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An. venez. nutr ; 35(1): 5-15, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1412445


Introducción. La insuficiencia de ingresos en la familia para alimentarse y la inoperancia del programa de alimentación escolar, son factores que afectan el estado nutricional y favorecen el ascenso de la deserción escolar. Objetivo. Determinar el estado nutricional de grupos de niños, niñas y adolescentes de 13 escuelas en comunidades vulnerables. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal descriptivo en 7.252 escolares de 3 a 18 años, siete en el estado Bolívar (EB) y seis Distrito Capital (DC) y Estado Miranda (EM), realizado entre mayo y junio, 2019. El análisis se realizó en preescolares de 3 a 5 años y en escolares de 6 a 18 años, según localidad y sexo. Se determinó el estado nutricional con peso-talla (P/T) y talla-edad (T/E) en preescolares y el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) en escolares. Valores de referencia y puntos de corte OMS. Resultados: El porcentaje de desnutrición aguda en preescolares fue (1,5%) en ambas localidades y el riesgo EB 3,1% y DC-EM 3,3%. RC 8,2%, más alto EB (8,5%) y en sexo masculino (8,2%). En escolares, la delgadez- delgadez severa (6%), la talla baja y muy baja (6,8%) y el sobrepeso muy bajo (1%-1,4%). Conclusión. En los preescolares, el RC supera la DA, resultados que resumen la magnitud del retraso en los primeros 1.000 días y el impacto de la desnutrición infantil que va dejando huella en la talla baja. Las cifras de desnutrición aguda, retraso de crecimiento y delgadez más bajas que en otros estudios, posiblemente reflejan la presencia de algunos factores de protección que se deben investigar(AU)

Introduction. Insufficient income in the family to feed themselves and the ineffectiveness of the school feeding program are factors that affect the nutritional status and favor the rise of school dropouts. Objective. Determine the nutritional status of a group of children and adolescents from 13 schools in vulnerable communities. Materials and methods. Descriptive cross-sectional study in 7,252 schoolchildren from 3 to 18 years old, seven in the Bolívar state (EB) and six in the Capital District (DC) and Miranda State (EM), carried out between May and June, 2019. The analysis was carried out in preschoolers of 3 to 5 years and in schoolchildren from 6 to 18 years, according to location and sex. Nutritional status was determined with weight-height (W/T) and height-age (T/E) in preschoolers and the Body Mass Index (BMI) in schoolchildren. Reference values and WHO cut-off points. Results: The percentage of acute malnutrition in preschool children was (1.5%) in both localities and the EB risk was 3.1% and DC-EM 3.3%. CR 8.2%, higher EB (8.5%) and male (8.2%). In schoolchildren, thinness-severe thinness (6%), short and very short stature (6.8%) and very low overweight (1%-1.4%). Conclusion. In preschool children, the CR exceeds the AD, results that summarize the magnitude of the delay in the first 1,000 days and the impact of child malnutrition that leaves its mark on short stature. The lower figures for acute malnutrition, growth retardation and thinness than in other studies possibly reflect the presence of some protective factors that should be investigated(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Valores de Referencia , Abandono Escolar , Alimentación Escolar , Trastornos de la Nutrición del Niño , Grupos de Riesgo , Índice de Masa Corporal , Estado Nutricional , Inseguridad Alimentaria
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 63(3): 236-241, Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-956433


Summary Objective: To evaluate the stature growth rate (GR) and the weight gain of prepubertal asthmatic children. Method: A retrospective cohort study evaluating medical records of 85 children diagnosed with asthma, aged less than 9 years, of both sexes, with at least one year of follow-up in the allergy outpatient clinic. The data on the disease, weights and heights were collected through a standardized questionnaire on two occasions, with an interval of one year. The curves proposed by Tanner were applied for the analysis of the GR, and the Z-score of the GR (ZGR) was calculated. Results: Excess weight (risk for overweight, overweight and obesity) was observed in 31.8% (27/85) of the patients, but there was no association with the severity of asthma. Low GR (ZGR < -2) was found in 13.9% (11/79) of patients, most frequently among children with moderate/severe persistent asthma compared to persistent mild and intermittent forms (7/11 - 63.6% vs. 21/68 - 30.2%, respectively, p=0.047). Use of steroids (dose, type and time of use) was not associated with GR. Conclusion: GR was most affected in children with moderate/severe asthma.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a velocidade de crescimento estatural e o ganho de peso de crianças asmáticas pré-púberes. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva que avaliou 85 prontuários de crianças com diagnóstico de asma, menores de 9 anos, de ambos os sexos, com no mínimo um ano de acompanhamento no ambulatório de alergia. Os dados relativos à doença, aos pesos e às alturas foram coletados por meio de questionário padronizado em dois momentos com intervalo de um ano. Para análise da velocidade de crescimento (VC), foram empregadas as curvas propostas por Tanner e realizado o cálculo do escore Z da VC (ZVC). Resultados: O excesso de peso (risco para sobrepeso, sobrepeso e obesidade) foi observado em 31,8% (27/85) dos pacientes, mas sem associação com a gravidade da asma. Velocidade de crescimento baixa (ZVC < -2) foi encontrada em 13,9% (11/79) dos pacientes, com maior frequência entre as crianças com asma persistente moderada/grave em relação às formas persistente leve e intermitente (7/11 - 63,6% vs. 21/68 - 30,2%, respectivamente; p=0,047). O uso de corticosteroides (dose, tipo e tempo de uso) não mostrou associação com a VC. Conclusão: Foi constatado um maior comprometimento da VC em crianças com asma moderada/grave.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Asma/fisiopatología , Estatura/fisiología , Aumento de Peso/fisiología , Desarrollo Infantil/fisiología , Asma/tratamiento farmacológico , Factores de Tiempo , Estado Nutricional/fisiología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Análisis de Varianza , Factores de Edad , Corticoesteroides/uso terapéutico , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Sobrepeso/fisiopatología
HU rev ; 43(4): 399-406, 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-980609


O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o peso e altura aferidos com métodos de estimativa correspondentes em pacientes internados em um hospital da cidade de Juiz de Fora. Estudo transversal realizado no período de maio a dezembro de 2016 com a coleta dos seguintes dados: gênero, idade, raça, motivo da internação, peso, altura, altura do joelho, circunferência do braço, abdominal e da panturrilha, comprimento do braço e da ulna, semi-envergadura do braço e dobra cutânea subescapular. Foi empregado teste t pareado para comparar os valores de peso e altura aferidos foram com aqueles obtidos a partir de fórmulas de estimativa, considerando nível de significância estatística o valor de p < 0,05. Foram avaliados 90 pacientes, sendo 53,3% mulheres, 67,7% adultos e 68,9% eutróficos. Para a estimativa de peso corporal, as fórmulas de CHUMLEA et al. (1985) e (1994), RABITO et al. (2008) e MARTÍN et al. (2013) não se diferenciaram da medida de peso aferido (p > 0,05). Para a estimativa de altura, as fórmulas que não se diferenciaram foram as de CHUMLEA et al. (1985), CHUMLEA et al. (1994) e SILVEIRA et al. (1994) (p > 0,05). Concluiu-se que as equações de estimativa de peso e altura que utilizaram medidas de circunferências e altura do joelho em suas fórmulas se demonstraram adequadas para a estimativa de peso e altura em adultos e idosos hospitalizados. A escolha do método deverá ser baseada conforme disponibilidade de equipamentos e avaliadores treinados para realização das medidas.

The objective of this study was to compare the weight and height measured with corresponding estimation methods in patients admitted to a hospital in the city of Juiz de Fora. A cross-sectional study was carried out between May and December 2016, with the following data: gender, age, race, reason for hospitalization, weight, height, knee height, arm circumference, abdominal and calf circumference, length of arm and ulna, arm half-wingspan and subscapular skinfold. A paired t-Test was used to compare the values of weight and height measured with those obtained from estimation formulas, considering a level of statistical significance at p < 0,05. Ninety patients were evaluated, being 53,3% female, 67,7% adult and 68,9% eutrophic. For the estimation of body weight, the formulas of CHUMLEA et al. (1985) and (1994), RABITO et al. (2008) and MARTÍN et al. (2013) did not differ from the measured weight measure (p> 0,05). For height estimation, the formulas that did not differ were those of CHUMLEA et al. (1985), CHUMLEA et al. (1994) and SILVEIRA et al. (1994) (p> 0,05). It was concluded that the weight and height estimation equations that used circumference and knee height measurements in their formulas were adequate for estimating weight and height in hospitalized adults and elderly patients. The choice of method should be based on the availability of equipment and trained evaluators to carry out the measures.

Peso Corporal , Antropometría , Estatura , Índice de Masa Corporal , Estado Nutricional , Probabilidad , Pacientes Internos
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-100108


The purpose of this study was to provide information on obesity assessment for Koreans. Among total of 1012 research papers enlisted in the Korean J Community Nutrition form 1996 to 2011, 248 articles were examined in which subjects were divided into more than 2 groups by obesity rate. About the method of anthropometric data collection, more than half of the research papers examined 52.5% and 28.7% of studies utilized the directly measured data and self-described data, respectively. About the utilization of obesity assessment methods, indirect methods of weight-height index (BMI, BMI percentile, and Rohrer index) and PIBW (WLR, Broca index, and KDA) were 62.4% and 23.2%, respectably, and the direct method of percent body fat assessment was only 9.3%. The most frequently utilized methods were WLR in under primary and primary school children, and BMI in the middle and high school students and in adults. For primary school students, WLR was the most frequently utilized method up to 2007, but it changed to BMI percentile afterward. Broca Index was no longer utilized since 2008. There were no articles utilizing BMI percentile and Rohrer index for obesity assessment in adults. Criteria for obesity assessment were not consistent among research papers: for example, % body fat, 19~40%; BMI, 20~30; BMI percentile, 85th or 95th. In the case of PIBW, 120% of ideal weight was the most frequently utilized criterion for obesity. Based on these findings, we suggest that proper methods and criteria of obesity assessment for each age group should be determined and proclaimed.

Adulto , Niño , Humanos , Tejido Adiposo , Clasificación , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Métodos , Obesidad
Ciênc. rural ; 38(1): 185-190, jan.-fev. 2008. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-470011


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do ganho de peso no período de recria, dos 13 aos 19 meses de idade, em algumas medidas de desenvolvimento corporal de novilhas de corte de reposição, da raça Hereford, mantidas em pastagem nativa. O período experimental foi compreendido entre 15/11/2002 e 23/04/2003. Os tratamentos foram três taxas de ganho de peso, em animais de 13 a 14 meses de idade, sendo: G600 - 20 novilhas (208+1,8kg) submetidas a um ganho diário médio (GDM) de 0,595kg dia-1; G700 - 23 novilhas (197+1,7kg) submetidas a um GDM de 0,637kg dia-1 e G800 - 24 novilhas (181+1,2kg) submetidas a um GDM de 0,723kg dia-1. Os GDM foram estabelecidos para que todos os animais atingissem 300kg (ou 65 por cento do peso adulto) ao início da estação de monta. Foram avaliados os efeitos dos tratamentos sobre o peso, a altura da garupa (AG), o perímetro torácico (PT), a relação peso:altura (PA) e sobre o escore de trato reprodutivo (ETR). Não foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) no incremento da AG e do PT e na PA entre os grupos experimentais. O peso vivo foi altamente correlacionado (P<0,05) com a AG, o PT e a PA ao longo de todo o período de recria. Os grupos G700 e G800, submetidos a maior taxa de ganho de peso, apresentaram maiores valores (P<0,05) de ETR em relação ao G600 ao início da estação de monta. A AG e a PA de novilhas de corte não foram afetadas por ganhos de peso entre 0,600 e 0,730kg dia-1 dos 13 aos 19 meses de idade. Novilhas submetidas a mais intensas taxas de crescimento (G700 e G800) demonstraram estar mais aptas a conceberem do que novilhas recriadas numa menor taxa de crescimento (G600), considerando um mesmo peso alvo ao final do perído de recria.

This study was aimed at evaluating the effects of growth rate during the rearing phase of 13 to 19 months old replacement beef heifers Hereford on body development reared on native pasture. The experiment was conducted from 11/15/2002 to 04/23/2003. The treatments were the three weight gain rates: G600 - 20 heifers (208+1.8kg) submitted to an average growth rate (AGR) of 0.595kg day-1; G700 - 23 heifers (197+1.7kg) with an AGR of 0.637kg day-1 and G800 - 24 heifers (181+1.2kg) with an AGR of 0.723kg day-1. The three AGR aimed for a body weight of 300kg (or 65 percent of the expected adult weight) at the end of the rearing phase. Treatment effects were determined on body weight, hip height (HH), heart girth (HG), weight:height ratio (WH) and reproductive tract score (RTS). No differences (P>0.05) among treatments were observed on the increment of HH, HG and WH at the end of the experiment. Body weight was highly correlated to HH, HG and WH along the whole rearing phase. The groups G700 and G800 with large growth rates showed higher RTS (P<0.05) than G600 at the end of the rearing phase. The HH and WH measurements taken on beef heifers are not affected by growth rates between 0.600 and 0.730kg day-1 from 13 to 19 months of age. Beef heifers submitted to higher rates of growth (G700 e G800) demonstrated to be more likely to conceive than heifers reared on a lower growth rate (G600), considering the same target weight at the end of the rearing phase.

Animales , Femenino , Apareamiento , Pastizales , Reproducción , Ovinos
Clinics ; 63(5): 601-606, 2008.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-495033


OBJECTIVE: To compare skin folds in the dominant and nondominant halves of the body in a group (A) of 20 individuals with cerebral palsy and spastic hemiplegia and a group (B) of 30 normal volunteers. METHOD: Body mass, height and skin folds were measured, and the percentage of body fat was estimated by adipose tissue measurement and densitometry. The mean age in group (A) was 24.6 ± 5.6 years (ranging from 16.1 to 38.1 years). The mean age in group (B) was 25.3 ± 3.8 years (ranging from 19.0 to 34.11 years). RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were observed between the dominant and nondominant halves of the body for biceps, triceps, thoracic, suprailiac, thigh and midcalf skin folds in group A; the biceps, subscapular, midaxillary, suprailiac, abdominal, thigh and midcalf skin folds in group B; and the percentage fat obtained by adipose tissue measurement in both groups. Statistically significant differences were observed for the triceps skin fold when the dominant halves of the body in groups A and B were compared. Statistically significant differences were also observed for the biceps, triceps, thigh and midcalf skin folds as well as the adipose tissue measurements between the dominant and nondominant halves of the body in the two groups. The percentage fat as estimated by densitometry was significantly correlated with the adipose tissue measurement. CONCLUSION: There were statistically significant differences between the skin folds in the dominant and nondominant halves of the body, both in group A and in group B (greater in group A). There was a statistically significant correlation in the percentage fat as estimated by densitometry and as measured by adipose tissue in groups A and B.

Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven , Antropometría/métodos , Composición Corporal/fisiología , Parálisis Cerebral/patología , Lateralidad Funcional , Hemiplejía/patología , Grosor de los Pliegues Cutáneos , Absorciometría de Fotón , Análisis de Varianza , Tejido Adiposo/patología , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Imagen de Cuerpo Entero , Adulto Joven
Artículo en Vietnamita | WPRIM | ID: wpr-4892


Weight in average was 2911.4g (group of mothers with CED): 2905.6g; group of mothers without CED: 2913.8g, (boys: 2961g; girl: 2856g). Low birth weight rate was 11.6% (CED: 9.6%; normal: 12.4%); (boys: 10.4%; girls: 12.8%). Length of newborn babies in average was 48.3 cm (CED: 48.2 cm; normal: 48.4 cm), (boys: 48.6 cm; girls: 48 cm). Only 2.1% of newborn babies had length at birth lower 45 cm, nearly 98% had length at birth  45cm. Height of mother < 150 cm before pregnancy was high ralative risk to weight and length at birth of newborn babies.

Niño , Recién Nacido , Factores de Riesgo , Madres , Peso Corporal , Estatura
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138527


A survey of 2008 healthy Thai adults, 15-88 years of age, was conducted in Bangkok and seven rural areas which fit the WHO criteria of reference population. The weight-height indices in the metric system for males and females respectively were 1. W : H or weight-height index : 34.5 + 4.8, 32.7 + 5.5 2. W : H2 or body mass index : 21.1 + 2.8, 21.4 + 3.5 3. W : H3 or Rohrer index : 12.9 + 1.8, 14.0 + 2.3 4. W0.33 : H or Ponderal index : 23.4 + 1.1, 24.0 + 1.3 5. H : W0.33 or Sheldon index : 42.9 + 1.9, 41.7 + 2.2 These weight-height indices showed significant sex, age and area differences probably due to the differences in cohort, and/or physical activity. Compared to the Americans, racial difference was also observed.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-550984


Four anthropometric-measurements (weight, height, head ciroumference and chest circumference) of 38342 children aged from birth to 12 years in PLA were made. The results showed that the growth and development of military children conform to the general laws of physicl development of children. The mean weight, head ciroumference and chest ciroumference by age of children aged from birth to 7 years in PLA were higher than that in the nine cities.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-549498


The body surface of thirty children was measured basically by the method of Du Bois but a very fitted cotton-made thin underwear was put on before winded with adhesive bondages to fix all the body shapes. The cloth that covered the body was removed by cutting along the middle line of each parts that wrapped and put on a standard paper to measure it's areas.The correlation of body height and weight with body surface was estimated and an equation made:S (surface in cm2) =42.3556XH +175.6882XW-272.2716The theoretical value by this equation for the 30 children is 7248.8cm2 and by the equation of Du Bois is 7096.3 cm2, but there is no statistical difference between those two figures. On the basis of the deviation (Y-Y)2 from both two formulas ours is much better.