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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e256799, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360215


Southern corn leaf blight (SCLB) is one of the most important corn leaf diseases. Appropriate management strategies and the use of resistant cultivars allow disease control. Therefore, knowing the aspects related to the pathogen and the response of hosts makes it possible to design efficient strategies for selecting genotypes resistant to this disease. In this sense, the objective was to carry out the Bipolaris maydis isolate characterization, evaluating the pathogenicity in different popcorn lines and the symptoms generated in the host after inoculation. The isolate characterization consisted of the macromorphological evaluation of the colonies and the micromorphological evaluation of the conidia in the PDA medium. An experiment was carried out in a greenhouse to evaluate the pathogenicity of the isolate, using 20 inbred lines of popcorn in a randomized block design with four replicates. Inoculation was carried out by spraying leaves, with a suspension containing 1.0 x 104 of the CF/UENF 501 isolate of B. maydis. An incidence assessment and three assessments of disease symptom severity were performed, with seven days intervals between evaluations. The morphological characterization data of the isolate were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and for disease severity, the linear regression model was applied the first-degree model. The variance analysis was performed for the linear and angular coefficients obtained for each treatment. When a difference was found, the Scott-Knott clustering algorithm at 5% significance was applied. The isolate had gray-green colonies, a cottony appearance, and an irregular shape. The lines L353, L354, and L624 show more resistance at the beginning and throughout the evaluations. The high virulence of the CF/UENF 501 isolate made it possible to differentiate the lines in terms of disease intensity and the pattern of symptoms presented.

Mancha-de-Bipolaris é uma das mais importantes doenças foliares do milho. Estratégias de manejo adequadas e o uso de cultivar resistente permitem o controle da doença, mas para tanto, conhecer os aspectos associados ao patógeno e a resposta do hospedeiro é necessário para traçar estratégias eficientes para seleção de genótipos resistentes a essa doença. Neste sentido, objetivou-se realizar a caracterização do isolado de Bipolaris maydis avaliando a patogenicidade em diferentes linhagens de milho-pipoca e os sintomas gerados no hospedeiro a partir da inoculação. A caracterização do isolado consistiu na avaliação macromorfológica das colônias e micromofológica dos conídios em meio nutritivo BDA. Para avaliação da patogenicidade do isolado foi conduzido um experimento em casa de vegetação utilizando 20 linhagens endogâmicas de milho-pipoca, com delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. A inoculação foi realizada por meio de pulverização em folhas, com uma suspensão contendo 1,0 x 104 coní do isolado CF/UENF 501 de B. maydis. Foi realizada uma avaliação de incidência e três avaliações de severidade dos sintomas da doença, com o intervalo de sete dias para cada avaliação. Os dados da caracterização morfológica do isolado foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva e para severidade da doença foi aplicado o modelo de regressão linear de primeiro grau. Realizou-se a análise de variância para o coeficiente linear e angular obtido para cada tratamento e quando constatada diferença aplicou-se o agrupamento de médias de Scott-knott a 5% de significância. O isolado apresentou colônias com coloração cinza esverdeado, aspecto algodonoso e forma irregular. As linhagens L353 e L354 e L624 estão entre as linhagens que apresentaram maior resistência no inicio e ao longo das avaliações. A elevada virulência do isolado CF/UENF 501 possibilitou diferenciar as linhagens quanto a intensidade da doença, bem como o padrão dos sintomas apresentados.

Animales , Control de Plagas , Zea mays , Genotipo
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469334


Abstract Southern corn leaf blight (SCLB) is one of the most important corn leaf diseases. Appropriate management strategies and the use of resistant cultivars allow disease control. Therefore, knowing the aspects related to the pathogen and the response of hosts makes it possible to design efficient strategies for selecting genotypes resistant to this disease. In this sense, the objective was to carry out the Bipolaris maydis isolate characterization, evaluating the pathogenicity in different popcorn lines and the symptoms generated in the host after inoculation. The isolate characterization consisted of the macromorphological evaluation of the colonies and the micromorphological evaluation of the conidia in the PDA medium. An experiment was carried out in a greenhouse to evaluate the pathogenicity of the isolate, using 20 inbred lines of popcorn in a randomized block design with four replicates. Inoculation was carried out by spraying leaves, with a suspension containing 1.0 x 104 of the CF/UENF 501 isolate of B. maydis. An incidence assessment and three assessments of disease symptom severity were performed, with seven days intervals between evaluations. The morphological characterization data of the isolate were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and for disease severity, the linear regression model was applied the first-degree model. The variance analysis was performed for the linear and angular coefficients obtained for each treatment. When a difference was found, the Scott-Knott clustering algorithm at 5% significance was applied. The isolate had gray-green colonies, a cottony appearance, and an irregular shape. The lines L353, L354, and L624 show more resistance at the beginning and throughout the evaluations. The high virulence of the CF/UENF 501 isolate made it possible to differentiate the lines in terms of disease intensity and the pattern of symptoms presented.

Resumo Mancha-de-Bipolaris é uma das mais importantes doenças foliares do milho. Estratégias de manejo adequadas e o uso de cultivar resistente permitem o controle da doença, mas para tanto, conhecer os aspectos associados ao patógeno e a resposta do hospedeiro é necessário para traçar estratégias eficientes para seleção de genótipos resistentes a essa doença. Neste sentido, objetivou-se realizar a caracterização do isolado de Bipolaris maydis avaliando a patogenicidade em diferentes linhagens de milho-pipoca e os sintomas gerados no hospedeiro a partir da inoculação. A caracterização do isolado consistiu na avaliação macromorfológica das colônias e micromofológica dos conídios em meio nutritivo BDA. Para avaliação da patogenicidade do isolado foi conduzido um experimento em casa de vegetação utilizando 20 linhagens endogâmicas de milho-pipoca, com delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. A inoculação foi realizada por meio de pulverização em folhas, com uma suspensão contendo 1,0 x 104 coní do isolado CF/UENF 501 de B. maydis. Foi realizada uma avaliação de incidência e três avaliações de severidade dos sintomas da doença, com o intervalo de sete dias para cada avaliação. Os dados da caracterização morfológica do isolado foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva e para severidade da doença foi aplicado o modelo de regressão linear de primeiro grau. Realizou-se a análise de variância para o coeficiente linear e angular obtido para cada tratamento e quando constatada diferença aplicou-se o agrupamento de médias de Scott-knott a 5% de significância. O isolado apresentou colônias com coloração cinza esverdeado, aspecto algodonoso e forma irregular. As linhagens L353 e L354 e L624 estão entre as linhagens que apresentaram maior resistência no inicio e ao longo das avaliações. A elevada virulência do isolado CF/UENF 501 possibilitou diferenciar as linhagens quanto a intensidade da doença, bem como o padrão dos sintomas apresentados.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449505


Introduction: Seed dispersal and seed predation have important impacts on plant diversity and community structure. Rodents participate in both of these types of interactions. Objectives: To evaluate the removal of the seeds of Crescentia alata, Randia capitata, and Zea mays by the squirrel Notocitellus adocetus to determine how it affects these plant species, by dispersing or preying on their seeds. Methods: We studied 14 individuals for C. alata, 24 for R. capitata, and for Z. mays 35 individuals. We observed foraging and used camera traps to determine the part of the fruit (seed and/or pulp) consumed by the squirrels and the amount of fruit or seed consumed. We also placed fine sand traps (FST) to measure the percentage of seed removal. We quantified the fruits produced by the plant species studied and the percentage of damage caused by N. adocetus throughout the plots. Results: Notocitellus adocetus feeds on the seeds and pulp of C. alata and Z. mays. The species with the highest removal rate and the highest percentage of damage was C. alata. Zea mays was the plant species that had the highest percentage of removal from FST, the largest number of fruits, and the lowest percentage of damage. On FST, R. capitata had the lowest seed remotion. Conclusions: Notocitellus adocetus is considered a seed predator; however, due to its behavior and the characteristics of the fruits of C. alata and R. capitata, this rodent could make the seeds available to secondary seed dispersers.

Introducción: La dispersión y depredación de semillas tienen efectos importantes en la diversidad de plantas y estructura de las comunidades. Los roedores participan en estos tipos de interacciones. Objetivos: Evaluar la remoción de semillas de Crescentia alata, Randia capitata y Zea mays por la ardilla Notocitellus adocetus, para determinar su efecto en estas especies de plantas, dispersando o depredando semillas. Métodos: Estudiamos 14 individuos de C. alata, 24 para R. capitata y 35 individuos para Z. mays. Observamos el forrajeo y usamos cámaras trampas para determinar la parte del fruto (semilla y/o pulpa) consumida y la intensidad de consumo por las ardillas. También colocamos trampas de arena fina (FST) para medir el porcentaje de remoción de semillas. Cuantificamos los frutos producidos por las especies estudiadas y el porcentaje de daño ocasionado por N. adocetus, mediante parcelas. Resultados: Notocitellus adocetus se alimenta de las semillas y pulpa de C. alata y Z. mays. La especie que tuvo mayor tasa de remoción y mayor porcentaje de daño fue C. alata. La especie con mayor porcentaje de remoción, mayor número de frutos y menor daño en las FST fue Z. mays. En las trampas de arena fina, R. capitata tuvo la menor remoción de semillas. Conclusiones: Notocitellus adocetus es considerada depredadora de semillas, no obstante, por su comportamiento y las características de los frutos de C. alata y R. capitata, este roedor podría dejar disponibles las semillas a dispersores secundarios de semillas.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 55(3): 10-10, Oct. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529625


Resumen El déficit hídrico constituye una severa limitación a la productividad agrícola. En el marco de la producción sostenible de cultivos, la biotecnología microbiana está cobrando relevancia para aumentar la tolerancia a la sequía y mejorar el rendimiento de los cultivos en condiciones adversas. El propósito de este trabajo fue comparar la acción de la cepa de Azospirillum argentinense Az19, con tolerancia in vitro a estresores abióticos, con la cepa Az39, utilizada ampliamente para la formulación de inoculantes comerciales, al inocularlas en plantas sometidas a déficit hídrico. Se realizaron ensayos de invernadero y de campo. En invernadero, la cepa Az19 evitó el impacto adverso del déficit hídrico en el estadio V2 sobre el crecimiento del maíz. Además, el porcentaje de plantas con espigas y el peso de la espiga disminuyó significativamente con la restricción hídrica aplicada en V2 y en floración en plantas inoculadas con la cepa Az39, pero no en las inoculadas con Az19. En el primer ensayo de campo con el maíz híbrido comercial DOW DS 515 PW las plantas inoculadas con Az19 fueron las que mejor toleraron la deficiencia hídrica. En el segundo ensayo de campo se utilizaron dos genotipos de maíz con sensibilidad diferencial a la sequía. La inoculación con Az19 condujo a una mayor tolerancia al déficit hídrico, con un efecto detectable en algunos componentes del rendimiento en el genotipo sensible. Sobre la base de estos resultados, proponemos el empleo de A. argentinense Az19 para la formulación de inoculantes basados en Azospirillum especialmente indicados para áreas agroecológicas que experimenten períodos de déficit hídrico.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520013


Introducción. El consumo de alimentos transgénicos constituye un riesgo potencial para la salud. Sin embargo, en el Perú se carece de información actualizada y confiable sobre la presencia de transgénicos en los alimentos y sobre los datos pertinentes en su etiquetado; de igual manera sobre los alimentos que consumen los animales de abasto, cuyos productos van a ser ingeridos por el humano. Objetivo. Determinar la transgenicidad, mediante la detección del promotor 35S, en productos alimenticios industrializados de maíz para consumo humano y animal, que se comercializan en Lima y verificar sí en el etiquetado se menciona si contiene o no secuencias transgénicas. Métodos. Se analizaron 30 muestras de alimentos para consumo humano y 10 para consumo de animales de abasto; y se revisó el etiquetado. Para la extracción del ADN se utilizó el kit Dneasy Mericon Food, para la detección del P35S el método Real Time-PCR empleando el kit Mericon Screen 35S y para determinar la concentración de copias el kit Mericon Quant Mon 810. Resultados. Se detectó el P35S en el 66,66% de las muestras para consumo humano, y en el 90,00% de las muestras para consumo animal. En el etiquetado del 100% de las muestras para consumo humano y animal no se menciona si contiene o no componentes transgénicos. Conclusiones. La detección de contenido transgénico en la mayoría de los alimentos industrializados de maíz para humanos y animales evidencian la necesidad de su mención en el etiquetado y de la implementación de una política exigente en bioseguridad alimentaria.

Introduction. Consumption of transgenic foods constitutes a potential health risk. However, in Peru there is a lack of updated and reliable information on the presence of transgenics in food and on the relevant data on their labeling; in the same way about the food consumed by animals for supply, whose products are going to be ingested by humans. Objetive. To determine the transgenicity, through the detection of the 35S promoter, in industrialized corn food products for human and animal consumption, which are marketed in Lima and to verify if the labeling mentions whether or not it contains transgenic sequences. Methods. 30 food samples for human consumption and 10 for consumption by animals for production were analyzed; and the labeling was revised. The Dneasy Mericon Food kit was used for DNA extraction, the Real Time-PCR method for P35S detection using the Mericon Screen 35S kit, and the Mericon Quant Mon 810 kit to determine the copy concentration. Results. P35S was detected in 66,66% of the samples for human consumption, and in 90.00% of the samples for animal consumption. The labeling of 100% of the samples for human and animal consumption does not mention whether or not it contains transgenic components. Conclusions. The detection of transgenic content in the majority of industrialized corn foods for humans and animals demonstrates the need to mention them on the label and the implementation of a demanding policy on food biosafety.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016939


Aims@#This study was aimed at detecting the presence and quantity of fumonisins in maize sold in different markets in southern Nigeria, thereby igniting our awareness of the dangers in their patronage. @*Methodology and results @#The incidence of potential mycotoxin producers was determined on samples (n=60) of maize collected randomly from three different markets, each in six states in Southern Nigeria. The fungi were cultured using the direct plating method on potato dextrose agar and dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol agar. Pure cultures (n=90) obtained were tentatively identified using cultural and morphological characteristics. Molecular identification was carried out by obtaining fungal DNA and the amplified DNA. Sequences of DNA were blasted against the nucleotide database of NCBI to identity the isolates. The fungal isolates identified belong to 10 genera, with Aspergillus and Fusarium had the highest number of occurrences, followed by Trichoderma. The highest amount of fumonisin (13.45 ppm) was produced by Fusarium verticilloides strain KN11 and the least amount of fumonisin (0.01 ppm) was produced by F. venenatum strain MNF5. Maize samples were found to contain varying degrees of fumonisin, with isolates from Cross River Statehaving the highest percentage. @*Conclusion, significance and impact of study: @#The contamination of food by fumonisin is a severe threat to disease outbreaks worldwide. Results highlight a food safety risk that the government need to monitor and educate consumers.More emphasis should be given to the application of nanotechnology and genetic engineering in developing resistant varieties of crops to ensure the safety and quality of food for future generations.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998794


@#Introduction: Dyslipidemia is a significant factor in cardiovascular and other diseases. Corn can be used to treat dyslipidemia. This study is to determine the effect of boiled corn water on levels of HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides (TG), and total cholesterol (TC) in people with dyslipidemia in certain areas in Indonesia. Methods: We used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. A sample of 40 people for each group was taken using a purposive sampling technique. The group was given the intervention of corn-boiled water @ 200cc twice daily for seven days. Blood lipid profile using fasting and examined by Fluorometric-enzymatic assay method. All procedures are carried out based on operational standards. Within-group comparisons used the Wilcoxon test, while between-group comparisons used the Mann-Whitney U and Independent T-Test. Results: The LDL-C control group experienced an increase of 65.1 mg/dL, and the entire group’s lipid profile variation showed no difference between the pretest and posttest (p>.05). The intervention group showed an increase in HDL-C (0.1 mg/dL), a decrease in LDL-C (30.2 mg/ dL), TG (27.0 mg/dL), and TC (35.6 mg/dL). Within-group comparison of the intervention group showed HDL-C (p.153), LDL-C (p.001), TG (p.023), and TC (p<.001). A between-group comparison showed HDL-C (p.101), LDL-C (p.034), TG (p.003), and TC (p.006). Conclusion: Whole corn boiled water provides good evidence that it is effective in lowering LDL-C, TG, and TC, as well as improving dyslipidemia in HDL-C patients. This intervention can be used as an alternative treatment for dyslipidemia in terms of nutrition.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e243890, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278548


Abstract Doru luteipes (Scudder, 1876) is an omnivorous predator that finds different food resources in the corn plant: eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797), uredospores of Puccinia polysora (Underw, 1897), and pollen. Knowing the survival and food preferences of this predator is essential to define its relevance as a biological control agent. We hypothesize that the foraging behavior and predatory capacity of D. luteipes may be affected when several food resources, especially eggs of S. frugiperda, uredospores of P. polysora, and pollen are concurrently in the same plant. The survival of D. luteipes in the nymph stage and their preference among food resources, often available in corn plants, were determined. To verify the survival of D. luteipes, newly hatched nymphs were fed exclusively with 1- uredospores of P. polysora, 2- eggs of S. frugiperda, 3- corn pollen, 4- a combination of uredospores + eggs, and 5- artificial diet (control). In another experiment, nymphs and adults of D. luteipes with 24 and 48 hours of fasting were individually released in the center of a container with four diets: 1- uredospores of P. polysora, 2- eggs of S. frugiperda, 3- corn pollen, 4- artificial diet, and maintained for 10 minutes, to evaluate the food choice and feeding time. The exclusive feeding with S. frugiperda eggs caused low nymph survival (8%), but the combination of P. polysora uredospores + S. frugiperda eggs allowed 58.3% survival. D. luteipes preferred feeding during the nighttime and the most significant proportions of choices by nymphs and adults were for pollen and diet, with adults spending more time eating pollen. These findings indicate that the trophic choices of D. luteipes are relevant to understand its contribution as an agent to control pest insects and fungal diseases in corn.

Resumo Doru luteipes (Scudder, 1876) é um predador onívoro, que encontra na planta do milho diferentes recursos alimentares: ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797), uredósporos de Puccinia polysora (Underw, 1897) e pólen. Para definição da relevância desse predador como agente de controle biológico, conhecer a sobrevivência e preferência alimentar é essencial. Nós hipotetizamos que o comportamento de forrageamento e a capacidade de predação de D. luteipes podem ser afetados quando uma mesma planta oferece ovos, uredósporos e pólen, concomitantemente. A sobrevivência de D. luteipes na fase de ninfa e sua preferência entre os recursos alimentares, frequentemente disponíveis nas plantas de milho, foram determinados. Para verificar a sobrevivência de D. luteipes, ninfas recém eclodidas foram alimentadas exclusivamente com 1- uredósporos de P. polysora, 2- ovos de S. frugiperda, 3- pólen de milho, 4- combinação de uredósporos + ovos e 5- dieta artificial (controle). Em outro experimento, ninfas e adultos de D. luteipes com 24 e 48 horas de jejum foram liberadas individualmente, em recipientes contendo quatro dietas: 1- uredósporos de P. polysora, 2- ovos de S. frugiperda, 3- pólen de milho, 4- dieta artificial e mantidas durante 10 min, sendo avaliados a escolha pelo alimento e o tempo de alimentação. A alimentação exclusiva com ovos de S. frugiperda ocasionou baixa sobrevivência das ninfas (8%), porém a combinação de uredósporos de P. polysora + ovos de S. frugiperda possibilitou sobrevivência de 58,3%. D. luteipes preferiu se alimentar durante o período noturno e as maiores proporções de escolhas das ninfas e dos adultos ocorreram no pólen e na dieta, sendo que os adultos gastaram mais tempo se alimentando de pólen. Estas descobertas indicam que as escolhas tróficas de D. luteipes são relevantes para compreender sua contribuição como agente de controle de insetos-praga e doença fúngicas em milho.

Animales , Conducta Predatoria , Insectos , Spodoptera , Zea mays , Larva , Ninfa
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. graf, tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468808


Doru luteipes (Scudder, 1876) is an omnivorous predator that finds different food resources in the corn plant: eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797), uredospores of Puccinia polysora (Underw, 1897), and pollen. Knowing the survival and food preferences of this predator is essential to define its relevance as a biological control agent. We hypothesize that the foraging behavior and predatory capacity of D. luteipes may be affected when several food resources, especially eggs of S. frugiperda, uredospores of P. polysora, and pollen are concurrently in the same plant. The survival of D. luteipes in the nymph stage and their preference among food resources, often available in corn plants, were determined. To verify the survival of D. luteipes, newly hatched nymphs were fed exclusively with 1- uredospores of P. polysora, 2- eggs of S. frugiperda, 3- corn pollen, 4- a combination of uredospores + eggs, and 5- artificial diet (control). In another experiment, nymphs and adults of D. luteipes with 24 and 48 hours of fasting were individually released in the center of a container with four diets: 1- uredospores of P. polysora, 2- eggs of S. frugiperda, 3- corn pollen, 4- artificial diet, and maintained for 10 minutes, to evaluate the food choice and feeding time. The exclusive feeding with S. frugiperda eggs caused low nymph survival (8%), but the combination of P. polysora uredospores + S. frugiperda eggs allowed 58.3% survival. D. luteipes preferred feeding during the nighttime and the most significant proportions of choices by nymphs and adults were for pollen and diet, with adults spending more time eating pollen. These findings indicate that the trophic choices of D. luteipes are relevant to understand its contribution as an agent to control pest insects and fungal diseases in corn.

Doru luteipes (Scudder, 1876) é um predador onívoro, que encontra na planta do milho diferentes recursos alimentares: ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797), uredósporos de Puccinia polysora (Underw, 1897) e pólen. Para definição da relevância desse predador como agente de controle biológico, conhecer a sobrevivência e preferência alimentar é essencial. Nós hipotetizamos que o comportamento de forrageamento e a capacidade de predação de D. luteipes podem ser afetados quando uma mesma planta oferece ovos, uredósporos e pólen, concomitantemente. A sobrevivência de D. luteipes na fase de ninfa e sua preferência entre os recursos alimentares, frequentemente disponíveis nas plantas de milho, foram determinados. Para verificar a sobrevivência de D. luteipes, ninfas recém eclodidas foram alimentadas exclusivamente com 1- uredósporos de P. polysora, 2- ovos de S. frugiperda, 3- pólen de milho, 4- combinação de uredósporos + ovos e 5- dieta artificial (controle). Em outro experimento, ninfas e adultos de D. luteipes com 24 e 48 horas de jejum foram liberadas individualmente, em recipientes contendo quatro dietas: 1- uredósporos de P. polysora, 2- ovos de S. frugiperda, 3- pólen de milho, 4- dieta artificial e mantidas durante 10 min, sendo avaliados a escolha pelo alimento e o tempo de alimentação. A alimentação exclusiva com ovos de S. frugiperda ocasionou baixa sobrevivência das ninfas (8%), porém a combinação de uredósporos de P. polysora + ovos de S. frugiperda possibilitou sobrevivência de 58,3%. D. luteipes preferiu se alimentar durante o período noturno e as maiores proporções de escolhas das ninfas e dos adultos ocorreram no pólen e na dieta, sendo que os adultos gastaram mais tempo se alimentando de pólen. Estas descobertas indicam que as escolhas tróficas de D. luteipes são relevantes para compreender sua contribuição como agente de controle de insetos-praga e doença fúngicas em milho.

Animales , Control Biológico de Vectores/métodos , Dieta , Insectos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Spodoptera , Zea mays
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469024


Abstract Doru luteipes (Scudder, 1876) is an omnivorous predator that finds different food resources in the corn plant: eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797), uredospores of Puccinia polysora (Underw, 1897), and pollen. Knowing the survival and food preferences of this predator is essential to define its relevance as a biological control agent. We hypothesize that the foraging behavior and predatory capacity of D. luteipes may be affected when several food resources, especially eggs of S. frugiperda, uredospores of P. polysora, and pollen are concurrently in the same plant. The survival of D. luteipes in the nymph stage and their preference among food resources, often available in corn plants, were determined. To verify the survival of D. luteipes, newly hatched nymphs were fed exclusively with 1- uredospores of P. polysora, 2- eggs of S. frugiperda, 3- corn pollen, 4- a combination of uredospores + eggs, and 5- artificial diet (control). In another experiment, nymphs and adults of D. luteipes with 24 and 48 hours of fasting were individually released in the center of a container with four diets: 1- uredospores of P. polysora, 2- eggs of S. frugiperda, 3- corn pollen, 4- artificial diet, and maintained for 10 minutes, to evaluate the food choice and feeding time. The exclusive feeding with S. frugiperda eggs caused low nymph survival (8%), but the combination of P. polysora uredospores + S. frugiperda eggs allowed 58.3% survival. D. luteipes preferred feeding during the nighttime and the most significant proportions of choices by nymphs and adults were for pollen and diet, with adults spending more time eating pollen. These findings indicate that the trophic choices of D. luteipes are relevant to understand its contribution as an agent to control pest insects and fungal diseases in corn.

Resumo Doru luteipes (Scudder, 1876) é um predador onívoro, que encontra na planta do milho diferentes recursos alimentares: ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797), uredósporos de Puccinia polysora (Underw, 1897) e pólen. Para definição da relevância desse predador como agente de controle biológico, conhecer a sobrevivência e preferência alimentar é essencial. Nós hipotetizamos que o comportamento de forrageamento e a capacidade de predação de D. luteipes podem ser afetados quando uma mesma planta oferece ovos, uredósporos e pólen, concomitantemente. A sobrevivência de D. luteipes na fase de ninfa e sua preferência entre os recursos alimentares, frequentemente disponíveis nas plantas de milho, foram determinados. Para verificar a sobrevivência de D. luteipes, ninfas recém eclodidas foram alimentadas exclusivamente com 1- uredósporos de P. polysora, 2- ovos de S. frugiperda, 3- pólen de milho, 4- combinação de uredósporos + ovos e 5- dieta artificial (controle). Em outro experimento, ninfas e adultos de D. luteipes com 24 e 48 horas de jejum foram liberadas individualmente, em recipientes contendo quatro dietas: 1- uredósporos de P. polysora, 2- ovos de S. frugiperda, 3- pólen de milho, 4- dieta artificial e mantidas durante 10 min, sendo avaliados a escolha pelo alimento e o tempo de alimentação. A alimentação exclusiva com ovos de S. frugiperda ocasionou baixa sobrevivência das ninfas (8%), porém a combinação de uredósporos de P. polysora + ovos de S. frugiperda possibilitou sobrevivência de 58,3%. D. luteipes preferiu se alimentar durante o período noturno e as maiores proporções de escolhas das ninfas e dos adultos ocorreram no pólen e na dieta, sendo que os adultos gastaram mais tempo se alimentando de pólen. Estas descobertas indicam que as escolhas tróficas de D. luteipes são relevantes para compreender sua contribuição como agente de controle de insetos-praga e doença fúngicas em milho.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39032, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428167


Maize silage has been used as a forage reserve strategy for critical periods or continuous use in animal feed. However, new genotypes and their potential must be identified. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the potential of maize genotypes for silage and grain in one off-season in the midwest region of Brazil, under limited water and frost, and select them for this dual purpose (silage and grain) using the GT Biplot tool. The experiment was performed at Embrapa Western Agriculture in the autumn-winter season of 2021 in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks of six maize genotypes (BRS1010, KWS9606, 1P2224, 1Q2383, BRS3046, and CAPO) with five replications under no-tillage. Silage points were evaluated at harvest when the grain milk line was at ¾ and maize grains at the maturation stage (dry plant). The 1P2224 and 1Q2383 maize genotypes present silage (high green and dry biomass) and grain yield potential. The GT Biplot tool identified the 1P2224 genotype as superior and suitable for cultivation or as a parent in a breeding program in the midwest region of Brazil for silage and grain yield evaluations of one off-season under limited water and frost.

Ensilaje , Productos Agrícolas , Zea mays
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39074, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566327


Maize has a high nutritional requirement, especially regarding NPK fertilization. However, conventional fertilization with these nutrients presents a high loss potential, mainly by volatilization, leaching, adsorption, and fixation, which may reflect on the development and yield of maize plants. Using fertilizers with increased efficiency seeks to mitigate these limitations, reducing potential losses due to gradual nutrient release. This study aimed to compare the nutrition, growth, and production of maize plants subjected to different doses and special NPK fertilizers fully applied at planting and their residual effect on the soil. It was a randomized block design in a 3x4 factorial scheme with four replications. The first factor consisted of conventional mineral, polymer-coated, and organomineral + PGPB fertilizers. The second factor included doses of 0, 60, 90, and 120 kg ha-¹ of NPK. The study evaluated vegetative growth, foliar nutrition (N, P, and K), yield growth components, productivity, profitability, and residual K content in the soil after cultivation. The conventional mineral fertilizer produced more dry biomass in the aerial part. Profitability was similar between conventional and special fertilizers. However, the latter performed better overall in vegetative and productive growth, showing a potential reduction of the applied doses without compromising grain yield, especially in organomineral + PGPB fertilization. This treatment also presented a higher residual effect of K on the soil.

Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 25(2): e8037, jul-dez. 2022. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399606


Quando se trata de milho pipoca o Brasil é o segundo maior produtor, mas necessitando ainda de importações para suprir a demanda interna do país, visto a importância de estudos que melhor explorem as recomendações agronômicas para a cultura do milho pipoca. Assim, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar o impacto da população de plantas sobre algumas variáveis morfológicas e na produtividade final de grãos de dois híbridos de milho pipoca (8203 e 4512). Foram estudadas as populações de 60.000, 65.000, 70.000, 75.000 e 80.000 plantas por ha-1 no espaçamento de 0,45cm entre linha de semeadura. O experimento foi conduzido no ano agrícola 2018/2019, na área experimental do Departamento de Ciências Agronômicas e Ambientais da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, campus Frederico Westphalen ­ RS, em um delineamento de blocos casualizados em um esquema fatorial (2x5). O diâmetro de colmo, comprimento da espiga e peso de mil sementes diminuíram à medida que se aumentou a população de plantas. Para ambos os híbridos, e para a maioria das variáveis analisadas as densidades populacionais não interferiram de forma significativa na produtividade final de grãos do milho pipoca. Entretanto quando se trabalha a média das populações se observa uma superioridade do híbrido 8203 para as variáveis, altura de planta, altura de inserção da espiga, prolificidade, empalhamento, diâmetro de espiga, número de grãos por espiga, peso de mil sementes e produtividade final de grãos.(AU)

When it comes to popcorn, Brazil is the second largest producer, but still needing imports to supply the country's domestic demand, given the importance of studies that better explore agronomic recommendations for popcorn culture. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of the plant population on some morphological variables and the final consumption of two hybrid popcorn kernels (8203 and 4512). The populations of 60.000, 65.000, 70.000, 75.000 and 80.000 plants per ha-1 were studied in the 0.45cm spacing between sowing lines. The experiment was carried out in the agricultural year 2018/2019, in the experimental area of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen campus - RS, in a randomized block design in a factorial scheme (2x5). The stem diameter, ear length and weight of a thousand seeds decreased as the plant population increased. For both hybrids, and for most of the variables analyzed, population densities did not significantly affect the final grain yield of popcorn. However, when working with the average population, a superiority of the 8203 hybrid is observed for the variables, plant height, height of ear insertion, prolificacy, stuffing, ear diameter, number of grains per ear, weight of a thousand seeds and final productivity of grain.(AU)

En lo que respecta a las palomitas de maíz, Brasil es el segundo mayor productor, pero aún necesita importaciones para satisfacer la demanda interna del país, dada la importancia de los estudios que exploran mejor las recomendaciones agronómicas para el cultivo de palomitas de maíz. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el impacto de la población de plantas en algunas variables morfológicas y en el rendimiento final de grano de dos híbridos de palomitas de maíz (8203 y 4512). Se estudiaron las poblaciones de 60.000, 65.000, 70.000, 75.000 y 80.000 plantas por ha-1 en el espacio de 0.45cm entre líneas de siembra. El experimento se realizó en el año agrícola 2018/2019, en el área experimental del Departamento de Ciencias Agronómicas y Ambientales de la Universidad Federal de Santa María, campus Frederico Westphalen - RS, en un diseño de bloques al azar en un esquema factorial (2x5). El diámetro del tallo, la longitud de la mazorca y el peso de mil semillas disminuyeron à medida que aumentó la población de plantas. Para ambos híbridos, y para la mayoría de las variables analizadas, las densidades de población no afectaron significativamente el rendimiento final de grano de las palomitas de maíz. Sin embargo, cuando se trabaja con la población promedio, se observa una superioridad del híbrido 8203 para las variables, altura de la planta, altura de inserción de la mazorca, prolificidad, relleno, diámetro de la mazorca, número de granos por mazorca, peso de mil semillas y productividad final de grano.(AU)

Semillas/anatomía & histología , Zea mays/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Técnicas del Sistema de Dos Híbridos
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 7-7, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396591


The use of pesticides is damaging to the health of farmers and consumers as their use is associated with numerous diseases. Homeopathy is one of the techniques for organic agriculture currentlyauthorized by the MAPA. Aims: To assess the effect of homeopathic compounds on corncob quality in pesticide-free cultures. Methodology:The experiment was performed in, MS-Brazil. Two culture fields were used, each 30m2in size. The homeopathic group treatment consisted of 1ml of30% hydroalcoholic solution with homeopathic ingredients. This solutionwas diluted into 30ml of water and then sprayed onto 100 seeds. The control group was submitted to the same protocol excluding the homeopathic ingredients. The homeopathic ingredients used were Sulph9C, Mag-c12C, and Calc-p9C, prescribed according to Materia Medica instructions. The evaluationwas performed at harvest by comparing theaverage weight of 1000 kernels pergroup, obtained from a weighingof 3000 kernels per group. In addition, a number of corncobs from both groups werequalitatively evaluated as "good" or "bad." Statistics analysis used the T-test to compare the kernel weight averages and Fisher's exact test to analyze the corncob quality frequency. Both groups were naturally infected by a virus from a neighboring sugarcane field, causing qualitative and quantitative losses on both groups. Results and discussion: The average weight of 1000 kernels from the treated group (329 g) was not significantly greater (p=0.06) than the average weight of 1000 kernels from the non-treated group (308 g). It was observed that 71out of 158 (44.9%) corncobs from the homeopathic treatment group were classified as "good" while zero outof 50 (0%) corncobs from the non-treated group were classified as "good", resulting in a significant difference (p<0.01). Conclusion: Homeopathic compounds can be used as a feasible treatment for health and productivity in the corn crop.

Zea mays , Agricultura Sostenible
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 35(1)mar. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535781


Background: Corn is, quantitatively, one of the most important world crops (ranking second only after wheat) and a key ingredient in animal feeds. Objective: to assess and compare corn quality, mycotoxin content, chemical composition and apparent metabolizable energy (AME) of domestic and imported corn. Methods: Grain quality (USDA grading system) was determined in 30 samples of domestic and 21 samples of imported corn. From each origin, 15 samples were subjected to proximal analysis and 10 were used to determine fatty acid composition. Mycotoxin analysis was conducted on 30 samples of domestic and 23 of imported corn. Results: six of the 30 domestic samples corresponded to US1 grade (highest quality) vs. none of the imported. In the "sample grade" category (lowest quality), 10 and 6 samples corresponded to imported and domestic corn, respectively. Soybeans were found as contaminant in 15 of the 21 imported corn samples. Aspergillus spp. mycotoxins such as ochratoxin A were not detected, and aflatoxins were found in only a few samples at very low levels. Fusariotoxins such as deoxynivalenol and zearalenone were found in 61 and 43% of imported samples, respectively, but in none of the domestic samples. Domestic corn had lower carbohydrate content compared with imported corn (85.4 vs. 86.7%), but higher crude fat (3.8 vs. 3.1%). The AME values for domestic and imported corn were 3,697 and 3,378 kcal/kg, respectively. The fatty acid profiles from both corn types were similar. Conclusion: This study found significant differences between locally-grown and imported corn, particularly in terms of crude fat, AME content, fusariotoxins, and contaminant seeds (soybeans). These findings suggest that locally-grown corn might have nutritional and toxicological advantages over corn imported from the United States.

Antecedentes: El maíz es, cuantitativamente, uno de los cultivos más importantes a nivel mundial (ocupa el segundo lugar después del trigo) y uno de los principales ingredientes en dietas para animales. Objetivo: Evaluar y comparar la calidad del maíz, su contenido de micotoxinas, composición química, y energía metabolizable aparente (AME) del maíz nacional e importado. Métodos: La calidad del grano (sistema de clasificación de la USDA) se determinó en 30 muestras de maíz producido en Colombia y 21 de maíz importado. De cada origen, 15 muestras se sometieron a análisis proximal y 10 se analizaron para determinar el perfil de ácidos grasos. El contenido de micotoxinas se determinó en 30 muestras de maíz nacional y 23 de maíz importado. Resultados: Seis de las treinta muestras nacionales analizadas para calidad de grano correspondieron a grado US1 (la mejor calidad) frente a ninguna de las importadas. En categoría "grado muestra" (la menor calidad) se encontraron 10 y 6 de las muestras de maíz importado y nacional, respectivamente; 15 de las 21 muestras de maíz importado presentaron contaminación con semillas de fríjol soya. No se encontraron micotoxinas de hongos Aspergillus spp. (ocratoxina A), y niveles muy bajos de aflatoxinas en unas pocas muestras. Fusariotoxinas tales como deoxinivalenol y zearalenona se detectaron en el 61 y 43% de las muestras de maíz importado, respectivamente, pero en ninguna muestra de maíz nacional. El maíz nacional presentó menor contenido de carbohidratos (85,4 vs. 86,7%), pero mayor contenido de grasa cruda (3,8 vs. 3,1%) en comparación con el importado, respectivamente. Los valores de AME fueron de 3.697 y 3.378 kcal/kg para el maíz nacional e importado, respectivamente. El perfil de ácidos grasos de ambas procedencias fue similar. Conclusiones: Este estudio encontró diferencias significativas entre el maíz de producción nacional y el importado, en especial en su contenido de grasa cruda y AME, fusariotoxinas, y semillas contaminates (soya). Estos hallazgos sugieren que el maíz de producción nacional puede presentar ventajas de tipo nutricional y toxicológico frente al maíz importado de los Estados Unidos de América.

Antecedentes: O milho é quantitativamente uma das culturas mais importantes em nível mundial (ocupando o segundo lugar depois do trigo), sendo um dos principais ingredientes em dietas para animais. Objetivo: Avaliar e comparar a qualidade do milho, o teor de micotoxinas, a composição química e a energia metabolizável aparente (EMA) do milho nacional e importado. Métodos: A qualidade do grão (sistema de classificação do USDA) foi determinada em 30 amostras de milho produzido na Colômbia e 21 amostras de milho importado. Quinze amostras de cada tipo de milho foram submetidas a análise proximal e dez amostras de cada milho foram analisadas para determinar o perfil de ácidos graxos. O conteúdo de micotoxinas foi determinado em 30 amostras de milho da Colômbia e em 23 amostras de milho importado. Resultados: Seis das trinta amostras colombianas analisadas para qualidade de grão corresponderam a grau US1 (melhor qualidade) frente a nenhuma das amostras importadas. Na categoria "grau amostra" (menor qualidade) foram encontradas 10 e 6 amostras de milhos importados e colombianos, respectivamente; Quinze das 21 amostras de milho importado apresentaram contaminação com sementes de feijão soja. Não foram encontradas micotoxinas de fungos Aspergillus spp. (ocratoxina A) ou apenas níveis muito baixos em poucas amostras (aflatoxinas). As fusariotoxinas, deoxinivalenol e zearalenona foram detectadas em 61 e 43% das amostras de milho importado, respectivamente, mas não foram detectadas em nenhuma amostra do milho colombiano. O milho colombiano apresentou menor conteúdo de carboidratos (85,4 vs. 86,7%) porém maior conteúdo de gordura crua (3,8 vs. 3,1%). Os valores de AME foram 3.697 e 3.378 kcal/kg para as amostras de milho colombiano e importado, respectivamente. O perfil de ácidos graxos de ambos tipos de milho foi similar. Conclusões: Os resultados do presente estudo mostram diferenças significativas entre o milho de origem colombiana e o milho importado dos Estados Unidos, em especial no conteúdo de gordura crua e AME, fusariotoxinas e sementes contaminantes (soja). Estes achados sugerem que o milho de produção colombiana pode apresentar vantagens de tipo nutricional e toxicológica frente ao milho importado dos Estados Unidos.

Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 41(3): 156-163, jul.-sep. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357340


RESUMEN Introducción : El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es un problema mundial de salud pública y se origina principalmente a partir de pólipos. Hace 25 años se ha considerado una estrategia denominada quimioprevención que consiste en el consumo de alimentos como maíz morado y cúrcuma o sustancias químicas como ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) y anti inflamatorios no esteroideos (AINEs) que previenen la carcinogénesis efectivamente al reducir el riesgo de desarrollo de pólipos. Objetivo : Determinar la eficacia y seguridad del concentrado liofilizado Zea mays morado 200 mg en la prevención de formación de pólipos colónicos en la práctica gastroenterológica privada. Material y métodos : aleatorizamos 112 pacientes (casos) para recibir este producto y 112 pacientes (controles) para recibir placebo, durante 3 años. Ambos grupos de similares características demográficas, clínicas y antecedentes patológicos. Resultados : Hallamos que los casos al final del estudio desarrollaron 83% menos pólipos que los controles (p<0,001). Los casos que desarrollaron pólipos fueron menores en número, tamaño e histología que al inicio del ensayo. Los eventos adversos que presentaron los casos fueron 4,5% similar a los controles, principalmente petequias. Conclusiones : Concluimos que el concentrado liofilizado de Zea mays morado 200 mg es eficaz y seguro en la prevención del desarrollo de pólipos colónicos.

ABSTRACT Introduction : Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a worldwide problem of public health and arises mainly from polyps. In last 25 years, a strategy called chemoprevention that consists of food intake like purple corn and turmeric or chemical substances like acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that prevent effectively carcinogenesis reducing the risk of polyp development. Objective : To determine the efficacy and safety of lyophilized concentrate of purple corn (Zea mays L.) 200 mg in the prevention of colonic polyps development in private gastroenterological practice Methods : we randomly assigned 112 patients (cases) to receive this product and 112 patients (controls) to receive placebo, during 3 years. Both groups had similar demographic, clinical and medical history characteristics. Results : we found that cases developed 83% less polyps than controls (p<0.001). The cases that developed polyps were smaller in number, size and histology than at the beginning of the trial. The adverse events that cases presented were 4.5% similar to controls, mainly petechiae. Conclusion : We conclude that the lyophilized concentrate of purple corn (Zea mays L.) 200 mg was effective and safe in preventing the development of colonic polyps.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37079, Jan.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359220


Drought stress is a major limiting factor for the development of maize, and the identification of the expression of genes related to this stress in seeds and seedlings can be an important tool to accelerate the selection process. The expression of genes related to tolerance to water deficit in seeds and in different tissues of maize seedlings were evaluated. Four tolerant genotypes (91-T, 32-T, 91x75-T, 32x75-T) and four non-tolerant genotypes (37-NT, 57-NT, 37x57-NT and 31x37-NT) were seeded in a substrate with 10% (stress) and 70% (control) water retention capacity. The expression of 4 enzymes were evaluated: catalase (CAT), peroxidase (PO), esterase (EST), and heat-resistant protein (HRP), as well as the relative expression of 6 genes: ZmLEA3, ZmPP2C, ZmCPK11, ZmDREB2A/2.1s, ZmDBP3 and ZmAN13 were evaluated in seed, shoots and roots of seedlings submitted or not to stress. There was variation in the expression of CAT, PO, SOD, EST and HRP enzymes among the evaluated genotypes and also in the different tissues evaluated. Higher expression of the CAT and PO was observed in the shoots. There was a greater expression of the EST in the genotypes non-tolerant to water deficit. HRP was expressed only in seeds. In the aerial part of maize seedlings, classified as tolerant, higher expression of genes ZmLEA3 and ZmCPK11 was observed. There was a higher expression of the ZmAN13 and ZmDREB2A/2.1S genes in roots developed under stress conditions and a higher expression of the ZmPP2C gene in seeds of line 91-T, which is classified as tolerant to drought stress.

Semillas , Estrés Fisiológico , Brotes de la Planta , Zea mays , Proteómica
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906492


Objective:To explore the composition characteristics of rhizosphere soil under <italic>Rehmannia glutinosa-Zea mays</italic> intercropping model,and screen out special signal substances in rhizosphere soil of <italic>R. glutinosa</italic> under intercropping <italic>Z. mays</italic>, so as to provide the basis for the study of allelopathic substances in continuous cropping obstacle of <italic>R. glutinosa</italic>. Method:In this experiment,rhizosphere soils of <italic>R. glutinosa</italic> under <italic>Z. mays </italic>intercropping and <italic>R. glutinosa </italic>single cropping models in July,August,September and October were taken as the research objects, and the volatile organic compounds in ethyl acetate fraction were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Principal component analysis (PCA), hierachical cluster analysis (HCA) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) analysis were performed on the data by SIMCA 14.1 to screen out potential differences in volatile organic compounds between the two models. Result:The types of volatile organic compounds in intercropping and single cropping models were mainly hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, ketones, amides, acids and other substances. Specifically, the average relative contents of hydrocarbons,esters and amides in intercropping model were 58.46%,32.15% and 5.42% respectively,while the relative contents of hydrocarbons,esters and amides in single cropping model were 37.27%,36.11% and 21.13%. The results of PCA and HCA showed that the characteristics of volatile organic compounds in the ethyl acetate fraction of rhizosphere soil under intercropping and single cropping models could be clearly divided into two categories,the screening results of potential differential components based on OPLS-DA analysis indicated that various components, such as dibutyl phthalate,(<italic>Z</italic>)-9-oleamide,<italic>β</italic>-caryophyllene,dioctyl iso-phthalate, phthalate (2-propylamyl) diester, <italic>n</italic>-hexadecane,octodecane, <italic>n</italic>-heneicosane, were screened from rhizosphere soil under the two models. Conclusion:The <italic>R. glutinosa-Z. mays</italic> intercropping model has certain effects on the volatile organic compounds in the rhizosphere soil of <italic>R. glutinosa</italic>,and the effect of the selected components on the growth and quality characteristics of <italic>R. glutinosa</italic> still need to be further studied.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(8): e20200692, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278895


ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to determine the vegetation indices (IV) as a means of identifying the nutritional status of corn, with respect to the soil nitrogen and potassium, using the aerial images received through an RGB camera loaded on an unmanned aerial vehicle. The images were obtained for an experiment of the nitrogen levels (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1) and potassium levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1), in the random block design, with a factorial scheme of 4 x 4, having three repetitions. Ten leaves were plucked per plot during the flowering phase to assess the total N (NF) and K+ leaf contents. The Pearson's correlation analysis, as well as the analyses of variance and regression between the IV and the concentrations of N and K2O. NF, K+ and the grain yield, responded only to the soil N levels. A significant correlation was observed for the indices of Red Index, Normalized Difference Index and Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index with the NF, which endorses them as favorable in identifying the nutritional standing of corn, with respect to the N level. Not even a single one of the indices evaluated could detect the nutritional ranking of corn in the context of the potassium level.

RESUMO: O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar índices de vegetação (IV) para detecção do status nutricional do milho com relação ao nitrogênio e potássio por meio de imagens aéreas obtidas por câmera RGB embarcada em veículo aéreo não tripulado. As imagens foram adquiridas em ensaio de níveis de nitrogênio (0, 60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1) e potássio (0, 50, 100 e 150 kg ha-1), em blocos ao acaso, fatorial 4 x 4, com três repetições. Coletaram-se dez folhas por parcela na fase de florescimento para avaliação do teor foliar de N total (NF) e K+. Efetuou-se análise de correlação de Pearson, análise de variância e de regressão entre os IV e os níveis de N e de K2O. NF, K+ e a produtividade de grãos responderam apenas aos níveis de N no solo. Houve correlação significativa para os índices Excess Red Index, Normalized Difference Index e Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index com o NF, que os credencia como promissores na detecção do status nutricional do milho em relação ao N. Nenhum dos índices avaliados foi capaz de detectar o status nutricional do milho com relação ao potássio.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64: e21190580, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285547


HIGHLIGHTS Azospirillum brasilense stimulates root growth in maize under water deficit. Maize inoculated with A. brasilense shows greater photosynthesis under drought conditions. Under water deficit, maize plants inoculated with A. brasilense showed greater water use efficiency (WUE).

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the gas exchange, root morphology and nutrient concentration in maize plants inoculated with A. brasilense under two water conditions. The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse, one under irrigation and the other under water deficit. The treatments consisted of four A. brasilense inoculants (control (without inoculation), Az1 (CMS 7 + 26), Az2 (CMS 11 + 26) and Az3 (CMS 26 +42). At the V6 plant stage, water stress was imposed on maize plants for 15 days. The phytotechnical characteristics, gas exchange, root morphology, root dry matter and macronutrient analysis were evaluated after 15 days of water deficit imposition. The water deficit caused a reduction in the development of maize plants. The presence of A. brasilense Az1 under the same condition yielded higher photosynthesis, carboxylation efficiency, water use efficiency, and greater soil exploration with increased length, surface area and root volume of plants. Inoculation by A. brasilense increased root system volume by an average of 40 and 47% under irrigation and water deficit, respectively, when compared to non-inoculated plants. The inoculant Az1 attenuated the deleterious effects caused by drought and yielded the best growth of the root system, resulting in the tolerance of maize plants to water deficit.

Fotosíntesis , Consumo de Agua (Salud Ambiental) , Zea mays , Uso Eficiente del Agua/métodos