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Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22309, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530508


Resumo Este artigo tem por objeto o uso de metáforas de virilidade nas ações políticas de ciberativistas de extrema direita. Vamos examinar os ataques trocados entre agentes do mesmo campo da extrema-direita, em particular aqueles dirigidos contra o então presidente Jair Bolsonaro por homens que são seus seguidores e compartilham de seu antifeminismo. Veremos que as metáforas da virilidade têm um papel duplo nessas disputas: como forma de compreender e avaliar tanto adversários e disputas quanto a si mesmos. Esse papel nasce da articulação entre três elementos: i) crenças e atitudes baseadas em um ideal de virilidade; ii) uma experiência vivida de ser e tornar-se homem; e, iii), o modo de funcionamento das plataformas digitais. Argumentamos que existe uma afinidade eletiva entre, de um lado, a forma de socialização masculina definida por Welzer-Lang com seu conceito de "casa dos homens", e, de outro, a arquitetura das plataformas digitais desenhada como um espaço competitivo e anti-institucional no qual se constrói visibilidade e reputação.

Resumen Este artículo se centra en el uso de metáforas de virilidad en las acciones políticas de los ciberactivistas de extrema derecha. Examinaremos los ataques intercambiados entre agentes del mismo campo de extrema derecha, en particular los dirigidos contra el expresidente Jair Bolsonaro por sus seguidores hombres que compartían su antifeminismo. Veremos que las metáforas de la virilidad desempeñan un doble papel en estas disputas: ellas son una forma de entender y evaluar tanto a los oponentes y disputas como a ellos mismos. Este rol nace de la articulación entre tres elementos: i) creencias y actitudes basadas en un ideal de virilidad; ii) una experiencia vivida de ser y devenir hombre; iii) el funcionamiento de las plataformas digitales. Argumentamos que existe una afinidad electiva, por un lado, entre la forma de socialización masculina definida por Welzer-Lang con su concepto de "casa de hombres", y, por otro lado, la arquitectura de plataformas digitales que se diseña como un espacio competitivo y anti-institucional donde se construye visibilidad y reputación.

Abstract This article focuses on the use of virility metaphors in the political actions of far-right cyberactivists. It examines the attacks exchanged between agents within the far-right, in particular those targeted against Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian president from 2019 to 2022, by his male followers who share his anti-feminism. It is argued that, in these disputes, metaphors of virility have a dual role: they are a way of interpreting and of evaluating opponents, disputes and men themselves. This role results from the articulation between three elements: i) beliefs and attitudes based on an ideal of virility; ii) a lived experience of being and becoming a man; and, iii), how digital platforms operate. Our hypothesis is that there is an elective affinity between, on the one hand, the form of male socialisation defined as the "men's house" by Welzer-Lang and, on the other hand, the architecture of digital platforms designed as a competitive, anti-institutional environment in which visibility and reputation are built.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (37): e21204, 2021. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290220


Resumo Neste artigo, investiga-se como se estabeleceu a ideia de virilidade através dos discursos masculinistas presentes na revista Playboy Brasil na década de 1980; e como esses discursos serviram para criar um novo padrão de masculinidade. Através de uma abordagem qualitativa que enfatiza a importância das informações geradas a partir de um olhar cuidadoso e crítico das fontes documentais, revisitam-se as colunas e matérias da revista sob a ótica da análise do discurso proposta por M. Foucault, com vistas a apreender como são constituídos os sujeitos sociais apresentados pelo periódico. Os resultados apontam que a revista difundiu um novo ideal de virilidade quel incidia diretamente na sexualidade e na masculinidade do chamado "novo homem".

Abstract This article explores how the idea of virility was established through masculinist discourses present in the magazine Playboy Brazil in the 1980s; and how these discourses helped to create a new pattern of masculinity. Through a qualitative approach that emphasizes the importance of the information generated from a careful and critical look at the written sources, the journal's columns and articles are revisited from the perspective of the discourse analysis proposed by M. Foucault, with a view to apprehending how the social subjects presented by the journal are constituted. The results show that the magazine spread a new ideal of virility that directly affected the sexuality and masculinity of the so-called "new man".

Resumen En este artículo se investiga cómo se estableció la idea de virilidad a través de los discursos masculinistas presentes en la revista Playboy Brasil en los años ochenta; y cómo estos discursos sirvieron para crear un nuevo patrón de masculinidad. A través de un enfoque cualitativo que enfatiza la importancia de la información generada a partir de una mirada atenta y crítica a las fuentes documentales, las columnas y artículos de la revista son revisados desde la perspectiva del análisis del discurso propuesto por M. Foucault, con el fin de aprehender cómo se constituyen los sujetos sociales presentados por la revista. Los resultados muestran que la revista difundió un nuevo ideal de virilidad que afectó directamente la sexualidad y masculinidad del llamado "hombre nuevo".

Humanos , Masculino , Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto , Sexualidad , Masculinidad , Estereotipo de Género , Identidad de Género , Factores Culturales
Comunidad salud ; 11(1): 27-36, jun. 2013. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-690954


La masculinidad como construcción cultural responde a las características que socialmente definen a los hombres, quienes se vinculan a un poder estructurado y expresado por sus comportamientos sexuales con el fin de probar su virilidad, por lo que ésta les vincula con conductas sexuales permisivas y de constantes riesgos para su salud sexual y reproductiva y su calidad de vida. El objetivo de esta investigación fué: Analizar los determinantes socioculturales que condicionan la masculinidad y su impacto en el perfil socioepidemiológico de la salud sexual y reproductiva y calidad de vida de los hombres desde el enfoque de género. Consulta de urología HCM (2do trimestre 2012). Se realizo un estudio retrospectivo y de campo desde la metodología de género. La muestra consistió en 110 pacientes masculinos consultantes, seleccionada por un muestreo probabilístico con un 95% de confianza y 9% de error máximo de estimación. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan que los hombres no emplean métodos anticonceptivos (71,81%); ni consideran la vasectomía (100%); las infecciones de transmisión sexual son su principal preocupación (ITS) (73,64%); consideran que el preservativo masculino disminuye su placer sexual (74,55%); la principal preocupación sobre su sexualidad es la impotencia (50,91%); asocian la virilidad con potencialidad sexual (61,82%); el diagnóstico de patología prostática a través del tacto rectal se.

Approaching the Problem: Masculinity as a cultural construction responds to the characteristics that socially define men, they are associated to a power structured and expressed by their sexual behaviors, in order to prove their manhood, so that it involves them with permissive sexual behaviors and constant risks to their sexual and reproductive health and quality of life. Objective: Analyze the socio-cultural determinants that affect masculinity and its impact on the epidemiological profile of the sexual and reproductive health of men from a gender studies perspective. Methodology: descriptive field study. Sample: 110 male patients consulting. Collection technique: closed questionnaire. Data analysis: registration, tabulation and classification. This study was made from the gender studies methodology. Results: men do not use contraception (71,81%); they don't consider vasectomy (100%); sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are their main concern (73,64%); they consider that male condom reduces their sexual pleasure (74,55%); the main concern about their sexuality is sexual impotence (50,91%); they associate virility with sexual potential (61,82%); diagnosis of prostate disease by digital rectal exam is generally associated with mockery (61,8%); they also consider that this exam is not needed (31,82%). Conclusion: they don't use contraception, the main concern is the risk of STIs and they don't conceive family planning as their responsibility, expressing rejection of the male condom because they conceive it as an inhibitor of their sexual pleasure, they also associate reproductive health care with disqualification of virility.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-575035


Objective Comparison on the influence of invigorating spleen and restoring virility to the NPY level in brain and gene expression. Method Establishing the spleen insufficiency model of rat by adopting bitter decline diarrhea, wild eating and overworking, to examine the hypothalamus ventral kernel, the hippocampi CA1 area and forehead cortex, the gene expression change of NPY. Result In the model group, the immunoreaction masculine substance of NPY, hypothalamus ventral kernel,hippocampi CA1 area and prefrontal cortex decreases obviously. The immunoreaction masculine substance of NPY on above mentioned parts in the group of invigorating spleen and restoring virility increases distinctly. In the model group, the expression of NPY mRNA on prefronta cortex and hypothalamus ventral kernel decreases obviously, while on the groups of invigorating spleen and restoring virility increases obviously. Conclusion In the model group, the NPY level and gene expression in brain to promote study memory changed. Invigorating spleen and restoring virility may affect study memory by regulating the NPY level and gene expression.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-577352


Objective To compare on the influence of invigorating spleen and restoring virility to the SS level and SSR1 gene expression in brain. Method The spleen insufficiency model of rat was established by adopting bitter decline diarrhea, wild eating and overworking. SS level and SSR1 gene expression change of hypothalamus ventral kernel, hippocampi CA1 area and forehead corte were detected by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques. Result In the model group, the immunoreaction masculine substance of SS and SSR1 mRNA, hypothalamus ventral kernel, hippocampi CA1 area and forehead cortex decreased obviously. The immunoreaction masculine substance of SS and SSR1 mRNA on above mentioned parts in the group of invigorating spleen and restoring virility increased distinctly. Conclusion In the model group, the SS level and SSR1 gene expression in brain to promoting study memory ability changed. Invigorating spleen and restoring virility may affect study memory ability by regulating the SS level and SSR1 gene expression.