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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220826


Introduction : Depression is the leading cause of disease-related disability among women in the world today. Depression is a serious condition that can impact every area of women’s life. It affects social life, family relationships, career, and one’s sense of selfworth and purpose. To determine the prevalence andObjective: associated risk factors of depression among rural housewives aged 18–59 years. A community basedMethod: cross sectional study was carried out among 414 housewives in rural field practice area of Department of Community Medicine, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan. Participants were selected by simple random sampling technique. A pre designed semi structured proforma was used for collecting information on socio-demographic characteristics, medical history, family problems, personal history and obstetrical and gynecological history. Assessment of depression was done by using self-reported instrument Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) Out of 414 Housewives, 63 (15.2%) were found to have depression. WithResults: increasing education level, there was a declining trend toward depression. Significantly higher rates of depression were observed among housewives reporting any debilitating ailments in one or more family members (31.2%), some unusual events occurred in family in past (56.2%), presence of any addiction in family members (22.7%) and debt on family (58.8%). Marriage at early age, having first pregnancy at early age, more than two children, menstrual irregularities and suffering from unable to conceive or infertility were the biological factors significantly associated with depression. Prevalence of depression was highConclusion: among housewives in rural community. Many social and biological factors were contributing towards high rate of depression among housewives

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200485


Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic autoimmune inflammatory disease that affects mainly the small joints of the hands and feet. RA is widely prevalent throughout the world.Methods: A prospective and observational study was carried out on 44 patients for 6 months. Patients of either sex, aged between 18 to 70 years diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis were screened and recruited in the study. Patients were diagnosed on the basis of clinical assessment and the lab parameters assessed were rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody). Prescriptions were analyzed for socio-demographic details and drug prescribing pattern.Results: Out of 44 patients, 36 (81.82%) were females, 8 (18.18%) were males. Maximum occurred 19 (43.18) between 31 to 40 years of age. Out of 19 (43.18%), females were 16 (36.36%), males were 3 (6.83%). 39 (88.63%) were from rural and 5 (11.37%) from urban area, 21 (47.73%) illiterate, 15 (34.09%) primary educated, 7 (15.91%) secondary educated, 1 (2.27%) educated above higher secondary, 4 (9.08%) unemployed, 2 (4.55%) students, 19 (43.18%) housewives, 7 (15.91%) agricultural workers, 7 (15.91%) non-agricultural outdoor workers and 5 (11.37%) non-agricultural indoor workers. Most common co-morbidity was hypertension 28 (63.63%). Anti-CCP was positive in 38 (86.36%). All of the patients 44 (100%) received disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Majority of the patients were prescribed with triple DMARDs combination 30 (68.18%).Conclusions: We observed that female were dominant over the male with male: female ratio of 1: 4.5. Prescriptions pattern was primarily based on DMARDs.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 14(2): 274-298, mayo.-ago. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091715


Resumen En Cuba, como en muchos países del orbe, existen programas que tributan a preponderar el papel de la mujer y la familia en la sociedad, elemento que aún, por diferentes causas, no está logrado, por muchos esfuerzos que se han realizado. Este segmento de la población sigue sufriendo una sobrecarga de trabajo, a partir de que, además de dedicarse al cuidado de los hijos y atender sus hogares, también son marginadas dentro del marco familiar. El resultado científico que se propone tuvo como propósito elaborar talleres de masaje, desde la visión de la educación popular, que contribuyeran a aliviar el estrés y ofrecer una vida sana y saludable a las mujeres y las familias, como sectores más vulnerables y como valor agregado, ocupar su tiempo libre, que constituye una prioridad del estado cubano. Estos elementos fueron constatados con la aplicación de los diferentes métodos de investigación de la propia pedagogía de los oprimidos, lo que permitió conocer, en primer lugar, las necesidades que tenían los implicados seleccionados y, al mismo tiempo, la disposición de integrarse para atenuar dichas carencias, lo que fundamenta el valor científico de la investigación. La investigación incluye estudiantes del plan montaña, del municipio de San Cristóbal, provincia Artemisa, Cuba. Dentro de los métodos empleados, se encuentran: la observación, la encuesta y la entrevista. Se desarrollan un grupo de talleres de masaje para amas de casa, con un grado favorable de aceptación e impacto en la comunidad.

Abstract In Cuba, as in many countries of the world, there are programs that contribute to the preponderance of the role of women and the family in society, an element that still, for different reasons, has not been achieved, due to many efforts that have been made. This segment of the population continues to suffer from work overload, since, in addition to caring for children and looking after their homes, they are also marginalized within the family framework. The purpose of the proposed scientific result was to elaborate massage workshops, from the perspective of popular education that would contribute to relieve stress and offer a healthy and wholesome living to women and families, as the most vulnerable sectors and as an added value, to occupy their free time, which is a priority of the Cuban state. These elements were verified with the application of the different research methods of the own pedagogy of the oppressed, which allowed to know, in the first place, the needs the selected implied ones had and, at the same time, the disposition to be integrated to attenuate these deficiencies, which bases the scientific value of the research. The research includes students from the mountain plan, from the San Cristóbal municipality, Artemisa province, Cuba. Among the methods used are: observation, survey and interview. A group of massage workshops are developed for housewives, with a favorable degree of acceptance and impact in the community.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201403


Background: Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in general practice. It is much more common among women than men, with female/male ratio roughly 2:1. In today’s hectic life, stress is increasing in housewives. Very few data is available on depression among housewives in India. So the present study is aimed to assess the prevalence of depression and study its epidemiological co-relates among housewives aged 18-59 years in rural area of district Ludhiana. Objectives were to assess depression among housewives aged 18-59 years in a rural area and determine the association of depression with socio-demographic co-relates. Methods: This study is a community based cross-sectional study carried out in the field practice area of Department of Community Medicine, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab. 300 subjects were selected by systematic random sampling. Assessment of depression among the housewives was done by using Patient Health Questionnare-9 (PHQ-9). Results: In the present study, 43% of the subjects were found to have depression. Mean age of subjects with depression was found to be 42.4 (±10.3) years. There was an increasing trend of depression among housewives with increasing age (p=0.000). Inverse relationship was found between level of education and depression (p=0.000). Lower socio-economic status was found to be associated with higher rates of depression (p=0.039). Conclusions: Depression was seen to be on higher side among housewives in rural area of Ludhiana. Housewives should be educated about warning signs and symptoms of depression and motivated to avail the primary health care services.

Arch. med ; 19(1): 99-110, 20190330.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-999276


Introducción: los accidentes en la población infantil constituyen una importante causa de morbilidad y mortalidad convirtiéndose hoy día en un problema de salud pública mundial, principalmente la población más afectada son los niños en etapa preescolar, por la vulnerabilidad y dependencia del cuidador. Objetivos: describir las prácticas para la prevención de accidentes en el hogar en cuidadores de niños de 1 a 5 años en un barrio de Cartagena (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: estudio cuantitativo descriptivo transversal. Constituido por 354 cuidadores de niños menores de 5 años, se utilizó la técnica de observación y la aplicación del instrumento con base a la práctica N° 15 de AIEPI (Atención Integrada a las Enfermedades Prevalentes de la Infancia). Resultados: socio demográficamente los cuidadores fueron principalmente de género femenino (87%), con 20 ­ 29 años de edad (44,9%), madres de los niños (61,3%), conviven en unión libre (54,2%), son bachilleres (50,3%), de estrato uno (91,8%), amas de casa (62,7%), con hijos (93,8%), residen en casas (54,5%). Los niños de 1 a 5 años fueron mayoritariamente de género masculino (51,7%), y han presentado accidentes (75,1%), sobre todo, caídas (61,9%). El nivel de riesgo de accidentes en el hogar fue bajo (85%), y las prácticas de prevención suelen ser regulares (55,1%). Conclusión: los niños enfrentan relativamente bajo riesgo de accidente en el hogar, sin embargo, las prácticas para prevenirlos resultan ser regulares..(AU)

Introduction: accidents in children are an important cause of morbidity and mortality,becoming today a global public health problem, mainly the most affected population are children in preschool, for the vulnerability and dependence of the caregiver. Objectives:to describe the practices for the prevention of accidents at home in caregivers of children from 1 to 5 years of age, in a neighborhood of Cartagena (Colombia). Materials and methods: quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Consisting of 354 caregivers of children under 5 years of age, the technique of observation and the application of the instrument was used based on practice No. 15 of IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness). Results: demographic partner caregivers were mainly female (87%), with 20 - 29 years of age (44.9%), mothers of children (61.3%), live together in a free union (54.2%), are high school graduates (50.3%), of stratum one (91.8%), housewives (62.7%), with children (93.8%), reside in houses (54.5%). Children from 1 to 5 years old were male (51.7%), and had accidents (75.1%), especially falls (61.9%). The level of accident risk in the home was low (85%), and prevention practices are usually regular (55.1%). Conclusion: children face relatively low risk of accident in the home, however, practices to prevent them turn out to be regular..(AU)

Niño , Accidentes Domésticos , Cuidado del Niño , Cuidadores
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786166


This study provides basic data on how stress impacts the processed convenience foods purchase attitudes and the selection attributes of housewives. The stress consists of 3 factors, which were housework stress, family relation stress and economic stress. The processed convenience food purchase attitude consisted of 2 factors, which were peripheral influence purchase and conviction purchase. The processed convenience food selection attribute consisted of 4 factors, which were quality, convenience, packaging and price. Factor loading confirmation and reliability test were conducted, and the reliability was confirmed with Cronbach's alpha coefficients for all the factors exceeding 0.5. The high stress levels showed significantly high stress factors of housework, family relations and economic stress (P<0.001). The high stress group was shown to make purchases by recognizing peripheral influences (P<0.01). When the selection properties of processed convenience foods depending on different stress levels were examined, it was revealed that among the three groups, the low stress group least considered the price aspect (P<0.01). After deducting the factors, AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) was used to conduct the confirmatory factor analysis for verifying validity. The structural equation model was used to determine the path coefficient. From the processed convenience foods purchase attitude, the peripheral influence purchase had significantly positive (+) effects on convenience (P<0.05). Also, conviction purchase was shown to have significantly positive (+) effects on quality (P<0.05). Housework and family relation stress were shown to have negative (−) effects on processed convenience foods selection attribute, and economic stress was shown to have positive (+) effects, although no significant relationships were revealed.

Relaciones Familiares , Comida Rápida , Tareas del Hogar , Embalaje de Productos , Seúl
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766389


We conducted this study to compare the awareness and attitude of Busan housewives about consuming marine products. The survey was conducted from April 10 to May 31, 2019 by using a questionnaire. The degree of preference of seafood was higher among individuals in their 40s than those in the other age groups. Among the women in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 70s, the reason for liking seafood was ‘taste’, and for those in their 60s it was ‘nutrition’. Overall the most common reason for disliking seafood was the ‘fishy smell (37.4%)’. Conception degree of nutritive value of seafood was higher among individuals in their 30s and 40s than that for those individuals in their 50s, 60s and 70s. As for the price of seafood, the wives over 40s thought seafood was more expensive than did those wives in their 30s. The younger the individuals were, the lower was the perceived degree of safety was 49.8% of the subjects reported that the main concern for purchase was ‘freshness’. The perceived degree of safety for imported seafood was better for the wives in their 60s and 70s than that for those wives in their 30s, 40s and 50s. The confidence level for local Korean seafood was higher for the wives in their 60s than that for the wives in their 50s. The degree of preference for seafood was moderate overall, except for Jellyfish. Age was positively correlated with conception for safety and dietary attitude (P<0.01), whereas age was negatively correlated with monthly food expenditure, nutrition knowledge and intake requirements (P<0.01). Preference for seafood was positively correlated with conception for safety (P<0.05), nutrition knowledge (P<0.05), dietary attitude (P<0.01), awareness for nutritive value (P<0.01) and intake requirements (P<0.01). Laws and regulations should be reinforced in order to promote eating more seafood and periodic research to determine the actual amount of consumed seafood and people's preferences should be conducted.

Femenino , Humanos , Ingestión de Alimentos , Fertilización , Gastos en Salud , Jurisprudencia , Valor Nutritivo , Alimentos Marinos , Olfato , Control Social Formal , Esposos
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-199794


Background: The use of medications without prior medical consultation regarding indication, dosage, and duration of treatment is referred to as self-medication1. Self-medication has its own benefits regarding reduction in load and cost of medical services. Women are primarily responsible for the health needs of the family and self- medication is frequently practiced by them. Working environment may influence the attitude of women towards safe and rational self-medication. This study focuses on the pattern and attitude of women (housewives/ working) towards self- medication and influence of working atmosphere and exposure of women on self-medication.Methods: 170 women of age group 18-60 years were included in the study and after taking permission from Institutional ethics committee. Data was collected by making the participants fill a semi structured detailed questionnaire under observation of instructor. The data was analysed using Microsoft excel and compared by using Fischer exact test.Results: Most common ailment for which self-medication was practiced was pain. Working women primarily used pharmacist and house wives use old experience and family friends as primary source of information. Working women were more cautious about adverse drug reactions, drug-drug interactions, expiry date of medicine, reading instruction manual, use of counterfeit medicine and referring the experience to their known subjects as compare to housewives.Conclusions: Self-medication was prevalent in both the groups, though working environment has positive influence towards safe, responsible and rational self-medication. There is need for education regrading safe use of medicine and strict rules and regulations for availability of drugs.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762525


BACKGROUND: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) produced by incomplete combustion have negative effects on human health due to their carcinogenicity and teratogenicity. Indoor sources of PAHs include tobacco smoke, heating sources, and cooking. This study evaluated the relationship between human PAH exposure and residence characteristics. METHOD: This study was based on the second Korean National Environmental Health Survey (2012–2014). Non-smoking housewives were included in the analyses (n = 1269). The concentrations of urinary PAH metabolites (2-naphthol, 2-hydroxyfluorene, 1-hydroxyphenanthrene, and 1-hydroxypyrene) were adjusted by urine creatinine level. The geometric mean concentrations of urinary PAH metabolites by residential factors were examined. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate associations between residential variables and PAH exposures. RESULTS: The adjusted geometric mean concentrations of urinary 2-hydroxyfluorene and 1-hydroxyphenanthrene were significantly higher in the group residing within 100 m of a major road (p  100 m from a major road. In logistic regression analyses, the odds ratio (OR) for exceeding the third quartile of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene concentration was significantly higher in the group using coal or wood fuel for residential heating than in the group using gas (OR = 2.745, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.295–5.819). The detached house group had a significantly higher OR for 1-hydroxyphenanthrene compared with the apartment group (OR = 1.515, 95% CI = 1.023–2.243). CONCLUSION: Our study shows the evidence of associations between some urinary PAH metabolite levels (1-hydroxyphenanthrene and 1-hydroxypyrene) and residence characteristics. Additional studies are needed to clarify these associations.

Humanos , Carbón Mineral , Culinaria , Creatinina , Salud Ambiental , Calefacción , Calor , Modelos Logísticos , Métodos , Oportunidad Relativa , Hidrocarburos Policíclicos Aromáticos , Características de la Residencia , Humo , Nicotiana , Madera
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780432


@#Limited health literacy is highly associated with poor health status. The concept of health literacy in public health relates to the concern that people with lower health literacy were also less likely to engage in health promoting behaviours. This is an analysis on health literacy and its associated factors among housewives and also a sub analysis of the Malaysian My Body is Fit and Fabulous at Home (MyBFF@home) study involving 328 overweight and obese housewives living in low cost flats in Klang Valley, part of a weight loss programme recruited using convenient sampling. Health literacy was measured using the Malay version of Newest Vital Sign (NVS) test with scores ranging from 0 to 6. Total score of ≤2 indicate limited health literacy and total scores of >2 indicate adequate health literacy. Descriptive analysis, chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to analyse the data.The mean(SD) NVS score was 1.07(1.19) with most (87.5%) housewives having limited health literacy. Factors that were significantly associated with limited health literacy were older age of 45 to 59 years old (p = 0.040), primary education and below (p = 0.001) and absence of internet connectivity (p = 0.001). In the final model, absence of internet connectivity (OR 2.61; 95%CI 1.31 to 5.22) was associated with limited health literacy. Majority of the housewives have limited health literacy and providing internet connectivity to housewives may increase their health literacy.

Alfabetización en Salud
Psicol. clín ; 30(1): 37-59, 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-895755


Muitos são os aspectos que podem afetar a saúde mental das mulheres. Há especificidades biológicas e, principalmente, aspectos sociais que apontam para uma inegável diferença de gênero quanto à incidência e prevalência dos adoecimentos psíquicos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as condições de saúde mental de mulheres donas de casa e os fatores geradores de adoecimentos decorrentes das relações experienciadas consigo mesmas (Eigenwelt), com o outro (MitWelt) e com o meio (UmWelt), a partir de uma perspectiva feminista-fenomenológica-existencial. Nessa pesquisa exploratória foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com dez mulheres, exclusivamente donas de casa, casadas e com filhos(as). Através da Análise de Discurso chegou-se a três categorias: 1) Espaço doméstico, (in)visibilidade e (des)valorização; 2) Relações de (des)amor e seus desdobramentos e 3) Donas de casa: donas da própria vida? Os resultados apontam que o trabalho das donas de casa, realizado no espaço privado e sem remuneração, é visto como improdutivo e desvalorizado. Frente à falta de autonomia econômica e de reconhecimento de seus familiares, as donas de casa também têm dificuldades de reconhecer seu valor, afetando a forma de ser e estar no mundo, o que potencializa o comprometimento de sua saúde mental.

There are many aspects that can affect women's mental health. There are biological specificities and, mainly, social aspects that point to an undeniable gender difference in the incidence and prevalence of psychic illness. The objective of this study was to understand the mental health conditions of women who are homemakers and to identify factors that may be the cause of illnesses arising from their relationships with themselves (Eigenwelt), with others (Umwelt) and with their environment (Mitwelt) based on a feminist-phenomenological-existential perspective. In this exploratory research interviews with ten women, who are exclusively housewives, married with children were performed. The Discourse Analysis found three categories: 1) Domestic place, (in)visibility and lack value; 2) (Un)loving relationships and its consequences and 3) Housewives: owners of their own lives? The results show that the work of housewives, performed in private and unpaid, is seen as unproductive and therefore is devalued. Housewives face a lack of economic autonomy and a lack of family recognition, therefore, they also have difficulties in recognizing their own value, affecting the way of being in the world, which enhances the commitment of their mental health.

Muchos son los aspectos que pueden afectar la salud mental de las mujeres. Hay especificidades biológicas y, principalmente, aspectos sociales que apuntan a una inequívocamente diferencia de género en cuanto a la incidencia y prevalencia de las enfermedades psíquicas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo entender las condiciones de salud mental de las amas de casa y factores generadores de enfermedades derivadas de las relaciones con ellas mismas (Eigenwelt), con lo otro (Mitwelt) y con el medio ambiente (Umwelt) de una perspectiva feminista-fenomenológico-existencial. En esta investigación exploratoria se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas con diez mujeres, exclusivamente amas de casa, casadas y con hijos. Con el Análisis del Discurso se alcanzó tres categorías: 1) Espacio interno, (in)visibilidad y el (de)valuación; 2) Relaciones del (des)afección y sus consecuencias y 3) Propietarios de la vida misma? Los resultados muestran que el trabajo de las amas de casa, en el espacio privado y sin goce de sueldo, es visto como improductivo y infravalorado. Ante la falta de autonomía económica y sin reconocimiento de sus familias, ellos también no reconocer su valor, que afecta a la forma de ser en el mundo, lo que aumenta el compromiso de su salud mental.

rev. psicogente ; 17(32): 431-441, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-963474


El síndrome de Burnout en amas de casa puede afectar la salud y la calidad de vida de esta población; lo anterior puede generar patologías y disfunción familiar. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo fue identificar y describir la presencia del síndrome de Burnout en amas de casa. Igualmente se estableció la relación existente entre el nivel sociocultural, el estado civil y la edad con la aparición del Burnout en amas de casa residentes del barrio Rodrigo de Bastidas en la ciudad de Santa Marta. Este estudio se desarrolló, a partir de la aplicación a 203 amas de casa quienes fueron seleccionadas de forma aleatoria, del Cuestionario de Burnout para Amas de Casa y una ficha sociodemográfica y se compararon los resultados. Estos mostraron que el 11,3 % estaban afectadas por el síndrome. Las edades oscilaban entre los 41 y 60 años y ellas ejercían labores domésticas desde hacía 1 a 30 años. La mayoría estaba casada o en unión libre y mostraron mayor nivel de cansancio emocional; lo que puede atribuirse al doble papel desempeñado: madres y trabajadoras. Así mismo un grupo significativo pertenecía a familias nucleares o extensas; por lo tanto, estas podían experimentar mayores estresores familiares.

Burnout Syndrome in housewives can affect the health and quality of life of this population; this can generate diseases and family dysfunction. This article presents the results of an investigation whose aim was to identify and describe the presence of the Burnout Syndrome in housewives. Also was established the relationship between the socio-cultural level, marital status and age with the appearance of the Burnout in housewives who sit in the neighborhood Rodrigo de Bastidas in the city of Santa Marta. This study developed, from the application to 203 housewives who were selected randomly, of Burnout questionnaire for housewives and one tab socio-demographic and the results were compared. These showed that 11.3% were affected by the syndrome. The ages ranged between 41 and 60 years and they exerted housework for one to thirty years. The majority was married or in common-law union and they showed a higher level of emotional exhaustion; this can be attributed to the double role: mothers and workers. Likewise a significant group belonged to nuclear or extensive families; these could therefore experience greater family stressors.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-127548


This study was intended to investigate the sodium-related perception, dietary behavior, and practicability of methods for reducing sodium intake(RSI) according to the stage of change in consumers. The survey was conducted to 770 housewives, among them 553 subjects who answered the key questions for the stage of change were categorized into ''aintenance (M)' stage (maintaining reduced salt intake for more than 6 months; n = 287, 51.90%), 'Action (A)' stage (maintaining reduced salt intake for less than 6 months; n=139, 25.14%), and 'Pre-Action (P)'stage (not starting reduced salt intake; n = 127, 22.97%). The subjects in M and A were significantly older than those in P (p < 0.01). The scores of desirable dietary habit and dietary balance were the highest in M followed by A and P. When eating out, the subjects in P considered 'price' more and 'healthiness of food' less than those in M and A did. Among the guidelines for RSI, 'Avoid Processed Foods', 'Eat enough vegetables and fruits' and 'Add little amount of dipping sauce for fried food' were selected as the three easiest items to perform. With regard to the sodium-related perception, the subjects in M considered eating-out food to be more salty than homemade dishes, read nutrition labels more, avoided table salt or dipping sauce for fried food more, and had 'own low-sodium recipe' than those in P (p < 0.001). It is suggested that practicability of actions for RSI and the stage of change should be considered to develop effective personalized education program and nutrition guidance.

Humanos , Ingestión de Alimentos , Conducta Alimentaria , Sodio , Cloruro de Sodio Dietético , Verduras
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-111813


This study was conducted to evaluate the rate of obesity of 212 women (age 45-60 years) in Seoul and the Kyunggi area through analysis of BMI and the dietary life factors related to obesity using a survey on dietary habits, dietary assessment, and nutrient intake. The height of the underweight group was taller than normal. The height of the obese group was equal to that of the normal group, but the weight was 8.5 kg greater than the normal group. Women in the underweight group consumed meals irregularly, and only 33.4% ate breakfast. Additionally, the rate of overeating was low in the underweight group, and milk, dairy products (yogurt, etc.), fruit, and fruit juice were consumed more than once a day. It was found that 62.1% of the women in the obese group never ate out, and the rate of eating one serving of fruit, drinking one cup of fruit juice, and eating various kinds of foods was high. The average point of women's dietary life was 21.9 +/- 2.9, and 12.7% of all women responded that their dietary life was good. However, in the obese group, only 6.9% of the women reported that their dietary life was good. Evaluation of snacking habits revealed that the underweight group consumed a high level of carbonated drinks and ice cream, whereas for in the obese group, 24.1% of the women consumed milk and its products and 5.6% regularly consumed fast and fried foods. Evaluation of nutrient intake revealed that the consumption of energy, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, niacin, vitamin C, and vitamin E was high in all of the groups, but the intake of folic acid in the underweight group was lower than the required level. Overall, 24.1% of the women in the obese group were found to have metabolic diseases, mostly hypertension (43%). In conclusion, a balanced diet to avoid excessive nutrient intake is needed to prevent obesity.

Femenino , Humanos , Ácido Ascórbico , Desayuno , Bebidas Gaseosas , Productos Lácteos , Dieta , Ingestión de Líquidos , Ingestión de Alimentos , Ácido Fólico , Conducta Alimentaria , Frutas , Hiperfagia , Hipertensión , Helados , Comidas , Enfermedades Metabólicas , Leche , Niacina , Estado Nutricional , Obesidad , Bocadillos , Tiamina , Delgadez , Vitamina A , Vitamina E , Vitaminas
Acta odontol. venez ; 49(1)2011. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-678868


La infección producida por el virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) es un problema de salud pública, poco después de su aparición en la década de los 80, se transforma rápidamente en una pandemia. En la actualidad se habla de la "feminización" de la infección, pues cada día más se involucran mayor número de mujeres. En todo el mundo, las mujeres representan el 50% de la población infectada. La ONU señala la desigualdad de género y todas las formas de violencia contra las mujeres como factores determinantes para el crecimiento de la vulnerabilidad femenina a la infección por VIH. Los criterios morales estimulan a los hombres a tener muchas parejas sexuales, teniendo como resultado que las mujeres (aun las que son monógamas) están expuestas al riesgo de la infección. El programa conjunto de las Naciones Unidad sobre VIH/sida (ONUSIDA) en su informe anual de 2008, señala que el 98% de las mujeres mejicanas amas de casa adquieren el virus a través de sus parejas. Determinar la ocupación más frecuente de las mujeres VIH+, que acuden al Centro de Atención a Personas con Enfermedades Infecciosas (CAPEI/UCV), Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Periodo 1999-2006. Este es un estudio retrospectivo, no experimental, transversal de tipo descriptivo. Se revisaron todas las historias clínicas (859) de las personas que acudieron al CAPEI/UCV durante el periodo 1999-2006, de las cuales se tomaron 212 historias clínicas de mujeres VIH+. En el momento que se realiza la historia clínica se explica a la personas que solicita atención Odontológica, que los datos obtenidos de la anamnesis, examen clínico y diagnostico tienen fines docentes y de investigación. Su autorización se expresa mediante un consentimiento informado que se encuentra incluido en el apartado ético de la historia clínica del centro. rango de edad más frecuente entre 28 -32 años. Nacionalidad venezolana 91%, procedencia de la región capital 91%; solteras 60%, heterosexuales 95%

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection is a public health issue. Soon after it appearance in the decade of the 80's, spread into a Pandemic infection. Now days the term ''Feminization of HIV/AIDS'' is used, because of the growing rates of infection among women worldwide. Women account for 50% of all individuals living with HIV/AIDS worldwide. The United Nations (UN)highlights the gender inequality and all forms of violence against women as keys factors to women's vulnerability to HIV infection. Morals issues that encourage men to have many sexual partners are common, resulting in monogamous women at risk of acquiring HIV. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in his annually report of 2008, describes that 98% of Mexican housewives acquired the HIV through their sexual partner. To describe the most frequent occupation of the HIV+ women treated at the, Centro de Atención a Personas con Enfermedades Infecciosas (CAPEI/UCV) at The Dental school of the Universidad Central de Venezuela. From 1999-2006. This study is a retrospective, non-experimental, cross-descriptive investigation. All 859 medical records of the people attending at CAPEI/UCV in the period of 1999-2006 where reviewed. 212 medical records from HIV+ women where taken for this study. All the data obtained form these medical records and his use in further investigations has been authorized by all patients in the study . Records of these authorizations and the informed consent, given by all patients can be found in the ethical section of their medical records. The most frequent age range between 28 -32 years. 91% of Venezuelan nationality, 91% live in the capital , 60% unmarried, 95% heterosexual , 84% via sexual transmission, 43% housewives, followed by 23% varied occupation

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Odontología en Salud Pública , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/diagnóstico , Salud Pública
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-69832


With the increase in multi-cultural families, Korea is seeing a rapid increase in immigrated housewives, who are closely related to food culture. However, studies for the diet of multi-cultural families, which is most closely related to our lives have not been sufficiently researched. With this background, this study conducted research for immigrated women nationwide about food cultures to provide the possibility which Korean food culture would be developed harmoniously with various foreign food cultures. In this study, the immigrated women seemed to have adapted to Korean food culture quickly, but they showed differences according to some conditions like countries they are from and the time they have been in Korea. To achieve this, we need to conduct consistent and in depth studies for food cultures in multi-cultural families so that we can make healthy development in food culture, harmonious with traditional Korean culture.

Femenino , Humanos , Dieta , Corea (Geográfico) , Esposos
Univ. psychol ; 8(2): 533-544, mayo.-ago. 2009. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-572148


Las investigaciones sobre Burnout se han extendido a diferentes poblaciones, pero no es el caso de las amas de casa, población para la que no se ha detectado un instrumento que lo mida. Por ello, los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Burnout para Amas de Casa (CUBAC), diseñado por los autores con base en el Cuestionario Breve de Burnout; y, además, contrastar el modelo secuencial teórico en que se basa el cuestionario. Los resultados correspondientes a 200 amas de casa, reflejan adecuada consistencia interna, estabilidad test-retest en el 31.5% de la muestra, evidencia de validez al comparar con la escala de estrés percibido y un ajuste adecuado del modelo estructural analizado.

The researches about burnout have been extended to different populations;nevertheless, we did not find an instrument to measure burnout in housewives. Thus, the aim of this paper was to evaluate psychometric properties of Burnout questionnaire to housewives (CUBAC), designed by authors taking in consideration the Short questionnaire of burnout and also to evaluate goodness of fit of theoretical model behind questionnaires. Results about 200 housewives showed an adequate reliability, evidence of validity comparing with Stress Perceived Scale (PSS) and acceptable goodness of fit inthe structural model analyzed.

Femenino , Estrés Psicológico , Condiciones de Trabajo
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-216585


In order to investigate if the employment of housewives may affect the nutritional status of their family members, an analysis was made for the data of 2001 Korea National Health and Nutrition survey. Housewives aged 20 or over were divided into two groups of the working (W, 44.3%) and the non-working (NW, 55.7%), and household income levels were divided into 4 groups of low, middle, high, and high above according to the minimum cost of living in the year of 2001. Nutrient intakes were assessed by using dietary recommended intakes for Koreans of 2005. Working housewives showed similar levels to those of non-working housewives in most nutrients intakes except energy and vitamin C. However their families excluding housewives of W, than those of NW, took less protein, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C when assessed as % of recommended intakes and took more sodium. Such differences were very strong in children and adolescents, and in the middle income households. More % of the families of W than those of NW consumed nutrients below the estimated average requirements. Percents of hypertension classified by both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were higher in adult family members of W than in those of NW. This tendency seemed to be more significant in the family members aged 30 to 49. Both obesity and under-weight rates of school children (7~12 yrs) in W were higher than those in NW. The above resuIts suggested that employment of housewives could have negative influences on the nutritional status of their family members, especially of their children and in the middle income class.

Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Niño , Humanos , Ácido Ascórbico , Presión Sanguínea , Calcio , Empleo , Composición Familiar , Hipertensión , Hierro , Corea (Geográfico) , Niacina , Encuestas Nutricionales , Estado Nutricional , Obesidad , Potasio , Riboflavina , Sodio , Vitamina A
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-154933


The purpose of this study was to investigate consumer preferred formats of nutrition labels: the type of nutritional information provided on the labels. A survey was conducted on 222 housewives between the age of 20 and 65 in Daejeon city in 1998, using an interview questionnaire showing illustrated nutritional label formats. Among twelve nutrients and caloric values listed on the nutrition labels, the housewives ranked their interest in the items in the following order of calorie (58.56%), calcium (56.76%), cholesterol (54.05%), protein (39.19%) and vitamin C (36.04%). The majority of the subjects (69.37%) checked labels when they bought milk or dairy products, whereas only 8.11% looked at labels when they bought Ramyon or noodles. Most of the subjects (90.99%) preferred products with labels with nutritional information as compared with products without labels. this was especially so true of the younger individuals and of people who checked food labels more frequently. The subjects preferred labeling which described the nutrient content per package (55.41%), serving size (32.88%) and food weight of 100g (11.71%) as a standard unit. Generally, they preferred a simplified list to a detailed list of the number of nutrients, a figure graph to bar graph in nutrition claim, vertical bar graph to horizontal bar graph showing the nutritional content of foods and a web-type graphic format to a radiationformat when describing the item's percentage of the Korean RDA's nutrient content. The subjects who checked labels frequently especially preferred detailed list, while housewives with job or with unhealthy family members preferred a simplified list and graphic, rather than a numerical display. From this result, it is suggested that providing consumers with more nutrients information in a more easily understood graphic format would encourage the consumers to check nutritional labels. Therefore this should be considered when developing the regulations for nutrition labeling or when educating the public about nutrition.

Humanos , Ácido Ascórbico , Calcio , Colesterol , Comportamiento del Consumidor , Productos Lácteos , Etiquetado de Alimentos , Leche , Tamaño de la Porción de Referencia , Control Social Formal , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-208294


The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of recognition and intake of Saeng shik among housewives in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Kwangju and Daejeon during February, 2002. Saeng shik is an uncooked freeze dried powdered food made from grains and vegetables. We interviewed 800 housewives, aged 30 to 49 years, living in urban areas. The survey was conducted using individual interviews on demographic characteristcs, status of recognition of Saeng shik, and the intake of Saeng shik. The data was analyzed using a SPSS program. The results were summarized as follows: Forty percentage of the subjects were well acquainted with Saeng shik. More than 60% of the subjects understood that Saeng shik is 'the thing of grains and vegetables in the form of freeze-dried powder without heating process'. Saeng shik was taken by 16.9% of subjects. There was a significant regional and economic level difference in Saeng shik intake (p < 0.05). Among the reasons given for Saeng shik intake, meal substitution ranked the highest. Other reasons were prevention of adult diseases, or it being a low calorie food. The survey questioned which the subjects considered before buying Saeng shik, taste, effect, constitution, sanitation and safety, satiety. 'Taste' ranked the highest. Among the subject who had experienced taking Saeng shik, 35.6% answered that they would continue taking Saeng shik. The reasons given for stopping taking Saeng shik included its high cost and taste. The subjects recognized it not only as a meal substitute, but also as a nutrient supplement. Based on these results on urban housewives' status of recognition of Saeng shik and their intake of it, more research is needed to improve Saeng shik.

Adulto , Humanos , Grano Comestible , Constitución y Estatutos , Calefacción , Calor , Comidas , Saneamiento , Seúl , Verduras