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J. appl. oral sci ; 32: e20230296, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550475


Abstract Research would be important for obtaining a better understanding of voice complaints among patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Objective The identification of predictors of voice disorders associated with TMD pain was made according to Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (DC/TMD) Axis I. Methodology Functional limitations were measured using the Jaw Functional Limitation Scales for mastication (JFLS-M), jaw mobility (JFLS-JM), and verbal and emotional expression (JFLS-VEE). Patients also completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The primary outcome was social-emotional and physical functioning as indicated by scores on the Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) questionnaire. Multiple linear regression was used to model the relationship between the domains on the V-RQOL questionnaire and scores on the HADS and JFLS after adjusting for age, gender, DC/TMD diagnosis, pain intensity, and time since pain onset. Results The HADS-D (B=-1.15; 95% CI, -1.718 to -0.587; p<.001) and JFLS-VEE (B=-0.22; 95% CI, -0.40 to -0.06; p=.008) were significant predictors of scores on the V-RQOL questionnaire. Conclusion Higher scores on depression measures and limitations in verbal and emotional expression could exacerbate voice problems among TMD pain patients. Future research should promote multidisciplinary treatments for TMD pain-related voice disorders.

CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230175, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557615


ABSTRACT Purpose To assess the influence of the listener experience, measurement scales and the type of speech task on the auditory-perceptual evaluation of the overall severity (OS) of voice deviation and the predominant type of voice (rough, breathy or strain). Methods 22 listeners, divided into four groups participated in the study: speech-language pathologist specialized in voice (SLP-V), SLP non specialized in voice (SLP-NV), graduate students with auditory-perceptual analysis training (GS-T), and graduate students without auditory-perceptual analysis training (GS-U). The subjects rated the OS of voice deviation and the predominant type of voice of 44 voices by visual analog scale (VAS) and the numerical scale (score "G" from GRBAS), corresponding to six speech tasks such as sustained vowel /a/ and /ɛ/, sentences, number counting, running speech, and all five previous tasks together. Results Sentences obtained the best interrater reliability in each group, using both VAS and GRBAS. SLP-NV group demonstrated the best interrater reliability in OS judgment in different speech tasks using VAS or GRBAS. Sustained vowel (/a/ and /ɛ/) and running speech obtained the best interrater reliability among the groups of listeners in judging the predominant vocal quality. GS-T group got the best result of interrater reliability in judging the predominant vocal quality. Conclusion The time of experience in the auditory-perceptual judgment of the voice, the type of training to which they were submitted, and the type of speech task influence the reliability of the auditory-perceptual evaluation of vocal quality.

Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 5(1): 46-59, 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1509669


Objetivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir el significado que le otorgan a los trastornos de voz los profesores y cuáles son las motivaciones que los llevan a no consultar con un especialista. Método. Para tal propósito, se realizó un estudio cualitativo en el que participa-ron 16 profesores de enseñanza básica. La información fue obtenida mediante una entrevista semiestructurada, la cual fue grabada y luego transcrita para su posterior análisis. El estudio contó con la aprobación del comité de ética y el consentimiento informado de cada uno de los participantes. Resultados. En cuanto a los resultados, surgieron cinco categorías: Conocimiento de los problemas de voz; Entrenamiento formal y recursos vocales; Sintomatología vocal experimentada a lo largo de la carrera docente; Afectación de la calidad de vida; Tratamiento y abordaje de los problemas de voz. Todos los participantes tienen alguna noción de los problemas de voz, asociándolos principalmente con algún síntoma o molestia experimentada. La gran mayoría declara nunca haber recibido formación en cuanto al uso de la voz y expresan sentir que su voz ha ido cambiando a lo largo de los años de ejercicio profesional, volviéndose más grave o ronca. Destaca que en cuanto al tratamiento, quince de los participantes nunca han consultado con especialistas, sino que recurren a remedios caseros o populares. Conclusión. En conclusión, los profesores corresponden a uno de los grupos donde se presenta una alta prevalencia de trastornos de voz. Sin embargo, esto contrasta con la baja preocupación y el desconocimiento respecto al abordaje de este tipo de problemas

Aim. The objective of the present study was to describe the significance teachers give to voice disorders, and the reasons that dissuade them from consulting a specialist. Method. To achieve this objective, a qualitative study was carried out with the participation of 16 elementary school teachers. The information was obtained by semi-structured interviews, which were recorded and then transcripts were prepared for analysis. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee and an informed con-sent was signed by each of the participants. Results. Five categories emerged from the results: Knowledge of voice problems; Formal training and voice resources; Vocal symptoms experienced throughout the teaching career; Effects on quality of life; Treatment of and approach to voice prob-lems. All the participants had some notion of voice problems, which they associated mainly with some symptom or discomfort experienced. The great majority stated they had never received training in voice use; they felt that their voices had changed over the years of their professional careers, becoming deeper or hoarser. A striking finding was that fifteen of the participants had never consulted a specialist, but only used home or popular remedies. Conclusion. In conclusion, teachers form a group with a high prevalence of voice disorders; however, this contrasts with a low level of concern and a lack of knowledge about addressing such problems

Investigación Cualitativa
CoDAS ; 34(5): e20210240, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384625


RESUMO No XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro da SBFa, 24 especialistas reuniram-se e, a partir de um posicionamento condutor sobre pesquisa científica como ferramenta de conexão entre laboratório e clínica, cinco frentes de conhecimento da especialidade de voz foram discutidas: 1. Julgamento perceptivo-auditivo da qualidade vocal; 2. Análise acústica do sinal vocal; 3. Autoavaliação em voz; 4. Técnicas tradicionais de terapia; 5. Técnicas modernas de eletroestimulação e fotobiomodulação em voz. A parte "a" desta publicação é a consolidação das análises dos três primeiros aspectos. A tendência no julgamento perceptivo-auditivo da qualidade vocal é o uso de protocolos padrão. A avaliação acústica do sinal vocal é acessível e pode ser feita de modo descritivo ou por extração de parâmetros, preferindo-se medidas multiparamétricas. Finalmente, a análise do próprio indivíduo fecha essa tríade de documentação fonoaudiológica, que será base para a conclusão da avaliação, referência para monitoramento do progresso e avaliação de resultado de tratamento.

ABSTRACT During the XXVIII Brazilian Congress of SBFa, 24 specialists met and, from a leading position on scientific research as a tool for connecting laboratory and clinic, five fronts of knowledge of the voice specialty were discussed as following: Perceptual-auditory judgment of vocal quality; 2. Acoustic analysis of the vocal signal; 3. Voice self-assessment; 4. Traditional techniques of therapy; 5. Modern techniques of electrostimulation and photobiomodulation (PBMT) in voice. Part "a" of this publication was associated with the consolidation of the analyses of the first three aspects. The trend in the perceptual-auditory judgment of vocal quality was related to the use of standard protocols. The acoustic evaluation of the vocal signal is accessible and can be done descriptively or by extraction of parameters, thus preferring multiparametric measures. Finally, the analysis of the individual himself closes this triad of voice documentation, which will be the basis for the conclusion of the evaluation, reference for monitoring progress, and evaluation of treatment results.

Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 4(1): 16-25, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1391338


Introduction. Laryngeal disorders are characterized by a change in the vibratory pattern of the vocal folds. This disorder may have an organic origin described by anatomical fold modification, or a functional origin caused by vocal abuse or misuse. The most common diagnostic methods are performed by invasive imaging features that cause patient discomfort. In addition, mild voice deviations do not stop the in-dividual from using their voices, which makes it difficult to identify the problem and increases the possibility of complications. Aim. For those reasons, the goal of the present paper was to develop a noninvasive alternative for the identification of voices with a mild degree of vocal deviation ap-plying the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Methods. A dataset of 74 audio files were used. Shannon energy and entropy mea-sures were extracted using the Daubechies 2 and Symlet 2 families and then the processing step was performed with the MLP ANN. Results. The Symlet 2 family was more efficient in its generalization, obtaining 99.75% and 99.56% accuracy by using Shannon energy and entropy measures, re-spectively. The Daubechies 2 family, however, obtained lower accuracy rates: 91.17% and 70.01%, respectively. Conclusion. The combination of WPT and MLP presented high accuracy for the identification of voices with a mild degree of vocal deviation

ntroducción. Los trastornos laríngeos se caracterizan por un cambio en el patrón vibratorio de los pliegues vocales. Este trastorno puede tener un origen orgánico, descrito como la modificación anatómica de los pliegues vocales, o de origen fun-cional, provocado por abuso o mal uso de la voz. Los métodos de diagnóstico más comunes se realizan mediante procedimientos invasivos que causan malestar al pa-ciente. Además, los desvíos vocales de grado leve no impiden que el individuo utilice la voz, lo que dificulta la identificación del problema y aumenta la posibilidad de complicaciones futuras.Objetivo. Por esas razones, el objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar una he-rramienta alternativa, no invasiva para la identificación de voces con grado leve de desvío vocal aplicando Transformada Wavelet Packet (WPT) y la red neuronal artifi-cial del tipo Perceptrón Mutlicapa (PMC). Métodos. Fue utilizado un banco de datos con 78 voces. Fueron extraídas las me-didas de energía y entropía de Shannon usando las familias Daubechies 2 y Symlet 2 para después aplicar la red neuronal PMC. Resultados. La familia Symlet 2 fue más eficiente en su generalización, obteniendo un 99.75% y un 99.56% de precisión mediante el uso de medidas de energía y en-tropía de Shannon, respectivamente. La familia Daubechies 2, sin embargo, obtuvo menores índices de precisión: 91.17% y 70.01%, respectivamente. Conclusión. La combinación de WPT y PMC presentó alta precisión para la iden-tificación de voces con grado leve de desvío vocal

Humanos , Pliegues Vocales , Afonía/diagnóstico , Trastornos de la Voz , Pacientes , Voz , Afonía/fisiopatología , Laringe/anomalías
CoDAS ; 34(5): e20210241, 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394301


RESUMO O presente texto é a continuação da publicação referente ao XVIII Congresso da SBFa. Na parte "A" apresentamos análises sobre avaliação clínica vocal. O foco da parte "B" são aspectos de reabilitação vocal: 4. Técnicas tradicionais de terapia vocal; 5. Técnicas modernas de eletroestimulação e fotobiomodulação aplicadas à reabilitação. Os inúmeros estudos sobre os diversos programas, métodos ou técnicas tradicionais de reabilitação, muitos de elevada qualidade de evidência, permitem considerar tais procedimentos relativamente bem descritos, seguros e com efeitos conhecidos, dando conta do tratamento de diversos distúrbios vocais. As evidências científicas com as técnicas tradicionais são reconhecidas mundialmente. Novas frentes de evolução, como o uso da eletroestimulação ou fotobiomodulação em voz parecem ser promissoras como abordagens coadjuvantes. Há mais estudos sobre eletroestimulação em voz do que com fotobiomodulação, contudo, evidências científicas para essas duas técnicas modernas são ainda limitadas. Conhecimento e cautela são necessários para a aplicação de quaisquer técnicas.

ABSTRACT This text is the continuation of the XVIII SBFa Congress publication. In part "A" we presented the analyses on clinical vocal evaluation. Part "B" focuses on vocal rehabilitation: 4. Traditional techniques of vocal therapy; 5. Modern techniques of electrostimulation and photobiomodulation applied to vocal rehabilitation. The numerous studies on the various programs, methods, and techniques of traditional rehabilitation techniques, and many with high quality of evidence, allow us to consider such procedures relatively well described, safe, and with known effects, accounting for the treatment of various vocal disorders. The scientific evidence with traditional techniques is recognized worldwide. New fronts of evolution, with electrostimulation or photobiomodulation used to handle voice problems, seem to be promising as coadjutant approaches. There are more studies on electrostimulation in vocal rehabilitation than with photobiomodulation; however, scientific evidence for these two modern techniques is still limited. Knowledge and caution are required for the application of either technique.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905737


Results and Conclusion:Voice disorders are classified to Voice Disturbance (MA82), within the category of Symptoms or Signs Involving Speech or Voice. Voice disorders may be symptoms or signs of Speech Disturbance (MA80), Malignant Neoplasms of Larynx (2C23), Intracerebral Haemorrhage (8B00), Oedema of Larynx (CA0H.3), and the others. Voice disorder is impairment at body function, and influence activity and participation (d3, d7, d8 and d9), which may involve in environmental and personal factors. The evaluation of voice function involes in production of voice (b3100) and quality of voice (b3101). A structured rehabilitation solution has been developed with the interventions at body structure, body function, activities and participation, environmental factors and personal factors, including assessment (assessment, test, observation), training and treatment (training, assisting), educational counseling (education, advicing, counseling), and support (psychological and social). Objective:To explore diagnosis and assessment of voice function and develop a framework of rehabilitation for it based on International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11), International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI). Methods:The diagnostic criteria of voice disorders and its complications were discussed with ICD-11 and ICF. The tools of assessment were analysed with ICF. A comprehensive intervention system was developed for the rehabilitation of voice function based on the joint use of ICF and ICHI.

CoDAS ; 31(4): e20180175, 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019723


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar se existe associação entre a presença, a intensidade e o tipo de desvio vocal e as medidas cepstrais em amostras de indivíduos com queixa vocal. Método Foram utilizadas 376 amostras da vogal /ε/ de indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, com queixa vocal. Utilizou-se uma escala analógico-visual para análise perceptivo-auditiva das vozes quanto à intensidade do desvio vocal (GG), graus de rugosidade (GR), soprosidade (GS) e tensão (GT), incluindo-se a determinação da qualidade vocal predominante (rugosa, soprosa ou tensa). Foram extraídas as medidas relacionadas ao Cepstral Peak Prominence-Smoothed (CPPS) e o declínio espectral das amostras vocais. Resultados Houve diferença dos valores do CPPS entre os grupos com e sem desvio vocal, assim como entre as diferentes intensidades e tipos de desvio vocal. Os valores do CPPS foram mais reduzidos em função da presença e intensidade do desvio vocal. Os valores do CPPS diferenciaram vozes rugosas x soprosas, rugosas x tensas e soprosas x tensas. O declínio espectral apenas diferenciou vozes soprosas x tensas. O CPPS se correlacionou de modo positivo e forte com os GG e GS, de modo negativo moderado com o GR, e de forma negativa fraca com o GT. O declínio espectral apresentou correlação positiva moderada com o GT e correlação negativa fraca com o GS. Conclusão Existe associação entre a presença de desvio vocal, o GG, a qualidade vocal predominante e o CPPS. De modo especial, o GG é fortemente correlacionado ao CPPS. O declínio espectral está associado apenas aos parâmetros de soprosidade e tensão.

ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze whether there is an association between the presence, intensity and type of voice disorder and the cepstral measures in samples of individuals with voice complaints. Methods We used 376 vowel /Ɛ/ samples from individuals of both genders that had voice complaints. An analogue-visual scale was used for the auditory-perceptual analysis of voices regarding the overall grade of dysphonia (G) and the grades of roughness (R), breathiness (B), and strain (S), including a determination of voice quality (rough, breathy or strained). Measures related to cepstral peak prominence smoothed (CPPS) and spectral decline of vocal samples were extracted. Results There were differences in the CPPS values between the groups with or without voice disorders as well as between the different intensities and types of voice disorder. CPPS values were lower because of the presence and intensity of voice disorders. The CPPS values differentiated the following voices: rough x breathy, rough x strained, and breathy x strained. The spectral decline only differentiated breathy x strained voices. CPPS correlated positively and strongly with G and B; moderately and negatively with R, and negatively and weakly with S. The spectral decline had a moderate positive correlation with S and a weak negative correlation with B. Conclusion There is association between voice disorder, G, predominant voice quality, and CPPS. In particular, G is strongly correlated with CPPS. Spectral decline is associated only with the parameters B and S.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Medición de la Producción del Habla/métodos , Trastornos de la Voz/diagnóstico , Acústica del Lenguaje , Calidad de la Voz , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Estudios Transversales , Disfonía/diagnóstico , Persona de Mediana Edad
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762505


BACKGROUND: Korean teacher’s working conditions are deteriorating. There is concern about the deterioration of teachers’ health and voice disorder is one of the most common problems. Teacher’s vocal health is important for them and their students. The aim of the present study was to investigate working conditions that may affect voice disorders. METHODS: In all, 79 primary and secondary schools were randomly selected for a nationwide school system survey (N = 3345). In 64 schools, 1617 (48.3%) teachers participated via a postal self-report questionnaire from June 2016 to August 2016. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, data from 1301 teachers’ were used for analysis. Multiple logistic regression was used to investigate the associations between general, work-related factors, and frequent voice disorders (fVDs) to estimate the adjusted odds ratio(aOR). RESULTS: Teachers who reported voice symptoms more than once a week (fVD) made up 11.6%. In a multiple logistic regression, fVD was significantly associated with female, difficulty in applying for sick leave as needed, music teachers (primary school), and less than 6 h of sleep per day (primary school). The aOR for fVD was 2.72 (0.83–8.10) in the longest working hours group (> 52 h/wk) among the primary school teachers, and 1.90 (0.80–4.73) in the longest class hour group (≥ 20 h/wk), 1.52 (0.90–2.62) in homeroom teachers among the secondary school teachers, but not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Korean teachers’ working conditions are associated with fVDs. The school health system must take steps to prevent and treat voice disorders of teachers.

Femenino , Humanos , Ronquera , Corea (Geográfico) , Modelos Logísticos , Música , Servicios de Salud Escolar , Ausencia por Enfermedad , Trastornos de la Voz , Voz
Audiol., Commun. res ; 23: e2012, 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-983915


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar se existe relação entre medidas perceptivo-auditivas e de autoavaliação em pacientes portadores de esclerose múltipla, com e sem queixa vocal. Métodos Participaram 18 sujeitos com diagnóstico de esclerose múltipla, com idades entre 21 e 67 anos, sendo 12 mulheres e seis homens. Foram aplicados uma breve anamnese, a Escala de Sintomas Vocais e o protocolo Vivendo com Disartria, seguidos da gravação da vogal /ԑ/ sustentada. A intensidade do desvio vocal e os graus de rugosidade, soprosidade, tensão e instabilidade foram avaliados por três fonoaudiólogos, utilizando-se uma escala analógico-visual de 100 mm. Resultados Os pacientes com esclerose múltipla com queixa vocal apresentaram maiores escores nos domínios total (p= 0,026) e limitação (p= 0,042) da Escala de Sintomas Vocais; na seção um (p= 0,041), seção quatro (p= 0,030) e seção dez (p= 0,050) do protocolo Vivendo com Disartria. Houve correlação positiva forte entre os escores da Escala de Sintomas Vocais, domínios total e limitação e os escores da seção um, quatro e nove do protocolo Vivendo com Disartria. Conclusão Pacientes com esclerose múltipla com queixa vocal possuem maior frequência de ocorrência de sintomas e maior impacto da disartria na comunicação. Não há relação entre as medidas perceptivo-auditivas e de autoavaliação em pacientes portadores de esclerose múltipla. No entanto, os escores dos dois instrumentos de autoavaliação utilizados são fortemente correlacionados.

ABSTRACT Purpose To determine the relationships between auditory-perceptual and self-assessment measures in patients with multiple sclerosis with and without vocal complaints. Methods Eighteen subjects diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, including 12 women and 6 men aged between 21 to 67 years, participated in the study. A brief anamnesis, the Voice Symptom Scale and the Living with Dysarthria questionnaire were completed, followed by recording of the sustained /ԑ/ vowel. The overall severity of vocal deviation and the degrees of roughness, breathiness, strain and instability were assessed by three speech therapists using a 100-mm visual analogue scale. Results Patients with multiple sclerosis and vocal complaints had higher Total (p= 0.026) and Limitation (p= 0.042) scores on the Voice Symptom Scale and on sections one (p= 0.041), four (p= 0.030) and ten (p= 0.050) of the Living with Dysarthria questionnaire. Strong positive correlations were found between the Total and Limitation scores of the Voice Symptom Scale and the scores of sections one, four and nine of the Living with Dysarthria questionnaire. Conclusion Patients with multiple sclerosis and vocal complaints have higher frequencies of symptom occurrence and emotional and speech effects. No relationship was found between auditory-perceptual and self-assessment measures in patients with multiple sclerosis. However, the scores on the two self-assessment instruments used are strongly correlated.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Trastornos de la Voz , Disartria , Esclerosis Múltiple/diagnóstico , Percepción Auditiva , Calidad de la Voz , Estudios Transversales
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-647318


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary study to develop a standardized guideline for terminology necessary to describe auditory perception qualitatively and quantitatively in voice disorders in the Korean language. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: At first, a subjective questionnaire for Korean translation and definition of 25 auditory perceptual assessment terms proposed by Titze was answered by six speech-language pathologists. Secondly, a new questionnaire that was reconstructed with objective items based on the responses to the first questionnaire was completed by 14 experts who had experience on voice disorder for more than 10 years in Korea. In both questionnaires, the necessity of 32 auditory perceptual assessment terms selected from the 25 terms defined by Titze, GRBAS and CAPE-V was surveyed. RESULTS: The consensus on the Korean translation of auditory perceptual assessment terms was moderate (52.6%) between experts. The terms ‘ rough’ and ‘ shimmer’ demonstrated highest consensus of 85.7%. The consensus on Korean definition of auditory perceptual assessment terms was also moderate (61.6%). The term ‘ yawny’ showed complete consensus (100%). The necessity of auditory perceptual assessment terms varied with terms, but showed high consensus. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to develop and apply various standardized vocabulary terms for clinical evaluation so that they can express pathology and physiological characteristics during vocalization. In addition, despite the fact that there are a lot of auditory-perceptual terms, there is a lack of knowledge about voice quality terms, suggesting the need to promote and educate the developed voice quality terms.

Percepción Auditiva , Consenso , Corea (Geográfico) , Métodos , Patología , Vocabulario , Trastornos de la Voz , Calidad de la Voz , Voz
International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 138-141, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-510869


Thyroidectomy is an effective treatment for thyroid diseases,especially thyroid malignancies.The postoperative phonological disturbances in patients with recurrent laryngeal nerve injury caused by vocal cord paralysis have been recognized.However,in clinical work,many patients in the absence of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in the case of postoperative speech changes.With the development of modern electronic acoustics detection technology,the quality of postoperative recurrent laryngeal nerve injury patients with quantitative research,to explore and found that recurrent laryngeal nerve injury after thyroid surgery is not the voice of the factors.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613782


Objective To investigate the effects of posterior focus on the voice quality of hearing-impaired children.Methods A total of 15 cases of 3~6 years old hearing-impaired children with posterior focus and 20 cases of 3~6 years old without oral resonance disorders were included in this study.Fundamental frequency (F0), frequency standard deviation (F0SD), fundamental frequency perturbation (jitter), amplitude perturbation (shimmer) and normalized noise energy (NNE) on each group of children of /(ae)/ were extracted and analyzed by Dr.Voice.Results Hearing-impaired children with posterior focus problems mainly showed the voice disorder of the hyperthyroidism type.The abnormal rate of shimmer values was the highest of hearing-impaired children with posterior focus, followed by F0, jitter and F0SD,and the minimum was NNE.The average value of the voice parameters was greater than hearing-impaired children without oral resonance disorders.The jitter and shimmer of children with posterior focus showed significant differences (P<0.05) compared to the hearing-impaired children without oral resonance disorders.Conclusion Children with posterior focus have a high rate of voice disorders and mainly change the voice jitter and shimmer.

Rev. Fed. Argent. Soc. Otorrinolaringol ; 24(3): 28-35, 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-908159


Introducción: la evaluación vocal es multiparamétrica. En la dimensión acústica, los índices de perturbación y la relación armónico-ruido han sido cuestionados. La espectrografía acústica permite realizar representaciones visuales de la voz. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar si los índices de perturbación y la relación armónico-ruido mejoran en pacientes que presentaron una buena evolución vocal y describir la utilidad del espectrograma de banda angosta. Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo de una serie de casos. Se realizaron evaluaciones perceptuales y se obtuvieron informes otorrinolaringológicos pre y post-tratamiento en pacientes que presentaron buena evolución vocal post-tratamiento. Se grabó una vocal /a/ sostenida. Se analizaron los índices de perturbación y armónico-ruido generando un espectrograma de banda angosta. Resultados: Se incluyeron ocho pacientes entre 10 y 62 años. El jitter mejoró en cinco pacientes, el shimmer en siete y el armónico–ruido en la totalidad. El promedio mejoró en todos los parámetros estudiados luego del tratamiento. La diferencia pre y post-tratamiento no resultó significativa. En el espectrograma de banda angosta se observó mejor definición de la estructura armónica y disminución del componente de ruido en todos los casos. Conclusiones: Cuatro de los ocho pacientes presentaron evolución favorable en todos los parámetros. El promedio de los índices de perturbación y armónico-ruido fue mejor luego del tratamiento, si bien la diferencia encontrada no fue significativa. El espectrograma de banda angosta es un complemento que permitiría mejorar la interpretación de los índices de perturbación y armónico-ruido dentro de una evaluación vocal multidimensional y multiparamétrica.

Introduction: voice assessment is multiparametrical. In the acoustic dimension, the perturbation measures and the harmonics-to-noise ratio have been questioned. Sound spectrography allows visual representations of voice. The purpose of this paper is to analyze if perturbation measures and harmonics-to-noise ratio improve in a group of patients who showed good vocal evolution and to describe narrow band spectrogram usefulness. Material and method: Retrospective study of a series of cases. Pre and post-treatment auditoryperceptual evaluations were carried out and otorhinolaryngological reports were obtained in patients who featured vocal improvement. A sustained /a/ vowel was recorded. Perturbation measures and harmonics-to-noise ratio were analyzed, generating a narrow-band spectrogram. Results: Eight patients between the ages of 10 and 62 were included. Jitter improved in five patients, shimmer did in seven, and the harmonics-to-noise ratio improved in all of them. After treatment, the average improved in all the studied parameters. Pre- and post-treatment difference was not significant. In the narrow-band spectrogram, better harmonic structure and noise component reduction was observed in all cases. Conclusiones: Four out of said eight patients showed favorable evolution in all the studied acoustic parameters. The perturbation measures and harmonics-to-noise ratio average was better after treatment, although the difference found was not significant. Narrow-band spectrogram is a complement which would improve the interpretation of the acoustic measures within a multidimensional and multiparametrical voice assessment.

Introdução: a avaliação vocal é multiparamétrica. Na dimensão acústica, os índices de perturbação e a relação harmônico-ruído já foram questionados. A espectrografia acústica nos permite realizar representações visuais da voz. O propósito deste trabalho é analisar se os índices de perturbação e a relação harmônico-ruído melhoram em pacientes que apresentaram uma boa evolução vocal e descrever a utilidade do espectrograma de banda estreita. Material e método: Estudo retrospectivo de uma série de casos. Foram realizadas avaliações perceptuais, obtendo-se laudos otorrinolaringológicos pré e pós-tratamento em pacientes que apresentaram boa evolução vocal pós-tratamento. Com a gravação da vogal /a/ sustentada, foi feita a análise dos índices de perturbação e harmônico-ruído, gerando um espectrograma de banda estreita. Resultados: O estudo envolveu oito pacientes de entre 10 e 62 anos. O jitter indicou melhora em cinco pacientes, o shimmer em sete e o harmônico-ruído, na totalidade. A média melhorou em todos os parâmetros estudados após o tratamento. A diferença pré e pós-tratamento não resultou significativa. O espectrograma de banda estreita mostrou uma melhor definição da estrutura harmônica e diminuição do componente de ruído em todos os casos. Conclusões: Quatro dos oito pacientes apresentaram evolução favorável em todos os parâmetros. A média dos índices de perturbação e harmônico ruído foi melhor após o tratamento, embora a diferença encontrada não tenha sido significativa. O espectrograma de banda estreita é um complemento que permitiria melhorar a interpretação dos índices de perturbação e harmônico-ruído dentro de uma avaliação vocal multidimensional e multiparamétrica.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Niño , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Trastornos de la Voz/diagnóstico , Trastornos de la Voz/terapia , Interpretación Estadística de Datos , Fonación , Espectrografía del Sonido/métodos , Espectrografía del Sonido , Calidad de la Voz
Rev. CEFAC ; 18(4): 932-940, jul.-ago. 2016. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-794888


RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a associação entre distúrbio de voz e capacidade para o trabalho em docentes da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo. Métodos: professoras que buscaram atendimento fonoaudiológico, com queixa de alteração vocal; e professoras selecionadas sem queixa, expostas ao mesmo ambiente de trabalho, passaram por avaliação perceptivo-auditiva da voz; preenchimento dos protocolos Índice de Capacidade para o trabalho e Condição de Produção Vocal do Professor; e avaliação perceptivo-visual da laringe. Foram classificadas como Caso as que tinham alteração na avaliação perceptivo-auditiva e em pregas vocais (167) e Controle as sem alterações nas avaliações (105). Resultados: a capacidade para o trabalho esteve entre baixa e moderada entre os casos (67,4%) e entre boa e ótima (66,6%) nas professoras do controle (escore total). Houve associação estatística em duas dimensões do ICT, apontando que as docentes com distúrbio de voz apresentaram quase três vezes mais chance de perder capacidade para o trabalho e que quanto pior a perda da capacidade, mais forte é a associação com o distúrbio de voz. Conclusão: há associação entre o distúrbio de voz e as dimensões capacidade atual para o trabalho comparada com a melhor de toda vida, indicando que os sujeitos que apresentaram distúrbio de voz estavam em sua pior capacidade para trabalhar, e perda estimada para o trabalho por causa de doenças, indicando que quanto maior a perda da capacidade para o trabalho, mais forte é a relação com o distúrbio de voz, independente da idade.

ABSTRACT Purpose: to analyze the association between voice disorder and work ability in teachers of public schools of São Paulo. Methods: teachers who searched for speech therapy, with voice alteration complaint; and selected teachers with no complaint who were exposed to the work environment and submitted to the auditory voice perception; completing the Work Ability Index and the Conditions of Vocal Production of Teachers protocols; and perceptive visual larynx evaluation. Those with changes in perceptual evaluation and vocal folds were classified as Case (167) and those without changes in evaluations (105) were classified as Control. Results: the work ability was from low to moderate among the cases (67.4%) and between good and great (66.6%) in the control teachers (total score). There was a statistical association in two WAI dimensions, pointing out that teachers with voice disorders were nearly three times more likely to lose their work ability and the worst the loss of ability, the stronger is the association with the voice disorder. Conclusion: there is an association between the voice disorder and the dimensions for current work ability compared with the best of lifetime, indicating that subjects who had a voice disorder were at their worst conditions regarding their work ability, and estimated loss for work due to illnesses, indicating that the greater the loss of work ability, the stronger is the relationship with the voice disorder, regardless of age.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-646027


Recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury is not the only cause of voice alteration after thyroidectomy; many patients noticed slight voice changes after thyroidectomy, without evidence of RLN injury. Typical symptoms are easy fatigue during phonation and difficulty with high-pitched and singing voices; other symptoms are paresthesia, vague voice changes, throat discomfort, swallowing difficulties, and the feeling of choking. This collection of symptoms appears to be a real syndrome, which we have named post-thyroidectomy syndrome. In the management of these patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis, injection laryngoplasty techniques have regained popularity in recent years. Because it is easier and less invasive than conventional medialization thyroplasty and may provide equally durable and effective results. As a novel voice rehabilitation procedure, RLN reinnervation has advantages which prevent the progressive loss of thyroarytenoid muscle tone, tension and potential of restoring a normal voice with preserving of laryngeal anatomy. In this manuscript, we could get a lots of useful information how to manage thyroidectomy related vocal fold paralysis with adequate different techniques at different situations.

Humanos , Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas , Deglución , Fatiga , Músculos Laríngeos , Laringoplastia , Parálisis , Parestesia , Faringe , Fonación , Nervio Laríngeo Recurrente , Rehabilitación , Canto , Tiroidectomía , Parálisis de los Pliegues Vocales , Pliegues Vocales , Trastornos de la Voz , Voz
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626947


Teachers face one of the highest demands of any professional group to use their voices at work. Thus, they are at higher risk of developing voice disorder than the general population. The consequences of voice disorder may have impact on teacher’s social and professional life as well as their mental, physical and emotional state and their ability to communicate. Objectives of this study are to determine the prevalence of voice disorder and the relationship between voice disorder with associated risk factors such as teaching activities and lifestyle factors among primary school teachers in Bintulu, Sarawak. A cross sectional study was conducted based on random sample of 4 primary schools in Bintulu, Sarawak between January-March 2014. A total of 100 full-time primary school teachers were invited to participate in the study. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire addressing the prevalence of voice disorder and potential risk factors. Descriptive analysis and chi-square test was used to measure the relationship between voice disorder and associated risk factors. The response rate for this study was 78% (78/100). The study found that the prevalence of voice disorder among primary school teachers in Bintulu, Sarawak was 13%. Chi-square test results revealed that factors significantly associated with voice disorder (p<0.05) were smoking (p=0.012), consuming alcohol beverages (p=0.012) for lifestyle factors while teaching session (p=0.049) for teaching activities. A low prevalence of voice disorder exists among primary school teachers in Bintulu, Sarawak. Smoking, consuming alcohol beverages and teaching session has proven to be significantly associated causing voice disorder among them.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-168314


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Voice therapy is proven to be effective, but patients are reluctant to receive the therapy when physicians recommend it. This phenomenon may due to patients'lack of trust in or low satisfaction level of the therapy. This study aimed to evaluate patients'satisfaction level after voice therapy and identify factors that could increase the satisfaction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: First, the fraction of patients who were recommended voice therapy ahead and completed it was studied, and survey was conducted on those who finished ten voice therapy sessions. The patients'1) satisfaction level during the therapy, 2) satisfaction level about physician's explanation about the therapy, 3) willingness to recommend, 4) satisfaction level about the results were assessed, and was correlated with overall satisfaction level. In each category, patients' gender-, age-, and disease type-related differences were analyzed. RESULTS: Patients under 19 years old were most satisfied during the voice therapy; patients above 40 years old showed statistically significantly higher satisfaction level regarding satisfaction with physician explanation about treatments and with treatment results compared to other ages groups. Patients above 40 also showed the highest willingness to recommend. 26.5% of patients either refused to or discontinued voice therapy. 84.3% were satisfied with treatment results. Considering variabilities among factors, patients'satisfaction with physician explanation about treatment and willingness to recommend had positive correlation. CONCLUSION: Though 26.3% of patients received voice therapy when physicians recommended, patients who completed the therapy were overall satisfied.

Humanos , Trastornos de la Voz , Voz
Rev. salud pública ; 13(3): 410-420, jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-602884


Objetivo Determinar la relación existente entre los hábitos vocales y condiciones ambientales/ ocupacionales, con la presencia de alteraciones vocales (disfonía) en docentes y funcionarios de centros sociales de educación inicial. Método Estudio descriptivo transversal en una población de 198 sujetos, que se llevó a cabo en tres fases. Fase 1: Identificación de los sujetos con mayor riesgo de presentar una alteración vocal. Fase 2: Observación-análisis del uso de la voz y los hábitos vocales de los sujetos identificados en la fase 1. Fase 3: Evaluación perceptual y computarizada de la voz, a través del Perfil Vocal de Wilson y el Multidimensional Voice Program, respectivamente. Resultados Se encontró que sujetos con quiebres tonales, carraspera, intensidad de la voz aumentada y reflujo gastroesofágico presentaron una frecuencia fundamental (Fo) por debajo de la norma. Aquellos con respiración alterada e intensidad de la voz aumentada, mostraron tener los valores acústicos de Shimmer y Jitter por encima de la norma. Conclusiones Existe un alto índice de incapacidad laboral a causa de alteraciones vocales. Se sugiere relación entre los hábitos laborales a los que están expuestas las educadoras iniciales y la existencia de alteraciones vocales.

Objective Determining the relationship between vocal habits and environmental/ occupational conditions with the presence of vocal disturbance (dysphonia) in teachers and functionaries working at community-based, initial childhood education centres (kindergartens). Method This was a descriptive study which adopted across-sectional approach using 198 participants which was developed in three phases. Phase 1: consisted of identifying participants having the highest risk of presenting vocal disturbance. Phase 2consisted of observation-analysis concerning the voice use and vocal habits of participants who had been identified in phase 1. Phase 3consisted of perceptual and computational assessment of participants' voices using Wilson's vocal profile and the multidimensional voice program. Results Individuals having pitch breaks, throat clearing, increased voice intensity, and gastro-oesophageal reflux were found to present below standard fundamental frequency (FF). Subjects having altered breathing and increased voice intensity were identified as having above standard shimmer and jitter acoustic values. Conclusions A high rate of inability to work was found due to vocal disturbance. It is thus suggested that there is a correlation between vocal habits and vocal disorders presented by preschool teachers in kindergarten settings.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Personal Administrativo , Enfermedades Profesionales/epidemiología , Servicios de Enfermería Escolar , Enseñanza , Trastornos de la Voz/epidemiología , Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas/epidemiología , Colombia/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Hábitos , Ronquera/epidemiología , Instituciones Académicas , Fumar/epidemiología , Calidad de la Voz
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-656018


Spasmodic dysphonia is a primary task specific focal dystonia affecting the laryngeal muscle during speech. Adductor spasmodic dysphonia (ADSD) affects close to 90% of spasmodic dysphonia patients is characterized by voice breaks during vowels during speech due to intermittent hyperadduction of the vocal folds. Abcuctor spasmodic dysphonia (ABSD) is relatively rare and involves intermittent voiceless voice breaks due to prolonged voiceless consonants before initiation of the following vowels. Treatment for spasmodic dysphonia has been aimed at denervation or adjustment of the larynx to prevent the uncontrolled spasms in the laryngeal muscles from interfering with voice production. As a result there is a risk-benefit ratio in that the denervation must be adequate to reduce the detection of symptoms whereas at the same time not producing aphonia, breathiness and swallowing difficulties. This article summarizes the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of the spasmodic dysphonia.

Humanos , Afonía , Deglución , Desnervación , Disfonía , Distonía , Trastornos Distónicos , Músculos Laríngeos , Laringe , Espasmo , Pliegues Vocales , Voz , Trastornos de la Voz