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An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 54(2): 159-165, 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281118


La sistematización de una historia de vida requiere una rigurosa selección de la información proveniente de diversas fuentes. Este breve estudio cualitativo utiliza el método biográfico y su objetivo es describir la figura de Bartolomé Coronel, considerado uno de los primeros médicos de niños y su aporte a la sociedad asuncena de principios del siglo XX, fallecido en plena pandemia de la peste Bubónica, en 1911. Se toman diversas fuentes desde la semblanza realizada por la insigne educadora Celsa Speratti de Garcete, cartas familiares, datos de su biografía aportados por un familiar cercano, discursos alusivos al sujeto de estudio y otros textos que permiten elaborar una mirada colectiva hacia el mismo. En conclusión, el contexto actual de Covid19 y el de la peste Bubónica presenta el mismo riesgo y escasas medidas de bioseguridad a pesar del avance de la ciencia y la medicina en nuestros días. La figura del Dr. Bartolomé Coronel presenta una riqueza de matices y merece ser rescatado con la memoria del olvido.

Life story systematization requires a rigorous selection of information from various sources. This brief qualitative study uses the biographical method and its objective is to describe the figure of Bartolomé Coronel. Considered one of the first children doctors and his contribution to Asuncion society at the beginning of the 20th century, who died in the Bubonic plague pandemic, in 1911. Various sources are taken: from the profile made by the distinguished educator Celsa Speratti de Garcete, family letters, details of her biography provided by a familiar, speeches allusive to the subject of study and other texts that allow a collective view of him. In conclusion, the current context of Covid19 and the Bubonic plague in the past present the same risk and scarce biosecurity measures taked despite the advancement of science and medicine in our days. The figure of Dr. Bartolomé Coronel presents a wealth of nuances and deserves to be rescued with the memory of oblivion.

Peste , Contención de Riesgos Biológicos , Fijación Ocular , Métodos
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 92(supl.1): e1183, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126787


Introducción: Se describen las principales pandemias en la historia de la humanidad desde a.n.e. hasta la más reciente causada por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Objetivo: Examinar las principales pandemias en la historia de la humanidad y su repercusión en la salud pública, ámbito social y perspectivas de la actual pandemia de la COVID-19 en el desarrollo de la sociedad. Métodos: Se revisaron las publicaciones sobre el tema en español e inglés en bases de datos de PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO y Latindex desde el 2000 hasta al 25 de mayo 2020. Resultados: Se describen los aspectos más sobresalientes de las epidemias causadas por viruela, peste bubónica, cólera, VIH/sida. gripes y la actual producida por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, atendiendo a su aparición, duración en años, fallecidos, localización mundial, países más afectados e impacto en la sociedad y ámbito sanitario. Se exponen las perspectivas sociales determinadas por la pandemia de la COVID-19. Conclusiones: Se examinan los rasgos sobresalientes, en especial las pérdidas de vidas humanas en las principales pandemias que han azotado a la humanidad, desde a.n.e. hasta la más reciente causada por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. La sociedad en su momento actual se enfrenta a incertidumbres y retos sociales, económicos, culturales, éticos, sanitarios y existenciales, provenientes de las implicaciones que está teniendo la pandemia de la COVID-19, lo que determinará consecuencias para la salud y la vida humana. Esta pandemia es mucho más que una crisis sanitaria(AU)

Introduction: This work describes the major pandemics in the history of mankind from B.C. until the most recent caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Objective: To examine the major pandemics in the history of mankind and their impact on public health, social scopes and prospects of the current pandemic of COVID-19 in the development of mankind. Methods: There were reviewed publications on the subject in Spanish and English in databases of PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO and Latindex from 2000 to 25 May, 2020. Results: There is a description of the most important aspects of epidemics caused by smallpox, bubonic plague, cholera, HIV/AIDS, influenzas and the current one produced by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, on the basis of their onsets, duration in years, amount of deceased, world location, most affected countries and impact on society and the health field. The social perspectives determined by the pandemic of COVID-19 are presented. Conclusions: There was an study on the outstanding features, especially the loss of human lives in the major pandemics that have plagued mankind, from B.C. until the most recent caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The global society at present time is facing uncertainties and challenges of social, economic, cultural, ethical, health and existential kind coming from the implications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which will determine consequences for human health and life. This pandemic is much more than a health crisis(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Peste/epidemiología , Cólera/epidemiología , Infecciones por Coronavirus/epidemiología , Influenza Pandémica, 1918-1919/historia , Infecciones por VIH/epidemiología , Brotes de Enfermedades
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 36(3): 515-519, jul.-sep. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058742


RESUMEN La peste es una enfermedad reemergente causada por Yersinia pestis. Los humanos generalmente adquieren la enfermedad por picaduras de pulgas. La peste es una enfermedad sistémica fulminante, siendo la peste neumónica la forma más letal. El diagnóstico tardío es una de las principales causas de mortalidad y diseminación de la enfermedad, dado que limita la efectividad de las medidas de control. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 42 años, que previamente había viajado a una zona endémica de peste, y luego presentó hiperpirexia, hipotensión, y adenopatía inguinal inflamatoria. A pesar del cuadro clínico muy característico, nadie (antes del ingreso a nuestro hospital) sospechó peste. Se inició una combinación antibiótica efectiva y tratamiento intensivo recién al quinto día de enfermedad. El paciente evolucionó con shock séptico, falla respiratoria, y muerte. Se confirmó peste por reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR). Este caso enfatiza la importancia de tener un alto índice de sospecha para peste.

ABSTRACT Plague is a re-emerging disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. Humans usually get the disease through the bite of an infected flea. Plague is a fulminant systemic disease, with pneumonic plague being the most lethal form. Late diagnosis is one of the main causes of mortality and spread of the disease, as it limits the effectiveness of control measures. We present the case of a 42-year-old male, who had previously traveled to an endemic plague area and then presented hyperpyrexia, hypotension, and inflammatory inguinal adenopathy. Despite the very characteristic clinical picture, nobody (before admission to our hospital) suspected plague. An effective combination of antibiotics and intensive treatment was initiated only on the fifth day of illness. The patient went into septic shock, respiratory failure, and death. Plague was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This case emphasizes the importance of having a high suspicion rate for plague.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Peste/diagnóstico , Resultado Fatal , Diagnóstico Tardío
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 45(1)ene.-mar. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-991126


Introducción: La peste bubónica afectó a gran parte del mundo en la primera mitad del siglo xx, causando desde pequeños brotes a grandes epidemias. En Cuba se presentó en dos oportunidades, en 1912 y en 1914, causando alguna morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Rescatar la historia de las epidemias de peste bubónica en Cuba. Metodología: Cualitativa, utilizando como métodos teóricos el histórico-lógico y el análisis documental. Se revisaron estadísticas en el Departamento de Estadísticas y Registros Médicos del Ministerio de Salud Pública, artículos de la época, directrices y planes de enfrentamiento a la epidemia orientados por el Departamento Nacional de Sanidad, de la Secretearía de Sanidad y Beneficencia, e informes redactados por los sanitaristas que trabajaron en su control. Resultados: En 1912 existieron brotes en La Habana, Santiago de Cuba y Pinar del Río, importada de las Islas Canarias. Durante la segunda epidemia en 1914, erradicada al año siguiente, se produjeron 68 casos y 23 fallecidos. Se diseñó una estrategia de lucha que incluyó, desde el ingreso y aislamiento de los sospechosos, vigilancia de los residentes en la zona, recogida de ratas, hasta desinfección, saneamiento y desratización de la zona afectada. Conclusiones: Las medidas tomadas fueron oportunas y eficientes, controlando la epidemia. No se produjeron más casos desde julio de 1915(AU)

Introduction: The bubonic plague affected much of the world in the first half of the twentieth century, causing from small outbreaks to large epidemics. In Cuba, it appeared twice in 1912 and in 1914 causing some morbidity and mortality. Objective: To rescue the history of bubonic plague's epidemics in Cuba. Methodology: Qualitative, using as theoretical methods the historical- logic and the documentary analysis. Statistics were reviewed in the Department of Statistics and Medical Records of the Ministry of Public Health, in articles of the time, in guidelines and plans to confront the epidemic established by the National Department of Health of the Secretariat of Health and Charity, and also reports written by the health workers who participated in the control strategies of this disease. Results: In 1912, there were outbreaks in Havana, Santiago de Cuba and Pinar del Rio imported from the Canary Islands. In the second epidemic in 1914 that was eradicated in 1915, there were 68 cases and 23 deaths. A control strategy was designed, which included the entry and isolation of the suspects, surveillance of the residents in the area, collection of rats, disinfection, sanitation and deratization of the affected area. Conclusions: The measures taken were timely and efficient for controlling the epidemic. No more cases have occurred since July, 1915(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Peste/historia , Peste/epidemiología , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Cuba
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 20(supl.1): 1271-1285, 30/1jan. 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-697062


Analisa um debate trazido a público pelo Jornal do Commercio , entre agosto e setembro de 1899, envolvendo duas autoridades sanitárias, Nuno de Andrade, diretor-geral de Saúde Pública, e Jorge Pinto, diretor de Higiene e Assistência Pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. No cerne da questão as medidas tomadas pelo governo federal para evitar a chegada da peste bubônica ao Brasil, a partir de uma epidemia existente na cidade do Porto, Portugal. O referencial teórico para a análise foi a noção de campo de Pierre Bourdieu e os estudos sobre controvérsia científica de Bruno Latour.

This article analyzes a debate brought to the public arena by Jornal do Commercio newspaper in August and September 1899 involving two sanitation officials: Nuno de Andrade, Director-General of Public Health, and Jorge Pinto, Director of Hygiene and Public Welfare of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The issue in question was the measures taken by the federal government to prevent bubonic plague reaching Brazil from Porto, Portugal, where there was an epidemic. The theoretical framework for the analysis is Pierre Bourdieu’s notion of field, and Bruno Latour’s studies into scientific controversy.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Peste/historia , Vigilancia Sanitaria/historia , Epidemias/historia , Médicos Sanitaristas , Política de Salud/historia , Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto , Brasil , Historia del Siglo XIX
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148410


A Continuous serological and bacteriological surveillance in rodents was carried out in peninsular India i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to detect the role of different species of rodents in the maintenance of active enzootic plague foci. Live rodents were collected from wild and ruderal/peri-domestic situations by digging and trapping for sera and organ samples. During 1989 to 2007 serological evidence of plague was detected in different species of rodents in peninsular India. Plague antibodies were detected in 243 sera samples in three different rodent species. Sero-positivity (0.042 percent) amongst rodents tested were found in Tatera indica cuvieri (Hardwicke) followed by Rattus rattus and Bandicota bengalensis. Regular plague surveillance work enhanced the possibility of detecting and delimiting plague foci and helped in implementing necessary preventive anti plague measures to prevent the occurrence of human plague.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-680051


Specialists in the south of the five Ridges LUO Zhi-yuan think that upper-jiao syndrome of bubonic plague appears in the second and third days,middle-jiao syndrome in the period of the third to the sixth days,and lower-jiao syndrome appears at the seventh day.Upper-jiao syndrome of bubonic plague is the most complicated,including the severe syndrome,the critical syndrome,the deadly syndrome.They summarize the six symptoms and signs in middle-jiao of bubonic plague,including "extreme heat and thirst,black and prickly tongue,abdominal distention and pain,stercoroma and delirium,heat accumulation with watery diarrhea,cold feeling of the whole body and hidden pulse",and the four symptoms and signs in middle-jiao,including "pain,distention,stercoroma,heat accumulation with watery diarrhea".They also pointed out that preserving body fluid is key for treating lower-jiao syndrome of bubonic plague.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-679350


Specialists in the south of the five ridges think that bubonic plague is caused by blood stasis due to noxious heat;they exactly use Wang Qingren' Decoction of Detoxification and Promoting Blood Flow modified for detoxification,clearing heat and removing blood stasis.Peach Seed and Safflower are principal drugs of this decoction;using Rhinoceros Horn,Antelope Horn and Tibet Safflower to clear noxious heat for protecting the heart.The key to make curative effect is that this decoction needs to be obeyed urgently frequently and modified according sighs.They have found the substitutes of precious Rhinoceros Horn,Antelope Horn and Tibet Safflower.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 34(1): 87-90, jan.-fev. 2001. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-462067


Climatic alterations arising in the north of Perú as a result of the El Niño phenomenon (ENSO) have caused variations in the crop volume, changes in the direction of rivers and probably an increase in the rodent population. In February 1999, in a native community in Jacocha, Huancabamba, Piura's mountains, Perú, an outbreak of bubonic plague appeared with five human cases, one of which lead to death. The diagnosis was confirmed by serology (passive hemaglutination). The presence of antibodies in dogs of localities close to Jacocha has confirmed the circulation of Yersinia pestis in the region. The outbreak was controlled by the local sanitary authorities' prompt action. This episode, after an epidemiological silence for more than four years, showed the necessity of intensifying the plague epidemiological surveillance system in this area.

As alterações climáticas produzidas no norte do Perú devidas ao Fenômeno El Niño (ENSO), ocasionaram variações no volume das safras, redistribuição do curso dos rios e provavelmente aumento da população de roedores. Em fevereiro de 1999, em uma comunidade indígena em Jacocha, Huancabamba, na serra de Piura, Perú, surgiu um surto de peste com cinco casos humanos, um dos quais faleceu. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela sorologia (hemaglutinação passiva). A presença de anticorpos em cães de localidades próximas de Jacocha confirmaram a circulação da Yersinia pestis na área. O surto foi debelado pela rápida atuação das autoridades sanitárias locais. O episódio após silêncio epidemiológico por mais de quatro anos, mostrou a necessidade de reforçar o sistema de vigilância epidemiológica de peste nesta área.

Adolescente , Adulto , Preescolar , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Brotes de Enfermedades , Peste/epidemiología , Perú/epidemiología