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Rev. estomat. salud ; 31(1): 1-12, 20230123.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435257


Antecedentes: La Diafanización dental es una técnica que permite transparentar los dientes haciendo visible la anatomía interna de los conductos radiculares ofreciendo una herramienta pedagógica económica y confiable; sin embargo, la literatura no reporta protocolos estandarizados para obtener una diafanización dental predecible. Objetivo: Obtener un protocolo estandarizado para diafanización dental, como modelo educativo, a partir de la revisión de la literatura y la realización de un estudio piloto. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos Scopus y Medline con los términos Mesh "root canal", "diaphonization", "clearing", "morphology" anatomy", y se estructuró una tabla de extracción con las variables más representativas para establecer las 3 fases de la Diafanización, a. Descalcificación, se evaluó Ácido Nítrico 5% (HNO3), Ácido Fórmico 10% (CH2O2) y EDTA 10%, b. Deshidratación, se empleó Alcoholes etílicos ascendentes, c. Clarificación, se evaluó Metil Salicilato y Aceite de Inmersión Sintético. Se seleccionaron 54 dientes, 36 sin endodoncia, y 18 con endodoncia, y se distribuyeron en dos grupos: Grupo A. Dientes sin endodoncia, Grupo B. Dientes con endodoncia, constituidos por 18 subgrupos que estaban definidos de acuerdo al tipo de descalcificante, momento de aplicación medio de contraste y medio de Clarificación. Resultados: El Ácido Nítrico al 5% pese a que fue el más corrosivo, permitió el mayor flujo y accesibilidad para el medio de contraste (Tinta China) en especímenes sin endodoncia. De igual manera, el Ácido Fórmico al 10%, preservó la estructura de los dientes tratados endodónticamente. El Metil Salicilato como clarificante, brindó mejores resultados visuales alcanzando una mayor transparencia. Conclusiones: El desarrollo de un estudio piloto para estandarizar técnicas de diafanización en odontología, permite la estructuración de un protocolo educativo que posibilita conocer la gran variabilidad anatómica de los dientes y la comprensión y análisis de los dientes que han si do tratados endodóncicamente, aportando una herramienta pedagógica para la comprensión de la anatomía radicular. El uso de Ácido Fórmico al 10%, en dientes con tratamiento de endodoncia y de Ácido Nítrico 5% en dientes sin endodoncia, c on una transparencia alcanzada por el uso del Metil Salicilato, muestran los mejores resultados visuales en anatomía y obturación endodóntica.

Background: Dental diaphonization is a technique that allows the teeth to be made transparent, making the internal anatomy of the root canals visible, offering an economical and reliable pedagogical tool; however,the literature does not report standardized protocols to obtain a predictable dental clearance. Aim: obtain a standardized protocol for dental diaphonization as an educative model from the review of the literature and the realization of a pilot study. Materials and methods: A systematic search was made on databases Scopus and Medline, with the Mesh terms "root canal", "diaphonization", "clearing", "morphology" and, "anatomy", and an extraction table was structured wit h the most representative variables to establish the three diaphanization phases, a. Decalcification, 5% Nitric Acid, 10% Formic Acid (TBD-2) and 10% EDTA were evaluated, b. Dehydration, ascending Ethyl Alcohols were used, c. Clarification, Methyl Salicylate, a nd Immersion synthetic oil were evaluated. 54 teeth were selected, 36 without root canal treatment and 18 with root canal treatment, then they were distributed into two groups: Group A, Teeth without root canal treatment, and Group B, Teeth with root canal treatment. Each group was constituted of 18 subgroups defined in order of the decalcification agent type, moment of the contrast medium application, and clarification agent type. Results: Even though 5% Nitric Acid was the most corrosive agent, it allowed a better flow and accessibility for the contrast medium (Chinese ink) in teeth without root canal treatment. Likewise, 10% Formic Acid preserved the structure of the endodontic tooth. As a clarification agent, the Methyl Salicylate showed better visual results, achieving greater transparency. Conclusion: The development of a pilot study aimed to standardize diaphonization techniques in dentistry allows the structuring of educative protocols that permit knowing the great tooth anatomic variability and the comprehension as well as the analysis of the root canal treated teeth, contributing to a pedagogic tool for the root anatomy awareness. Using 10% Formic Acid on root canal-treated teeth and 5% Nitric Acid on root canal not treated teeth, with transparency achieved by using Methyl Salicylate, showed better visual results on anatomy and endodontic filling

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 21(1): 6-17, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013894


RESUMEN El uso de polímeros orgánicos para el tratamiento de aguas residuales a través de procesos de coagulación/floculación presenta ventajas sobre el uso de coagulantes inorgánicos, debido a la biodegradabilidad y la baja toxicidad en el agua de estos. El quitosano es un biopolímero que se ha utilizado como coagulante en el tratamiento de aguas residuales. En este estudio, se evaluó el quitosano como coagulante natural utilizado en la clarificación de efluentes piscícolas en tecnología biofloc (BFT) y en sistema de recirculación acuícola (RAS). Se implementó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado, de una vía, con efectos fijos. Los ensayos del agua se llevaron a cabo por el método de jar-test, donde se aplicaron dosis de quitosano de 3, 6, 9, 12 y 15 mg/L. Se analizó el efecto estadístico de la dosis de quitosano en la eliminación de la turbidez, sólidos suspendidos totales (SST) y sólidos suspendidos volátiles (SSV) del agua. Se encontró efecto del quitosano sobre la turbidez, dosis de 9 mg/L logró remociones del 88% y valores de 3.9 NTU (con error < 0.05). Sin aplicar quitosano al efluente, se lograron remociones de 78.2 y 76.7% para SST, SSV respectivamente. El quitosano permitió eliminar turbidez del efluente (BFT).

ABSTRACT Using organic polymers for wastewater treatment through coagulation/flocculation processes is more advantageous than current approach based on inorganic coagulants, due to the former's biodegradability and low toxicity in the water. Chitosan is a biopolymer that has been used as coagulant in wastewater treatment. In this study, chitosan was evaluated as a natural coagulant used in the clarification of fish effluents in biofloc technology (BFT) and aquaculture recirculation system (RAS). A one-way completely randomized experimental design with fixed effects was implemented. The water clarification tests were conducted using the jar test method with chitosan doses of 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 mg/L. The chitosan dose effect was analyzed as natural coagulant on the removal of the water's turbidity, total suspended solids (SST) and volatile suspended solids (SSV). The effect of the chitosan load on the turbidity removal was found, as optimal dose of 9 mg/L for 88% with final turbidity value of 3.9 NTU (with significance < 0.05). In absence of chitosan, only values of 78.2 and 76.7% for SST and SSV were reached, respectively. Chitosan allowed the removal of turbidity from the water (BFT).

Indian J Med Sci ; 2019 Jan; 71(1): 22-27
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-196528


INTRODUCTION:Because patients covered by medical insurance are being denied legitimate claims, doctors are working shoulder to shoulder with them and have garnered significant experience in this matter. We, therefore, decided to a systematic survey under the Medic LAWgic banner and presented the data.METHODS:A short, 8-question multiple-choice survey was conducted online among doctor clinicians. Duplicate replies were removed. The remaining replies were evaluated, interpreted, and the data are being presented here.RESULTS:A total of 377 doctors responded. The majority (208, 55%) had faced problems with medical insurance claims in more than 10% of their patients. Almost half of them (48%) had outright rejection of the claims in more than 10% of their patients. Reduction in claim amounts was faced in more than 10% instances by 262 (70%). The five most common causes for refusal or rejection of claims included failure of patient to disclose pre-existing illness (234, 62%), other insurance policy terms related issues (157, 42%), oral medication (199, 53%), treatment without admission (155, 41%), and treatment with new modes of therapy (152, 40%). As many as 301/377 (80%) doctors had written letters to the insurance companies for supporting their patients’ claim. Such supporting letters from the treating doctors resulted in the claim being accepted or approved in 216 instances (57%).DISCUSSION:Mediclaim denial is a major and growing problem. People who need financial assistance the most are also the most vulnerable to denial. In the USA, such denial rates ranged from 1% to 45% of in-network claims in the year 2017. Unfortunately, <0.5% of patients appealed such claim denial. The insurance regulatory and development authority of India (IRDA) have issued guidelines that all claims need to be settled within 30 days and that insurance companies must fulfill their contractual commitment for genuine claims, even if timely intimation was not possible. Insurance companies are running a business for profit. Hence, even the most expensive plans will have a list of exclusions, in the fine print. Indian patients need to be proactive in following up when claims are rejected or reduced. Doctors are their pillar of support, whose advantage needs to be taken by them. IRDA and consumer courts are also looking after patients’ rights in this matter.CONCLUSION:Patients are increasingly facing challenge of medical insurance companies denying legitimate claims. Doctors help by writing to the insurance companies supporting their patients claim and such letters help in the majority of instances. Patients and their families need to follow up aggressively when their claims are not approved, rejected or reduced. They should also request the help of their doctors when facing such challenges.

Rev. ADM ; 75(1): 9-25, ene.-feb. 2018. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-906218


Este artículo de revisión ayudará a los odontólogos a mejorar su comprensión de los procedimientos de aclaramiento dental, tipos de aclaramientos, componentes activos, mecanismos de acción y sus efectos sobre las estructuras dentales, materiales de obturación y la adhesión. También se mostrará un nuevo sistema, el cual consiste en tres pasos denominados ABC que signifi ca Activate, Bleach and Condition (activación, blanqueamiento y acondicionamiento). Al realizar estas tres etapas se garantiza un tratamiento de aclaramiento muy efi caz, seguro y sobre todo sin dolor (AU)

This review article will help dentists to improve their understanding of dental clearance procedures, types of clearings, active components, mechanisms of action and their eff ects on dental structures, sealing materials and adhesion. It will also show a new system which consists of three steps called ABC that means Activate, Bleach, and Condition. Performing these three stages ensures a very effective, safe and especially painless clearance treatment (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Estética Dental , Peróxido de Hidrógeno , Blanqueamiento de Dientes , Resinas Compuestas , Recubrimiento Dental Adhesivo , Esmalte Dental , Filtración Dental , Propiedades de Superficie , Decoloración de Dientes
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61: e18160399, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-951496


ABSTRACT The aim of this study is the production, purification, and characterisation of thermostable raw starch hydrolyzing α-amylase produced by Bacillus mojavensis SO-10. The maximum production conditions of α-amylase were found at 36th hour, 35 °C and pH 7.0. We utilized three steps to purify the thermostable α-amylase and as a result, 34-fold and 18% yield were obtained. The molecular weight of purified α-amylase was determined as 73 kD. The Km and Vmax rates were detected as 0.010 mM and 3.38 µmol min−1, respectively. This purified α-amylase exhibited the highest activity at pH 5.0-6.0 and 70 ºC and showed stability over a wide variety of pH and temperature at 4.0-8.0, and 40-50 ºC, respectively. The thermostable purified α-amylase exhibited stability in the presence of denaturing agents and heavy metal ions. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed the raw starches of corn and wheat grains in the ratio of 36.7% and 39.2% respectively. The end-yields of soluble starch hydrolysis were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). In addition, the usage of purified α-amylase in clarification of apple juice and domestic washing detergent industries were evaluated.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 49(3): 173-181, sep.-dic. 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-901986


Abstract Nearly 50% of the college population struggles with academic procrastination, which is an impulsivity problem that often leads to emotional difficulties and college dropout. This study aimed to assess whether an online intervention on clarification of academic goals could reduce impulsivity and academic procrastination in college students. Forty-eight participants were assigned to three different types of interventions: (a) SMART-type goal clarification treatment (setting specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time-based goals); (b) instructional intervention for the abandonment of procrastination (conventional self-help type intervention); and (c) a waiting list. Only SMART intervention produced a statistically signif icant decrease in impulsivity (measured in terms of a hyperbolic discounting test; Whelan & McHugh, 2009), and academic procrastination (measured with the Procrastination Assessment Scale-Student --- PASS), in both cases with small-to-moderate treatment effects. In conclusion, the study showed that online SMART-type goal clarification led to positive changes in impulsive ness and academic procrastination of college students, whereas a self-help protocol failed to produce similar effects. Potential reasons for reduced treatment effects of the SMART interven tion are examined (e.g., experimental control). Also, prospective lines of research are discussed in view of the scarcity of experimental studies in this area.

Resumen Cerca del 50% de la población universitaria experimenta procrastinación académica, un problema asociado con impulsividad, dificultades emocionales y deserción. El estudio evaluó si una intervención en línea en clarificación de metas académicas reduce la impulsividad y la procrastinación académica de estudiantes universitarios. Cuarenta y ocho estudiantes fueron distribuidos en tres tipos de intervención: (a) clarificación de metas tipo SMART (estable cer metas específicas, acordadas en colaboración, medibles, realistas, y basadas en criterios temporales); (b) seguimiento de instrucciones para abandonar la procrastinación (protocolo convencional de tipo autoayuda), y (c) lista de espera. La intervención SMART fue la única que produjo una disminución estadísticamente significativa en impulsividad -medida en términos de descuento hiperbólico (Whelan & McHugh, 2009)- y procrastinación académica -medida a través del Procrastination Assessment Scale-Student (PASS)---- , en ambos casos con efectos de tratamiento de pequeños a moderados. En conclusión, el estudio demostró la efectividad de un protocolo en línea de clarificación de metas tipo SMART para reducir la impulsividad y la procrastinación académica de estudiantes universitarios, efectos que no fueron encontrados con la implementación de un protocolo de tipo autoayuda. Se discuten posibles razones por las cuales los efectos del tratamiento SMART no fueron mayores (e.g., control experimental), y líneas potenciales de investigación a futuro, esto especialmente considerando los escasos estudios experimentales en esta área.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Impulso (Psicología) , Procrastinación , Estudiantes , Universidades , Intervención basada en la Internet
China Pharmacist ; (12): 1872-1875, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-503274


Objective:To optimize the clarification process of total flavonoids extract from Geum aleppicum with ZTC1+1-Ⅱtype clarifying agent. Methods:With the solid removal rate, retention rate of the total flavonoids and clearance rate of protein as the indi-ces, single factor tests were adopted to study the effects of extract concentration, amount of clarifying agent, reaction temperature and reaction time on the clarification results. Results:The optimal clarification process was as follows:the extract concentration was 0. 5 g ·ml-1 , the amount of clarifying agent was 4% component B and 2% component A, the reaction temperature was at 60℃, and the soaking time was 60 min. The retention rate of total flavonoids was 91. 32%, the clearance rate of protein was 35. 82%, and the solid removal rate was 8. 1%. Conclusion:ZTC1+1-Ⅱ type clarifying agent has good effect on the clarification of total flavonoids extract from Geum aleppicum with promising feasibility and stability.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 2684-2686, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-501082


OBJECTIVE:To optimize the clarification and purification technology of Perillae folium extract. METHODS:The effects of 3 clarification and purification methods as chitosan flocculation clarification,ZTC 1+1-Ⅱflocculation clarification,water precipitation on retention rate of total flavonoids and removal rate of solid of Perillae folium extract were compared to screen suit-able clarification and purification technology. With the retention rate of total flavonoids and removal rate of solid as comprehensive evaluation index,single factor and orthogonal test were designed to investigate the optimal value of concentration proportion,the amount of the flocculant,flocculation temperature and whisking speed in optimal clarification and purification method. RESULTS:Among 3 methods,the chitosan flocculation clarification was the best with concentration proportion of 1∶4,chitosan of 1.0 g/L, flocculation temperature at 60 ℃,whisking speed of 100 r/min,whisking time of 4 min,standing time of 12 h. Under the condi-tion of optimal processing,the retention rate of total flavonoids was (85.1 ± 0.75)%,and the removal rate of solid was (24.6 ± 1.33)%(n=5). CONCLUSIONS:Chitosan flocculation can be used to effectively remove the impurity of Perillae folium extract, and optimized clarification and purification technology is stable and feasible.

Rev. psicanal ; 23(1): 11-27, 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-946935


O autor explora várias ideias acerca de nossas reações contratransferenciais. Sugere que a reação do analista geralmente inicia em resposta ao uso da ação de linguagem por parte do paciente, quando ele, inconscientemente, utiliza palavras para fazer algo, o que leva o analista a também responder inconscientemente. O analista deve, primeiramente, conter, metabolizar e refletir acerca de sua contratransferência antes de iniciar o trabalho analítico. A partir daí, precisa representar, através de repetidas clarificações, como ocorre a ação de linguagem. Esse procedimento dá início ao que o autor chama de trabalhar dentro da contratransferência(AU)

The author explores various ideas about our countertransference reactions. He suggests the analyst's countertransference reaction usually begins in response to the patient's use of language action, where the patient unconsciously uses words to do something, which the analyst responds to unconsciously. The analyst must first contain, metabolize, and reflect on his countertransference before analytic work can begin. From this the analyst needs to represent, through repeated clarifications, how the language action takes place. This begins the process the author calls, working within the countertransference(AU)

El autor explora varias ideas acerca de nuestras reacciones contratransferenciales. Sugiere que la reacción del analista comienza generalmente en respuesta al uso de la acción del lenguaje por parte del paciente, cuando éste, inconscientemente, utiliza palabras para hacer algo, a lo que el analista responde también inconscientemente. El analista deberá primeramente contener, metabolizar, y reflexionar acerca de su contratransferencia para luego poder comenzar el trabajo analítico. A partir de ahí, el analista tendrá que representar, a través de repetidas clarificaciones, cómo ocurre la acción del lenguaje. Ese procedimiento da inicio al proceso que el autor denomina trabajar dentro de la contratransferencia(AU)

Psicoanálisis , Contratransferencia , Lenguaje
China Pharmacy ; (12): 4321-4323, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-501122


OBJECTIVE:To clarify the responsibilities of drug clinical trial institution and ethics committee in China,and to provide reference for the improvement of drug clinical trial management. METHODS:The responsibility conflicts between drug clinical trial institution and ethics committee were summarized,and its reasons were analyzed to provide suggestions. RESULTS &CONCLUSIONS:The responsibility conflicts have been found between drug clinical trial institution and ethics committee,mainly manifesting as the essential person who submits protocol is not clear;the responsibilities in multicenter ethics investigation are con-troversial;the management of their track issues are not connected enough. 3 aspects of measures can be adopted,including reach-ing an agreement of responsibility assignment learning from foreign advanced ideas,improving laws and regulations;enhancing the management,promoting the implementation of policy and agreement. So,the responsibilities of drug clinical trial institution and ethics committee can be further clarified to improve the management of drug clinical trial.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-476942


The modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is urgent need of the modern theory of TCM, is a consensus. But, How to establish and what kind of modern TCM theory, is far from a consensus. Based on the summarization of the common law in the construction of scientific theory, we are trying to give a answer that are expected to form a consensus. Firstly, we have illustrated the trend that the development of TCM theory should learn from the life and medical sciences theory function and value; Secondly, we have proven that TCM and TCM theory belongs to the traditional medicine and theory and pointed out the limitation of the traditional medicine, TCM and its theory. And then we have revealed the inevitable trend of traditional medicine, TCM and its theory development at home and abroad, logically obtained the inevitable choice of constructing the modern TCM basic theory; Lastly, we have analyzed the different discipline new theory construction process and method at home and abroad and discovered the common five steps rule, put forward three principles and five steps of constructing modern TCM basic theory, demonstrated its important role during the theoretical revolution promoting Chinese Medicine theory from phenomenon description to mechanism clarification and the scientific value of Chinese Medicine theory in the domestic and foreign development trend.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 45(1): 97-104, 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-709484


Polygalacturonase and α-amylase play vital role in fruit juice industry. In the present study, polygalacturonase was produced by Aspergillus awamori Nakazawa MTCC 6652 utilizing apple pomace and mosambi orange (Citrus sinensis var mosambi) peels as solid substrate whereas, α-amylase was produced from A. oryzae (IFO-30103) using wheat bran by solid state fermentation (SSF) process. These carbohydrases were decolourized and purified 8.6-fold, 34.8-fold and 3.5-fold, respectively by activated charcoal powder in a single step with 65.1%, 69.8% and 60% recoveries, respectively. Apple juice was clarified by these decolourized and partially purified enzymes. In presence of 1% polygalacturonase from mosambi peels (9.87 U/mL) and 0.4% α-amylase (899 U/mL), maximum clarity (%T660nm = 97.0%) of juice was attained after 2 h of incubation at 50 ºC in presence of 10 mM CaCl2. Total phenolic content of juice was reduced by 19.8% after clarification, yet with slightly higher %DPPH radical scavenging property.

Aspergillus/enzimología , Bebidas , Manipulación de Alimentos/métodos , Poligalacturonasa/aislamiento & purificación , Poligalacturonasa/metabolismo , alfa-Amilasas/aislamiento & purificación , alfa-Amilasas/metabolismo , Aspergillus/crecimiento & desarrollo , Medios de Cultivo/química , Depuradores de Radicales Libres/análisis , Fenoles/análisis , Temperatura , Factores de Tiempo
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 15(1): 137-144, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-696132


Actualmente municipios de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana no cuentan con suministro de agua potable. La aplicación artesanal de la Tuna (Opuntia ficus-indica) como coagulante es una práctica tradicional en comunidades rurales. En esta investigación se realiza la caracterización del tallo de la Tuna que crece de manera silvestre en el departamento de Bolívar, y del polvo extraído de esta planta, con el fin de identificar componentes asociados a su poder coagulante para la remoción de turbidez y de color en aguas crudas. Las pencas de la planta se sometieron a operaciones de corte, pelado, secado, molienda, tamizado y despigmentado para obtener el coagulante. El rendimiento del proceso global fue de 65g de coagulante/Kg de material vegetal. Los resultados indicaron que la penca contiene alto porcentaje de humedad y pequeñas proporciones de saponinas, flavonoides, sales minerales de calcio y hierro; lo cual permitió concluir que estos metabolitos y sales no son los responsables de su poder coagulante debido a las cantidades poco significativas en las que se encuentran. Se consideró que otras especies química tales como el ácido poligalacturónico y compuestos algínicos son realmente los que le confieran la cualidad al biomaterial. También, se evaluó el poder coagulante del material extraído, se analizó el efecto de tres dosis sobre el color, la turbidez y el pH del agua tratada. Los resultados indicaron que tiene la capacidad de remover 50% del color y 70% de turbidez de aguas crudas con alta turbidez inicial, y que no altera significativamente su pH.

Currently, municipalities in the Colombian Atlantic Coast do not have potable water supply. The implementation of the Tuna as a coagulant is a traditional practice in rural communities, but is used in craft way. In the present investigation, the characterization of the stalk of Tuna (Opuntia ficus-indica) growing in the wild in the Bolivar department, and of the powder extracted from this plant was realized with the purpose to identify components associated with its coagulant power to remove color and turbidity in raw water. The stalks of this plant were subjected to cutting, peeling, drying, grinding, sieving and depigment for obtaining the coagulant. The overall process yield was 65g of coagulant/kg of vegetal material. The results also indicated that the stalk of Tuna contains high moisture content and low amounts of saponins, flavonoids, minerals, calcium and iron. It allowed concluding that these metabolites and salts are not responsible of the coagulant power of plant due to the insignificant amounts in which they are present. Therefore, it is presumed that other chemical species such as polygalacturonic acid and alginic compounds are those that confer the quality to the biomaterial. Also, the coagulant power of extracted material was evaluated. The effect of three dosis on the color, turbidity and pH of trated water was analized. The results indicated that it has the capacity to remove 50% of color and 70% of turbity from crude water with high initial turbidity. Also, it does not affect significantly its pH.

Opuntia , Opuntia , Agua Cruda , Saponinas , Flavonoides
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 15(1): 37-46, jan.-mar. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-545396


Apresentam-se, neste trabalho, os resultados (i) da caracterização da água de lavagem de filtros (ALF) da estação de tratamento de água da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (ETA- UFV); (ii) de ensaios de clarificação da ALF em colunas de sedimentação, com e sem uso de polímeros; (iii) de ensaios de recirculação de ALF em ETA piloto (EP), sob condições variadas de razão de recirculação (5 a 20 por cento de incremento de vazão) e de turbidez da mistura de água bruta (AB) com ALF (12,1 a 257,3 uT). Na ALF foram encontradas concentrações em ordem de grandeza de 10¹ cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. por litro. Os resultados dos ensaios em coluna de sedimentação e de recirculação na EP demonstraram que a clarificação da ALF com uso de polímeros contribui para a minimização de perigos associados à introdução de cistos de Giardia e oocistos de Cryptosporidium.

This paper presents the results of (i) the characterization of the filter backwash water (FBW) of Viçosa University water treatment plant; (ii) trials of FBW clarification in sedimentation columns, with and without polymer application; (iii) trials of FBW recycling in a pilot plant, under variable conditions of recycling flow rates (5 to 20 percent of the raw water flow - RW) and of the influent water (RW + FBW) turbidity (12.1 to 257.3 uT). Around 10¹ Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts per liter were found in the FBW. The results of sedimentation columns and recycling trials demonstrated that FBW clarification using polymers contributes to minimize hazards related to the introduction of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-597442


Purpose To investigate the adsorptive effect of attapulgite on Tanshinone Ⅰ and TanshinoneⅡ_A in decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Salviae Mihiorrhizae and Composite Dansen Pill.Methods Using the amount of solid component and the content of Tanshinone Ⅰ and Tanshinone Ⅱ_A as index,the adsorptive effect of common attapulgite and acidified attapulgite on decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Salviae Miltiorrhizae and Composite Dansen Pill was investigated respectively and the content of Tanshinone Ⅰ and Tanshinone Ⅱ_A was determined by HPLC.Results Common attapulgite could not markedly decreased the amount of solid component and had a litfle effect on the content of Tanshinone Ⅰ and TanshinoneⅡ_A in decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Salviae Miltiorrhizae and Composite Dansen Pill.The acidified attapulgite could obviously decrease the amount of solid component and had a little effect on the content of Tanshinone Ⅰ and TanshinoneⅡ_A in decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Salviae Miltiorrhizae and Composite Dansen Pill.Conclusion Acidified attapulgite could be used as adsorptive clarifier in decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Salviae Miltiorrhizae and Composite Dansen Pill.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 30(4): 465-472, 2008.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460549


Zoology laboratories at institutions of research and education have shown great demand for anatomical parts for practical lessons. However, although the bibliography is not necessarily scarce, analyses of the cost/benefit relations of such processes are rare, considering aspects such as preparation time, quality of the anatomical parts, and material and human resources. In addition to the common techniques already used, new low-cost products, not cited in literature and easily found in the market, were also tested. The main objective of this work was to elaborate and organize information on techniques of bone parts maceration for study collections, making comparative analyses on the cost/benefit relations of each technique. Twelve products were tested, evaluating experimental conditions such as: concentration and combination of reagents, temperature, pH and time of exposure of the parts to the reagents. The results indicated that the products recommended for the use in the maceration processes were: water, hydrogen peroxide and papaya juice (Carica papaya).

Laboratórios de Zoologia em Instituições de Pesquisa e Ensino têm demonstrado grande demanda por peças anatômicas para utilização em aulas práticas. No entanto, embora a bibliografia voltada para este tema não seja escassa, são raras as análises das relações custo/benefício de tais processos levando em consideração aspectos técnicos, como tempo de preparo, qualidade das peças e recursos materiais e humanos. Além de técnicas usualmente utilizadas, novos produtos de baixo custo, não-citados na literatura e encontrados facilmente no mercado, também foram testados. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a elaboração e organização de informações sobre técnicas alternativas de maceração de peças ósseas para coleções didáticas, realizando análises comparativas sobre as relações custo/benefício de cada técnica. Foram testados 12 produtos, dos quais foram avaliados os resultados a diferentes condições experimentais, tais como: concentração e combinação dos reagentes, temperatura, pH e tempo de exposição das peças aos reagentes. Os resultados indicaram que os produtos mais recomendados para a utilização nos processos de maceração foram: a água, o peróxido de hidrogênio e o suco de mamão (Carica papaya).

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-35571


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of assertiveness training and values clarification training on nurse's role conflict. Fifty-seven registered nurses participated to in the study : they were employed at to three general hospitals, all of which were located in the city of Daegu, Korea. The study employs two treatment groups. The assertiveness training group consisted of nursing subjects who participated in nine, 90-120 minute sessions of assertiveness training over five weeks. The other treatment group received nine, 90-120 minute group sessions of values clarification at the same time. For the control group, nursing subjects did not participated in any training. For pre-test evaluation, Role Conflict Inventory-General tests (RCI-G), were administered to al subjects in al three groups one week prior to the beginning of the treatment and for post-test evaluation, Communication Conflict Inventory-Specific tests (RCI-S), were administered two weeks after the last session. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) on RCI-S scores were run using the SPSS program. In order to test statistical difference among mean scores of the subscales obtained after treatment, multiple comparisons were carried out using the Turkey method. The subscale scores of nurse's role conflict of the groups who experienced the assertiveness training and the values clarification, were significantly lower than the control group in role ambiguity, environmental barriers, and competency deficit, but there was no difference in collaboration deficit. The value clarification training was more effective than was th assertiveness training in decreasing the subscale scores in role ambiguity. There were, however, no differences in environmental barriers, competency deficit or collaboration deficit between two experimental groups.

Asertividad , Conducta Cooperativa , Hospitales Generales , Corea (Geográfico) , Rol de la Enfermera , Enfermería , Turquía
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-681427


Objective:To use 101 Clarification Agent in clearing process of herbal extract. Methods: To compare 101 Clarification Agent with alcohol by measuring dry extract percent of herbal extract and its components GC qualitative and quantitative analyses of all Rhubarb, Hawthorn Fruit, Rhizoma chuanxiong, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Radix Astragali. Results: It was shown that dry extract percent, main components quantity of herbal extract using Clarification Agent are higher than that alcohol do.Conclusion: 101 Clarification Agent can be used to clear herbal extract instead of alcohol.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-681596


Objective: To find out a new clarification process of Kechuanning Oral Liquid by chitosan, and to compare with the process with ethanol sediment. Methods: Glycyrrhizinate, papaverine hydrochlorid were qualitatively analysed and ephedrine hydrochloride was quantitatively determined in the two processes. Stability of the two preparations were compared. Results: Both the processes by chitosan and by ethanol have clearing action the former reserved more effective components than the latter. Conclusion: the process by chitosan can substitute for process by ethanol sediment in production of Kechuaming Oral Liquid.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-571176


Objective: To study clarifying for Naoqing Oral Liquid (Radix Puerariae, Radix Astragali, etc.) with chitin instead of ethanol. Methods: By studying precipitation effect of two clarification methods, in the meantime, studying the influence of different concentration of chitin on the clarification effect of Naoqing Oral Liquid. Results: Chitin had the more effective components than ethanol, and assured the stability of the preparation and shortened production period of the preparation. Conclusion: Chitin can clarify Naoqing Oral Liquid instead of ethanol.