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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021307


BACKGROUND:In recent years,metal-organic frameworks have been widely used in the biomedical field because of their unique properties,and metal-organic frameworks can be applied to implant surface modification for improving their biological properties and the surgery's success rate. OBJECTIVE:To introduce metal-organic frameworks commonly used in implant surface modification and the preparation and action mechanism of surgical implants modified by metal-organic frameworks. METHODS:The articles concerning metal-organic frameworks used in implant surface modification published from 2010 to 2023 were searched on PubMed,Web of Science and CNKI.Finally,64 articles were included for review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Metal-organic frameworks have the properties of high porosity,large specific surface area,and diverse spatial structure.As bioactive material,metal-organic frameworks have attracted much attention in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.(2)The metal-organic frameworks commonly used in the field of implant surface modification include three types.Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks are commonly used as carriers,carrying various drugs and biomolecules.The MIL series are suitable for drug carriers and nanoenzymes.Bio-metal-organic frameworks have many applications because of their diverse structure and are characterized by excellent biosafety.(3)The preparation of implant materials modified by metal-organic frameworks can be mainly divided into two types:one is to incorporate metal-organic frameworks into pretreated implants;the other is to synthesize metal-organic frameworks in situ on pretreated implants.(4)Metal-organic frameworks on the implant surface could release their components,load drugs,catalyze active reactions,or combine with other materials,giving implants antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics and promoting osseointegration.The preparation method of metal-organic framework coatings needs further improvement,and the metabolism and distribution of metal-organic framework coatings should be deeply explored,and its clinical application should be actively promoted.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030768


ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the current status of biosafety management in laboratory animal institutions in Hunan Province, identify management shortcomings, and provide targeted recommendations for improvement. MethodsA questionnaire survey was conducted in July 2023 among 40 laboratory animal institutions in Hunan Province, covering topics such as the establishment of laboratory management system and its overall operation status, emergency management for incidents, medical waste disposal, animal transportation, personnel practitioner management, environmental disinfection, and equipment maintenance. The awareness of biosafety, animal bite incidents, and vaccination history was surveyed from at least one animal feeder or experimental operation practitioner from each institution, totaling 50 practitioners. Through literature review and comparative analysis, this paper analyzed the current status of biosafety management in production, transportation, and use of laboratory animals in Hunan Province from aspects such as biosafety management systems, personnel training, disinfection of environmental facilities and waste disposal, and provided recommendations. ResultsAmong the 40 laboratory animal institutions in Hunan Province,39 institutions (97.5%) had established laboratory management systems, 37 (92.5%) had emergency response plans for incidents of to transport laboratory animals, 15 (37.5%) had complete records of emergency drills for laboratory animal biosafety, and 39 (97.5%) had established protocols for carcass and waste management. Moreover, 26 institutions (65.0%) had laboratory biosafety risk assessment reports. 4 out of 8 (50.0%) production units had emergency plans for animal transportation, with 7 (87.5%) using special vehicles to transport laboratory animals. 2 (4.0%) of the 50 practitioners were unaware of emergency response plans, 6 participants (12.0%) did not consistently wear personal protective equipment, and 38 participants (76.0%) had been bitten or scratched by laboratory animals. The results of the survey showed that emergency management, transportation management and personnel management of laboratory animal incidents still need improvement in Hunan Province. Relevant functional departments should strengthen supervision and management efforts, establish local regulations for the transportation management of laboratory animals, ensure strict compliance with relevant documents, conduct emergency drills in all units, and strengthen training for practitioners. ConclusionWhile daily management practices in the 40 laboratory animal institutions in Hunan Province are generally satisfactory, there remains a need for further improvement in emergency management, transportation management, personnel management, etc. Gradually enhancing the level of laboratory animal safety management is essential to collectively safeguard public health safety.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036496


The emergency management of biosafety for laboratory animals in Hunan Province is an essential component of the province’s implementation of the national biosafety strategy. To strengthen the prevention and control of biosafety risks in laboratory animals and to ensure a quick and effective response to laboratory animal biosafety emergencies, Hunan Province has formulated the "Emergency Response Plan for Laboratory Animal Biosafety Emergencies in Hunan Province". This plan aims to minimize damages caused to practitioners, public health, and laboratory animal industry, protect lives and property, and safeguard public safety and social stability. This paper analyzes the necessity, guiding ideology, principles, and basis for formulating the plan. It details the main contents of the plan, which includes scope of application, incident classification, organizational structure and responsibilities, monitoring and early warning mechanisms, emergency reporting and response, post-incident assessment, and safeguard measures. Moreover, this paper provides a summary and outlook on the emergency management of biosafety laboratory animals in Hunan Province in recent years.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039876


Scientific research laboratory is the base of scientific research and talent training in the university. During the construction and development of “world-class universities and first-class disciplines”, laboratory safety management has been facing urgent challenges. Based on the laboratory management methods of Zhongshan School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University, we analyzed the classification and characteristics of discipline laboratories, laboratory safety access training and assessment, and summarized the actual situation and construction of safety management system for basic medical laboratories. This paper expounded on laboratory management, such as management system construction, safety management, safety inspection and supervision, safety awareness of all staff and system execution, so as to provide a feasible and creative scientific guidance and basis for university laboratory biosafety management, and establish a healthy and safe experimental environment to ensure the safety of laboratory work.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026217


Objective To analyze the bioelectromagnetic dose of human blood-brain barrier opening induced by electromagnetic pulse.Methods A typical exposure platform was used to establish an environment for human brain dosimetric study.The bioelectromagnetic dose was evaluated with electromagnetic simulation method using a 3D digital human model.Results The electric field at the centre of the head reached a peak of 1.49 kV/m,and there was a decrease of 41.6 dB from the excitation field.The maximum electric field amplitude on the surface of the nose tip was 1795 kV/m.The head had an average absorption rate of 4.16×10-8 J/kg under one pulse,while under extreme conditions with a repetition frequency of 1000 s-1,the average specific absorption rate of the head was 4.16×10-5 W/kg.Conclusion Local high-intensity electric fields pose significant safety risks in clinical application,and it is necessary to study the means of inhibiting local high-intensity electric field in combination with the dose-effect relationship of blood-brain barrier opening.The human brain bioelectromagnetic doses provided by the study can be used to evaluate the clinical efficacy.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 49: e2, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559623


Resumo Objetivos: analisar os fatores associados à insegurança na realização das atividades laborais durante a pandemia de COVID-19 entre profissionais de saúde bucal do Sistema Único de Saúde do Ceará. Métodos: estudo transversal com dados secundários disponibilizados pela Coordenadoria de Atenção à Saúde do Ceará, coletados em maio de 2020. Foram construídos modelos de regressão logística. Resultados: participaram 801 profissionais, dos quais 72,8% eram cirurgiões-dentistas, 73,9% relataram não ter recebido todos os equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) recomendados e 58,2% relataram não se sentirem seguros para realizar atividades laborais. Na análise ajustada, foram associados à insegurança laboral: maior tempo de formação (RC=1,90; IC95%: 1,12; 3,20), vínculo empregatício efetivo (RC=1,85; IC95%: 1,15; 2,99) e não recebimento de todos os EPI recomendados (RC=1,84; IC95%: 1,16; 2,91); enquanto a chance de insegurança foi menor entre os profissionais que atuavam no nível secundário de atenção à saúde (RC=0,52; IC95%: 0,28; 0,96). Conclusão: os profissionais relataram situação de insegurança laboral durante a primeira onda da pandemia. O estudo revelou a necessidade de melhorias nas condições de trabalho com distribuição de EPI de forma equitativa em todo o estado, garantindo um exercício laboral mais seguro.

Abstract Objectives: to analyze the factors associated with workplace insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic among oral healthcare providers of the Unified Health System of the state of Ceará. Methods: cross-sectional study with secondary data made available by the Health Care Coordination, which were collected in May 2020. Logistic regression models were constructed. Results: in total, 801 professionals participated in this research, of whom 72.8% were dentists, 73.9% reported receiving only some of the recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and 58.2% reported feeling unsafe to carry out work activities. In the adjusted analysis, the following factors were associated with workplace insecurity: permanent employment (OR=1.85; 95%CI: 1.15; 2.99) and not receiving all the recommended PPE (OR=1.84; 95%CI: 1.16; 2.91); whereas the chance of feeling insecure was higher among dental assistants and technicians (OR=2.13; 95%CI 1.34; 3.40) than among dental surgeons. Conclusion: professionals reported workplace insecurity during the first wave of the pandemic. This study shows the need for improving working conditions with equal distribution of PPE throughout the state, ensuring safer working conditions.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(10): 2809-2822, out. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520595


Resumo O artigo versa sobre as condições de trabalho na saúde no contexto da pandemia no Brasil. Trata-se de estudo transversal que utilizou dados de recorte das pesquisas "Condições de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde no contexto da Covid-19 no Brasil" e "Os Trabalhadores invisíveis da saúde: condições de trabalho e saúde mental no contexto da Covid-19 no Brasil", objetivando conhecer as condições de trabalho e a biossegurança desses dois contingentes profissionais distintos e desiguais, socialmente. A análise dos dados comprova que as condições de trabalho foram extremamente afetas em função da infraestrutura inadequada, trabalho extenuante, biossegurança em risco, exaustão, medo da contaminação e da morte, fortes sinais de esgotamento físico e mental entre os trabalhadores. Aponta também para discriminação e desigualdades de direitos sociais e de valorização profissional que demarcam os mundos do trabalho apontados nas pesquisas, enfatizando as profundas desigualdades existentes no Brasil e em suas regiões. Conclui-se mostrando a importância de formulação de políticas públicas no âmbito da gestão do trabalho no SUS que assegurem a proteção, valorização e redução das desigualdades apontadas no artigo.

Abstract The present article addresses the work conditions in health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. This is a cross-sectional study that used data from the surveys "Working conditions of healthcare professionals in the context of Covid-19 in Brazil" and "Invisible healthcare workers: work conditions and mental health in the context of Covid-19 in Brazil", seeking to better understand the working conditions and biosafety of these two distinct and socially unequal professional contingents. Data analysis proves that work conditions were extremely affected due to inadequate infrastructures, strenuous work, biosecurity at risk, exhaustion, fear of contamination and death, strong signs of physical and mental exhaustion, among workers. It also points out the discrimination and inequalities of social rights and professional development that mark the worlds of work highlighted in the surveys, emphasizing the profound inequalities that exist in Brazil and in its regions. It concludes by showing the importance of formulating public policies within the scope of work management in SUS, which ensures the protection, appreciation and reduction of inequalities pointed out in this article.

Rev. cuba. cir ; 62(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550832


Introducción: La COVID-19 significó un gran reto para los servicios de cirugía a nivel mundial, lo que trajo como consecuencia modificaciones, incluso la suspensión de la actividad quirúrgica en algunos casos con el objetivo de garantizar seguridad tanto para el paciente como para el personal de salud. Objetivo: Describir acciones que contribuyan a garantizar condiciones de bioseguridad en ambientes quirúrgicos durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para la cual se usaron 37 referencias bibliográficas en inglés y español. Se consultaron fuentes científicas como PubMed/Medline, SciELO, Scopus, ScienceDirect y fuentes oficiales como la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Desarrollo: Ante la reanudación de la cirugía electiva se crearon protocolos de actuación. Deben clasificarse los pacientes en 3 grupos según la posibilidad de padecer COVID-19: individuos sanos, portadores asintomáticos y pacientes con síntomas. Además, debe darse prioridad a los pacientes cuyos procedimientos fueron cancelados. Se preconiza crear circuitos independientes y separados para evitar el contacto de casos sospechosos o confirmados de COVID-19 con el resto de pacientes. Para garantizar mayor seguridad debe entrenarse al personal médico en la forma correcta de utilizar los medios de protección personal. La inducción anestésica de estos pacientes debe garantizar su seguridad y prevenir el contagio. Una vez concluida la cirugía, se llevará a cabo la recuperación inicial del paciente dentro del propio quirófano y este será higienizado estrictamente. Conclusiones: Los profesionales sanitarios deben estar adecuadamente entrenados y conocer las medidas de bioseguridad y protocolos sanitarios tanto del hospital como del país en que se encuentren(AU)

Introduction: COVID-19 posed a great challenge to surgical services worldwide, resulting in modifications, including the suspension of surgical activity in some cases with the aim of ensuring safety for both the patient and the health personnel. Objective: To describe actions that contribute to guarantee biosafety conditions in surgical environments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out using 37 bibliographic references in English and Spanish. Scientific sources, such as PubMed/Medline, SciELO, Scopus and ScienceDirect, were consulted; as well as official sources, such as the World Health Organization. Development: When elective surgery was resumed, action protocols were created. Patients should be classified into 3 groups, according to the possibility of having COVID-19: healthy individuals, asymptomatic carriers, and patients with symptoms. In addition, priority should be given to patients whose procedures have been cancelled. Independent and isolated wards are recommended to be created in order to avoid contact between suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases and the rest of the patients. To ensure greater safety, the medical personnel should be trained in the correct use of personal protective equipment. The anesthetic induction of these patients should ensure their safety and prevent contagion. Once the surgery is over, the initial recovery of the patient will be carried out inside the operating room itself, which shall be strictly sanitized. Conclusions: Healthcare professionals must be adequately trained and be aware of the biosecurity measures and healthcare protocols of both the hospital and the country where they are located(AU)

Humanos , Atención a la Salud , COVID-19 , Literatura de Revisión como Asunto , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 281-287, sept. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514385


La odontología frente al virus SARS-CoV-2 ha sido calificada como la práctica que conlleva más riesgo comparado a otras profesiones en el ámbito de la salud, sobre todo porque el campo de trabajo es la cavidad oral, exponiéndose a diferentes agentes patógenos que podrían poner en riesgo la vida de los odontólogos, y ante el COVID-19 se expone esta preocupante realidad, por lo que a nivel internacional y local se han restructurado los protocolos de atención odontológica. El objetivo del presente estudio fue para concientizar la necesidad de prevenir la morbimortalidad por las infecciones cruzadas, mediante un espacio seguro, con la aplicación estricta de la bioseguridad para todos los que participan en la consulta estomatológica. La presente revisión ha encontrado coincidencias de criterios, así como, recomendaciones universales en la prevención de las infecciones cruzadas y manejo de la seguridad ante el riesgo de contagio.

Dentistry against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been classified as the practice that carries more risk compared to other professions in the field of health, especially since the field of work is the oral cavity, exposing itself to different pathogens that could putting the lives of dentists at risk, and in the face of COVID-19 this worrying reality is exposed, so at the international and local level dental care protocols have been restructured. The objective of this study is to raise awareness of the need to prevent morbidity and mortality due to cross infections, through a safe space, with the strict application of biosafety for all those who participate in the stomatological consultation. The present review has found coincidences of criteria, as well as universal recommendations in the prevention of cross infections and management of safety in the face of the risk of contagion.

Humanos , Contención de Riesgos Biológicos , Medicina Oral , Medidas de Seguridad , Servicios de Salud Dental , COVID-19/prevención & control
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 852-855, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-978754


Nanomedicine is one of the most promising fields in biomedicine. Inorganic nanomaterials stand out among many nanomaterials due to their excellent physicochemical properties, stable chemical properties and high biocompatibility. As an inorganic nanomaterial, bismuth-based nanomaterials have the advantages of adjustable band gap, low toxicity, easy functionalization, large X-ray attenuation coefficient, high photothermal conversion efficiency and long cycle half-life, so they have good promising application in cancer diagnosis and treatment. This review summarizes the recent research progress of bismuth-based nanomaterials in tumor diagnosis, treatment and biosafety, which provides a theoretical basis for the design and exploitation of a new generation of bismuth-based nanomedicine systems.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 420-2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979703


@#Arthropods of medical importance such as mosquitoes, ticks and sandflies are one of the key drivers of arthropod-borne diseases outbreak, posing a great threat to global public health security. For further understanding the transmission mechanisms of arthropod-borne diseases and establishing the prevention and control measures, a series of experiments of arthropods infection need to be carried out under laboratory conditions. Besides the regular biosafety requirements, some specific considerations need to be taken into account when performing arthropod infection and the infected arthropod rearing. Except for the physical containment composed of biosafety facilities, a comprehensive assessment of the biosafety risks during operations and corresponding preventive measures are also critical to eliminate or mitigate the biosafety risks. In this paper, we introduce our practice in handling mosquito infection with Risk Group 2 pathogens in Arthropod Containment Level-2 (ACL-2) laboratory, with an aim to provide a reference for researchers in related fields.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1390-1402, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981145


Polymer nanoparticles generally refer to hydrophobic polymers-based nanoparticles, which have been extensively studied in the nanomedicine field due to their good biocompatibility, efficient long-circulation characteristics, and superior metabolic discharge patterns over other nanoparticles. Existing studies have proved that polymer nanoparticles possess unique advantages in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and have been transformed from basic researches to clinical applications, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis (AS). However, the inflammatory reaction induced by polymer nanoparticles would induce the formation of foam cells and autophagy of macrophages. In addition, the variations in the mechanical microenvironment of cardiovascular diseases may cause the enrichment of polymer nanoparticles. These could possibly promote the occurrence and development of AS. Herein, this review summarized the recent application of polymer nanoparticles in the diagnosis and treatment of AS, as well as the relationship between polymer nanoparticles and AS and the associated mechanism, with the aim to facilitate the development of novel nanodrugs for the treatment of AS.

Humanos , Polímeros/química , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Nanopartículas/química , Sistemas de Liberación de Medicamentos , Aterosclerosis/patología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988720


High-level pathogenic microorganism laboratories are strategic scientific and technological forces of national biosafety, so it is significant to improve the policy and system management and strengthen the safety supervision. This paper reviewed the current status of management policy and system of high-level pathogenic microorganism laboratories, summarized the problems and challenges in terms of safety laws and regulations, supervision mechanism, hierarchical and classified management, standards and norms, legal person responsibility system, occupational access system and personnel training system. This paper also proposed targeted policy suggestions that might underlie the biosafety management of high-level pathogenic microorganism laboratories in China.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993310


Objective:To compare the effect and biotoxicity of tert-butyl acetate (TBA) and ethyl butyrate (EB) on stone dissolution in vitro.Methods:Ten gallstone samples from patients with multiple gallbladder stones were selected and the cholesterol content was analyzed by HPLC. Stone dissolution tests of TBA and EB were performed on cholesterol gallstone in vitro, and the weight of stone at each time point was recorded, meanwhile, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) was used as the control. The inhibitory effects of MTBE, TBA and EB on proliferation of human normal liver cell line LO2 were analyzed by cell proliferation inhibition assay. Flow cytometry was used to analyze the effects of MTBE, TBA and EB on the early and late apoptosis of LO2 cells, and the changes of reactive oxygen species level in LO2 cells were also analyzed.Results:Of the 10 gallbladder gallstones, 6 were cholesterol gallstones and 4 were non-cholesterol gallstones. Stone dissolution experiment showed that the remaining stones of MTBE, TBA and EB groups were (47.83±3.84)%, (58.12±4.53)% and (75.75±4.61)% 30 minutes later. The remaining stones were (18.38±6.47)%, (33.82±6.22)% and (56.38±3.91)% 90 minutes later. MTBE had the best stone dissolution effect in vitro, the stone dissolution effect of TBA was slightly weaker than MTBE, and the stone dissolution effect of EB was relatively weak in all ( P<0.05). The cell proliferation inhibition experiment showed that the cell viability of the control group, MTBE group and TBA group were (100.00±4.46)%, (96.79±4.32)% and (93.72±3.51)%, respectively, and there were no significant differences among the three groups ( P>0.05). However, the cell viability of EB group (87.57±5.29)% was lower than the above three groups, and the differences were statistically significant ( P<0.001). The early apoptosis and late apoptosis of the control group were (1.67±0.15)% and (1.27±0.06)%, respectively. EB induced early apoptosis (15.90±0.53)% ( P<0.001) and late apoptosis (5.13±0.76)% ( P<0.05). However, MTBE and TBA had no significant effect on cell apoptosis ( P>0.05). Compared with control group, MTBE, TBA and EB all significantly inhibited the level of reactive oxygen species ( P<0.05), and the inhibitory effect of EB was the most obvious. Conclusions:TBA has good stone dissolution effect and biosafety for gallbladder cholesterol stones in vitro, while EB has relatively poor performance. TBA is a potential drug for gallstone dissolution.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022897


The scrap management of the level Ⅱ biosafety cabinet in some institution from 2019 to 2021 was introduced.The level l[biosafety cabinet was analyzed in terms of the causes for the failures,service length and the correlation between them.Some suggestions were put forward including standardizing the utilization,maintenance and scrap management of the biosafety cabinet.References were provided for ensuring the biosafety and operation of the laboratory.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2023,44(10):91-94]

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029831


Objective:To monitor nucleic acid contamination and evaluate the biosecurity risk in a temporary 2019-nCoV nucleic acid testing laboratory situated within designated infectious disease care facilities.Methods:Quantitative real-time PCR technology was used to detect nucleic acid contamination in samples collected from high-risk experimental activity areas and the surface of the laboratory staff′s personal protective equipment. Sampling was conducted every Monday from March 14 to May 16, 2022, both during and after disinfection procedures.Results:A total of 760 samples were collected from 40 sampling sites. A total of 27 out of 100 samples (27%) collected from 8 sampling sites in the sample processing area were positive. Among them, the contaminated area of biological safety cabinet, the outer surface of the sample transport box, and the sample rack were found to have the highest positive detection rates, with rates of 5/10, 4/10, and 6/10, respectively. Ten out of 140 samples (7.1%) obtained from 7 sampling sites in the nucleic acid detection area showed positive results. The inner wall of sample transfer window and the door handle of the nucleic acid detection area had the highest positive detection rates, both at 4/20. The Ct values for the target genes from the positive samples in the sample processing area were significantly higher than those from the nucleic acid detection area. The detection rate for nucleic acid contamination on the surface of the personal protective equipment of the laboratory staff was 20% (16/80), and the positive detection rate of the outer gloves from operator during the experiment reached 9/10. After disinfection, the nucleic acid residues on the surfaces of the various areas of the 2019-nCoV nucleic acid laboratory and the surfaces of the personal protective equipment of the laboratory staff were observed to be effectively removed.Conclusions:During experimental operation, the positive detection rate and nucleic acid contamination intensity of 2019-nCoV are higher in the sample processing area compared to those in the nucleic acid detection area. The laboratory staff are exposed to high biosecurity risk during the experiment. Implementing a scientific disinfection process can significantly reduce the risk of 2019-nCoV residues from the laboratory environment and the surface of the personal protective equipment of the laboratory staff, ensuring the accuracy of inspections and the safety of the laboratory staff.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 683-688, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013307


{L-End}Objective To understand the influence of job burnout and anxiety symptoms on work ability of biosafety laboratory (BSL) workers in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. {L-End}Methods A total of 5 808 BSL workers in Xinjiang Region were selected as the research subjects using cluster sampling method. The Job Burnout Questionnaire, Anxiety Self-rating Scale and Work Ability Index Questionnaire were used to evaluate their job burnout, anxiety symptoms and work ability. The mediation effect of anxiety symptoms on the relationship between job burnout and work ability was tested by stepwise regression analysis. {L-End}Results The detection rate of job burnout, anxiety symptoms and poor working ability was 83.1% (4 829/5 808), 37.2% (2 160/5 808) and 5.8% (339/5 808), respectively. There was a positive correlation between job burnout and anxiety symptoms score in BSL workers [correlation coefficient (r) was 0.48, P<0.01]. The score of job burnout and anxiety symptoms was negatively correlated with the work ability score (r were -0.58, -0.51, both P<0.01). The results of mediation effect analysis show that the total effect of job burnout on work ability was -0.31, with the direct effect of -0.15. The mediation effect of anxiety symptoms on the relationship between job burnout and work ability was -0.16, accounting for 51.6% of the total effect. {L-End}Conclusion The detection rates of job burnout and anxiety symptoms among BSL workers in Xinjiang Region are relatively high. Anxiety symptoms show a mediate effect on the relationship between job burnout and work ability. The work ability of BSL workers can be improved by improving job burnout and anxiety symptoms.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450062


Introducción: La COVID-19 es una enfermedad provocada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, que se transmite por medio de la vía respiratoria por lo cual, los odontólogos enfrentan un gran riesgo al trabajar directamente en la cavidad oral. Objetivo: Sistematizar los referentes teóricos sobre el impacto de la COVID-19 en el área de la Odontología. Método: En la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, entre los meses de septiembre a diciembre de 2022 se realizó una revisión sistemática sobre el tema. De 36 artículos revisados se escogió, según criterios, un total de 23 artículos, disponibles en PUBMED y SciELO que abordan la problemática de COVID-19 en el área odontológica, de varios autores, en idioma inglés y español. Resultados: Se abordaron los temas, tales como: enfermedades bucodentales generadas a causa de COVID-19, Cambios en el área odontológica a causa de la pandemia por COVID-19 y medidas de bioseguridad empleadas para atender al paciente en el consultorio odontológico. Consideraciones finales: La COVID-19 ha tenido gran repercusión en Odontología, lo que afecta la salud bucal y general del paciente, a su vez, conduce al uso de estrictas medidas de bioseguridad dentro y fuera del consultorio odontológico, por lo que resulta ineludible que los odontólogos se empoderen de los referentes teóricos en torno al tema para contribuir a la detección de lesiones que puedan constituir signos primarios que apuntan a la presencia de SARS-CoV-2, adoptar conductas responsables y evitar su propagación.

Introduction: COVID-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus and transmitted through respiratory track. So, dentists face a great risk working directly in the oral cavity. Objective: Systematization of the theoretical references concerning the impact of COVID-19 in dental areas. Method: A systematic review on the subject was carried out at the Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, from September to December 2022. Of a total of 36 articles reviewed, 23 were selected according to criteria, available in PUBMED and SciELO, published in English and Spanish by different authors, and associated to the COVID-19 transmission in dentistry. Results: the following topics were addressed: oral diseases caused by COVID-19, changes in dental areas due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and biosecurity measures used in the dental service for ensure patient safety receiving treatment. Final considerations: COVID-19 has had great repercussions in dentistry, which affects the oral and general health of patients and, in turn, leads to the use of strict biosecurity measures inside and outside the dental office, so, it is essential for dentists to become empowered of the theoretical references related to the subject and also be focused on detecting lesions that may constitute primary signs of a possible presence of SARS-CoV-2, in adopt responsible behaviors and to avoid any spread of disease.

Introdução: O COVID-19 é uma doença causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, que é transmitido pelo trato respiratório, portanto, os dentistas enfrentam um grande risco ao trabalhar diretamente na cavidade oral. Objetivo: Sistematizar os referenciais teóricos sobre o impacto da COVID-19 na área da Odontologia. Método: Na Universidade Regional Autônoma dos Andes, entre os meses de setembro e dezembro de 2022, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática sobre o tema. Dos 36 artigos revisados, um total de 23 artigos, disponíveis no PUBMED e SciELO, que abordam a problemática da COVID-19 na área odontológica, de diversos autores, em inglês e espanhol, foram escolhidos segundo critérios. Resultados: Foram abordados temas como: doenças bucais causadas pelo COVID-19, Alterações na área odontológica devido à pandemia do COVID-19 e medidas de biossegurança utilizadas no atendimento ao paciente no consultório odontológico. Considerações finais: O COVID-19 tem causado grande impacto na Odontologia, o que afeta a saúde bucal e geral do paciente, por sua vez, leva ao uso de medidas estritas de biossegurança dentro e fora do consultório odontológico, por isso é inevitável que os dentistas sejam capacitados por referenciais teóricos sobre o assunto para contribuir na detecção de lesões que possam constituir sinais primários que apontem para a presença do SARS-CoV-2, adotem condutas responsáveis e evitem sua disseminação.

Braz. dent. sci ; 26(1): 1-11, 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1417829


Objetivo: Os ortodontistas usam alicates ortodônticos continuamente, e essas ferramentas têm um forte potencial para infecções nosocomiais. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a eficiência de três métodos de desinfecção de alicates ortodônticos. Material e Métodos: As pontas ativas de 26 alicates ortodônticos (cortadores distais e alicates Weingart) foram contaminadas com microrganismos, vírus e esporos S. aureus, E. coli e C. albicans. Os métodos de controle microbiano foram desinfecção com álcool 70%, esterilização com esferas de vidro (250 °C calor seco) e irradiação com luz ultravioleta (250 nm UV-C) por 30 e 60 segundos. O número de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) e unidades formadoras de placas (UFP) foi quantificado e comparado para cada microrganismo após incubação em placas de cultura. Resultados: Todas as pontas do alicate dos grupos que receberam luz ultravioleta ou foram submetidos à esterilização com esferas de vidro apresentaram número significativamente menor de esporos, bactérias e fungos do que suas respectivas amostras controle (p<0,001). A desinfecção física com luz UV-C pode representar uma alternativa confiável em comparação com outros métodos químicos e físicos devido ao aumento de microrganismos resistentes a produtos químicos e à emissão de subprodutos nocivos após o tratamento químico. Conclusão: Os métodos de controle microbiano testados foram eficazes na desinfecção de alicates ortodônticos, tornando a luz ultravioleta-C uma alternativa promissora para eliminar os microrganismos dos alicates (AU)

Objective: Orthodontists use orthodontic pliers continuously, and these tools have a strong potential for nosocomial infections. This study aimed to compare the efficiency of three methods for disinfecting orthodontic pliers. Material and Methods: The active tips of 26 orthodontic pliers (distal end cutters and Weingart pliers) were contaminated with S. aureus, E. coli, and C. albicans microorganisms, viruses, and spores. The microbial control methods were 70% alcohol disinfection, glass bead sterilization (250 °C dry heat), and ultraviolet light irradiation (250 nm UV-C) for 30 and 60 seconds. The number of colony-forming units (CFU) and plaque-forming units (PFU) was quantified and compared for each microorganism after incubation in culture plates. Results: All tips of the pliers in the groups that received ultraviolet light or were subjected to glass bead sterilization showed a significantly lower number of spores, bacteria, and fungi than their respective control samples (p<0.001). Physical disinfection with UV-C light may represent a reliable alternative compared to other chemical and physical methods due to the increase in microorganisms resistant to chemical products and the emission of harmful by-products after chemical treatment. Conclusion: The tested microbial control methods were effective in the disinfection of orthodontic pliers, making ultraviolet-C light a promising alternative to eliminate microorganisms from pliers (AU)

Rayos Ultravioleta , Desinfección , Contención de Riesgos Biológicos , Contaminación Ambiental
Educ. med. super ; 36(4)dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514063


Introducción: La bioseguridad y el autocuidado son dos prácticas importantes en el proceso de formación. Estas deben reforzarse permanentemente, ya que se relacionan de manera directa no solo con el riesgo de infecciones, sino con la calidad de la atención. Objetivo: Identificar la evidencia científica sobre los procesos de formación en bioseguridad y autocuidado en el marco de la pandemia. Métodos: Se hizo una revisión de la literatura científica publicada entre 2016 y 2020 sobre medidas de bioseguridad y autocuidado. La búsqueda se realizó en español, inglés y portugués, en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, Pubmed, Science Direct y el motor de búsqueda de Google Académico. Se aplicó la metodología PRISMA y se evaluaron en total 25 artículos científicos. Resultados: El año 2020 tuvo mayor frecuencia. La generalidad de los estudios se realizó en el contexto universitario en programas de salud. La higiene de las manos y el uso de guantes fueron las medidas de bioseguridad más informadas; mientras que las medidas de precaución se conocen e implementan. Las publicaciones denotan moderado conocimiento en cuanto a prevención de factores de riesgos biológicos, especialmente en prácticas clínicas. Conclusiones: En los procesos de formación debe tenerse en cuenta la relevancia de reforzar las medidas de bioseguridad y autocuidado para favorecer el ejercicio profesional. Es importante diseñar y repensar estos procesos, tanto en docentes como estudiantes, a través de nuevos métodos y cambios curriculares. La salud mental puede verse afectada no solo por la situación, sino por desconocimiento, miedo a infectarse y sobrecarga laboral(AU)

Introduction: Biosafety and self-care are two important practices in the training process. These should be permanently reinforced, since they are directly related not only to the risk of infections, but also to the quality of care. Objective: To identify the scientific evidence on the biosafety and self-care training processes in the context of the pandemic. Methods: A review of the scientific literature published between 2016 and 2020 on biosafety and self-care measures was carried out. The search was performed in Spanish, English and Portuguese, in the Virtual Health Library, PubMed, Science Direct, and the Google Scholar search engine. The PRISMA methodology was applied and a total of 25 scientific articles were assessed. Results: The year 2020 had the highest frequency. Most of the studies were carried out in the university context in health programs. Hand hygiene and glove-wearing were the most reported biosafety measures, while warning measures are known and implemented. The publications are indicative of moderate knowledge regarding prevention of biological risk factors, especially in clinical practices. Conclusions: The relevance of reinforcing biosafety and self-care measures to favor professional practice should be taken into account in training processes. It is important to design and rethink these processes, both in professors and students, through new methods and curricular changes. Mental health may be affected not only by the situation, but also by ignorance, fear of infection and work overload(AU)

Humanos , Práctica Profesional/tendencias , Autocuidado/métodos , Prácticas Clínicas/métodos , Contención de Riesgos Biológicos/métodos , Universidades , Educación Vocacional/tendencias , Factores Biológicos , Pandemias/prevención & control