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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023467


Objective/Significance To summarize the relevant policies,practical applications and promotion effects of hospital infor-mation systems(HIS)on the cloud in China,to analyze national policy orientation and application status,so as to put forward reasonable proposals on the next action and promotion strategy.Method/Process Relevant policy documents and applications of HIS on the cloud are retrieved from national and provincial government websites in China,and the policy development rules and opportunities and challen-ges faced are summarized.Relevant articles published from 2010 to 2023 are searched on CNKI to summarize the concrete practice of HIS on the cloud.Result/Conclusion It is suggested that hospitals with existing conditions can make full use of the current national poli-cy dividend and actual business expansion needs to migrate to the cloud as soon as possible,and relevant departments should also issue more targeted development strategies and supporting implementation guidelines to specifically guide hospitals to migrate to the cloud scien-tifically,effectively and safely,so as to accelerate the generation of new forms of medical industry and fully meet the needs of public health care in the new era.

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(5): 1110-1115, 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1435129


La actual propuesta metodológica se enmarca en los dos primeros objetivos del Plan Nacional de la Lucha contra el Dengue, que son promover, coordinar y facilitar la implementación de estrategias eficaces y oportunas para el control y tratamiento del dengue, con especial énfasis en las zonas geográficas del país que presentan alto riesgo potencial epidémico de dicha enfermedad, y gestionar la cooperación técnica destinada al control y manejo del dengue. En la fase inicial, se determinaron las actividades y variables sensibles a monitoreo, en base a los objetivos e indicadores identificados dentro del marco técnico y normativo vigente en el Perú y el marco sanitario establecido por la OMS, correspondientes a la vigilancia, prevención y control, pero, además, a la promoción de prácticas saludables. Luego, se definieron los requerimientos no funcionales de la plataforma de monitoreo para el desarrollo de un aplicativo accesible a través de un navegador en cualquier dispositivo con acceso a internet, a ser alojado en la plataforma de Cloud Computing. Posteriomente, se realizó el flujograma para el monitoreo de la clasificación de escenarios epidemiológicos y estratificación de riesgo entomológico de las enfermedades transmitidas por el Aedes aegypti. Finalmente, tanto la estratificación de riesgo como los indicadores obtenidos en cada localidad son escalados a la unidad notificante, encarcada de la ratificación, análisis y toma de desiciones jurisdiccionales. Se realizó una prueba piloto en 50 distritos de la jurisdicción de Lima Metropolitana. Se encontró que once distritos fueron estratificados en escenario II, y cuatro distritos en escenario III(AU)

The current methodological proposal is part of the first two objectives of the National Plan to Fight Dengue, which are to promote, coordinate and facilitate the implementation of effective and timely strategies for the control and treatment of dengue, with special emphasis on geographical areas. of the country that present a high potential epidemic risk of this disease and manage technical cooperation for the control and management of dengue. In the initial phase, the activities and variables sensitive to monitoring were determined, based on the objectives and indicators identified within the technical and regulatory framework in force in Peru and the health framework established by the WHO, corresponding to surveillance, prevention, and control; but also, to the promotion of healthy practices. Then, the non-functional requirements of the monitoring platform were defined for the development of an application accessible through a browser on any device with Internet access, to be hosted on the Cloud Computing platform. Subsequently, the flowchart was made to monitor the classification of epidemiological scenarios and entomological risk stratification of diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti. Finally, both the risk stratification and the indicators obtained in each locality are escalated to the notifying unit, in charge of the ratification, analysis and making of jurisdictional decisions. A pilot test was carried out in 50 districts of the jurisdiction of Metropolitan Lima. It was found that eleven districts were stratified in stage II, and four districts in stage III(AU)

Humanos , Estrategias de Salud Nacionales , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Aedes , Dengue/epidemiología , Monitoreo Epidemiológico , Perú/epidemiología , Programas Informáticos , Proyectos Piloto , Monitoreo del Ambiente/legislación & jurisprudencia , Medición de Riesgo , Dengue/prevención & control
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 25: e220030, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407515


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the main functions of the "Systematic Review Support" web-based system for removing duplicate articles and aiding eligibility analysis during the process of conducting systematic review studies. Methods: The system was developed based on the incremental build model using the Agile methodology. The software is proprietary source code and was published on a proprietary platform. The architecture of the production environment allows the infrastructure used to increase or decrease according to demand. The system functions are presented with insertion of screenshots of the interfaces of the version for personal computers during the simulation of a systematic review. Results: After importing the files containing the abstracts retrieved from the Pubmed, Embase, and Web of Science databases, the system identifies and removes duplicates for later reading and analysis of title and abstract, a stage which can be performed by one or more reviewers independently. After unblinding of reviewers, the decisions on the eligibility of the studies are compared automatically to help the researchers reach a consensus on any disagreements. Results can be filtered and a PDF produced containing the eligible studies. Conclusion: Version 1.0 of the system is available on the web ( to assist researchers in the initial stages of systematic reviews.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as principais funcionalidades do sistema "Apoio à Revisão Sistemática" na identificação e exclusão de artigos duplicados e no auxílio na análise de elegibilidade durante a condução de estudo de revisão sistemática. Métodos: O sistema foi desenvolvido com base em um modelo de processo incremental, utilizando-se metodologia Ágil. É de código fechado e foi publicado em plataforma proprietária. O ambiente de produção onde o sistema foi implantado possui arquitetura que permite que a infraestrutura utilizada aumente ou diminua conforme a demanda. As funcionalidades foram apresentadas com inserção de imagens das interfaces da versão para computadores, simulando uma revisão sistemática. Resultados: Após a importação dos resumos recuperados nas bases de dados PubMed, Embase e Web of Science, o sistema permite a identificação e eliminação de duplicatas para posterior leitura e análise de título e resumo, etapa que pode ser realizada por mais de um revisor de maneira independente. Após a quebra do cegamento entre os revisores, as respostas sobre a elegibilidade dos estudos podem ser comparadas automaticamente para facilitar a resolução de divergências pelos pesquisadores. É possível filtrar os resultados e gerar um arquivo PDF com os estudos elegíveis. Conclusão: A versão 1.0 do sistema "Apoio à Revisão Sistemática" encontra-se disponível na web ( para auxiliar pesquisadores nas etapas iniciais de um estudo de revisão sistemática.

Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408535


La internet de las cosas ha mantenido un crecimiento continuo en los últimos años. Las potencialidades de uso que muestra en diferentes campos han sido ampliamente documentadas. Su utilización efectiva en el campo de la salud puede traer consigo mejoras en la eficiencia de los tratamientos médicos, prevenir situaciones de riesgo, ayudar a elevar la calidad del servicio y proporcionar soporte a la toma de decisiones. La presente revisión profundiza en aspectos medulares de su utilización con el objetivo de explorar las principales tendencias y desafíos relacionados con la creciente utilización de la internet de las cosas en la salud, prestando mayor atención a los aspectos relacionados con las arquitecturas utilizadas para el despliegue de sistemas de internet de las cosas en ese ámbito, el manejo de la seguridad de estos sistemas y las herramientas para el apoyo a la toma de decisiones empleadas. Mediante el análisis documental se logra mostrar las principales características de estos sistemas, así como su arquitectura, herramientas utilizadas para la gestión de los datos capturados y mecanismos de seguridad. La utilización de la internet de las cosas en el campo de la salud tiene gran impacto, mejorando la vida de millones de personas en todo el mundo y brindando grandes oportunidades para el desarrollo de sistemas inteligentes de salud(AU)

The internet of things has maintained continuous growth in recent years. The potentialities of use that it shows in different fields have been widely documented. Its effective use in the field of health can bring improvements in the efficiency of medical treatments, prevention of risky situations, help raising the quality of service and provide support for decision-making. The present review explores into core aspects of its use in order to analyze trends, challenges and strengths. Document analysis was used to show the main characteristics of these systems, as well as their architecture, tools used for the management of the captured data and security mechanisms. The use of the internet of things in the health field has a great impact, improving the lives of millions of people around the world and providing great opportunities for the development of intelligent health systems(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Informática Médica , Sistemas de Salud , Nube Computacional/tendencias , Cadena de Bloques/tendencias , Internet de las Cosas/tendencias
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe2): 87-90, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280087


ABSTRACT Motion capture is a common problem in sports. It is mainly used to measure and capture running distance in football matches. Use of cloud computing motion capture algorithm in football running distance test, for lack of cloud computing algorithm using motion capture in the application. Data are obtained by experiment to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the improved cloud computing motion capture algorithm in running distance in football. The final conclusion is that, compared with the original cloud computing motion capture algorithm, the optimized cloud computing motion capture algorithm can significantly reduce the number of cycles in the test of football running distance.

RESUMO A captura de movimento é um problema comum nos esportes. É usado principalmente para medir e capturar a distância de corrida em jogos de futebol. Este estudo aborda o uso do algoritmo de captura de movimento por computação em nuvem no teste de distância de corrida de futebol, por falta do algoritmo de computação em nuvem usando a captura de movimento na aplicação. Os dados são obtidos por experimento para verificar a eficácia e viabilidade do algoritmo melhorado de captura de movimento por computação em nuvem no teste de distância de corrida no futebol. A conclusão final é que, em comparação com o algoritmo original de captura de movimento por computação em nuvem, o algoritmo otimizado de captura de movimento por computação em nuvem pode reduzir significativamente o número de ciclos no teste de distância de corrida no futebol.

RESUMEN La captura de movimiento es un problema común en los deportes. Es usado principalmente para medir y capturar la distancia de corrida en juegos de fútbol. Este estudio aborda el uso del algoritmo de captura de movimiento por computación en nube en el test de distancia de corrida de fútbol, por falta del algoritmo de computación en nube usando la captura de movimiento en la aplicación. Los datos son obtenidos por experimento para verificar la eficacia y viabilidad del algoritmo mejorado de captura de movimiento por computación en nube en el test de distancia de corrida en el fútbol. La conclusión final es que, en comparación con el algoritmo original de captura de movimiento por computación en nube, el algoritmo optimizado de captura de movimiento por computación en nube puede reducir significativamente el número de ciclos en el test de distancia de corrida en el fútbol.

Humanos , Fútbol , Sistemas de Computación , Nube Computacional , Movimiento , Algoritmos
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe2): 27-30, Apr.-June 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280096


ABSTRACT For athletes under training, it is more efficient to use the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing methods to collect and process biochemical indicators, and this study is about research based on the IoT and cloud computing technology for athletes under training. The problems are put forward in this study. The requirements of related algorithm design and the communication model properties are comprehensively analyzed. Scheduling the link and allocating the transmit power of the nodes are comprehensively considered, with design and analysis of wireless sensor network scheduling algorithm. The factors influencing the scheduling efficiency of the algorithm are analyzed, considering the node density and the influence of different power allocation schemes on the scheduling result. This study shows that the algorithm of this thesis can collect the biochemical index data of athletes during training period. As the number of nodes increases, the running results will gradually move towards the optimal value. This research study is of important theoretical significance for the application of IoT and cloud computing technology and the improvement of athlete training effect.

RESUMO Para os indicadores bioquímicos dos atletas durante o treino, é mais eficiente usar a internet das coisas e métodos de computação em nuvem para coletar e processar indicadores bioquímicos durante o treino de atletas. Este estudo se baseia na tecnologia da internet das coisas IoT e na computação em nuvem voltada para atletas durante o período de treino. Os problemas são apresentados neste documento. Os requisitos de concepção de algoritmos relacionados e propriedades do modelo de comunicação são amplamente analisados. A programação do link e a alocação da potência de transmissão dos nodos são considerados de forma abrangente, com projeto e análise do algoritmo de programação da rede de sensores sem fio. Os fatores que influenciam a eficiência de programação do algoritmo são analisados, considerando a densidade do nodo e a influência de diferentes sistemas de alocação de energia no resultado da programação. A pesquisa Mostra que o algoritmo desta tese pode coletar os dados do índice bioquímico dos atletas durante o período de treino. À medida que o número de nodos aumenta, os resultados de execução tenderão gradualmente para o valor ideal. Esta pesquisa tem um significado teórico importante para a aplicação da tecnologia da internet das coisas e computação em nuvem e para a melhoria do efeito dos treinos realizados por atletas.

RESUMEN Para los indicadores bioquímicos de los atletas durante el entrenamiento, es más eficiente usar la internet de las cosas y métodos de computación en nube para recolectar y procesar indicadores bioquímicos durante el entrenamiento de atletas. Este estudio se basa en la tecnología de la internet de las cosas IoT y en la computación en nube dedicada a atletas durante el período de entrenamiento. Los problemas son presentados en este documento. Los requisitos de concepción de algoritmos relacionados y propriedades del modelo de comunicación son ampliamente analizados. La programación del link y la destinación de la potencia de transmisión de los nodos son considerados de forma abarcadora, con proyecto y análisis del algoritmo de programación de la red de sensores inalámbrica. Los fatores que influencian la eficiencia de programación del algoritmo son analizados, considerando la densidad del nodo y la influencia de diferentes sistemas de destinación de energía en el resultado de la programación. La investigación muestra que el algoritmo de esta tesis puede recolectar los datos del índice bioquímico de los atletas durante el período de entrenamiento. A medida que el número de nodos aumenta, los resultados de ejecución tenderán gradualmente hacia el valor ideal. Esta investigación tiene un significado teórico importante para la aplicación de la tecnología de la internet de las cosas y computación en nube y para la mejora del efecto de los entrenamientos realizados por atletas.

Humanos , Fenómenos Bioquímicos , Sistemas de Computación , Rendimiento Atlético , Atletas , Algoritmos
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe): 31-33, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156137


ABSTRACT The impact of traditional public health emergencies on the comprehensive education of medical students in colleges and universities is mainly reflected in the test of comprehensive literacy. Based on this, this paper studies the construction of a public health emergency impact analysis platform from a medical perspective and cloud computing. From the platform's database construction, event collection methods, impact evaluation rules and other aspects to achieve accurate analysis of the impact of emergencies, using the cloud computing method for comprehensive analysis and evaluation, the algorithm can analyze and intelligently classify information data on the Internet in the process of multiple input, and respond to potential public health emergencies according to cloud computing technology, in order to analyze the impact on the comprehensive quality of medical students. The experimental results show that the public health emergency analysis platform has the advantages of high feasibility and high data utilization, and can effectively improve the impact of public health emergencies on the comprehensive literacy of medical students.

RESUMO O impacto das tradicionais emergências de saúde pública sobre a formação integral de estudantes de medicina em faculdades e universidades reflete-se principalmente no teste de formação integral. Com base nisso, este documento estuda a construção da plataforma de análise de impacto de emergência de saúde pública sob a perspectiva médica e computação em nuvem. A partir da construção da base de dados da plataforma, foram desenvolvidos métodos de coleta de eventos, regras de avaliação de impacto e outros aspectos para obter uma análise precisa do impacto das emergências, usando o método de computação em nuvem para análise e avaliação. O algoritmo pode realizar a análise e classificação inteligente de dados de informação na Internet no processo de introdução múltipla, e responder a possíveis emergências de saúde pública de acordo com a tecnologia de computação em nuvem a fim de analisar o impacto sobre a qualificação dos estudantes de medicina. Os resultados experimentais mostram que a plataforma de análise de emergências de saúde pública tem as vantagens de alta viabilidade e alta utilização de dados, pode melhorar efetivamente o impacto das emergências de saúde pública na formação integral dos estudantes de medicina.

RESUMEN El impacto de las emergencias de salud pública tradicionales en la educación integral de los estudiantes de medicina en los colegios y universidades se refleja principalmente en la prueba de comprensión de textos. Con base en esto, este trabajo estudia la construcción de una plataforma de análisis de impacto de emergencias en salud pública desde una perspectiva médica y de computación en la nube. A partir de la construcción de la base de datos de la plataforma, los métodos de recolección de eventos, las reglas de evaluación de impacto y otros aspectos para lograr un análisis preciso del impacto de las emergencias, utilizando el método de computación en la nube para un análisis y evaluación integral, el algoritmo puede analizar y clasificar de manera inteligente los datos de información en Internet en el proceso de entrada múltiple. También puede responder a potenciales emergencias de salud pública de acuerdo con la tecnología de computación en la nube, con el fin de analizar el impacto en la calidad integral de los estudiantes de medicina. Los resultados experimentales muestran que la plataforma de análisis de emergencias de salud pública tiene las ventajas de alta viabilidad y alta utilización de datos, y puede mejorar de manera efectiva el impacto de las emergencias de salud pública en la comprensión de textos de los estudiantes de medicina.

Humanos , Informática Médica , Tecnología Biomédica , Educación Médica , Medicina de Emergencia/educación , Medicina Narrativa , Algoritmos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912745


The " future hospital" information platform based on cloud architecture, through the deep integration of cloud computing, made full use of the high availability and strong scalability provided by the cloud computing platform, constructed an integrated hospital information platform, and realized the transformation and upgrading of the technical framework of hospital information platform in the era of big data, to meet the needs of homogeneous management and innovative service mode. In order to ensure the reliability of network transmission between cloud data center and hospital, and further ensure medical data security and patient privacy while using cloud computing, the " future hospital" information platform was migrated from the virtual private cloud(VPC)of public cloud to the local private cloud platform of the hospital, realized the hybrid cloud architecture mode of " future hospital" information platform with local proprietary cloud platform as the core and combined with public cloud VPC.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942716


In order to improve the efficiency of medical instrumentation management in hospital, reduce the management cost and save the human cost, this study analyzes the problems in the traditional hospital medical instrumentation management system, and develops a new system based on cloud computing. Through the characters of the SaaS Service Platform, the system improves the flow efficiency of the medical instrumentation in hospital, saves deployment and operating system costs, and improves the people's work efficiency.

Nube Computacional , Equipo Médico Durable , Administración de Materiales de Hospital , Programas Informáticos
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203037


Cloud Computing is the emerging trend to process different types of data and provide different services, and Big data is thehuge source of such data. In this paper we proposed a framework in which we encrypt data with clock timing and then provideaccess according to task and role of the user. By this we can achieve a full secured and authorized access to cloud user withsecure big data user

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700741


The paper analyzes the building and use situation of teaching resources in medical schools and teaces hospitals,expatiates on the importance and the specific construction idea of building the cloud sharing platform of medical teaching resources,which includes optimization of the existing resources,thoughts of architecture,architecture selection and technical realization,points out that the platform is able to enhance medical education level and promote the development of educational informatization.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-851500


Under the background of the third industrial revolution with informationization as the main feature, how to realize the upgrade of traditional industries including the Chinese materia medica (CMM) industry has become a hot issue in both theory and practice. Based on the theory of industrial economics, we analyzed the barriers to the upgrade of CMM industry from the three aspects of the CMM industry chain, value chain, and upgrading dynamics, and believed that information asymmetry caused by difficulty of CMM product quality control and quality evaluation is a key constraint factor. On this basis, we also analyzed the coupling foundation of “Internet Plus” and the CMM industry, and then put forward the use of Internet information technologies such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, and Internet of Things as the carrier to combine the uniqueness of CMM industry with the universality of Internet information technology, promoting the upgrade of CMM industry through the integration of “internet + CMM”.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61: e17160609, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-951509


ABSTRACT The digital data stored in the cloud requires much space due to copy of the same data. It can be reduced by dedupilcation, eliminating the copy of the repeated data in the cloud provided services. Identifying common checkoff data both files storing them only once. Deduplication can yield cost savings by increasing the utility of a given amount of storage. Unfortunately, deduplication has many security problems so more than one encryption is required to authenticate data. We have developed a solution that provides both data security and space efficiency in server storage and distributed content checksum storage systems. Here we adopt a method called interactive Message-Locked Encryption with Convergent Encryption (iMLEwCE). In this iMLEwCE the data is encrypted firstly then the cipher text is again encrypted. Block-level deduplication is used to reduce the storage space. Encryption keys are generated in a consistent configuration of data dependency from the chunk data. The identical chunks will always encrypt to the same cipher text. The keys configuration cannot be deduced by the hacker from the encrypted chunk data. So the information is protected from cloud server. This paper focuses on reducing the storage space and providing security in online cloud deduplication.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-659899


Objective To realize leap-forward development in hospital informatization with the cloud hospital construction in Xiamen Third Hospital taken as an example.Methods The concept of Health Medical Cloud in Xiamen was introduced,and the advantages,risks,establishment of safety protection unit,difficulty and etc were analyzed during the cloud hospital construction.Results The cloud hospital enhanced hospital efficiency and medical service greatly,and the objectives were fulfilled for the cloud hospital.Conclusion The cloud hospital saves the costs for construction,running and maintenance,shortens the period for system construction,enhances hospital informatization.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-616778


Taking Guigang People's Hospital of Guangxi Province as an example,the paper introduces the implementation background of cloud computing and the operation status of Hospital Information System (HIS) on the desktop cloud,points out the problems of the application of cloud computing in the hospital environment and provides solution ideas,states the process of virtual environment system management,provides valuable reference for hospitals.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-662369


Objective To realize leap-forward development in hospital informatization with the cloud hospital construction in Xiamen Third Hospital taken as an example.Methods The concept of Health Medical Cloud in Xiamen was introduced,and the advantages,risks,establishment of safety protection unit,difficulty and etc were analyzed during the cloud hospital construction.Results The cloud hospital enhanced hospital efficiency and medical service greatly,and the objectives were fulfilled for the cloud hospital.Conclusion The cloud hospital saves the costs for construction,running and maintenance,shortens the period for system construction,enhances hospital informatization.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-513329


Specific to the existing problems of uneven distribution of resources in the medical industry,especially the shortage of grass-root high-quality medical resources,the paper introduces the construction objective,overall architecture and construction contents of regional medical collaboration,and normalizes the medical service process through informationalized technological means,in order to promote standardized construction of the regional medical information system and information interconnection and intercommunication.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-608101


Objective To design a private cloud storage system to guarantee intranet and internet data security and realize data sharing between multi platforms.Methods The idea and solution for building the system were proposed by analyzing the difficulty during hospital informatization.The infrastructure based on the idle computing resources in the existing virtual pool and the application platform by private cloud storage software were involved in the development of the system,and related software and hardware were integrated after adjustment and customization,and then the system came into being with easy operation and high performance-cost ratio.Results The system developed realized freely data storage and sharing,and implemented file encryption to control the applied range.Conclusion The system has the functions of malicious code scanning,cooperative office system and data auto-backup,synchronization,transmission,sharing and etc,which executes intranet and intemet data sharing based on physical isolation.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 124-127, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-612776


Objective:To research and design a closed-loop management system of medical equipment based on virtualized cloud computing so as to enhance the level of maintenance management for medical equipment and reduce cost of maintenance.Methods: Under the operation environment of Cente OS6.4, the closed-loop management system of medical equipment was designed and developed through used design tool of Rational Rose 2007, programming software of JAVA and My SQL data management system.Results: After the management system were used one year, medical workers could real-timely grasp the situation of medical equipment and the communication time about application of equipment has been reduced. The management department of medical equipment could guide clinical department to reasonably allocate and use the medical equipment through implemented closed-loop and dynamic management.Conclusion: The closed-loop management system of medical equipment based on virtualized cloud computing has series of advantages including friendly interface, simple operation, shortened communication time, reduced cost of maintenance, and it can achieve closed-loop management of whole life cycle for medical equipment.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 1778-1782, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-696737


Objective To resolve the problem of sharing and storing medical images and diagnostic reports among different hospitals and to help primary health care institutions to obtain the technical supports from a major hospital in a large city for the improvement of medical imaging diagnosis.Methods The paper utilizes the existing parallel and distributed technology of cloud computing and the cloud storage virtualization to design a regional image service platform,which provides computing,storage and software services to users.In addition,the design of medical image flie accessing system (MIFAS) further raise the performance of storage and access for medical image.Results The trial results showed that the medical image file accessing system had run in the actual hospital environmental for a few months with stable and good application effect.Conclusion The proposed system can improve the stability and reliability of medical imaging storage,transmission and further improve the level of medical imaging diagnosis in primary health care institutions.