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China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 285-288, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003854


Objective To investigate the level of finger systolic blood pressure (FSBP) in healthy young adults. Methods A total of 28 healthy young adults were selected as the study subjects by convenient sampling method. The FSBP of the study subjects was detected at 30 and 10 ℃, and the FSBP index (Fi) was calculated. Results The FSBP of the study subjects at 30 and 10 ℃ were (102.0±16.5) and (104.4±15.2) mmHg, respectively. The FSBP in male group at 30 and 10 ℃ was (99.6±18.6) and (107.2±17.0) mmHg, respectively. The FSBP in female group at 30 and 10 ℃ was (104.4±13.9) and (101.5±2.8) mmHg, respectively. The results of factorial analysis showed that the interaction between gender and temperature on FSBP was statistically significant (P<0.05). FSBP in male group was higher at 10 than 30 ℃ (P<0.05) and higher than female group at 10 ℃ (P<0.05). There was no statistical significance for the main effect of gender, temperature, finger, or the interaction effect of gender and finger, temperature and finger for FSBP (all P>0.05). The average Fi of the study subjects was (98.0±16.6)%, with males and females having the average Fi of (100.7±20.7) % and (95.2±10.6) % respectively. The results of factorial analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference on Fi in the main effect gender and fingers or the interaction effect between them(all P>0.05). Conclusion The FSBP test could be used as a detection method for assessing peripheral microcirculation function in Chinese population. However, further research is needed to establish reference ranges and influencing factors.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 27: e27047, 2021. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351137


Resumo Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa sobre a temática lazer, juventude e violência, a fim de refletir sobre os seus resultados, ampliar possibilidades investigativas, apontar recorrências e lacunas, e indicar perspectivas de investigações. A fonte de coleta de dados foi o portal de periódicos da Capes, a base de dados SciELO e o Google Acadêmico. Há pelo menos duas discussões sobre a violência nas pesquisas analisadas, uma relacionada como barreira ao lazer, e a outra, que coloca o lazer como necessário para a recuperação de jovens que cometeram atos infracionais ou criminosos. Além disso, há estudos que apresentam os jovens como protagonista de suas vidas quando organizados em torno de práticas culturais e de lazer. Consideramos necessário investir em mais discussões que problematizem o lazer como atividade fundamental ao desenvolvimento humano, sem deixar de debater as contradições que ele pode apresentar aos jovens.

Abstract This is an integrative review of leisure, youth and violence aimed at reflecting on its results, expand investigative possibilities, point out recurrences and gaps, and indicate prospects for investigations. The source of data collection was CAPES's journals portal, the SciELO database, and Google Scholar. There are at least two discussions about violence in the studies analyzed - one that sees it as a barrier to leisure, and the other that places leisure as necessary for the recovering young people who have committed criminal acts or violations. In addition, there are studies that present young people as protagonists of their lives when organized around cultural and leisure practices. We consider it necessary to invest in more discussions about leisure as a fundamental activity for human development, while debating the contradictions that it can pose to young people.

Resumen Este es un estudio revisión integrativa sobre la temática de la recreación, la juventud y la violencia, con el fin de reflexionar sobre los resultados, ampliar posibilidades investigativas, señalar las recurrencias y lagunas e indicar las perspectivas de futuras investigaciones. Las fuentes de la recopilación de datos fueron el portal de revistas CAPES, la base de datos SciELO y la plataforma Google Scholar. Hay al menos dos discusiones sobre la violencia en las investigaciones analizadas, una que la relaciona como una barrera para el ocio y la otra que coloca el ocio como necesario para la recuperación de los jóvenes que han cometido actos delictivos o infractores. Además, hay estudios que presentan a los jóvenes como protagonistas de sus vidas cuando se organizan en torno a prácticas culturales y de recreación. Consideramos necesario invertir en más debates que problematicen el ocio como actividad fundamental para el desarrollo humano, sin dejar de debatir las contradicciones que puede presentar a los jóvenes.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Recreación , Violencia , Actividades Recreativas , Características Culturales , Literatura
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-633943


SG Enable is an agency dedicated to promoting an inclusive society through enabling persons with disabilities. It seeks to provide comprehensive disability support to persons with disabilities through provision of easy access to information, referral services, grants and schemes, as well as enhancing employability and employment options for persons with disabilities. Medical practitioners play an important role of medical assessment of people with disabilities and referral of eligible applicants for receipt of services and benefits from financial schemes and non-financial assistance to meet their needs ranging from accessibility, transport to assistive devices.