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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58979, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559331


Resumen Introducción: La industria acuícola está en constante crecimiento, registrando una producción mundial de casi 88 millones de toneladas para el año 2020. Esta industria trae consigo problemas ambientales si sus efluentes no son debidamente tratados. En el 2020, se constituyó la primera empresa de base tecnológica del CONICET en la Patagonia Argentina cuyo propósito es la producción acuícola del erizo verde de mar, Arbacia dufresnii con la finalidad de elaborar una gama de productos nutracéuticos. Su sistema de cultivo conlleva un compromiso de sustentabilidad desde su creación, y sin embargo genera efluentes con niveles altos de nitratos y fosfatos. Objetivo: Ante este escenario, y valorizando la biorremediación como herramienta de tratamiento de aguas, se propone en este trabajo la utilización de las microalgas marinas como agentes fitorremediadores del efluente acuícola. Métodos: Se utilizaron las microalgas Chaetoceros gracilis, Navicula sp., Tetraselmis suecica., Rhodomona salina., Nanochloropsis galvana y Cylindrotheca closterium, las cuales son usadas como alimento de las larvas del erizo en el proceso productivo. Se diseñó un experimento que compara el crecimiento microalgal y la capacidad de remoción de los nutrientes en el efluente en contraste con el medio de cultivo artificial actualmente usado en el ciclo productivo. Resultados: Es posible remediar el efluente de la industria acuícola mediante las microalgas seleccionadas, con porcentaje de eficacia de remoción del 100 % del nitrato y un porcentaje de eficacia de remoción promedio de 50 % para todas las microalgas testeadas. Asimismo, se obtuvieron valores de biomasa microalgal significativamente mayores cuando el cultivo fue realizado en el efluente respecto del cultivo en el medio artificial. Conclusiones: Los avances en investigación proporcionados en este trabajo ponen de manifiesto que es posible el aprovechamiento de un descarte para cultivar las microalgas, incluso mejorando la productividad microalgal para su uso como alimento, disminuyendo los costos involucrados en el sector de producción microalgal cambiando el uso del tipo de medio de cultivo actual (F/2) por el proveniente de un descarte. Estos avances si son escalados y validados, pueden mejorar los estándares de sustentabilidad de la industria en el marco de una economía circular.

Abstract Introduction: The aquaculture industry is constantly growing, registering a global production of almost 88 million tonnes by 2020. This industry brings environmental problems if its effluents are not properly treated. In 2020, the first technology-based company of CONICET was established in Argentine Patagonia whose purpose is the aquaculture production of the green sea urchin, Arbacia dufresnii to develop a range of nutraceutical products. Its cultivation system entails a commitment to sustainability since its creation, and yet it generates effluents with high levels of nitrates and phosphates. Objective: Given this scenario, and valuing bioremediation as a water treatment tool, the use of marine microalgae as phytoremediating agents of aquaculture effluent is proposed in this work. Methods: The microalgae Chaetoceros gracilis, Navicula sp., Tetraselmis suecica, Rhodomona salina, Nanochloropsis galvana and Cylindrotheca closterium were use; which are used as food for sea urchins larvae in the production process. An experiment was designed that compares the microalgal growth and the removal capacity of nutrients in the effluent in contrast to the artificial culture medium currently used in the production cycle. Results: It is possible to remedy the aquaculture industry's effluent by employing the selected microalgae, with a percentage of removal efficiency of 100 % of the nitrate and an average removal efficiency percentage of 50 % for all the microalgae tested. Likewise, significantly higher microalgal biomass values were obtained when the culture was carried out in the effluent the culture in the artificial environment. Conclusions: The advances in research provided in this work show that it is possible to take advantage of a discard to cultivate microalgae, even improving microalgal productivity for use as food, reducing the costs involved in the microalgal production sector by changing the use of the type of current culture medium (F/2) for that from a current discard. These advances, if scaled and validated, can improve industry sustainability standards within the framework of a circular economy.

Animales , Erizos de Mar , Biodegradación Ambiental , Argentina , Acuicultura , Microalgas/aislamiento & purificación
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535725


A medida que como sociedad vamos dando más importancia a lograr una economía circular, se hace importante encontrar fuentes renovables aptas para la producción de biocombustibles y bioquímicos. En los últimos años, diversas fuentes de biomasa lignocelulósica han sido estudiadas para estos propósitos. Dentro de estas fuentes de biomasa se encuentra el cáñamo (Cannabis sativa L.), siendo parte de una industria que ha crecido a pasos agigantados en las últimas décadas, en Colombia, desde su legalización. Específicamente, la industria del cannabis medicinal es responsable de generar una enorme cantidad de residuos en forma de los tallos de la planta, considerados un subproducto de bajo valor. En esta revisión se compila la información de diferentes estudios sobre el aprovechamiento de la fracción de polisacáridos de biomasa cáñamo, mediante transformaciones químicas y bioquímicas, para la obtención de productos de valor agregado. Se encontró que la mayoría de estudios están enfocados en la obtención de bioetanol o biogás; se encontraron también reportes de otras moléculas como ácido succínico, ácido láctico, furfural, polihidroxialcanoatos y bisaboleno. La viabilidad a nivel industrial de todos estos procesos permanece siendo una incógnita, pues los pasos de pretratamiento, hidrólisis y de conversión final utilizados suelen ser costosos. Es necesario que los estudios que realicen en el futuro se enfoquen en optimizar las condiciones de estos procesos y hacerlos verdes y así asegurar que puedan ser escalados.

As we as a society, give more importance to achieving a circular economy, it becomes important to find renewable sources suitable for the production of biofuels and biochemicals. In the last years, several different sources of lignocellulosic biomass have been studied for these purposes. One of these biomass sources is hemp (Cannabis sativa L), being part of an industry that has grown through giant steps in the last decades, in Colombia, since its legalization. Specifically, the industry of medicinal hemp is responsible for the generation of huge amounts of residues in the form of the plant stalks, considered a low value subproduct. This review compiles the information of several studies about the exploitation of the polysaccharide portion of hemp biomass through chemical and biochemical transformations, obtaining value-added products. It was found that most of these studies focus on the production of bioetanol or biogas; reports of other molecules such as succinic acid, furfural, polyhydroxyalkanoates and bisabolene were also found. Industrial viability of these processes remains a question, since pretreatment, hydrolysis and final conversion steps are usually expensive. It necessary that future studies focus on optimizing conditions of these processes as well as making them green, ensuring that they can be scaled.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 23(2): 6-14, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360959


RESUMEN Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos a escala de laboratorio para el aprovechamiento de la pulpa de café (residuos) en el proceso de beneficio húmedo aplicando el concepto de biorrefinería. Los resultados mostraron que es posible tratar este residuo mediante procesos fermentativos y obtener bioetanol separado por medio de la destilación simple con un contenido de alcohol entre 3,85 % al 6,90 % por cada 250 ml de biomasa tratada en condiciones ambientales. Se observó en todos los ensayos que una variable importante es el tiempo de fermentación y la estructura inicial del residuo ya que esto influye sobre el rendimiento obtenido en términos del bioalcohol producido. Este trabajo forma parte de un estudio preliminar para la implementación del concepto de biorrefinería a los residuos generados en el beneficio húmedo del café. La búsqueda de alternativas que permitan el aprovechamiento de los residuos del café constituye una problemática actual. Estos residuos al no ser tratados, por lo general son vertidos a las fuentes hídricas y en ocasiones utilizados como enmiendas agrícolas en los cultivos, lo cual puede causar graves problemas de contaminación. Por este motivo es necesario realizar investigaciones en este campo que permitan su tratamiento o aprovechamiento integral.

ABSTRACT This work presents the results obtained at a laboratory scale for the use of coffee pulp (residues) in the wet milling process applying the concept of biorefinery. The results showed that it is possible to treat this residue through fermentative processes and obtain bioethanol through simple distillation with an alcohol content between 3.85% to 6.90% for each 250ml of biomass with a solid-liquid ratio of 4 to 1 to environmental conditions. It was observed in all the tests that the fermentation time and the initial structure of the residue are important variables since they influence the yield obtained in terms of produced alcohol. This work is part of a preliminary study for the implementation of the biorefinery concept to the residues generated in the wet coffee mill. The search of alternatives that allow the use of coffee residues is a current problem. These residues, when not treated, are generally dumped into water sources and sometimes used as agricultural amendments in crops, which can cause serious contamination problems. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out research in this field for its treatment or comprehensive use.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1017-1031, 2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878611


Cyanobacteria is one of the promising microbial chassis in synthetic biology, which serves as a typical host for light-driven production. With the gradual depletion of fossil resources and intensification of global warming, the research on cyanobacterial cell factory using CO2 as carbon resource is ushering in a new wave. For a long time, research focus on cyanobacterial cell factory has mainly been the production of energy products, such as liquid fuels and hydrogen. One of the critical bottlenecks occurring in cyanobacterial cell factory is the poor economic performance, which is mainly caused by the inherent inefficiency of cyanobacteria. The problem is particularly prominent for these extremely cost-sensitive energy products. As an indispensable basis for modern industry, polymer monomers belong to the bulk chemicals with high added value. Therefore, increasing attention has been focused on polymer monomers which are superior in overcoming the economic barrier in commercialization of cyanobacterial cell factories. Here, we systematically review the progress on the production of polymer monomers using cyanobacteria, including the strategies for improving production, and the related technologies for the application of this important microbial cell factory. Finally, we summarize several issues in cyanobacterial synthetic biology and proposed future developing trends in this field.

Cianobacterias , Sustancias Macromoleculares , Polímeros , Biología Sintética
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1058-1069, 2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878614


The efficient production of lignocellulolytic enzyme systems is an important support for large-scale biorefinery of plant biomass. On-site production of lignocellulolytic enzymes could increase the economic benefits of the process by lowering the cost of enzyme usage. Penicillium species are commonly found lignocellulose-degrading fungi in nature, and have been used for industrial production of cellulase preparations due to their abilities to secrete complete and well-balanced lignocellulolytic enzyme systems. Here, we introduce the reported Penicillium species for cellulase production, summarize the characteristics of their enzymes, and describe the strategies of strain engineering for improving the production and performance of lignocellulolytic enzymes. We also review the progress in fermentation process optimization regarding the on-site production of lignocellulolytic enzymes using Penicillium species, and suggest prospect of future work from the perspective of building a "sugar platform" for the biorefinery of lignocellulosic biomass.

Biomasa , Celulasa/metabolismo , Fermentación , Hongos/metabolismo , Lignina/metabolismo , Penicillium
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20190229, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132245


Abstract To develop a biorefinery concept applied in the brewery industry, Chlorella pyrenoidosa and a consortium of associated bacteria were cultivated mixotrophically in a continuous photobioreactor using brewery low-value subproducts as an integrative process. Beer production residues were biochemically characterized to assess the most promising options to be used as a nutrient source for microalgal cultivation. Due to its physical and chemical properties, pre-treated weak wort was used to prepare an organic complex culture medium for microalgal biotransformation. Filtration and nitrogen supplementation were necessary to improve nutrient removal and biomass productivity. Maximal removal of nitrate and phosphate obtained were 90% and 100% respectively. Depending on operation conditions, total carbohydrates depuration ranged from 50 - 80%. The initial concentration of total carbohydrates of the weak wort must be adjusted to 2 - 4g/L to maintain a stable equilibrium between microalgal and bacterial growth. The biochemical composition of produced biomass varied depending on the cultivation conditions as well as on its final use. Upon continuous mixotrophic conditions evaluated in this study, C. pyrenoidosa was composed mainly of carbohydrates and protein.

Animales , Cerveza , Fenómenos Bioquímicos , Biotransformación , Chlorella/crecimiento & desarrollo , Microalgas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Carbohidratos , Chlorella/química , Biomasa , Fotobiorreactores/microbiología
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(1): 55-60, jan.-fev. 2019. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001942


RESUMO A biomassa destaca-se como um dos poucos recursos disponíveis com potencial de desenvolvimento de biorrefinarias para a inclusão de rotas alternativas sustentáveis na produção de energia e produtos químicos. A lignina é um subproduto do pré-tratamento da biomassa na produção de etanol de segunda geração, basicamente composta de cadeias de carbono e que pode ter alto valor agregado. Contudo, tem sido tradicionalmente utilizada para geração de energia por queima direta. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a influência do pH na precipitação do licor negro, variando o pH de 1 a 7, bem como caracterizar os componentes da sua estrutura química para possíveis usos futuros. Após a obtenção da massa precipitada, procedeu-se às análises espectrofotométricas no infravermelho e no ultravioleta, além da quantificação de fenóis totais, nas frações sólidas e líquidas das ligninas provenientes dos diferentes pH. Os resultados demonstram que as maiores concentrações de lignina foram obtidas nos menores valores de pH. As análises instrumentais indicaram diferenças nos componentes de cada lignina, sugerindo que sua composição química é influenciada pela alteração do pH. Ainda, a concentração total de fenóis no sobrenadante das amostras foi menor em pH mais baixos, confirmando que há maiores concentrações desses na fração sólida das ligninas.

ABSTRACT Biomass appears to be one of the few resources available with the potential of developing bio refineries for the inclusion of sustainable alternative routes in the production of energy and chemicals. Lignin is a 2nd generation by-product of biomass pre-treatment on ethanol production, and consists of carbon chains, which can have a high added value. However, lignin is being considered just for energy generation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pH in the precipitation of black liquor through its acidification of in different pH values (1-7), and to characterize the components of its chemical structure for possible future use. After determining the precipitated mass, a spectrophotometric analysis was carried out on infrared and ultraviolet, along with the quantification of total phenolic compounds in the solid and liquid fractions of lignin derived from different pH ranges. The results showed that the higher lignin concentrations were obtained at lower pH values. The instrumental analysis indicated significant differences in each lignin's components, suggesting that its chemical composition is influenced by pH change. To conclude, the total concentration of phenolic compounds in the supernatant of the samples was lower at lower pH ranges, indicating that there are higher concentrations of these in lignin's solid fraction.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 19(1): 23-28, Jan. 2016. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-781166


Background: Lignocellulosic biomass is a renewable, abundant, and inexpensive resource for biorefining process to produce biofuel and valuable chemicals. To make the process become feasible, it requires the use of both efficient pretreatment and hydrolysis enzymes to generate fermentable sugars. Ionic liquid (IL) pretreatment has been demonstrated to be a promising method to enhance the saccharification of biomass by cellulase enzyme; however, the remaining IL in the hydrolysis buffer strongly inhibits the function of cellulase. This study aimed to isolate a potential IL-tolerant cellulase producing bacterium to be applied in biorefining process. Result: One Bacillus sp., MSL2 strain, obtained from rice paddy field soil was isolated based on screening of cellulase assay. Its cellulase enzyme was purified and fractionated using a size exclusion chromatography. The molecular weight of purified cellulose was 48 kDa as revealed by SDS-PAGE and zymogram analysis. In the presence of the IL, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([C2mim][OAc]) concentration of 1 M, the cellulase activity retained 77.7% of non-IL condition. In addition, the optimum temperature and pH of the enzyme is 50°C and pH 6.0, respectively. However, this cellulase retained its activity more than 90% at 55°C, and pH 4.0. Kinetic analysis of purified enzyme showed that the Km and Vmax were 0.8 mg/mL and 1000 μM/min, respectively. Conclusion: The characterization of cellulase produced from MSL2 strain was described here. These properties of cellulase made this bacterial strain become potential to be used in the biorefining process.

Bacillus/enzimología , Celulasa/aislamiento & purificación , Celulasa/biosíntesis , Oryza , Microbiología del Suelo , Temperatura , Bacillus/metabolismo , Biomasa , Líquidos Iónicos , Biocombustibles , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Hidrólisis , Lignina
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1496-1506, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-243705


Using cheap biomass resources is a hotspot of research on industrial biotechnology. It is difficult for traditional fermentations with single strain to treat so complex components and more impurities, which becomes the key problem in industrialization. In this review, some existing industrial bioprocesses involving microbial consortia were described. Comparison of 1,3-propanediol production by microbial consortia and pure cultures were then introduced and the relationship between cells in microbial consortia were summarized. Finally, the perspective was also addressed to design and apply microbial consortia in the future.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-596870


United States is a big biofuels market and a dominant country in the research and development of advanced biofuels.It has set up an ambitious development goal and strong supportive policy measures for advanced biofuels,and implemented the Biomass Program,currently focusing on the research,development and demonstration of cellulosic biofuels,and also embarking upon the research of third generation biofuels.US government attaches great importance to related planning,analyses and inter-agency cooperation.On the basis of the progresses on the frontiers of basic and applied research,it has been vigorously advancing the demonstration and commercialization of biofuels technology,in an effort to accelerate the transition to advanced biofuels.