvo baja.

Introduction: The patients with chronic renal failure in hemodialysis treatment constitute an important risk group to acquire the infection for the viral hepatitis C. Objective: To characterize carriers of the viral hepatitis C in hemodialysis treatment according to clinical epidemiological and endoscopic variables. Methods: An observational, descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal investigation of 63 patients with chronic renal failure, in hemodialysis treatment, carriers of the viral hepatitis C was carried out, who were assisted in the Gastroenterology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from January, 2015 to September, 2019. Results: In the investigation there was a prevalence of the male sex, the 31-60 age group, besides hypertension and the diabetes mellitus as personal history. The risk factors of more incidence were injections and frequent transfusions. Conclusions: There was a significant correlation between the time in hemodialysis and the time of diagnosis of the viral hepatitis C; however, the viral replication stayed low.

Hepacivirus , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica