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Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 812-817, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013909


Allergic diseases are diseases caused by abnormal immune responses to antigens. Recently the prevalence of allergic diseases in children is on the rise, which has become one of the urgent public health problems to date. Recent clinical data and research show that the susceptibility of allergic diseases in offspring is inextricably associated with intergenerational transmission factors. Some unfavorable factors suffered by mothers before or during pregnancy may increase the allergic disease susceptibility in offspring. Therefore, it is of great significance to identify early risk factors (mother's generation) for the prevention of allergic diseases in children. At present, under the background of intergenerational transmission, some progress has been made in the research on the susceptibility of allergic diseases in offspring, and some researches have elucidated the potential molecular biological mechanisms. The current review summarizes the effects of maternal pregestational and prenatal unfavorable factors on the susceptibility of allergic diseases in offspring.

Pensando fam ; 25(2): 239-255, dez. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1346656


A violência intrafamiliar, sendo considerada como um problema de saúde pública indica a necessidade de estudos e intervenções voltadas para mudanças na maneira de pensar e conduzir as relações entre as pessoas. Esta pesquisa consistiu em um estudo qualitativo com o objetivo de compreender os aspectos intergeracionais de famílias em situação de violência. Participaram doze famílias com filhos de um a dez anos. Utilizou-se um roteiro de entrevista elaborado para esta pesquisa, baseado em instrumentos sobre táticas de resolução de conflitos e sobre funcionamento familiar. A entrevista foi utilizada para a elaboração dos genogramas, abordando temas como conflitos conjugais e parentais, bem como a conjugalidade dos pais dos entrevistados e as práticas intergeracionais. Os genogramas foram construídos por meio do programa genopro. Os resultados apontaram que nas relações representadas houve episódios de conflitos, retratando a violência dentro daquele meio, sendo possível identificar a transmissão intergeracional da violência presente nestes casos.

Intrafamily violence, being considered a public health problem, indicates the need for studies and interventions aimed at changes in the way of thinking and conducting relationships between people. This research consisted of a qualitative study with the objective of understanding the intergenerational aspects of families in situations of violence. Twelve families with children from one to ten years participated. An interview script designed for this research was used, based on instruments on conflict resolution tactics and family functioning. The interview was used to prepare the genograms, addressing topics such as marital and parental conflicts, as well as the conjugality of the interviewees' parents and intergenerational practices. The genograms were constructed using the genopro program. The results showed that in the relationships represented, there were episodes of conflict, portraying violence within that environment, making it possible to identify the intergenerational transmission of violence present in these cases.

Psychol. av. discip ; 13(1): 89-99, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250590


Resumen El objetivo de la investigación es analizar la relación entre la exposición a la violencia de pareja y la victimización y perpetración de malos tratos en el noviazgo. La información se obtuvo mediante un cuestionario autoaplicado y la metodología fue de corte transversal. La muestra está compuesta por 443 estudiantes (317 mujeres y 126 hombres) de diferentes universidades colombianas. Los resultados muestran que el 60% fue testigo de agresiones físicas y psicológicas entre alguna pareja del entorno; la mayoría de estas se ejercieron contra mujeres. La exposición a la violencia está relacionada tanto con la perpetración como con la victimización de maltrato en el noviazgo. En consecuencia, la identificación de los factores de riesgo de este tipo de violencia permite realizar programas de intervención específicos, prevenir su aparición y reducir su prevalencia.

Abstract The main aim of this research is to analyze the relation between exposure to intimate partner violence and victimization and perpetration of dating violence. The information was obtained through a self-applied questionnaire and the research method was cross-sectional. The study sample is composed of 443 students (317 women and 126 men) of different Colombian universities. The results show that 60% of participants witnessed physical and psychological aggressions in the near context; most of them were exerted against women. Exposure to intimate partner violence is related to both perpetration and victimization of dating violence. Consequently, the identification of the risk factors of dating violence allows for specific intervention programs, preventing their occurrence and reducing their prevalence.

Violencia de Pareja , Exposición a la Violencia , Violencia de Género , Relaciones Interpersonales , Maltrato Conyugal , Violencia , Mujeres , Prevalencia , Factores de Riesgo , Víctimas de Crimen , Agresión , Hombres
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(5): 1875-1883, Mai. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001805


Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o estado nutricional de crianças e mulheres indígenas Yanomami e elucidar fatores associados. Estudo transversal, realizado em 17 aldeias, em 2014. Para a avaliação do estado nutricional utilizou-se as curvas de crescimento de 2006 e os escores-Z (ESZ) de estatura/idade (E/I), peso/idade (P/I), peso/estatura (P/E), os quais foram gerados nos programas WHO-Anthro e WHO-AnthroPlus. Estatura inferior a 145cm foi o descritor de baixa estatura materna nas > 18 anos. A regressão de Poisson e as análises estatísticas foram efetuadas no software R, versão 3.1.2. Nos < 5 anos a prevalência de baixa E/I foi 83,8%, de baixo P/I 50%, de baixo P/E 5,4% e de sobrepeso 2,7%. Em 59,5% das crianças observou-se muito baixa E/I e em 68,1% das mães baixa estatura. As crianças de 36-59 meses apresentaram maior risco de baixa estatura severa, em comparação com as de 0,1-23 (RP = 1,3; IC 95%: 1,1-2,3), assim como os filhos de mães com estatura < 145cm, em relação aos filhos de mães com estatura > 144cm (RP = 2,1; IC 95%;1,2-3,6). As alarmantes prevalências de baixa estatura severa revelam a grave situação nutricional das crianças. Já a associação de baixa estatura severa nas crianças e baixa estatura materna reflete o caráter intergeracional do problema.

Abstract This study evaluates the nutritional status of children and women of an indigenous Yanomamigroup, and seeks to clarify associated factors. It was a cross-sectional study, carried out in 17 villages, in 2014. For evaluation of nutritional status we used 2006 growth standards to assign height-for-age (stunting)Z-scores (Z), weight-for-age Z (underweight) and weight-for-height Z (wasting and overweight), using the software WHO-Anthro and WHO-AnthroPlus. Short stature (SS) was defined as values lower 145cm for mothers over the age of 18. The Poisson regression was made in R software. Among children under 60 months the prevalences were: stunting 83.8%; underweight 50%; wasting 5.4%; and overweight 2.7%. In 59.5% of the children there was severe stunting, and 68.1% of the mothers were SS. Prevalence ratio (PR) for severe stunting was higher in age group 36-59 months, in comparison with age group 0.1-23 (PR = 1.3; CI 95%: 1.1-2.3), as did also children of mothers with SS, when compared to the children of mothers without SS (PR = 2.1; CI 95%; 1.2-3.6). The alarming rates of stunting and severe stunting reveal the seriousness of the nutritional situation children. The association of severe stunting in infants and in mothers reflects the intergenerational nature of the problem.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Indígenas Sudamericanos/estadística & datos numéricos , Estado Nutricional , Trastornos del Crecimiento/epidemiología , Delgadez/epidemiología , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Estatura , Peso Corporal , Brasil/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Estudios Transversales , Sobrepeso/epidemiología , Madres/estadística & datos numéricos
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 21(3): 611-645, jul.-set. 2018. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-978656


Se presenta un análisis de discurso sobre el yo-cuerpo de cuatro mujeres adictas, lo que permite evidenciar la centralidad de la filiación no constituida en estas mujeres. Mediante entrevistas en profundidad se explora el peso de la ausencia real de la madre en la adicción femenina. La vacuidad del vínculo, marcado por la indiferencia u odio, impide que reciban en la transmisión intergeneracional un soporte simbólico para situarse en la filiación. La fallida identidad y experiencia afectiva de ser hijas, genera dificultades para ubicarse como mujeres y madres. La adicción es un intento de sobrevivir a esas formas "informes" de sufrimiento.

An analytic discourse about the I-body in four female addicts is presented, which makes it possible to demonstrate the centrality of the non-constituted filiation in those women. Through in-depth interviews, the weight of the real absence of the mother in female addiction is explored. The emptiness of the bond, which is stressed by indifference or hatred, prevents them from receiving a symbolic support in the intergenerational transmission to situate themselves in the filiation. The failed identity and the effective experience of being daughters generate difficulties to situate themselves as women and mothers. The addiction is an attempt to survive to those "shapeless" forms of suffering.

Apresenta-se uma análise do discurso do eu-corpo de quatro mulheres viciadas que permite evidenciar a centralidade da filiação não constituída nessas mulheres. O peso da ausência real da mãe no vício feminino é explorado por meio de entrevistas em profundidade. A vacuidade do vínculo, marcado pela indiferença ou ódio, impede que, na transmissão intergeracional, recebam o apoio simbólico para se situar na filiação. As falidas identidade e experiência afetiva de ser filhas geram dificuldades para se estabelecer como mulheres e mães. O vício é uma tentativa de sobreviver a essas formas "informes" de sofrimento.

Il s'agit d'une analyse du discours sur le « moi-corps ¼ de quatre femmes toxicomanes, qui vise à mettre en évidence la centralité de la non-constitution de la filiation chez ces femmes. A travers des entretiens en profondeur, nous explorons le poids de l'absence réelle de la mère dans la toxicomanie féminine. La vacuité du lien, marqué par de l'indifférence et de la haine, empêche qu'elles reçoivent, dans la transmission intergénérationnelle, un support symbolique pour se situer dans la filiation. L'identité défaillante et l'expérience affective manquée d'être filles, entrainent des difficultés pour se positionner dans la vie en tant que femmes et en tant que mères. La toxicomanie est une tentative de survivre à ces formes « informes ¼ de souffrance.

Dieser Artikel analysiert die Diskurse über den Ich-Körper von vier suchtkranken Frauen und stellt dabei fest, dass das Fehlen einer Mutter-Kind-Beziehung ein zentrales Merkmal dieser Diskurse ist. Der Einfluss der realen Abwesenheit der Mutter auf die weibliche Sucht wird durch ausführliche Interviews untersucht. Die Abwesenheit der Beziehung, gekennzeichnet durch Gleichgültigkeit oder Hass, verunmöglicht, in der generationsübergreifenden Übertragung, den Erhalt symbolischer Unterstützung, die Notwendig wäre, um sich als Tochter einzuordnen. Die gescheiterte Identität und fehlgeschlagene affektive Erfahrung Tochter zu sein macht es ihnen schwer, sich als Frauen und Mütter zu positionieren. Ihre Sucht ist ein Versuch, diese „formlosen" Formen des Leidens zu überleben.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 33: e33427, 2017. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-955939


RESUMO Trata-se de um estudo de caso, cujo objetivo foi investigar a transmissão geracional da violência e papéis estereotipados de gênero a partir da Teoria Familiar Sistêmica e da Teoria de Gênero, com um casal vítima de violência conjugal. Os instrumentos foram Entrevista do Ciclo de Vida Familiar e Genograma. As informações foram analisadas utilizando a epistemologia construtivo-interpretativa. As análises apontaram que os cônjuges vivenciaram padrões relacionais violentos em suas famílias de origem, com papéis estereotipados de homem e mulher, baseados no modelo patriarcal, e que as vivências de cada cônjuge em suas famílias de origem, influenciou o casal, em seu relacionamento, tanto na estereotipia de cada papel quanto na forma de lidar com as negociações e os conflitos conjugais.

ABSTRACT The present study is a case study of a couple with a history of marital violence. Its objective was to investigate the intergenerational transmission of violence and stereotyped gender roles using the Systemic Family Theory and Gender theory. The instruments were the Interview of Family Lifecycle and the Genogram. The data were analyzed using the constructive-interpretative epistemology. The analyzes showed that the spouses experienced violent relational patterns in their families of origin, with stereotypical roles of men and women, based on the patriarchal model and that the experiences of each spouse in their families of origin, influenced the couple in their relationship, both the stereotype of each paper as in dealing with negotiations and marital conflict.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 33: e33311, 2017. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-955948


RESUMO Pesquisas sobre genitores e filhos têm apontado resultados no sentido da transmissão intergeracional de comportamentos. Considerando que as habilidades sociais são vistas como um fator de proteção para adolescentes, o presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar a possível transmissão do repertório de habilidades sociais de pais e mães para filhos adolescentes. Uma amostra de 142 adolescentes e seus genitores foi avaliada por meio dos inventários IHS-Del-Prette e IHSA-Del-Prette, procedendo-se às análises estatísticas. Os resultados encontrados sugeriram a transmissão de assertividade, empatia, abordagem afetiva e desenvoltura social, a depender do sexo dos genitores e dos filhos, assim como da idade dos adolescentes. Foram discutidas a importância do repertório elaborado de habilidades sociais nos genitores e as implicações dos resultados encontrados.

ABSTRACT Research on parents and children have pointed out results on intergenerational transmission of behaviors. Considering that social skills are considered as a protective factor against deficits and disorders in adolescence, the present study aimed to identify the possible transmission of social skills between parents and their adolescent children. IHS-Del-Prette and IHSA-Del-Prette inventories were administered to a sample of 142 adolescents and their parents, after which statistical analysis were carried out. Results suggested the transmission of assertiveness, empathy, affective approach and social resourcefulness, depending on the gender of parents and children and on the age of the adolescents. The importance of the social skills repertoire in parents was discussed, as well as the implications of the findings.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 46(4): 493-502, dic. 2015.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-791760


Considerando os aspectos transgeracionais familiares e a relevância do tema da violência no relacionamento conjugal para diversas áreas do conhecimento, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de identificar possíveis associações entre violência conjugal e experiências da família de origem e verificar seu poder preditivo na perpetração de violência conjugal. Uma amostra de 300 sujeitos respondeu a um questionário de dados sociodemográficos, o Family Background Questionnaire e a Revised Conflict Tactics Scales. Os índices de violência conjugal mostraram-se expressivos e estabeleceram correlações significativas com as experiências de agressão na família de origem. Entre as mulheres, negligência física, abuso sexual e abuso de substâncias paterno foram preditores da agressão, enquanto, para os homens, o preditor foi abuso físico paterno. Discute-se o impacto das vivências na família de origem, assim como a relevância de políticas de atendimento a situações de violência, com vistas de interromper a perpetuação de um padrão relacional violento.

Considering the family’s transgenerational aspects and the relevant of theme for different knowledge fields, this study aims identifying possible associations between experiences in family-of-origin and intimate partner violence, as well as verifying the predictive power of early experiences in the perpetration of marital violence. A sample of 300 people answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, Family Background Questionnaire and Revised Conflict Tactics Scale. The data showed important correlations between abusive experience in the family-of-origin and intimate partner violence. Among women, physical neglect, sexual abuse and parental substance abuse were predictors of aggression committed in their relationships. While in male sample, the predictor was paternal physical abuse. This article discusses the impact of experiences in the family-of-origin, as well as the relevance of social services policies targeting couples and families in situations of violence and whose aim is to stop the perpetuation of violent relational patterns.

En vista de los aspectos transgeneracionales familiares y la pertinencia de la temática de la violencia de pareja para las distintas áreas de conocimiento, este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar possibles asociaciones entre la violencia conjugal y las experiencias en la família de origen y verificar su predicción en la ocurrencia de la violencia conjugal. Una mostra de 300 sujetos responderon a un cuestionario de datos demográficos, al Family Background Questionnaire y a la Revised Conflict Tactics Scales . Las tasas de violencia conjugal fueran expresivas y estabeleceron asociaciones significativas com las experiencias de agresión en la família de origen. Para las mujeres, la negligencia física, el abuso sexual y el abuso de sustancias por el padre fueran predictores de la agresión, mientras que, para los hombres, el predictor fue el abuso físico por el padre. Se discuten el impacto de las experiencias en la familia de origen, así como la pertinencia de políticas de tratamiento a las situaciones de violencia, en orden de interrumpir la perpetuación de un modelo de relación violento.

Psicología , Violencia Doméstica , Matrimonio/psicología , Relaciones Familiares
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-469428


Objetive To explore the feature and influence of psychological trauma of severe physical violence (SPV) perpetrators with or without violent pedigree,and to provide theoretical basis in the intervention of domestic violence.Methods The cases of domestic violence were identified based on appeals for help to police stations,local Women' s Federations,Residents' Community Committee,Center of Community Health Services,the judicial branch of city governments.The subjects were screened,recruited and divided into the group of the abusers with violent pedigree(AP,n=136),the group of abusers without violent pedigree (ANP,n =105),the group of non-abusers with violent pedigree(NAP,n=105) and the group of non-abusers without violent pedigree(NANP,n =198).The features and influence of psychological trauma in four groups were compared.Results (1) In AP group,above 6 traumatic events got 66.1 percent.The median of the number of traumatic events in AP group was 7,and outstanding statistical significance existed among four groups(P<0.01).(2)The scores of avoidance (1.37± 0.79) and intrusion(1.40±0.80) and added scores of IES-R(4.08±2.30) in AP group were significantly higher than the other groups,while the scores of hyper-vigilance (1.31 ± 0.88) were higher than NAP (0.95 ± 0.75) and NANP group(0.94±0.83).The scores of intrusion(1.22±0.83) and hyper-vigilance (1.14±0.85) in ANP group were significantly higher than those in the NANP group(P<0.05).(3)The scores of witness DV,childhood emotional,physical and sexual abuse and the numbers of traumatic events were positively related with the traumatic symptoms.Conclusion The traumatic experiences are significantly correlated with severe physical violence behavior among violence perpetrator with violent pedigree.Some traumatic experiences may be the protective factors of domestic violence behavior.In the violent pedigrees,abusers have the most severe traumatic symptoms and their traumatic symptoms,especially intrusion and hyperarousal symptoms,are positively correlated with severe physical violence behavior.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 714-720, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478050


Objective:To investigate relationship between parents'marital relationship and intergenerational transmission of value orientation of marriage and love among college students.Methods:Totally 712 families inclu-ding a college student and his/her parents from 9 universities were surveyed.The Marital Health Test (MHT)was used to assess parents'marital relationship and transmission of value orientation of marriage and love from father and mother.The structural equation modeling and stepwise multiple regression were used to analysis the relationship between parents'marital relationship and intergenerational transmission of value orientation of marriage and love a-mong college students.Results:Moderate correlations (r =0.24 -0.58,Ps <0.01 )were found between parents'marital relationship and transmission of value orientation of marriage and love from father and mother.Path analysis suggested that paths from parents'marital relationship to paternal transmission and maternal transmission were statis-tically significant (path coefficient was 0.59 and 0.75).Grouping regression analysis showed that the influences of parents 'marital relationship of same-sex transmission (R2 =0.49,0.35 ) were greater than opposite-sex transmission.Conclusions:The findings indicate that parents'marital relationship could facilitate the intergeneration-al transmission of value orientation of marriage and love.Moreover,the influences of parents'marital relationship of same-gender transmission may be greater than opposite-sex transmission.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 18(1): 122-140, 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-724637


Hace más de una década hemos direccionado nuestras investigaciones dentro de la clínica psicoanalítica de parejas y familias, tomando cómo referencial teórico básicamente el psicoanálisis vincular argentino y de los autores franceses, en especial Eiguer (1998) y Kães (2011), este último con los conceptos de transmisión psíquica (inter y transgeracional) y pacto denegativo primordialmente. A lo largo del tiempo las investigaciones clínicas fueron siendo asociadas a los estudios psicosociales, en el sentido de complementar la visión y formación del clínico. Fueron incorporados los cambios ocurridos en la familia, en el pasaje del modelo tradicional a las nuevas configuraciones familiares de la actualidad y fueron considerados los nuevos conflictos y patologías en el interior del grupo familiar y en el ambiente social más amplio. Proponemos la creación de una clínica específica de parejas (Gomes, 2007) cuya demanda de atención se centra aún, en algunos casos, en el síntoma del niño. Por medio de la psicoterapia psicoanalítica utilizada con 10 parejas de una clínica-escuela, profundizamos la comprensión de los conflictos conyugales intermediados por la transgeracionalidad, en la interfaz entre conyugalidad y parentalidad. En la mayoría de los casos prevaleció la disposición de las familias reconstituidas, donde el interjuego entre conyugalidad y parentalidad, por ser más complejo, contribuyó más enfáticamente para ese tipo de conflictiva. Sólo 03 casos tuvieron demanda directa para atención de la pareja, sin utilizar lo(s) hijo(s) como depositarios. Sin embargo, la comprensión de los conflictos conyugales, independiente de la demanda, permitió abordar en profundidad el tipo de vínculo o pacto inconsciente establecido por las parejas. En general, se encontraba asociado a contenidos transgeracionales que, una vez venidos a la toma, promovieron posibilidades de cambio y elaboraciones efectivas intra e interpsíquicamente a todos los involucrados.

For more than a decade we have aimed at researching within the psychoanalyticcouple and family clinic, relying basically on the theoretical referential frame ofargentine relational psychoanalysis and of french authors, mainly Eiguer (1998) andKaës (2011), the latter regarding concepts of psychic transmission (inter and trans-generational) and denegative pact mainly. Eventually clinical research broadened itsscope to include psychosocial studies, aiming at complementing the perspective andtraining of the clinician. In the passage from the traditional model to new family configurations, changes occurring within the family were incorporated and new conflicts and pathologies occurring within the house hold and in the broader social environment were considered. We propose the creation of a specific couple clinic (Gomes, 2007) since couple clinics still focus, in some cases, on the symptoms of the child. By means of psychoanalytical psychotherapy applied to 10 couples in a training clinic, we increased the understandingof marital conflict mediated by trans-generationality, at the interface between conjugalityand parenting. In most cases, reconstituted families was the prevailing arrangement, where the interplay between conjugality and parenting being more complex, contributed more emphatically to that type of conflict. Only on 3 cases the demand wasfor couple assistance, without using the child as depositary. However, understanding marital conflict not withstanding the demand enabled in depth consideration of the typeof link or unconscious pact established by the couples. In general, it was associated to trans-generational content, which once manifested, promoted change opportunities and effective elaborations intra and inter-psychically for all those involved.

Familia , Psicoanálisis , Psicología , Terapia de Parejas
Fractal rev. psicol ; 24(3): 543-562, set.-dez. 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-660519


As vivências da mulher com a própria mãe e as representações sobre ela podem repercutir no exercício da maternidade e na construção da identidade materna. Este trabalho analisou as representações de mães adolescentes sobre suas mães e os aspectos intergeracionais presentes na relação com o bebê, segundo a perspectiva psicanalítica. Três mães adolescentes primíparas, com bebês de três a seis meses de idade, preencheram uma Ficha de Dados Sociodemográficos, responderam a Entrevista R e foram observadas durante a amamentação do bebê. Foi realizada ainda uma entrevista com as mães dessas adolescentes. Os achados demonstraram a influência do modelo materno na relação estabelecida pelas adolescentes com seus bebês. Foram encontradas tanto identificações construtivas como alienantes na relação das adolescentes com as próprias mães. Esses resultados apontam para a importância da investigação dos aspectos intergeracionais das representações destas jovens para a compreensão do exercício do papel materno.

The woman experiences with her own mother and the representations about her can affect the exercise of motherhood and the construction of maternal identity. This study examined the teenage mothers' representations about their mothers and intergenerational aspects in the mother-baby relationship, according to a psychoanalytic perspective. Three primiparous adolescent mothers, which term babies were three to six months old, took part in the study. Interviews comprising sociodemographic data and Interview R, as well an observation in a breastfeeding situation. An interview with the adolescent's mother was performed too. Results showed the influence of adolescents' maternal model on the mother-baby relationship. Both constructive as well alienated identifications were found in the adolescents relationships with their own mothers. These results indicated the importance of investigating intergenerational aspects of adolescents' representations in order to understand their maternal role accomplishment.

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Relaciones Madre-Hijo , Madres , Embarazo en Adolescencia
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 1(2): 233-253, ago. 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-706778


In couple relationships, intense or protracted conflict can activate the attachment system, raising concerns about the partner's availability and the future of the relationship. Hence, individuals with different attachment orientations are expected to respond differently to conflict. This article summarises a series of studies into adult attachment and conflict processes, examining four issues: conflicts regarding closeness and distance in dating couples, patterns of marital conflict, reactions to anger-evoking and hurtful events, and the role of attachment and conflict patterns in the intergenerational transmission of relationship difficulties. The studies point to complex links between attachment and conflict variables. Insecurity - particularly attachment anxiety - is associated with high levels of conflict, and with maladaptive responses such as coercion and conflict avoidance. These conflict behaviors are likely to fuel disagreement, hence maintaining or exacerbating insecurity. There is also evidence that insecurity and maladaptive conflict behaviors create relational dissatisfaction, and that conflict behaviors partially mediate the link between insecurity and dissatisfaction. Research further suggests that parents' insecurity and destructive conflict behaviors have negative consequences for adolescent offspring, in terms of attachment difficulties and appraisals of loneliness. These findings highlight the importance of interventions designed to ameliorate insecurities and communication difficulties.

En las relaciones de pareja, el conflicto intenso o prolongado puede activar el sistema del apego, genera preocupaciones acerca de la disponibilidad de la pareja y el futuro de la relación. Por lo tanto, se espera que los individuos con diferentes tipos de apego, respondan en forma diferencial al conflicto. Este artículo, resume una serie de estudios en apego adulto y procesos de conflicto, examinando cuatro aspectos: conflictos relativos a la cercanía y distancia en parejas, patrones de conflicto marital, reacciones a eventos dolorosos que evocan enojo, y el papel del apego y los patrones de conflicto en la transmisión intergeneracional de las dificultades en las relaciones. Los estudios se enfocan en vínculos complejos entre el apego y variables relacionadas al conflicto. La inseguridad -particularmente el apego ansioso- está asociado con altos niveles de conflicto y con respuestas poco adaptativas tales como coerción y evitación al conflicto. Estas conductas de conflicto son probablemente lo que estimulan el desacuerdo, generando con ello el mantenimiento o exacerbación de la inseguridad. Hay también evidencia de que la inseguridad y las conductas poco adaptativas del conflicto crean insatisfacción en la relación, y que dichas conductas juegan un papel parcialmente intermediario del vínculo entre inseguridad e insatisfacción. Además la investigación sugiere que la inseguridad de los padres y sus conductas destructivas durante el conflicto, tienen consecuencias negativas para los hijos adolescentes, en términos de las dificultades en el apego y apreciación de soledad. Estos hallazgos reflejan la importancia de las intervenciones diseñadas para aliviar inseguridades y dificultades en comunicación.

Ter. psicol ; 27(1): 113-118, jul. 2009. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-558603


La investigación sobre la transmisión intergeneracional del apego ha asociado fuertemente los patrones de apego de los padres con los patrones de apego de infantiles. La evidencia ha mostrado que la sensibilidad de los padres es un importante precursor del apego seguro infantil, sin embargo, el mecanismo de transmisión a la base, sigue sin esclarecerse del todo. Algunos autores han propuesto además la función reflexiva materna como una de las variables explicativas. En este trabajo se expone una reflexión al respecto, mostrando ciertos hallazgos que muestran que la función reflexiva de la madre, y sus correlatos conductuales en la interacción madre-hijo, son un factor esencial en la transmisión intergeneracional del apego. Por último, se discute respecto a la importancia de incorporar estos hallazgos en el diseño de intervenciones preventivas.

The research about intergenerational transmission of attachment has reported strong associations between the adult and child patterns of attachment. Evidence has shown parent's sensibility as an important precursor of infant's security. Nevertheless the transmission gap still isn't clear. Some authors have suggested the reflective function of the mother as a variable that could explain the gap. This article offers a discussion about this issue, showing some evidence that supports reflective function, and its behavioral aspects in the mother-child early relationship, as an essential dimension in the explanation of the transmission. Finally we discuss the relevance of considering this evidence in the design of preventive interventions.

Humanos , Apego a Objetos , Conducta Infantil , Conducta Materna , Relaciones Intergeneracionales , Relaciones Madre-Hijo
Rev. chil. psicoanal ; 24(2): 130-141, dic. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-600268


Se describe una experiencia clínica que permite apreciar cómo en una familia se han desarrollado problemas de apego y ansiedades de separación entre padres e hijos. El tratamiento se lleva a cabo en dos etapas, en la primera se realiza una terapia psicoanalítica de juego con un niño de 6 años y en la segunda una terapia de juego vincular con la madre y la hija de 4 años. En ambas etapas se realiza simultáneamente un trabajo con los padres, con quienes se explora y analiza la naturaleza relacional y transgeneracional de los conflictos de apego y separación que los hijos están presentando en el curso de su desarrollo y crecimiento psicológico.

A clinical experience where it is possible to see how a family has developed separation anxiety and attachment problems between parents and sons. The treatment develops in two stages, in the first a psychoanalytic play therapy is done with a six year old boy. in the second stage a bondage therapist works with the parents with whom they analyze the relational and intergenerational conflicts of attachments and separation anxieties which they are presenting during the course of psychological development of their sons.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Adulto , Ansiedad de Separación , Familia/psicología , Apego a Objetos , Psicoanálisis , Relaciones Familiares , Relaciones Padre-Hijo , Juego e Implementos de Juego/psicología , Relaciones Madre-Hijo
Univ. psychol ; 6(2): 309-318, mayo.-ago. 2007. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-571882


La presente investigación surge del interés por la comprensión de los mecanismos que subyacen a la transmisión de conductas maltratantes de una generación a la siguiente. El objetivo del estudio se centró en determinar si acciones sociales de rechazo hacia el maltrato infantil, como la institucionalización, propician una actitud crítica hacia esta práctica. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 24 niños de sexo masculino institucionalizados y 17 niños no institucionalizados, todos con historia de maltrato físico. Los resultados determinaron diferencias significativas, p < 0.05 entre los niños institucionalizados y los no institucionalizados, con respecto al sentimiento de autoprotección frente a las agresiones de los padres y al conocimiento que éstos tenían de sus derechos.

This research aims to comprehand the mechanisms that underlie the transmission of maltreatment from one generation to the other. The objective of this study was to determine if certain social actions of refusal toward the child abuse, like institutionalization, reinforce a critical attitude toward this practice. The sample was composed of 24 maleinstitutionalized children and 17 not institutionalized children, with history of physical abuse. The results determineda significant difference p < 0.05 among the institutionalized children and those not institutionalized with regards theirfeelings of self-protection against the aggressions of parents and the knowledge that they had about their rights.

Pruebas de Aptitud , Caracteres Sexuales , Pruebas de Inteligencia