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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016494


Objective @#To investigate the fertility level of registered population in Baoshan District, Shanghai Municipality and the incidence of adverse birth outcomes of live births from 2013 to 2022, so as to provide the evidence for improving maternal and child health care strategies. @*Methods@#The data pertaining to live births registered in Baoshan District from 2013 to 2022 were collected through the Shanghai Birth Medical Information System, including the basic information of live births and maternal fertility. The indicators such as fertility level, parity, birth age and incidence of adverse birth outcomes of live births were descriptively analyzed. The trend of crude birth rate and total fertility rate was analyzed by annual percent change (APC). @*Results@#A total of 56 719 live births were registered in Baoshan District from 2013 to 2022. The crude birth rate was 6.54‰, the total fertility rate was 31.78‰, and the sex ratio at birth was 105.61. The crude birth rate showed a downward trend from 2016 to 2022 (APC=-11.054%, P<0.05), and the total fertility rate showed a downward trend from 2017 to 2022 (APC=-10.377%, P<0.05). The proportion of second parity and above showed an increasing trend from 2013 to 2017 (P<0.05) and a decreasing trend from 2017 to 2022 (P<0.05). The maternal childbearing age showed an increasing trend from 2013 to 2022 (P<0.05), the incidence of premature infants and low birth weight infants showed an increasing trend (both P<0.05). The incidence of premature infants and low birth weight infants increased with the rising childbearing age (both P<0.05). @*Conclusions@#The fertility level in Baoshan District was relatively low from 2013 to 2022. The proportion of second parity and above showed an upward trend followed by a downward trend. The incidence of premature infants and low birth weight infants increased with the rising childbearing age.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 98-104, jun 22, 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443784


Introdução: padrões sexuais e reprodutivos são influenciados por fatores biopsicossociais. Dentre esses fatores, há a vulnerabilidade, conceito amplo, complexo e que determina maior atenção das políticas públicas. Objetivo: conhecer o perfil reprodutivo das mulheres que residem em uma área de alta vulnerabilidade na cidade de Curitiba-PR. Metodologia: descritivo, documental de caráter analítico observacional transversal. Coleta e análise de dados das Declarações de Nascidos Vivos (DNV) na Unidade de Saúde do Capanema e análise de dados públicos fornecidos pelo IBGE. Resultados: foram analisados 1199 DNVs, sendo 1011 mulheres com idades entre 13 e 49 anos, compreendidos entre os anos de 2003 a 2018. Foi possível a análise da Taxa de Fecundidade Total (TFT), via de parto, estado civil e escolaridade das parturientes. Discussão: a menor TFT foi apresentada na faixa etária de 13 a 15 anos (1,05 filhos/mulher) e a maior entre 36 a 49 anos (4,47 filhos/mulher). A via de parto vaginal correspondeu a 64% dos partos, enquanto que a via cirúrgica por cesárea aconteceu em 36% dos casos. Em relação à escolaridade, 3% apresentaram-se como analfabetas; 48% possuíam nível fundamental; 40% nível médio completo e 9% possuíam nível superior completo ou incompleto. Houve 0,5% de omissão da que escolaridade no momento do preenchimento dos dados. Os dados coletados sobre o estado civil foram considerados inconclusivos. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a Taxa de Fecundidade da população estudada está acima da Taxa de Fecundidade Total projetada para 2015 no Brasil nas faixas etárias acima de 19 anos e da taxa de fecundidade ideal para que haja uma reposição da população segundo o DATASUS (2021). Tais dados podem estar relacionados com a vulnerabilidade da comunidade em questão, corroborando com estudos que relatam maiores taxas de fecundidade relacionada a menor renda e menor escolaridade.

Introduction: sexual and reproductive patterns are influenced by biopsychosocial factors. Among these factors, there is vulnerability, a broad and complex concept that requires greater attention from public policies. Objective: to know the reproductive profile of women who live in an area of high vulnerability in the city of Curitiba-PR. Methodology: descriptive, documental, cross-sectional observational analysis. Collection and analysis of data from the Birth Certificates (BC) at the Capanema Health Unit and analysis of public data provided by the IBGE. Results: 1199 BCs were analysed, with 1011 women aged between 13 and 49 years old, between the years 2003 and 2018. It was possible to analyse the Total Fertility Rate (TFR), mode of delivery, marital status and level of education of the parturients. Discussion: the lowest TFR was observed in the age group from 13 to 15 years old (1.05 children/woman) and the highest between 36 to 49 years old (4.47 children/woman). Vaginal delivery corresponded to 64% of deliveries, while surgical caesarean section occurred in 36% of cases. Regarding schooling, 3% were illiterate; 48% had a fundamental level; 40% completed high school and 9% had completed or incomplete higher education. There was 0.5% omission of schooling attainment at the time of filling in the data. Data collected on marital status were considered inconclusive. Conclusion: it is concluded that the Fertility Rate of the studied population is above the Total Fertility Rate projected for 2015 in Brazil in the age groups above 19 years and the ideal fertility rate so that there is a replacement of the population according to DATASUS (2021). Such data may be related to the vulnerability of the community in question, corroborating with studies that report higher fertility rates related to lower income and lower education.

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Conducta Reproductiva , Índice de Fecundidad , Vulnerabilidad Social , Métodos de Análisis de Laboratorio y de Campo , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Análisis de Documentos
Poblac. salud mesoam ; 20(1)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448829


El trabajo busca modelar el efecto de diferentes patrones de composición de hogares sobre los niveles observados de fecundidad en los municipios de México al año 2020, se trata de una investigación de tipo cuantitativo de cohorte transversal basada en la aplicación de métodos bayesianos espaciales. La hipótesis sostiene que la presencia de un mayor porcentaje de hogares familiares debería impactar en mayores tasas de fecundidad municipales. La metodología comprende la implementación de dos modelos gaussianos latentes. Un modelo nulo busca determinar si los patrones observados de fecundidad se asocian a algún mecanismo sociodemográfico o, al contrario, surgieron aleatoriamente, y otro modelo con covariables, cuyo objetivo es replicar el comportamiento de la fecundidad evaluando las consecuencias de la proporción de hogares nucleares, ampliados y compuestos presentes en los municipios. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la estimación del modelo nulo confirmaron la existencia de una relación directa entre el aumento del índice de hogares nucleares y ampliados y el de la fecundidad municipal. Sin embargo, se puede concluir que el nivel alcanzado de fecundidad de reemplazo es producto de marcadas diferencias entre municipios, originadas por la presencia de una tipología heterogénea de hogares inmersos en contextos geográficos, sociales y culturales dispares.

This paper seeks to model the effect that different patterns of household composition have on the observed levels of fertility in the municipalities of Mexico in the year 2020; it is a quantitative cross-sectional cohort research based on the application of spatial Bayesian methods. The hypothesis is that the presence of a higher percentage of family households should have an impact on higher municipal fertility rates. The methodology involves the implementation of two latent Gaussian models. One null model, which seeks to determine whether the observed fertility patterns were generated by some socio-demographic mechanism or, on the contrary, arose randomly, and two, a model with covariates whose objective is to replicate the behavior of fertility by evaluating the effect of the proportion of nuclear, extended and compound households present in municipalities. The results obtained from estimation of null model confirm the existence of a direct relationship between increase in the proportion of nuclear and extended households and the increase of municipal fertility. However, it can be concluded that the level of replacement fertility reached by Mexico in the year 2020 is the product of marked differences between municipalities; differences originated by the presence of a heterogeneous typology of households immersed in disparate geographic, social and cultural contexts.

Poblac. salud mesoam ; 18(2)jun. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386912


Resumen El estudio que da lugar al presente artículo surge a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el marco de un convenio de colaboración firmado por la Dirección General de Estadística de la Municipalidad de Rosario y la Escuela de Estadística de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Entre sus objetivos, se plantea el de obtener pronósticos probabilísticos de la fecundidad para la Ciudad de Rosario. Para ello, con base en estadísticas vitales, estimaciones y proyecciones de población se construyen escenarios probables, pasados y futuros, tanto para la tasa global de fecundidad como para las tasas específicas de fecundidad. Los resultados de este estudio, basados en la aplicación de modelos probabilísticos de pronóstico, permiten conocer estructuras y tendencias, pasadas y futuras de la fecundidad, de modo que puedan generarse diagnósticos que sean de utilidad para la evaluación y gestión del sistema de salud o bien para el desarrollo de nuevas políticas públicas. Los resultados indican que Rosario tuvo, tiene y seguirá teniendo un cambio en los patrones de fecundidad más rápido y marcado que el promedio nacional. Si bien este hecho es esperable, en un contexto signado por los avances en la salud pública, que permiten acceder a más y mejor atención en salud reproductiva, la metodología aquí empleada se basa únicamente en la extrapolación de las tendencias, por ello la retroproyección debe ser analizada cuidadosamente. Con posterioridad, en la sección metodológica, se presentan los modelos probabilísticos de pronóstico que se emplean para la obtención de resultados.

Abstract The study that gives rise to this article arises from the results obtained in the framework of a collaboration agreement signed by the Statistical Office of Rosario City and the School of Statistics of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Statistics (National University of Rosario). Among its objectives is to obtain probabilistic fertility forecasts for Rosario City. For this, based on vital statistics, estimates and population projections, probable scenarios, past and future, are constructed, both for the global fertility rate and the specific fertility rates. The results of this study, based on the application of probabilistic prognostic models, allow to know structures and trends, past and future, of fertility, so that diagnoses can be generated that are useful for the evaluation and management of the health system or good for the development of new public policies. The results indicate that Rosario had, has and will continue to have a change in fertility patterns faster and more marked than the national average. Although this fact is to be expected in a context marked by advances in public health (which allow access to more and better reproductive health care), the methodology used here is based solely on the extrapolation of trends, therefore, the backprojection must be carefully analyzed.

Humanos , Modelos Estadísticos , Índice de Fecundidad , Fertilidad , Argentina
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204565


Background: Overpopulation is a major problem in 21st century India. 2012 census shows birth rate of 20.97/1000 people and death rate of 7.48/1000 people. Fertility rate in 2019 was 2.28 children per women. Many states implemented 2 child norms. Purpose of study is to understand the number of children preferred.Methods: A Cross sectional study was done amongst 200 primigravida women who attended antenatal clinic at SMC, Shimoga. A predesigned and pretested standard Questionnaire was used to know the number of children preferred, KAP about birth spacing, contraceptive use and unsafe abortions using objective questions.Results: Most women preferred 2 child norms across most subclasses. Most Muslims (85.7%) preferred ?3 children. Though 100% were aware of family planning, only 46% chose to space their next pregnancy. 56.5% were in support of 2-child norm. Family pressure plays crucial role in 83.5% cases and 65.5% still opted sterilization as the first choice for contraception.Conclusions: India with high population density is staring at demographic disaster due to limited life resources. Right attitude towards birth spacing, contraceptive use, avoidance unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions is needed. Better female literacy, societal awareness and good medical facility at last mile is crucial. Male partner's involvement in every step is vital.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202116


Background: Reduction of national fertility levels was directly proportional to the preference of male child in many families in India. We conducted this study on 214 married adults, in both sexes to find out whether this strong preference still exists in this decade or not, and if it does what could be the reasons.Methods: A community based cross-sectional study done by face to face interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire containing both qualitative and quantitative variables, among 214 married adults.Results: Upon analysing the results, we identified that higher son preference (61.23%) is seen in many rural families, and is strongly associated with low socio-economic status, literacy rate and caste. The reasons by which these families prefer male child were also broadly categorized and identified. Economic utility (78%) and old age security (61%) was found to be the major reasons most families has quoted in preferring a son.Conclusions: By improving the literacy rate and job opportunities in the community, fertility rate can be reduced, especially in rural areas where the other options are limited.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 18(4): 1041-1050, Abr. 2013. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-674777


Estudo quantitativo, descritivo que teve como objetivo conhecer e caracterizar as condições sociodemográficas, reprodutivas e de proteção social de mulheres que vivenciam alta fecundidade, em um grande centro urbano. A população pesquisada constituiu-se de 441 mulheres residentes em Curitiba que tiveram o quinto filho, ou mais, no ano de 2005, identificadas pela declaração de nascido vivo do último filho. Realizaram-se visitas domiciliares para entrevistas nos anos de 2006 a 2008. Para a coleta dos dados foi utilizado um questionário semiestruturado. Os resultados foram apresentados em tabelas com frequências absolutas e relativas, médias e desvio padrão, permitindo delinear o seguinte perfil: mulher migrante do interior do estado, residente há mais de dez anos na capital, vinda de família numerosa, com 35 anos em média e cinco anos de estudo, com mais de uma união, vivendo em união consensual, subempregada, com renda média aproximada de R$ 600,00, responsável por sete dependentes ou mais. Confirmando claramente a vulnerabilidade dessas mulheres e suas famílias. Conclui-se que a busca ativa de mulheres com alta fecundidade pelas equipes de saúde da família, priorizando suas necessidades, contribuiria para a redução das desigualdades sociais e em saúde a que elas estão sujeitas.

A quantitative, descriptive study sought to identify the socio-demographic, reproductive and social protection conditions of women in a large city in Brazil. The target population consisted of women living in Curitiba with the last of five or more children born in the year 2005, identified by the registration system of newborn babies. Interviews in households were carried out with 441 women from 2006 to 2008 using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data obtained from the study were presented in tables with absolute and relative frequencies, averages and standard deviations. The following profile was derived from the results: migrant women from the state interior, living for over ten years in the capital, coming from large families, with a mean age of 35 years and five years of schooling, with more than one marriage, living in consensual union, underemployed, with an average income of around US$ 352 to cover the needs of seven or more dependents. This profile clearly confirms the social vulnerability of these women and their families. The study concludes that a proactive search by family health teams for women with high fertility, in order to prioritize their needs, would assist in reducing their social and health inequalities.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Tasa de Natalidad , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Política Pública , Factores Socioeconómicos , Población Urbana
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 601-603, 2013.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-318342


Objective To analyze the fertility rate and to estimate the future population size of Shaanxi province,based on data from the sixth national population census.Methods Fertility rate curve was used to analyze the fertility model and the abbreviated life table.The actual fertility rate was used as the main way to predict the future population size.General fertility rate was analyzed by factor analysis approach.Results The total fertility rate of Shaanxi province was 1.05 in 2010 while age-specific fertility rate contributed 101.27% to the general fertility rate.The expected population sizes would be 38 122 474 in 2015,38 432 931 in 2020 and 38 121 904 in 2025 respectively.Conclusion Birthrate would become lower and the population size appearing a negative increase in the year 2020,in Shaanxi province.

Neonatal Medicine ; : 402-412, 2013.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-17211


PURPOSE: Of numerous health status indicators, those of neonate and peripartum encompass nation's maternal, birth, neonatal and infantile health level. The goal of this study was to investigate the changes during the past 50 years of neonatal and perinatal indicators in Korea. METHODS: We analyzed the changes of population, number of live births per year, crude birth rate (CBR), total fertility rate (TFR), incidence of low birth weight infant (LBWI) and preterm infants, neonatal mortality rate (NMR), infant mortality rate (IMR), perinatal mortality rate (PMR), and maternal mortality ratio (MMR) of Korea, and especially compared those indicators of Korea with those of other OECD nations during the past 50 years. RESULTS: Korea has accomplished a marked improvement in the above indicators during the past 50 years. The average index of OECD and Korean rank among 34 OECD nations in the above health indicators in 2010 are as follows: population 49,410,370 (36,285,235, 9th), CBR 9.4 (12.1, 4th), TFR 1.23 (1.75, 1st), LBWI incidence 5.0 (6.8, 6th), NMR 1.8 (2.9, 8th), IMR 3.2 (4.3, 10th), PMR 3.3 (6.0, 4th), MMR 15.7 (8.7, 29th). CONCLUSION: Birth rate of Korea was very low among OECD nations with relatively low LBWI incidence. It is inspiring that NR, IMR, and PMR were lower than the average. However, MMR was very higher than the average of OECD. The present review provides the neonatal and perinatal health indicators in Korea and it might be helpful to improve clinical practice and outcome in the future.

Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Tasa de Natalidad , Epidemiología , Estado de Salud , Indicadores de Salud , Incidencia , Mortalidad Infantil , Recién Nacido de Bajo Peso , Recien Nacido Prematuro , Corea (Geográfico) , Nacimiento Vivo , Mortalidad Materna , Mortalidad , Parto , Mortalidad Perinatal , Periodo Periparto , República de Corea , Estadísticas Vitales
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-139027


Although Korean population has been growing steadily during the past four decades, the nation is rapidly becoming an aging society because of its declining birth rate combined with an increasing life expectancy. In addition, Korea has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world due to fewer married couples, advanced maternal age, and falling birth rate. The prevalence of low birth weight infants and multiple births has been increased compared with the decrease in the birth rate. Moreover, the number of congenital anomalies is expected to increase due to the advanced maternal age. In addition, the number of interracial children is expected to increase due to the rise in the number of international marriages. However, the maternal education level is high, single-mother birth rate is low, and the gender imbalance has lessened. The number of overweight babies has been decreased, as more pregnant women are receiving adequate prenatal care. Compared to the Asian average birth weight, the average birth weight is the highest in Asia. Moreover, the rate of low birth weight infants is low, and infant mortality is similarly low across Asia. Using birth data from Statistics Korea and studies of birth outcomes in Korea and abroad, this study aimed to assess the changes in maternal and infant characteristics associated with birth outcomes during the past four decades and identify necessary information infrastructures to study countermeasures the decrease in birth rate and increase in low birth weight infants in Korea.

Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Envejecimiento , Asia , Pueblo Asiatico , Tasa de Natalidad , Peso al Nacer , Composición Familiar , Mortalidad Infantil , Recién Nacido de Bajo Peso , Corea (Geográfico) , Esperanza de Vida , Nacimiento Vivo , Matrimonio , Edad Materna , Progenie de Nacimiento Múltiple , Sobrepeso , Parto , Mujeres Embarazadas , Atención Prenatal , Prevalencia
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-139030


Although Korean population has been growing steadily during the past four decades, the nation is rapidly becoming an aging society because of its declining birth rate combined with an increasing life expectancy. In addition, Korea has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world due to fewer married couples, advanced maternal age, and falling birth rate. The prevalence of low birth weight infants and multiple births has been increased compared with the decrease in the birth rate. Moreover, the number of congenital anomalies is expected to increase due to the advanced maternal age. In addition, the number of interracial children is expected to increase due to the rise in the number of international marriages. However, the maternal education level is high, single-mother birth rate is low, and the gender imbalance has lessened. The number of overweight babies has been decreased, as more pregnant women are receiving adequate prenatal care. Compared to the Asian average birth weight, the average birth weight is the highest in Asia. Moreover, the rate of low birth weight infants is low, and infant mortality is similarly low across Asia. Using birth data from Statistics Korea and studies of birth outcomes in Korea and abroad, this study aimed to assess the changes in maternal and infant characteristics associated with birth outcomes during the past four decades and identify necessary information infrastructures to study countermeasures the decrease in birth rate and increase in low birth weight infants in Korea.

Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Envejecimiento , Asia , Pueblo Asiatico , Tasa de Natalidad , Peso al Nacer , Composición Familiar , Mortalidad Infantil , Recién Nacido de Bajo Peso , Corea (Geográfico) , Esperanza de Vida , Nacimiento Vivo , Matrimonio , Edad Materna , Progenie de Nacimiento Múltiple , Sobrepeso , Parto , Mujeres Embarazadas , Atención Prenatal , Prevalencia
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-186415


OBJECTIVE: Malnutrition and nutritional disorder may cause problem of fertility and therefore adequate nutrition is very important during pregnancy. In this study, we investigated effects of supplemental diet contained folic acid, zinc, calcium, Iron, DHA and taurine on fertility outcome in the female rats and learning ability of their offsprings. METHODS: The female rats at 4 week were fed by two group divided control (AIN-76 diet) and supplement diet. The male rats were taken pellet type diet. After 3 weeks, female rats and male rats were mated. Then, at 3 weeks after mating, parturition was begun. After paturition, sex and birth weight of offsprings were examined for their offsprings. When the offsprings were 3 weeks of age, position reversional test in a water maze was done for 4 weeks. After female rats were fed experimental diet for 4 weeks, their follicle, corpus luteum, corpus albicans, progesterone, estradiol and ovary weight were measured. RESULTS: 22 rats of 30 in supplemental diet group succeeded on parturition, and 11 rats of 30 in control group succeeded. Pregnancy outcome was fine in both group. There was no significant difference in weight of major bowels and femur length of their offspring. The position reversional test of offsprings in a water maze showed a significant difference between control group and supplement group. Elapsed time and errorneous response to reach the escape platform were significantly lowered in supplemental group than control group. CONCLUSION: This result suggest that supplementation contained folic acid, multivitamins, DHA and taurine may increase fertility rate in the maternal rats and also learning ability in offsprings.

Animales , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Embarazo , Ratas , Tasa de Natalidad , Peso al Nacer , Calcio , Cuerpo Lúteo , Dieta , Estradiol , Fémur , Fertilidad , Ácido Fólico , Hierro , Aprendizaje , Desnutrición , Trastornos Nutricionales , Ovario , Parto , Resultado del Embarazo , Progesterona , Taurina , Naciones Unidas , Zinc