I consider keikyososooushinbuto is compounded with Ephedra and Asarum to keishikyoshakuyakukabushito. I studied many successfully treated cases with keikyososooushinbuto to indicate the sho of it. Keishikyoshakuyakukabushito is formed from keishikyosyakuyakuto with coldness. In the text of keishikyoshakuyakuto of the “Shang Han Lun,” after treatment with the purgative, the stomach yang becomes weakened and the stomach yin reverses up to the chest pathologically. This critical condition deteriorates by the coldness into the debilitation of the heart yang, therefore the addition of Ephedra and Asarum is needed. I think this pathological state is the basis of the sho of keikyososooushinbuto. The symptoms of the clinical cases vary, and every part of the body can be affected. But I found the common physical signs of these cases, which have two points with tenderness ; one is located on the bilateral intercostal parts of the end of the sternum, and the other is on the muscle bedside the spines Th 12-L 1. These are the signs of the fullness in the chest described in the text of keishikyosyakuyakuto, which is the indispensable symptom when I use keikyososooushinbuto clinically.