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Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 59-64, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973092


Introduction@#Cardiovascular diseases remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in most developed and developing countries. The 34.3% of mortality are due to cardiovascular diseases are in Mongolia. The lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease can be predicted by cardiac electrical instability and arrhythmia findings in ECG. The lack of nationwide data and large multicenter studies in our country do not allow us to estimate the true extend of the problem and we want doing the analysis of the cardiac electrical stability and myocardial index.@*Goal@#Evaluate prevalence of cardiac electrical stability and myocardial index of Mongolian people@*Material end Methods@#The subjects were recruited from The “Brilliant Hospise” Hospital of Ulaanbaatar, between April 2017 to May 2018. A total of 1000 consecutive patients, aged between 20-70 years were selected. Research was conducted by descriptive research design, anamnesis, anthropometry measurement, laboratory research and was analyzed dispersion visual image ECG. Statistics data was analyzed by SPSS 27 software. @*Results@#1000 surveyed aged 20-70 questionnaires, anthropometry measurements, fasting venous blood cholesterol and glucose determined and ECG dispersion visual image sensitive to power quality integrated change and electrical instability of very low frequency change, stimulate the formation and electrical transmission loss, heart disease 23,7% of 610 people surveyed in a relatively healthy and electrical stability of the heart muscle are unchanged, tachycadia, power generation and transmission losses, thickening of the heart muscle, axial deviation, other heart disease due had myocardial electrical instability and changed HRV.@*Conclusion@#In this study, we demonstrated that prevalence of myocardial electrical instability and myocardial index of relatively healthy people Mongolia. 23,7% of all healthy people changed myocardial electrical instability and HRV. This method that sensitivity of dispersion functions in differentiating norm, premorbid stage and pathologies in many cases in higher than sensitivity of the usual ECG analysis.

Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 26(2): 133-137, abr.-jun. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-695086


Se presenta un ensayo descriptivo acerca del vínculo existente entre la imagen pública y el emblema del Instituto Nacional de Perinatología Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes (INPer), a través del análisis de la imagen visual del logotipo/imagotipo de la ''Princesa 3 Pedernal Serpiente Emplumada''. Se retoma la revisión etnohistórica e iconográfica hecha por Moisés Morales-Suarez en 1996, así como el significado y justificación que diera el Dr. Jurado al uso de esta imagen, del Códice mixteco Nuttall como parte del Instituto. Contamos con un logotipo policromático que respeta su equilibrio, balance y armonía inicial. El análisis de color muestra el predominio del naranja, verde y rojo que representan la energía, la fuerza de voluntad y la sexualidad, respectivamente. El mensaje denotativo está constituido por la tipografía en tono negro oscuro que muestra elegancia, sobriedad y seriedad. El mensaje connotativo es el estudio del significado de la imagen que no sólo se queda en protografismos, sino realmente muestra pictogramas e ideogramas, que buscaban la expresión de la vida cotidiana y el pensamiento de nuestros antepasados a través de una estructura pictográfica, ideográfica y fonética con secuencia lógica. Se concluye que es de gran importancia que nuestro logotipo esté respaldado por un Manual de Identidad Visual Corporativa, pues actualmente se carece de lineamientos para una correcta reproducción de la identidad gráfica institucional.

A descriptive essay presented about the existing link between Public Image and the emblem of the Instituto Nacional de Perinatología Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes (INPer) across the analysis of the visual image of the logotype/image type of the ''Princesa 3 Pedernal Sepiente Emplumada''. The purpose is to revitalize the ethno-historic and iconographic review done by Moses Morales-Suarez in 1996, as well as the meaning and validation that Dr. Jurado gave to the use of this image of the Codex mixteco Nuttall, as part of the Institute. We have a multi-chromatic logo that respects its balance, equilibrium and initial harmony. Color analysis, shows the predominance of orange, green and red, that represent the energy, the will power and the sexuality, respectively. The denoting message is constituted by the typography in dark black tone that shows elegance, sobriety and seriousness. The connotative message is the study of the meaning of the image, which not only remains in proto-graphemes, but really shows pictograms and ideograms, that were looking for the expression of the daily life and the thought of our ancestors across a pictographic, ideographical and phonetic structure with logical sequence. In conclusion it is of great importance that our logo is endorsed by a Visual Corporate Identity Manual, since nowadays we lack limits for a correct reproduction of the graphical institutional identity.

Rev. chil. psicoanal ; 27(1): 30-43, jun. 2010. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-661729


El autor da cuenta de un particular fenómeno que se da en el campo psicoanalítico, al que denomina destello onírico. Este consiste en la aparición súbita, de vívidas imágenes visuales referidas por el analizando desde una especie de ensoñación diurna en el diván, cargadas de elementos transferenciales, muchos de ellos vinculados a etapas tempranas de la vida. Se postula que estas imágenes - ocasionalmente también melodías-, que se desplegan en el campo psicoanalítico, son un referente o indicador de la metabolización -actual o in situ-, de la experiencia emocional analítica. Se considera el concepto de Campo, según aquel dado por los Baranger (Baranger y Baranger, 1961-62), en su sentido original, como también según los aportes posteriores de A. Ferro. Se adscriben teóricamente estos destellos oníricos -flashes visuales-, a los elementos alfa dentro del modelo teórico desarrollado por W. Bion (1962, 1963). El fenómeno clínico del destello onírico, despierta una inquietante curiosidad teórico-clínica al autor; una especie de "nube de incertidumbre", a la manera de múltiples interrogantes. Así, la presente comunicación, se articula en torno a una de las complejas interrogantes planteadas, a saber: ¿Cómo es que se genera el fenómeno y qué misteriosos mecanismos lo regulan?

The author gives an account of a particular phenomenon that occurs in the psychoanalytic field, which he denominates as oniric flash (sparkle). This is the sudden onset of vivid visual images reported by the analyzing, from a kind of daydreaming on the couch, loaded with transference elements, many of them linked to early life stages. It is postulated that these images, occasionally tunes, which are deployed in the psychoanalytic field, are a benchmark or indicator of current metabolism -in situ- of analytical emotional experience. It considers the concept of field as the one given by the Baranger (Baranger and Baranger, 1961-62), in its original sense, as well as subsequent contributions of A. ferro. These oniric flashes (visual flashes), are theoretically ascribed to the alpha elements, within the theoretical model developed by W. Bion (1962, 1963). The clinical phenomenon of the oniric flash awakens a disturbing theoretical-clinical curiosity to the author; a "cloud of uncertainty", in the manner of many questions. Thus, this communication is structured around one of the complex questions raised, namely: How is generated the mysterious phenomenon and what mechanisms are involved in its regulation?

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Psicoanálisis , Sueños/psicología , Fantasía , Vigilia