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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(4)oct. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530333


This study describes and illustrates a new species of arachnid, the pseudoscorpion Stenolpium sayrii sp. nov., collected at Pucllana, an archaeological site in the city of Lima, Peru. With this description, the total number of known Stenolpium species worldwide reaches eight, and in Peru specifically, it increases to seven. The discovery of this new species in Peru's most populous city serves as an exemplar highlighting the extensive scope for further research on Peruvian fauna in general, particularly on its arachnids.

En este trabajo, una nueva especie de arácnido, el pseudoscorpión Stenolpium sayrii sp. nov., colectada en Pucllana, sitio arqueológico de la ciudad de Lima, Perú, es descrita e ilustrada. Con esta descripción, el número de especies conocidas de Stenolpium en el mundo asciende a ocho en total y para el Perú a siete. El descubrimiento de esta nueva especie en la ciudad más poblada del Perú es un ejemplo de lo mucho que falta investigar sobre la fauna peruana en general y sobre sus arácnidos en particular.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(2)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515498


En este trabajo, se hipotetiza el periodo de aislamiento, la inmovilización y la migración inversa que sucedidos durante la pandemia del COVID-19 (años 2020 y 2021) incrementaron la capacidad de caza de las comunidades Matsigenkas asentadas en el Parque Nacional del Manu (PN Manu). Para esto, evaluamos los cambios en los patrones del volumen de extracción de la caza a través de un monitoreo participativo utilizando el modelo de monitoreo de la intensidad de cacería. Se evidenció que hubo un incremento de la capacidad de caza de las comunidades nativas. Los volúmenes más altos de extracción y el mayor incremento del número de cazadores, esfuerzo y área de cacería se dieron en el periodo 2020 - 2021, cuando las medidas de aislamiento e inmovilización fueron establecidas. Sin embargo, hubo una disminución de los indicadores para la temporada 2021 - 2022, año en que se flexibilizaron las medidas de aislamiento y se dio la reactivación económica, permitiendo que las personas retornaran a sus actividades económicas y educativas fuera del PN Manu. Se debe considerar que los efectos de solo un año de pandemia sobre los medios de subsistencia de las comunidades pudieron afectar la abundancia de la fauna silvestre, donde el mono maquisapa y mono choro (especies vulnerables) tuvieron altos incrementos de extracción. Por otro lado, nuestros resultados indicarían que el buen estado de conservación del PN Manu permitió la provisión de alimentos a las comunidades durante la pandemia. Se recomienda la planificación de programas que mitiguen los efectos negativos de pandemias o eventos semejantes, además se señala la importancia de medir el grado de resiliencia de las principales especies de caza, ya que el incremento de caza también podría tener efectos sobre la seguridad alimentaria de estas comunidades.

In this work, we hypothesize that the period of isolation, immobilization, and reverse migration that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic (years 2020 and 2021) increased the hunting capacity of the Matsigenka communities settled in Manu National Park (PN Manu). To evaluate this, we assessed changes in hunting volume patterns through participatory monitoring using the hunting intensity monitoring model. It was evident that there was an increase in the hunting capacity of Matsigenka communities. The highest extraction volumes and the greatest increase in the number of hunters, hunting effort, and hunting area occurred in the 2020-2021 period, the year in which isolation and immobilization measures were established. However, there was a decrease in the indicators for the 2021-2022 period, the year in which isolation measures were relaxed and economic reactivation occurred, allowing people to return to their economic and educational activities outside PN Manu. It should be considered that the effects of only one year of the pandemic on the livelihoods of the communities could have affected the abundance of wildlife, with vulnerable species such as maquisapa monkeys and choro monkeys experiencing high extraction rates. On the other hand, our results indicate that the good conservation status of PN Manu provided food provisions for the communities during the pandemic. Planning programs to mitigate the negative effects of pandemics or similar events is recommended, and the importance of measuring the resilience of key hunting species is emphasized, as increased hunting could also have effects on the food security of these communities.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 550-2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979751


@#Abstract: Chigger mites belong to the phylum Arthropoda, class Arachnida, sub-class Acari, order Parasitiformes, family Trombiculidae and Leeuwenhoekiidae, with a wide range of species. There are more than 3 700 known species of mites globally, of which 531 species in 46 genera from three sub-families have been recorded in China, and 320 species of chigger mites recorded from 3 subfamilies and 32 genera in Yunnan Province. At this stage, chigger mites are the only vectors of scrub typhus, with about 60 species worldwide being potential vectors. Six vectorial mite species have been confirmed in China, including Leptotrombidium deliense, L.scutellare, L.rubellum, L.sialkotense, L.kaohuense, L.insulare. Yunnan Province has reported five vectorial mite species, including the previously-mentioned five species except for L.sialkotense. The zoogeographic study divided Yunnan Province into 5 zoogeographic areas, namely, Central Hengduan Mountains subregion, Southern Hengduan Mountains subregion, Eastern Yunnan Plateau subregion, Western Yunnan Plateau subregion, Southern Yunnan Mountainous subregion. The Southern Hengduan Mountains subregion has the highest number of known genera and species of scrub typhus and the highest number of scrub typhus cases, with 216 species in 22 genera from 3 subfamilies, and all 5 species of vector scrub typhus were distributed. Southern Yunnan Mountain subregion has the least number of mite species, with 91 species in 12 genera from three sub-families, with L. scutellare being the dominant vectorial mite species across the province. Due to suitable natural geographic conditions in Yunnan Province, vectorial mites can propagate rapidly, leading to a large number of scrub typhus cases. According to statistics, the number of scrub typhus cases in Yunnan Province has rapidly increased, with 15.40 times, 20.64 times and 28.91 times more cases in 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively than in 2006. Scrub typhus remains a serious public health problem in Yunnan Province, posing a threat to the health of the local population. Therefore, prevention and control efforts should continue to focus on the affected areas and the general public.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(3): e20231503, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505833


Abstract Mytilopsis leucophaeata is an estuarine bivalve native from the Gulf of Mexico and Southeast USA, and it was introduced in Europe, Asia, Caribbean, South America and Northeast USA, showing massive colonization skills. In Brazil, the single invasion records of M. leucophaeata occur in the city of Rio de Janeiro, i.e., in the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon and in the Marapendi Lagoon. We conducted a new series of fieldworks in estuaries from the Rio de Janeiro state in order to evaluate the propagation of this invasive bivalve, aiming sites with proper salinities for the establishment of M. leucophaeata. A new record is given for the Maricá-Guarapina lagoon system, where M. leucophaeata mainly colonizes hard substrata (such as piers and rocks), reaching a mean density up to 43,375 specimens/m2; however, aggregates of M. leucophaeata were also observed in the soft substratum. Based on mitochondrial sequences, the taxonomic identification of the invasive bivalve was confirmed. The associated fauna to the agglomerates of M. leucophaeata in the lagoon system comprises amphipods, barnacles, tanaidaceans, isopods, crabs, polychaetes and snails. The expansion of M. leucophaeata requires a continuous investigation due to the great circulation of boats in the littoral of the Rio de Janeiro state and the increased chance of new introductions.

Resumo Mytilopsis leucophaeata é um bivalve estuarino originário do Golfo do México e Sudeste dos EUA, tendo sido introduzido na Europa, Ásia, Caribe, América do Sul e Nordeste dos EUA, e apresentando massiva capacidade de colonização. No Brasil, os únicos registros de invasão de M. leucophaeata ocorrem no município do Rio de Janeiro, i.e., na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas e na Lagoa de Marapendi. Este estudo propõe um novo levantamento de campo em estuários fluminenses para avaliar a propagação desse bivalve invasor, visando locais com salinidade propícia para o estabelecimento de M. leucophaeata. Um novo registro é feito para o complexo lagunar Maricá-Guarapina, onde M. leucophaeata coloniza principalmente substratos duros (como píers e rochas), chegando a uma densidade média de 43.375 indíviduos/m2; porém, agregados de M. leucophaeata também foram observados em substrato inconsolidado. Com base em sequências mitocondriais, a identificação taxonômica do bivalve invasor foi confirmada. A fauna associada aos aglomerados de M. leucophaeata no complexo lagunar compreende anfípodes, cracas, tanaidáceos, isópodes, caranguejos, poliquetas e gastrópodes. A expansão de M. leucophaeata demanda uma investigação contínua devido ao alto fluxo de embarcações no litoral fluminense e elevada probabilidade de novas introduções.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(4): e20231551, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527946


Abstract The Brazilian state of Acre is located in the southwestern Amazon and it is characterized by a humid tropical forest vegetation that covers plains and mountains. Up to this point, the composition of termite species in the state is not known. The aim of this study was to provide a checklist of termite species or recognizable taxonomic units for the state of Acre. Sampling was conducted through field expeditions at the Serra do Divisor National Park, Chandless State Park, Humaitá Forest Reserve, and Chico Mendes Environmental Park using a standardized rapid termite inventory protocol in the first two areas and active searching collections in the others, without a specific protocol. This study also included occurrence records published in the scientific literature. A total of 128 species and morphospecies of termites were found in Acre, distributed across 59 genera and four families. The most frequently occurring species in Acre was Heterotermes tenuis (Hagen, 1858). The study also identified six new species records for Brazil. The predominant feeding groups were soil-feeders and wood-feeders, as expected from data obtained from surveys in humid tropical forests. Despite the significant number of new records for Acre (112), it is concluded that a larger sampling effort is still required, as many areas of the state have not yet been studied for termites.

Resumen O estado brasileiro do Acre está localizado no sudoeste da Amazônia e é caracterizado por uma vegetação de floresta tropical úmida que cobre planícies e montanhas. Até então, a composição de espécies de térmitas no estado não é conhecida. O objetivo desse estudo foi construir um checklist de espécies ou unidades taxonômicas reconhecíveis de térmitas para o estado do Acre. A amostragem foi conduzida através de expedições de campo no Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, no Parque Estadual Chandless, na Reserva Florestal Humaitá, e no Parque Ambiental Chico Mendes utilizando o protocolo rápido de diversidade de térmitas nas duas primeiras áreas e coletas avulsas nas demais, sem um protocolo específico. Este estudo também incluiu registros de ocorrência publicados na literature científica. Um total de 128 espécies e morfoespécies de térmitas foram encontradas no Acre, distribuídas em 59 gêneros e quatro famílias. A espécie de ocorrência mais frequente no Acre foi Heterotermes tenuis (Hagen, 1858). O estudo também identificou seis novos registros de espécies para o Brasil. Os grupos alimentares predominantes foram os humívoros e xilófagos, como esperado a partir de dados obtidos de pesquisas em florestas tropicais úmidas. Apesar do número significativo de novos registros para o Acre (112), conclui-se que ainda é necessário um esforço amostral maior, uma vez que muitas áreas do estado ainda não foram estudadas para térmitas.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(3): e20230041, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515040


ABSTRACT The Brazilian fauna of Meloidae is poorly studied, even though it includes more than 160 species. In this paper, we aimed at widening the knowledge on four species of blister beetles from this country. Specifically, we defined the uncertain range of Tetraonyx angulicollis, as extended in south-eastern Brazil rather than in Mexico, and implemented the description of the species with figures. We studied the taxonomy and distribution of three almost unknown species of Nemognatha from Brazil, São Paulo State, providing descriptions and figures of sexual characters and colour variability of N. beauregardi, to which is probably referable as a junior synonym of N. plaumanni, of N. rufoscutellaris and of N. cfr. gounellei. Moreover, we assigned these three species to the subgenus Pauronemognatha, recently recorded from South America.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221290


During the study period we recorded 29 species The fish production plays a significant role in the human economy. India has vast potential for development of inland fisheries. In the present study an attempt has been made to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristic features and fish fauna diversity of Kolleru Lake Eluru District. It proposed to enhancement of fish production in a sub urban perennial water body in Eluru district of Andhra Pradesh. The study was conducted during May 2021 to April 2022. The study revealed that different regions of the tank receive variable precipitation and hence meteorological factors governing the physico-chemical properties of the tank which in turn influence planktonic diversity and so that all the physico-chemical and biological factors have direct influence on the fish production. The present study, it observed that all the physico-chemical parameters are at nearly permissible limit at all the 3 identified stations. It is estimated that the fish fauna of Kolleru Lake consists of 29 species belonging to 12 families. Among the collections 10 species of Cypriniformes, order Siluriformes consists of 5 species, Channiformes consists of 05 species, Perciformes 03 species, and Osteoglossiformes 01 species. Therefore, it is suggested that the immediate measures may be to avoid further contamination of this Lake which has been started contaminated due to anthropological activities. Finally it may be concluded that the Kolleru Lake is rich in fish diversity and is still in a position to set a good example of conservation of native fish fauna by the sustainable management practices.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(4)oct. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424294


A new species Rhodorhipha dalyi sp. nov. from Peru (Tambopata river, Madre de Dios, Peru) is described and illustrated. The species is part of a complex of similar species related to R. subflammans (Rothschild).

Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie, Rhodorhipha dalyi sp. nov. de Perú (río Tambopata, Madre de Dios, Perú). La especie es parte de un complejo de especies similares relacionadas con R. subflammans (Rothschild).

Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 25(2): e8810, jul-dez. 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399619


Esse estudo seccional, realizado no período 2014-2015, com aplicação de questionários, teve por objetivo conhecer a percepção sobre vertebrados em condição de sinantropia e a opinião sobre controle populacional para a população do município de Niterói, RJ. Dentre os 474 entrevistados, 76,8% aceitavam o controle populacional para ratos, 63,3% para pombos, 40,5% para cães, 33,8% para gatos, 25,5% para morcegos, 16,5% para serpentes e 14,1% para gambás. As serpentes foram os animais mais associados ao medo (59,1%) e risco de agressão (47,7%), pombos (89,2%) e morcegos ao risco de doenças (57,4%), ratos à nojo/repulsa (56,6%), gambás à natureza (73,8%), cães à companhia (79,8%), e gatos à amizade (57,4%). O estudo demonstrou que as relações dos humanos com os animais podem ser complexas, ambíguas e paradoxais, e fornece dados que poderão ser utilizados para políticas públicas de manejo dessas espécies.(AU)

This study (sectional investigation), in the 2014-2015, using questionnaires, aimed to understand the perception of vertebrates in synanthropic conditions and the opinion about their population control for the population of the municipality the Niterói, RJ. Among the 474 people interviewed, 76.8% accepted population control for rats, 63.3% for pigeons, 40.5% for dogs, 33.8% for cats, 25.5 % for bats, 16.5% for snakes and 14.1% for possums. Snakes were the animals most associated with the representation of fear (59.1%) and risk of aggression (47.7%), pigeons (89.2%) and bats with risk of disease (57.4%), rats with disgust and repulsion (56.6%), possums with nature (73.8%), dogs with company (79.8%), and cats with friendship (57.4%). In addition to demonstrating how complex human relations with animals can be ambiguous and paradoxical, this study provides data that can be used for public policies for the management of these species.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la percepción de los vertebrados en condiciones de sinantropía y la opinión sobre el control poblacional de la población del municipio de Niterói, RJ. Entre los 474 entrevistados, el 76,8% aceptó el control de la población de ratas, el 63,3% de palomas, el 40,5% de perros, el 33,8% de gatos, el 25,5% de murciélagos, el 16,5% de serpientes y el 14,1% de zarigüeyas. Las serpientes fueron los animales más asociados al miedo (59,1%) y al riesgo de agresión (47,7%), las palomas (89,2%) y los murciélagos al riesgo de enfermedad (57,4%), las ratas al asco/repulsión (56,6%), las zarigüeyas a la naturaleza (73,8%), los perros a la compañía (79,8%) y los gatos a la amistad (57,4%). El estudio demostró que las relaciones de los humanos con los animales pueden ser complejas, ambiguas y paradójicas, y aporta datos que podrían utilizarse para las políticas públicas de gestión de estas especies.(AU)

Animales , Simbiosis , Encuestas y Cuestionarios/estadística & datos numéricos , Animales Salvajes , Bioética , Regulación de la Población/estadística & datos numéricos
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219351


Background and Objective: The majority of aquatic ecosystems in the Democratic Republic of Congo are highly anthropized, which could negatively influence biodiversity. The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of environmental variables on fish distribution in the flooded swamp forest of the Lake Tumba micro-basin on the Mbandaka- Research Center in Ecology and Forestry of Mabali road. Study Area: This study took place in ponds, swamps, marigots and small streams in relation to Lake Tumba in the flooded forest zone of the Mbandaka-Mabali road axis in the territory of Bikoro, Equateur Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Methods: Fish were collected using different fishing techniques and gears. Physico-chemical parameters were sampled using a multi-parameter Combo pH probe of the brand Hanna pH/ORP/EC/DO N� HI 9828, dissolved oxygen was measured using the Brand Voltcraft DO-100 oximeter and depth was determined using a graduated board. Several ecological indices of fish communities were determined as well as Hierarchical Ascending and Principal Component Classification analyses. Results: Twenty-two fish species belonging to ten orders, thirteen families and fifteen genera were identified. The average values of the abiotic variables show that the waters of the study area are characterized by low values of physico-chemical parameters within the ranges compatible with the survival of the local fish fauna. The canonical correspondence analyses reveal that five environmental variables (temperature, depth, dissolved oxygen, sandy bottom and sandy-muddy or gravelly bottom) would explain the abundance and distribution of fourteen fish species in the Longonye site. In contrast, turbidity, conductivity, pH, muddy bottom, and bottom littered with plant debris influenced the abundance and distribution of eight fish species at the Hongo, Ilungu, Lotende and Membe sites. Scoop fishing, stump removal, and the use of ichthyotoxic plants were the main anthropogenic activities that could compromise the fish fauna in the study area. Conclusion and Outlook: Promoting sustainable local fishing methods would help preserve the fish fauna studied and limit the deterioration of fish habitats.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(3): e22963, July-Set. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409971


Resumen En este trabajo los mamíferos mayores que habitan en los bosques montanos del departamento de Huánuco son estudiados para determinar la diversidad de especies y el estado actual de sus poblaciones. Se realizaron censos por transecto lineal y entrevistas entre los años 2014 y 2015, en seis sitios de muestreo correspondientes a cinco provincias. De los censos y exploraciones nocturnas se obtuvieron 439 registros pertenecientes a 37 especies; de estas, 4 son endémicas de Perú y 9 se encuentran en alguna categoría de conservación de la Legislación peruana. Los órdenes más representativos correspondieron a los carnívoros y primates con 11 y 10 especies, respectivamente, mientras que los avistamientos más frecuentes fueron de Tremarctos ornatus (43 registros), Nasua nasua (34 registros) y Cuniculus paca (32 registros). Los Índices de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener y de Simpson indican a Miraflores como el sitio de muestreo con más alta diversidad (H'=3.11, 1-D=0.95). La principal amenaza para los mamíferos mayores y otros componentes de la fauna mayor es la deforestación; no obstante, la presencia de especies indicadoras de la comunidad primaria de fauna como Tremarctos ornatus, Lagothrix flavicauda y otros primates, nos indican que todavía existen fragmentos de bosque primario relativamente extensos, en particular entre los ríos Chontayacu y Crisnejas en la provincia de Marañón y entre los ríos Oso mayo y Blanco en la provincia de Puerto Inca, por lo que deben ser tomados en cuenta para su conservación.

Abstract In this work, the larger mammals that inhabit the montane forests of the department of Huánuco are studied to determine the diversity of species and the status of their populations. Linear transect censuses and interviews were conducted between 2014 and 2015 on six sampling sites corresponding to five provinces. 439 records belonging to 37 species were obtained from the censuses and nocturnal explorations. Of these species, 4 are endemic to Peru and 9 are in some conservation category of Peruvian legislation. The most representative orders corresponded to carnivores and primates with 11 and 10 species, respectively, while the most frequent sightings were of Tremarctos ornatus (43 records), Nasua nasua (34 records) and Cuniculus paca (32 records). The Shannon-Wiener and Simpson Diversity Indices indicate Miraflores as the sampling site with the highest diversity (H'=3.11, 1-D=0.95). The main threat to larger mammals and other components of the larger fauna is deforestation; however, the presence of indicator species of the primary fauna community such as Tremarctos ornatus, Lagothrix flavicauda and others primates, indicate that there are still relatively extensive fragments of primary forest, particularly between the Chontayacu and Crisnejas rivers in the province of Marañón and between the Oso mayo and Blanco rivers in the province of Puerto Inca, so they must be taken into account for their conservation.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(2): e20211194, Mar 31, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374524


Abstract: In this study, the relationship between fish assemblage structure and environmental factors was analyzed in a bay in southern Brazil. Fish were collected every two months between February and December 2002 at six sampling sites using bottom trawl nets. Abiotic data (salinity, temperature, rainfall, and depth) and biotic data (number of individuals, biomass, and total length of individuals from each species) were obtained. In total, 56 fish species representing 27 families were collected. Assemblage structure varied with seasonality, as was evidenced by the variation in temperature and rainfall in each season. Catches showed a high abundance of demersal fishes, particularly Genidens genidens, Eucinostomus gula, and E. argenteus.

Resumo: Neste estudo, a relação entre a estrutura da assembleia de peixes e fatores ambientais foi analisada em uma baía no sul do Brasil. Os peixes foram coletados a cada dois meses entre fevereiro e dezembro de 2002 em seis locais de amostragem usando redes de arrasto de fundo. Dados abióticos (salinidade, temperatura, precipitação e profundidade) e dados bióticos (número de indivíduos, biomassa e comprimento total de indivíduos de cada espécie) foram obtidos. No total, 56 espécies de peixes representando 27 famílias foram coletadas. A estrutura da assembleia variou com a sazonalidade, conforme evidenciado pela variação da temperatura e precipitação em cada estação. As capturas mostraram grande abundância de peixes demersais, principalmente Genidens genidens, Eucinostomus gula e E. argenteus.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(2): e20211282, Mar 31, 2022. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374528


Abstract: This paper covers the first record of window flies, Scenopinidae (Diptera), in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil: Scenopinus schulzi Enderlein, which is briefly characterized. This species was recorded in low numbers: three males and 13 female specimens. The occurrence of scenopinids in Fernando de Noronha is regarded as an extension of the Brazilian mainland continental fauna. The colonization of the archipelago is discussed.

Resumo: Este trabalho faz o primeiro registro de uma espécie de Scenopinidae no Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Brasil: Scenopinus schulzi Enderlein, brevemente caracterizada. Esta espécie foi registrada em baixa densidade: três machos e 13 fêmeas. A ocorrência de scenopinideos em Fernando de Noronha é atribuída à extensão territorial da fauna continental e sua colonização no arquipélago é discutida.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(4): e20221412, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420324


Abstract Until now no study has used a defaunation index to quantify the decline of Neotropical freshwater fishes in environments fragmented by dams and reservoirs. So, we applied this index to 143 native fish in five reservoirs in the Lower Paranapanema River, that is situated in one of the Brazilian aquatic environments most impacted by anthropic degradation. Fish species were classified according to their functional groups, which were selected according to the biological characteristics that may reflect in defaunation events. The biggest reservoir in area with more tributaries and forest cover showed lowest defaunation index. The functional groups of fishes more affected by defaunation included species characterized by periphytivores, invertivores and algivores, non-migratory habit, with external fertilization, and parental care. Although reservoirs have different characteristics, this method can be tested in any other hydrographic basin. The results suggested continued conservation efforts to preserve the integrity of tributaries and the native fishes in reservoirs and pointed out the importance of maintaining native vegetation cover and fish restocking programs in the reservoirs with the highest defaunation values. Our finding can be use as the first data source for future studies using this defaunation index.

Resumo Até o momento nenhum estudo utilizou um índice de defaunação para quantificar o declínio de peixes neotropicais de água doce em ambientes fragmentados por barragens e reservatórios. Dessa forma, testamos esse índice em 143 espécies nativas em cinco reservatórios do baixo rio Paranapanema, que está localizado em um dos ambientes aquáticos brasileiros mais impactados pela degradação antrópica. As espécies de peixes foram classificadas de acordo com seus grupos funcionais selecionados de acordo com as características biológicas que podem influenciar nos eventos de defaunação. O maior reservatório em área, com mais tributários e maior cobertura florestal apresentou menor índice de defaunação. Os grupos funcionais mais afetados pela defaunação incluíram espécies caracterizadas por hábito alimentar perifitívoro, invertívoro e algívoro, hábito não migratório, com fertilização externa e cuidado parental. Embora os reservatórios tenham características diferentes, esse método pode ser testado em qualquer outra bacia hidrográfica. Os resultados sugerem esforços contínuos para preservar a integridade dos tributários e dos peixes nativos nos reservatórios e apontam a importância de manter a cobertura vegetal nativa e programas de estocagem nos reservatórios com maiores valores de defaunação. Nossos dados podem ser utilizados como a primeira base de dados para futuros estudos que utilizem o índice de defaunação.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360804


ABSTRACT From October 1994 to September 1996, in the municipality of Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro State, phlebotomines were captured on the walls of the houses by means of a manual suction tube and light traps, in the household, the peridomicile and in the forest. As it is an area undergoing a real expansion and an increment in the local tourism, with the purpose of assessing changes in the phlebotomine fauna caused by environmental changes in the region, new captures were made in the same location from October 2015 to September 2016, this time using only light traps. In the two phases of the study, a total of 6,681 phlebotomines were captured. The results indicated that Ny. intermedia and Mg. migonei are fully adapted to this anthropic environment, while Pi. fischeri was more abundant and eclectic, and was probably attracted to exercise hematophagy. Nyssomyia intermedia can be suggested as the main vector of the etiological agent of the American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis in the studied areas. Pintomyia fischeri can also transmit Leishmania braziliensis, both in the environment altered by human action, and in the wild environment. Phlebotomines were captured in greater numbers between 6 and 8 pm in the peridomicile and between 9 and 11 pm in the household. The highest densities of phlebotomines were recorded in December, January and February. Despite almost 20 years between the two studies in the municipality of Mangaratiba, there was no change in the profile of the phlebotomine fauna in general; however, there was a greater density of species of medical importance in areas that suffered environmental impacts.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(3): e20211280, 2022. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383933


Abstract The process of exotic species introduction is recognized as one of the greatest threats to the ecology and economy of the planet, due to changes in interactions in native biological communities. In this sense, reporting bioinvasions is the first step to understanding its introduction process and creating strategies to mitigate possible socio-environmental damages. Here we report the first records of Podocnemis unifilis introduced in the Northern Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. We obtained the species' first records occasionally during 2014 and 2015. In the following years from 2016 to 2019, we carried out systematic observations through nautical incursions on the Paraguay River, between the Sepotuba River mouth and the Taiamã Ecological Station (TES). We also included third part records, when it was possible to prove the species identification and registration sites. Podocnemis unifilis adults, hatchling and nests were recorded at different points along the Paraguay River. Our results indicate that P. unifilis was introduced close to the urban nucleus of Cáceres about 30 years ago. Currently, it has an established population, recording nests and hatchling for years in a row. A particular one is its occurrence at the TES, an important natural fish nursery and refuge for the wetland fauna. Thus, continuous monitoring is suggested from P.unifilis, since the Pantanal's environment with several different aquatic environments, offers favorable conditions for the species population increase in the Northern Pantanal.

Resumo O processo de introdução de espécies exóticas é reconhecido como uma das maiores ameaças à ecologia e economia do planeta, devido às mudanças nas interações em comunidades biológicas nativas. Nesse sentido, relatar as bioinvasões é o primeiro passo para entender seu processo de implantação e criar estratégias para mitigar possíveis danos socioambientais. Aqui relatamos os primeiros registros de P. unifilis introduzidos no Pantanal Norte, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Obtivemos os primeiros registros das espécies ocasionalmente durante 2014 e 2015. Nos anos seguintes, de 2016 a 2019, realizamos observações sistemáticas por meio de incursões náuticas no rio Paraguai, entre a foz do rio Sepotuba e a Estação Ecológica Taiamã (TES). Incluímos também registros de terceiros, quando foi possível comprovar os locais de identificação e registro das espécies. Adultos de Podcnemis unifilis, filhotes e ninhos foram registrados em diferentes pontos ao longo do rio Paraguai. Nossos resultados indicam que P. unifilis foi introduzido próximo ao núcleo urbano de Cáceres há cerca de 30 anos. Atualmente, ela tem uma população estabelecida, registrando ninhos e filhotes por anos consecutivos. Uma em particular é a sua ocorrência no TES, importante viveiro natural de peixes e refúgio da fauna pantaneira. Assim, sugere-se o monitoramento contínuo de P.unifilis, uma vez que o ambiente do Pantanal com diversos ambientes aquáticos distintos, oferece condições favoráveis para o aumento da população da espécie no Pantanal Norte.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(3): e20221353, 2022. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383935


Abstract: The sweat bees from Fernando de Noronha Archipelago are presented and illustrated herein. The species recorded are Augochlora (Augochlora) laevipyga (Kirby, 1890), Augochlora (Augochlora) sp., new record, and Lasioglossum (Dialictus) atripyga (Kirby, 1890). The Kirby species are redescribed based on recently collected specimens, including the first illustration of the male terminalia. The unidentified species is also shortly characterized.

Resumo: Os halictídeos do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha são aqui apresentados e ilustrados. As espécies registradas são Augochlora (Augochlora) laevipyga (Kirby, 1890), Augochlora (Augochlora) sp., novo registro, e Lasioglossum (Dialictus) atripyga (Kirby, 1890). As espécies descritas por Kirby são redescritas com base em espécimes recentemente coletados, incluindo a primeira ilustração das terminálias dos machos. A espécie não identificada também é resumidamente caracterizada.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221407, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403631


Abstract: Despite their negative environmental impacts, human-modified environments such as agricultural and urban landscapes can have a relevant role on biodiversity conservation as complements of protected areas. Such anthropized landscapes may have endangered, valuable, and nuisance species, although most of them do not fit in any of these categories. Therefore, in such environments we must deal with the same decision-making process concerning the same possible interventions proposed by Caughley (1994) to wildlife management, which are related to biological conservation, sustainable use, control/coexistence, and monitoring. Such decision-making process should be based on good science and good governance. On such context, the first step should be to implement multifunctional landscapes, which keep their primary mission of human use, but incorporate a second but fundamental mission of biological conservation. In this study we present a summary of the research carried out at the Biota Program of Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) in this field since the late 1990's and propose priorities for biodiversity research and governance in multifunctional landscapes for the near future.

Resumo Apesar de seus impactos ambientais negativos, ambientes modificados pelo homem, como paisagens agrícolas e urbanas, podem ter um papel relevante na conservação da biodiversidade como complementos de áreas protegidas. Tais paisagens antropizadas podem ter espécies ameaçadas, valiosas e incômodas, embora a maioria delas não se enquadre em nenhuma dessas categorias. Portanto, em tais ambientes devemos lidar com o mesmo processo de tomada de decisão sobre as mesmas possíveis intervenções propostas por Caughley (1994) para o manejo da vida selvagem, que estão relacionadas à conservação biológica, uso sustentável, controle/coexistência e monitoramento. Esse processo de tomada de decisão deve ser baseado em boa ciência e boa governança. Neste contexto, o primeiro passo deverá ser a implementação de paisagens multifuncionais, que mantenham a sua missão primordial de uso humano, mas que incorporem uma segunda, mas fundamental missão de conservação biológica. Neste estudo apresentamos um resumo das pesquisas realizadas no Programa Biota da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) neste campo desde o final da década de 1990 e propomos prioridades para pesquisa e governança da biodiversidade em paisagens multifuncionais para o futuro próximo.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 28(spe): e21963, dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377186


Resumen La construcción de la carretera Iquitos-Saramiriza proyectada en el departamento de Loreto plantea amenazas sobre la fauna y flora de una zona altamente biodiversa y poco alterada. Aquí, resumimos dichas amenazas en tres puntos: 1) impactos probables, identificados a través de revisión de literatura, 2) estimación de la deforestación, realizada por comparación con otras carreteras amazónicas peruanas y 3) especies más probablemente impactadas. La lista de impactos probables incluyó fragmentación de hábitat, deterioro ambiental, atropellos, dispersión de patógenos, especies invasoras, deforestación, caminos no oficiales y cacería. Estos impactos podrían afectar a unas 3961 especies de plantas y 1595 de vertebrados. La deforestación, en el transcurso de las tres próximas décadas, podría llegar a ser entre 1128 y 3200 km², lo que equivale a más del 80% de la deforestación que ha sufrido Loreto en los últimos 20 años. La fragmentación podría afectar principalmente a unas 83 especies arborícolas y ampliarse hasta la totalidad de fauna y flora en áreas con mayor deforestación. Los atropellos impactarían principalmente a unas 287 especies de animales terrestres, mientras la cacería podría dirigirse hacia unas 31 especies principales. Para 14 especies de vertebrados, la carretera corta completamente su distribución conocida, pudiendo generar poblaciones con poco o nulo intercambio genético. En base a los posibles impactos proyectados, proponemos acciones de mitigación, incluyendo el remplazo de un tramo por transporte fluvial, creación de áreas de protección estricta, instalación de pasos de fauna y la consideración de impactos indirectos en el EIA correspondiente y en otros instrumentos ambientales.

Abstract La construcción de la carretera Iquitos-Saramiriza proyectada en el departamento de Loreto plantea amenazas sobre la fauna y flora de una zona altamente biodiversa y poco alterada. Aquí, resumimos dichas amenazas en tres puntos: 1) impactos probables, identificados a través de revisión de literatura, 2) estimación de la deforestación, realizada por comparación con otras carreteras amazónicas peruanas y 3) especies más probablemente impactadas. La lista de impactos probables incluyó fragmentación de hábitat, deterioro ambiental, atropellos, dispersión de patógenos, especies invasoras, deforestación, caminos no oficiales y cacería. Estos impactos podrían afectar a unas 3961 especies de plantas y 1595 de vertebrados. La deforestación, en el transcurso de las tres próximas décadas, podría llegar a ser entre 1128 y 3200 km², lo que equivale a más del 80% de la deforestación que ha sufrido Loreto en los últimos 20 años. La fragmentación podría afectar principalmente a unas 83 especies arborícolas y ampliarse hasta la totalidad de fauna y flora en áreas con mayor deforestación. Los atropellos impactarían principalmente a unas 287 especies de animales terrestres, mientras la cacería podría dirigirse hacia unas 31 especies principales. Para 14 especies de vertebrados, la carretera corta completamente su distribución conocida, pudiendo generar poblaciones con poco o nulo intercambio genético. En base a los posibles impactos proyectados, proponemos acciones de mitigación, incluyendo el remplazo de un tramo por transporte fluvial, creación de áreas de protección estricta, instalación de pasos de fauna y la consideración de impactos indirectos en el EIA correspondiente y en otros instrumentos ambientales.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(3): 335-344, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360028


ABSTRACT Shrimp trawling directly impacts target species and non-target species, altering micro-habitats and marine trophic webs. Thus, the objective of the present research was to analyze the feeding habits of Paralonchurus brasiliensis as a tool to evaluate the impact of trawling on the food chains in marine environments, in the South Atlantic of Brazil. One thousand and nineteen stomachs of P. brasiliensis were dissected after being captured as bycatch of shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, in Penha, on the north central coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The number of stomachs was enough to describe the feeding habits of P. brasiliensis, characterizing it as a carnivorous species and predominantly invertivorous. They also revealed that this species has a diversified and constant diet, with greater consumption of polychaetes, crustaceans, and ofiuroides, among other components of the macrobentos, all closely related to the sediment. It was also found that the target species X. kroyeri is not an important prey in the diet of P. brasiliensis, despite occupying the same habitat. According to the present study, P. brasiliensis can be characterized as a demersal-benthic species, predator, opportunistic and broad trophic spectrum. This work contributes to the understanding of trophic chains of the coastal ecosystems, using the P. brasiliensis as a model.

RESUMEN La pesca de arrastre de camarón afecta directamente a la especie de interes y a otras que no lo son, pero tambien quedan atrapadas, alterando los micro-hábitats y las vías tróficas marinas. Así, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los hábitos alimentarios de Paralonchurus brasiliensis, como herramienta para evaluar el impacto de la pesca de arrastre sobre las cadenas alimentarias en ambientes marinos, en el Atlántico sur de Brasil. Se disecaron 1219 estómagos de P. brasiliensis capturados con "bycatch" del camarón Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, en Penha, litoral centro-norte de Santa Catarina, Brasil. El número de estómagos fue suficiente para la descripción de los hábitos alimentarios de P. brasiliensis, caracterizándola como una especie carnívora, predominantemente invertívora. Los resultados revelaron además que esta especie posee una dieta diversificada y constante, con mayor consumo de poliquetas, crustáceos y ofiuroides, entre otros componentes del macrobentos, todos íntimamente relacionados al sedimento. Se constató también que la especie de interes X. kroyeri no es una presa importante en la dieta de P. brasiliensis, a pesar de ocupar el mismo hábitat. De acuerdo con el presente estudio, P. brasiliensis puede ser caracterizada como una especie demersal bentónica, predadora, oportunista y de amplio espectro trófico. Este trabajo contribuye a la comprensión de las cadenas tróficas de los ecosistemas costeros, utilizando el caso de P. brasiliensis como modelo.