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Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 123-128, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012861


Psychological research results confirmed that the negative impact of shame on self often causes psychological diseases, and shame does not always related to ethical value. People with serious sense of shame will lead to negative evaluation and overall negation to themselves, and the sense of shame accompanied by great pain will cause great harm to individuals. To realize the sublimation of shame, the ethical orientation of its self cognitive schema and evaluation method must be changed, from the orientation of "transforming self and reaching perfection" to the position of "caring for self and accepting imperfect self" . To tap the positive value of shame, individuals must avoid hurting themselves and then care for themselves. "The principle of not harming life" and "do not denying people’s ethical subject status" are the bottom line of the ethical value of shame.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 49: edcinq17, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559632


Resumo Introdução: a política de atenção ao uso e abuso de álcool e outras drogas dos últimos anos demonstra suas limitações para responder às necessidades de atenção à saúde do(a) trabalhador(a) que usa essas substâncias para aliviar os efeitos adversos dos mecanismos hostis no contexto do trabalho. Objetivo: articular abordagens que reúnem um conjunto teórico-conceitual suficiente para abordar temas complexos e multicausais, como a relação entre o sofrimento psíquico e o trabalho, tendo como elemento principal o uso e abuso de álcool e outras drogas. Resultados: há evidências que apontam a relação entre mudanças no mercado de trabalho no contexto neoliberal, violência moral e ética no ambiente profissional e efeitos negativos sobre a saúde física-psíquica de trabalhadores. Evidenciou-se a necessidade de se romper com a lógica do funcionalismo subjetivista sobre o tema do uso e abuso de álcool e outras drogas relacionados ao trabalho. Conclusão: as estratégias políticas de atenção ao sofrimento psíquico decorrente do uso de álcool e outras drogas devem ir além das práticas focadas somente na abstinência e se basear na interface entre aportes teóricos integrativos, redução de danos e que considere a relação entre sofrimento e defesas dos sujeitos, o trabalho e o meio.

Abstract Introduction: policies aimed at use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs in recent years have shown their limitations in responding to the healthcare needs of workers who use and/or abuse alcohol and other drugs to alleviate the adverse effects from hostile work-related mechanisms. Objective: to articulate approaches that gather a theoretical-conceptual set that adequately addresses complex and multi-causal topics, such as the relation between psychological distress and work, with the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs as their main element. Results: scientific evidence points out to the relation between neoliberal labor market changes, moral and ethical violence in the professional environment and negative effects on workers' physical and mental health. Studies argue about the need to break with the logic of subjectivist functionalism on the topic of work-related use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Conclusion: political strategies aimed at psychological suffering resulting from the use/abuse of alcohol and other drugs must go beyond practices solely focused on abstinence and include the interface between integrative theoretical contributions and harm reduction while considering the interaction between suffering and subjects' defenses, work and environment.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(1): 87-95, 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558453


Resumen Introducción : El Global Trigger Tool (GTT) es una herramienta que identifica con precisión los eventos adversos, estos representan un problema relevante y prevenible en los hospitales. Métodos : Estudio de corte transversal basado en la revisión retrospectiva de historias clínicas aleatorizadas utilizando el GTT. Resultados : Se detectaron 161 eventos adversos (EA): 51 por cada 100 admisiones, 66 por cada 1000 días pa ciente y 30% de admisiones con EA. Los disparadores más frecuentes fueron del módulo cuidados, 25% com plicaciones asociadas al uso de procedimientos, 10% úlceras por presión y 9% infecciones asociadas a la atención. La presencia de EA tuvo asociación estadís ticamente significativa con estancia mayor a 5 días, y asociación moderada con edad y número de disparado res. En cuanto al daño, 78% de los pacientes presentaron eventos leves y 4% eventos fatales. En el análisis con cur vas ROC, los disparadores con mayor área bajo la curva fueron: complicación de procedimientos (0.70), úlceras por presión (0.61) y código de respuesta rápida (0.60). Discusión : Los eventos por 100 admisiones fueron superiores a la bibliografía pero no hubo diferencias en eventos por cada 1000 días paciente. Los casos fatales se produjeron por enfermedades infecciosas respiratorias en pacientes con comorbilidades, necesidad de sonda nasogástrica y deterioro cognitivo. Se destaca la escasa aplicación de la herramienta en hospitales públicos, y la implementación de análisis de disparadores con cur vas ROC. Conocer la frecuencia y el tipo de evento más frecuente permitirá implementar medidas que mejoren la seguridad de los pacientes.

Abstract Introduction : The Global Trigger Tool (GTT) is a tool that accurately identifies adverse events that represent a significant problem in hospitals. Methods : Cross-sectional study based on retrospec tive review of randomized medical records using the GTT tool. Results : A total of 161 adverse events (AEs) were detected: 51 events per 100 admissions, 66 per 1000 patient-days, and 30% of admissions with AEs. The most frequent triggers were from the care module, with 25% complications associated with the use of procedures, 10% pressure ulcers, and 9% care-associated infections. The presence of AEs had a statistically significant asso ciation with a stay of more than 5 days, and a moderate association with age and number of triggers. Regarding the damage, 78% of the patients presented mild events and 4% fatal events. The ROC curves analysis showed that the triggers with the greatest area under the curve were: procedural complication (0.70), pressure ulcers (0.61) and rapid response code (0.60). Discussion : The number of events per 100 admis sions was higher than that reported in the literature, but there were no differences in events per 1000 patient-days. Fatal cases were caused by respiratory infectious diseases in patients with comorbidities, nasogastric tube needs and cognitive decline. The study highlights the scarce use of the tool in public hospitals and the implementation of trigger analysis with ROC curves. Knowing the frequency and the most frequent type of event will allow the implementation of measures that improve patient safety.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34032, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564881


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar como os profissionais de uma rede de serviços intersetoriais desenvolvem ações de cuidado aos adolescentes com comportamentos suicidas e autolesivos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório de abordagem qualitativa, realizado através de anotações no diário de campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas com 22 profissionais vinculados a serviços da assistência social, educação e saúde de um município de grande porte do nordeste brasileiro. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de agosto a setembro de 2021. Os discursos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática indutiva, com suporte do software Nvivo 11 Pro. Diante disso, duas categorias emergiram: estratégias de cuidado da rede intersetorial e fragilidades no cuidado. Os profissionais percebem os adolescentes como sujeitos que necessitam de suporte para o sofrimento psíquico apresentado. Deste modo desenvolvem, como principais estratégias de cuidado, o acolhimento e as atividades de prevenção, estas de modo pontual. Contudo, a rede de cuidados mostra-se insuficiente, devido à escassez de políticas infantojuvenis e serviços especializados, além de dificuldades na prática da intersetorialidade. Conclui-se que o cuidado ofertado aos adolescentes é fragilizado e necessita do fortalecimento de políticas públicas transversais, ampliação dos serviços primários/especializados e do trabalho intersetorial.

Abstract It aimed to analyze how professionals from an intersectoral service network develop care actions for adolescents with suicidal and self-injurious behaviors. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach, carried out through notes in the field diary and semi-structured interviews with 22 professionals linked to social assistance, education and health services in a large municipality in northeastern Brazil. Data collection took place from August to September 2021. The speeches were subjected to content analysis in the inductive thematic modality, with support from the Nvivo 11 Pro software. Given this, two categories emerged: intersectoral network care strategies and weaknesses in care. Professionals perceive adolescents as subjects who need support for their psychological suffering. In this way, they develop, as the main care strategies, reception and prevention activities, on a punctual basis. However, the care network appears to be insufficient, due to the scarcity of child and youth policies and specialized services, in addition to difficulties in practicing intersectorality. It is concluded that the care offered to adolescents is fragile and requires the strengthening of transversal public policies, expansion of primary/specialized services and intersectoral work.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34046, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564907


Resumo Objetivo: Discutir a possível função de insumo das práticas artísticas e culturais no contexto da Redução de Danos (RD). Métodos: Pesquisa etnográfica desenvolvida no Ponto de Cultura do Centro de Convivência "É de Lei", localizado em São Paulo-SP, em dois momentos: no primeiro, em outubro de 2016, realizou-se observação participante das atividades artísticas e culturais. No segundo, em novembro de 2016, realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais e frequentadores. O estudo identificou e descreveu práticas artísticas e culturais, bem como investigou suas possíveis relações com os insumos em RD na produção do laço social. A análise e a discussão dos dados foram embasadas por conceitos na interface entre a Saúde Coletiva e a Psicanálise. Resultados e Discussão: A pesquisa caracterizou o insumo em RD como promotor de vínculo entre o toxicômano e quem o oferta, com potencial para deslocar o sujeito da relação solitária estabelecida com a substância na direção dos laços sociais que possibilitam exercer sua condição de sujeito singular na cultura. Conclusão: O estudo considerou que as práticas artísticas e culturais podem exercer a função de insumos em RD no que concerne ao estabelecimento de laços sociais.

Abstract Objective: To discuss the possible input function of artistic and cultural practices in the context of Harm Reduction (HR). Methods: Ethnographic research developed at the Ponto de Cultura of the Centro de Convivência "É de Lei", located in São Paulo-SP, which took place in two moments: in the first, in October 2016, participative observation of artistic and cultural activities was carried out. In the second, in November 2016, semi-structured interviews were carried out with professionals and regulars. The study identified and described artistic and cultural practices, as well as investigated their possible relationships with HR inputs in the production of the social bond. The discussion of the data was based on concepts at the interface between public health and psychoanalysis. Results and Discussion: The research characterized the input in HR as a promoter of a bond between the drug addict and whoever offers it with the potential to divert the subject from the established solitary relationship with the substance towards the creation of social ties that stimulates the exercise of their condition as a singular subject in culture. Conclusion: The study concluded that artistic and cultural practices can play the role of inputs in HR with regard to the establishment of social bonds.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 15(2): 64-77, dic.2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532914


Introducción: la salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina ha sido ampliamente investigada, demostrando que forman parte de un grupo vulnerable al desarrollo de trastornos mentales. Objetivo: el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la frecuencia de NSSI y sus factores asociados en estudiantes de medicina del Paraguay. Metodología: este fue un estudio descriptivo y transversal. Se lanzó una encuesta online para evaluar depresión, ansiedad y autolesiones, se utilizaron las escalas PHQ-2, GAD-7 y SHQ, respectivamente. Resultados: recibimos respuestas de 330 estudiantes de medicina. De los participantes, el 71,2 % eran mujeres. Se identificó que el 46,4 % de los participantes padecía depresión (PHQ-2 ≥ 3) y el 37,3 % ansiedad (GAD-7 ≥10). La frecuencia de NSSI fue del 27 % (n = 89). Los principales factores asociados a NSSI fueron un diagnóstico previo de un trastorno mental (que aumentó la probabilidad de NSSI en 3,76 veces) y/o una historia de abuso físico o sexual (con un aumento de 3,75 veces). Conclusión: esta investigación encontró la presencia de NSSI en casi 3 de cada 10 de los estudiantes de medicina encuestados. Los principales factores asociados con la conducta autolesiva fueron un diagnóstico previo de un trastorno mental y/o antecedentes de abuso físico o sexual.

Introduction: the mental health of medical students has been extensively researched, showing that they are part of a group vulnerable to the development of mental disorders. Aim: the aim of this research was to determine the frequency of NSSI and its associated factors in medical students in Paraguay. Methodology: this was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. An online survey was launched to assess depression, anxiety, and self-harm, the PHQ-2, the GAD-7 and SHQ scales were used, respectively. Results: we received responses from 330 medical students. Of the participants, 71.2 % were female. 46.4% of the participants were identified as having depression (PHQ-2 ≥ 3) and 37.3 % as having anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10). The frequency of NSSI was 27 % (n = 89). The main factors associated with NSSI were a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder (which increased the likelihood of NSSI by 3.76 times) and/ or a history of physical or sexual abuse (with a 3.75-fold increase). Conclusion: this research found the presence of NSSI in almost 3 out of 10 of the medical students surveyed. The main factors associated with self-injurious behavior were a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder and/or a history of physical or sexual abuse.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529479


Introducción: la salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina ha sido ampliamente investigada, demostrando que forman parte de un grupo vulnerable al desarrollo de trastornos mentales. Objetivo: el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la frecuencia de NSSI y sus factores asociados en estudiantes de medicina del Paraguay. Metodología: este fue un estudio descriptivo y transversal. Se lanzó una encuesta online para evaluar depresión, ansiedad y autolesiones, se utilizaron las escalas PHQ-2, GAD-7 y SHQ, respectivamente. Resultados: recibimos respuestas de 330 estudiantes de medicina. De los participantes, el 71,2 % eran mujeres. Se identificó que el 46,4 % de los participantes padecía depresión (PHQ-2 ≥ 3) y el 37,3 % ansiedad (GAD-7 ≥10). La frecuencia de NSSI fue del 27 % (n = 89). Los principales factores asociados a NSSI fueron un diagnóstico previo de un trastorno mental (que aumentó la probabilidad de NSSI en 3,76 veces) y/o una historia de abuso físico o sexual (con un aumento de 3,75 veces). Conclusión: esta investigación encontró la presencia de NSSI en casi 3 de cada 10 de los estudiantes de medicina encuestados. Los principales factores asociados con la conducta autolesiva fueron un diagnóstico previo de un trastorno mental y/o antecedentes de abuso físico o sexual.

Introduction: the mental health of medical students has been extensively researched, showing that they are part of a group vulnerable to the development of mental disorders. Aim: the aim of this research was to determine the frequency of NSSI and its associated factors in medical students in Paraguay. Methodology: this was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. An online survey was launched to assess depression, anxiety, and self-harm, the PHQ-2, the GAD-7 and SHQ scales were used, respectively. Results: we received responses from 330 medical students. Of the participants, 71.2 % were female. 46.4% of the participants were identified as having depression (PHQ-2 ≥ 3) and 37.3 % as having anxiety (GAD-7 ≥10). The frequency of NSSI was 27 % (n = 89). The main factors associated with NSSI were a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder (which increased the likelihood of NSSI by 3.76 times) and/ or a history of physical or sexual abuse (with a 3.75-fold increase). Conclusion: this research found the presence of NSSI in almost 3 out of 10 of the medical students surveyed. The main factors associated with self-injurious behavior were a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder and/or a history of physical or sexual abuse.

Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 47(1): 91-110, 20230619.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438245


O artigo tem o objetivo de analisar a produção científica disponível na literatura sobre os eventos adversos em serviços de urgência e emergência. Assim, realizou-se uma revisão integrativa por meio de levantamento bibliográfico em agosto de 2022, com busca nas seguintes bases de dados eletrônicas: Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (Ibecs), Base de Dados em Enfermagem (BDENF) via Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde (BVS), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline) via PubMed e Web of Science via Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes). A busca resultou na amostra final de dez artigos, que foram descritos com base em quatro eixos temáticos, conforme tipo de serviço e desenvolvimento do estudo. Os assuntos mais abordados nas produções foram: terapia medicamentosa, incidentes relacionados à organização do serviço, falhas nas prescrições, prescrições verbais, incidentes com previsão e provisão de materiais e abastecimento. A análise das produções expõe o maior número de artigos da Espanha, do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos, com ênfase nos assuntos relacionados a eventos adversos em ambientes de urgência e emergência intra-hospitalares, demonstrando que as pesquisas sobre segurança do paciente em serviços de urgência e emergência são incipientes, assim como são escassos os estudos no Brasil voltados para as unidades de pronto atendimento.

The article aims to analyze the scientific production available in the literature on adverse events in urgency and emergency services. Thus, an integrative review was carried out with a bibliographic survey, in August 2022, with a search in the electronical databases: Spanish Bibliographic Index in Health Sciences (IBECS), Database in Nursing (BDENF) via Virtual Health Library (BVS), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) via PubMed and Web of Science via Portal de Periódicos da Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES). The search resulted in a final sample of ten articles, which were described based on four thematic axes, in accordance with the type of study development and service. The subjects most discussed in the productions were: drug therapy, incidents related to the organization of the service, failures in prescriptions, verbal prescriptions, incidents with prediction, and provision of materials and supplies. The analysis of the productions exposes the larger number of articles from Spain, Brazil, and the United States, with emphasis on subjects related to adverse events in in-hospital urgent and emergency environments, demonstrating that research on patient safety in urgency and emergency services are incipient, as well the few studies in Brazil directed to emergency care units.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la producción científica disponible en la literatura sobre eventos adversos en los servicios de urgencias y emergencia. Para ello, se realizó una revisión integradora mediante levantamiento bibliográfico, llevado a cabo en agosto de 2022, con búsqueda en las bases de datos en línea: Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (Ibecs), Base de Datos en Enfermería (BDENF) vía Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (Lilacs), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline) vía PubMed y Web of Science vía Portal de Periódicos de la Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento de Personal de Nivel Superior (Capes). La búsqueda resultó en una muestra final de diez artículos, descritos a partir de cuatro ejes temáticos, de acuerdo con el tipo de servicio y desarrollo del estudio. Los temas más tratados en las producciones fueron farmacoterapia, incidentes relacionados con la organización del servicio, fallos en la prescripción, prescripción verbal, e incidentes con predicción y provisión de materiales e insumos. El análisis de las producciones expone la mayor cantidad de artículos en España, Brasil y Estados Unidos, con mayor énfasis en temas relacionados con eventos adversos en ambientes de urgencias y emergencia intrahospitalaria, demostrando que la investigación sobre seguridad del paciente en servicios de urgencias y emergencia es incipiente, así como existen pocos estudios en Brasil dirigidos a unidades de atención de emergencia.

Prescripción Inadecuada , Servicios de Salud
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220128


Background: Deliberate self-harm is a complex behavior of maladaptive response to acute and chronic stress, and likely to be suffering from mental health problems as well as co-morbid general medical conditions, including several non-suicidal intentions to suicide. Deliberate self-harm was previously included in suicide. Sir Thomas Browne first used the word ‘Suicide’ in 1642 in his religion Medici. The word suicide originated from SUI (of oneself) & CAEDES (murder). According to WHO ‘Suicide’ refers to the act of killing oneself intentionally, performed by the person with full knowledge or expectation of the fatal outcome. This study aimed to analyze the pattern of psychiatric disorders among patients with deliberate self-harm. This study aimed to analyze the socio-demographic correlation among patients with deliberate self-harm. Material & Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Medicine; emergency & OPD, Rangpur Medical College, Rangpur, Bangladesh. The study duration was 1 year; July 2012- June 2013. A total of 116 deliberate self-harm cases were included in this study as per the inclusion criteria. A convenience sampling technique was undertaken in this study. Results: The correlation of age, sex, economic status, religion, educational status, occupation, marital status, family history of mental illness, previous H/O mental illness, previous H/O physical illness, nature of stress factors, and the total number of DSH was significant between psychiatric disorder and co-morbid general medical condition. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between sociodemographic parameters among the patients with deliberate self-harm. Bangladesh is a country with a cultural heritage of thousands of years. Traditional values, and social and family bonding are the characteristics of the culture. Traditional value systems are being declined gradually due to the influence of western culture. The social structure is in a period of transition that is characterized by the waning of family ties and social support as well as an increase in urbanization and modernization. This factor together with psychiatric and co-morbid general medical conditions plays an important role in deliberate self-harm

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(1): 53-60, Jan.-Apr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528687


Resumen: Objetivo: Comprender las experiencias de Reducción de Daños en las voces de personas costarricenses en situación de calle, consumidoras de sustancias psicoactivas. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa con diseño fenomenológico que contó con la participación de 10 personas en situación de calle que visitaban diferentes centros de atención en reducción de daños en tres provincias de Costa Rica durante los años de 2019 y 2020. Resultados: La efectivación del derecho a la salud y el reconocimiento de la ciudadanía y la humanidad de las personas en situación de calle consumidoras de sustancias, estuvieron siempre presentes en las experiencias vividas dentro de las instituciones de Reducción de Daños. Además, se explicitó que, los ejes de derechos humanos, cuidados centrados en la persona y el reconocimiento del fenómeno de las drogas como una dimensión perteneciente al ámbito de la Salud Pública fueron puntos neurálgicos "del ser" dentro de la Reducción de Daños en Costa Rica. Conclusión: Una de las mayores contribuciones de este estudio fue la comprensión del progreso de la Reducción de Daños en un no-lugar como la calle. La comprensión fenomenológica social nos mostró también que el sentido de "ser y estar" en el mundo no es algo pasible de ser determinado por estructuras primitivas y punitivas. Por lo tanto, cualquier tentativa de cuidado a la salud que deslegitime al ser humano en cualquier momento o (no) lugar estará destinada al fracaso.

Abstract: Objective: To understand the experiences of Harm Reduction among the voices of homeless people and drug users in Costa Rica. Materials and Methods: A qualitative research with a phenomenological approach that worked with 10 homeless people in Costa Rica during 2019-2020. Results: The materialization of the right to health and the recognition of the citizenship/humanism of homeless people-drug user were always present in the lived experiences of the participants. In addition, it was explicit that the axes of Humanism, Person-centered Care and the recognition of the Drug Phenomenon as a dimension belonging to the field of Public Health were neuralgic points of being within the Harm Reduction in Costa Rica. Conclusion: One of the major contributions of this study was the understanding of the progress of Harm Reduction in a non-place like the street. The social phenomenological understanding also showed us that the sense of "being" in the world is not something that can be determined by primitive and punitive structures. Therefore, any health care attempt that delegitimizes the human being at any time or (no) place will be doomed to failure.

Saúde debate ; 47(136): 308-317, jan.-mar. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432408


RESUMO Este artigo teve como objetivo apresentar a experiência da implementação dos Consultórios de Rua na cidade do Recife-PE como estratégia de prevenção ao HIV/Aids e Redução de Danos (RD) decorrentes do uso de álcool, crack e outras drogas. Ainda que o resgate da história desse processo apresente tensões, impermanências e alternâncias nos modelos de cuidado implementados pela gestão municipal, sua análise aponta a importância de reafirmar, no contexto atual, a proposição de práticas e experiências nesse campo, ancoradas na RD e na defesa da cidadania e dos direitos humanos. Observa-se que os Consultórios de Rua contribuem para fortalecer a prática de RD no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) como estratégia de saúde pública, assim como reduzem as vulnerabilidades às Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST) e Aids associadas ao uso de álcool, crack e outras drogas. A experiência do CR ampliou a promoção à linha de cuidado para pessoas que usam álcool, crack, e outras drogas, reduzindo também as vulnerabilidades das IST/Aids associadas a esse consumo. No entanto, vê-se que é preciso investir e manter processos formativos que sejam permanentes, além de estudos e pesquisas epidemiológicas que demonstrem os resultados alcançados nos diferentes contextos.

ABSTRACT This article aims to present the experience of implementing 'Street Outreach Teams' in the city of Recife-PE as a strategy for HIV/AIDS prevention and Harm Reduction (HR) associated with the use of alcohol, crack, and other drugs. Although the review of the history of this process reveals tensions, volatility, and alternations in the care models implemented by the city management, the analysis points out the importance of reaffirming, in the current context, the practices and experiences in that field, anchored in HR and in the defense of civil and human rights. Street outreach teams have been found to help strengthen the practice of HR in the Unified Health System, as a public health strategy to reduce vulnerabilities to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and AIDS associated with the use of alcohol, crack, and other drugs. The experience has expanded the promotion of the line of care for people who use alcohol, crack, and other drugs and reduced the vulnerabilities of STI/AIDS associated with such use. However, it seems that it is necessary to invest and maintain permanent training processes, in addition to epidemiological studies and research demonstrating the results achieved in different contexts.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981550


The development and potential application of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology is closely related to the human brain, so that the ethical regulation of BCI has become an important issue attracting the consideration of society. Existing literatures have discussed the ethical norms of BCI technology from the perspectives of non-BCI developers and scientific ethics, while few discussions have been launched from the perspective of BCI developers. Therefore, there is a great need to study and discuss the ethical norms of BCI technology from the perspective of BCI developers. In this paper, we present the user-centered and non-harmful BCI technology ethics, and then discuss and look forward on them. This paper argues that human beings can cope with the ethical issues arising from BCI technology, and as BCI technology develops, its ethical norms will be improved continuously. It is expected that this paper can provide thoughts and references for the formulation of ethical norms related to BCI technology.

Humanos , Interfaces Cerebro-Computador , Tecnología , Encéfalo , Interfaz Usuario-Computador , Electroencefalografía
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990228


Objective:To deeply understand the psychological experience of self-harm in adolescent patients with mental disorder under environmental function model, and to provide reference for the formulation of nursing intervention measures for adolescent patients with mental disorder.Methods:Descriptive phenomenology was used to conduct in-depth interviews with 14 adolescent patients with mental disorders in Wuhan Mental Health Center From February to May 2021. The interview data were analyzed by Colaizzi′s seven-step analysis method.Results:There were 4 themes and 12 sub-themes: cognitive bias of self-harming behavior; psychological and emotional complexity: self-denial and self-loathing, pain, despair, satisfaction and comfort, shame, stigma, guilt; the causes of self-harm: family factors, school factors, personality factors and psychiatric symptoms factors; insufficient self-management ability: insufficient emotional management ability, low medication compliance, low self-efficacy.Conclusions:The self-harm behavior of adolescent mental disorder patients is not optimistic, the psychological and emotional burden is heavy, and the self-management ability is insufficient, so the intervention and prevention of self-harm behavior should be further strengthened.

Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 25(4): 205-215, 2023. tab./graf.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437053


Introduction: College students represent an important subpopulation of the United States, with over 19 million college students in the U.S. enrolled yearly. Methods: Descriptive analysis of the causes of death for all deceased students reported by the UW Dean of Students Office (DSO) between 2004 and 2018. We analyzed frequencies and yearly rates. Results: Our analysis shows that contrary to published data and national statistics for the relevant age groups, intentional by self-harm deaths lead causes of death in enrolled students from 2004 to 2018. Intentional by self-harm is the main cause of death in male students, younger students, and white students. "Other" causes of death is the main cause in female students, older students, and students of color. Conclusions: These results must be shared with different stakeholders across campus as well as with other universities in order to support and evaluate campus-wide prevention strategies for means restriction and environmental safety.

Introducción: Los estudiantes universitarios representan una subpoblación importante de los Estados Unidos, con más de 19 millones de matriculados anualmente. Sin embargo, hay pocos datos publicados sobre la mortalidad y causas de muerte en la población universitaria. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las causas de muerte, basadas en datos de certificados de defunción, de estudiantes matriculados en University of Winconsin- Madison desde 2004 hasta 2018. Métodos: Análisis descriptivo de las causas oficiales de muerte de todos los estudiantes fallecidos reportados por la Oficina del Decano de Estudiantes entre 2004 y 2018. Se analizaron frecuencias y tasas anuales. Resultados: El análisis muestra que, contrariamente a los datos publicados y las estadísticas nacionales para los grupos de edad relevantes, las muertes intencionales por autolesión lideran las causas de muerte en los estudiantes matriculados entre esos años. Las autolesiones intencionales son la principal causa de muerte en los estudiantes varones, en los estudiantes más jóvenes y en los estudiantes blancos. Las causas incluidas en la categoría indicada como Otras son las principales en las estudiantes mujeres, en estudiantes mayores y en estudiantes de color. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio deben compartirse con las diferentes áreas interesadas en todo el campus universitario y con otras instituciones universitarias, para apoyar y evaluar las estrategias de prevención, la aplicación de los medios de restricción y la seguridad ambiental.

Mortalidad , Estudiantes , Suicidio , Universidades , Accidentes de Tránsito , Causas de Muerte , Conducta Autodestructiva
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220224, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440379


Resumo Este artigo apresenta as cartografias produzidas com a população de rua em Florianópolis, Brasil, e tem como objetivo dar visibilidade às estratégias de redução de danos (RD) como produção de cuidado nas ruas. As primeiras cenas partem dos debates em uma oficina de RD com a população de rua, quando se teve contato com a proposta da RD. Em seguida, as cenas cartografadas apresentam o encontro com Cigana e Alemão(c), um casal que se conheceu em cenas de uso de crack, e, a partir desse encontro, foram agenciados por afetos que os movimentaram a deixar o uso daquela substância. Essas cartografias demonstraram que a população de rua inventa outros jeitos de se encontrar, criando linhas de fuga como forma de reafirmar sua existência e utilizando estratégias de RD como produção de cuidado. (AU)

Abstract This article presents maps created with the homeless population in Florianópolis, Brazil and aims to create greater visibility for harm reduction (HR) strategies as a form of care provision on the streets. The first scenes draw on discussions during a HR workshop with homeless people, when they had their first contact with the strategy. The mapped scenes are the result of an encounter with Cigana and Alemão, a couple who met each other in the midst of scenes of crack use and, thereafter, through the agency of affect, were motivated to stop using the substance. The maps demonstrate that homeless people invent other ways to find themselves, creating lines of flight as a way of reaffirming their existence and using HR strategies as a form of care provision. (AU)

Resumen Este artículo presenta las cartografías producidas con la población sin hogar a en Florianópolis, Brasil, y su objetivo es dar visibilidad a las estrategias de reducción de daños (RD) como producción de cuidado en las calles. Las primeras escenas parten de los debates de un taller de RD con la población sin hogar, cuando se tuvo contacto con la propuesta de RD. Enseguida, las escenas cartografiadas presentan el encuentro con Gitana y Alemán, una pareja que se conoció en escenas de uso de crack y, a partir de ese encuentro, fueron agenciados por afectos que los llevaron a dejar el uso de esa substancia. Esas cartografías demostraron que la población sin hogar inventa otras formas de encontrarse, creando líneas de fuga como forma de reafirmar su existencia y utilizando estrategias de RD como producción de cuidado. (AU)

Saúde Soc ; 32(3): e220585pt, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515563


Resumo Esta pesquisa analisa os processos críticos para a redução de danos entre consumidores de esteroides, no contexto de academias de ginástica da região Metropolitana de Goiânia, Goiás, e os sujeitos do estudo foram selecionados por meio da técnica de Bola de Neve. Foi realizada análise de conteúdo a partir da transcrição de quinze entrevistas, e a exploração do material produzido levou à construção de quatro categorias a posteriori. Foram observadas ações - como o gerenciamento individual de riscos, a exemplo da autoexperimentação para avaliar a qualidade do produto e da automedicação na forma de terapias pós-ciclo - e, ao mesmo tempo, processos que conferem proteção à saúde, especialmente relativos às redes de apoio e à posição socioeconômica favorável dos participantes deste estudo. Considera-se importante estruturar ações proativas, contínuas e integradas de redução de danos que respondam às necessidades de saúde de quem consome esteroides, assim como implementar estratégias que superem tanto a abordagem de guerra às drogas quanto a abordagem apenas pragmática e individual do gerenciamento de riscos.

Abstract This research analyzes the critical processes for harm reduction among steroid consumers, in the context of gyms in the metropolitan region of Goiânia, Goiás. The study subjects were selected using Snowball sampling. Content analysis was carried out from the transcription of fifteen interviews, and the exploration of the produced material led to the construction of four categories a posteriori. Actions-such as individual risk management, by self-experimentation to assess the product's quality and self-medication in the form of post-cycle therapies, for example-were observed and, at the same time, processes that afford health protection, especially regarding the support networks and favorable socioeconomic position of this study's participants. Structuring proactive, continuous, and integrated harm reduction actions that respond to steroid consumers' health needs is considered important, as well as implementing strategies that overcome both the war on drugs approach and the merely pragmatic and individual approach to risk management.

Educación en Salud
Rev. Baiana Enferm. (Online) ; 37: e54052, 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1529677


Objetivos: analizar fenomenológicamente los vacíos y deudas que la población LGBTQIA+ costarricense en situación de calle, consumidora de drogas, enfrenta desde la perspectiva de Reducción de Daños. Método: Reflexión fenomenológica que se circunscribe en el macroproyecto "Experiencias de personas en situación de calle consumidoras de sustancias psicoactivas: Una aproximación desde el Modelo de Reducción de daños". Resultados: La salud de la población LGBTQIA+ en situación de calle y consumidora de drogas se comprende como un fenómeno complejo y multidimensional, ante esto pensar en estrategias políticas que permitan efectivar ese derecho humano se torna fundamental. Se comprende que son múltiples las deudas presentes con esa población, consecuentemente, se debe considerar la perspectiva interseccional y territorial como norte praxiológico. Consideraciones finales: La Reducción de Daños debe enfocarse en garantizar los derechos humanos y brindar una atención territorializada, centrada en la persona, con perspectiva de salud pública y transversalizada en principios de equidad y justicia.

Objetivos: analisar fenomenologicamente as lacunas e dívidas que a população LGBTQIA+ costarriquenha em situação de rua, consumidora de drogas enfrenta desde a perspectiva de Redução de Danos. Método: Reflexão fenomenológica circunscrita no macroprojeto "Experiências de pessoas em situação de rua consumidoras de substâncias psicoativas: Uma aproximação desde o Modelo de Redução de Danos". Resultados: A saúde da população LGBTQIA+ em situação de rua e consumidora de drogas compreende-se como um fenômeno complexo e multidimensional, diante disto, pensar em estratégias políticas que permitam efetivar esse direito humano torna-se fundamental. Adicionalmente, compreende-se que são muitas as dívidas presentes com essa população, consequentemente, deve-se considerar sempre a perspectiva interseccional e territorial como norte praxiológico para garantir o cuidado. Considerações finais: A Redução de Danos deve garantir os direitos humanos e oferecer uma atenção territorializada, centrada na pessoa, com perspectiva de saúde pública e transversalizada pelos princípios de equidade e justiça.

Objective: to analyze the gaps and debts that the homeless, drug-consuming Costa Rican LGBTQIA+ population faces from the perspective of Harm Reduction. Method: Phenomenological reflection that is circumscribed in the macro-project "Experiences of homeless people who consume psychoactive substances: An approach from the Harm Reduction Model." Results: The health of the LGBTQIA+ population living on the streets and drug users is understood as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. Given this, thinking about political strategies that allow this human right to be realized becomes fundamental. It is understood that there are multiple debts present with this population, consequently, the intersectional and territorial perspective must be considered as a praxiological north. Final considerations: Harm Reduction must focus on guaranteeing human rights and providing territorialized, person-centered care, with a public health perspective and mainstreamed in principles of equity and justice.

Humanos , Reducción del Daño , Consumidores de Drogas , Minorías Sexuales y de Género , Costa Rica
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515141


Objetivo: Mapear la evidencia científica respecto de las autolesiones no suicidas y trastorno límite de la personalidad en adolescentes de muestras comunitarias o clínicas en el contexto internacional. Introducción: Las autolesiones no suicidas corresponden a un importante campo de investigación en el espectro de suicidio, no obstante, son diversas las perspectivas para su conceptualización. La literatura señala ampliamente la comorbilidad entre las autolesiones no suicidas y el trastorno límite de la personalidad. Métodos: Scoping review basada en la metodología propuesta por el Joanna Briggs Institute. Se utilizaron las bases de datos Ovid, Science Direct, Proquest, Biblioteca Virtual de Salud y Web of Science. La búsqueda fue realizada en fuentes publicadas del 2011 hasta noviembre de 2021 en idiomas español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: La muestra final estuvo conformada por 12 artículos extraídos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se encontraron cuatro categorías: curso longitudinal de las autolesiones no suicidas y trastornos límite de la personalidad en adolescentes, marcadores neuronales-fisiológicos de las autolesiones no suicidas y trastornos límite de la personalidad en adolescentes y riesgos psicosociales asociados a las autolesiones no suicidas y trastornos límite de la personalidad. Conclusiones: Se requieren más estudios interdisciplinares en el campo de las autolesiones no suicidas y trastornos límite de la personalidad en adolescentes. Se evidencia la necesidad de estudiar el curso longitudinal, marcadores neuronales-fisiológicos y riesgos psicosociales para mejorar la especificad de las intervenciones en muestras clínicas.

Objective: To map the scientific evidence regarding non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorder in adolescents from community or clinical samples in the international context. Introduction: Non-suicidal self-harm corresponds to an important field of research in the suicide spectrum; however, there are diverse perspectives for its conceptualization. The literature widely points out the comorbidity between non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorder. Methods: Scoping review based on the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. The Ovid, Science Direct, Proquest, Virtual Health Library and Web of Science databases were used. The search was carried out in sources published from 2011 to November 2021 in Spanish, English and Portuguese languages. Results: The final sample consisted of 12 extracted articles that met the inclusion criteria. Four categories were found: longitudinal course of non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorders in adolescents, neuronal-physiological markers of non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorders in adolescents, and psychosocial risks associated with non-suicidal self-harm and borderline disorders. of personality. Conclusions: More interdisciplinary studies are required in the field of non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorders in adolescents. The need to study the longitudinal course, neuronal-physiological markers and psychosocial risks is evident to improve the specificity of interventions in clinical samples.

Saúde debate ; 47(spe1): e8976, abr.-jun. 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565827


RESUMO Apresentam-se os achados da pesquisa da dissertação de mestrado com abordagem integrativa que objetivou revisitar as publicações com a temática LGBTQIA+ de periódicos científicos. Ao colocar, como enfoque, a estratégia de Redução de Danos (RD), a presente pesquisa objetivou identificar quais as práticas realizadas para a população trans e contextualizar como a RD pode contribuir para construção de vínculo no cuidado à saúde. Coletaram-se os dados nas bases Lilacs e SciELO. Recuperaram-se 110 artigos publicados, entre 2005 e 2020, em português. Seus resumos foram lidos na íntegra. Identificaramse sete abordagens: RD como estratégia de políticas públicas; violências vivenciadas nas trajetórias de transição percorridas pelas travestis; atendimento à população LGBTQIA+; profissionais de saúde capazes de prestar um cuidado humanizado, verdadeiramente centrado na pessoa, com escuta ativa; o cuidado a saúde e hormonização como processo de construção feminina; movimentos sociais; educação e ações afirmativas para a continuidade do estudo e colocação profissional. Assim, a pesquisa contribui para ampliar o conhecimento e a compreensão sobre a temática LGBTQIA+. As demandas específicas de travestis e transexuais em sua busca por atendimento nos serviços de saúde são explicitadas de modo a compreender como a RD pode ser estratégia de cuidado à saúde da população trans.

ABSTRACT We present the research findings of the master's thesis with an integrative approach, which aimed to revisit publications with an LGBTQIA+ theme in scientific journals. By focusing on the Harm Reduction (HR) strategy, this research aimed to identify the practices conducted for the trans population and contextualize how HR can contribute to building bonds in healthcare. Data were collected in the LILACS and SciELO databases. We retrieved 110 articles published from 2005 to 2020 in Portuguese. Their summaries were read in full. Seven approaches were identified: HR as a public policy strategy; violence experienced in the transition trajectories followed by transvestites; assistance to the LGBTQIA+ population; health professionals can provide truly person-centered, humanized care, with active listening; healthcare and hormonization as a feminine construction process; social movements; education and affirmative actions for continued study and professional placement. Thus, the research contributes to expanding knowledge and understanding about LGBTQIA+ issues. The specific demands of transvestites and transsexuals in their search for care in health services are explained in order to understand how HR can be a health care strategy for the trans population.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 36: 19, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529275


Abstract Most children grow up in homes with easy access to multiple screens. Screen use by children between the ages of 0 to 5 has become a worldwide preoccupation. In the present narrative review, we examine child and parent screen use and its contribution to physical, cognitive, and social developmental outcomes. As research has mostly focused on the adverse consequences of screen media, we aim to depict both the negative and the positive influences of screen usage. To provide a more nuanced portrait of the potential benefits and harms of screen use, we examine how consequences of media use vary according to the content of media (ex., educational, violent), context (ex., using screens during mealtimes), and the nature (ex., passive vs active use) of child screen use. Our review supports existing screen time guidelines and recommendations and suggests that media content, the context of use, and the nature of child use, as well as the parent's own screen use, be considered clinically. Future research should seek to clarify how these dimensions jointly contribute to child screen use profiles and associated consequences. Finally, child sex, behavioral/temperamental difficulties, and family adversity appear to contribute to child screen use and its consequences and should be considered in future research. Suggestions for harm-reduction approaches are discussed.