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Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 82-87, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015154


Objective To investigate the morphological typing and clinical significance of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis fibular notch based on CT images. Methods According to the inclusion and exclusion ceiteria‚ the imaging data of patients undergoing ankle joint CT examination were analyzed‚ and the inferior tibiofibular joint fibula notch was classified according to the morphological characteristics. The measurements included 8 distances. There were 123 males and 102 females‚ all of whom were Han nationality‚ aged 18-60 years old. Results Retrospectively analyzed the result of 225 patients from December 2013 to December 2022. The distal tibiofibular syndesmosis fibular notch was divided into four types according to morphological characteristics‚ C-shaped (50. 67%)‚ V-shaped (26. 67%)‚ flat-shaped (15. 11%) and L-shaped (7. 56%). The angle between the anterior and posterior facets of the flat shape (145. 56 ± 9. 25)° was the largest and the angle between the anterior and posterior facets of the L shape (125. 07 ± 13. 54)° was the smallest(P< 0. 05); the depth of the notch in the flat shape (3. 11 ± 0. 83) mm was the smallest and in the L shape (4. 47±1. 11) mm was the largest(P<0. 05);The posterior facet length (13. 06 ± 3. 56) mm and anterior tibiofibular gap (3. 83±1. 49) mm on left were larger than on the right side (P<0. 05); The posterior facet length (13. 36 ± 3. 46) mm‚ fibular notch depth (3. 93 ± 1. 10) mm and vertical distance of tibiofibular overlap (9. 10 ± 2. 55) mm larger in men than in women (P<0. 05). Conclusion In this study‚ the data related to the inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis notch were measured and divided into four types according to the shape. The flat inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis notch is more likely to have chronic ankle instability‚ and the fibula is more likely to move forward during anatomical reduction. The inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis of L-shaped and C-shaped notches is more prone to posterior displacement of fibula or poor rotation reduction during anatomical reduction.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039900


Background Multi-slice spiral computerized tomography (MSCT) can be used as an auxiliary diagnosis of chest radiography in diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, but there are few studies on the correlations between interstitial images and stage classification of coal workers' pneumoconiosis in the existing literature. Objective To present MSCT imaging manifestations and distribution characteristics of coal workers' pneumoconiosis and complications, evaluate correlations between coal workers' pneumoconiosis stages and pulmonary interstitial lesions, and provide a reliable imaging diagnosis basis for pneumoconiosis interstitial lesions. Methods From June 2022 to June 2023, a total of 1002 patients with coal workers' pneumoconiosis confirmed by the pneumoconiosis diagnostic and identification group in the Department of Occupational Diseases of the Emergency General Hospital were enrolled. MSCT was used to observe the abnormal imaging manifestations of the lungs of coal workers' pneumoconiosis patients and the diseases of pulmonary fibrosis related to their own diseases (thickening of the interlobular septum, bronchial perivascular interstitial mass thickening, parenchymal banding, subpleural line, intralobular interstitial thickening, honeycomb, and subpleural interstitial thickening), the occurrence of coal workers' pneumoconiosis and complications (old tuberculosis, active tuberculosis, pneumonia, atelectasis, lung cancer, bronchiectasis), and the density, size, and location of pneumoconiosis nodules. Imaging data were analyzed and statistically processed. Results All 1002 patients were male, with an average age of (60.71±6.87) years and an average dust exposure time of (23.01±7.80) years. Among them, there were 470 patients with stage I, 422 patients with stage II, and 110 patients with stage III. There were significant differences in the distribution of thickening of the interlobular septum, bronchial perivascular interstitial mass thickening, parenchymal banding, intralobular interstitial thickening, subpleural interstitial thickening, and honeycomb across different stages (P<0.05). Statistically significant differences in p, q, and r subsets of round nodules were found in patients with pneumoconiosis at different stages (P<0.05). Observed nodule types included solid nodules, pure ground-glass shadow nodules, and partial solid nodules. There were statistically significant differences in pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchiectasis among different stages of coal workers' pneumoconiosis (P<0.05). There were statistically significant differences in interstitial shadows and patches combined with interstitial shadows among different stages of pneumoconiosis complicated with pneumonia (P<0.05). Conclusion MSCT provides images of the progression of coal workers' pneumoconiosis and have a certain relationship with the stages of coal workers' pneumoconiosis, which is conducive to the formulation of reasonable treatment plans in the early clinical stage. Therefore, in the diagnosis and treatment of pneumoconiosis, a great attention should be paid to the imaging technology of chest computerized tomography, especially the use of MSCT examination.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 40: e40202, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1569416


Abstract The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate the application of computerized programming to teach how to study expository texts. Principles of programmed instruction were used, and different target behaviors were focused on: inspecting the text, locating and highlighting important information, paraphrasing, building schemes, and conceptual maps, and elaborating questions on the topic. The activities were designed and carried out using Google Forms, Socrative, and Wordwall applications. Nine students from the 3rd to the 6th year of elementary school, from public and private schools, participated in this study. Participation was online and remote. The results showed an improvement in the performance of the participants in seven of the ten selected objectives for evaluation. In conclusion, it is possible to teach how to study expository texts through programmed instruction based on a clear description of the objectives involved in this repertoire.

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a aplicação de uma programação informatizada para ensinar a estudar textos didáticos. Utilizando princípios para a elaboração do ensino programado, teve-se como foco diferentes comportamentos-alvo: inspecionar o texto, localizar e grifar informações importantes, parafrasear, construir esquemas e mapas conceituais, e elaborar questões sobre o tema. As atividades foram elaboradas e realizadas utilizando os aplicativos Google Forms, Socrative e Wordwall. Participaram desse estudo nove estudantes do 3o ao 6o ano do ensino fundamental, de escolas públicas e privadas. A participação foi online e remota. Os resultados apontaram melhora no desempenho dos participantes em sete dos dez comportamentos selecionados para avaliação. Conclui-se que é possível ensinar comportamentos de estudo de textos didáticos por meio de uma programação de ensino a partir da descrição clara dos objetivos envolvidos neste repertório.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1673-1678, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528800


SUMMARY: In the sports field, sports are usually classified according to the predominance of the energy system used during the competition; sports like Crossfit and ultra-marathon could be totally opposite due to the needs of athletes to achieve good places. Due to the above, the objective was established to compare the dermatoglyphic profiles of CrossFit and Ultra-marathon athletes according to the predisposition of the energy systems, aerobic and anaerobic, used in the competitions. Cross-sectional descriptive study, where the dermatoglyphic profile of 21 athletes of national presence (10 crossfit and 11 ultra-marathon runners) was determined, through the Computerized Dermatoglyphic System, brand Salus Dermatoglifia, according to the Cummins and Midlo protocol, which consists of taking the fingerprints of the 10 fingers of the hands. The fingerprint designs of the human being (arch, loop and whorl) and the elements contained in them (nucleus and delta) were analyzed, differences were established through the Analysis of Variance test in the SPSS V.25 statistical package. The results show significant differences between the average scores of the line count of both disciplines (108 and 165), being higher in ultra-marathon runners, associated with greater aerobic resistance. Another significant and relevant finding was the presence of arch-type fingerprints only in CrossFit athletes associated, along with low line count, with strength and power. It is concluded that Crossfit and Ultra-marathon athletes have dissimilar natural physical characteristics, which is why they participate and excel in different sports where they have enhanced their natural physical abilities through training.

En el ámbito deportivo, los deportes suelen clasificarse según el predominio del sistema energético utilizado durante la competición; Deportes como el Crossfit y la ultramaratón podrían ser totalmente opuestos debido a las necesidades de los deportistas de conseguir buenos lugares. Debido a lo anterior, se estableció como objetivo comparar los perfiles dermatoglíficos de atletas de CrossFit y Ultramaratón según la predisposición de los sistemas energéticos, aeróbico y anaeróbico, utilizados en las competencias. Estudio descriptivo transversal, donde se determinó el perfil dermatoglífico de 21 deportistas de presencia nacional (10 crossfit y 11 ultramaratonistas), a través del Sistema Dermatoglífico Computarizado, marca Salus Dermatoglifia, según el protocolo Cummins y Midlo, el cual consta de tomando las huellas dactilares de los 10 dedos de las manos. Se analizaron los diseños dactilares del ser humano (arco, asa y verticilo) y los elementos contenidos en ellos (núcleo y delta), se establecieron diferencias mediante la prueba de Análisis de Varianza en el paquete estadístico SPSS V.25. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre las puntuaciones medias del recuento de líneas de ambas disciplinas (108 y 165), siendo superiores en los corredores de ultramaratón, asociado a una mayor resistencia aeróbica. Otro hallazgo significativo y relevante fue la presencia de huellas dactilares tipo arco sólo en atletas de CrossFit asociadas, junto con un bajo número de líneas, con fuerza y potencia. Se concluye que los atletas de Crossfit y Ultramaratón tienen características físicas naturales disímiles, por lo que participan y destacan en diferentes deportes donde han potenciado sus capacidades físicas naturales a través del entrenamiento.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Dermatoglifia , Atletas , Carrera de Maratón , Estudios Transversales
Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(3): 1-20, 20230905.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530714


La atención es definida como un constructo multidimensional, encargado de regular sobre qué estímulos se dirigirán los recursos perceptivos, filtrando información irrelevante con el fin de favorecer la retención de información durante un período antes de actuar sobre ella. La evaluación computarizada de la atención ha ido cobrando relevancia tanto en la investigación como en las prácticas del quehacer profesional. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) analizar la consistencia interna y la validez concurrente del Test de Atención Infantil 6.0 (tai), versión computarizada; y 2) obtener los valores de referencia preliminares para cada subtest del tai. Los estudios de confiabilidad y validez del tai corresponden a una muestra de 122 escolares de Mendoza (Argentina). Al analizar la consistencia interna se obtuvieron valores satisfactorios para cada uno de los subtests (Test 1, kr 20 = 0.78; Test 2, kr 20 =0.74; Test 3, kr20 = 0.73). Se obtuvieron valores satisfactorios al explorar la estabilidad del instrumento. Al analizar la validez concurrente, los resultados indicaron correlaciones positivas moderadas y significativas (p <0.01) entre el test Caras-R y los subtests 1 y 2 del tai, utiliza-do para evaluar desempeño atencional. Se observaron asociaciones positivas significativas (p <0.01) entre el subtest 3 del tai y el Test de Bloques de Corsi, usado para evaluar memoria de trabajo visoespacial. Estos resultados señalan que el tai, instrumento desarrolla-do para evaluar la atención y memoria de trabajo visuoespacial en escolares, presenta indicadores adecuados de validez y confiabilidad. Se discuten los hallazgos, limitaciones y futuras líneas de investigación.

Attention has been defined as a multidimensional construct, dealing with regulation of which stimuli the perceptual resources are directed to, filtering irrelevant information out to favor the retention of relevant information for a period of time, before acting on it. The computerized evaluation of attention has been gaining relevance both in research and in professional practice. The objectives are: 1) to analyze internal consistency and concurrent validity of the Child Attention Test 6.0 (tai), computerized version 6.0; and, 2) to obtain the preliminary reference values for each of the tai subtests done. The data for the validity and reliability studies of the tai corresponds to a sample of 122 schoolchildren in Mendoza (Argentina). When analyzing the internal consistency, satisfactory values were obtained for each subtest (Test 1, kr 20 = 0.78; Test 2, kr 20 = 0.74; and Test 3, kr 20 = 0.73). Satisfactory values were obtained when exploring the stability of the instrument. For concurrent validity, the results indicate significant moderate positive correlations (p <0.01) between the scores obtained in the Caras-R test and subtests 1 and 2 of the tai, used to evaluate attentional performance. Significant positive associa-tions (p <0.01) were observed between tai subtest 3 and the Corsi Block Test, used to assess visuospatial working memory. These results indicate that the tai, an instrument developed in order to evaluate attention and visuospatial working memory of school children, presents adequate indicators of validity and reliability. The findings, limitations, and future lines of research are discussed

A atenção é definida como um construto multidimensio-nal, responsável por regular quais estímulos os recursos perceptivos irão direcionar, filtrando informações irrelevantes de forma a favorecer a retenção da informação por um período de tempo, antes de agir sobre ela. A avaliação informatizada da atenção vem ganhando relevância tanto na pesquisa quanto na prática profissional. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1) analisar a consistência interna e a validade concorrente do Teste de Atenção Infantil 6.0 (tai), versão computadorizada, e 2) obter valores de referência preliminares para cada subteste do tai. Os estudos de confiabilidade e validade do tai correspondem a uma amostra de 122 estudantes de Mendoza (Argentina). Na análise da consistência interna foram obtidos valores satisfatórios para cada um dos subtestes (Teste 1, kr 20 = 0.78; Teste 2, kr20 = 0.74; Teste 3, kr 20 = 0.73). Valores satisfatórios foram obtidos ao explorar a estabilidade do instrumento. Ao analisar a validade concorrente, os resultados indicaram correlações positivas moderadas e significativas (p <0.01) entre o teste Caras-r e os subtestes 1 e 2 do tai, utilizados para avaliar o desempenho atencional. Foram observadas associações positivas significativas (p <0.01) entre o subteste 3 do tai e o Teste em Blocos de Corsi, utilizado para avaliar a memória de trabalho visuoespacial. Esses resultados indicam que o tai, instrumento desenvolvido para avaliar a atenção 3Test de Atención Infantil: análisis de las características psicométricas y valores de referencia preliminaresAvances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 41(3) / pp. 1-20 / 2023 / ISSNe2145-4515e a memória operacional visuoespacial em estudantes, apresenta indicadores adequados de validade e confiabilidade. As descobertas, limitações e futuras linhas de pesquisa são discutidas.

Humanos , Niño , Conducta Infantil , Desarrollo Infantil
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(4): 631-634, ago. 2023. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514523


Resumen El divertículo de Meckel (DM) corresponde a la involución aberrante del canal onfalo-mesentérico o conducto vitelino, el cual se ubica a nivel del borde antimesentérico del íleon terminal. Es la anomalía estructural más común del tracto gastrointestinal, casi siempre es asintomático y su diagnóstico por lo general es incidental, sin embargo, la complica ción con diverticulitis es una condición poco usual. Describimos el caso de un hombre de 65 años, que ingresó referido de otra institución con diagnóstico de abdomen agudo, al examen físico presentó signos de irritación peritoneal con evidencia de leucocitosis y neutrofilia en hemograma de ingreso. Se realizó tomografía computarizada de abdomen con contraste endovenoso, la cual se interpretó como diverticulitis de Meckel complicada, siendo corroborado durante el acto quirúrgico y confirmado mediante anatomía patológica. La diverticulitis de Meckel es una entidad rara, sin embargo, es importante reconocerla dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales de abdomen agudo, lo cual permitirá una pronta intervención y un favorable desenlace.

Abstract Meckel's diverticulum corresponds to the aberrant invo lution of the omphalo-mesenteric canal or vitelline duct, which is located at the level of the antimesenteric border of the terminal ileum. It is the most common structural anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, it is almost always asymptomatic and its diagnosis is usually incidental, how ever the complication with diverticulitis is an unusual con dition. We describe the case of a 65-year-oldman, who was admitted from another institution with a diagnosis of acute abdomen. On physical examination, he presented signs of peritoneal irritation with evidence of leukocytosis and neutrophilia in the admission blood count. Computerized tomography of the abdomen with intra venous contrast was performed, which was interpreted as complicated Meckel's diverticulitis, being corroborated during the surgical act and confirmed by pathological anatomy. Meckel's diverticulitis is a rare entity, however it is important to recognize it within the differential diagnoses of acute abdomen, which will allow prompt intervention and a favorable outcome.

Acta méd. costarric ; 65(2): 85-91, abr.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556683


Resumen Dado el uso incrementado de la tomografía computarizada en la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social durante los últimos 10 años, se ha vuelto cada vez más importante obtener imágenes de la calidad diagnóstica requerida con la mínima dosis de radiación posible al paciente. Para lograr esto, en los sistemas de tomografía computarizada se utiliza, rutinariamente, el control automático de exposición, el cual modula la corriente del tubo según la atenuación del haz que produce el paciente y que se obtiene en el escanograma. Objetivo: Comprobar el funcionamiento del control automático de exposición de un tomógrafo Canon Aquilion ONE en la dosis suministrada al paciente y verificar la importancia de realizar un simple o doble escanograma para diferentes protocolos clínicos. Métodos: Se analizó el comportamiento de la dosis, el ruido y la intensidad de la corriente obtenida en un maniquí con diferentes secciones elípticas que varían sus dimensiones en los ejes X-Y. Se determinó el producto dosis longitud en diferentes protocolos clínicos con el control automático de exposición activado debido a un simple o doble escanograma. Resultados: Para intensidades de corrientes fijas, a medida que aumenta el tamaño de cada sección del maniquí, la dosis se reduce, aproximadamente hasta el 72% y, cuando disminuye el tamaño de cada sección, mejora hasta en un 21% la calidad de la imagen debido a la reducción del ruido. Conclusiones: Se pudo observar que, a pesar de que las dosis para localización son bajas, la utilización de un simple escanograma, en la mayoría de los protocolos, no solo permite reducir la dosis suministrada al paciente, sino también efectuar menor cantidad de disparos en el equipo e incrementar la vida útil del tubo de rayos X, pues el aporte de un segundo escanograma no representa un impacto significativo en la calidad de imagen.

Abstract Given the increased use of computed tomography in the Costa Rican Social Security Fund during the last 10 years, it has become increasingly important to obtain images of the required diagnostic quality with the minimum radiation dose to the patient. To achieve this, computed tomography systems routinely use automatic exposure control, modulating the tube current according to the attenuation of the beam produced by the patient and obtained on scanogram. Aim: Check the operation of the automatic exposure control of a Canon Aquilion ONE scanner at the dose delivered to the patient and to verify the importance of performing a single or double scanogram for different clinical protocols. Methods : The behavior of the dose, the noise and the intensity of the current was analyzed in a phantom with different elliptical sections that vary their dimensions in the X-Y axes. The dose-length product was determined in different clinical protocols with the automatic exposure control activated due to a single or a double scanogram. Results: For fixed current intensities, as the size of each section of the phantom increases, the dose is reduced, approximately, up to 72% and when the size of each section decreases, the quality of image improves, due to noise reduction, up to 21%. Conclusions: It was observed that, despite the fact that the doses for localization are low, the use of a simple scanogram in most protocols not only reduces the dose to the patient, but also makes fewer shots in the equipment and increases the useful life of the X-ray tube, since the contribution of a second scanogram does not represent a significant impact on image quality.

Tomógrafos Computarizados por Rayos X/economía , Control Automático de Procesos , Diagnóstico por Imagen
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220301


Intracardiac masses have several etiologies: tumor, infectious, thrombotic. They constitute a diagnostic challenge for the clinician. Behçet's disease is a chronic multisystemic vasculitis evolving by relapses. Intracadiac thrombosis in this disease deserves special attention because of its life-threatening nature. They often appear in the early stages of the disease, and the most frequent location is the right heart chambers. We present the case of a 23-year-old patient with an isolated mass in the right ventricle revealing an initial manifestation of Behçet's disease. The presented clinical case highlights the importance of early recognition of Behçet's disease, as well as the awareness of including this disease in the differential diagnosis of intracardiac masses in young adults.

Braz. dent. j ; 34(1): 123-132, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420575


Abstract This case series included a tomographic, microbiological, and histopathological description of 15 secondary apical periodontitis (SAP) lesions obtained by apical microsurgery performed in 10 patients to better understand the etiology and pathogenesis of SAP. Preoperative tomographic analyses were performed through Cone beam computerized tomography - Periapical index (CBCT-PAI), and apical microsurgeries were then carried out. The removed apices were used for microbial culturing and for molecular identification using PCR for the detection of 5 strict anaerobic bacteria (P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, P. nigrescens, T. forsythia, and T.denticola) and 3 viruses Herpes simplex viruses (HSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMG) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) by nested PCR. The removed apical lesions were histologically described. Univariate statistical analyses were performed by using STATA MP/16 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, United States). CBCT-PAI analyses revealed PAI 4 and PAI 5 score lesions that involved cortical plate destruction. Eight SAPs were positive by culture, while nine SAP lesions were positive by PCR. Fusobacterium species were the most frequently cultured organisms in 7 SAP lesions, followed by D. pneumosintes in 3. In contrast, by single PCR, T. forsythia and P. nigrescens were detected in 5 lesions, T. denticola in 4 lesions, and P. gingivalis in 2 lesions. Twelve periapical lesions were granulomas, and the remaining three SAP lesions were radicular cysts. In conclusion, this case series study revealed that secondary apical lesions presented tomographic involvement of PAI 3 to 5, and that most SAP lesions were apical granulomas containing anaerobic and facultative microorganisms.

Resumo Esta série de casos incluiu uma descrição tomográfica, microbiológica e histopatológica de 15 lesões de periodontite apical secundária (SAP) obtidas por microcirurgia apical realizada em 10 pacientes para melhor compreender a etiologia e patogénese do SAP. As análises tomográficas pré-operatórias foram realizadas através de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico - índice Periapical (CBCT-PAI), e as microcirurgias apicais foram então realizadas. Os ápices removidos foram utilizados para a cultura microbiana e também para a identificação molecular por PCR para a detecção de 5 bactérias anaeróbias rigorosas (P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, P. nigrescens, T. forsythia, e T.denticola) e 3 vírus Herpes simplex (HSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMG) e Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) por PCR aninhada. As lesões apicais removidas foram descritas histologicamente. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas univariadas utilizando STATA MP/16 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, Estados Unidos da América). As análises CBCT-PAI revelaram lesões PAI 4 e PAI 5 que envolveram a destruição da placa cortical. Oito SAPs foram positivos por cultura, enquanto nove lesões de SAP foram positivas por PCR. As espécies de Fusobacterium foram os organismos mais frequentemente cultivados em 7 lesões SAP, seguidas por D. pneumosintes em 3. Em contraste, por PCR simples, T. forsythia e P. nigrescens foram detectados em 5 lesões, T. denticola em 4 lesões, e P. gingivalis em 2 lesões. Doze lesões periapicais foram granulomas, e as restantes três lesões SAP foram cistos. Em conclusão, este estudo de série de casos revelou que as lesões apicais secundárias apresentavam envolvimento tomográfico de PAI 3 a 5, e que a maioria das lesões de SAP eram granulomas apicais contendo microrganismos anaeróbios e facultativos.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986878


OBJECTIVE@#To develop and validate a three-year risk prediction model for new-onset cardiovascular diseases (CVD) among female patients with breast cancer.@*METHODS@#Based on the data from Inner Mongolia Regional Healthcare Information Platform, female breast cancer patients over 18 years old who had received anti-tumor treatments were included. The candidate predictors were selected by Lasso regression after being included according to the results of the multivariate Fine & Gray model. Cox proportional hazard model, Logistic regression model, Fine & Gray model, random forest model, and XGBoost model were trained on the training set, and the model performance was evaluated on the testing set. The discrimination was evaluated by the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC), and the calibration was evaluated by the calibration curve.@*RESULTS@#A total of 19 325 breast cancer patients were identified, with an average age of (52.76±10.44) years. The median follow-up was 1.18 [interquartile range (IQR): 2.71] years. In the study, 7 856 patients (40.65%) developed CVD within 3 years after the diagnosis of breast cancer. The final selected variables included age at diagnosis of breast cancer, gross domestic product (GDP) of residence, tumor stage, history of hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease, type of surgery, type of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In terms of model discrimination, when not considering survival time, the AUC of the XGBoost model was significantly higher than that of the random forest model [0.660 (95%CI: 0.644-0.675) vs. 0.608 (95%CI: 0.591-0.624), P < 0.001] and Logistic regression model [0.609 (95%CI: 0.593-0.625), P < 0.001]. The Logistic regression model and the XGBoost model showed better calibration. When considering survival time, Cox proportional hazard model and Fine & Gray model showed no significant difference for AUC [0.600 (95%CI: 0.584-0.616) vs. 0.615 (95%CI: 0.599-0.631), P=0.188], but Fine & Gray model showed better calibration.@*CONCLUSION@#It is feasible to develop a risk prediction model for new-onset CVD of breast cancer based on regional medical data in China. When not considering survival time, the XGBoost model and the Logistic regression model both showed better performance; Fine & Gray model showed better performance in consideration of survival time.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adolescente , Neoplasias de la Mama/epidemiología , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/etiología , Modelos de Riesgos Proporcionales , Modelos Logísticos , China/epidemiología
Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine ; (12): 553-558, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1035849


Objective:To explore the imaging features of hyperostosis frontalis interna (HFI).Methods:One hundred patients with clinically diagnosed HFI were enrolled from Department of Radiology, Yueqing People's Hospital and Department of Imaging, Wenzhou People's Hospital from January 2011 to December 2022. MRI alone was performed in 45 patients; MRI+DR was performed in 14, and MRI+CT was performed in 41. The imaging features of these patients were analyzed retrospectively.Results:In these 100 patients, 20 were with external hyperplasia, 51 with internal hyperplasia, and 29 with intermediate hyperplasia. External hyperplasia manifested as proliferating towards the diploe, enjoying clear boundary, uniform high signals of the hyperplastic inner plate and diploe on T1WI and T2WI, and high density of the hyperplastic inner plate and diploe on CT and DR. Internal hyperplasia manifested as proliferating towards the cranial cavity, enjoying wavy or nodular inner edges, non-uniform low signals of hyperplastic inner plate on T1WI and T2WI, and high density of the hyperplastic inner plate on CT and DR. Intermediate hyperplasia manifested as proliferating simultaneously towards the cranial cavity and diploe, enjoying thin and blurred diploe, uniform or non-uniform high signals of the hyperplastic inner plate and diploe on T1WI and T2WI, and non-uniform high density of the hyperplastic inner plate and diploe on CT and DR. Compressed and displaced brain parenchyma, reduced anterior cranial fossa volume, and narrowed subarachnoid space were noted in these 100 patients, including 47 patients with obvious frontal lobe brain tissue compression (depth of 3.0-17 mm, averaged [8.6±5.9] mm), 35 with lacunar cerebral infarction, 33 with subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, and 32 with varied degrees of cerebral atrophy.Conclusion:HFI is characterized by thickening and hardening of the bilateral frontal bone inner plates, with wavy, nodular or spindle-shaped inner edges, compressed brain tissues, and reduced anterior cranial fossa; these imaging features can help the definite diagnosis of HFI.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008914


For patients with partial jaw defects, cysts and dental implants, doctors need to take panoramic X-ray films or manually draw dental arch lines to generate Panorama images in order to observe their complete dentition information during oral diagnosis. In order to solve the problems of additional burden for patients to take panoramic X-ray films and time-consuming issue for doctors to manually segment dental arch lines, this paper proposes an automatic panorama reconstruction method based on cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT). The V-network (VNet) is used to pre-segment the teeth and the background to generate the corresponding binary image, and then the Bezier curve is used to define the best dental arch curve to generate the oral panorama. In addition, this research also addressed the issues of mistakenly recognizing the teeth and jaws as dental arches, incomplete coverage of the dental arch area by the generated dental arch lines, and low robustness, providing intelligent methods for dental diagnosis and improve the work efficiency of doctors.

Humanos , Radiografía Panorámica/métodos , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos , Cabeza , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027529


Hepatolithiasis is a common disease in hepatobiliary surgery. The changes of bile dynamics in the biliary system, such as flow rate, pressure, viscosity, etc., play an important role in stone formation. In this paper, we introduce the bile fluid dynamics of the biliary system, analyze the influencing factors of bile dynamics change, the relationship between bile dynamics change and calculus, and the application of bile fluid dynamics in the treatment of hepatolithiasis, providing ideas and basis for the prevention and treatment of hepatolithiasis.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e244422, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431118


Funções executivas (FE) referem-se ao conjunto de habilidades que, de forma integrada, coordenam o comportamento e a cognição. Assim, o comprometimento no desenvolvimento das FE está ligado a vários desfechos negativos ao longo da vida. Portanto, a avaliação dessas habilidades na infância é essencial para identificar e prevenir prejuízos na vida adulta. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar evidências de validade do Teste Informatizado para Avaliação das Funções Executivas (Tafe) pelo critério de idade e pelo padrão de correlação entre medidas do TAFE e outras medidas de FE. Para isso, foi utilizada uma amostra de 51 crianças, entre 4 e 10 anos de idade, matriculadas em uma escola privada na cidade de Goiânia (GO), da pré-escola ao 4º ano do ensino fundamental. Como instrumentos, foram utilizados, além do Tafe, as tarefas de Bloco de Corsi, Teste de Trilhas A e B, Teste de Trilhas Pré-Escolares, Teste de Stroop Pré-Escolares e Subteste Dígitos da Escala Wechsler de Inteligência. Foram conduzidas análises estatísticas Kruskal Wallis para verificar a evidência de validade por relação com idade e análises de correlação não paramétrica de Spearman para avaliar as evidências de validade convergente. O instrumento investigado mostrou-se efetivo para discriminar entre as diferentes faixas etárias, assim, sensível ao desenvolvimento das FE. Os resultados obtidos no Tafe correlacionaram-se aos obtidos em outros testes que também avaliaram FE, mostrando claros padrões de convergência. Logo, as análises dos resultados fornecem evidências de validade ao Tafe, derivadas a partir de diferentes estratégias de investigação.(AU)

Executive functions (EF) refer to the set of skills that, in an integrated way, coordinate behavior and cognition. Thus, the commitment in developing EF is linked to several negative outcomes throughout life. Therefore, the assessment of these abilities in childhood is essential to identify and prevent possible harm in adult life. This study aimed to investigate evidences of validity of the Computerized Test for Evaluation of Executive Functions (TAFE) by the age criterion and by the pattern of correlation between TAFE measures and other EF measures. To this end, a sample of 51 children, between 4 and 10 years old, enrolled in a private school in the municipality of Goiânia (GO), from preschool to the 4th year of elementary school, was used. As instruments, in addition to TAFE, the tasks of Corsi Block, Trails Test A and B, Preschool Trails Test, Preschool Stroop Test and the Digits Subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale were used. Kruskal Wallis statistical analyzes were conducted to verify the evidence of validity by age criteria and Spearman's nonparametric correlation analysis to assess evidence of convergent validation. The instrument investigated was effective to discriminate between different age groups, thus being sensitive to the development of EF. The results obtained in TAFE were correlated with those obtained in other tests that also assess FE, showing patterns of convergence. Therefore, the analysis of the results provides validation evidence to TAFE, derived from different investigation methods.(AU)

Las funciones ejecutivas (FE) se refieren al conjunto de habilidades que coordinan la conducta y la cognición. Así, el deterioro en el desarrollo de FE está relacionado con varios resultados negativos durante la vida. Por tanto, la valoración de estas habilidades en la infancia es fundamental para identificar y prevenir posibles daños en la vida adulta. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la evidencia de validez de la Prueba Computarizada para Evaluación de Funciones Ejecutivas (Tafe) por el criterio de edad y convergencia entre las medidas Tafe y otras medidas de FE. Para ello, se utilizó una muestra de 51 niños, de entre 4 y 10 años de edad, matriculados en un colegio privado de Goiânia (Goiás, Brasil) desde la preescolar hasta 4.º de primaria. Como instrumentos, además del Tafe, se utilizaron las tareas de Bloque de Corsi, el Test de los senderos A y B, el Test de los Senderos Preescolares, el Test de Stroop Preescolar y la Subprueba de Dígitos de la Escala Wechsler de Inteligencia. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos de Kruskal Wallis para verificar la validez por criterios de edad y análisis de correlación no-paramétrica de Spearman para evaluar la evidencia de validez convergente. Tafe demostró ser efectivo para discriminar entre diferentes grupos de edad, así es sensible al desarrollo de FE. Los resultados en Tafe se correlacionaron con los obtenidos en otras pruebas de FE, lo que muestra claros patrones de convergencia. Por tanto, el análisis aporta evidencias de validez para Tafe, derivadas de diferentes estrategias de investigación.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Cognición , Docilidad , Inhibición Psicológica , Memoria a Corto Plazo , Percepción , Pruebas de Aptitud , Juego e Implementos de Juego , Ludoterapia , Atención Primaria de Salud , Solución de Problemas , Fenómenos Psicológicos , Pruebas Psicológicas , Psicología , Recuerdo Mental , Recreación , Retención en Psicología , Atención , Instituciones Académicas , Percepción Auditiva , Ajuste Social , Apoyo Social , Percepción del Habla , Estrés Psicológico , Análisis y Desempeño de Tareas , Tecnología , Terapéutica , Pensamiento , Escalas de Wechsler , Conducta , Ciencias de la Conducta , Neurociencias , Adaptación Psicológica , Niño , Cuidado del Niño , Preescolar , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Organizaciones , Salud Infantil , Disonancia Cognitiva , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Estado de Conciencia , Intuición , Manifestaciones Neuroconductuales , Disciplinas y Actividades Conductuales , Autoeficacia , Creatividad , Reconocimiento en Psicología , Autonomía Personal , Acceso a la Información , Comprensión , Crecimiento y Desarrollo , Discriminación en Psicología , Educación , Emociones , Planificación , Cerebro , Resiliencia Psicológica , Función Ejecutiva , Test de Stroop , Atención Plena , Memoria Espacial , Autocontrol , Metacognición , Escala de Memoria de Wechsler , Pruebas de Memoria y Aprendizaje , Automanejo , Mentalización , Frustación , Revisión Sistemática , Regulación Emocional , Análisis de Escalamiento Multidimensional , Autoevaluación , Estado Funcional , Interacción Social , Entrenamiento Cognitivo , Velocidad de Procesamiento , Crecimiento Psicológico , Actividad Nerviosa Superior , Actividades Humanas , Imaginación , Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Aprendizaje , Procesos Mentales , Actividad Motora , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Neuropsicología
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220644


Introduction The cerebral ventricular system consists of a series of interconnecting spaces and channels which originate from the central lumen of the embryonic neural tube. The ventricular system ?lled with cerebrospinal ?uid, is an essential part of the brain. Understanding the normal anatomy and the variations of the ventricular system of brain is helpful for clinicians, neurosurgeons and radiologists in day-to-day clinical practice1. Aims And Objectives To determine the average dimensions and variations of the frontal horn of the normal lateral ventricles of brain by CT scan. Materials And Methods The study was conducted in individuals who attended the Department of Radiodiagnosis in Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram. Those patients whose brain CT scans were read as normal by the radiologist were taken up for the study. A total of 200 CT brain of individuals above 10 years of age were taken during the period from January 2017 to June 2018.100 males and 100 females were included in the study group. The length of the frontal Results horn of lateral ventricle of brain was found to be more on the left side and in male gender. It was also observed to be increasing with age. The present study outlines the normal values of the length of frontal horn of the lateral ventricles of brain Conclusion using Computerized tomography which would aid in the diagnosis and management of neurological disorders.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218988


Background: Untreated acute pancrea??s can have high morbidity and mortality. It is a serious gastrointes?nal emergency. Its incidence is approximately 51.0 % and it can cause both local and systemic problems. The diagnosis usually involves laboratory tests like amylase and lipase as well as an ultrasound exam. The ideal imaging test is a contrast-enhanced CT scan. This study used scoring systems based on laboratory and radiological inves?ga?ons to determine the clinical progression and outcome. Methods : Pa?ents who were diagnosed with acute pancrea??s and in whom computed tomography was done were included. From the imaging findings, the category and subcategory of acute pancrea??s and types of fluid collec?ons were described in these pa?ents using the revised Atlanta classifica?on. BISAP score was calculated in all these pa?ents. The clinical outcome assessed in these pa?ents is the dura?on of stay in the hospital, mortality, presence of persistent organ failure, the occurrence of infec?on and need for interven?on. Finally, the correla?on between the Revised Atlanta classifica?on and BISAP score was analyzed and compared with clinical outcomes. Results: The analysis of the correla?on between Revised Atlanta classifica?on severity grade and BISAP score, among the n=57 pa?ents with mild acute pancrea??s n=56, had BISAP score less than 3 and only one had BISAP score greater or equal to three. Among the n=25 pa?ents graded as moderately severe acute pancrea??s, n=20 cases had a BISAP score of less than 3 and n=5 had BISAP score greater than or equal to three. Among the n=08 pa?ents graded as severe acute pancrea??s, n=3 had a BISAP score of less than 3 and n=5 had BISAP score greater than or equal to three. Conclusion: Standardizing nomenclature and facilita?ng proper documenta?on of a variety of imaging abnormali?es in acute pancrea??s is made possible by incorpora?ng the new Atlanta categoriza?on system into daily prac?ce. We can triage, predict, and treat pa?ents with acute pancrea??s with greater precision by integra?ng the new Atlanta classifica?on with BISAP clinical grading, significantly improving medical care.

Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(3): 1101233, sept.-dic. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425918


Objetivo: La reabsorción dentinaria interna es un pro- ceso causado por la actividad odontoclástica asociada princi- palmente a la inflamación pulpar crónica y/o traumatismos, y se caracteriza por la pérdida progresiva de tejido dentinario y la posible invasión al cemento. El presente informe describe el diagnóstico y tratamiento de un molar inferior que presentó un cuadro sintomático de reabsorción dentinaria interna. Caso clínico: Un paciente de 38 años fue derivado a la consulta por presentar una zona de reabsorción interna en un segundo molar inferior. Durante el examen clínico y ra- diográfico se tomó una radiografía preoperatoria periapical con radiovisiógrafo en la que se observó la presencia de un área compatible con el diagnóstico de reabsorción dentinaria interna, el que fue posteriormente confirmado por medio de una tomografía computada de haz cónico. La imagen de la lesión se presentó como una zona radiolúcida deformante de bordes nítidos, localizada a nivel de la cámara pulpar. El tra- tamiento consistió en la extirpación de la pulpa coronaria y de la instrumentación, desinfección y obturación de los conduc- tos radiculares y la cavidad de acceso. En el control clínico y radiográfico realizado luego de 3 años se observó que el paciente estaba asintomático y las estructuras perirradiculares se encontraban dentro de los límites normales. La observación histológica del material removido de la cámara pulpar reveló la presencia de un tejido granulomatoso con numerosos vasos sanguíneos y escasos focos micro hemorrágicos. Hasta el momento, el tratamiento endodóntico es el pro- cedimiento indicado para el tratamiento de la reabsorción dentinaria interna. Se destaca la importancia de la tomografía computada de haz cónico para el diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano de las reabsorciones dentinarias internas a efectos de contar con un pronóstico favorable (AU)

Aim: Internal dentine resorption is aprocess caused by odontoclastic activity, mainly associated with chronic pulpal inflammation and/or trauma, and it'scharacterized by a pro- gressive loss of dentine tissue and the possible invasion of the cementum. This report describes the diagnosis and treatment of a lower molar that presented a symptomatic case of inter- nal dentine resorption. Clinical case: A 38-years old patient was referred to the office because of presenting an area of internal resorption in a lower second molar. During clinical and radiographic exam- ination, a periapical preoperative radiograph with radiovisio- graph was taken, in which the presence of an area compatible with the diagnosis of internal dentine resorption was observed, which was later confirmed by a cone-beam computed tomog- raphy.The image of the lesion was presented as a deforming radiolucent area with sharp edges, located at pulp chamber level. Treatment consisted of the removal of the coronary pulp and the instrumentation, disinfection and filling of the root ca- nals and the access cavity. In the clinical and radiographic control carried out 3 years after procedure, it was observed that the patient was asymptomatic and the periradicular struc- tures were within normal limits. The histological observation of the removed material from the pulp chamber revealed the presence of a granulomatous tissue with numerous blood ves- sels and scarce micro hemorrhagic focus. Until now, the endodontic treatment is the indicated pro- cedure to treat internal dentine resorption. It is necessary to highlight the importance of the cone-beam computerized to- mography for the early diagnosis and treatment of internal dentine resorptions in order to have a favorable outlook (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Resorción Radicular/terapia , Resorción Radicular/diagnóstico por imagen , Corona del Diente/fisiopatología , Tratamiento del Conducto Radicular/métodos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Enfermedades de la Pulpa Dental/complicaciones , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos , Diente Molar/fisiopatología
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 34(3): 319-326, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407747


RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia da solução Welch Allyn Connex® Spot Monitor/Hillrom Connecta™ em acionar o time de resposta rápida em tempo hábil, em comparação com o acionamento manual. Métodos: O estudo Hillrom é um ensaio clínico unicêntrico, aberto, de superioridade, randomizado em clusters em paralelo (taxa de alocação 1:1) realizado em um hospital terciário. Serão incluídos dois grupos de três enfermarias com 28 leitos (um grupo intervenção e um grupo controle). As enfermarias serão distribuídas aleatoriamente para utilizar a solução automatizada Welch Allyn Connex® Spot Monitor/Hillrom Connecta™ (grupo intervenção) ou para manter a rotina habitual (grupo controle) em relação ao acionamento do time de resposta rápida. O desfecho primário será o número absoluto de ocorrências de acionamento do time de resposta rápida em tempo hábil. Como desfechos secundários, características clínicas como mortalidade, parada cardíaca, necessidade de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva e duração da hospitalização serão avaliadas de forma exploratória de acordo com os grupos. Estimou-se uma amostra de 216 acionamentos de time de resposta rápida, para identificar uma possível diferença entre os grupos. O protocolo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa institucional. Resultados esperados: Espera-se que a solução automatizada Welch Allyn Connex® Spot Monitor/Hillrom Connecta™ seja mais eficaz no acionamento do sistema de chamada de enfermeiros, para acionar o time de resposta rápida em tempo hábil e de maneira adequada, em comparação com o acionamento manual (prática habitual). NCT04648579

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Welch Allyn Connex® Spot Monitor/Hillrom Connecta™ solution in activating the rapid response team in a timely manner compared to manual activation. Methods: The Hillrom study is a single-center, open-label, superiority, cluster-randomized, parallel-group (1:1 allocation ratio) clinical trial that will be conducted in a tertiary hospital. Two sets of three wards with 28 beds will be included (one as the intervention cluster and the other as the control). The wards will be randomly assigned to use the Welch Allyn Connex® Spot Monitor/Hillrom Connecta™ automated solution (intervention cluster) or to maintain the usual routine (control cluster) regarding rapid response team activation. The primary outcome will be the absolute number of episodes of rapid response team triggering in an appropriate time; as secondary outcomes, clinical features (mortality, cardiac arrest, need for intensive care unit admission and duration of hospitalization) will be assessed according to clusters in an exploratory way. A sample size of 216 rapid response team activations was estimated to identify a possible difference between the groups. The protocol has been approved by the institutional Research Ethics Committee. Expected results: The Welch Allyn Connex® Spot Monitor/Hillrom Connecta™ automated solution is expected to be more effective in triggering the nurse call system to activate the rapid response team in a timely and adequate manner compared to manual triggering (usual practice). NCT04648579

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221805


Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disorder, in which lipoproteinaceous material accumulates within the alveoli. We report a case of a 27-year-old male patient with acute worsening of breathlessness over the last 7�months and cough with desaturation up to 79% on room air. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography of the thorax revealed unilateral diffuse crazy-paving pattern likely PAP. Transbronchial lung biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of PAP. The present case highlights the unusual presentation of PAP with unilateral involvement. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of unilateral PAP from India with a biopsy diagnosis and resolution with whole lung lavage.