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An. bras. dermatol ; 99(4): 520-526, Jul.-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563705


Abstract Background Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a rare genetic disorder with a wide range of clinical manifestations, notably neurocutaneous features, that can lead to emotional and physical consequences. Objectives This study assessed the influence of sociodemographic factors and clinical features of the disease on the quality of life of Brazilian individuals with NF1. Methods This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data were collected from 101 individuals with NF1 using the Brazilian version of the Impact of NF1 on Quality of Life Questionnaire (INF1-QoL), a form with information on sociodemographic characteristics, and an NF1 visibility self-evaluation scale. The relationship between variables was evaluated through statistical testing, and the significance level was defined as 0.05. Results The study included 101 adults with NF1 aged 18 to 59 years, with a mean age of 35.54 years (±9.63) and a female predominance (n = 84, 83.17%). The mean total INF1-QoL score was 10.62 (±5.63), with a median of 10, minimum value of 0, and maximum of 31 points. Two characteristics of the participants were significantly associated with the quality of life: educational level (p = 0.003) and familial history of NF1 (p = 0.019). There was a statistically significant correlation between the INF1-QoL score and the degree of disease visibility (rho = 0.218; p = 0.028). Study limitations Cross-sectional study, conducted with a convenience sample and using self-reported measures. Conclusions The findings support the significant impact of NF1 on quality of life. The authors recommend multidisciplinary follow-up for patients, with adherence to anticipatory clinical care measures, adequate pain control, psychological assistance, and genetic counseling.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(2): 185-204, jun. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568542


La prueba prenatal no invasiva es un método de cribado de aneuploidías fetales y de resultar con riesgo alto debe ser confirmado a través de prueba genética diagnóstica. Es la prueba de detección más sensible y específica para las aneuploidías fetales comunes y minimiza la realización de técnicas invasivas, solo para las gestantes con riesgo elevado. Se debe realizar asesoramiento genético pre- y poscribado. Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir los fundamentos básicos de la prueba prenatal no invasiva mediante el análisis del ácido desoxirribonucleíco libre circulante en plasma materno para cribado de aneuploidías, y de los métodos primordiales y avances en biología molecular incluyendo las tecnologías de secuenciación de nueva generación, que lo han facilitado, considerando sus beneficios y limitaciones al aplicarla en la práctica clínica, en este campo que cambia con tanta rapidez(AU)

The non-invasive prenatal test is a screening method for fetal aneuploidies and if the result is at high risk, it must be confirmed through diagnostic genetic test. It is the most sensitive and specific detection test for common fetal aneuploidies and minimizes the use of invasive techniques, only for pregnant women at high risk. Genetic counseling should be performed before and after screening. This study aims to describe the basic fundamentals of non-invasive prenatal testing by analyzing free circulating deoxyribonucleic acid in maternal plasma for aneuploidy screening, and the primary methods and advances in molecular biology, including next-generation sequencing technologies, which have facilitated it, considering its benefits and limitations when applying it in clinical practice, in this rapidly changing field(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Plasma , ADN , Tamizaje Masivo , Prevalencia , Factores de Riesgo
MHSalud ; 21(1): 67-81, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558386


Resumen: Introducción: El componente genético se ha establecido como un factor de riesgo considerable para la ruptura del ligamento cruzado anterior (RLCA). La investigación actual se ha centrado en conocer los genes candidatos que pueden influir y predisponer a un sujeto a padecer esta lesión. Objetivo: Se llevó a cabo un análisis bibliométrico para rastrear los resultados de la indagación e identificar las tendencias globales, así como las brechas en el conocimiento sobre la relación entre el componente genético y la RLCA. Metodología: Los datos fueron extraídos de las bases Pubmed y Scopus, igual que analizados en el paquete Bibliometrix del software R. Se identificó un total de 63 estudios publicados a partir del 2007. Resultados: La mayoría de las publicaciones identificadas fueron artículos de investigación (85.71 %). Los autores con mayor número de aquellas se encuentran en Polonia y Sudáfrica. El análisis a través del mapa de coocurrencias reveló que hay una línea principal de investigación basada en el estudio de polimorfismos genéticos, especialmente en los genes de las familias del colágeno (COL1A1, COL5A1, COL12A1, en mayor frecuencia). Un total de 54 genes candidatos fueron identificados en los estudios. Conclusión: Esperamos que este estudio pueda contribuir a encontrar puntos claves y vacíos de investigación, al proporcionar análisis integrales e información estructurada sobre este tema.

Abstract: Introduction: Genetic component has been established as a significant risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament rupture (ACLR). Current research has focused on knowing the candidate genes that can influence and predispose a subject to this injury. Objective: A bibliometric analysis was carried out to trace the results of the research and identify global trends and gaps in knowledge about the relationship between the genetic component and ACLR. Methodology: Data were extracted from the Pubmed and Scopus databases and analyzed in the Bibliometrix package of the R software. A total of 63 studies published since 2007 were identified. Results: Most of the publications recovered were research articles (85.71%). The authors with the highest number of those are in Poland and South Africa. The analysis through the co-occurrence map reveals that there is a mainline of research based on the study of genetic polymorphisms, especially in the genes of the collagen families (COL1A1, COL5A1, COL12A1, in greater frequency). A total of 54 candidate genes were identified within the studies. Conclusion: We hope that this study can help to find key points and research gaps by providing a comprehensive analysis and structured information on this topic.

Resumo: Introdução: O componente genético foi estabelecido como um fator de risco significativo para a ruptura do ligamento cruzado anterior (RLCA). As pesquisas atuais têm se concentrado em identificar os genes candidatos que podem influenciar e predispor um indivíduo a essa lesão. Objetivo: Foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica para rastrear os resultados das pesquisas e identificar tendências globais e lacunas no conhecimento sobre a relação entre o componente genético e a RLCA. Metodologia: Os dados foram extraídos das bases de dados Pubmed e Scopus e analisados no pacote Bibliometrix do software R. Um total de 63 estudos publicados desde 2007 foram identificados. Resultados: A maioria das publicações recuperadas foram artigos de pesquisa (85,71%). Os autores com o maior número dessas publicações estão na Polônia e na África do Sul. A análise por meio do mapa de coocorrência revela que há uma linha principal de pesquisa baseada no estudo de polimorfismos genéticos, especialmente nos genes das famílias de colágeno (COL1A1, COL5A1, COL12A1, com maior frequência). Um total de 54 genes candidatos foram identificados nos estudos. Conclusão: Esperamos que este estudo possa ajudar a encontrar pontos-chave e lacunas de pesquisa, fornecendo uma análise abrangente e informações estruturadas sobre este tema.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(7): e20230585, jun.2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563937


Resumo Fundamento A regurgitação valvar pulmonar é uma importante complicação de longo prazo em pacientes com tetralogia de Fallot (TF). Objetivo O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos do implante valvar pulmonar (IVP) na anatomia e função do ventrículo direito (VD) e na evolução em longo prazo da prótese implantada em posição pulmonar. Métodos Uma análise de coorte retrospectiva e unicêntrica foi realizada em 56 pacientes consecutivos com TF submetidos a IVP. O estudo incluiu pacientes de ambos os gêneros, com idade ≥ 12 anos e compreendeu avaliação de dados clínicos e cirúrgicos, ressonância magnética cardiovascular pré e pós-operatória e dados ecocardiográficos obtidos mais de 1 ano após IVP. Resultados Após o IVP, houve uma diminuição significativa do volume sistólico final do VD indexado pela área de superfície corpórea (ASC), de 89 mL/ASC para 69 mL/ASC (p < 0,001) e do volume diastólico final indexado do VD, de 157 mL/ASC para 116 mL/ASC (p < 0,001). Além disso, houve aumento da fração de ejeção corrigida do VD [ FEVDc = fluxo pulmonar ajustado (fluxo pulmonar anterógrado − fluxo regurgitante) / volume diastólico final do VD ] de 23% para 35% (p < 0,001) e da fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo de 58% para 60% (p = 0,008). No entanto, foi observado um aumento progressivo no gradiente de pico da válvula pulmonar ao longo do tempo, com 25% dos pacientes apresentando um gradiente superior a 60 mmHg. Próteses menores (tamanhos 19 a 23) foram associadas a um risco 4,3 vezes maior de gradiente > 60 mmHg em comparação com próteses maiores (tamanhos 25 a 27; p = 0,029; intervalo de confiança: 1,18 a 17,8). Conclusão Conforme esperado, o IVP demonstrou melhorias nos volumes e na função do VD. O acompanhamento e a vigilância a longo prazo são cruciais para avaliar a durabilidade da prótese e detectar potenciais complicações. O dimensionamento adequado das próteses é essencial para melhorar a longevidade da prótese.

Abstract Background Pulmonary valve regurgitation is a significant long-term complication in patients with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). Objective This study aims to investigate the effects of pulmonary valve implantation (PVI) on the anatomy and function of the right ventricle (RV) and the long-term evolution of the implanted prosthesis in the pulmonary position. Methods A single-center retrospective cohort analysis was performed in 56 consecutive patients with TOF who underwent PVI. The study included patients of both sexes, aged ≥ 12 years, and involved assessing clinical and surgical data, pre- and post-operative cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, and echocardiogram data more than 1 year after PVI. Results After PVI, there was a significant decrease in RV end-systolic volume indexed by body surface area (BSA), from 89 mL/BSA to 69 mL/BSA (p < 0.001) and indexed RV end-diastolic volume, from 157 mL/BSA to 116 mL/BSA (p < 0.001). Moreover, there was an increase in corrected RV ejection fraction [ RVEFC = net pulmonary flow (pulmonary forward flow − regurgitant flow) / R V end-diastolic volume] from 23% to 35% (p < 0.001) and left ventricular ejection fraction from 58% to 60% (p = 0.008). However, a progressive increase in the peak pulmonary valve gradient was observed over time, with 25% of patients experiencing a gradient exceeding 60 mmHg. Smaller prostheses (sizes 19 to 23) were associated with a 4.3-fold higher risk of a gradient > 60 mmHg compared to larger prostheses (sizes 25 to 27; p = 0.029; confidence interval: 1.18 to 17.8). Conclusion As expected, PVI demonstrated improvements in RV volumes and function. Long-term follow-up and surveillance are crucial for assessing the durability of the prosthesis and detecting potential complications. Proper sizing of prostheses is essential for improved prosthesis longevity.

Rev. parag. reumatol ; 10(1)jun. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565764


Introducción: El Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) es una enfermedad autoinmune de carácter sistémico, que afecta principalmente al sistema glandular exocrino, generando un funcionamiento anormal de las glándulas lacrimales y salivales. Objetivo: proporcionar una actualización sobre la identificación de nuevos biomarcadores y mecanismos moleculares implicados en la fisiopatogénesis del SS. Método: Revisión narrativa de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos, mediante la búsqueda de términos descritos incluidos en los tesauros MESH y DeCs, para artículos publicados a partir del año 2018. Resultados: presentamos evidencia que destaca la identificación de nuevos biomarcadores y mecanismos implicados en la fisiopatogénesis del SS, describiendo las vías de: linfocitos B, catepsina S, cistatina C, quimioquina C-X3-C modificada de ligando 1, quimiocina regulada por activación del timo, células T, proteína morfogenética ósea 6, estimulación del receptor de oxitocina, receptor de zinc, calponina-3. Conclusión: los avances en la tecnología facilita el análisis detallado de la genética y fisiopatogénesis del SS, impulsando el desarrollo de terapias específicas. La búsqueda de biomarcadores no invasivos responde a las limitaciones de los métodos existentes y la invasividad de las biopsias salivales, prometiendo mejoras diagnósticas y terapéuticas.

Introduction: Sjögren's Syndrome (SS) is a systemic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the exocrine glandular system, leading to abnormal lacrimal and salivary gland function. Objective: To provide an update on identifying new biomarkers and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of SS. Method: Narrative review of the literature in various databases, searching for terms included in the MESH and DeCs thesauri, for articles published since 2018. Results: We present evidence highlighting the identification of new biomarkers and mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of SS, describing pathways of B lymphocytes, cathepsin S, cystatin C, modified C-X3-C chemokine ligand 1, thymus activation-regulated chemokine, T cells, bone morphogenetic protein 6, oxytocin receptor stimulation, zinc receptor, and calponin-3. Conclusion: Advances in technology facilitate detailed analysis of the genetics and pathogenesis of SS, driving the development of specific therapies. The search for non-invasive biomarkers is driven by the limitations of existing methods and the invasiveness of salivary gland biopsies, promising diagnostic and therapeutic improvements.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 26-30, mayo 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558480


Resumen El trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (TDAH) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo complejo y heterogéneo desde una perspectiva causal, clínica y pro nóstica. La investigación refleja su carácter multifactorial con un papel destacado de los factores genéticos. Los estudios poblacionales han señalado históricamente la implicación de numerosas variantes genéticas de escaso tamaño de efecto, las cuales por sí mismas apenas incre mentan el riesgo de TDAH y difícilmente justifican su ele vada heredabilidad. Muchas de ellas están presentes en más del 60% de la población general, lo que sugiere su pa pel modulador más que causal. No obstante, gracias a la irrupción de nuevas técnicas genéticas en los últimos 15 años, se están identificando un mayor número de casos con trastornos genéticos (muchos de ellos monogénicos), cuyas variantes genéticas explican por sí mismas la presencia del TDAH. El estudio detallado de los antecedentes personales y familiares, así como una exploración física completa, puede ayudar a identificar algunos de ellos. La identificación de la causa en este conjunto de casos tiene un valor crucial en el asesoramiento clínico, el consejo genético-familiar y la anticipación pronóstica, así como en la realización o evitación de estudios complementarios y en el diseño del plan terapéutico.

Abstract Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex and heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disor der from a causal, clinical and prognostic perspective. Research reflects its multifactorial nature with a promi nent role of genetic factors. Population studies have historically pointed to the involvement of numerous genetic variants of small effect size, which hardly by themselves increase the risk of presenting the disorder and hardly justify its high heritability. Many of them are present in more than 60% of the general population, suggesting their modulatory rather than causal role. However, after the irruption of new genetic techniques in the last 15 years, a greater number of cases are be ing identified with genetic disorders (many of them monogenic), whose genetic variants alone explain the presence of ADHD. A detailed study of the personal and family history, as well as a complete physical examination, can help to identify some of them. The identification of the cause in this group of cases has a crucial value in clinical counseling, genetic-familial counseling and prognostic anticipation, as well as in the performance or avoidance of complementary stud ies and in the design of the intervention plan.

Medwave ; 24(3): e2783, 30-04-2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553773


Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a systemic disease characterized not only by respiratory symptoms but also by physical deconditioning and muscle weakness. One prominent manifestation of this disease is the decline in respiratory muscle strength. Previous studies have linked the genotypes of insulin-like growth factor 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2) to muscle weakness in other populations without this disease. However, there is a notable knowledge gap regarding the biological mechanisms underlying respiratory muscle weakness, particularly the role of IGF-1 and IGF-2 genotypes in this pulmonary disease. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate, for the first time, the association between IGF-1 and IGF-2 genotypes with respiratory muscle strength in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In addition, we analyzed the relationship between oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and vitamin D with respiratory muscle strength. Methods A cross sectional study with 61 individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Polymerase chain reaction of gene polymorphisms IGF-1 (rs35767) and IGF-2 (rs3213221) was analyzed. Other variables, related to oxidative stress, inflammation and Vitamin D were dosed from peripheral blood. Maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure were measured. Results The genetic polymorphisms were associated with respiratory muscle strength ( 3.0 and 3.5; = 0.57). Specific genotypes of IGF-1 and IGF-2 presented lower maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure (<0.05 for all). Oxidative stress, inflammatory biomarkers, and vitamin D were not associated with respiratory muscle strength. Conclusion The polymorphisms of IGF-1 and IGF-2 displayed stronger correlations with respiratory muscle strength compared to blood biomarkers in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Specific genotypes of IGF-1 and IGF-2 were associated with reduced respiratory muscle strength in this population.

Introducción La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica es una enfermedad sistémica caracterizada no solo por síntomas respiratorios, sino también por el deterioro físico y la debilidad muscular. Una manifestación destacada de esta enfermedad es el declive en la fuerza de los músculos respiratorios. Estudios previos han vinculado los genotipos de factor de crecimiento insulínico 1 y 2 (IGF-1 e IGF-2) con la debilidad muscular en poblaciones sin esta enfermedad. Sin embargo, existe un vacío de conocimiento con respecto a los mecanismos biológicos subyacentes a la debilidad de los músculos respiratorios, en particular el papel de los genotipos IGF-1 e IGF-2 en esta enfermedad pulmonar. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar, por primera vez, la asociación de los genotipos IGF-1 e IGF-2 con la fuerza de los músculos respiratorios en individuos con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Además, analizamos la relación entre el estrés oxidativo, la inflamación crónica y la vitamina D con la fuerza de los músculos respiratorios. Métodos Un estudio transversal con 61 individuos con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Se analizó la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de los polimorfismos genéticos IGF-1 (rs35767) e IGF-2 (rs3213221). Otras variables relacionadas con el estrés oxidativo, la inflamación y la vitamina D se dosificaron a partir de muestras de sangre periférica. Se midieron las presiones inspiratorias y espiratorias máximas. Resultados Los polimorfismos genéticos están asociados con la fuerza de los músculos respiratorios (F: 3.0 y 3.5; R2= 0.57). Genotipos específicos de IGF-1 e IGF-2 presentaron bajos valores en las presiones inspiratorias y espiratorias (p<0.05 en todos los casos). El estrés oxidativo, los biomarcadores inflamatorios y la vitamina D no se asociaron con la fuerza de los músculos respiratorios. Conclusión Los polimorfismos de IGF-1 e IGF-2 mostraron correlaciones más sólidas con la fuerza de los músculos respiratorios en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en comparación con los biomarcadores sanguíneos. Genotipos específicos de IGF-1 e IGF-2 se asociaron con una disminución de la fuerza de los músculos respiratorios en esta población

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 58(1): 8-8, mar. 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556657


Resumen La participación en programas de evaluación externa de la calidad (PEEC) dirigidos al diagnóstico de enfermedades genéticas permite obtener una medida objetiva del desempeño técnico y analítico de los laboratorios y es un requisito para la acreditación de los laboratorios clínicos bajo la norma ISO 15189. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar retrospectivamente el desempeño en los esquemas EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) y CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) en el período 2014-2022. Se participó en un total de 88 esquemas. Se recolectó la información de nuestros puntajes y las medias de los laboratorios participantes en las categorías genotipificación, interpretación y exactitud de la información del paciente/informe. Se informó en forma completa el 90,9% (n=80) de los esquemas. El desempeño en genotipificación mostró puntajes superiores a la media en el 89,3% de los esquemas; 0,8% de los informes correspondieron a falsos negativos. En interpretación, el 66,7% de los esquemas evidenció un desempeño superior a la media y el 33,3% debajo de la media. La exactitud de la información del paciente/informe presentó puntajes superiores a la media en el 97,6% de los esquemas. Se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el porcentaje de esquemas con puntaje por encima de la media en el año 2022 (10/12 esquemas) respecto al año 2014 (1/6 esquemas) en la categoría interpretación (p=0,0128). En conclusión, la participación regular en PEEC tuvo impacto positivo en la calidad de los estudios y permite realizar mejoras continuas a partir de las recomendaciones sugeridas por estos programas.

Abstract Participation in external quality assessment programmes focused on rare genetic diseases makes it possible to assess the laboratory technical and analytical performance and it is a prerequisite for accreditation according to ISO 15189. The objective of this study was to perform a retrospective evaluation of our performance in the EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) and the CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) programmes in the 2014-2022 period. The laboratory performance on genotyping, interpretation and clerical accuracy and patient identifiers in a total of 88 schemes were assessed. The information of our scores and the mean scores of all participating laboratories in the three categories were collected. A total of 90.9% of the schemes were fully completed. The performance in genotyping showed scores above the mean scores in 89.3% of the schemes; 0.8% of the reports correspond to false negative results. Regarding interpretation category, 66.7% of the schemes presented scores above the mean scores and 33.3% below the mean scores. The clerical accuracy and patient identifiers were above the mean scores in 97.6% of the schemes. A statistically significant difference in the percentage of schemes with a score above the mean for the interpretation category in the year 2022 (10/12 schemes) was observed compared to the year 2014 (1/6 schemes) (p=0.0128). In conclusion, regular participation in external quality assessment programmes had a positive impact on the quality of the studies and allows for continuous improvements based on the recommendations suggested by these programmes.

Resumo A participação em programas de avaliação externa da qualidade (PEECs) voltados para o diagnóstico de doenças genéticas permite obter uma mensuração objetiva do desempenho técnico e analítico dos laboratórios e é requisito para a acreditação dos laboratórios clínicos sob a norma ISO 15189. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar retrospectivamente o desempenho nos esquemas EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network) e CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network) no período 2014-2022. Participou-se em um total de 88 esquemas. Foram coletadas informações de nossos escores e das médias dos laboratórios participantes nas categorias genotipagem, interpretação e precisão da informação do paciente/laudo. 90,9% (n=80) dos esquemas foram informados em sua totalidade. O desempenho na genotipagem apresentou escores acima da média em 89,3% dos esquemas; 0,8% dos laudos corresponderam a falsos negativos. Na interpretação, 66,7% dos esquemas apresentaram desempenho acima da média e 33,3% abaixo da média. A precisão das informações do paciente/laudo apresentou escores acima da média em 97,6% dos esquemas. Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa no percentual de esquemas com pontuação acima da média no ano de 2022 (10/12 esquemas) em relação ao ano de 2014 (1/6 esquemas) na categoria interpretação (p=0,0128). Em conclusão, a participação regular em PEECs teve um impacto positivo na qualidade dos estudos e permite fazer melhorias contínuas com base nas recomendações sugeridas por esses programas.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569871


Introducción: El desarrollo de vacunas seguras y eficaces contra el SARS-CoV-2 supuso un enorme reto para enfrentar la pandemia de la COVID-19. La aparición de nuevas variantes del SARS-CoV-2 representa un reto en la evaluación de la efectividad de las vacunas, diferentes candidatos vacunales y terapéuticos desarrollados por la comunidad científica. Objetivos: Caracterizar la diversidad genética de aislamientos virales cubanos en el periodo comprendido entre junio de 2020 y diciembre de 2022. Métodos: Se obtuvo el ARN de SARS-CoV-2 de 27 aislamientos a partir de sobrenadante de cultivo celular y se secuenció el gen S. Las secuencias generadas se emplearon para la identificación y posterior caracterización molecular de las variantes genéticas del virus mediante análisis filogenético y el uso de las herramientas disponibles en la base de datos GISEAD. Resultados: Las variantes detectadas en los aislamientos cubanos de SARS-CoV-2 estudiados se correspondieron a las identificadas en los estudios de vigilancia genómica realizados en las diferentes etapas pandémicas de la COVID-19 en Cuba. El 33,3 % de los aislamientos secuenciados correspondieron a los diferentes linajes de la variante Ómicron, seguido de la variante Beta B 1.351 (29,6 %), otros linajes de SARS-CoV-2 (25,9 %), Alfa B 1.1.7 (7,4 %) y Delta B.1.575 (3,7 %). Se detectó la mutación D614G en todos los aislamientos de SARS-CoV-2 estudiados. Conclusiones: La caracterización molecular de los aislamientos cubanos de SARS-CoV-2 tiene una elevada diversidad genética. Posibilita evaluar in vitro e in vivo los candidatos vacunales y agentes terapéuticos desarrollados por la industria biofarmacéutica cubana.

Introduction: The development of safe and effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 posed a huge challenge to face the COVID-19 pandemic. The appearance of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 represents a challenge in evaluating the effectiveness of vaccines, different vaccine and therapeutic candidates developed by the scientific community. Objectives: Characterize and analyze the genetic diversity of Cuban viral isolates, in the period between June 2020 and December 2022. Methods: SARS-CoV-2 RNA was obtained from 27 isolates from cell culture supernatant and the S gene was sequenced. The generated sequences were used for the identification and subsequent molecular characterization of the genetic variants of the virus through phylogenetic analysis and the use of the tools available in the GISEAD database. Results: The variants detected in the Cuban SARS-CoV-2 isolates corresponded to those identified in the genomic surveillance studies carried out in the different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Cuba. 33.3% of the sequenced isolates corresponded to the different lineages of the Omicron variant, followed by Beta B 1.351 (29.6%), other SARS-CoV-2 lineages (25.9%), Alpha B 1.1.7 (7.4%) and Delta B.1.575 (3.7%). The D614G mutation was detected in all SARS-CoV-2 isolates studied. Conclusions: The molecular characterization of the Cuban isolates of SARS-CoV-2 has a high genetic diversity. It makes it possible to evaluate in vitro and in vivo vaccine candidates and therapeutic agents developed by the Cuban biopharmaceutical industry.

J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-4, jan.-dez. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551180


Introdução: A Síndrome de Aarskog-Scott (AAS) é uma rara displasia faciogenital ligada ao gene FGD1, afetando principalmente meninos. Relato de caso: Descreve-se um caso de um menino de 4 anos com AAS, destacando sua importância científica devido à raridade, escassez de descrições e morbidade associada. Ele apresentou fenda sacral, criptorquidia bilateral, atrasos no crescimento e histórico familiar semelhante. A AAS é caracterizada por estatura baixa, anomalias faciais e diversos comprometimentos. Este caso ressalta a importância do acompanhamento médico especializado. Considerações finais: A escassez de estudos comparáveis destaca a relevância dos relatos de casos para aprofundar a compreensão de condições clínicas singulares.

Introduction: Aarskog-Scott Syndrome (AAS) is a rare faciogenital dysplasia linked to the FGD1 gene, primarily affecting boys. Case report: We describe a case of a 4-year-old boy with AAS, highlighting its scientific importance due to its rarity, scarcity of descriptions, and associated morbidity. He presented with sacral cleft, bilateral cryptorchidism, growth delays, and similar family history. AAS is characterized by short stature, facial anomalies, and various impairments. Final considerations: This case underscores the importance of specialized medical care, and the scarcity of comparable studies highlights the relevance of case reports in deepening the understanding of unique clinical conditions.

Masculino , Preescolar , Cromosoma X , Hombres
Medwave ; 24(1): e2754, 29-02-2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532753


BACKGROUND: Two new SNPs have been recently associated to Alzheimer's disease in African American populations: FCGRIIB rs1050501 C/T, and PILRA rs1859788 A/G. The risk of Alzheimer's disease in FCGRIIB C and PILRA A allele carriers is three times higher than in non-carriers. However, the association between these and other single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has not been assessed. METHODS: Linkage disequilibrium analysis, with r= 0.8 as a threshold value, was used to impute new candidate SNPs, on genomic data from both genes in 26 populations worldwide (n= 2504) from the 1000Genomes database. RESULTS: Four SNPs (rs13376485, rs3767640, rs3767639 and rs3767641) were linked to rs1050501 and one (rs2405442) to rs1859788 in the whole sample. CONCLUSIONS: Five novel SNPs could be associated with Alzheimer's disease susceptibility and play a causal role, even if none of them are exon variants since their potential roles in the regulation of gene expression.

ANTECEDENTES: Recientemente se han asociado dos nuevos polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) a la enfermedad de Alzheimer en poblaciones afroamericanas: FCGRIIB rs1050501 C/T, y PILRA rs1859788 A/G. El riesgo de enfermedad de Alzheimer en los portadores de los alelos FCGRIIB C y PILRA A es tres veces mayor que en los no portadores. Sin embargo, no se ha evaluado la asociación entre estos y otros SNP. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó el análisis de desequilibrio de ligamiento, con r2= 0,8 como valor umbral, para imputar nuevos SNPs candidatos, sobre datos genómicos de ambos genes en 26 poblaciones de todo el mundo (n= 2504) de la base de datos 1000Genomes. RESULTADOS: Cuatro SNPs (rs13376485, rs3767640, rs3767639 y rs3767641) se vincularon al rs1050501 y uno (rs2405442) al rs1859788 en toda la muestra. CONCLUSIONES: Cinco nuevos SNP podrían estar asociados con la susceptibilidad a la enfermedad de Alzheimer y desempeñar un papel causal, aunque ninguno de ellos sea una variante de exón, dado su papel potencial en la regulación de la expresión génica.

Humanos , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/genética , Glicoproteínas de Membrana/genética , Receptores Inmunológicos/genética , Desequilibrio de Ligamiento , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13217, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564169


The purpose of this study was to verify the association between angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genotypes DD, DI, and II and caffeine (CAF) ingestion on endurance performance, heart rate, ratio of perceived exertion (RPE), and habitual caffeine intake (HCI) of adolescent athletes. Seventy-four male adolescent athletes (age: DD=16±1.7; DI=16±2.0; II=15±1.7 years) ingested CAF (6 mg/kg) or placebo (PLA) one hour before performing the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1) test. No difference was found among groups for HCI. However, CAF increased the maximal distance covered and VO2max in DI and II genotype carriers compared to PLA (DD: Δ=31 m and 0.3 mL·kg-1·min-1; DI: Δ=286 m and 1.1 mL·kg-1·min-1; II: Δ=160 m and 1.4 mL·kg-1·min-1). Heart rate of DI and II genotype carriers increased with CAF compared to PLA, while RPE was higher in the II and lower in the DD genotypes. The correlations between HCI and maximal distance covered or VO2max were significant in the II genotype carriers with CAF. CAF increased endurance capacity, heart rate, and RPE in adolescent athletes with allele I, while endurance performance and aerobic power had a positive correlation to HCI in the II genotype group. These findings suggested that DD genotype were less responsive to CAF and that genetic variations should be taken into account when using CAF supplementation to enhance exercise performance.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006278


ObjectiveTo study the genetic diversity and genetic relationship of Pinellia ternata germplasm resources and provide the basis for germplasm identification, variety breeding, and resource conservation. MethodIn this study, 27 P. ternata were used as experimental materials to determine seven phenotypic characters, such as plant height, leaf length, and leaf width. Simple sequence repeats (SSR) primers were designed based on P. ternata transcriptome data, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was performed on 27 P. ternata samples. The genetic diversity of P. ternata germplasm was analyzed by POPGENE32, PowerMarker V3.25, and NTSYS-PC 2.10e software. ResultA total of 10 pairs of highly polymorphic primers (PIC>0.5) and four pairs of moderately polymorphic primers (0.25<PIC<0.5) were selected. The average number of alleles detected was 3.928 6, and the average Nei's diversity index (H) and Shannon's index (I) were 0.557 8 and 1.002 9, respectively, indicating a high level of genetic diversity. Cluster analysis divided the Pinellia ternata into seven categories, and P. ternata in the same province were in the same categories. The SSR molecular ID cards of 27 P. ternata germplasm were constructed with 14 pairs of primers, and the rapid identification of P. ternata in each region was realized. ConclusionThe results of this study can lay a foundation for the genetic diversity and population structure of P. ternata and provide a scientific basis for the identification of P. ternata germplasm resources, map construction, and molecular-assisted breeding.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 327-332, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006618


OBJECTIVE To optimize ethanol extraction process of Yihuang powder. METHODS An orthogonal experiment was designed by reflux extraction with ethanol volume fraction, liquid-to-material ratio, and extraction time as investigation factors. The parameters used were the contents of hesperidin, nobiletin, tangeretin, gallic acid, chebulagic acid, chebulinic acid, liquiritin, glycyrrhizin, eugenol, and the paste-forming rate. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to calculate the comprehensive score. The optimal ethanol extraction process parameters of Yihuang powder were determined by verifying the results predicted by orthogonal experiment and genetic algorithm (GA)-back propagation neural network (BP neural network). RESULTS The optimal ethanol extraction process parameters, as optimized by orthogonal experiment, were as follows: ethanol volume fraction of 60%, liquid-solid ratio of 14∶1 (mL/g), extraction time of 90 min, and extraction for 2 times. The comprehensive score obtained by verification was 79.19. Meanwhile, the optimal ethanol extraction process parameters, optimized by GA-BP neural network, were ethanol volume fraction of 65%, liquid-solid ratio of 14∶1 (mL/g ), extraction time of 60 min, and extraction for 2 times. The comprehensive score obtained by verification was 85.30, higher than the results obtained from orthogonal experiment. CONCLUSIONS The optimization method of orthogonal experiment combined with GA-BP neural network is superior to the traditional orthogonal experiment optimization method. The optimized ethanol extraction process of Yihuang powder is stable and reliable.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016768


Background The benchmark dose (BMD) method calculates the dose associated with a specific change in response based on a specific dose-response relationship. Compared with the traditional no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) method, the BMD method has many advantages, and the 95% lower confidence limit of benchmark dose lower limit (BMDL) is recommended to replace NOAEL in deriving biological exposure limits. No authority has yet published any health-based guideline for rare earth elements. Objective To evaluate genotoxicity threshold induced by acute exposure to neodymium nitrate in mice using BMD modeling through micronucleus test and comet assay. Methods SPF grade mice (n=90) were randomly divided into nine groups, including seven neodymium nitrate exposure groups, one control group (distilled water), and one positive control group (200 mg·kg−1 ethyl methanesulfonate), 10 mice in each group, half male and half female. The seven dose groups were fed by gavage with different concentrations of neodymium nitrate solution (male: 14, 27, 39, 55, 77, 109, and 219 mg·kg−1; female: 24, 49, 69, 97, 138, 195, and 389 mg·kg−1) twice at an interval of 21 h. Three hours after the last exposure, the animals were neutralized by cervical dislocation. The bone marrow of mice femur was taken to calculate the micronucleus rate of bone marrow cells, and the liver and stomach were taken for comet test. Results The best fitting models for the increase of polychromatophil micronucleus rate in bone marrow of female and male mice induced by neodymium nitrate were the exponential 4 model and the hill model, respectively. The BMD and the BMDL of female mice were calculated to be 31.37 mg·kg−1 and 21.90 mg·kg−1, and those of male mice were calculated to be 58.62 mg·kg−1 and 54.31 mg·kg−1, respectively. The best fitting models for DNA damage induced by neodymium nitrate in female and male mouse hepatocytes were the exponential 5 model and the exponential 4 model, respectively, and the calculated BMD and BMDL were 27.15 mg·kg−1 and 11.99 mg·kg−1 for female mice, and 16.28 mg·kg−1 and 10.47 mg·kg−1 for male mice, respectively. The hill model was the best fitting model for DNA damage of gastric adenocytes in both female and male mice, and the calculated BMD and BMDL were 36.73 mg·kg−1 and 19.92 mg·kg−1 for female mice, and 24.74 mg·kg−1 and 14.08 mg·kg−1 for male mice, respectively. Conclusion Taken the micronucleus rate of bone marrow cells, DNA damage of liver cells and gastric gland cells as the end points of genotoxicity, the BMDL of neodymium nitrate is 10.47 mg·kg−1, which can be used as the threshold of genotoxic effects induced by acute exposure to neodymium nitrate in mice.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017255


Objective To investigate the relationship between interleukin 1 receptor a(IL-1Ra)gene polymorphism and different outcomes in asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis(aBV)patients with the aim of grouping and managing aBV patients.Methods In study on the natural attribution of aBV patients,all patients were enrolled and a sam-ple of venous blood and vaginal lavage fluid were separately frozen.After 4 months at the end of the clinical study,patients who completed the study were divided into three groups based on clinical outcomes:self-healing,progres-sive,and unchanged.The IL-1Ra gene polymorphism,the concentration of IL-1 β and IL-1Ra were tested,and the differences in the above indicators among three groups of patients with different outcomes were compared.Results 1 014 Chinese Han female patients were enrolled,and 984 patients completed clinical follow-up and obtained clini-cal outcome data.13 specimens were unusable during testing,with a total of 971 specimens completed the test.IL-1Ra gene was detected in all patients,with three genotypes:A1/A1,A1/A2,and A2/A2.Most population had a genotype of A1/A1,with the rarest genotype being A2/A2.No rare genotype of female was found.The frequency of A2 alleles in the progression group was significantly higher than that in the self-healing group(P<0.05).IL-1 βand IL-1Ra were detected in all vaginal lavage fluid samples.Compared with the progression group,IL-1 β in the self-healing group was significantly lower(P<0.05).When carrying the A2 allele,IL-1 β in progression group was relatively low,while the level of IL-1Ra was relatively high.The values of the unchanged group were middle.Con-clusion The polymorphism characteristics of the IL-1Ra gene in aBV patients are related to the IL-1Ra content in vaginal secretions.Carrying allele A2 is related to the elevation of IL-1Ra,the decrease of IL-1 β in vaginal secre-tions.Carrying allele A2 may affect the clinical outcome of aBV by some potential mechanism.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017800


Objective To explore the distribution of CYP2C19,MTHFR,SLCO1B1,and APOE gene poly-morphisms in patients with acute cerebral infarction,so as to provide theoretical basis for individualized drug treatment.Methods A total of 400 patients with acute cerebral infarction admitted to the hospital from 2020 to 2022 were selected as the research subjects,and the polymorphisms of CYP2C19,MTHFR,SLCO1B1 and APOE genes were tested by PCR fluorescene probe method,and the polymorphism distribution of those genes was analyzed.Results In patients with acute cerebral infarction,44.25%of CYP2C19 gene phenotype were EM type,and 9.75%of CYP2C19 gene phenotype were PM type.The proportion of mutations at the C677T locus of the MTHFR gene(CT type+TT type)was 78.50%,CC type accounted for 21.50%.78.75%of the SLCO1B1 genotypes were type Ⅰ wild type,and 1.50%SLCO1B1 gene phenotypes were type Ⅲ homozygous mutant type.The E2 and E3 types accounted for 84.25%of the APOE gene phenotype,while the E4 type ac-counted for 15.75%.Conclusion The distribution of CYP2C19,MTHFR,SLCO1B1 and APOE gene poly-morphisms in 400 acute cerebral infarction patients is analyzed,providing data support for guiding individual-ized medication in the population of acute cerebral infarction patients and of great significance for achieving safe medication.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017835


Objective To explore the relationship between haptoglobin gene polymorphism and disease se-verity and susceptibility in senile vascular dementia patients.Methods A total of 80 patients with senile vas-cular dementia admitted to the hospital from February 2018 to February 2023 were selected as the vascular de-mentia group,and 80 stroke patients with non-vascular dementia admitted to the hospital during the same pe-riod were selected as the control group.The genotype distribution and allele frequency of haptoglobin gene were measured using polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers,and their relationship with the severity and susceptibility of vascular dementia patients was analyzed.Results The proportion of history of hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus and the levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride in vascular dementia group were higher than those in control group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The distribution of genotypes was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P>0.05).The frequency of haptoglobin 2-2 genotype and haptoglobin 2 allele in vascular dementia group were higher than those in control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).There were significant differences in the scores of mini-mental state examination and hachinski ischaemic score among patients with vascular dementia with different haptoglobin genotypes(P<0.05).Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the carrier of hapto-globin 2-2 genotype and the carrier of haptoglobin 2 allele were independent risk factors for vascular dementia(P<0.05).Conclusion Haptoglobin 2-2 genotype and haptoglobin 2 allele distribution frequency are associ-ated with the occurrence of vascular dementia after stroke,and those with high frequency of haptoglobin 2-2 genotype and haptoglobin 2 allele distribution suffer a severe disease,which can provide reference for early i-dentification and assessment of vascular dementia.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018020


The human body contains a large microbial community composed of eukaryotes, archaea, bacteria, and phages. Bacteria are the most prominent members of this community, numbering in the same order of magnitude as human cells. Many commensal or pathogenic bacteria interact with their hosts through biochemical signals. Based on these bacterial properties, commensal and attenuated pathogens have been designed to deliver therapeutic molecules to target specific diseases. The engineered bacteria or bacteria-derived particles and their encapsulation, secretion, and expression of surface therapeutic molecules developed in the past five years were introduced. Their applications in anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, thrombosis treatment, and imaging were reviewed, and the clinical translational potential of microbial drug delivery systems was discussed.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018714


Objective To analyze the correlation between the ELL2 gene 1119 T>C polymorphism and the susceptibility to pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary gland.Methods The pedigree of the pleomorphic adenoma family of salivary gland was drawn.The exons of ELL2 gene in 5 members of salivary pleomorphic adenoma family were sequenced.A case-control study was conducted.One hundred and twelve patients with pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary gland who visited the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Shanxi Bethune Hospital from January 2016 to July 2020 were taken as case group,and 176 healthy examinees from January 2019 to January 2020 were taken as control group with age and sex as matching conditions.The 1119 T>C polymorphism of ELL2 genes in the two groups were detected with high resolution melting(HRM)curve.Chi-square test was adopted to analyze the correlation between gene polymorphism and the occurrence of pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary gland,stratified analysis was performed to evaluate the synergistic effect of smoking and genotype,and real time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)was used to detect the expression level of ELL2 in individuals with different genotypes.Results The 1119 T>C polymorphism site existed in the exon 8 of ELL2 gene in a family with pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland.The results of case-control study showed that the genotype frequency of homozygous CC was significantly higher in patients with pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland than that in the controls(24.1%vs.11.9%,P=0.002).Homozygous CC was associated with increased risk for developing pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland(OR=3.059,95%CI 1.494-6.263)in this cohort.Stratification analysis showed that smoking and 1119C allele cooperated to increase the risk of pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland(OR=3.200,95%CI 1.460-7.014).The expression level of ELL2 mRNA in CC genotype was significantly higher than that in individuals with CT or TT genotype(P<0.05).Conclusion The genetic variation of ELL2 may play an important role in the occurrence of pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland,and smoking combined with the 1119C allele increased the risk of this disease.