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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 585-594, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566017


Introducción. Las complicaciones posteriores a la reparación endovascular de aneurisma (EVAR) pueden resolverse con técnicas endovasculares. Sin embargo, cuando está indicada, la explantación de una endoprótesis es un procedimiento complejo, que se asocia a lesiones vasculares o viscerales, con alta morbimortalidad, en pacientes con edad avanzada y múltiples comorbilidades, y por lo tanto, alto riesgo quirúrgico. No existen dispositivos producidos por la industria para explantar las endoprótesis aórticas, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un dispositivo para la explantación de endoprótesis aórticas. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio experimental, en fase preclínica, para desarrollar un dispositivo para la explantación de endoprótesis aórticas, con pruebas en modelos 3D y en un modelo animal porcino cadavérico. Resultados. Es factible desarrollar un modelo experimental de un nuevo dispositivo para explantar endoprótesis aórticas, denominado explantador de Cabrera, y comprobar su funcionamiento en un modelo animal cadavérico. El uso del explantador de Cabrera limitó el daño de la pared aórtica por parte de la endoprótesis en un 100 % al momento de su explantación en un modelo experimental ex vivo. Conclusión. Usando una jeringa septo, el explantador de Cabrera es superior a la técnica estándar de explantación de una endoprótesis al limitar la lesión de la pared aórtica, al colapsar y liberar los ganchos de fijación suprarrenal de forma controlada y segura al interior de la luz aórtica y, posteriormente, extraerla de forma rápida y efectiva, conservando la mayor cantidad de aorta sana para la posterior reconstrucción aorto-ilíaca.

Introduction. Complications after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) can be resolved with endovascular techniques; however, when indicated, stent explantation is a complex procedure, which is associated with vascular or visceral injuries, with high morbidity and mortality in patients, with advanced age and multiple comorbidities, and therefore high surgical risk. There are no devices produced by the industry to explant aortic endoprostheses, so the objective of this work was to develop a device for the explantation of aortic endoprostheses. Methods. An experimental study was carried out, in the preclinical phase, to develop a device for the explantation of aortic endoprostheses, with tests in 3D models and in a cadaveric porcine animal model. Results. It is feasible to develop an experimental model of a new device for explanting aortic endoprostheses, called Cabrera explanter, and verify its operation in a cadaveric animal model. The use of the Cabrera explanter limited damage to the aortic wall by the endoprosthesis by 100% at the time of explantation in an ex vivo experimental model. Conclusions. Using a septum syringe, the Cabrera explanter is superior to the standard stent explantation technique by limiting injury to the aortic wall, collapsing and releasing the adrenal fixation hooks in a controlled and safe manner into the aortic lumen, and subsequently, extract it quickly and effectively, preserving the greatest amount of healthy aorta for the subsequent aorto-iliac reconstruction.

Humanos , Remoción de Dispositivos , Procedimientos Endovasculares , Reparación Endovascular de Aneurismas , Aorta Abdominal , Prótesis e Implantes , Aneurisma de la Aorta Abdominal
Gac. méd. boliv ; 47(1)2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569196


El reconocimiento de variantes en el origen de las arterias renales, representa un reto al conocimiento general de la anatomía humana. Generalmente, los riñones constan de, arterias renales originadas en la aorta abdominal, una a cada lado, sin embargo, no es raro encontrar más de una emergiendo de la parte abdominal de la aorta. Presentamos un caso en una pieza cadavérica de la Universidad Central sede Cochabamba- Bolivia, donde se evidencia dos arterias renales unilaterales derechas originadas a diferentes niveles de la arteria aorta abdominal.

The recognition of variants in the origin of the renal arteries represents a challenge to the general knowledge of human anatomy. Generally, the kidneys consist of renal arteries originating from the abdominal aorta, one on each side; however, it is not uncommon to find more than one emerging from the abdominal part of the aorta. We present a case in a cadaveric specimen from the Central University, Cochabamba-Bolivia, where two right unilateral renal arteries are evident originating at different levels of the abdominal aorta artery.

J. vasc. bras ; 23: e20230150, 2024. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558349


Resumo A aorta dorsal dupla persistente é uma anomalia congênita extremamente rara, com apenas 13 casos publicados até o presente momento. Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar a variação embriológica observada em aorta abdominal do paciente. A descrição anatômica foi realizada a partir da revisão de prontuário eletrônico e exames de imagem. Desta forma, o presente caso refere-se a um paciente idoso de 79 anos admitido em atendimento hospitalar por queixa de dor em membro inferior esquerdo ao repouso. Foi solicitada a internação do mesmo, assim como exames laboratoriais e de imagem. Obtida como um achado de imagem a partir de angiotomografia, a variação consiste na completa separação em duas porções: uma ventral e outra dorsal, de calibres diferentes, da aorta abdominal, ao nível da terceira vértebra lombar. Isso ocorre em conjunto com a origem anômala da artéria mesentérica inferior.

Abstract Persistent double dorsal aorta is an extremely rare congenital anomaly, with only 13 cases published to date. The objective of this study is to present this embryological variant as observed in the abdominal aorta of a patient. The anatomical description was written up on the basis of a review of electronic medical records and imaging exams. The patient in this case was an elderly 79-year-old man who presented at emergency with pain at rest in the left lower limb. He was admitted and laboratory tests and imaging exams were ordered. The variation was an imaging finding observed on angiotomography, consisting of complete separation of the abdominal aorta into two portions - a ventral and a dorsal, with different calibers - at the level of the third lumbar vertebra. There was also an anomalous origin of the inferior mesenteric artery.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 38(6): e20230224, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514980


ABSTRACT Introduction: Objective: To investigate the potential beneficial effects of resveratrol (RVT) against ischemia-reperfusion injury of myocardial tissue during surgical treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Methods: Four groups were established — control, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), sham (I/R+solvent/dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO]), and I/R+RVT. Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm model was used as the experimental protocol. Results: In the I/R and I/R+DMSO groups, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in myocardial tissue were found to be significantly increased compared to the control group. The MDA level in myocardial tissue was significantly decreased in the I/ R+RVT group compared to the I/R group. In I/R and I/R+DMSO groups, glutathione peroxidase (GSH) levels in myocardial tissue were found to be significantly decreased compared to the control group. The GSH level in the myocardial tissue was significantly increased in the I/R+RVT group compared to the I/R group. In the light microscope, isotropic and anisotropic band disorganized atypical cardiomyocytes in the I/R group and degenerative cardiomyocytes and edematous areas in the I/R+DMSO group were observed. Degenerative cardiomyocytes and edematous areas were decreased in the I/R+RVT group. When heart tissue sections incubated with cleaved caspase-3 primary antibodies were examined under the light microscope, apoptotic cardiomyocytes were present in I/R and I/R+DMSO groups. A decrease in the number of apoptotic cardiomyocytes was observed in the I/R+RVT group. Conclusion: The findings of the present study indicate that RVT exhibits protective effects against ischemia-reperfusion injury occurring in the myocardium as a distant organ as a result of abdominal aorta clamping.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 92(4): 545-549, Oct.-Dec. 2022. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429692


Resumen Presentamos el caso de un paciente de edad avanzada, con diabetes mellitus descompensada, quien presentó un cuadro clínico de fiebre y dolor abdominal recurrente, tras lo cual fue diagnosticado con un aneurisma infeccioso de la aorta abdominal, los cuales representan solamente un 1% de todos los aneurismas. El paciente fue sometido a resección quirúrgica del aneurisma, injerto con dacrón impregnando con rifampicina y tratamiento antibiótico intravenoso. La microbiología del aneurisma confirmó infección por Salmonella. Actualmente, el paciente se encuentra asintomático y sin evidencia laboratorial de proceso inflamatorio.

Abstract We present a case of an elderly patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, who presented with recurrent fever and abdominal pain, after which he was diagnosed with an infected abdominal aortic aneurysm, which represents only 1% of all aneurysms. The patient underwent surgical resection of the aneurysm, rifampicine-impregnated Dacron graft placement and intravenous antibiotic treatment. Microbiology reported Salmonella infection in the aneurysm. Currently, the patient is asymptomatic and without laboratory evidence of inflammatory process.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 37(3): 434-447, junio 14, 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378718


Introducción. En las últimas décadas, la terapia endovascular en aneurismas aórticos abdominales ha ganado un papel representativo en los escenarios quirúrgicos, lo que nos motivó a conocer los resultados de este procedimiento en nuestra población. Métodos. Estudio analítico retrospectivo en el cual se incluyeron los primeros 50 casos de aneurismas aórticos abdominales con terapia endovascular, en la ciudad de Manizales, Colombia, entre los años 2015 y 2021. Se describió la población estudiada, la relación de los antecedentes prequirúrgicos con las complicaciones posoperatorias, la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad. Resultados.La edad promedio fue de 73 años, el sexo predominante fue el femenino (72 %), el aneurisma fusiforme fue el tipo más frecuente (63,3 %), con un diámetro promedio de 70 mm (+/- 17,3 mm). En relación con los antecedentes, el más frecuente fue hipertensión arterial (86 %), encontrándose una asociación entre la presencia de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica e hipertensión arterial con las complicaciones. Se encontró también relación entre el valor de creatinina con las complicaciones. Las complicaciones tempranas fueron de carácter leve en la mayoría de los casos (30,6 %), a diferencia de las tardías, que fueron principalmente graves (12,5 %), asociadas a una mortalidad del 10,2 % y una estancia hospitalaria promedio de 10,8 días (mediana de 5 días). Conclusiones. La población analizada tiene una alta carga de morbilidad, en la cual factores como los antecedentes médicos prequirúrgicos y la función renal, se asocian con una mayor morbilidad postquirúrgica y mortalidad.

Introduction. In recent decades, endovascular therapy in abdominal aortic aneurysms has gained a representative role in surgical scenarios, which motivated us to learn about the results of this procedure in our population. Methods. Retrospective analytical study, which included the first 50 cases of abdominal aortic aneurysms with endovascular therapy, in the city of Manizales, Colombia, between 2015 and 2021. The study population was described as the relationship between pre-surgical history and post-operative complications, hospital stay and mortality. Results. The average age was 73 years, the predominant sex was female (72%), the fusiform aneurysm was the most frequent type (63.3%), with an average diameter of 70 mm (± 17.3 mm). In relation to history, the most frequent was arterial hypertension (86%), finding an association between the presence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and arterial hypertension with complications. A relationship was also found between the creatinine value and complications. Early complications were mild in most cases (30.6%), unlike late complications, which were mainly serious (12.5%), associated with a mortality of 10.2% and a hospital stay average of 10.8 days (median of 5 days). Conclusions. The analyzed population has a high burden of morbidity, in which factors such as pre-surgical medical history and renal function are associated with greater post-surgical morbidity and mortality.

Humanos , Aneurisma de la Aorta Abdominal , Procedimientos Endovasculares , Aorta Abdominal , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Factores de Riesgo , Mortalidad
Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 96-102, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015357


Objective To investigate the normal reference values of abdominal aorta and its branches in Southwest China, so as to provide basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Methods The length, diameter and angle of the abdominal aorta and its branches were measured in 20 cadavers. At the same time, 300 cases without obvious pathological changes in four urban populations were selected for abdominal CT angiography (CTA) to measure the length, diameter and angle of abdominal aorta and its branches. Results Display rate of abdominal aorta was 100%,the average length of abdominal aorta was (12.96±0.81) cm, the diameter of abdominal aorta was (1.93±0.28) cm, (1.55±0.23) cm, (1.61±0.19) cm in renal artery plane (Ⅰ), inferior mesenteric artery plane (Ⅱ) and lower edge plane of lumbar vertebrae (Ⅲ), and the average value on image was (2.17 ± 0.42) cm, (1.81 ± 0.40) cm, (1.99 ± 0.53) cm; Display rate of common iliac artery was 100%, the angle between left and right common iliac artery was (59.80± 4.66) ° and the diameter of the end was (1.16±0.33) cm and (1.12±0.11) cm; Display rate of celiac trunk on cadaver was 100%, the average length was (1.61±0.27) cm, the average diameter on cadaver was (0.78±0.71) cm, the image was (0.88± 0.31) cm; Display rate of renal artery was 100%, the average length of the left renal artery was (2.58 ± 0.50) cm, that of the right was (4.26±0.65) cm, the initial average diameter of the left renal artery was (0.55±0.24) cm, and the right renal artery was (0.62±0.20) cm; Display rate of the superior mesenteric artery was (100%), that of the on cadaver was (4.56 ± 0.29) cm, that of the image was (4.93 ± 0.84) cm, and that of the angle between the abdominal aorta was (38.05±5.99)°; Display rate of the inferior mesenteric artery was (100%),the average length of the inferior mesenteric artery was (6.57±0.79) cm on the cadaver, the image was (6.70±0.76) cm, and that of the angle between the abdominal aorta was (73.79 ± 9.62) ° and the initial diameter was (0.48 ± 0.29) cm. Conclusion The normal reference values of abdominal aorta and its visceral branches in Southwest China population were measured. CTA has a special advantage in showing the lesions of abdominal aorta and its branches in lumen, extraluminal and vascular wall, which can provide anatomical data of patients before operation.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(3): 440-445, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388249


Resumen La infección es una complicación infrecuente de los aneurismas de la aorta abdominal. Campylobacter fetus tiene un especial tropismo por el endotelio vascular y ha sido reportado como causa de infección de aneurismas aórticos. Este tipo de infección es de alta mortalidad por lo que el reconocimiento temprano con el inicio precoz de terapia antibacteriana efectiva es clave. Además del tratamiento médico, puede requerirse cirugía, la que tiene una alta letalidad en pacientes inestables y con comorbilidades. Comunicamos el caso clínico de un adulto mayor con un aneurisma de aorta abdominal infectado por C. fetus. Dado su compromiso del estado general y antecedentes cardiovasculares se decidió tratamiento médico con imipenem, con una buena respuesta clínica y microbiológica, sin recurrencia de los síntomas. También se presenta una revisión de los casos publicados.

Abstract Infection is a rare complication of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Campylobacter fetus has special tropism for vascular endothelium. It has been reported as a cause of infected abdominal aortic aneurysms. The mortality of these patients is high, so an early recognition with a start of antibiotic therapy is crucial. In addition to medical treatment surgery may be required, which has high mortality in patients with many diseases and unstable. We report the case of an old man with infected abdominal aortic aneurysm with C. fetus, whom was decided to be treated with imipenem, due to his cardiovascular history and his general condition at admission. The patient showed a good clinical response without recurrence of symptoms. We also carry out a review of the reported cases.

Humanos , Masculino , Anciano , Aneurisma Infectado/diagnóstico por imagen , Infecciones por Campylobacter/diagnóstico , Infecciones por Campylobacter/tratamiento farmacológico , Aneurisma de la Aorta Abdominal , Campylobacter fetus , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico
Medisan ; 25(3)2021. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1287305


Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 4 años de edad, quien ingresó en el Servicio de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital Infantil Docente Sur Dr. Antonio María Béguez César de Santiago de Cuba por presentar dolor abdominal intenso, vómitos sanguinolentos, distención abdominal, tumoración palpable en el epigastrio, palidez cutáneo - mucosa, polipnea, taquicardia, hipotensión y trastornos de perfusión periférica, con evolución rápida y progresiva hacia un cuadro de insuficiencia multiorgánica y estado de choque. Los estudios clínicos e imagenológicos confirmaron el diagnóstico de aneurisma de aorta abdominal. A pesar de la atención médica intensiva, la evolución fue desfavorable.

The case report of a 4 years patient is described. She was admitted to the Intensive Therapy Service of Dr. Antonio María Béguez César Southern Teaching Pediatric Hospital in Santiago de Cuba due to an intense abdominal pain, bloody vomits, abdominal strain, palpable tumor in the epigastrium, cutaneous - mucous paleness, polipnea, tachycardia, hypotension and perypheral perfusion disorders, with quick and progressive clinical course toward a picture of multiorganic failure and state of shock. The clinical and imaging studies confirmed the diagnosis of abdominal aorta aneurysm. In spite of the intensive medical care, there was an unfavorable clinical course.

Aneurisma de la Aorta Abdominal/diagnóstico , Aneurisma de la Aorta Abdominal/diagnóstico por imagen , Cuidados Críticos , Atención Secundaria de Salud
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(1): e732, 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289505


Introducción: El aneurisma de la aorta abdominal es una enfermedad que cursa, por lo general, de forma asintomática, asociado a una elevada mortalidad cuando se rompe. Se describen factores de riesgo asociados a la historia natural de esta afección. La realización de procederes terapéuticos endoscópicos, como la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica ha sido polémica; aunque no se establece como contraindicación, presupone un alto riesgo. Objetivo: Presentar un paciente con aneurisma de la aorta abdominal, con elevado riesgo quirúrgico para realizar una colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica. Caso clínico: Se presenta un paciente con un gran aneurisma de la aorta abdominal y sospecha clínica de un ampuloma. Se le realizó terapéutica endoscópica mediante la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica, con algunas variaciones en el procedimiento. Se logró el drenaje exitoso de la vía biliar principal, sin complicaciones. Conclusiones: La terapéutica realizada fue una opción, pero con muy alto riesgo(AU)

Introduction: The abdominal aortic aneurysm is a disease that usually occurs asymptomatically, associated with high mortality when it ruptures. Risk factors associated with the natural history of this condition are described. The performance of endoscopic therapeutic procedures, such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, has been controversial; although it is not established as a contraindication, it presupposes a high risk. Objective: To present a patient with an abdominal aortic aneurysm, with high surgical risk to perform an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Clinical case: A patient with a large abdominal aortic aneurysm and clinical suspicion of an ampuloma is presented. Endoscopic therapy was performed using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, with some variations in the procedure. Successful drainage of the main bile duct was achieved without complications. Conclusions: The therapy carried out was an option, but with a very high risk(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Anciano , Colangiopancreatografia Retrógrada Endoscópica , Aneurisma de la Aorta Abdominal , Factores de Riesgo
CorSalud ; 13(1): 100-103, 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345926


RESUMEN La disección de la aorta abdominal tiene una baja incidencia, se produce a partir de una laceración, desgarro o rotura intimal, con la consecuente separación longitudinal de las capas de la pared y la aparición de una falsa luz con flujo en su interior. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 67 años de edad con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, sin tratamiento regular, que acudió al cuerpo de guardia del Hospital Salvador Allende (La Habana, Cuba) por presentar dolor abdominal con irradiación a fosa ilíaca izquierda y espalda, de una semana de duración, que no aliviaba con los analgésicos habituales. Se le realizó ultrasonido abdominal y se encontró una dilatación aneurismática de la aorta abdominal, con signos de disección hacia la ilíaca derecha; por lo que se realizó angiotomografía que confirmó el diagnóstico. Se realizó baipás aorto-ilíaco con fenestración en aorta abdominal y anastomosis término-terminal en ambas arterias ilíacas.

ABSTRACT Abdominal aortic dissection has a low incidence. It may happen when a small tear or rupture occurs in the tunica intima, dividing the wall layers and forming a false channel, or lumen with blood flow inside. We present the case of a 67-year-old man with a history of high blood pressure, with no regular treatment, who sought care at the Hospital Salvador Allende (Havana, Cuba) as he presented with a week-long abdominal pain radiating to the left iliac fossa and back, which was not relieved by the usual analgesics. An abdominal ultrasound was performed which found an aneurysmal dilatation of the abdominal aorta, with signs of dissection towards the right iliac artery; therefore, computed tomography angiography (CTA) was performed and the diagnosis was confirmed. He underwent aorto-iliac bypass with abdominal-aortic-fenestration and end-to-end anastomosis in both iliac arteries.

Aorta Abdominal , Diagnóstico por Imagen , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Disección , Disección Aórtica
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200230, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340170


Abstract Background Surgical management of patients with abdominal aortic diseases associated with distal narrowing is a challenging situation. Objectives To evaluate outcomes of unibody bifurcated endovascular stent graft repair. Methods This is a retrospective, observational, multi-institutional database study of a cohort of consecutive cases, approved by the local Ethics Committee. Records were reviewed of patients diagnosed from 2010 to 2020 with "shaggy" aorta, saccular aneurysm, penetrating aortic ulcer, and isolated aortic dissection located in the infrarenal abdominal aorta. All patients were treated with a unibody bifurcated stent graft. Main outcomes were technical success, procedure complications, long-term patency, and mortality in the follow-up period up to 5 years. Data on demographics, comorbidities, surgical management, and outcomes were analyzed. Results Twenty-three patients were treated with unibody bifurcated stent graft repair, including 7 cases of "shaggy" aorta, 3 isolated dissections of the abdominal aorta, 4 penetrating aortic ulcers, and 9 saccular aneurysms. Immediate technical success was achieved in 100% of cases. At follow-up, all stent grafts remained patent and there were no limb occlusions. The patients were symptom-free and reported no complications related to the procedure. There were 5 deaths during the follow-up period (median= 4 years), but none were related to the procedure and there were no aorta-related deaths. Conclusions The present study shows that unibody bifurcated stent grafting is safe and effective in this group of patients with narrow distal abdominal aorta and complex aortic pathology. The results were similar for both infrarenal aortic aneurysms and aorto-iliac atherosclerotic disease.

Resumo Contexto O manejo cirúrgico de pacientes com doenças da aorta abdominal associadas ao estreitamento distal é desafiador. Objetivos Avaliar os desfechos do reparo endovascular com endoprótese bifurcada do tipo monobloco. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo, de coorte observacional, de banco de dados multi-institucional, com casos consecutivos, após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética local. Foram analisados prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico de shaggy aorta, aneurisma sacular, úlcera penetrante da aorta e dissecção isolada da aorta localizados na aorta abdominal infrarrenal entre 2010 e 2020; todos os pacientes foram tratados com endoprótese bifurcada do tipo monobloco. Os principais desfechos foram sucesso técnico, complicações relacionadas ao procedimento, perviedade de longo prazo e mortalidade no seguimento de até 5 anos. Foram incluídos dados demográficos, comorbidades, manejo cirúrgico e desfechos. Resultados Vinte e três pacientes foram tratados com endoprótese bifurcada do tipo monobloco, incluindo 7 casos de shaggy aorta, 3 dissecções isoladas da aorta abdominal, 4 úlceras penetrantes da aorta e 9 aneurismas saculares. Sucesso técnico imediato foi obtido em 100% dos casos. No seguimento, todas as endopróteses permaneceram pérvias e não houve oclusões de membros. Os pacientes estavam sem sintomas e não relataram complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. Ocorreram 5 óbitos durante o seguimento (mediana = 4 anos), mas nenhum relacionado ao procedimento ou à aorta. Conclusões O presente estudo mostra que a endoprótese bifurcada do tipo monobloco é segura e eficaz neste grupo de pacientes com estreitamento distal da aorta abdominal e patologia aórtica complexa. Os resultados foram semelhantes para aneurismas da aorta infrarrenal e doença aterosclerótica aortoilíaca.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Aneurisma de la Aorta Abdominal/cirugía , Procedimientos Endovasculares/métodos , Disección Aórtica/cirugía , Aorta Abdominal , Prótesis e Implantes , Estudios Retrospectivos , Procedimientos Endovasculares/instrumentación , Procedimientos Endovasculares/rehabilitación
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20210014, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279391


Abstract Background Aneurysms and atheromatous processes are prominent pathological features that are commonly associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Objectives This cadaveric study was conducted to evaluate the morphometric and histological aspects of atheromatous plaque formation in abdominal aortas and their branches and their associated morphological variations, if present, characterized by loops, kinking, or tortuosity. Methods The study was performed using 30 human cadavers (approx. 65-75 years). Frequency of occurrence of calcified plaques in the abdominal aorta and its branches and their morphometric measurements were noted and histological features were observed with the aid of Hematoxylin & Eosin staining. Results Variations in the abdominal aorta and the common iliac artery were observed in 16.6% of specimens. Atheromatous plaque formation was seen in 2 specimens (1 specimen was associated with kinking) while in 3 other specimens only variation in normal structure (kinking/ tortuous artery) was observed. Histological analysis showed foamy macrophages and dense calcification, giving an atheromatous appearance. Conclusions Cadaveric reports of the location, nature, and degree of plaque formation in the abdominal aorta and its branches are extremely important in clinical settings and for choosing treatment options.

Resumo Contexto Aneurismas e processos ateromatosos são características patológicas perceptíveis que costumam estar associadas a morbidade e mortalidade significativas. Objetivos Este estudo em cadáveres teve como objetivo avaliar os aspectos morfométricos e histológicos da formação de placa ateromatosa na aorta abdominal e em seus ramos com suas subsequentes variações morfológicas caracterizadas por enrolamentos, acotovelamentos ou tortuosidades, se presentes. Métodos O estudo foi realizado com 30 cadáveres humanos (aproximadamente 65-75 anos). Foi descrita a frequência de ocorrência de placas calcificadas na aorta abdominal e em seus ramos com as respectivas medidas morfométricas e características histológicas com auxílio da coloração por hematoxilina e eosina. Resultados Variações na aorta abdominal e na artéria ilíaca comum foram observadas em 16,6% dos espécimes. A formação de placa ateromatosa foi observada em dois espécimes (um espécime foi associado a acotovelamento), enquanto em outros três espécimes houve apenas variação na estrutura normal (acotovelamento/artéria tortuosa). A análise histológica mostrou macrófagos espumosos e calcificação densa, o que gerou uma impressão ateromatosa. Conclusões Os estudos em cadáveres sobre localização, natureza e grau de formação de placa na aorta abdominal e em seus ramos são extremamente importantes para os cenários clínicos e as opções de tratamento.

Humanos , Masculino , Anciano , Aorta Abdominal/anatomía & histología , Placa Aterosclerótica/epidemiología , Aorta Abdominal/patología , Prevalencia , Placa Aterosclerótica/patología , Arteria Ilíaca/anatomía & histología , Arteria Ilíaca/patología
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1662-1667, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134495


SUMMARY: The celiac trunk is the first major unpaired branch of the abdominal aorta found at the twelfth vertebral level (T12). It gives off branches supplying the spleen, liver and the stomach. However, the branching patterns of the celiac trunk tend to vary by population throughout the world. We sought to investigate the branching patterns of the celiac trunk in a South African Caucasian sample. The celiac trunk was assessed by visual observation in 66 dissected bodies comprised of both males (n= 30) and females (n=36). These samples were obtained at the School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The celiac trunk arose directly from the abdominal aorta in all cases, with none connected to the superior mesenteric artery. We observed celiac trunk trifurcation in 84.84 % of the sample, although a celiac trunk with four branches was observed in 10.61 %. Bifurcation into the common hepatic and splenic arteries forming a hepatosplenic trunk (2 females) or into the left gastric artery and splenic artery forming a splenogastric trunk (1 male) was also observed. The results are largely comparable with other studies in Caucasians, showing a high rate of celiac trunk trifurcation (above 75 %). Our sample exhibited fewer variations than reported in previous studies worldwide. Therefore, a larger study with more samples may be required in the future to ascertain all the existing celiac trunk branching patterns in the South African Caucasian population.

RESUMEN: El tronco celíaco es la primera rama principal de la parte abdominal de la aorta en el nivel de la duodécima vértebra torácica (T12), con ramas que irrigan el bazo, el hígado y el estómago. Sin embargo a nivel mundial, las ramificaciones del tronco celíaco tienden a variar según la población. En este estudio se investigaron los patrones de ramificación del tronco celíaco en una muestra caucásica sudafricana. El tronco celíaco se analizó mediante observación visual en 66 cuerpos disecados compuestos por hombres (n = 30) y mujeres (n = 36). Estas muestras se obtuvieron en la Facultad de Ciencias Anatómicas de la Universidad de Witwatersrand, Johannesburgo. El tronco celíaco surgió directamente de la parte abdominal de la aorta en todos los casos, sin que ninguno estuviera unido a la arteria mesentérica superior. Se observó trifurcación del tronco celíaco en el 84,84 % de la muestra, aunque en el 10,61 % se observó un tronco celíaco con cuatro ramas. También se observó bifurcación en las arterias hepática y esplénica común formando un tronco hepatoesplénico (2 mujeres) o en la arteria gástrica izquierda y la arteria esplénica formando un tronco esplenogástrico (1 hombre). Los resultados son comparables con otros estudios en caucásicos que muestran una alta tasa de trifurcación del tronco celíaco (mayor al 75%). Nuestra muestra presentó menos variaciones que las reportadas en estudios previos. Por lo tanto, es posible que se requieran estudios más amplios con más muestras en el futuro, para determinar todos los patrones de ramificación del tronco celíaco en la población caucásica sudafricana.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Arteria Celíaca/anatomía & histología , Variación Anatómica , Aorta Abdominal , Sudáfrica , Arteria Esplénica , Estómago/irrigación sanguínea , Arteria Mesentérica Superior , Hígado/irrigación sanguínea
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 583-588, 2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-857006


Aim To investigate the inhibitory effect of cistanche phenylethanol glycosides (CPhGs) on cardiac hypertrophy in rats caused by pressure overload and its related mechanism. Methods Male SD rats(n =70) were randomly divided into control group (Con), sham operation group (Sham), model group (Mod), positive control group (Vst), and different CPhGs dosage (125, 250, 500 mg • kg-1) groups. Cardiac ultrasound indexes, heart-weight to body-weight index (HWI), cardiac histopathological changes, and the area of myocardical cells (AMC) were detected. Plasma ET-1 and BNP levels were detected by Elisa, and protein expressions of phosphorylated PI3K(p-PI3K), PI3K, phosphorylated PKB (p-pKB) and PKB were detected by Western blot. Results Compared with Mod group, LVPWT, HWI, plasma ET-1, BNP and AMC decreased to different degrees. LVEDD, LVEF, LVFS, the protein expressions of myocardial tissues pPI3K and p-PKB increased to different degrees in CPhGs groups. Moreover, the indexes of CPhGs 250 and 500 mg • kg-1 groups were significantly improved compared to those of Mod group (P < 0. 05 or 0. 01). Compared with Vst group, there were no significant difference in CPhGs 500 mg • kg-1 group. Conclusions CPhGs could inhibit cardiac hypertrophy in rats induced by pressure overload, which might be related to the activation of PI3K/PKB signaling pathway.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843923


Objective: To explore the role of collagen I-discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1)-protein kinase B (Akt) signaling pathway in the proliferation of myocardial fibroblasts (MFBs) of hypertensive rats. Methods:A hypertensive rat model via abdominal aorta constriction (AAC) was used in this study. We compared body weight, tail artery systolic blood pressure (SBP) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) among blank, sham, AAC and spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) groups. Expression and phosphorylation levels of DDR1 and Akt were detected using immunoprecipitation in combination with Western blot. We analyzed the correlation between DDR1 phosphorylation level and SBP (or LVMI). Cell proliferation, expression and phosphorylation levels of DDR1 and Akt in primary MFBs of SHR rats were detected using BrdU labeling assay and Western blot, respectively. Results: There was no significant difference in body weight among the four groups (P>0.05). In AAC and SHR groups, SBP, LVMI and phosphorylation levels of DDR1 and Akt were significantly increased. Both SBP and LVMI were positively correlated with phosphorylation level of DDR1. In vitro, collagen I accelerated cell proliferation and promoted DDR1 and Akt phosphorylation in MFBs. Conclusion: This research suggests that an activated collagen -DDR1-Akt pathway exists during the myocardial fibrosis process of rats with hypertension. DDR1 inhibitors may have the potential to relieve myocardial fibrosis.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 356-2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-821542


Objective To establish a rat liver transplantation model under direct vision of single operator and to explore the effect of different perfusion methods on the quality of the donor liver. Methods On the basis of the "two-cuff method" established by Kamada, the operation details were improved to established the rat liver transplantation model. The recipient rats were divided into two groups according to different perfusion methods, group A (perfusion via abdominal aorta) and group B (perfusion via portal vein). The perfusion effect, operation time, operation success rate, postoperative liver function, liver graft pathological manifestations and survival were compared between the two groups. Results There were more residual red blood cells in sinus hepaticus in group B than in group A after perfusion. Both the donor liver perfusion time and donor operation time were longer in group A than those in group B, and the differences were statistically significant (both P < 0.01). The success rate of operation in group A and group B was 77% and 71%, respectively. At 3 d after liver transplantation in rats, the levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and total bilirubin (TB) of the rats in the two groups were significantly higher than normal. At 7, 30 d after operation, compared with group A, the levels of ALT, AST and TB in group B were significantly increased, and the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.01-0.05). The liver pathological examination showed that the degree of inflammatory reaction in the liver and degree of destruction of liver tissue in group B were more severe than those in group A, but there was no significant difference in long-term survival rate between the two groups. Conclusions Although the perfusion time and donor operation time of rat liver transplantation model were slightly prolonged by means of abdominal aorta perfusion, the perfusion effect was better, which can reduce liver tissue damage after operation and restore liver function to normal levels more quickly.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787779


@#BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to identify the consistency of invasive dynamic blood pressure (BP) monitoring between the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and the common carotid artery (CCA). METHODS: Eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were cannulated in SMA and CCA simultaneously for BP monitoring, respectively. The abdominal aorta was prepared for the induction of BP change through clamping/de-clamping by a microvascular clip. The dynamic BP monitoring was performed by a polygraph system. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) values would be recorded during different time periods: the baseline (T1), the increasing period after clamping (T2), the platform period during clamping (T3), the decreasing period after de-clamping (T4), and the final platform period (T5). Three trials were performed on each rat with 15-minute intervals between consecutive monitoring. RESULTS: Systolic BP showed no significant differences between SMA and CCA. However, significant difference was found in diastolic blood pressure except at T5 (P=0.534). Mean arterial pressure of two arteries were signifi cantly different only at T1 (P=0.015). The strength of association was significantly high between BP measurements through SMA and CCA (P<0.001). The Bland- Altman analyses showed that mean bias of MAP changed no more than 5 mmHg and standard deviation less than 8 mmHg during T2 and T4, respectively. CONCLUSION: The study indicates SMA might be an alternative site for invasive BP monitoring during abdominal aorta occlusion and release, especially in cerebrovascular-related research.

J. vasc. bras ; 19: e20190025, 2020. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091016


Resumo Contexto O clampeamento aórtico e a oclusão da aorta com balão poderiam levar a lesões na parede aórtica. Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as alterações da parede aórtica relacionadas ao método de interrupção de fluxo (cample ou balão) em diferentes técnicas disponíveis para cirurgia de aorta. Métodos Os experimentos foram realizados em 40 porcos fêmeas pesando de 25-30 kg, alocados para quatro grupos: S (n = 10), nenhuma intervenção (sham); C (n = 10), laparotomia mediana transperitoneal para acesso à aorta abdominal infrarrenal com tempo de clampeamento de 60 minutos; L (n = 10), cirurgia laparoscópica da aorta abdominal infrarrenal com tempo de clampeamento de 60 minutos; EV (n = 10), controle aórtico proximal com inserção de cateter-balão para oclusão aórtica por acesso femoral, inflado a fim de promover oclusão aórtica contínua por 60 minutos. Após a eutanásia, as aortas foram removidas e seccionadas para obtenção de espécimes histológicos destinados a análises morfométricas e por microscopia de luz. Os fragmentos longitudinais restantes foram estirados até a ruptura, e determinaram-se padrões mecânicos. Resultados Observou-se redução do limite de proporcionalidade da aorta abdominal, diminuição da rigidez e da carga de ruptura nos grupos submetidos a campleamento aórtico (C e L) em comparação ao grupo EV. Conclusões O campleamento aórtico durante cirurgia aberta ou laparoscópica pode afetar as propriedades mecânicas da aorta, ocasionando redução de resistência da parede aórtica sem desencadear alterações na estrutura histológica da parede aórtica.

Abstract Background Aortic cross-clamping and balloon occlusion of the aorta could lead to damage to the aorta wall. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate changes to the aorta wall related to the method used to interrupt flow (clamping or balloon) in the different techniques available for aortic surgery. Methods Experiments were performed on 40 female pigs, weighing 25-30kg, which were randomly allocated to 4 study groups: S (n=10), no intervention (sham group); C (n=10), midline transperitoneal laparotomy for infrarenal abdominal aortic access with 60 min of cross-clamping; L (n=10), laparoscopic infrarenal abdominal aortic surgery with 60 min of cross-clamping; EV (n=10), remote proximal aortic control with transfemoral arterial insertion of aortic occlusion balloon catheter, inflated to provide continued aortic occlusion for 60min. After euthanasia, the aortas were removed and cross-sectioned to obtain histological specimens for light microscopic and morphometric analyses. The remaining longitudinal segments were stretched to rupture and mechanical parameters were determined. Results We observed a reduction in the yield point of the abdominal aorta, decrease in stiffness and in failure load in the aortic cross-clamping groups (C and L) compared with the EV group. Conclusions Aortic cross-clamping during open or laparoscopic surgery can affect the mechanical properties of the aorta leading to decrease in resistance of the aorta wall, without structural changes in aorta wall histology.

Animales , Femenino , Aorta Abdominal/lesiones , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardiovasculares/instrumentación , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Vasculares/efectos adversos , Estrés Mecánico , Porcinos , Resistencia a la Tracción , Estudios Prospectivos , Modelos Animales , Dispositivos de Cierre Vascular/efectos adversos
MedUNAB ; 23(2): 301-306, 22-07-2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118424


Introducción. El síndrome de Leriche fue definido en 1940 por René Leriche como una enfermedad oclusiva aorto-ilíaca. Su importancia radica en que ocupa el segundo lugar en incidencia dentro de las enfermedades oclusivas arteriales, después de la enfermedad de la arteria femoral superficial. Objetivo. Presentar el caso clínico de un paciente con Síndrome de Leriche cuyo diagnóstico trombótico fue confirmado por una angiotomografía computarizada con su respectiva reestructuración en 3D. Adicionalmente, se informa al lector sobre los datos propios de la patología a través de una breve revisión de la literatura. Caso clínico. Paciente masculino con síntomas clínicos agudos de enfermedad oclusiva aorto-ilíaca o síndrome de Leriche en una extremidad. Se realiza el respectivo procesamiento de imagen asistida por computador (reconstrucción tridimensional) que evidencia la patología a pesar de que la ecografía Doppler no determinó trombosis inicial. Discusión. En procesos oclusivos arteriales se emplean técnicas no invasivas como la ecografía y la angiotomografía. Sin embargo, esta última es la técnica por excelencia, sobre todo para procesos trombóticos, pues agiliza la anticoagulación, así como el abordaje terapéutico. Conclusiones. La angiotomografía es una técnica no invasiva con alta sensibilidad y especificidad para detectar estenosis aorto-ilíaca. Se ha convertido en una gran herramienta diagnostica por sus alcances imagenológicos, como la obtención de imágenes iso volumétricas, que permiten evaluar todo el trayecto arterial en los diferentes planos, por medio del uso de medios de contraste, superando en resultados a la ecografía. Cómo citar: Picón-Jaimes YA, Díaz-Jurado JJ, Orozco-Chinome JE, Ramírez-Rodríguez PA, Arciniegas-Torres NA, Hernández-Sarmiento MA, Villabona-Rosales SA. Angiotomografía en sospecha de enfermedad oclusiva aorto-ilíaca (o síndrome de Leriche). MedUNAB. 2020;23(2): 301-306. doi: 10.29375/01237047.3732.

Introduction. Leriche syndrome was defined in 1940 by René Leriche as an aortoiliac occlusive disease. Its importance lies in it occupying second place in the incidence of occlusive arterial diseases, after superficial femoral artery disease. Objective. Present the clinical case of a patient with Leriche syndrome whose diagnosis of thrombosis was confirmed by a computed tomography angiography with its respective 3D reconstruction. Additionally, the reader is given information about the pathology through a brief summary of the literature. Clinical case. Male patient with acute clinical symptoms of aortoiliac occlusive disease or Leriche syndrome in one limb. The respective computer-assisted image processing (three-dimensional reconstruction) is carried out, which shows the pathology, despite the Doppler ultrasound not initially establishing thrombosis. Discussion. Non-invasive techniques are used in procedures for occlusive arteries, such as ultrasound and CT angiography. However, the latter is a technique par excellence, above all for thrombosis procedures, as well as the therapeutic approach. Conclusions. CT angiography is a non-invasive technique with high sensitivity and specificity in the detection of aortoiliac stenosis. It has become a great diagnostic tool because of its imagery scope, such as obtaining isovolumic images, which enable the assessment of the entire arterial route in different planes, through the use of contrast media, producing more results than the ultrasound. Cómo citar: Picón-Jaimes YA, Díaz-Jurado JJ, Orozco-Chinome JE, Ramírez-Rodríguez PA, Arciniegas-Torres NA, Hernández-Sarmiento MA, Villabona-Rosales SA. Angiotomografía en sospecha de enfermedad oclusiva aorto-ilíaca (o síndrome de Leriche). MedUNAB. 2020;23(2): 301-306. doi: 10.29375/01237047.3732.

Introdução. A síndrome de Leriche foi definida em 1940 por René Leriche como uma doença oclusiva aorto-ilíaca. Sua importância reside no fato de ocupar o segundo lugar em incidência dentro das doenças arteriais obstrutivas, após a doença na artéria femoral superficial. Objetivo. Apresentar o caso clínico de um paciente com síndrome de Leriche cujo diagnóstico trombótico foi confirmado por uma angiotomografia computadorizada (angio-TC) com reestruturação em 3D. Adicionalmente, o leitor é informado sobre os dados próprios da patologia através de uma breve revisão de literatura. Caso clínico. Paciente de sexo masculino com sintomas clínicos agudos da doença oclusiva aorto-ilíaca ou síndrome de Leriche em uma extremidade. Foi realizado o processamento da imagem assistida por computador (reconstrução tridimensional), evidenciando a patologia, ainda que a ultrassonografia Doppler não determinou trombose inicial. Discussão. Em processos oclusivos arteriais são utilizadas técnicas não invasivas como a ultrassonografia e a angiotomografia. No entanto, a angiotomografia é a técnica padrão ouro, principalmente para processos trombóticos, pois acelera a anticoagulação e a abordagem terapêutica. Conclusão. A angiotomografia é uma técnica não invasiva com alta sensibilidade e especificidade para detectar estenose aorto-ilíaca. Tornou-se uma ótima ferramenta de diagnóstico por suas características imagenológicas, como a obtenção de imagens isovolumétricas que permitem avaliar todo o trajeto arterial nos diferentes planos, através do uso de meios de contraste, superando os resultados da ultrassonografia. Cómo citar: Picón-Jaimes YA, Díaz-Jurado JJ, Orozco-Chinome JE, Ramírez-Rodríguez PA, Arciniegas-Torres NA, Hernández-Sarmiento MA, Villabona-Rosales SA. Angiotomografía en sospecha de enfermedad oclusiva aorto-ilíaca (o síndrome de Leriche). MedUNAB. 2020;23(2): 301-306. doi: 10.29375/01237047.3732.

Síndrome de Leriche , Aorta Abdominal , Enfermedades de la Aorta , Arteria Ilíaca , Claudicación Intermitente