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Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 205-214, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011460


Yigongsan is derived from Xiaoer Yaozheng Zhijue written by QIAN Yi in the Northern Song dynasty, which is the No. 3 formula in the Catalogue of Ancient Famous Classical Formulas(The Second Batch of Pediatrics) released by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) in September 2022, and it can be developed as a class 3.1 new TCM drug. By referring to ancient medical books and modern literature, this study conducted herbal textual research on Yigongsan from five aspects, including historical evolution, origin and processing, dosage conversion, usage and preparation methods, and functional application, then formed the key information table of this formula, in order to provide reference for the development of reference samples and preparations of Yigongsan. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that Panax ginseng should be removed the basal part of stem(rhizoma), Poria cocos should be removed the peel, Citrus reticulata should be cut into shreds and Glycyrrhiza uralensis should be used. According to 4.13 g/Qian(钱), 1 g/slice for ginger, 3 g for each jujube and 300 mL/Zhan(盏), the doses of Ginseng Radix, Poria, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens, Jujubae Fructus were 1.652, 1.652, 1.652, 1.652, 1.652, 5, 6 g, and the total amount was 19.26 g. The decocting method was to crush the medicinal materials into fine powder with 50-80 mesh, add 300 mL of water and decoct to 210 mL for each dose, then remove the dregs and take it warmly. This formula was recorded in ancient books as the main treatment for the cold-deficiency of spleen and stomach, and Qi stagnation in children with vomiting and diarrhea and lack of appetite. It has been flexibly applied by later generations of physicians, and is often used to treat anorexia, inflammation of the digestive tract, diarrhea and other diseases in children.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 176-186, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012707


Tuoli Xiaodusan is the 65th formula in the Catalogue of Ancient Famous Classical Formulas(First Batch). In this study, the bibliometric method was used to summarize and verify the ancient books about Tuoli Xiaodusan in terms of its historical origin, composition and dosage of the formula, indications, decoction and administration method, and processing, etc. According to the research, there is no definite date of the formation of Tuoli Xiaodusan, the earliest can be traced back to Lizhai Waike Fahui in Ming dynasty, which has been widely circulated, with many versions of prescription composition, and the modern influential version is from Waike Zhengzong in Ming dynasty, which is made up of 12 Chinese herbs including Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma(3.73 g), Chuanxiong Rhizoma(3.73 g), Paeoniae Radix Alba(3.73 g), Astragali Radix(3.73 g), Angelicae Sinensis Radix(3.73 g), Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma(3.73 g), Poria(3.73 g), Lonicerae Japonicae Flos(3.73 g), Angelicae Dahuricae Radix(1.87 g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma(1.87 g), Gleditsiae Spina(1.87 g), Platycodonis Radix(1.87 g). The herb origins almost follow the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, except that Angelica dahurica var. formosana is only recommended as the origin of Angelicae Dahuricae Radix, and Glycryyhiza uralensis is only recommended as the origin of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma. All the herbs are recommended to be used in the raw products. As for the preparation method, it is recommended to decoct with water, add 400 mL of water, boil until 160 mL, and take 2-3 times a day. The formula has the functions of nourishing Qi and nourishing blood, detoxifying and draining pus, and was mainly used to treat ulcerative diseases with the syndrome of syndrome of healthy Qi deficiency and pathogenic factors excess in ancient times, and in modern times, it is used for a wide range of treatment, involving the skin and soft tissues, bones, digestion and many other systemic diseases, and is also mainly used for syndrome of healthy Qi deficiency and pathogenic factors excess. In this study, the ancient and modern applications of Tuoli Xiaodusan were summarized, and its key information was identified, providing a basis for its wider clinical application, in-depth research and formulation development.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 293-298, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013367


Simmering method is one of the traditional processing methods of Chinese materia medica, which has been documented in the herbal literature and medical books of the past dynasties and has a great variety, but at present, there are not many specific varieties of Chinese materia medica involved, and there are few related researches. By reviewing the ancient and modern related information, the authors have organized and analyzed the historical evolution, processing purpose, modern representative Chinese materia medica(processing technology, quality evaluation, pharmacological research) of simmering method. After sorting out, it was found that the simmering method was widely used in ancient times, which was first seen in Huashi Zhongzangjing of the Eastern Han dynasty, and was enriched and developed through the Tang, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and entered its heyday in Ming and Qing dynasties along with the economic prosperity and development of the Ming dynasty, involving as many as 159 varieties of Chinese materia medica, and gradually perfecting the processing theory of the simmering method. However, the number of varieties that still use the simmering method in modern times significantly decreased. The main purposes of using simmering method in modern Chinese materia medica are to reduce adverse reactions, moderate medicinal properties, enhance therapeutic effects, remove non-medicinal parts, and facilitate further processing, etc. This paper combed the key information of simmering methods for Chinese materia medica from ancient to modern times, which can provide a literature basis for the clinical application and modern research of simmered products of Chinese materia medica.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 279-289, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003790


By consulting ancient herbal books and modern literature, this paper systematically sorted out and researched the processing history, relevant processing norms in recent years, modern processing technology, chemical composition changes of processed products and their pharmacological mechanism of Scutellariae Radix, in order to provide a basis for the further development of Scutellariae Radix decoction pieces. According to the textual research of ancient books, there were many kinds of processing auxiliary materials of Scutellariae Radix, such as wine, vinegar, salt, honey, pig bile and so on, among which the wine processing was the most diverse and detailed, and the processed products such as raw products, stir-fried products, wine-processed products, fried charcoal products were still in use. The modern processing techniques of Scutellariae Radix mainly focus on the processing aspects of softening and slicing, wine processing and charcoal frying, and the research methods are relatively unified. At present, it is found that the changed chemical constituents of Scutellariae Radix after processing are flavonoids, polysaccharides, volatile oils and trace elements, etc. Pharmacological effects of processed products are hemostasis, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic and antipyretic, treatment of lung diseases, treatment of colitis, etc. However, in the studies of Scutellariae Radix processing, there is a lack of research on the structural changes of chemical components caused by processing and a comprehensive comparative study on the pharmacological effects of various processed products. Based on this, it is suggested to carry out systematic research on the processing technology to processing mechanism, further explore the relationship between the change rule of material basis and pharmacological action before and after processing of Scutellariae Radix, and deepen the exploration of molecular mechanism and clinical application of processed products of Scutellariae Radix, in order to clarify the scientific connotation of the processing mechanism of Scutellariae Radix, and lay a foundation for the subsequent expansion of the application of Scutellariae Radix decoction pieces and the formulation of processing standards.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 35-45, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006266


ObjectiveTo sort out the historical evolution, prescription evolution and modern clinical application of Huagaisan. MethodHuagaisan and its synonym Huagaitang are used as keywords to search the databases of Traditional Chinese Medicine Think Tank, Chinese Medical Dictionary, Airusheng Chinese Medical Database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI). According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we obtained the information of ancient books and modern clinical research literature related to Huagaisan, and systematically reviewed and analyzed the historical origin, prescription composition, preparation method, dosage, efficacy, medicinal material origin, processing method and modern clinical application of Huagaisan. ResultA total of 198 pieces of ancient book information were included, involving 93 ancient Chinese medicine books. Huagaisan was composed of fried Perillae Fructus, red Poria, fried Mori Cortex, Citri Eoxcarpium Rubrum, stir-fried Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Ephedrae Herba and fried Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, which had the efficacy of promoting the lungs and relieving epidemiological symptoms, expelling phlegm and relieving cough, and treating cough with wind-cold bundled epidemiological symptoms and stagnation of phlegm and Qi. The preparation method was suggested as boiling powder, crushing the seven herbs into coarse particles, the dosage of each drug was fried Perillae Fructus of 1.27 g, red Poria of 1.27 g, fried Mori Cortex of 1.27 g, Citri Eoxcarpium Rubrum of 1.27 g, stir-fried Armeniacae Semen Amarum of 1.27 g, Ephedrae Herba of 1.27 g and fried Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma of 0.64 g, taking 8.26 g when decocting, adding 300 mL of water, decocting to 210 mL, removing the dregs, and taking it warmly after meals. Twenty-one clinical research papers were included to analyze the modern clinical application of Huagaisan, which was mainly used in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and so on. ConclusionThis paper has verified and summarized the key information of the famous classical formula Huagaisan, which can provide a detailed reference basis for the development and clinical application of its compound preparation.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 663-668, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036447


Attaching importance to the ideological and political education of medical students is an important experience and political advantage for the vigorous development of health undertakings under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). During the Yan’an period, the CPC put forward a series of theoretical principles and path methods to carry out the ideological and political education work for medical students, and formed a wealth of work experience. These were mainly manifested in the education direction of serving the Anti-Japanese War, the education content combining labor educational with ideological education, flexible and diverse educational methods, and the educational characteristics of education in medical ethics and medical style. In the new era and new journey, it is necessary to draw on the historical experience of ideological and political education work for medical students during the Yan’an period, cultivate a team of medical talents with both moral and talent, and provide strong and reliable talent support for high-quality development of the medical and health undertakings and a healthy China.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 267-274, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039648


Fermentum Rubrum(FR) is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with dual-use functions of medicine and food, which has been used for more than 1 000 years. By referring to the ancient herbal classics and modern laws and regulations, the author sorted out the origin of FR, sorted out the development of processing, and analyzed the problems existing in the quality standard, aiming to provide a basis for further research and development of FR. There are many theories about the origin of FR. After summarizing and sorting out the relevant literature, three viewpoints are mainly drawn, including Han dynasty origin theory, Wei and Jin origin theory and Tang dynasty origin theory. After synthesizing the views of various schools, it is believed that the origin of FR should be no later than the Eastern Han dynasty. FR is made from rice by fermentation, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen, eliminating food, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis after fermentation. Although the natural fermentation in ancient times has been able to pay attention to the influence of temperature, humidity and strain on the quality of FR, due to the low level of science and technology, there are still problems such as complicated and cumbersome process, large workload and high labor cost. To the pure fermentation in modern times, the fermentation processing method of FR has been evolved, gradually improved and perfected. However, due to the lack of standardized research, there is no unified standard for the fermentation process of FR in various regions, and the quality standard lags behind seriously, which leads to the unstable product quality on the market. Among the 15 specifications for the preparation of FR, only 6 have been published in the past 5 years, and most of them have not been revised in a timely manner, and some of them have not been included in the updated version. Based on this, it is recommended to carry out a systematic study on processing technology of FR, and the best process is selected to accelerate the revision and improvement of its standardization, so as to improve the quality of FR sold in the market and promote its stable and sustainable development.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 46: e20230042, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550748


RESUMO O presente trabalho tem como objetivo, analisar os movimentos pela regulamentação da profissão de Educação Física nos anos de 1940 e nos anos de 1980/1990. Debruçados no método materialista histórico dialético, buscamos demonstrar ao leitor as diferenças em ambos os movimentos e exprimir o processo histórico de cada uma das épocas, possibilitando-nos comprovar nossa hipótese de que o primeiro movimento buscava a regulamentação do trabalho, enquanto o segundo a regulamentação da profissão. Por fim, apesar da literatura utilizar-se da mesma categoria para ambos os movimentos, os processos históricos e as determinações, de cada período, nos ajudam a compreender suas diferenças.

ABSTRACT The present work aims to analyze the movements for the regulation of the profession of Physical Education in the 1940s and in the 1980s/1990s. Focusing on the dialectical historical materialist method, we seek to demonstrate to the reader the differences in both movements and to express the historical process of each of the epochs, enabling us to prove our hypothesis that the first movement sought the regulation of work, while the second the regulation of the profession. Finally, although the literature uses the same category for both movements, the historical processes and determinations of each period help us to understand their differences.

RESUMEN El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los movimientos por la regulación de la profesión de la Educación Física en la década de 1940 y en las décadas de 1980/1990. Centrándonos en el método materialista histórico dialéctico, buscamos demostrar al lector las diferencias de ambos movimientos y expresar el proceso histórico de cada una de las épocas, lo que nos permite probar nuestra hipótesis de que el primer movimiento buscaba la regulación del trabajo, mientras que el segundo la regulación de la profesión. Finalmente, aunque la literatura utiliza la misma categoría para ambos movimientos, los procesos y determinaciones históricas de cada período nos ayudan a entender sus diferencias.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e246212, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529259


A Teoria da Atividade desenvolvida pelo pensador russo Alexis Leontiev oferece subsídios para compreender a constituição humana a partir das relações sociais e apropriação do conhecimento. Nesse caminho, o desenvolvimento das ações do professor no ensino deve se constituir em atividade. Assim, objetivamos investigar docentes em exercício na Educação Básica para reunir elementos sobre a constituição da atividade docente na sociedade do trabalho. Para isso, três professoras do Ensino Básico público contribuíram com a pesquisa: foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e acompanhadas as rotinas de trabalho nas escolas envolvidas. Nos resultados, depreendemos que há possibilidades das ações de ensino se constituírem em atividade, mesmo diante das condições alienantes e fragmentadas que o professorado vivencia nesse cenário. Ainda, como considerações, reiteramos a defesa por políticas públicas que garantam condições concretas para a atuação docente para que possa cumprir seu papel junto à transformação e emancipação dos sujeitos pela Educação.

La Teoría de la Actividad desarrollada por el pensador ruso Alexis Leontiev ofrece ayuda para comprender la constitución humana a partir de las relaciones sociales y apropiación del conocimiento. En ese camino, el desarrollo de las acciones del profesor en la enseñanza debe se constituir en actividad. Así, objetivamos investigar docentes en ejercicio en la Enseñanza Básica para reunir elementos sobre la constitución de la actividad docente en la sociedad del trabajo. Para eso, tres profesoras de la Enseñanza Básica pública contribuyeron a la investigación: se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y acompañadas las rutinas de labor en las escuelas abarcadas. En los resultados, deprendemos que hay posibilidades das acciones de enseñanza se constituyeren en actividad, incluso delante de las condiciones alienantes y fragmentadas que el profesorado vivencia en ese escenario. Aún, como consideraciones, hacemos hincapié en la defensa por políticas públicas que garanticen condiciones concretas a la actuación docente para que pueda cumplir su papel junto a la transformación y emancipación de los sujetos por la Educación.

The Activity Theory developed by russian thinker Alexis Leontiev offers subsidies to understand human constitution from social relations and knowledge appropriation. In this way, the development of the teacher's actions in teaching should be the activity. Thus, we aim to investigate teachers' performance in the Basic Education to gather elements about the constitution of teaching activity in the labor society. For this, three teachers from public Basic Education contributed to the research: semi -structured interviews were conducted and the work routines were accompanied in the involved schools. In the results, we find that there are possibilities for teaching actions to be activity, even in the face of the alienating and fragmented conditions that the teacher's experiences in this scenario. Also, as considerations, we reiterate the defense for public policies that guarantee concrete conditions for teaching action so that it can fulfill its role with the transformation and emancipation of the subjects by education.

Psicología , Trabajo , Docentes
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1567155


Por meio de pesquisa de campo qualitativa, este estudo busca compreender as diferentes possibilidades de alcance de programas de diversidade em trabalhadoras de grupos sociais distintos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com três trabalhadoras de empresas que contam com programas de diversidade. A análise se deu a partir da abordagem da psicologia sócio-histórica, dado seu caráter dialético, tendo como ferramenta metodológica principal a análise dos núcleos de significação. Os resultados indicam influência positiva da existência de programas de diversidade organizacional no sentimento de pertencimento organizacional dos trabalhadores que compõem esses grupos. Também se observou que dificuldades relacionadas à identificação com os grupos de diversidade podem levar trabalhadores a não aderirem a essas políticas organizacionais. Conclui-se que empresas com programas de diversidade efetivos apresentam maiores chances de atração e retenção de pessoas pertencentes a grupos minorizados, entretanto essa eficácia está diretamente ligada à adesão dos trabalhadores às iniciativas de diversidade promovidas pelas organizações

By a qualitative field research, this study sought to understand the different possibilities of diversity programs to reach workers from several social groups. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with three workers from companies that have diversity programs. The analysis was based on socio-historical psychology due to its dialectical character, having as its main tool the analysis of meaning cores. Results indicate the positive influence of organizational diversity programs on organizational belonging for workers who make up these groups. This study also observed that difficulties related to identification with diversity groups can lead workers to fail to adhere to these organizational policies. This research concluded that companies that have effective diversity programs show greater chances of attracting and retaining people belonging to minority groups. However, this effectiveness is directly linked to the adherence of workers to the diversity initiatives promoted by organizations

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Percepción Social , Mujeres Trabajadoras/psicología , Representación Social , Pertenencia , Diversidad de la Fuerza Laboral , Innovación Organizacional , Psicología Social , Cambio Social
Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e220310pt, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536862


Resumo Este ensaio objetiva discutir as investigações de surtos e epidemias, desde os primeiros relatos disponíveis na literatura científica do século XVIII até o momento atual, utilizando para sua construção artigos científicos e livros sobre a temática. O principal argumento desenvolvido é a passagem de abordagens qualitativas da epidemiologia, predominantes nos períodos iniciais, para a abordagem quantitativa, que inicialmente convive com a qualitativa, mas se torna dominante a partir da segunda metade do século XIX. Conclui-se com uma breve reflexão sobre o momento atual de enfrentamento da epidemia da covid-19.

Abstract This essay aims to discuss the investigation of outbreaks and epidemics, from the first reports available in scientific literature from the 18th century to the present time, using scientific articles and books on the subject for its construction. The main argument developed is the transition from qualitative approaches of epidemiology, which predominated in the early periods, to the quantitative approach, which initially coexists with the qualitative one but became dominant from the second half of the 19th century. It concludes with a brief reflection on the current moment of confronting the COVID-19 epidemic.

Brotes de Enfermedades , Epidemias , Investigación Epidemiológica
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 441-447, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031321


Human genetic resources are an indispensable part of national natural science and technology resources, as well as an important strategic resource for safeguarding national security, public health, and social public interests. To promote the effective protection and rational utilization of human genetic resources, as well as improve and optimize the local human genetic resources management system in China, this paper summarized the current situation of administrative approval and supervision of national human genetic resources from 2004 to 2021 by sorting out the national human genetic resources management policies and regulations. Furthermore, the current situation and progress of local human genetic resources management in China were understood from three aspects, including development planning and programs of human genetic resources, administrative licensing and penalties, and the construction of management expert committees. The main problems of local human genetic resources management in China were discussed and analyzed, such as unclear supervision, difficulty in supervision and inspection, and capacity for services. Based on the causes of the problems and the local management work, specific countermeasures and suggestions were put forward from the perspective of clarifying the regulatory policies and procedures for human genetic resources, improving the supervision and inspection mechanisms, and improving the management and service capabilities.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e260411, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558760


RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar resultados de uma pesquisa que trata da importância do conhecimento sobre a periodização do desenvolvimento humano por parte do professor para uma prática pedagógica que promova o desenvolvimento e aprendizagem dos alunos de 0 a 3 anos. Inicialmente, apresentamos uma discussão sobre a periodização do desenvolvimento na perspectiva da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural e na sequência abordamos a prática pedagógica na Educação Infantil. Por fim, expomos os resultados de entrevistas realizadas com cinco profissionais. Os resultados obtidos denotam uma visão maturacionista do desenvolvimento e uma prática docente baseada no empirismo e nos conhecimentos cotidianos, com carência de fundamentação teórica por parte das entrevistadas, o que aponta para a necessidade de maior capacitação na área. Os fundamentos teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural apresentam potencial para instrumentalizar professores da Educação Infantil, a fim de que desempenhem suas atividades objetivando promover o desenvolvimento cognitivo e afetivo dos alunos.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este artículo es presentar resultados de una investigación que trata de la importancia del conocimiento sobre la periodización del desarrollo humano, por parte del profesor, para una práctica pedagógica que fomente el desarrollo y aprendizaje dos alumnos de 0 a 3 años. Inicialmente, presentamos una discusión sobre la periodización del desarrollo en la perspectiva de la Psicología Histórico-Cultural, y en la secuencia abordamos la práctica pedagógica en la educación infantil. Por fin, exponemos los resultados de entrevistas realizadas con cinco profesionales. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan una visión maturacionista del desarrollo y una práctica docente basada en el empirismo y en los conocimientos cotidianos, con carencia de fundamentación teórica por parte de las entrevistadas, lo que apunta a la necesidad de más capacitación en el área. Los fundamentos teóricos de la Psicología Histórico-Cultural presentan potencial para instrumentalizar profesores de la educación infantil, con la finalidad de que desempeñen sus actividades objetivando promover el desarrollo cognitivo y afectivo de los alumnos.

ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to present research results which deals with the importance of knowledge about the periodization of human development on the part of the teacher for a pedagogical practice, in order to promote the aged 0 to 3 years students' development and learning. Initially, we present a discussion about the development periodization from the perspective of Historical-Cultural Psychology and then we address pedagogical practice in Early Childhood Education. Finally, we present the results of interviews carried out with five professionals. The results obtained denote a maturationist view of development and a teaching practice based on empiricism and everyday knowledge, with a lack of theoretical foundation about the part of the interviewees, which points to the need for greater training in the area. The Historical-Cultural Psychology theoretical foundations have the potential to improve the Early Childhood Education teachers' practice, so that they can carry out their activities aiming to promote the cognitive and affective development of students.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e232349, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564987


RESUMO O presente estudo, teórico-conceitual, fundamenta-se nos pressupostos da Teoria Histórico-Cultural (THC) e da Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica (PHC) e tem por objetivo apresentar o papel da tarefa de casa (TC) no desenvolvimento psíquico dos estudantes. Entende-se que esta precisa se constituir em uma ação de estudo, pois são as ações que compõem a atividade de estudo (AE), atividade guia do desenvolvimento no período da idade escolar. Embora a TC seja um instrumento didático frequentemente usado pelos professores, ainda é um tema pouco explorado por estudiosos e pesquisadores. Alicerçada no ideário liberal, é vista apenas como extensão do conteúdo dado em sala de aula que necessita ser fixado e/ou memorizado. Por essa compreensão, ela pouco ou nada contribui com o desenvolvimento psíquico dos estudantes. Contudo, há elementos teóricos-conceituais que permitem evidenciar sua importância para o reequipamento cultural dos estudantes. Conclui-se que há necessidade de se modificar ou transformar a prática do uso da TC, de modo que seus fins possam ser condizentes com os motivos da AE, no sentido da formação do pensamento teórico.

RESUMEN El presente estudio teórico-conceptual se fundamenta en los presupuestos de la Teoría Histórico-Cultural (THC) y de la Pedagogía Histórico-Crítica (PHC) y tiene como objetivo presentar el papel de las tareas (TE) en el desarrollo psíquico de los estudiantes. Se entiende que esta debe ser una acción de estudio, pues son las acciones que conforman la actividad de estudio (AE), actividad que orienta el desarrollo durante el período de la edad escolar. Aunque la TE es una herramienta didáctica utilizada frecuentemente por los profesores, sigue siendo un tema poco explorado por académicos e investigadores. Basado en ideas liberales, se ve sólo como una extensión del contenido dado en el aula que necesita ser fijado y/o memorizado. Debido a esta comprensión, poco o nada aporta al desarrollo psíquico de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, existen elementos teórico-conceptuales que permiten resaltar su importancia para la readaptación cultural de los estudiantes. Se concluye que existe la necesidad de modificar o transformar la práctica de uso de la TE, de modo que sus propósitos puedan ser consistentes con los motivos de la AE, en el sentido de formar pensamiento teórico.

ABSTRACT The present theoretical-conceptual study is based on the assumptions of Historical-Cultural Theory (HCT) and Historical-Critical Pedagogy (HCP) and aims to present the role of homework (HW) in the psychic development of students. It is understood that this needs to be a study action, as these are the actions that make up the study activity (SA), an activity that guides development during the school age period. Although HW is a teaching tool frequently used by teachers, it is still a topic little explored by scholars and researchers. Based on liberal ideas, it is seen only as an extension of the content given in the classroom that needs to be fixed and/or memorized. Due to this understanding, it contributes little or nothing to the psychological development of students. However, there are theoretical-conceptual elements that make it possible to highlight its importance for students' cultural readaptation. It is concluded that there is a need to modify or transform the practice of using HW, so that its purposes can be consistent with the reasons for SA, in the sense of forming theoretical thinking.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(1): 51-61, jan.-abr. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512627


Este artigo apresenta uma discussão sobre o processo educacional inclusivo na perspectiva de psicólogas e psicólogos do estado de Mato Grosso, a partir de suas vivências profissionais, especificamente, com as demandas de alunos com deficiência. Deriva de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso no período de 2017-2018. Os participantes da pesquisa foram sete profissionais que atuam na educação básica em municípios do estado de Mato Grosso, sendo seis psicólogas e um psicólogo, e o objetivo foi identificar as perspectivas desses profissionais sobre o processo educacional inclusivo a partir de suas expectativas, dificuldades e possibilidades de atuação. Para a produção de dados para análise, foram utilizadas a técnica de grupo focal e entrevistas individuais. Os dados foram analisados conforme a metodologia da Análise Temática e sob a perspectiva crítica em Psicologia Escolar, além da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural. Os resultados apontam que as atividades realizadas pelas psicólogas e psicólogos focam na formação dos profissionais que atuam nas escolas, orientação aos familiares e atendimento aos alunos. Destacam-se como dificuldades a articulação com os profissionais da escola, a fragilidade do atendimento na rede de serviços públicos e a precária compreensão dos profissionais sobre educação inclusiva.

This article presents a discussion of the inclusive educational process from the perspective of psychologists in the state of Mato Grosso, based on their professional experiences, specifically, with the demands of students with disabilities. It is the result of qualitative research carried out in the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Mato Grosso in the period 2017-2018. The research participants were seven professionals working in basic education in municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso and aimed to identify the perspectives of these professionals on the inclusive education process based on their expectations, difficulties, and possibilities of action. To produce data for analysis, the focus group technique and individual interviews were used. The data were analyzed according to the methodology of Thematic Analysis and from a critical perspective in School Psychology in addition to Historical-Cultural Psychology. The results indicate that the activities carried out by the psychologists focus on the training of professionals working in schools, guidance to family members and assistance to students. As for difficulties, the articulation with school professionals, the fragility of service in the network public services and the precarious understanding of professionals about inclusive education stand out as difficulties.

Barbarói ; (63): 84-103, jan.-jun. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1566440


O Brasil é um dos países mais violentos do mundo e esse fato convoca a Psicologia a explicar a violência e suas implicações para a vida dos sujeitos. Nosso objetivo é discutir a importância da análise da violência social em sua dimensão estrutural como aspecto norteador para a práxis do/a psicólogo/a frente à violência cotidiana. A explicação materialista histórico-dialética possibilita à Psicologia, como área científica e campo profissional, superar concepções que tomam a violência como um processo de características universais e estanques e, também, as dicotomias que marcaram e marcam a Psicologia no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento humano. Este artigo apresenta parte dos resultados da tese da pesquisa bibliográfica realizada em um período de doutoramento (2017 ­ 2022) e discute os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos fundamentais à práxis da Psicologia que tem a violência como objeto de reflexão e de intervenção. Como resultados apresentamos que a atuação profissional do/a psicólogo/a exige que as violências sejam tomadas como objeto de reflexão teórica a partir dos pressupostos teóricos-metodológicos do materialismo histórico-dialético, cujos fundamentam orientam uma compreensão sobre o fenômeno que supera interpretações abstratas, moralistas e individualizantes da violência. Orienta, portanto, uma práxis assentada na indissociabilidade entre formação singular dos sujeitos e as condições sociais de um determinado momento histórico. Orienta também para um trabalho que não somente revele as violências e desigualdades vividas sob o capitalismo, mas as denuncie e enfrente nos seus diversos espaços de trabalho.(AU)

Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world and this fact calls Psychology to explain violence and its implications for the constitution of subjects. Our objective, recovering the Vygotskian thesis on the social formation of the psyche, is to discuss the importance of analyzing social violence in its structural dimension as a guiding aspect for the psychologist's praxis in face of everyday violence. The historical-dialectical materialist explanation allows Psychology, as a scientific area and professional field, to overcome conceptions that take violence as a process with universal and watertight characteristics, and the dichotomies that have marked and mark Psychology about human development. Methodologically, in the research (2018-2021), we chose the literature review from classical and contemporary sources, as well as survey, selection and analysis of documents/reports on violence in Brazil. The results indicate that by taking violence as an object of theoretical reflection, the psychologist can exercise a praxis that confronts the conditions that produce violence in capitalist society, without losing sight of the struggle against its daily manifestations and singular. It concludes the interpretation of objective data on violence in the light of a theory that requires the explanation of the multiple determinations involved in the constitution of subjects who rape and are violated, should be continued. They instrumentalize the psychologist's praxis and lead to the effective participation of Psychology in the public policies of education, health and social assistance and the continuous renewal of the manifestations of the contradictions that capitalism promotes.(AU)

Brasil es uno de los países más violentos del mundo y este hecho llama a la Psicología a explicar la violencia y sus implicaciones para la constitución de los sujetos. Nuestro objetivo, recuperando la tesis vygotskiana sobre la formación social de la psique, es discutir la importancia de analizar la violencia social en su dimensión estructural como aspecto rector de la praxis del psicólogo frente a la violencia cotidiana. La explicación materialista histórico-dialéctica permite que la Psicología, como área científica y campo profesional, supere concepciones que toman la violencia como un proceso con características universales y estancas, y también las dicotomías que han marcado y marcado a la Psicología con respecto al desarrollo humano. Metodológicamente, en la investigación (2018-2021), elegimos la revisión de la literatura de fuentes clásicas y contemporáneas, así como el relevamiento, selección y análisis de documentos / informes sobre violencia en Brasil. Los resultados indican que, al tomar la violencia como objeto de reflexión teórica, el psicólogo es capaz de ejercer una praxis que confronta las condiciones que producen la violencia en la sociedad capitalista, sin perder de vista la lucha contra sus manifestaciones cotidianas y singulares. Concluye la interpretación de datos objetivos sobre la violencia a la luz de una teoría que requiere la explicación de las múltiples determinaciones implicadas en la constitución de los sujetos que violan y son violados, debe continuarse. Instrumentalizan la praxis del psicólogo y conducen a la participación efectiva de la Psicología en las políticas públicas de educación, salud y asistencia social y a la renovación continua de las manifestaciones de las contradicciones que promueve el capitalismo. (AU)

Humanos , Psicología , Clase Social , Violencia , Capitalismo
Agora USB ; 23(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533560


Las representaciones sociales en torno a los hechos históricos del conflicto armado, están marcada por un sesgo cognitivo y mnémico, acompañado de olvidos y silencios y por procesos de atribución de responsabilidad en los que se asume como principal responsable y enemigo absoluto a las guerrillas, especialmente a las FARC-EP. Esto invisibiliza la responsabilidad de los otros actores (Paramilitares, Fuerza Pública y Estado), generando olvidos convenientes e inducidos que son funcionales a los intereses de ciertos sectores sociales que ostentan el poder político, económico y mediático, que promueven impunidad y contribuyen al mantenimiento de la violencia política para detentar su poder. Estos procesos de memoria hegemónica se constituyen en barrera psicosocial para la construcción de la paz, la democracia y la reconciliación en Colombia.

Social representations around the historical facts of the armed conflict are marked by a cognitive and mnemic bias, accompanied by forgetfulness and silences, and by processes of attribution of responsibility in which the guerrillas, especially the FARC-EP, are assumed as the main responsible and absolute enemy. This makes the responsibility of the other stakeholders (paramilitaries, security forces, and the State) invisible, by generating a convenient and induced oblivion, which is functional to the interests of certain social sectors that hold political, economic, and media power, which promote impunity and contribute to the maintenance of political violence in order to maintain their power. These hegemonic memory processes constitute a psychosocial barrier to the construction of peace, democracy, and reconciliation in Colombia.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 758-762, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965519


Artemisia argyi is the leaves of compositae plants of A. argyi Lévl. et Vant., which is a traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in China. The analysis was carried out by consulting traditional medical classics, modern standard norms and literature, and using Cytoscape software to sort out and visualize the evolution of the processing and the efficacy of processed products. The processing of A. argyi was first made in the Han dynasty and was popular in the Song and Ming dynasties. There were many processing methods in ancient times, including net processing, cutting, frying, processing with auxiliary material (vinegar, wine, salt, charcoal, rice water, sulfur, medicinal juice, jujube mud processing) and other processing methods (baking, winching, making herbs into wool). Modern common processing methods included purification, vinegar processing, charcoal processing and making herbs into wool, which are relatively simple compared with ancient processing methods. There were obvious differences in the efficacy and application of raw and processed products of A. argyi. Although the processing effects of A. argyi in ancient and modern times were mainly to reduce toxic side effects and enhance the effects of warming meridians and hemostasis, only the purified A. argyi, vinegar-processed A. argyi and vinegar-processed A. argyi charcoal could be seen in the present studies, other processed products had not been inherited and studied, and the processing mechanism was still unclear. It is suggested that in the later exploration and research, researchers can establish a multi-dimensional standard research system based on the characteristics of the medicinal plant A. argyi and the processing characteristics of A. argyi decoction pieces in order to systematically explore the transformation rules before and after processing, and clearly explain the scientific connotation.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 8-17, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965643


Danggui Liuhuangtang is the 47th of the 100 famous classical formulas published by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is known as the holy medicine for night sweat. By bibliometrics, the authors collected the ancient books on Danggui Liuhuangtang and screened out 269 valid data, involving 156 ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine. The analysis on the historical origin, disease syndromes, pathogenesis, composition, dosage, preparation, usage, and processing of Danggui Liuhuangtang found that this famous classical formula originated from Secret Book of the Orchid Chamber (《兰室秘藏》) written by LI Dongyuan, and is composed of Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Rehmanniae Radix, Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata, Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex, Scutellariae Radix, Coptidis Rhizoma and Astragali Radix. It has the functions of nourishing Yin, reducing fire, consolidating exterior and stopping sweating, and mainly treats night sweat due to Yin deficiency and fire exuberance. In the later generations, disease syndromes are mostly treated based on LI Dongyuan's theory, and have expanded to more than 30 kinds (339 in total), among which night sweat (208) was the most, accounting for 61.36% of the total disease syndromes, followed by spontaneous sweating (38), accounting for 11.21%. Additionally, it was found that Danggui Liuhuangtang was widely used in modern clinical practice for various disease syndromes. Among them, endocrine disease (77, 28.21%) was predominant, followed by gynecological disease (48, 17.58%), and pediatric disease (24, 8.79%). Although Danggui Liuhuangtang treats many disease syndromes, their pathogenesis was always yin deficiency and fire exuberance. Through the systematic excavation of the ancient books on Danggui Liuhuangtang and the analysis of its modern clinical application, this paper probed into the historical evolution and confirmed the key information of the formula, providing detailed literature basis for the research and development application of famous classical formulas.

Chinese Journal of Nephrology ; (12): 546-551, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995016


Renal fibrosis (RF) is the key pathological feature for the progression of chronic kidney disease to end-stage renal failure. It has been an important scientific issue to understand its mechanism of RF in the field of kidney diseases in the past near two centuries. The progress of science and technology has not only provided a strong tool for RF research, but also given us many new ideas for RF prevention and treatment. The paper briefly reviews the key histories of RF research, with focuses on early studies of renal fibrosis, application of renal biopsy technology, establishment of RF animal models, advancements in cell and molecular biotechnology, and exploration into mechanisms underlying RF, to clarify future directions for chronic kidney disease prevention and treatment research.