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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219320


In the coastal areas of the world, most Vibrio species have been incriminated as notorious agents causing foodborne, wound and other infections. These pathogens are known to be associated with the consumption of raw or undercooked seafoods or the exposure of wounds to warm seawater. Aim: Therefore, this research work was designed with the aim of assessing the microbiological quality of the water bodies as well as the seafoods consumed in Cross River State (CRS). Study Design: The Study was designed using the completely randomized block design and the data was analyzed using of two-way analysis of variance, Generalized Linear Model Univariate analysis. Significant means were separated using the Least significant difference (LSD). Place and Duration of Study: This study was done in the Department of Microbiology, University of CRS, Calabar, CRS, Nigeria, between 2016-2019. Methodology: we evaluated a variety of seafoods viz; crayfish, blue crabs, Periwinkles, apple nails, red lobsters etc. collected from major Beaches, markets and other sale points and water sources (rivers streams sea and gutters) in Calabar, CRS of Nigeria, using standard bacteriological techniques, for the prevalence of Vibrio species. Results: The mean percentage mean viable cell counts obtained ranged from 1.79�45 (seawater)-9.15�79CFU/mL (gutter water) and 7.68�58 (Blue Crab)- 11.37�82 CFU/g (fish) in the Rainy season. The counts for the Dry season Ranged from 1.79 �42 (Seawater)-8.94� 4.51(gutter water), and 5.83 7.21 CFU/g (apple snail) -12.64 5.95 CFU/g (Fish). The total percentage mean counts obtained were 8.09�91 CFU/mL in the Rainy Season to 7.61�58 CFU/mL in the dry Season. From both seasons, the overall total mean count was 11.09�94 CFU/ml. From the nine locations evaluated in this study, it was observed that the Mean percentage counts for the Northern Senatorial District (NSD) ranged from 2.81� 3.49 (Ogoja)- 3.14 �07CFU/mL (Obudu). For the Central (CSD) the range was from 3.34 �20 (Boki)- 9.89 �15 (Ikom), while for the Southern (SSD) it was from12.01� 6.52 (Akamkpa)- 14.47 �44 (Calabar). The overall Total percentage mean counts from all the three Senatorial Districts was 14.03�86 CFU/mL. From the Northern Senatorial District, the total Percentage mean was 3.01�77 CFU/mL, 7.05�79 CFU/mL from the Central and 13.49� 5.72 CFU/mL from the Southern Senatorial District. The Vibrio pathotypes isolated include Vibrio cholerae (V. cholerae) (both O1 and non-O1 serotypes) 1155 (31.61%), Vibrio parahaemolyticus (V. parahaemolyticus), 752 (20.58%), Vibrio fluvialis (V. fluvialis) 480 (13.14%), V. vulnificus 473 (12.94%) Vibrio mimicus (V. mimicus) 400 (10.95%) and Other Vibrios 394 (10.78%). Out of the 3654 Vibrio isolates, the greatest number 663�31 (18.14%) were from Seawater, while the least 133�.84 (3.64%) were from the Gutter Water. Also, the highest number 1245�61 (34.07%) came from Calabar, and the least 102�.65 (2.79%) from Obanlikwu. The NSD had the least number 327 (8.95%), followed by the CSD with 570 (15.59%) and then the SSD with 2757 (75.45%) as the highest number of isolates. Conclusion: The presence of these pathogenic bacterial species in common seafoods in this area is of great public health concern. It is therefore important that serious emphasis be laid on proper cooking of these seafoods as well as the establishment of regular hygiene surveillance strategies in the state.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(4): 597-606, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133807


RESUMO O estudo teve por objetivo verificar e avaliar a situação sanitária e o uso e qualidade das águas do Igarapé Santa Cruz, no município de Breves, Pará. Para obtenção dos dados, aplicou-se um questionário que abordou o uso das águas e as condições sanitárias dos moradores às margens do igarapé. Também foi realizada a coleta de água para as análises bacteriológica e dos parâmetros físico-químicos, em quatro pontos do igarapé, nos quais foram feitas duas medições para cada parâmetro a ser analisado, sendo uma na baixa-mar e outra na preamar, em agosto de 2017. Foi aplicado o teste de correlação de Pearson entre as variáveis físico-químicas e bacteriológicas, por meio do software Bioestat 5.3. Entre as 257 famílias entrevistadas, 175 (68,09%) utilizavam a água do igarapé para o uso doméstico, 106 (41,24%) afirmaram que a principal atividade de lazer das crianças é a recreação nas águas e 35 (13,62%) famílias despejam seus dejetos fecais direto no local. O valor médio de oxigênio dissolvido foi de 2 mg/L na maré baixa e de 4,1 mg/L na maré alta. Os valores médios do pH encontram-se entre 6,1 na baixa-mar e 7,0 na preamar. As médias de concentração de coliformes detectadas na baixa-mar foram de 101.809 NMP/100 mL para coliformes totais, 47.654 NMP/100 mL para coliformes termotolerantes e 24.970 NMP/100 mL para E. coli. Na preamar as médias foram de 49.639 NMP/ 100 mL para coliformes totais, 19.994 NMP/100 mL para coliformes termotolerantes e 4.462 NMP/100 mL para E. coli. Conclui-se que a população residente no Igarapé Santa Cruz vive em situação de vulnerabilidade e risco à saúde.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to verify and evaluate the sanitary situation and the use and quality of the waters of Santa Cruz creek, in the municipality of Breves, Pará. To obtain the data, a questionnaire was applied to the residents of the creeks waterfronts, which addressed the use of water and sanitary conditions. Water collection was also carried out for bacteriological physical-chemical parameters analysis, in four points of the creek, where two measurements were made for each parameter to be analyzed, one at low tide and one at high, in August 2017. The Pearson correlation test was applied between the physical-chemical and bacteriological variables, using the Bioestat 5.3 software. Among the 257 families interviewed, 175 (68.09%) used water from the stream for domestic use, 106 (41.24%) stated that the main leisure activity for children is recreation in the waters of the igarapé and 35 (13.62%) families dump their fecal waste directly into the stream. The mean dissolved oxygen value was 2 mg/L at low tide and 4.1 mg/L at high tide. The mean values for pH are between 6.1 at low tide and 7.0 at high tide. The mean coliform concentration detected at low tide was 101,809 NMP/100 mL for total coliforms, 47,654 NMP/100 mL for thermotolerant coliforms and 24,970 NMP/100 mL for E. coli. High tide the averages were 49,639 NMP/100 mL for total coliforms, 19,994 NMP/100 mL for thermotolerant coliforms and 4,462 NMP/100 mL for E. coli. It was concluded that the population residing near Santa Cruz creek lives in a situation of vulnerability and health risk.

Nucleus (La Habana) ; (64): 59-63, July.-Dec. 2018. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002730


Abstract Lima, the capital of Peru, and Callao form one of the largest urban centers in South America, with a total population of 10.9 million as of 2017. Three rivers supply water to Lima; however, water for municipal use is mainly taken from the Rimac and Chillon Rivers. Correlating the historic of Rimac flow with the static level of a well in Miraflores, 1 km from Pacific Ocean, was estimated that the residence time, this is the time passing after water infiltrates the ground during a rainfall event until it reaches the Miraflores well, is three years, which agrees with the permeability of the valley, which is in the order of 10-4 ms-1. The average age of water from Lima wells is 6 years, which is consistent with the hypothesis that wells have water from several soil shells. In other hand, the relative abundance of 2H and 18O in wells in the Lima aquifer are in agreement with the hypothesis that the aquifer is recharged with water from rainfall events that occur in the highlands between 3000 and 5000 m above sea level (a.s.l). The contents of 2H,18O, Ca and SO4 of the Graton tunnel sample suggest that it corresponds to water coming from altitudes of 4500 m a.s.l.

Resumen Lima, la capital de Perú, y Callao forman uno de los centros urbanos más grandes de América del Sur, con una población total de 10.9 millones en 2017. Tres ríos abastecen de agua a Lima; sin embargo, el agua para los municipios se toma principalmente de los ríos Rímac y Chillón. Correlacionando el flujo histórico del Rímac con el nivel estático de un pozo en Miraflores, a 1 km del océano Pacífico, se calculó que el tiempo de residencia, esto es el tiempo que transcurre después de que el agua se infiltra en el suelo durante un evento de lluvia, hasta que llega a dicho pozo, es de tres años, lo que está de acuerdo con la permeabilidad del valle, que es del orden de 10-4ms-1. La edad promedio del agua de los pozos de Lima es de 6 años, lo que es consistente con la hipótesis de que los pozos tienen agua de varias capas de suelo. Por otro lado, la abundancia relativa de 2H y 18O en los pozos del acuífero de Lima está de acuerdo con la hipótesis de que el acuífero se recarga con agua de los eventos de lluvia que ocurren en las tierras altas entre 3000 y 5000 m. sobre el nivel del mar (s.n.m). El contenido de 2H, 18O, Ca y SO4 de la muestra del túnel Graton (3100 m.s.n.m.) sugiere que corresponde al agua proveniente de altitudes de 4500 m.s.n.m.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537032


A pesar de su destacada importancia, los ecosistemas acuáticos de la región del Chocó vienen sufriendo grandes impactos, causados por las actividades humanas, entre ellas, la minería, por ser esta unas de las principales actividades económicas de la región. En este sentido y considerando el valor de los insectos acuáticos, como bioindicadores de calidad de agua, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la diversidad de la entomofauna acuática y la calidad de agua, en quebradas de la cuenca del río San Juan (Chocó-Colombia). Con tal propósito, se realizaron colectas de insectos acuáticos, entre mayo y agosto de 2015, en múltiples hábitats (piedras, hojarasca, vegetación ribereña), de cinco quebradas de la cuenca estudiada. Asimismo, se midieron algunas variables fisicoquímicas del agua y se evaluaron los índices BMWP/Col y ASPT, para determinar la calidad del agua. Un total de 4.100 individuos fueron colectados, correspondientes a nueve órdenes, 37 familias y 59 géneros. Ephemeroptera fue el más abundante de los órdenes (34,32%) y el de mayor riqueza taxonómica (13 géneros). En relación a la diversidad, casi todas las quebradas estudiadas corresponden a diversidad alta, a excepción de Guapandó, con diversidad media, pero no se presentaron diferencias significativas (p>0,05), mientras que Raspadurita fue la que presentó la mayor riqueza taxonómica, con el 76,56% de los géneros registrados en el estudio. Los valores de similaridad indican que las quebradas muestran una alta variabilidad en sus comunidades. Los valores del índice BMWP/Col clasifican a las quebradas como muy limpias, con calidad buena, mientras que el índice ASPT, las clasifica como ligeramente contaminadas, con calidad aceptable.

Despite its outstanding importance, the aquatic ecosystems of the Chocó region are suffering great impacts caused by human activities, including mining; being the one of the main economic activities of the region. In this sense and considering the value of aquatic insects as bio indicators of water quality, the objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of aquatic entomofauna and water quality in streams of the San Juan River (Chocó-Colombia). For this purpose, aquatic insects were collected between May and August 2015 in multiple habitats (stones, leaf litter and riparian vegetation) of five streams of the studied basin. In addition, some physicochemical variables of water were measured and BMWP/Col and ASPT indices were evaluated for water quality. 4119 individuals were collected, corresponding to nine orders, 37 families and 59 genera. Ephemeroptera was the most abundant of the orders (34.32%), and the highest taxonomic richness (13 genera). With regard to diversity, almost all the streams studied correspond to high diversity, except Guapandó, but no significant differences (p> 0.05) were presented and Raspadurita was the one that presented the greatest taxonomic richness with 76.56% of the genera recorded in the study. Similarity values indicate that the streams exhibit high variability in their communities. BMWP/Col index values classified streams as very clean with good quality, while the ASPT index classifies as slightly contaminated with acceptable quality.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ; (12): 411-415, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-609794


Objective:To investigate the prevalence,isolation,identification,characterization,antibiotic profile and pathogenicity of Legionellae isolated from various set of waters.Methods:A total of 400 water samples were collected from different water sources.Water samples were pretreated using acid treatment followed by concentration and culture on buffered charcoal yeast extract agar.Parameters like ability of Legionella isolates to grow in various pH range,effect of different concentrations of chlorine and effect of different temperature optima were set up.Biochemical tests were performed to separate Legionellae into species.Antibiotic sensitivity tests and test for pathogenicity were also conducted on isolated strains.Results:The rates of isolation of Legionella pneumophila (L.pneumophila) in different water sources were found to be 20% (lakes),10% (ponds),8% (water-tanks) and 1%(rivers).Most of the isolates could grow in variable pH 6-8 and it could also survive the normal level of chlorination and even at temperature of 42 ℃.Isolated species of Legionellae resulted in identification of 5 different species,L.pneumophila being the dominant one.Strains of L.pneumophila were resistant to many antibiotics.Inoculation of Legionellae into intracerebral route of suckling mice revealed that L.pneumophila was the most virulent.Conclusions:Serious and fatal L.pneumophila infections may be transmitted through water.Legionella can survive under various conditions in various water sources.L.pneumophila is the important pathogen causing human disease.Great challenge prevails to health care professionals because these Le gionellae acquired antibiotic resistance to many routinely prescribed antibiotics.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ; (12): 411-415, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950589


Objective To investigate the prevalence, isolation, identification, characterization, antibiotic profile and pathogenicity of Legionellae isolated from various set of waters. Methods A total of 400 water samples were collected from different water sources. Water samples were pretreated using acid treatment followed by concentration and culture on buffered charcoal yeast extract agar. Parameters like ability of Legionella isolates to grow in various pH range, effect of different concentrations of chlorine and effect of different temperature optima were set up. Biochemical tests were performed to separate Legionellae into species. Antibiotic sensitivity tests and test for pathogenicity were also conducted on isolated strains. Results The rates of isolation of Legionella pneumophila (L. pneumophila) in different water sources were found to be 20% (lakes), 10% (ponds), 8% (water-tanks) and 1% (rivers). Most of the isolates could grow in variable pH 6–8 and it could also survive the normal level of chlorination and even at temperature of 42 °C. Isolated species of Legionellae resulted in identification of 5 different species, L. pneumophila being the dominant one. Strains of L. pneumophila were resistant to many antibiotics. Inoculation of Legionellae into intracerebral route of suckling mice revealed that L. pneumophila was the most virulent. Conclusions Serious and fatal L. pneumophila infections may be transmitted through water. Legionella can survive under various conditions in various water sources. L. pneumophila is the important pathogen causing human disease. Great challenge prevails to health care professionals because these Legionellae acquired antibiotic resistance to many routinely prescribed antibiotics.

Indian J Med Microbiol ; 2015 Jan-Mar ; 33 (1): 136-138
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157005


The objective of the study was to conduct bacteriological analysis of water with special reference to Salmonella spp from natural sources of rural habitations of East Sikkim. A total of 28 Salmonella serovars isolated were biotyped, phage typed and tested for their anti-microbial susceptibility. All the isolates of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi belonged to Biotype I. Four isolates of S. typhi belonged to phage type A. All S. paratyphi A isolates belong to phage 2. All the isolates were sensitive to chloramphenicol, cefi xime and amikacin. Untreated natural water sources are unsafe for human consumption.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 82: 1-7, 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1025980


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade da água de granjas de postura comercial da região Sul de Santa Catarina e contextualizá-la com o Ofício Circular Conjunto DFIP/DSA nº 1/2008. Em fevereiro de 2012 foram coletadas amostras de água de 31 granjas localizadas nos municípios de São Ludgero, Orleans, Grão Pará e Braço Norte. Os parâmetros químicos e microbiológicos avaliados foram os estabelecidos no anexo II do Oficio Circular Conjunto DFIP/DSA nº 1/2008. Sendo assim foram analisados cloreto, dureza, nitrato, sulfato, pH e sólidos dissolvidos totais (SDT) e Escherichia coli no que se refere à análise bacteriológica. Quantificou-se a adequação das amostras em relação ao Ofício Circular Conjunto DFIP/DSA nº 1/2008 e avaliou-se a qualidade da água de acordo com o tipo de fonte e número de aves em produção por meio da análise de variância. Os resultados indicaram que as águas apresentaram adequação para SDT, cloreto e sulfato. Foi encontrada inadequação nos parâmetros: pH (em 26% das amostras), dureza (6,5%), nitrato (54,8%) e presença de Escherichia coli (46,2%). As análises de acordo com o número de aves e tipo de fonte não apresentaram diferença estatística significativa (p > 0,05). Observaram-se que 93,5% das amostras não se enquadraram em pelo menos um parâmetro. Concluíram-se que as águas das granjas da Região Sul de SC não estão totalmente de acordo com o Ofício Circular Conjunto DFIP/DSA nº 1/2008, apresentando problemas no que se refere ao pH, dureza, nitrato e E. coli; a qualidade da água independe do número de aves em produção e do tipo de fonte que abastece a granja.(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the water quality of laying hen farms in the South of Santa Catarina and contextualize them with the report DFIP/DSA 1/2008. Water samples were collected in February, 2012, from 31 farms located in the cities of São Ludgero, Orleans, Grão Para and Braço Norte. The chemical and microbiological parameters were set out in Attachment II, in the report DFIP/DSA 1/2008. Thus, the following were analyzed: chloride, hardness, nitrate, sulfate, pH and total dissolved solids (TDS) and Escherichia coli regarding the bacteriological analysis. The suitable samples were quantified for the report DFIP/DSA 1/2008 and water quality was evaluated according to the font type and number of birds in production by analysis of variance. The results indicated that water presented suitability to SDT, chloride and sulfate. Inadequacy was found in pH (in 26% of samples), hardness (6.5%), nitrate (54.8%) and the presence of Escherichia coli (46.2%). The analysis according to the number of birds and font type showed no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05). It was observed that 93.5% of the samples did not fit in at least one criterion. It is concluded that the waters from farms in the southern region of SC are not fully in accordance with the report DFIP/DSA 1/2008, presenting problems with regard to pH, hardness, nitrate and E. coli; the water quality is independent of the number of birds in production and type of source that supplies the farm.(AU)

Aves de Corral , Criterios de Calidad del Agua , Control de la Calidad del Agua , Escherichia coli , Fenómenos Biológicos
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150398


In Ethiopia, access to improved water supply and sanitation was estimated at 38% and 12% respectively. Three- forth of the health problems of children in Ethiopia are communicable diseases due to polluted water and improper water handling practices. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the microbiological quality of drinking water sources in rural communities of Dire Dawa Administrative Council (Adada Peasant Association). A cross-sectional study was conducted from February 2011 to May 2011. Microbiological water quality parameters were analyzed using the membrane filtration method. Water analysis demonstrated that all water sources in the study area were contaminated with total coliforms and fecal coliform. The fact that, about 83.34% of the water sample was positive for indicator bacteria shown that the three selected Peasant Associations had risk of contamination. High concentration of microbiological indicators in all water sources of this study area have demonstrated the presence of pathogenic organisms which constitute a threat to anyone consuming or in contact with these waters. The majority of the drinking water sources is either of unacceptable quality or grossly polluted. Regular quality control mechanisms need to be in place to ensure safety of drinking water.

J Environ Biol ; 2012 Nov; 33(6): 1127-1136
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148481


The bacterial contamination as the total aerobic bacteria, coliform and fecal coliform numbers were determined and analyzed for temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen in seasonally collected water samples from fifteen different stations placed in Adana- Tufanbeyli road line during March 2008- January 2009. In addition, antibiotic resistance profiles of isolates were examined against frequently used antibiotics, and analyzed plasmid DNA of multiple antibiotic resistant (MAR) isolates. Total aerobic bacteria in fountain water samples was determined as 3x103 CFU ml-1 and total and fecal coliforms were determined 460 MPN/100 ml. Results obtained from biochemical analysis showed that 121 of the isolates were Proteus vulgaris, 69 Escherichia coli, 51 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 28 Citrobacter spp. According to these results, the existence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in stations 2 and 10, and Streptococcus faecalis in stations 11 and 15 respectively were confirmed. Clostridium perfringens was not detected in water samples. A total of 273 isolates were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility by agar disc diffusion methods. A total of sixteen antibiotics were used for determination of antibiotic resistance of isolates. Resistance to bacitracin, vancomycine, cephalothin and ampicillin was detected in 77, 77, 63 and 50%, respectively. Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) value > 0.25 was determined in 68.4% of identified 273 isolates and meaning of this percentage were resistant to four and more antibiotics. Plasmid DNA was isolated from 22 isolates with multiple antibiotic resistance index ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 taken randomly by agarose-gel electrophoresis, some of them contain a high-molecular weight plasmid DNA. Highlight of our study that the appearance of potential antibiotic resistances in fountain drinking water requires increased surveillance for risk assessment and prevention strategies to protect public health.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 17(6): 1511-1522, jun. 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-626675


Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar os desafios do acesso à água para consumo humano, considerando-se o contexto internacional e nacional. A partir da deliberação da ONU de que o acesso à água limpa e segura é um direito fundamental de todo ser humano são identificadas vulnerabilidades que podem se constituir em restrições ao acesso. A distribuição da água e das populações no planeta, a poluição, as políticas e gestões inadequadas produzem injustiça ambiental. A iniquidade de acesso a água constitui-se na crise contemporânea da água. A partir da década de 1980, emerge o mercado transnacional de água pelo controle privado que ocorre em três níveis principais: de mananciais superficiais e subterrâneos; de água engarrafada; e dos serviços públicos de abastecimento. Os conflitos dos usos múltiplos dos recursos hídricos, do mercado e dos problemas ambientais têm contribuído para a vulnerabilização da saúde das populações e dos ecossistemas. São necessárias políticas públicas adequadas ao exercício do direito humano fundamental de acesso a água com qualidade.

The scope of this article is to analyze the challenges involved in ensuring access to water for human consumption taking the international and national context into consideration. Based on the UN declaration that access to safe and clean drinking water is a fundamental human right, vulnerabilities are identified that can consist in restrictions to access to adequate supplies. The distribution of water and the population across the planet, pollution, inadequate policies and management lead to environmental injustice. The iniquity of access to water constitutes the contemporary water crisis. From the 1980s onwards, the transnational water market emerged for private control that occurs at three main levels: surface and underground water sources; bottled water; and public water supply services. The conflicts of the multiple uses of water resources, the market and environmental problems have contributed to rendering the health of the population and ecosystems vulnerable. Adequate public policies are essential to ensure the basic human right to access to safe and clean drinking water.

Humanos , Abastecimiento de Agua/normas , Brasil , Agua Potable , Derechos Humanos , Política Pública , Abastecimiento de Agua , Abastecimiento de Agua/legislación & jurisprudencia , Salud Global
Western Pacific Surveillance and Response ; : 3-5, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-6823


Until recently cholera had never been reported in Papua New Guinea despite the close proximity of cholera-endemic countries and the presence of environmental and social characteristics that are considered risk factors for cholera outbreaks. The current outbreak began in July 2009 and rapidly spread throughout the coastal regions of the country. Initial characterization studies using variable-number tandem repeat analysis indicate that the outbreak was a recent clonal incursion from South-East Asia. By mid-2011 the outbreak had resulted in the reporting of more than 15 500 cases of cholera and over 500 deaths: a case fatality ratio (CFR) of approximately 3.2%. Following an outbreak of cholera, interventions such as the introduction of oral rehydration therapy aim to reduce the CFR to below 1%. This elevated CFR is likely a reflection of the inaccessibility of much of the country, the lack of health care services available in remote regions and the general unpreparedness for an outbreak of this kind. This premise is supported by the differences in CFRs between the relatively well-serviced National Capital District (0.1%) and more remote regions such as the Western Province (8.8%).

Ciênc. rural ; 40(5): 1053-1059, maio 2010. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-552142


A atividade orizícola é conduzida com uso intensivo de agrotóxicos, os quais, dependendo do manejo e das precipitações pluviais, podem chegar até os rios. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar resíduos dos herbicidas clomazona, quincloraque, propanil, bentazona, 2,4-D e imazethapyr e dos inseticidas carbofurano e fipronil nos rios Vacacaí e Vacacaí-Mirim, situados na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, nas safras de 2003/04 a 2007/08, com coletas realizadas de novembro a fevereiro (cultivo do arroz). As análises dos herbicidas e do carbofurano foram realizadas por HPLC-DAD, e a análise do fipronil foi realizada por GC-ECD. Na safra 2003/04, em ambos os rios, os herbicidas clomazona, 2,4-D e propanil foram os mais frequentes nas amostras de água. Na safra 2004/05, o quincloraque foi detectado em maior número de amostras, já nas safras 2005/06 e 2006/07 fipronil foi o agrotóxico mais frequente nas amostras nos rios Vacacaí e Vacacaí-Mirim. Na safra de 2007/08, houve menor presença de resíduos de agrotóxicos nos rios Vacacaí e Vacacaí-Mirim. Há presença de agrotóxicos utilizados na lavoura de arroz nos rios Vacacaí e Vacacaí-Mirim durante o período de cultivo de arroz irrigado, destacando-se, entre os analisados, os herbicidas clomazona e quincloraque e o inseticida fipronil.

The rice-growing activity is conducted out with intensive use of agrochemicals, which, depending on the management and rainfall can reach rivers. The study aimed to determine the residues of herbicides clomazone, quinclorac, propanil, bentazone, 2,4-D and imazethapyr and insecticides carbofuran and fipronil in the Vacacaí and Vacacaí-Mirim rivers, located in the Central Depression of Rio Grande do Sul, in the crop of 2003/04 untill 2007/08. Samples were collected from November to February (rice growing season). Analysis of herbicides and carbofuran were performed by HPLC-DAD and fipronil by GC-ECD. During 2003/04, in both rivers, the herbicide clomazone, 2,4-D and propanil were the most frequent in water samples. In 2004/05, the quinclorac was detected in many samples and in 2005/06 and 2006/07 season's fipronil was the most common pesticide in the samples in Vacacaí and Vacacaí-Mirim rivers. In the 2007/08 crop, there were less residues of pesticides in Vacacaí and Vacacaí-Mirim rivers. There is presence of pesticides used in rice farming in the Vacacaí and Vacacaí-Mirim rivers during the rice crop, especially among those analyzed, the herbicides clomazone and quinclorac and the insecticide fipronil.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 50(4): 637-643, July 2007. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-464336


Untreated hospital effluent samples were tested for cytotoxic and genotoxicity in order to access whether they presented any serious health hazards. Results of umuC test suggested that the effluent from a large, general hospital could be considered weakly genotoxic. Comparatively, effluents from inpatient units presented higher frequency of genotoxicity than those coming from laboratory facilities. Although no cytotoxic activity was detected in laboratory effluent samples, cytotoxicity appeared to be an important problem of effluents from inpatient units.

Amostras de efluentes hospitalares não tratados foram testadas para determinação de efeitos citotóxicos e genotóxicos para verificar a possibilidade destes apresentarem riscos à saúde. Resultados do ensaio umuC sugeriram que o efluente de um grande hospital de clínicas gerais poderia ser considerado fracamente genotóxico. Comparativamente, efluentes de unidades de internação apresentaram freqüência maior de genotixicidade, quando comparados com efluentes de setores laboratoriais. Embora nenhuma atividade citotóxica tenha sido detectada em amostras dos efluentes de unidades laboratoriais, para unidades de internação esta atividade parece ser um problema importante.

Aguas Residuales , Hospitales , Pruebas de Mutagenicidad , Contaminación del Agua