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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-4, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552843


Introdução: A recente preocupação sobre a segurança dos implantes de silicone tem levado muitas mulheres a buscarem a retirada de seus implantes, mesmo sem aparente complicação nas mamas. Por outro lado, muitos cirurgiões não se sentem confortáveis em realizar o explante por receio de que a paciente não gostará do resultado estético após a cirurgia. A ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM) é um recurso valioso para avaliação diagnóstica das mamas e pode ser usada no planejamento do explante. O objetivo é demonstrar como a análise sistematizada das imagens da ressonância magnética das mamas pode auxiliar no planejamento do explante de silicone. Método: Uma análise detalhada dos cortes axial e sagital da RNM foi feita para avaliar a quantidade de tecido em cada mama. Essas imagens foram apresentadas às pacientes durante a consulta pré-operatória para que elas pudessem perceber, com clareza, o quanto o implante influencia no tamanho de suas mamas. No mesmo momento, foram apresentadas fotos de pós-operatório de pacientes com características semelhantes para que a paciente pudesse analisar, de forma mais objetiva, se ficaria satisfeita ou não com a estética das mamas após o explante. Resultados: As pacientes demonstraram alto grau de compreensão das imagens apresentadas e se mostraram satisfeitas com esta análise detalhada de expectativa de resultado. Conclusão: A comparação das imagens da RNM das mamas e das imagens de resultados de pós-operatório confere maior objetividade ao diálogo pré-operatório, favorecendo a compreensão do resultado esperado e trazendo maior clareza à decisão pelo explante.

Introduction: Recent concerns about the safety of silicone implants have led many women to seek the removal of their implants, even without apparent breast complications. On the other hand, many surgeons do not feel comfortable performing the explant for fear that the patient will not like the aesthetic result after surgery. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a valuable resource for diagnostic evaluation of the breast and can be used in explant planning. The objective is to demonstrate how the systematic analysis of breast MRI images can assist in planning silicone explantation. Method: A detailed analysis of the axial and sagittal MRI sections was performed to assess the amount of tissue in each breast. These images were presented to patients during the preoperative consultation so that they could clearly understand how much the implant influences the size of their breasts. At the same time, post-operative photos of patients with similar characteristics were presented so that the patient could analyze, more objectively, whether or not she would be satisfied with the aesthetics of her breasts after explantation. Results: The patients demonstrated a high degree of understanding of the images presented and were satisfied with this detailed analysis of expected results. Conclusion: The comparison of breast MRI images and postoperative results images provides greater objectivity to the preoperative dialogue, favoring the understanding of the expected result and bringing greater clarity to the decision for explantation.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024303


Objective:To investigate the effect of combined use of midazolam and remifentanil without muscle relaxant on tracheal intubation in female patients undergoing breast surgery.Methods:A retrospective analysis was performed on 40 female patients with breast disease who underwent tracheal intubation and general anesthesia at The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University between January 2023 and June 2023. These patients were divided into a control group ( n = 20) and an observation group ( n = 20) based on whether muscle relaxants were applied at the time of intubation. The control group received intravenous rocuronium bromide, whereas the observation group did not use muscle relaxants. Both groups were intravenously administered midazolam (0.1 mg/kg) and remifentanil (4 μg/kg) prior to tracheal intubation. The intubation conditions were evaluated based on factors such as the ease of inserting the laryngoscope and the patient's response to intubation, including coughing. Results:There were no statistically significant differences in age, height, and body mass between the two groups (all P > 0.05). The excellent rate of intubation conditions was significantly lower in the observation group compared with the control group [45% (9/20) vs. 85% (17/20), χ2 = 7.03, P = 0.008). The good rate of intubation conditions was significantly higher in the observation group compared with the control group [40% (8/20) vs. 5% (1/20), χ2 = 7.03, P < 0.05]. There was no statistically significant difference in the excellent and good rates of intubation conditions between the observation and control groups [85% (17/20) vs. 90% (18/20), χ2 = 0.23, P > 0.05]. No significant difference in intraoperative awareness score was observed between the observation and control groups [(2.59 ± 0.44) points vs. (2.61 ± 0.31) points, P > 0.05]. None of the patients in either group exhibited any episodes of arrhythmias. Furthermore, no adverse reactions such as muscle stiffness, nausea, vomiting, or skin itching were observed in either group following the surgical procedure. Conclusion:Without the use of muscle relaxants, intravenous administration of midazolam at 0.1 mg/kg and remifentanil at 4 μg/kg for tracheal intubation in female patients undergoing breast surgery can offer excellent intubation conditions, ensuring that the patient remains unconscious throughout the surgical procedure.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024471


Breast cancer is the worldwide most common malignant tumor in women,and early diagnosis and treatment is the key to improve prognosis.Conventional screening imaging techniques,such as mammography and ultrasonography,have only limited diagnostic efficacy for micro breast cancer.Combining diffuse optical tomography(DOT)and ultrasonography for assessing blood vessel distribution and metabolic level inside the breast lesions,optical tomography image ultrasonography system(OPTIMUS)has unique advantages for diagnosing micro breast cancer with diameter≤1.0 cm.The research progresses of OPTIMUS for diagnosing micro breast cancer were reviewed in this article.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026352


Purpose To explore the diagnostic efficiency of ultrasound(US)combined with contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS)in breast lesions and to analyze the related factors affecting the diagnostic accuracy.Materials and Methods From January 2022 to February 2023,the clinical data and ultrasound images of 784 patients who underwent breast US and CEUS examination with definite pathological results were retrospectively collected in the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital.The diagnostic efficacy of US combined with CEUS in benign and malignant breast lesions was analyzed,respectively.The independent risk factors for diagnostic errors were analyzed via Logistic regression.Results The sensitivity,specificity and accuracy of US combined with CEUS in the diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions were 89.2%,84.4%and 88.7%,respectively.The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.932.The results of multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the diagnosis error rate increased when the lesions were non-mass type(odds ratio,OR=1.927,P=0.047),complex cystic and solid(OR=3.729,P=0.000),and high-enhanced CEUS(OR=1.937,P=0.023),while the diagnosis error rate decreased when the lesions were large(OR=0.688,P=0.004)and with US-detect suspicious lymph node(OR=0.143,P=0.011).Conclusion When the breast lesions are non-mass type,complex cystic and solid lesions and hyper-enhancement,the diagnosis error rate of US combined with CEUS increased.It is necessary to further explore the enhancement patterns of different lesions.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 46: x-xx, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559557


Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the etiological profile and antimicrobial resistance in breast abscess cultures from patients from the community, treated at a public hospital located in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Methods: This is an retrospective cross-sectional study that evaluated the medical records of patients with bacterial isolates in breast abscess secretion cultures and their antibiograms, from January 2010 to August 2022. Results: Based on 129 positive cultures from women from the community diagnosed with breast abscesses and treated at Fêmina Hospital, 99 (76.7%) of the patients had positive cultures for Staphylococcus sp, 91 (92%) of which were cases of Staphylococcus aureus. Regarding the resistance profile of S. aureus, 32% of the strains were resistant to clindamycin, 26% to oxacillin and 5% to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. The antimicrobials vancomycin, linezolid and tigecycline did not show resistance for S. aureus. Conclusion: Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen found in the breast abscess isolates during the study period. Oxacillin remains a good option for hospitalized patients. The use of sulfamethoxazole plus trimethoprim should be considered as a good option for use at home, due to its low bacterial resistance, effectiveness and low cost.

Humanos , Femenino , Sulfametoxazol , Enfermedades de la Mama , Farmacorresistencia Microbiana , Absceso/terapia
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(4): 1-8, out.dez.2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525493


Introdução: Diversos estudos têm analisado a possível relação entre a prótese mamária de silicone e sintomas sistêmicos. A remoção das próteses de mama com capsulectomia tem sido indicada na tentativa de melhorar esses sintomas. É necessário que o cirurgião tenha dados embasados na literatura para informar ao paciente se há relação entre retirada de prótese de mama com capsulectomia e melhora dos sintomas, qual a taxa de melhora e por quanto tempo se mantém. Método: Foi realizada pesquisa nos bancos de dados virtuais Cochrane Library e PubMed de janeiro de 1990 até abril de 2023. A busca foi realizada pela combinação de termos livres ("breast implant illness", "breast capsulectomy" e "breast implant explantation") e pelo uso de operadores booleanos para descritores Mesh como [autoimmune diseases (MeSH Terms)] e [breast implant (MeSH Terms)]. Resultados: Foram obtidos 1.203 artigos, sendo 14 selecionados para o estudo, consistindo em 7 artigos de coorte retrospectivo, 3 de coorte prospectivo e 4 caso-controle. A taxa de melhora variou entre 50 e 100% dos casos e o tempo de acompanhamento variou entre 2 meses e 2,7 anos. Diversos tipos de capsulectomia foram realizados nos estudos, com taxas semelhantes de melhora. Conclusão: Há evidências de melhora dos sintomas sistêmicos em pacientes com prótese mamária de silicone submetidas a retirada de prótese de mama com capsulectomia. A melhora dos sintomas persistiu durante o período em que as pacientes foram acompanhadas nos estudos. Estudos mais recentes demonstraram que o tipo de capsulectomia não tem influência na melhora dos sintomas sistêmicos.

Introduction: Several studies have analyzed the possible relationship between silicone breast implants and systemic symptoms. Removal of breast implants with capsulectomy has been indicated in an attempt to improve these symptoms. The surgeon must have data based on the literature to inform the patient whether there is a relationship between the removal of a breast prosthesis with capsulectomy and improvement in symptoms, what is the rate of improvement, and how long it lasts. Method: A search was carried out in the Cochrane Library and PubMed virtual databases from January 1990 to April 2023. The search was carried out using a combination of free terms ("breast implant illness", "breast capsulectomy," and "breast implant explantation") and by using Boolean operators for Mesh descriptors such as [autoimmune diseases (MeSH Terms)] and [breast implant (MeSH Terms)]. Results: 1,203 articles were obtained, 14 of which were selected for the study, consisting of 7 retrospective cohort articles, 3 prospective cohort articles, and 4 case-control articles. The improvement rate varied between 50 and 100% of cases, and the follow-up time varied between 2 months and 2.7 years. Several types of capsulectomies were performed in the studies, with similar rates of improvement. Conclusion: There is evidence of improvement in systemic symptoms in patients with silicone breast implants who underwent breast implant removal with capsulectomy. The improvement in symptoms persisted during the period in which the patients were followed in the studies. More recent studies have demonstrated that the type of capsulectomy does not influence the improvement of systemic symptoms.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(4): 624-631, 20230906. tab, fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509696


Introducción. El tejido mamario accesorio es una anomalía congénita que se presenta en el 2-6 % de la población femenina. En este tejido se pueden desarrollar las mismas patologías que en la mama normal. El manejo curativo es la resección quirúrgica. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los resultados de la técnica de resección vía abierta de tejido mamario accesorio con dren vs sin dren. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional tipo cohorte retrospectivo, teniendo en cuenta dos grupos de pacientes con tejido mamario accesorio: a uno de ellos se les realizó resección quirúrgica mediante técnica abierta con dren y al otro grupo sin dren. Además, se incluyó un brazo prospectivo donde se evaluó la calidad de vida y la satisfacción de las pacientes con el resultado posoperatorio mediante el uso de la herramienta Breast-Q. Resultados. Se recolectó la información de 82 pacientes, la mayoría mujeres; 22 se intervinieron con técnica con dren y 60 con técnica sin dren. 13,6 % de los pacientes presentaron complicaciones tempranas, siendo la infección de sitio operatorio la más frecuente (36,4 %). En general, las complicaciones fueron más comunes en el grupo con dren (40,9 % vs 3,4 %), con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,000). La calidad de vida fue similar en ambos grupos. Conclusiones. Los pacientes a quienes se les realizó resección de mama supernumeraria y se dejó un sistema de drenaje en el lecho de disección presentaron más complicaciones posoperatorias que las pacientes a quienes no se les dejó dren

Introduction. Accessory breast tissue is a congenital anomaly that occurs in 2-6% of the female population. It can develop the same pathologies that in the normal breast. The curative management of this pathology is surgical resection. The objective of this study was to compare the results of the accessory breast tissue open resection technique with a drain vs without a drain. Methods. An observational retrospective cohort study was conducted considering two groups of patients with accessory breast tissue: one of them underwent surgical resection using an open technique with a drain and the other group without a drain. In addition, a prospective arm where the quality of life and satisfaction of the patients with the postoperative result was evaluated by the Breast-Q tool. Results. Eighty-two patients were included, most of them women; 22 were operated with open technique with drain and 60 without drain. 13.6% of patients presented early complications, with surgical site infection being the most frequent (36.4%) and, in general, complications were more common in the group with drain (40.9% vs 3.4%) with a statistically significant difference (p=0.000). Quality of life was similar in both groups.Conclusions. Patients who undergo supernumerary breast resection and leaving drainage in the dissection bed present more postoperative complications compared to those without drain

Humanos , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Enfermedades de la Mama , Drenaje , Cirugía General , Mama , Coristoma
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218032


Background: Mastalgia is the common breast condition among women. Mastalgia has highly variable prevalence which ranges 41–79%. It is more common in age group between 30 and 50 years. Mastalgia is approached according to its classification into three major categories, that is, cyclical pain, non-cyclical pain, and extra mammary pain. Breast pain ranges from mild to severe influencing the lifestyle of women affecting sexual relations, sleep pattern, and decreasing their daily life activities. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of benign and malignant breast disease in mastalgia. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Government Medical College, Sivagangai. Patients complaining of breast pain were examined. The data were compiled in an Excel worksheet, Epiinfo version 7.0 was used to analyze the data. Results: In our study, 100 patients complaining of breast pain were examined ranging from age 18 to 68 years. The mean age of the study population was 37.54 years and standard deviation of 9.077. Among 100 patients with mastalgia only 1 (1.64%) had malignancy which is insignificant and among rest 99 patients with mastalgia, 60.61% had benign breast diseases and 39.39% had no any breast lesions. Benign breast diseases are more commonly found in patients with mastalgia. Conclusion: Women having mastalgia can be reassured and some lifestyle modifications may aid the women. Hence, early detection of any breast disease in women having mastalgia and treating accordingly has considerable importance. Lifestyle modifications are needed in patients with mastalgia and they should come to facility to check and identify the issues and solve soon.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(1): 1-4, jan.mar.2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428739


Introduction: Augmentation mammoplasty is one of the most frequently performed surgeries in plastic surgery. Among its rarer occurrences are galactorrhea, spontaneous milk output by the papilla, and galactocele, a collection of milky material in the surgical bed. There is little literature on this extremely rare occurrence, and through this article, we conduct a literature review and report on a case operated in our service. Case Report: We present a case of a 35-year-old patient who underwent breast augmentation surgery via the inframammary fold, with an implant placed in the subglandular plane, which evolved, on the thirtieth postoperative day, with galactorrhea exteriorized through the incision, and we propose a treatment for such intercurrence. Six months after the operation, the breasts were symmetrical, without signs of contracture or additional alterations; the patient was satisfied with the result and without new episodes of galactorrhea or galactocele. Conclusion: Although rare, with an incidence of less than 1%, galactorrhea can occur as a postoperative complication, and knowledge about it, as well as the forms of treatment, will benefit both patient and surgeon.

Introdução: A mamoplastia de aumento é uma das cirurgias mais frequentemente realizadas na cirurgia plástica. Entre suas intercorrências mais raras, está a galactorreia, saída de leite pela papila de forma espontânea, e o galactocele, uma coleção de material leitoso no leito cirúrgico. Pouca literatura existe sobre esta raríssima intercorrência e por meio deste artigo realizamos uma revisão da literatura e relato de um caso operado no nosso serviço. Relato de Caso: Apresentamos um caso de uma paciente de 35 anos que foi submetida a cirurgia de mamoplastia de aumento via sulco inframamário, com implante alocado no plano subglandular, que evoluiu, no trigésimo dia pós-operatório, com galactorreia exteriorizada pela incisão, e propomos um tratamento para tal intercorrência. Com seis meses de pós-operatório, as mamas se encontravam simétricas, sem sinais de contratura ou alterações adicionais, paciente satisfeita com o resultado e sem novos episódios de galactorreia ou galactocele. Conclusão: Embora rara, com uma incidência de menos de 1%, a galactorreia pode ocorrer como intercorrência pós-operatória e o conhecimento desta, bem como as formas de tratamento, irá beneficiar tanto paciente como cirurgião.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027958


Objective:To investigate the malignant imaging characteristics of non-palpable Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System 3 breast lesions (NPBL BI-RADS 3 breast lesions) with ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy.Methods:From February 2016 to February 2018, the ultrasound characteristics of 161 NPBL BI-RADS 3 breast lesions in Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University were retrospectively collected with ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy and pathological examination. According to the pathological results, the patients were divided into two groups: benign group (153 cases) and malignant group (8 cases). Associated risk factors were analyzed retrospectively according to general characteristics and characteristics of the ultrasound report. The Fisher exact probability test was used for single-factor comparative analysis. Significant variables based on univariate analysis were included in multivariate regression analysis, and then logistic regression was used to search for clinical risk parameters and ultrasound malignant signs. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted with statistically significant factors to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy. In combination with the area under the curve (AUC), the parameter integral critical value, sensitivity and specificity were analyzed.Results:The age≥45 years ( OR=35.036, P=0.012), the maximum lesion diameter of 1-1.3 cm ( OR=25.047, P=0.008) and a aspect ratio of the lesion of 0.56-0.72 ( OR=19.860, P=0.013) could significantly affect the benign and malignant nature of the lesions, could be independent risk factors. The AUCs for constructing ROC curves to assess the diagnostic values of the above-mentioned indices were 0.732, 0.724 and 0.751, respectively; the sensitivity was 87.5%, 62.5% and 75%; the specificity was 58.8%, 82.4% and 75.2%; the positive predictive values was 10.0%, 15.6% and 13.6%; the negative predictive values was 98.9%, 97.7% and 98.3%, respectively. Conclusion:Of the NPBL BI-RADS 3 breast lesions, the malignant risk of lesions with an age≥45 years, maximum diameter of 1-1.3 cm and aspect ratio of 0.56-0.72 is high.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 770-776, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030371


Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of strain ultrasonic elastography (SUE) supported by Image Pro Plus (IPP) software in distinguishing benign and malignant Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) category 4 nodules.Methods:The clinical and ultrasound imaging data of 192 female patients with BI-RADS category 4 nodules diagnosed by breast ultrasound in Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital from January 2020 to January 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. One nodule was selected for each patient, and a total of 192 nodules were analyzed. The ultrasound images and SUE images of each nodule were acquired before surgery, followed by BI-RADS classification scoring and SUE scoring. The IPP software was applied to outline the region of interest of all nodules, and the software automatically counted the SUE area ratio (SUE-IPP-AR) of all nodules. Using pathological diagnosis as the gold standard, SUE-IPP scoring was performed based on the optimal cut-off value of SUE-IPP-AR for distinguishing benign and malignant nodules according to receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The efficacy of BI-RADS classification, SUE score, SUE-IPP score, and SUE-IPP+BI-RADS combined score in the differentiation of benign and malignant breast nodules were analyzed by ROC curve. Kappa coefficient was used to assess inter-observer agreement for SUE and SUE-IPP-AR.Results:Of the 192 nodules, 58 were benign nodules and 134 were malignant nodules diagnosed by pathology. These nodules were classified by BI-RADS, with 46 nodules in BI-RADS category 4A, 57 nodules in BI-RADS category 4B and 89 nodules in BI-RADS category 4C. SUE images 1-6 level were 12, 14, 41, 51, 42, and 32 nodules, respectively. ROC curve analysis showed that the optimal cut-off value of SUE-IPP for determining benign and malignant BI-RADS category 4 breast nodules was 58% [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.729, sensitivity 73%, specificity 69%]. The AUC of SUE-IPP+BI-RADS combined score for determining benign and malignant nodules was the largest (0.871), which was higher than that of BI-RADS score (AUC = 0.829, Z = 2.51, P = 0.012), SUE-IPP score (AUC = 0.729, Z = 3.56, P < 0.001) and SUE score (AUC = 0.695, Z = 4.37, P < 0.001). The sensitivity of SUE-IPP+BI-RADS combined score ≥ 3 points for diagnosing malignant nodules was 86.6%, while the specificity was 82.8%. Therefore, SUE-IPP+ BI-RADS score had the best efficacy for determining benign and malignant nodules. There was good agreement between sonographer with more than 5 years of experience and those with less than 5 years of experience in applying SUE to diagnose breast malignant nodules (Kappa = 0.768, 95% CI 0.711-0.825), and very good diagnostic agreement in applying SUE-IPP (Kappa = 0.946, 95% CI 0.919-0.974). Conclusions:SUE-IPP can improve the diagnostic ability for BI-RADS category 4 breast malignant nodules and can be used as an adjunct to ultrasound diagnosis.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024169


Objective:To investigate the efficacy of modified surgery in the treatment of breast abscess and its effects on inflammatory reaction and pain-related factors.Methods:A total of 100 patients with breast abscess who were treated in Zhoushan Women and Children's Hospital from December 2019 to October 2022 were included in this study. They were divided into an observation group and a control group ( n = 50 per group) using the random number table. The control group received vacuum assisted rotary resection, while the observation group underwent modified surgery. Operation conditions, postoperative complications, and postoperative conditions were recorded in each group. Before and 24 hours after surgery, inflammatory reaction and pain-related factors were compared between the two groups. Results:There was no significant difference in operative time between the two groups ( P > 0.05). The intraoperative bleeding volume in the observation group was (23.14 ± 4.53) mL, which was significantly lower than (36.52 ± 7.18) mL in the control group ( t = 11.14, P < 0.001). The incidence of complications in the observation group was 6.00% (3/50), which was significantly lower than 20% (10/50) in the control group ( χ2 = 4.33, P < 0.05). The observation group had significantly lower postoperative visual analogue scale score [(2.42 ± 0.78) points], fewer dressing changes [(5.26 ± 1.34) times], and lower scar degree [(6.82 ± 1.27) mm] compared with the control group [(3.56 ± 0.89) points, (7.43 ± 1.62) times, (9.12 ± 1.54) mm, t = 6.81, 7.30, 8.15, all P < 0.001]. At 24 hours after surgery, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-1 β, and tumor necrosis factor-α in the observation group were (14.52 ± 3.37) mg/L, (182.13 ± 23.32) ng/L, and (20.08 ± 2.89) ng/L, respectively, which were significantly lower than (29.94 ± 5.45) mg/L, (231.24 ± 16.56) ng/L, and (29.98 ± 4.36) ng/L in the control group ( t = 17.02, 12.14, 13.38, all P < 0.001). At 24 hours after surgery, prostaglandin E 2 and substance P in the observation group were (97.14 ± 18.78) ng/L and (175.18 ± 24.37) μg/L respectively, which were significantly lower than (148.65 ± 20.06) ng/L and (265.41 ± 27.86) μg/L in the control group ( t = 13.26, 17.24, both P < 0.001). Conclusion:The modified surgical treatment for breast abscess shows significant effects with fewer complications and minimal impact on inflammatory response, effectively inhibiting the release of pain-related factors.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 2188-2197, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434017


Introdução: As intercorrências mamárias atuam sobre o físico e emocional das lactantes, sendo necessário intervir com rapidez. Para tanto, as consultoras em amamentação desempenham um papel fundamental nesse processo. Objetivo: analisar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas consultoras em amamentação no manejo das intercorrências mamárias. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 10 consultoras em amamentação do Estado da Bahia-Brasil. Como instrumento e técnica de coleta de dados, utilizou-se o roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada e a gravação na plataforma digital Google Meet. Procedeu-se a análise dos dados, utilizando análise temática de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Principais Resultados: Percebeu-se que as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas consultoras em amamentação concentram-se nas esferas: biológicas (dor, desconforto, disfunções orais do bebê), emocionais e sociais (temor, insegurança, impotência associado ao papel mítico do amor maternal), familiares (falta de empatia das mães e avós) e multiprofissionais (dificuldade inter-relacional e comunicacional da equipe de saúde). Conclusão: As consultoras em amamentação reconhecem que existem dificuldades associadas às intercorrências mamárias, mas creditam às suas habilidades e competências o sucesso no manejo.

Introduction: Breast complications affect the physical and emotional aspects of lactating women, and it is necessary to intervene quickly. Therefore, breastfeeding consultants play a key role in this process. Objective: to analyze the difficulties faced by breastfeeding consultants in the management of breast complications. Methodology: Descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach, carried out with 10 breastfeeding consultants in the State of Bahia-Brazil. As an instrument and technique for data collection, a semi-structured interview script and recording on the Google Meet digital platform were used. Data analysis was carried out using thematic content analysis proposed by Bardin. Main Results: It was noticed that the difficulties faced by breastfeeding consultants are concentrated in the spheres: biological (pain, discomfort, baby's oral dysfunctions), emotional and social (fear, insecurity, impotence associated with the mythical role of maternal love), family (lack of empathy on the part of mothers and grandmothers) and multidisciplinary (interrelational and communication difficulties on the part of the health team). Conclusion: Breastfeeding consultants recognize that there are difficulties associated with breast complications, but they credit their skills and competences for successful management.

Introducción: Las complicaciones mamarias afectan a los aspectos físicos y emocionales de las mujeres lactantes, por lo que es necesario intervenir rápidamente. Por ello, las asesoras de lactancia desempeñan un papel fundamental en este proceso. Objetivo: analizar las dificultades a las que se enfrentan las asesoras de lactancia en el manejo de las complicaciones mamarias. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo y exploratorio con abordaje cualitativo, realizado con 10 consultoras de lactancia en el Estado de Bahia- Brasil. Como instrumento y técnica de recolección de datos se utilizó un guión de entrevista semiestructurada y grabación en la plataforma digital Google Meet. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante el análisis temático de contenido propuesto por Bardin. Principales resultados: Se constató que las dificultades enfrentadas por las consultantes de lactancia se concentran en las esferas: biológica (dolor, malestar, disfunciones bucales del bebé), emocional y social (miedo, inseguridad, impotencia asociada al papel mítico del amor materno), familiar (falta de empatía por parte de las madres y abuelas) y multidisciplinar (dificultades interrelacionales y de comunicación por parte del equipo de salud). Conclusiones: Las consultoras de lactancia reconocen que existen dificultades asociadas a las complicaciones mamarias, pero acreditan sus habilidades y competencias para un manejo exitoso.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(4): 406-411, out.dez.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413142


Introdução: Em 1963 Cronin e Gerow introduziram o uso do implante de silicone e seu uso aumentou exponencialmente. Contudo, complicações relacionadas aos implantes surgiram ao longo do tempo. O conjunto de situações adversas ao uso dos implantes de silicone, alimentado pelo crescimento das mídias sociais, culminou em um aumento da retirada definitiva do implante. Muitos casos de explante têm o pedículo inferior comprometido pela lesão dos vasos perfurantes e a técnica dos retalhos cruzados é uma alternativa para a reconstrução das mamas explantadas. Métodos: Foram realizados explantes de silicone com reconstrução imediata da mama sem o uso de um novo implante, motivados por indicação médica ou por desejo próprio do paciente. A técnica dos retalhos cruzados foi utilizada em todos os casos. Ela se vale do cruzamento de retalhos parenquimatosos de pedículo superior, um medial e outro lateral, conforme descrito por Sperli. Resultados: Foram operados 10 casos de 2004 a 2021. O tempo de uso das próteses variou de 3 a 19 anos e a principal motivação para o explante foi contratura capsular. Nenhum caso de necrose foi observado. Conclusões: A técnica dos retalhos cruzados é uma alternativa útil e segura para as cirurgias de reconstrução da mama após explante definitivo.

Introduction: In 1963 Cronin and Gerow introduced the use of the silicone implant and its use increased exponentially. However, complications related to implants emerged over time. The set of adverse situations to the use of silicone implants fueled by the growth of social media culminated in an increase in the permanent removal of the implant. Many cases of explants have the inferior pedicle compromised by injury to the perforating vessels, and the crossed flap technique is an alternative for the reconstruction of explanted breasts. Methods: Silicone explants were performed with immediate breast reconstruction without the use of a new implant, motivated by medical indication or the patients own desire. The crossed flap technique was used in all cases. It uses the crossing of parenchymal patches of the superior pedicle, one medial and one lateral, as described by Sperli. Results: 10 cases were operated from 2004 to 2021. The time of use of the prostheses ranged from 3 to 19 years and the main motivation for the explant was capsular contracture. No cases of necrosis were observed. Conclusions: The crossed flap technique is a useful and safe alternative for breast reconstruction surgeries after definitive explantation.

Cambios rev med ; 21(2): 878, 30 Diciembre 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415283


INTRODUCCIÓN. La mastitis granulomatosa idiopática es una patología inflamatoria benigna de mama con clínica y hallazgos imagenológicos no específicos; usualmente confundida con cáncer de mama. El síntoma más frecuente es una masa mamaria palpable. El diagnóstico es histopatológico. OBJETIVO. Describir el perfil demográfico, presentación clínica y hallazgos radiográficos de pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo. Población de 1130 y muestra de 49 datos de historias clínicas electrónicas de pacientes con diagnóstico histológico de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática con el código CIE10 N61x Trastornos Inflamatorios de la mama, atendidas en la Unidad Técnica de Imagenología del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín en la ciudad de Quito entre enero 2019 hasta diciembre 2021. El criterio de inclusión fue la confirmación histopatológica de mastitis granulomatosa idiopática. Los criterios de exclusión: antecedentes de neoplasia maligna de mama, antecedentes de HIV, patología inflamatoria sistémica como granulomatosis de Wegener, sarcoidosis, infecciones granulomatosas crónicas como tuberculosis, brucelosis, histoplasmosis, sífilis y reacciones a cuerpos extraños como material de implantes mamarios. Se analizaron datos demográficos, presentación clínica, hallazgos mamográficos, ecográficos y la categorización BIRADS. Se efectuó un análisis univarial; para las variables cualitativas se realizó frecuencias y porcentajes; para las variables cuantitativas se realizó medidas de tendencia central. La información recolectada fue analizada en el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. RESULTADOS La mediana de la edad fue 36 años. El 94,00% de pacientes tenían por lo menos un hijo; 77,50% presentaron con una masa palpable; 55,10% se acompañaron de signos inflamatorios; 16,00% asociaron fístulas y 24,40% presentaron secreción. Solo 1 caso presentó afectación bilateral. CONCLUSIÓN En este estudio, la mastitis granulomatosa idiopática afecta a mujeres en edad reproductiva sin antecedentes de malignidad quienes presentan una masa mamaria palpable que puede estar acompañada de signos inflamatorios, colecciones y fístulas. La realización de una biopsia core eco guiada, para confirmar su diagnóstico.

INTRODUCTION. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis is a benign inflammatory breast pathology with nonspecific clinical and imaging findings; usually mistaken for breast cancer. The most frequent symptom is a palpable breast mass. The diagnosis is histopathologic. OBJECTIVE. To describe the demographic profile, clinical presentation and radiographic findings of patients with histopathologic diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, descriptive, retrospective study. Population of 1130 and sample of 49 data from electronic medical records of patients with histological diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis with ICD10 code N61x Inflammatory disorders of the breast, attended at the Technical Imaging Unit of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital in the city of Quito between January 2019 and December 2021. The inclusion criterion was histopathological confirmation of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. Exclusion criteria: history of malignant breast neoplasia, history of HIV, systemic inflammatory pathology such as Wegener's granulomatosis, sarcoidosis, chronic granulomatous infections such as tuberculosis, brucellosis, histoplasmosis, syphilis and reactions to foreign bodies such as breast implant material. Demographic data, clinical presentation, mammographic and ultrasound findings and BIRADS categorization were analyzed. Univariate analysis was performed; frequencies and percentages were used for qualitative variables; measures of central tendency were used for quantitative variables. RESULTS. The median age was 36 years. 94,00% of patients had at least one child; 77,50% presented with a palpable mass; 55,10% were accompanied by inflammatory signs; 16,00% were associated with fistulas and 24,40% presented with discharge. Only 1 case presented bilateral involvement. CONCLUSION. In this study, idiopathic granulomatous mastitis affects women of reproductive age with no history of malignancy who present with a palpable breast mass that may be accompanied by inflammatory signs, collections and fistulas. The performance of an echo-guided core biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Enfermedades de la Mama , Mamografía , Ultrasonografía Mamaria , Mastitis Granulomatosa , Biopsia con Aguja Gruesa , Mastitis , Patología , Hiperprolactinemia , Factores Estimulantes de Colonias , Implantación de Mama , Ecuador , Edema , Eritema , Biopsia Guiada por Imagen , Fístula , Hiperemia , Pezones
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(1): 27-35, jan.mar.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368194


Introdução: A remoção de implantes mamários de silicone é uma cirurgia com crescente notoriedade. O avanço nos estudos sobre o linfoma BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma) e patologias inflamatórias/autoimunes relacionadas aos implantes, como a síndrome de ASIA (Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants), tem gerado desconforto em muitas pacientes, que optam pela sua retirada. Essa demanda traz ao cirurgião um cenário muitas vezes desafiador, no qual é preciso devolver às mamas um formato anatômico e esteticamente agradável após a retirada desse material. O objetivo é demonstrar estratégias cirúrgicas para o explante mamário de silicone. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 20 pacientes submetidas ao explante mamário, entre setembro de 2020 e março de 2021, incluindo explantes simples e associados à mastopexia. A indicação cirúrgica foi a demanda explícita das pacientes, motivadas por queixas como receio de patologias associadas, descontentamento estético, desconforto nas mamas, sintomas sistêmicos, desejo de não ter mais implantes, contratura capsular, rotação ou ruptura dos mesmos. As técnicas cirúrgicas são descritas. Resultados: Foi realizado o explante simples em 7 pacientes e em 13 foi feito o explante com mastopexia. Em 17 pacientes foi associada a lipoenxertia. A capsulectomia foi executada em todos os casos. Nas mastopexias, usamos o retalho dermoglandular de pedículo inferior para preservação de tecido mamário, associando também a lipoenxertia. Conclusão: As técnicas descritas conseguem devolver às mamas formato satisfatório, com baixas taxas de complicação e bom nível de aceitação das pacientes. Apesar das patologias relacionadas aos implantes de silicone até o momento mostrarem-se estatisticamente raras, é fundamental que estejamos atentos a sintomas e capacitados para oferecer opções cirúrgicas para o explante.

Introduction: Breast implants explantation surgery has been increasing in notoriety. Advances in studies on lymphomas BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma) and inflammatory/autoimmune pathologies related to the implants, like ASIA (Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants), has generated discomfort in many patients that choose to remove it. This type of demand, where it is necessary to return the breasts to an anatomical and aesthetically pleasing shape after the removal of the implants, might be a challenge for surgeons. The objective is to demonstrate surgical strategies for breast silicone explantation. Methods: Twenty patients who underwent the breast explantation surgery between September 2020 and March 2021 were evaluated. The surgical indication was always the patients demand, motivated by fear of associated pathologies, aesthetic dissatisfaction, discomfort in the breasts, systemic symptoms, desire to have no more breast implant, capsular contracture, rotation or rupture of the implant. Surgical techniques are described. Results: The simple explant was performed in 7 patients, and in 13 the explant was performed with mastopexy. In 17 patients, fat grafting was associated. Capsulectomy was performed in all cases. In mastopexies, we used the inferior dermoglandular flap to preserve breast tissue, also associating fat grafting. Conclusion: Techniques described are able to return the breasts to a satisfactory shape, with low complication rates and good levels of patient acceptance. Despite the pathologies related to silicone implants so far show themselves statistically rare, it is essential that we are attentive to symptoms and trained to provide surgical strategy for the explant.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(1): 89-93, jan.mar.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368246


Apesar dos mais de 60 anos de história, dezenas de estudos e grandes amostras populacionais, nos últimos anos diversos pacientes têm retornado ao consultório do cirurgião plástico. Apresentam dúvidas a respeito do silicone, algumas devido aos relatos recentes de BIA-ALCL (Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma), mas a grande maioria pela possibilidade de sintomas sistêmicos relacionados aos implantes e que despertam o desejo da sua remoção. Procedimento conhecido como explante. Este fenômeno, cujas dúvidas são inúmeras e as respostas mínimas, é conhecido na literatura mundial como Breast Implant Illness (BII). Na Internet e redes sociais, centenas de sinais e sintomas têm sido relacionados às próteses de silicone, usualmente inespecíficos. Os sintomas mais comuns referidos pelas pacientes são fadiga crônica, artralgia, confusão mental, mialgia, perda de memória, dificuldade de concentração e olhos secos. Até o momento, não existem testes diagnósticos para BII, nenhum método baseado em evidência científica para diferenciá-la de outras condições e há muito pouco conhecimento a respeito do seu início, curso, fatores de risco, causas e manejo adequado. A opção pela retirada dos implantes vem crescendo vertiginosamente nos últimos anos, sendo uma das dez cirurgias mais realizadas nos Estados Unidos no ano passado. A literatura mostra taxas de melhora dos sintomas variáveis após o explante e as pacientes mostram-se, via de regra, satisfeitas com seu resultado estético e apresentam níveis de ansiedade e estresse menores após o procedimento. São necessários estudos prospectivos, randomizados bem desenhados correlacionando períodos distintos das pacientes, desde o pré-operatório do implante até o pós-explante.

Despite more than 60 years of history, numerous studies and large population samples, in recent years, several patients have returned to the plastic surgeons office. They have doubts about the silicone, some due to the recent reports of BIAALCL, but the vast majority due to the possibility of systemic symptoms related to the implants and which arouse the desire for its removal. Procedure known as explant. This phenomenon, whose doubts are numerous and the responses are minimal, is known in the world literature as Breast Implant Illness (BII). On the Internet and social networks, hundreds of signs and symptoms have been related to silicone implants, usually nonspecific. The most common symptoms reported by patients are chronic fatigue, arthralgia, mental confusion, myalgia, memory loss, difficulty concentrating and dry eyes. So far, there are no diagnostic tests for BII, no method based on scientific evidence to differentiate it from other conditions, and there is very little knowledge about its onset, course, risk factors, causes and proper management. The option for removing the implants has been growing dramatically in recent years, being one of the ten most performed surgeries in the United States last year. The literature shows variable improvement rates after the explantation and the patients are, as a rule, satisfied with their aesthetic result and have lower levels of anxiety and stress after the procedure. Prospective, well-designed randomized studies correlating different periods are necessary, from the preoperative period of the implant until after the explantation.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(1): 67-73, Jan. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365666


Abstract Objective To evaluate the underestimation rate in breast surgical biopsy after the diagnosis of radial scar/complex sclerosing lesion through percutaneous biopsy. Data Sources A systematic review was performed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) recommendations. The PubMed, SciELO, Cochrane, and Embase databases were consulted, with searches conducted through November 2020, using specific keywords (radial scar OR complex sclerosing lesion, breast cancer, anatomopathological percutaneous biopsy AND/OR surgical biopsy). Data collection Study selection was conducted by two researchers experienced in preparing systematic reviews. The eight selected articles were fully read, and a comparative analysis was performed. Study selection A total of 584 studies was extracted, 8 of which were selected. One of them included women who had undergone a percutaneous biopsy with a histological diagnosis of radial scar/complex sclerosing lesion and subsequently underwent surgical excision; the results were used to assess the underestimation rate of atypical and malignant lesions. Data synthesis The overall underestimation rate in the 8 studies ranged from 1.3 to 40% and the invasive lesion underestimation rate varied from 0 to 10.5%. Conclusion The histopathological diagnosis of a radial scar/complex sclerosing lesion on the breast is not definitive, and it may underestimate atypical andmalignant lesions, which require a different treatment, making surgical excision an important step in diagnostic evaluation.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o grau de discordância entre biópsia percutânea e cirúrgica da mama em pacientes com diagnóstico de cicatriz radiada/lesão esclerosante complexa (CR/LEC) por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Fontes dos dados Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática segundo as recomendações do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA, na sigla em inglês). As bases de dados primárias consultadas foram PubMed, SciELO, Cochrane e Embase, combuscas conduzidas até novembro de 2020, utilizando palavras chaves específicas (cicatriz radiada OU lesão esclerosante complexa, câncer de mama, anatomopatológico de biópsia percutânea E/OU biópsia cirúrgica). Seleção dos estudos A busca dos artigos resultou em um total de 584 estudos, sendo 8 selecionados, os quais incluíam mulheres submetidas a biópsia com diagnóstico histológico de CR/LEC e posteriormente submetidas a exérese cirúrgica para avaliar como desfecho o grau de subestimação de lesões atípicas e malignas. Coleta de dados A seleção dos estudos foi conduzida por dois pesquisadores, com experiência na elaboração de revisão sistemática. Os oito artigos selecionados foram lidos na íntegra e submetidos a uma análise comparativa. Síntese dos dados Cicatrizes radiadas/lesões esclerosante complexas foram associadas com lesões atípicas e malignas após a exérese cirúrgica. O grau de subestimação geral foi calculado pela porcentagem de lesões atípicas e malignas no anatomopatológico após a exérese cirúrgica dentre o total de CR/LEC diagnosticadas, enquanto o grau de subestimação de lesões invasoras foi calculado considerando-se apenas os carcinomas invasivos. O grau de subestimação geral dos estudos selecionados variou de 1,3 a 40%, e o de lesões invasoras de 0 a 10,5%. Conclusão O diagnóstico histopatológico de CR/LEC na mama não é definitivo, podendo subestimar lesões atípicas e malignas, cujo tratamento é distinto, tornando a exérese cirúrgica etapa fundamental na investigação diagnóstica.

Humanos , Femenino , Enfermedades de la Mama/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de la Mama/diagnóstico por imagen , Biopsia Guiada por Imagen
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-932418


Objective:To evaluate the application value of three-dimensional shear wave elastography(3D-SWE) with quantitative parameters and qualitative analysis of stiff rim sign in differentiating benign and malignant breast masses.Methods:One hundred and seventeen female patients (121 breast masses) admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from January 2020 to February 2021 were examined by conventional ultrasound, two-dimensional shear wave elastography (2D-SWE) and 3D-SWE. Surgical or puncture pathology were used as the gold standard, the ROC curves of 2D-SWE and 3D-SWE were drawn to obtain the optimal qualitative and quantitative indicators. Afterwards, BI-RADS category was adjusted according to the optimal indicators, which could be used to evaluate the diagnostic value in differentiating benign and malignant breast masses.Results:The area under ROC curve (AUC) of BI-RADS category was 0.846, the sensitivity and specificity were 89.6% and 79.6%, respectively. The AUC value of mass-to-fat elasticity ratio(Eratio) of coronal plane was 0.869, which was the highest among all quantitative parameters and was significantly higher than that of 2D-SWE ( P<0.05). In addition, the AUC value of stiff rim sign of coronal plane was significantly higher than those of 2D-SWE, sagittal plane and transverse plane (All P<0.05). The AUC of combination of stiff rim sign of coronal plane and conventional US was 0.901, which was significantly higher than that using conventional ultrasound alone( P<0.05). Conclusions:Compared with 2D-SWE, Eratio and stiff rim sign of coronal plane of 3D-SWE yield better diagnostic efficiency.Adjusting stiff rim sign coronal plane to BI-RADS category can effectively improve the diagnostic efficiency.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 401-407, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958864


Objective:To explore the application value of artificial intelligence (AI) model based on deep learning in breast nodules classification of Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System of ultrasound (BI-RADS-US).Methods:The ultrasound images of 2 426 breast nodules from 1 558 female patients with breast diseases at Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University between December 2006 and December 2019 were collected . The image data sets were divided into training (63%), verification (7%), and test (30%) subsets for the construction of AI model. The diagnostic efficiencies of AI model, doctors' arbitration results and doctors' diagnosis with or without AI model assistance were analyzed by using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The Cohen weighted Kappa statistic was used to compare the consistency of BI-RADS-US classification among 5 ultrasound doctors' diagnosis with or without AI model assistance. And the changes of BI-RADS-US classification were analyzed before and after each doctor adopted AI model assistance.Results:The differences in diagnostic efficiencies of AI model, doctors' arbitration results and doctors' diagnosis with or without AI model assistance were statistically significant (all P > 0.05). The consistency among 5 ultrasound doctors was improved due to AI model assistance and Kappa value was increased from 0.433 (category 3), 0.600 (category 4a), 0.614 (category 4b), 0.570 (category 4c) and 0.495 (category 5) to 0.812, 0.704, 0.823, 0.690 and 0.509 (all P < 0.05), respectively. The upgrade and downgrade of BI-RADS-US classification occurred in 5 doctors after the classification of AI model assistance. Downgrade from category 4 to 3 in benign nodules of 56.6% (47/76) and upgrade from category 4 to 5 in malignant nodules of 69.4% (34/49) were mostly observed. Conclusions:AI-assisted BI-RADS-US classification can effectively improve the consistency of classification among the doctors without reducing the diagnostic efficiency. AI model shows clinical values in reducing unnecessary biopsy of partial benign lesions and increasing diagnostic accuracy of partial malignant lesions through the adjustment of breast nodule classification.