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China Pharmacy ; (12): 2167-2171, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-941463


OBJECTIVE To provide reference for chronic disease management in grass-root institution . METHODS System structure design and audit class setting of the regional pretrial center in Changning district of Shanghai were introduced. The number of prescriptions/medical orders from the start of application to February 28,2022 were counted. The prescriptions/medical orders intercepted by the system ,prescriptions/medical orders intervened by physicians ,chronic disease types and drug use of regional multiple chronic diseases were counted and analyzed. RESULTS Compared with the data when the center was on line in September 2021,total qualified rate of prescriptions/medical orders (97.67% vs. 86.42%)significantly increased ,the number of prescriptions/ medical orders intercepted by the system and intervened by physicians decreased by 55.39% and 72.67% in February 2022, respectively. The top five diseases were hypertension (26.52%),coronary heart disease (20.53%),sleep disorders (16.71%),diabetes(15.24%)and bone diseases (14.09%). Among them , there were many problematic prescriptions involving coronary heart disease ,sleep disorder and bone disease. CONCLUSIONS The incidence of chronic diseases among community residents remains high. In addition to common chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease ,hypertension and diabetes ,the incidence of sleep disorders and bone diseases is also increasing. With the help of the regional pretrial center ,the focus of chronic disease management can be adjusted timely ,drug supervision can be carried out in real time so as to improve the level of rational drug use in grass-root institution.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 150-152, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-933513


Objective:To clarify patterns of skin diseases among outpatients at first and return visits to Hospital of Dermatology of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in 2019.Methods:Data were collected from the outpatient electronic medical record information system in Hospital of Dermatology of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences from January 1st to December 31st, 2019, and patterns of skin diseases among outpatients at first and return visits were analyzed retrospectively.Results:The total number of outpatient consultations was 1 440 580 in 2019, including 941 755 (65.37%) first visits and 498 825 (34.63%) return visits, and the daily average number of outpatient consultations was 4 332. The top 10 most prevalent skin diseases were eczema, acne, urticaria, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo, neurodermatitis, pigmented nevus, tinea pedis and onychomycosis among outpatients at the first visits, with the number of outpatient visits being 739 175 and accounting for 78.49% of the total first visits; the top 10 most prevalent skin diseases among outpatients at the return visits were eczema, acne, psoriasis, urticaria, vitiligo, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, pigmented nevus, keloid and rosacea, with the number of outpatient visits being 399 594 and accounting for 80.11% of the total return visits.Conclusion:In 2019, skin diseases predominated by common diseases, such as eczema and acne, among outpatients at Hospital of Dermatology of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1622-1626, 2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-881466


OBJECTIVE:To investig ate the application and trend o f tranexamic acid in the orthopedic inpatient ,and to provide reference for rational drug use. METHODS :The consumption of tranexamic acid ,the distribution of orthopedics diseases using tranexamic acid and route of administration were analyzed in 3 sub-departments (joint surgery department ,spinal surgery department,orthopedic trauma department )from 4 third-grade class-A hospitals of Chongqing during 2017 to 2020. RESULTS : The total consumption of tranexamic acid used in orthopaedic department had increased year by year in the past 4 years,with increase of 6.2%-52.2%,and the consumption of tranexamic acid in various departments also increased year by year ;from 2017 to 􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂􀤂 书辅料标明情况及风险控制建议 [J].中国药师,2018,21 中华中医药杂志,2018,33(6):2225-2229. (18):2020-2022. [10] 孟菲,李学林.中成药说明书中规格项存在的问题与探 [ 7 ] 国家药典委员会.中华人民共和国药典:二部[S]. 2010年 讨[J].当代医学,2015,21(12):14-15. 版.北京:中国医药科技出版社,2010:1014. [11] 国家食品药品监督管理局 .中成药规格表述技术指导原 [ 8 ] 孟菲,李学林.中成药说明书中功能主治项表述方法的探 则:征求意见稿 [EB/OL].(2017-10-11)[2020-12-20]. 讨[J].中医药临床杂志,2015,27(1):111-112. [ 9 ] 田硕,郭晖,苗明三.中成药说明书完善的思考及实践[J]. 151401184.html. [12] 王裴芳.我国中成药说明书中老年人用药项的调查分 Δ基金项目:重庆市科技计划项目-技术预见与制度创新项目(No. 析[J].中国药房,2015,26(29):4055-4057. cstc2018jsyj-zdcxX0052);重庆市社会科学规划项目(No.2019QNGL31) [13] 林志健,周伟龙,张冰,等.中成药说明书中儿童用药信息 *硕士研究生 。研究方向 :社会医学 、卫生事业管理 。电话: 023-68485178。 的修订完善思考 [J].药物流行病学杂志 ,2018,27(4): # 通信作者:教授,硕士生导师,硕士。研究方向:医事法学、卫生 244-248. 政策、卫生事业管理。电话:023-68485178。E-mail:puchuan68@sina. (收稿日期:2021-01-07 修回日期:2021-05-26) com (编辑:罗 瑞) ·1622· China Pharmacy 2021Vol. 32 No. 13 中国药房 2021年第32卷第13期 2019,joint surgery department accounted for the largest prop ortion(59.2% ,53.5% ,47.2%)to use tranexamic acid ,and orthopedic trauma department accounted for the largest proportion (39.2%)in 2020. On the whole ,top 4 orthopedic diseases in the list of the consumption of tranexamic acid were joint replacement (25.5%-29.6%),hip fracture (19.3%-23.6%),diaphysis fracture (13.5%-18.6%)and pelvic and acetabular fracture (8.2%-14.0%). The route of administration for tranexamic acid in spinal surgery department ,joint surgery department and orthopedic trauma department was mainly intravenous application every year (accounting for 55.1%-81.0%,46.9%-77.1%,49.3%-73.3%,44.9%-71.5%). CONCLUSIONS :The consumption of tranexamic acid in orthopedic inpatients is increased year by year ,and is dominated by joint surgery department and orthopedic trauma department. The route of tranexamic acid is still mainly intravenous administration ,which is safe and reliable.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 727-730, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-504316


OBJECTIVE:To understand the main diseases research area and tendency of the literatures published on top-five global biomedicine journals,and provide reference for topics and designs of domestic medical research. METHODS:Studies pub-lished on NEJM,JAMA,BMJ,Lancet and PLoS Medicine from 2004 to 2013 were searched via Web of Science;types of disease were classified by using International Classification of Diseases(version 10)(ICD-10);research types were analyzed according to the rules in clinical epidemiology. RESULTS:Most of studies(25.8%)were published on BMJ;USA(39.1%),UK(25.7%) and Canada(5.1%)were top-three countries for the first authors;circulation system disease,infectious and parasitic diseases,can-cer,endocrine,nutritional and metabolic disease and respiratory system disease were top-five in disease categories list,accounting for 61.7%;ischemic heart disease,HIV-related disease,diabetes,other heart disease and influenza and pneumonia were the main top-five specific diseases;and randomized controlled trials were main study type. CONCLUSIONS:The proportion of the first au-thor for the Chinese literature in the host country is very low. Top-five specific diseases are placed on circulation system disease,in-fectious and parasitic diseases,endocrine,nutritional and metabolic disease and respiratory system disease,with the main study types of randomized controlled trial,cohort study and systematic review.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362266


<b>Purpose</b> : The aim of this study is to investigate inpatient rehabilitation outcomes in different ischemic stroke disease types. Subjects and methods : Subjects were 178 patients with ischemic stroke transferred from stroke units or emergency units for inpatient rehabilitation at Kami-iida Rehabilitation Hospital. For all patients, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores were measured on admission. Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores were also measured both on admission and discharge, and FIM-gain (FIM-g) and FIM-efficiency (FIM-e) values were calculated. The disease types of ischemic stroke were : lacunar (LI) in 16 patients ; atherothrombosis (AI) in 23 ; branch-atheromatous-disease (BAD) in 59 ; artery to artery embolism (A to A) in 18; cardiogenic embolism (CE) in 34 ; undetermined embolism (unable to differentiate from A to A and cardiogenic embolism) in 22 ; the 6 remaining patients were not categorized. Results : There were no significant differences in the NIHSS scores and FIM scores on admission between disease types except for the NIHSS scores in the LI patients. The FIM-e value in A to A patients was significantly lower than those in other types (<i>p</i><0.05). Moreover, A to A patients have a tendency of severe leukoaraiosis and their MRAs demonstrated high rates of stenosis (≥50%) or occlusion with intracranial arteries. Conclusion : In A to A embolism, significantly lower FIM-e values were found and FIMs at discharge were affected by leukoaraiosis on the basis of large-vessel arteriosclerosis. Our study revealed that inpatient rehabilitation outcomes differed for each ischemic stroke type and appeared to be influenced by leukoaraiosis.