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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;42: e51495, fev. 2020. map, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460932


The present study describes the length/weight ratio (LWR) of 20 fish species caught in an intertidal area of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, southern Brazil. Fish were caught with three beach seine nets, with 2m high, 70m long and distance between knots of 2.5; 4 and 5cm. A total of 880 individuals of 21 species belonging to 11 families were captured, ranging from 5 to 75.5cm in total length. All species analyzed are widely distributed throughout the Southwestern Atlantic. Positive allometric growth (b > 3) was predominant, occurring in 60% species, 35% presented negative allometry (b < 3) and only 5% had isometric growth (b = 3). Many factors could be influencing the distinct growth patterns observed between the literature and the present study, such as the environmental influences, the reduced number of specimens, the sampling methods, the sampling periods and the estimation of the LWR with grouped sexes.

Animales , Peces/anatomía & histología , Peces/crecimiento & desarrollo , Peso Corporal , Muestreo
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;42: e51310, fev. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460950


This study reports the length‐weight relationships (LWRs) for 8 fish species that inhabit mangroves. Many fisheries depend on mangroves, which serve as nursery and feeding areas for the juvenile stage of fishes, shrimp, and other fishery resources. In this sense, mangroves provide many ecosystem services, therefore increasing the basic biological knowledge of these ecosystems can help to understand their functioning and create conservation strategies. The majority of LWR studies do not consider juveniles, and it is important to consider these differences as juveniles can grow differently from adults. The fishes were collected from Perequê mangrove, Paraná, Brazil between 2008 and 2010. A variety of fishery gears were employed, including trammel nets, fyke nets, and traps made with plastic bottles combined with four baits. The specimens were measured (weight and length), sexed and evaluated for maturational stage. For the adults, the LWRs were calculated separately by the sex, while juvenile LWRs were estimated together. In general, there were differences in growth type between sexes and life stages. Some species showed differences compared to FishBase estimations, but this could be due to the lengths (and life stage) of the individuals used in the present study compared to FishBase. The discrepancies between adult, juvenile and FishBase estimations showed the importance of considering these aspects in studies using LWR.

Animales , Peces/anatomía & histología , Peso Corporal
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189563


The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) asked the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet) to assess if the criteria for safe use of plant ingredients in diets for aquacultured fish fulfil the Feed regulative §7 to “not induce negative health effects in the animal”, and in this context aquacultured fish. The use of feed ingredients of both plant and animal origin is set by the regulation “Forskrift 7. November 2002 nr 1290”, and amendments. The objective of the regulation is to protect animals, consumers and the environment. For animals, the feed shall not pose a risk, or danger, to their health. Aspects to be assessed were whether the changes in fish diet ingredient composition seen in recent years with high levels of plant ingredients, plus additions of immunostimulants, would in any manner challenge fish health and if any ingredient should be limited due to its negative effect, or induce any long-term negative effect. “Long-term” here extends beyond normal production time for consumption, e.g. when substances that might affect fish health are included in broodstock diets. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), rainbow trout (Onchorhyncus mykiss), Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) should especially be addressed. However, since all life stages should be included, especially broodstock, and also possible long-term effects, and literature on these for the requested species is scarce, the assessment mentions studies on other species when relevant. With the exception of full-fat and extracted soybean meal for salmonids, substituting at least part of the fishmeal fraction of aquafeeds with individual plant ingredients is promising, at least in the short to medium term. Indeed in some cases, diets containing up to 20% inclusion level of high-quality plant protein sources have resulted in better nutrient digestibility and growth parameters than the fishmeal-based control diets. When substituting fishmeal with plant ingredients, however, it is necessary to balance the diets regarding limiting amino acids and minerals. Adding plant proteins to fish diets result in the introduction of anti-nutritional factors. There is an urgent need to investigate consequences of various anti-nutritional factors, individually and in combinations, to nutrient digestibility, utilization and metabolism as well as to intestinal function, structure, defence mechanisms and microbiota. Long-term effects also merit investigation. This will aid in the ability to predict how a newly introduced plant ingredient as well as combinations of plant ingredients may affect the fish and identify steps needed to avoid adverse health effects. As many of the potential disadvantages of using plant oils in salmonid diets are related to either very high levels of n-6 PUFA (most available oils) or very high levels of linseed oil, it would be recommended that mixtures of plant oils should be used as feed inclusions. By adjusting the ratio of n-6 and n-3 the level of eicosanoids can be controlled. By including palm oil, potential problems in lipid digestibility and transport can be controlled. A standard inclusion of soybean lecithin may also be advisory. These and other variants of mixtures of oil sources have been explored in recent years with some success in salmonid fish. Such mixtures do not seem to be necessary for marine fish. Modern finfish aquaculture faces problems such as bone and skeletal deformities, cataracts, heart disorders, unspecific ulceration and various digestive disorders including intestinal colic in Atlantic cod, gastric dilatation (bloat) in rainbow trout, and intestinal tumours, at low incidence, in Atlantic salmon broodstock. Most of the mentioned problems have been related to malnutrition, feed, intensive growth and/or unfavourable environmental conditions. The disorders are often not lethal, but may imply a fish welfare problem and increase the susceptibility to secondary disorders and infectious diseases. Major changes in feed composition and feed ingredients may increase the risk for such production-related disorders in intensive fish farming. Care should be taken when choosing plant alternatives, both types and qualities, to prevent nutrition-related diseases such as skeletal deformities, cataracts, heart conditions, and other, unspecific symptoms. The change from marine- to plant-based diet ingredients, results in changed profile and content of undesirable substances. The list of undesirable substances included in the feed legislation is, in general, sufficient, but it should be considered to include pesticides in use today and more of the mycotoxins. Currently only aflatoxin B1 is included, while only recommendations exist for other mycotoxins. Studies of dietary exposure to undesirable substances, e.g. pesticides and mycotoxins, and their toxic effects and toxicokinetics in fish are scarce. To date, the application of pre- and probiotics for the improvement of aquatic environmental quality and for disease control in aquaculture seems promising; however, the information is limited and sometimes contradictory. Currently there are numerous gaps in existing knowledge about exogenous nucleotide application to fish including various aspects of digestion, absorption, metabolism, and influences on various physiological responses, especially expression of immunogenes and modulation of immunoglobulin production. As limited information is available about the effect of immunostimulants, prebiotics and nucleotides on gut morphology, this topic should be given high priority in future studies. Heat processing of raw materials and of the complete fish diets may potentially alter nutritional properties of plant materials. However, the negative effects appear to be modest under practical conditions.

Ciênc. rural ; Ciênc. rural (Online);46(6): 1094-1099, June 2016. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-779836


ABSTRACT: Humic substances are organic compounds that possess high molecular weight and are formed by the decomposition of plant materials. Humic substances comprise humic acids, fulvic acids and humin. Humic acids (HA) have shown to be able to provide some protection to biological membranes of fish in water with low pH, replacing the protective action of Ca2+. Thus, this studyaimed to observe growth of silver catfish ( Rhamdia quelen ) juveniles exposed to pHs 5.5 and 6.5 and to different levels of HA: 0, 10, 25 and 50mg L-1. Results showed that, irrespective of pH, HA was highly detrimental to silver catfish growth, since the higher the concentration of HA, the lower the weight gain and feed intake, resulting in lower biomass and lower specific growth rate of juveniles. Hence, HA is extremely damaging to the performance of silver catfish juveniles in the tested concentrations.

RESUMO: Substâncias húmicas são compostos orgânicos que possuem elevado peso molecular e são formadas pela decomposição da matéria orgânica de plantas. As substâncias húmicas compreendem ácidos húmicos, ácidos fúlvicos e humina. Os ácidos húmicos (AH) têm mostrado serem capazes de proporcionar proteção parcial das membranas biológicas de peixes em águas com baixo pH, substituindo a ação protetora do Ca2+. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo observar o crescimento de juvenis de jundiá ( Rhamdia quelen ) expostos a pH's 5,5 e 6,5 com diferentes níveis de AH: 0, 10, 25 e 50mg L-1. Os resultados demostram que, independentemente do pH, o AH foi altamente prejudicial para o crescimento do jundiá, uma vez que, quanto maior era a concentração de AH, menor era o ganho de peso e a ingestão de alimentos, resultando em menor biomassa e taxa de crescimento específico inferior dos juvenis. Assim, os AH são extremamente prejudiciais para o desempenho de juvenis de jundiá nas concentrações testadas.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 13(1): 213-220, Jan-Mar/2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-744503


The pejerrey is the most important recreational species in shallow temperate lakes and reservoirs of Argentina and the attempts to develop its culture have started a century ago. A common constraint of pejerrey aquaculture is its poor growth under traditional intensive rearing techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility to achieve and maintain high growth rates of pejerrey throughout the rearing process by semi-intensive culture method . Four floating cages were installed in La Salada de Monasterio Lake and each one was stocked with 300 juveniles (10.22 ±0.38cm; 6.52 ±0.82g). From January through March all fish were exposed to natural zooplankton as food source, whereas from April to September two cages were supplied daily with artificial food. The fish exposed to artificial supplementary diets exhibited significantly higher growth (17.5 ±0.98cm; 41.05 ±8.55g) than those in the control cages (15.02 ±0cm ; 23.5 ±0.84g), and exceeded the known values in pejerrey culture. The results suggest that the species potential growth is not fully achieved by common intensive methods and it can be improved by semi-intensive techniques. Accordingly a better understanding of the species nutritional requirements is needed to improve growth rates and enhance pejerrey culture.

El pejerrey es la especie de mayor importancia deportiva en lagos someros templados y embalses de Argentina y el desarrollo de su acuicultura data de cien años atrás. Un impedimento común para el desarrollo de la acuicultura del pejerrey es el pobre crecimiento que manifiesta bajo cultivo intensivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la posibilidad de alcanzar y mantener altas tasas de crecimiento en el pejerrrey mediante cultivo semi-intensivo. Se instalaron cuatro jaulas flotantes en la laguna La Salada de Monasterio, sembrándose cada una con 300 juveniles (10.22 ±0.38cm; 6.52 ±0.82g). Desde enero hasta marzo los peces se alimentaron con el zooplancton natural de la laguna, mientras que desde abril hasta septiembre dos jaulas fueron suplementadas diariamente con alimento balanceado, dejándose las otras dos como controles. Los peces bajo dietas suplementadas mostraron crecimientos significativamente superiores (17.5 ±0.98cm; 41.05 ±8.55g) a los de las jaulas control (15.02 ±0cm ; 23.5 ±0.84g), excediendo incluso los conocidos en el cultivo de pejerrey en períodos similares. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el potencial de crecimiento del pejerrey no está siendo explotado en su totalidad bajo las técnicas de cultivo tradicionales y puede mejorarse mediante el cultivo semi-intensivo. En consecuencia es necesaria una mejor comprensión de los requerimientos nutricionales del pejerrey para incrementar sus tasas de crecimiento y así mejorar su cultivo.

Animales , Acuicultura/clasificación , Peces/crecimiento & desarrollo , Zooplancton/crecimiento & desarrollo
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 26(3): 211-218, jul.-set. 2013. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-691196


Background: rainbow trout is widely accepted for human consumption worldwide, however, its culture requires large quantities of high quality water. Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate growth and survival of rainbow trout fry cultured in closed water recirculation systems (CRS). Methods: three sequential experiments were conducted, each with three CRS consisting of a fish tank, a gravel bio-filter, a water pump and aeration pumps. Fifty rainbow trout fry were placed in each system and fed with 45% protein pellets. Physicochemical and fish growth parameters were measured for each system at days 1, 15, and 30. Results: water parameters were maintained within normal values for the species in all the experiments. Observed fish growth was similar or greater than previously reported. Survival was lower, mainly due to the presence of Ich in some of the cultures. Although total biomass increase was small due to the low stocking density, condition factor and food conversion were within reported values. Conclusion: this study demonstrates that simple recirculation systems with a very small amount of water can be used for rainbow trout initiation.

Antecedentes: la trucha es una especie de consumo de amplia aceptación a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, su cultivo requiere de la utilización de grandes cantidades de agua de muy buena calidad. Objetivo: el principal objetivo de este trabajo fue el de evaluar el crecimiento y supervivencia de alevinos de trucha arcoíris cultivados en sistemas cerrados de recirculación de agua (CRS). Métodos: se llevaron a cabo tres experimentos secuenciales, cada uno de ellos con tres CRS que estaban compuestos de un tanque de peces, un biofiltro en grava, una bomba de agua y bombas de aireación. En cada sistema se sembraron 50 alevinos de trucha arcoíris que se alimentaron con concentrado al 45% de proteína. Los días 1, 15 y 30 de cultivo se tomaron parámetros fisicoquímicos del agua y parámetros de crecimiento de los peces para cada sistema. Resultados: en general, en todos los experimentos se mantuvieron parámetros del agua dentro de los reportados para la especie. El crecimiento fue similar o mayor a lo observado en otros trabajos. La supervivencia fue menor, debido principalmente a un brote de Ich en algunos cultivos. El incremento en biomasa total fue bajo ya que la densidad de siembra fue baja; el factor de condición y la conversión alimenticia fueron similares a valores ya descritos. Conclusión: de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo, los sistemas de recirculación simples pueden ser utilizados para la iniciación de trucha arcoíris, con un nivel de utilización de agua muy bajo.

Antecedentes: a truta é uma espécie de ampla aceitação a nível mundial. No entanto, o seu cultivo requer a utilização de grandes quantidades de água de boa qualidade. Objetivo: avaliar o crescimento e a sobrevivência de alevinos de truta arco-íris cultivados em sistemas fechados de recirculação de água (CRS). Métodos: Foram realizados três experimentos sequenciais, cada um com três CRS. Os CRS estavam constituídos por um tanque com peixes, um biofiltro em cascalho, uma bomba de água e bombas de aeração. Em cada sistema foram cultivados 50 alevinos de truta arco-íris que se alimentaram com uma ração de 45% de proteína. Os dias de cultivo 1, 15 e 30 foram medidos os parâmetros físico-químicos da água e os parâmetros de crescimento dos peixes em cada sistema. Resultados: em todos os experimentos, os parâmetros da água estiveram dentro dos reportados para a espécie. O crescimento foi semelhante ou maior ao observado em outros estudos. A supervivência foi menor devido ao surto de Ich em alguns cultivos. O incremento em biomassa total foi baixo porque a densidade de alevinos também foi baixa. O fator de condição e a conversão alimentar foram semelhantes aos valores descritos para a espécie. Conclusão: de acordo com os resultados deste trabalho, os sistemas de recirculação simples podem ser usados para a iniciação da truta arco-íris com um menor consumo de água.

Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;73(2): 397-403, maio 2013. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-680002


The tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, is one of the most commercially valuable Amazonian fish species, and in the floodplains of the region, they are caught in both rivers and lakes. Most growth studies on this species to date have adjusted only one growth model, the von Bertalanffy, without considering its possible uncertainties. In this study, four different models (von Bertalanffy, Logistic, Gompertz and the general model of Schnüte-Richards) were adjusted to a data set of fish caught within lakes from the middle Solimões River. These models were adjusted by non-linear equations, using the sample size of each age class as its weight. The adjustment evaluation of each model was based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the variation of AIC between the models (Δi) and the evidence weights (wi). Both the Logistic (Δi = 0.0) and Gompertz (Δi = 1.12) models were supported by the data, but neither of them was clearly superior (wi, respectively 52.44 and 29.95%). Thus, we propose the use of an averaged-model to estimate the asymptotic length (L∞). The averaged-model, based on Logistic and Gompertz models, resulted in an estimate of L∞=90.36, indicating that the tambaqui would take approximately 25 years to reach average size.

O tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, é uma das espécies de peixes amazônicos de maior valor comercial, sendo capturado em rios e lagos da planície alagável da região. Até o presente, a maioria dos estudos sobre essa espécie tem ajustado um único modelo de crescimento, o de von Bertalanffy, sem considerer as possíveis incertezas associadas ao uso do modelo. Neste estudo, quatro modelos diferentes (von Bertalanffy, Logístico, Gompertz e o modelo geral de Schnüte-Richards) foram ajustados a um conjunto de dados de peixes capturados no interior de lagos situados no médio Solimões. Esses modelos foram ajustados por equações não lineares e o número de tambaquis em cada classe de tamanho foi usado como peso no ajuste. A avaliação do ajuste de cada modelo foi baseada no Critério de Informação de Akaike (AIC), na diferença do AIC entre os modelos (Δi) e nos pesos de evidência (wi). Tanto o modelo Logístico (Δi = 0,0) como o de Gompertz (Δi = 1,12) foram suportados pelos dados, mas nenhum deles foi claramente superior (wi, respectivamente, de 52,44 e 29,95%). Assim, é proposto o uso de um modelo médio para estimar o comprimento assintótico (L∞). O modelo médio, baseado nos modelos Logístico e de Gompertz, resultou em uma estimativa de L∞ = 90,36 e indicou que o tambaqui levaria aproximadamente 25 anos para atingir esse tamanho.

Animales , Characiformes/crecimiento & desarrollo , Modelos Biológicos , Brasil , Characiformes/clasificación , Lagos
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 6(2): 275-281, 2008. mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-487152


In this study we verified data of water temperatures collected by CORSAN-RS from 1996 to 2004 in several cities of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, and analyzed the possibility of raising the most cultivated fish species in Brazil. The water temperature from 1996 to 2004 was 16 to 28ºC in summer, 17 to 23ºC in fall, 14 to 17ºC (down to 9ºC in the coldest months) in winter and 14 to 21ºC in spring. Native species of this state, such as silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen), traíra (Hoplias malabaricus), dorado (Salminus brasiliensis), pintado (Pimelodus maculatus), as well as carps (family Cyprinidae), are resistant to the low winter temperatures. These species have a lower growth rate in coldest months (winter/spring) but a good development in warmer months (summer/fall), reaching a satisfactory performance throughout the year. In the periods of more intense cold, mortality of some introduced species, such as surubim from Amazon Basin (Pseudoplatystoma sp.), pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus), pirarucu (Arapaimas gigas), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) may occur. In addition, as most tropical species have a thermal range for growth and reproduction between 20 to 28ºC, some species may have poor development even in fall. Therefore, water temperature in this state should be considered in the choice of fish species to be cultivated.

Neste estudo verificaram-se dados de temperaturas de água coletados pela CORSAN-RS de 1996 a 2004, em várias cidades do estado do Rio Grande Sul, sul do Brasil, e analisou-se a possibilidade de criação das principais espécies de peixe cultivadas no Brasil. A temperatura da água de 1996 a 2004 foi de 16 a 28ºC no verão, de 17 a 25ºC no outono, 14 a 17ºC (chegando a 9ºC nos meses mais frios) no inverno e 14 a 21ºC na primavera. Espécies nativas deste estado, como o jundiá (Rhamdia quelen), traíra (Hoplias malabaricus), dourado (Salminus brasiliensis), pintado (Pimelodus maculatus), assim como as carpas (família Cyprinidae), são resistentes às baixas temperaturas do inverno. Estas espécies apresentam uma menor taxa de crescimento nos meses mais frios (inverno/primavera), mas um bom desenvolvimento em meses mais quentes (verão/outono), alcançando um desempenho satisfatório durante o ano. Nos períodos de frios mais intensos pode ocorrer uma intensa mortalidade de algumas espécies introduzidas, como o surubim da Bacia Amazônica (Pseudoplatystoma sp.), pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus), pirarucu (Arapaimas gigas), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e tilápia nilótica (Oreochromis niloticus). Além disso, como a maioria das espécies tropicais apresenta sua faixa térmica para crescimento e reprodução entre 20 a 28ºC, algumas espécies podem ter um baixo desenvolvimento também no outono. Portanto, a temperatura da água deste estado deve ser considerada na escolha das espécies de peixes a serem cultivadas.

Animales , Factores Abióticos , Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Especificidad de la Especie , Peces/crecimiento & desarrollo