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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e05172024, ago. 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569048


Resumo Este estudo analisa as histórias de vida de oito jovens vivendo com HIV por transmissão vertical, visando compreender suas percepções marcadas pelo segredo e silêncio sobre suas vivências com o vírus. Realizado em ambulatório especializado no Rio de Janeiro, o estudo adotou como ferramenta de cuidado a dança circular, considerada uma Prática Integrativa e Complementar em Saúde. Utilizando abordagem qualitativa e a História de Vida como método de coleta, o foco foi compreender as experiências dos jovens, não apenas relacionadas à doença, mas também a aspectos cruciais de suas vidas. Participaram do estudo três meninas e cinco meninos, todos cientes de seu diagnóstico. Os principais temas emergentes incluíram dinâmica familiar, conexão com o ambiente escolar, desafios na adesão ao tratamento, idade no momento da revelação do diagnóstico e tempo decorrido desde então. A análise das narrativas desses jovens, permitiu explorar aspectos individuais e sociais da experiência, revelando similaridades e diferenças entre eles. As oficinas de dança circular ofereceram um espaço lúdico para a expressão de emoções e sentimentos por meio dos movimentos corporais, ampliando as perspectivas dos jovens em relação ao futuro.

Abstract This study analyzes the life stories of eight young people living with vertically transmitted HIV in order to understand their perceptions marked by secrecy and silence regarding their experiences with the virus. Conducted at a specialized outpatient clinic in Rio de Janeiro, the study adopted circle dance, a Complementary and Integrative Health Practice, as a care tool. Using a qualitative approach and Life History as a data collection method, the focus was to understand the youth's experiences related to the disease and the crucial aspects of their lives. Three girls and five boys participated in the study, all aware of their diagnosis. The principal emerging themes included family dynamics, school environment connection, challenges in treatment adherence, age at the time of diagnosis disclosure, and time elapsed since then. Analyzing these young people's narratives allowed us to explore individual and social aspects of their experiences, revealing their similarities and differences. The circle dance workshops provided a playful space for expressing emotions and feelings through body movements, expanding young people's perspectives on the future.

Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000097, Apr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566373


The progressive increase in HIV infection among older adults requires constant research and monitoring, given that geriatric syndromes associated with HIV comorbidities have become an important public health problem. We reported this systematic review according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), and it has a central question: Is the incidence of cognitive impairment higher in older patients living with HIV than in their seronegative peers? The following databases were searched for this review: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS, Web of Science, and Scopus. The inclusion criteria were studies whose samples were ≥ 50% patients aged ≥ 50 years, with and without HIV, and a main outcome related to the incidence of cognitive impairment. Only cohort studies with follow-up lasting ≥ 24 months were considered. Three reviewers independently screened the documents for eligibility criteria, extracted the data, assessed the risk of bias (Newcastle-Ottawa Scale), and evaluated the quality of evidence. A narrative synthesis was prepared. In total, 10 798 trials were screened, 8884 were excluded, 14 were analyzed, and 5 were included in this review. Only 1 applied cognitive assessment tests; the rest used secondary data from the medical records. Most found that the incidence of cognitive disorders was higher among older people living with HIV, which highlights the need for public policies aimed at primary and secondary prevention strategies. Further research from other countries is still required. PROSPERO register (CRD42022321914). (AU)

Humanos , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Anciano , VIH , Disfunción Cognitiva
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 1-7, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567035


Background and Objective: To understand the main forms of transmission of HIV in order to foster the containment of the transmission chain, early diagnosis and the epidemiological profile of patients. In this sense, it will enable the analysis of the epidemiological profile and the transmissibility variables of patients with HIV/Aids from the municipality of Imperatriz-MA.. Method: This is an observational cross-sectional study. Data collection was performed from the analysis of patients' records registered in the Center for Testing and Counseling (CTA) from 2017 to 2020. For data collection, a questionnaire with transmission variables and epidemiological characteristics of patients was used. Results: From January 2017 to December 2020, 211 medical records were filed. Of these, 71.6% were male, 55.5% of the participants were between 21 and 40 years, and 66.4% from Imperatriz-MA. The most prevalent type of exposure was sexual intercourse without a condom. Among the participants, 83.9% (n=177) were positive only for HIV. About 140 people with HIV had an undetectable viral load (VL) (< 50 copies/ml) after 6 months of using antiretroviral therapy, making it low transmissibility. Conclusion: The study was able to characterize the epidemiological profile of patients from the Specialized Assistance Service (SAE) in Imperatriz between 2017 and 2020. Despite the increase in the number of cases among women, the most affected public remains young men, from 21 to 40 years of age, with 8 to 11 years of education, single and brown. Sexual intercourse without a condom is the main type of exposure.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivo: Buscando proporcionar a la contención de la cadena de transmisión del VIH, el diagnóstico precoz y el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes para conocer las principales formas de transmisión del VIH. En este sentido, el estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el perfil epidemiológico y las variables de transmisibilidad de los usuarios con VIH/sida del municipio de Imperatriz-MA. Método: Se trata de un estudio observacional de carácter transversal, la recolección de datos fue realizada a partir del análisis de registros de usuarios registrados en el CTA en el período de 2017 a 2020. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario con variables de transmisión y características epidemiológicas de los pacientes. Resultados: Se registraron 211 registros y enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2020. De estos, 71,6% del sexo masculino, 55,5% de los participantes tenían entre 21 y 40 años y 66,4% de Imperatriz - MA. El tipo de exposición más prevalente fue la relación sexual sin condón. Entre los participantes, 83,9% (n=177) fueron positivos solo para el VIH. Cerca de 140 personas con VIH tenían carga viral indetectable (< 50 copias/ml) después de 6 meses usando terapia antirretroviral, haciéndola de baja transmisibilidad. Conclusión: El público más afectado sigue siendo hombres jóvenes, de 21 a 40 años, con 8 a 11 años de educación, solteros y de piel morena. Las relaciones sexuales sin preservativo son el principal tipo de exposición.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivo: Conhecer as principais formas de transmissão do HIV para proporcionar a contenção da cadeia de transmissão do HIV, o diagnóstico precoce e o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes. Nesse sentido, será possível analisar o perfil epidemiológico e as variáveis de transmissibilidade dos usuários com HIV/Aids do município de Imperatriz-MA. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional de caráter transversal. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir da análise de registros de usuários cadastrados no CTA no período de 2017 a 2020. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário com variáveis de transmissão e características epidemiológicas dos pacientes. Resultados: Foram registrados 211 prontuários de janeiro de 2017 a dezembro de 2020. Destes, 71,6% do sexo masculino, 55,5% dos participantes tinham entre 21 e 40 anos e 66,4% de Imperatriz-MA. O tipo de exposição mais prevalente foi a relação sexual sem preservativo. Entre os participantes, 83,9% (n=177) foram positivos apenas para HIV. Cerca de 140 pessoas com HIV tinham carga viral indetectável (< 50 cópias/ml) após 6 meses usando terapia antirretroviral, tornando-a de baixa transmissibilidade. Conclusões: O estudo conseguiu caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico dos usuários de SAE em Imperatriz entre 2017 e 2020. Apesar do aumento no número de casos em mulheres, o público mais afetado continua sendo homens jovens, de 21 a 40 anos, com 8 a 11 anos de educação, solteiros e pardos. A relação sexual sem preservativo é o principal tipo de exposição.(AU)

Perfil de Salud , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/epidemiología , VIH , Transmisión de Enfermedad Infecciosa
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 175-189, 20240131.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537771


Esta é uma revisão integrativa que busca compreender os fatores associados à propagação e controle de mpox, seguindo as recomendações estabelecidas pela declaração Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. A consulta foi feita nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs e Cochrane Library. Foram selecionados quinze artigos, com amostra majoritária de homens que fazem sexo sem proteção com homens e homens que viajaram para locais com surto da doença ou tiveram contato com pessoas infectadas. Os principais fatores associados à infecção e à propagação da doença foram históricos de viagem, sexo desprotegido, ingestão de carne possivelmente contaminada, aglomerados e contato próximo com pessoa sintomática. Quanto aos fatores relacionados à prevenção, estão principalmente associados à triagem de casos suspeitos, hábitos de higiene pessoal, uso de equipamentos de proteção individual e isolamento do doente.

This integrative review examines the factors associated with mpox spread and control, following the recommendations established by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Bibliographic search was conducted on the PubMed, Lilacs and Cochrane Library databases. The final sample included 15 articles, mostly composed of men who have unprotected sex with men and men who traveled to places with a mpox outbreak or had contact with infected people. Travel history, unprotected sex, eating potentially contaminated meat, crowding and close contact with a symptomatic person were the main factors associated with mpox infection and spread. Prevention is mainly associated with the screening of suspected cases, personal hygiene habits, use of personal protective equipment and patient isolation.

Este estudio realiza una revisión integradora para comprender los factores asociados con la propagación y el control de la viruela del mono, siguiendo las recomendaciones establecidas por Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, Lilacs y Cochrane Library. Se seleccionaron quince artículos, con una muestra mayoritaria de hombres que tienen sexo con hombres sin protección y hombres que viajaron a lugares con brote de la enfermedad o que tuvieron contacto con personas infectadas. Los principales factores asociados con la infección y la propagación de la enfermedad fueron el historial de viajes, las relaciones sexuales sin protección, el consumo de carne potencialmente contaminada, el hacinamiento y el contacto cercano con una persona sintomática. Los factores relacionados con la prevención están asociados principalmente con el tamizaje de casos sospechosos, los hábitos de higiene personal, el uso de equipos de protección personal y el aislamiento del paciente.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1553376


Introduction: Toxoplasmosis persists as a neglected disease and poses a challenge to public health, especially due to the risk of vertical transmission, which can lead to countless biological complications for the newborn and to psychological and emotional repercussions for the mother. Objective: To understand the perceptions and feelings of pregnant women affected by toxoplasmosis undergoing outpatient follow-up. Materials and Methods: A qualitative and exploratory study developed with 12 women with gestational toxoplasmosis undergoing specialized outpatient follow-up in a municipality from the state of Paraná, Brazil. The data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews and subjected to content analysis, supported by descending hierarchical classification. Results: The pregnant women experienced situations ranging from diagnosis and treatment to preventing the disease in the child and family. These experiences generated fear, distress and uncertainty about the disease, which were not adequately addressed during prenatal assistance in primary care. However, the pregnant women emphasized the importance of the multiprofessional team at the secondary level in monitoring and health education. Discussion: Although the pregnant women felt confident about the treatment and its implications for the child's health, discovering the diagnosis impacted their everyday lives and those of their families, especially due to lack of reliable information about toxoplasmosis and to the absence of emotional support at the primary level. Conclusions: There was a temporary scenario of disinformation among these women, who were not properly guided and supported. However, the guidelines offered in secondary health care were essential for improving knowledge and practices in health.

Embarazo , Toxoplasmosis , Toxoplasmosis Congénita , Transmisión Vertical de Enfermedad Infecciosa , Atención a la Salud
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018697


Objective To summarize the epidemiological and clinical features of infectious diseases of the central nervous system(CNS)by a single-center analysis.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the data of 1247 cases of CNS infectious diseases diagnosed and treated in the First Medical Center of PLA General Hospital from 2001 to 2020.Results The data for this group of CNS infectious diseases by disease type in descending order of number of cases were viruses 743(59.6%),Mycobacterium tuberculosis 249(20.0%),other bacteria 150(12.0%),fungi 68(5.5%),parasites 18(1.4%),Treponema pallidum 18(1.4%)and rickettsia 1(0.1%).The number of cases increased by 177 cases(33.1%)in the latter 10 years compared to the previous 10 years(P<0.05).No significant difference in seasonal distribution pattern of data between disease types(P>0.05).Male to female ratio is 1.87︰1,mostly under 60 years of age.Viruses are more likely to infect students,most often at university/college level and above,farmers are overrepresented among bacteria and Mycobacterium tuberculosis,and more infections of Treponema pallidum in workers.CNS infectious diseases are characterized by fever,headache and signs of meningeal irritation,with the adductor nerve being the more commonly involved cranial nerve.Matagenomic next-generation sequencing improves clinical diagnostic capabilities.The median hospital days for CNS infectious diseases are 18.00(11.00,27.00)and median hospital costs are ¥29,500(¥16,000,¥59,200).The mortality rate from CNS infectious diseases is 1.6%.Conclusions The incidence of CNS infectious diseases is increasing last ten years,with complex clinical presentation,severe symptoms and poor prognosis.Early and accurate diagnosis and standardized clinical treatment can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality rate and ease the burden of disease.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 12-15, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018868


Vaccination is the most cost-effective means of prevention and control of infectious diseases,and is a prioritized strategy for responding to pandemic diseases.Based on experience related to research and development of vaccines for coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19),we used literature research and expert consultation methods to screen thirty key technologies in nine sub-fields of vaccine technology,which were ranked according to the importance,urgency,innovation and feasibility so as to show where every key technology stood in relation to others in the pineline.The priorities of development of key technologies for vaccines in response to major emerging infectious diseases were recommended to provide reference for related decision-makers in their effort to rationalize research resources and maximize the benefits.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 93-98, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022208


Objective With the focus on emerging infectious diseases and diseases of unknown cause,the study aims to realize multi-point trigger monitoring of infectious diseases through key monitoring sites and key populations.Methods Using ar-tificial intelligence,deep learning,big data and other information technologies to build an intelligent information center for infec-tious diseases with patients'disease files as the core,construct a core capacity of infectious disease surveillance,early warning and situation prediction,and predict and evaluate the importance of infectious disease warning signals.Results The system cov-ered 1 425 primary-level medical institutions,18 hospitals,2 580+schools,4 134 pharmacies,4 laboratories and civil affairs departments,detected 55 kinds of infectious diseases and 6 kinds of syndrome monitoring signals.Since its launch,121 000 ac-tive notification cards have been issued,more than 54 000 new notification cards have been added,35.256 million times of multi-source monitoring and 14.4 million disease files have been recorded.Conclusion By expanding monitoring content and chan-nels,we realized early monitoring,auxiliary investigation and multi-mode visual early warning of infectious diseases,built a multi-point trigger mechanism,and moved forward the infectious disease surveillance.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023368


Objective:To explore the impact of applying micro-video tracing training model to emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) knowledge training on the autonomous learning ability and learning outcomes among emergency department nurses.Methods:In this study, the training content was developed from the perspective of the historical development of EIDs. The training program was constructed in the form of a micro-video classification module and periodic WeChat group push-based autonomous learning. Convenience sampling was used to select 85 emergency nurses ( n=85) from a grade A tertiary general hospital in Shanghai for micro-video tracing training. The nurses were provided with EIDs knowledge training using a module consisting of 11 episodes, each of which included 5 sessions, i.e., enlightening thinking, micro-video learning, key point consolidation, key point analysis, and extension and expansion. After the intervention, the nurses were compared for their autonomous learning ability and their knowledge, belief, and action levels of EIDs, and their degree of satisfaction with the training model was evaluated. SPSS 20.0 and GraphPad Prism 9.3.0 were used for non-parametric Wilcoxon paired tests of quartiles ( Q25, M, and Q75). Results:After the training, the emergency department nurses had significantly higher scores in overall autonomous learning ability ( Z=-4.69, P<0.001) and in each dimension: concept of self-motivation ( Z=-4.48, P<0.001), task analysis ( Z=-4.06, P<0.001), self-monitoring and regulation ( Z=-4.50, P<0.001), and self-evaluation ( Z=-4.82, P<0.001); they had significantly higher scores in overall knowledge, belief, and action levels of EIDs ( Z=-4.65, P<0.001) and in each dimension: knowledge ( Z=-4.04, P<0.001), belief ( Z=-3.24, P=0.001), and action ( Z=-4.05, P<0.001). Emergency department nurses had a high degree of satisfaction with the training model (degree of satisfaction for each item >90%). Conclusions:The micro-video tracing training model can effectively improve the autonomous learning ability of emergency department nurses and their knowledge, belief, and action levels of EIDs, with a high degree of satisfaction among the nurses, making it promising for wide use.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023424


Objective:To explore the effects of the scaffolding-based flipped classroom approach in the teaching of Infectious Disease Nursing. Methods:We assigned 152 students of nursing and midwifery majors of grade 2018 (experimental group) to be taught using the scaffolding-based flipped classroom approach and 182 students of grade 2017 (control group) to be taught using the traditional lecture method. Teaching effects were evaluated through students' exam performance and a questionnaire survey. Numerical data were analyzed using the χ2 test and t test with the use of SPSS 18.0, and text data were processed using NVivo 11 for thematic analysis. Results:The experimental group and control group showed significant differences in the interim exam score (83.19±7.96 vs. 79.62±3.14, P<0.001) and final exam score (78.47±6.92 vs. 73.16±8.24, P<0.001). The students of grade 2018 had a high level of participation in online learning. The questionnaire results showed that the scaffolding-based flipped classroom was well recognized in terms of students' overall perception, perceived course quality, perceived value of learning, and satisfaction and the open-ended question, with low scores for learner complaints and loyalty. Conclusions:The scaffolding-based flipped classroom is feasible in the teaching of Infectious Disease Nursing, which can improve students' academic performance and overall competence.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023488


Purpose/Significance The paper systematically reviews relevant research on infectious disease prediction models based on internet data,helps to realize the advancement of infectious disease surveillance,and provides references for the construction of intelli-gent three-dimensional prevention and treatment system of infectious diseases.Method/Process The development history and research direction of infectious disease surveillance and early warning based on internet data collected in the core database of Web of Science and CNKI in the past 20 years are reviewed,major existing problems and challenges are analyzed,and common prediction models and their optimization directions are summarized.Result/Conclusion The study on internet infectious disease surveillance shows the trend of diver-sification of monitoring diseases,refinement and specialization of data sources.Due to the complexity and uncertainty of internet data,most of the existing models are only suitable for short-term or real-time prediction.By constructing a combination model,strengthening multi-source data fusion,improving the selection of keywords and influencing factors,the model can be further optimized and the fitting effect and prediction capacity can be strengthened.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012646


ObjectiveTo present the exploration and application of a prospective follow-up research method for acute infectious disease surveillance based on natural community populations, using COVID-19 infection as an example, and to provide a reference for improving the infectious disease surveillance and early warning system. MethodsA multi-stage probability proportional sampling method was employed to sample residents from all communities of 16 administrative districts in Shanghai, with households as the units. A cohort for acute infectious diseases based on natural community populations was established. The baseline survey was conducted for all cohort subjects, and COVID-19 antigen test kits were distributed. From December 21, 2022 to September 30, 2023, prospective follow-up monitoring of COVID-19 antigen and nucleic acid was carried out on the study subjects on a weekly basis. The baseline characteristics and follow-up information of the cohort subjects were described. ResultsThe cohort for acute infectious diseases included a total of 12 881 subjects, comprising 6 098 males (47.3%) and 6 783 females (52.7%). The baseline survey revealed that 35.2% (4 540/12 881) of the subjects had a history of COVID-19 infection. During the follow-up period from December 21, 2022 to September 30, 2023, the average incidence density in the cohort was 0.61/person-year, with a higher incidence density in females (0.63/person-year) compared to males (0.59/person-year). Individuals aged 60 and above (0.64/person-year) and those with underlying health conditions (0.67/person-year) had a higher incidence density. Healthcare workers showed a notably higher incidence density (0.84/person-year) than that in other occupational groups. As of September 30, 2023, a total of 340 subjects in the cohort experienced secondary infections, with a median interval of 170 days between the first and second infections. ConclusionThis study applies cohort study method to acute infectious disease surveillance, providing crucial data support for estimating infection rates and forecasting alerts for acute infectious diseases in the community. This method can be promoted and applied as a new approach for acute infectious disease surveillance.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012661


In recent years, with frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases around the world, the global public health is faced with many threats and challenges. An infectious diseases early warning system is an important means for prevention and control of infectious diseases. As an important part of the early warning system, the warning indicators is crucial for understanding the occurrence and development trend of infectious diseases, detecting abnormal situations timely and effectively, and issuing early warning and initiating emergency response. Based on the occurrence and development process of infectious diseases, this paper summarizes the research status of early warning indicators on infectious diseases, in order to provide reference for the development and improvement of the infectious diseases early warning system.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016496


Objective @#To understand the epidemiological characteristics of notifiable respiratory infectious diseases in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province from 2017 to 2022, so as to provide insights into formulation of respiratory infectious disease prevention and control strategies.@*Methods@#The data pertaining to notifiable respiratory infectious disease in Huzhou City from 2017 to 2022 were collected through the Infectious Disease Report Information System of Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information System. Epidemiological characteristics of notifiable respiratory infectious disease was analyzed using a descriptive epidemiological method.@*Results@#@*Conclusions@#A total of 31 314 cases of notifiable respiratory infectious diseases were reported in Huzhou City from 2017 to 2022, with an average annual reported incidence of 169.12/105. The reported incidence of notifiable respiratory infectious diseases appeared a tendency towards a rise in Huzhou City from 2017 to 2022 (P<0.05). The top six reported diseases in terms of case numbers were influenza (20 048 cases), tuberculosis (6 920 cases), COVID-19 (1 893 cases), mumps (1 413 cases), pertussis (475 cases) and scarlet fever (442 cases), accounting for 99.61% of the total cases. The incidence of influenza, COVID-19 and pertussis showed a tendency towards a rise, the incidence of mumps and tuberculosis showed a tendency towards a decline (all P<0.05), and scarlet fever remained at a low-level incidence (P>0.05). Respiratory infectious diseases were mainly reported in winter (January, February and December), with 14 644 cases accounting for 46.77%. There were 15 068 cases reported in schools and kindergartens, accounting for 48.12%. The incidence showed a U-shaped variation with age, with the highest incidence in residents at ages of 10 years and below (987.68/105), and showing a tendency towards a rise in residents at ages of 60 years and above. @*@#The incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in Huzhou City from 2017 to 2022 increased significantly. Influenza, tuberculosis, COVID-19, mumps and pertussis are key notifiable respiratory infectious diseases. Residents at ages of 10 years and below and 60 years and above should be given a high priority for respiratory infectious disease control.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 195-201, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025373


The COVID-19 epidemic has spread to the whole world for three years and has had a serious impact on human life, health and economic activities. China's epidemic prevention and control has gone through the following stages: emergency unconventional stage, emergency normalization stage, and the transitional stage from the emergency normalization to the "Category B infectious disease treated as Category B" normalization, and achieved a major and decisive victory. The designated hospitals for prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Tianjin has successfully completed its tasks in all stages of epidemic prevention and control, and has accumulated valuable experience. This article summarizes the experience of constructing a hospital infection prevention and control system during the "Category B infectious disease treated as Category A" period in designated hospital. The experience is summarized as the "Cluster" hospital infection prevention and control system, namely "three rings" outside, middle and inside, "three districts" of green, orange and red, "three things" before, during and after the event, "two-day pre-purification" and "two-director system", and "one zone" management. In emergency situations, we adopt a simplified version of the cluster hospital infection prevention and control system. In emergency situations, a simplified version of the "Cluster" hospital infection prevention and control system can be adopted. This system has the following characteristics: firstly, the system emphasizes the characteristics of "cluster" and the overall management of key measures to avoid any shortcomings. The second, it emphasizes the transformation of infection control concepts to maximize the safety of medical services through infection control. The third, it emphasizes the optimization of the process. The prevention and control measures should be comprehensive and focused, while also preventing excessive use. The measures emphasize the use of the least resources to achieve the best infection control effect. The fourth, it emphasizes the quality control work of infection control, pays attention to the importance of the process, and advocates the concept of "system slimming, process fattening". Fifthly, it emphasizes that the future development depends on artificial intelligence, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of prevention and control to the greatest extent. Sixth, hospitals need to strengthen continuous training and retraining. We utilize diverse training methods, including artificial intelligence, to ensure that infection control policies and procedures are simple. We have established an evaluation and feedback mechanism to ensure that medical personnel are in an emergency state at all times.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 78-83, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038287


@#The present study aimed at exploring whether sunlight exposure might account for the relative difference in COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality between tropical and non-tropical countries. A retrospective observational study was designed and data from the World Health Organization weekly COVID-19 epidemiological update was compiled. We examined the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population, as well as the total number of COVID-19-related mortalities per 100 000 population. Solar variables data were obtained from the Global Solar Atlas website ( These data were analyzed to determine the association of sunlight exposure to COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality in tropical and non-tropical countries. Results revealed a statistically significant decrease in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population (P<0.001), as well as the number of COVID-19-related mortalities per 100 000 population (P<0.001) between tropical and non-tropical countries. Analyses of sunlight exposure data found that specific photovoltaic power output, global horizontal irradiation, diffuse horizontal irradiation and global tilted irradiation at optimum angle were significantly inversely correlated to COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality. This suggests that stronger sunlight exposure potentially leads to lower COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality. Findings from this study suggest that the relatively low COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality in tropical countries were possibly due to better sunlight exposure that translates into adequate vitamin D status.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 369-373, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038844


Objective@#To investigate epidemiological characteristics of notifiable infectious diseases in Zhejiang Province in 2023, so as to provide the evidence for strengthening prevention and control of infectious diseases.@*Methods@#Data pertaining to notifiable infectious diseases reported in Zhejiang Province in 2023 were retrieved from the Infectious Disease Surveillance System of Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information System. The incidence and mortality were analyzed according to the classification of notifiable infectious diseases and transmission routes, and epidemiological characteristics of infectious diseases were descriptively analyzed.@*Results@#Thirty types of notifiable infectious diseases with 2 955 699 cases and 427 deaths were reported in Zhejiang Province in 2023, with a reported incidence rate of 4 493.93/105 and a reported mortality rate of 0.649 2/105. A total of 679 notifiable infectious disease emergencies were reported, with 26 514 cases and 1 case death (rabies). The emergencies mainly occurred in schools and preschool institutions, with 621 cases accounting for 91.46%. There were 1 case of cholera reported in class A notifiable infectious diseases and no death, 22 types of class B notifiable infectious diseases, with a reported incidence rate of 552.46/105 and a reported mortality rate of 0.644 7/105, and 8 types of class C notifiable infectious diseases, with a reported incidence rate of 3 941.48/105 and a reported mortality rate of 0.004 6/105. The incidence rates of respiratory, intestinal, blood-borne and sexually transmitted, natural and insect-borne infectious diseases were 4 028.67/105, 381.59/105, 81.15/105 and 1.35/105, respectively, according to transmission routes. Influenza (3 561.78/105) and COVID-19 (423.77/105) reported the highest incidence, and AIDS (0.477 4/105) and tuberculosis (0.130 8/105) reported the highest mortality.@*Conclusion@#The incidence rates of respiratory and intestinal infectious diseases were high in Zhejiang Province in 2023, and schools and preschool institutions were the main places of diseases occurred.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 487-490, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038979


Objective@#To investigate the characteristics of public health emergencies in Zhejiang Province in 2023, so as to provide the reference for public health risk management.@*Methods@#Data of public health emergencies and related information in Zhejiang Province from January 1 to December 31, 2023 was collected through Emergency Public Reporting System of Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information System. Attack rates, disease types, distribution of time and places, and responses were descriptively analyzed.@*Results@#A total of 718 public health emergencies were reported in 2023 in Zhejiang Province, and all were infectious disease events. There were 27 128 reported cases and 3 deaths, with an attack rate of 3.22%. The top five infectious diseases with the highest number of reported events were influenza, norovirus infection, monkeypox, varicella and hand, foot and mouth disease, accounting for 95.54% of total reported events. There were 355 public health emergencies with less than 30 cases each, accounting for 49.44%. The reported emergencies peaked from February to March (186 events, 25.91%) and from November to December (327 events, 45.54%), and mainly occurred in schools and preschool institutions (651 events, 90.67%). The median responding time, reporting time and duration of emergencies were 6.50 (interquartile range, 10.84) h, 0.53 (interquartile range, 0.63) h and 7.24 (interquartile range, 11.71) d, respectively.@*Conclusion@#Public health emergencies in Zhejiang Province in 2023 were mainly caused by influenza and norovirus infection, with February, March, November and December being the peak reporting periods, and schools and preschool institutions being the main places where these events occurred.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2022, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520218


ABSTRACT A 7-week-old male delivered by cesarean section presented with a positive serology for dengue along with preretinal and retinal hemorrhages, vitreous opacities and cotton wool spots. The patient and his mother had positive serologies for Non Structural Protein 1 (NS1) by ELISA. Retinal and vitreous findings improved over a sixteen-week period. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed preserved macular architecture. In this case report, we suggest that retinal and vitreous changes may be the ocular presenting features of vertically transmitted dengue in newborns, and that those findings may resolve with no major structural sequelae.

RESUMO Neonato de 7 semanas, do sexo masculino, nascido de parto cesárea, apresentou sorologia positiva para dengue com hemorragias retinianas e pré-retinianas, opacidades vítreas e manchas algodonosas. O paciente e sua mãe haviam apresentado sorologias positivas para Non Structural Protein 1 através de ELISA. Achados na retina e no vítreo melhoraram em um período de dezesseis semanas. O exame de tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral demonstrou arquitetura macular preservada. Neste relato de caso, sugerimos que alterações na retina e no vítreo podem ser os achados oculares aparentes em neonatos com infecção vertical por dengue, e que estes podem se resolver sem maiores sequelas estruturais.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 90(3): 101396, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564180


Abstract Objective To determine the prevalence, epidemiological profile, and clinical characteristics of Oral or Oropharyngeal Mucosal Lesions (OOPML) in patients attended at the Otorhinolaryngology Service of the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI-FIOCRUZ) from 2005 to 2017. Methods Statistical analysis of descriptive data from medical records (gender, age, education level, skin color, origin, smoking, alcoholism, HIV co-infection, time of disease evolution, first symptom, and OOPML location) was performed. Results Of 7551 patients attended at the service, 620 (8.2%) were included in the study. OOPML were classified into developmental anomalies (n = 3), infectious diseases (non-granulomatous n = 220; granulomatous n = 155), autoimmune diseases (n = 24), neoplasms (benign n = 13; malignant, n = 103), and unclassified epithelial/soft tissue diseases (n = 102). OOPML of infectious diseases (60.5%) and neoplasms (18.7%) were the most frequent. The predominant demographics of patients with OOPML were: males (63.5%), white (53.5%), and those in the fifth to sixth decades of life (43.3%). Local pain (18.1%) and odynophagia (15%) were the most reported first symptoms, and the most frequent OOPML sites were the palatine tonsil (28.5%), hard palate (22.7%), and tongue (20.3%). The median evolution time was three months. Conclusions Infectious OOPML were the most frequent, as expected in a reference center for infectious diseases, and thus, they are likely to be less frequent in general care and/or dental services. Underreporting of OOPML is possible, as oral/oropharyngeal examination is often not included in the routine medical examination. Oral cavity/oropharynx examination should be performed by specialists, such as dentists and otorhinolaryngologists, who have the expertise in identifying OOPML, even in incipient/asymptomatic cases. Given the numerous diseases in which OOPML can present, diagnosis could be facilitated by multidisciplinary teams, potentially enabling the early treatment of diseases, and thus, reduce morbidity and improve prognosis. The use of standardized medical records for oral/oropharyngeal systematic examination could provide relevant tools for differential diagnoses and information for new clinical-epidemiological studies. Level of evidence: Level 3.