Aim: Remote controlled paddy intercultural equipment was evaluated under sandy, sandy loam and loamy soils in terms of fuel consumption (l/h), field capacity (ha/h) and field efficiency (%).Study Design: Field evaluation of robotic paddy weeder.Place and Duration of Study: Dr NTR College of Agricultural Engineering, Bapatla. Duration of study was from August, 2023 to September, 2023.Methodology: The performance evaluation of weeder was conducted at rotary weeder rotational speed of 160rpm and weeding depth of 50mm in terms of the observations on fuel consumption, field capacity and field efficiency. Weeding operation was carried on 20th day and 40th day after transplanting. Each field test was conducted over a run length of 50m at constant speed and depth in different soils were recorded for all the parameters and each test was replicated thrice to eliminate experimental bias.Results & Discussion: The highest fuel consumption was observed as 2.2l/h when weeder was operated in loamy soil on 40 days after transplanting and the lowest was 1.2 l/h when the weeder was operated in sandy soils on 20 days after transplanting. The highest field capacity was observed as 0.098ha/h when weeder was operated in sandy soil on 20 days after transplanting and the lowest was 0.076ha/h when the weeder was operated in loamy soils on 40 days after transplanting. The highest field efficiency was observed as 81.66% when weeder was operated in sandy soil on 20 days after transplanting and the lowest was 63.33% when the weeder was operated in loamy soils on 40 days after transplanting.Conclusion: The performance of remote operated paddy weeder is best when operated on 20 days after transplanting when compared with 40 days after transplanting for increasing the productivity.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de campo e de tempo na operação de colheita mecanizada em lavouras de arroz irrigado, localizadas na região da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul. Na safra 2008/2009, foram avaliadas propriedades que utilizaram lavouras sistematizadas com nivelamento da superfície do solo em nível e com nivelamento da superfície do solo em desnível. Durante as operações, foram coletados os dados para o cálculo das eficiências de campo e de tempo, através de caderneta de campo, cronômetro, e com auxílio de um aparelho receptor de sinal de GPS (Global Positioning System). Não houve diferença significativa, em nível de 5% de probabilidade de erro, entre as duas modalidades de sistematização para as eficiências estudadas. Para eficiência de campo, encontrou-se um valor médio de 65,2% e, para a eficiência de tempo, 75,7%. O tempo de descarga foi o fator que teve maior correlação negativa com a eficiência de tempo, e os fatores tempo de deslocamento e deslocamento médio foram os que tiveram maior correlação negativa com a eficiência de campo. Realizar as descargas com a colhedora em operação e evitar efetuar manobras nos vértices das lavouras, quando possível, mesmo que se perca em eficiência da barra de corte, podem otimizar a eficiência de campo.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the time efficiency and the field efficiency of the harvesting operation in rice fields, located in the region of Depressão Central of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In the summer of 2008/2009, 19 operations were evaluated, being fifteen fields of them with land level and four without land level. The operation data were collected through the use of stopwatch, a clip board to record observations and with a signal receiver of GPS (Global Positioning System). There was no significant difference in the 5% level of probability of error between operations with land level and operations without land level. The field efficiency was calculated through the methodology used by GRISSO et al. (2002), and have been found the average of 65.2%, the time efficiency was determinate based on the concept of Hunt (2001), which have determined an average of 75.7%. Unload making combining with operation increase the field efficiency.