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Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 353-356, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012903


Colleges and universities are not only an important base for cultivating young talents, but also the forefront of ideological education. Strengthening ideological education in colleges and universities is related to the long-term peace and stability of the party and the country. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a great creation of the Chinese nation and a treasure of ancient Chinese science. In the face of COVID -19, the TCM delivered in a satisfactory answer, which once again blessed the life and health of the people. TCM culture condenses the experience and wisdom of the Chinese nation for nearly one thousand years, and has unique national characteristics and spiritual pursuit. It is a great creation of Chinese culture. In the context of the new era, integrating TCM culture into ideological education in colleges and universities and giving full play to the function of TCM culture as the "key" of Chinese civilization is not only the urgent call of moral education in colleges and universities, but also the realistic development requirement of contemporary China.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 625-630, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012952


Moral governance is an important social practice activity to improve social norms, cultivate citizens’ moral character, and cultivate citizens’ legal literacy. The changes of the social environment under public health emergencies have brought new changes and challenges to the work of moral governance. Under the background of normalization epidemic prevention and control, it is necessary to accurately understand and deeply grasp the risks of social and environmental changes caused by public health emergencies, fully combine the needs of public health emergency management, and be targeted in the content and requirements of moral governance. At the same time, it is significant to actively transform governance ideas, and improve the effectiveness of moral governance through multi-dimensional path innovation such as value and orientation, resources and methods, technology and carrier, strategies and means.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220562


Moral education is the internal requirement of the teaching reform in colleges and universities. The core is to tap the ideological and political education resources of different disciplines and professional courses, and establish an organic, uni?ed, full-disciplinary, all-round and full-function ideological and political education curriculum system; and judging from the inherent requirements of curriculum construction, curriculum is a carrier of ideological and political education, with a distinct education function and value orientation. English majors come into contact with western culture more in the learning process, and are susceptible to the in?uence of Western culture and ideas. As the core curriculum of English majors, English writing mostly focuses on the teaching of English writing skills, and lacks guidance on students' thought. This article starts from the three aspects of writing theme selection, class discussion and writing evaluation. It explores and practices moral education for English majors in English writing course, and re?ects on the implementation of moral education teaching in major courses for English majors in order to make students better educated morally

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 186-208, abr. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1435483


Este estudo se insere nos campos da psicologia da moralidade e da educação em valores morais, especialmente no que concerne às perspectivas construtivistas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar concepções e juízos de educadores sobre a educação em valores morais. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual foram realizadas entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com 14 profissionais de uma escola pública de ensino fundamental. Em relação às concepções dos participantes, foram verificados conteúdos que se aproximam das posições relativistas. Ademais, grande parte considera que a família é a principal responsável pela formação moral. Na escola não havia projeto específico de educação em valores morais, e a maioria dos participantes afirmou que não se sente apta para conduzir práticas com esse foco. A partir dos resultados, ponderamos que a concepção dos profissionais sobre moral, ética e educação em valores morais parece influenciar a forma como concebem o papel da escola na formação moral dos alunos. Assim, tais resultados indicam que é necessário propor aos educadores, por meio da formação continuada, reflexões sobre tais assuntos, possibilitando mudanças em suas concepções. Partimos do pressuposto de que a referida formação pode contribuir para motivar os profissionais a se envolverem em práticas de educação em valores morais.

This study falls within the fields of psychology of morality and education in moral values, especially regarding the constructivist perspectives. Our aim was to verify the conceptions and judgments of educators about education in moral values. In this qualitative study, we conducted individual semi-structured interviews with 14 professionals from a municipal public primary school. Regarding the participants' conceptions, we found content that draws near relativistic positions. In addition, most of them consider that family is the main responsible for moral formation. In school, there was no specific project of education in moral values, and most of the participants stated that they did not feel able to carry out practices that have this focus. Steaming from the results, we ponder that the professionals' conception of moral, ethics and education in moral values seems to influence the way they regard the role of school in the moral formation of students. Thus, these results indicate that it is necessary to propose to educators, through continuing education, reflections on such subjects, enabling changes in their conceptions. We start from the assumption that this training can contribute to motivate professionals to get involved in educational practices in moral values.

Este estudio se inserta en la psicología de la moralidad y educación en valores morales, especialmente en lo que se refiere a perspectivas constructivistas. El objetivo fue verificar concepciones y juicios de educadores sobre educación en valores morales. Es una investigación cualitativa. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales semiestructuradas a 14 profesionales de una escuela primaria púbica. En relación con las concepciones de los participantes, se verificaron contenidos que se aproximan a posiciones relativistas. Además, gran parte considera que la familia es la principal responsable por la formación moral. En la escuela no había un proyecto específico de educación en valores morales; la mayoría de los participantes afirmó que no estaba apta para conducir prácticas con ese enfoque. A partir de los resultados, reflexionamos que la concepción de los profesionales sobre moral, ética y educación en valores morales influye la forma cómo conciben el papel de la escuela en la formación moral de los alumnos. Entonces, estos resultados indican que es necesario proponer a los educadores, por medio de formación continua, reflexiones sobre tales asuntos, para cambiar esas concepciones. Partimos de la suposición de que dicha formación puede contribuir a que los profesionales se involucren en prácticas de educación en valores morales.

Humanos , Ética , Docentes , Principios Morales , Capacitación Profesional
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 625-630, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031214


Moral governance is an important social practice activity to improve social norms, cultivate citizens’ moral character, and cultivate citizens’ legal literacy. The changes of the social environment under public health emergencies have brought new changes and challenges to the work of moral governance. Under the background of normalization epidemic prevention and control, it is necessary to accurately understand and deeply grasp the risks of social and environmental changes caused by public health emergencies, fully combine the needs of public health emergency management, and be targeted in the content and requirements of moral governance. At the same time, it is significant to actively transform governance ideas, and improve the effectiveness of moral governance through multi-dimensional path innovation such as value and orientation, resources and methods, technology and carrier, strategies and means.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 353-356, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031289


Colleges and universities are not only an important base for cultivating young talents, but also the forefront of ideological education. Strengthening ideological education in colleges and universities is related to the long-term peace and stability of the party and the country. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a great creation of the Chinese nation and a treasure of ancient Chinese science. In the face of COVID -19, the TCM delivered in a satisfactory answer, which once again blessed the life and health of the people. TCM culture condenses the experience and wisdom of the Chinese nation for nearly one thousand years, and has unique national characteristics and spiritual pursuit. It is a great creation of Chinese culture. In the context of the new era, integrating TCM culture into ideological education in colleges and universities and giving full play to the function of TCM culture as the "key" of Chinese civilization is not only the urgent call of moral education in colleges and universities, but also the realistic development requirement of contemporary China.

Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ; (12): 537-545, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015730


Under the background of comprehensively advancing the construction of " curriculum ideological and political" in colleges and universities, various colleges and universities have carried out ideological and political construction in professional courses in order to implement the fundamental task of moral education. This article takes the course " Biochemistry and Molecular Biology" of Chengdu Medical College as an example, deeply excavates the ideological and political elements contained in the course, and finally identified seven typical ideological and political elements and carried out corresponding curriculum design, and applies the case teaching method to practice them in teaching. Questionnaires were issued to 888 students of six majors (clinical medicine, anesthesiology, pediatrics, medical imaging, pharmacy, and Chinese pharmacy) to test the implementation effect. The results showed that case-based ideological and political teaching can better enhance Students′ recognition of this course and help students form good ideological values, and initially achieve the purpose of ideological and political teaching of professional courses. Finally, this article makes active exploration and practice from the construction and implementation of curriculum ideology and politics, as well as the optimization and improvement of curriculum ideology and politics, in order to provide references for the comprehensive implementation of “curriculum ideology and politics” in professional courses.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 26: e233863, 2022. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1387023


Para auxiliar no desenvolvimento dos estudantes, é importante que os professores atinjam a autonomia. A formação docente pode estimular experiências favoráveis à adesão à justiça, respeito, solidariedade e convivência democrática. Este estudo investiga se a qualidade da formação - inicial e continuada - de professores dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental, em [nome da cidade], relaciona-se à adesão a valores essenciais para uma educação moral. Participaram 260 docentes, de 23 a 70 anos, majoritariamente mulheres. Utilizaram-se: (a) Ficha de Perfil do Professor, (b) QFI, (c) QFC e (d) EVSM. Realizaram-se: (a) análise de clusters, (b) ANOVAS e (c) Kruskal-Wallis. Os professores apresentaram maior adesão à justiça e convivência democrática; menor ao respeito. Para a justiça, houve diferença entre formação continuada de alta e baixa qualidade. Formação continuada de alta qualidade pode promover adesão a valores. É relevante que as iniciativas de formação abordem valores de forma não dogmática, promovendo diálogo e criticidade.

Para ayudar en el desarrollo de los estudiantes, es importante que los profesores alcancen la autonomía. La formación docente puede estimular experiencias favorables a la adhesión a la justicia, respeto, solidaridad y convivencia democrática. En este estudio se investiga si la calidad de la formación - inicial y continuada - de profesores de los Cursos Finales de la Enseñanza Primaria, en [nombre de la ciudad], se relaciona a la adhesión a valores esenciales a una educación moral. Participaron 260 docentes, de 23 a 70 años, mayoritariamente mujeres. Se utilizaron: (a) Ficha de Perfil del Profesor, (b) QFI, (c) QFC y (d) EVSM. Se realizaron: (a) análisis de clusters, (b) ANOVAS y (c) Kruskal-Wallis. Los profesores presentaron mayor adhesión a la justicia y convivencia democrática; menor al respeto. Para la justicia, hubo diferencia entre formación continuada de alta y baja calidad. Formación continuada de alta calidad puede promover adhesión a valores. Es relevante que las iniciativas de formación aborden valores de forma no dogmática, promoviendo diálogo y criticidad.

In order to help students' development, it is important for teachers to achieve autonomy. Teacher training can stimulate experiences that favor adherence to justice, respect, solidarity and democratic coexistence. This study investigates whether the quality of training - initial and continuing - of teachers in the Final Years of Elementary School, in , is related to adherence to essential values for moral education. total of 260 professors, aged 23 to 70, mostly women, participated. The following were used: (a) Teacher Profile Questionnaire, (b) IEQ, (c) CEQ and (d) SMVS. The following were performed: (a) cluster analysis, (b) ANOVAS and (c) Kruskal-Wallis. Teachers showed greater adherence to justice and democratic coexistence; minor to respect. For justice, there was a difference between high and low quality continuing education. High quality continuing education can promote adherence to values. It is important that training initiatives address values ​​in a non-dogmatic way, promoting dialogue and criticism.

Justicia Social , Menores , Educación , Educación Continua , Docentes
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 901-904, 2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908913


This study explores the process of introducing ideological and political education elements into oral microbiology teaching, and helps students to establish Marxist practical, epistemological and scientific and technological views, understand the strategic connotation of healthy China in the new era, and establish a sense of responsibility to serve the needs of the country and promote social development. Finally, through the collection of students' feedback, the implementation effect is summarized and the existing problems have been improved in a targeted way.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 37: e37414, 2021. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1155120


Resumo Este trabalho relata os resultados de uma intervenção para promoção das atitudes para receber o perdão e autoperdão em um grupo de 10 apenados, igualmente divididos em grupo experimental (GE) e grupo controle (GC), e submetidos a pré-teste e pós-teste. A intervenção foi baseada nas fases e unidades dos processos clínicos das dimensões do perdão referentes aos ofensores e realizada em 16 sessões, com duração de 90 minutos cada. Após a intervenção, os participantes do GE apresentaram avanços significativos nas atitudes para receber o perdão, autoperdão e autoestima. Considera-se que as habilidades e estratégias trabalhadas poderão auxiliá-los em suas relações interpessoais e na resolução de conflitos, bem como no processo de reintegração social.

Abstract This paper reports the results of an intervention to promote attitudes to receiving forgiveness and self-forgiveness in a group of 10 inmates, equally divided into experimental group (EG) and control group (CG), submitted to pretest and posttest. The intervention was based on the phases and units of the clinical processes of the offenders' forgiveness dimensions and was performed in 16 sessions lasting 90 minutes each. After the intervention, EG participants had significant improvements in attitudes to receiving forgiveness, self-forgiveness, and self-esteem. It is considered that the skills and strategies worked will be able to assist them in their interpersonal relationships and conflict resolution, as well as in the process of social reintegration.

Trab. educ. saúde ; 18(3): e00303135, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139775


Resumo A concepção de infância modificou-se de acordo com as estruturas econômicas e de poder da sociedade, assim como os valores que influenciam o cuidado das crianças e dos adolescentes. Com o neoliberalismo, os direitos constitucionais reduziram-se, os valores defendidos na Constituição desvalorizaram-se, e as Organizações da Sociedade Civil tornaram-se as responsáveis pela atenção a essa população. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como os valores e a formação profissional influenciam na promoção da saúde no atendimento a crianças e adolescentes em uma Organização da Sociedade Civil de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. A pesquisa, realizada em 2018, utilizou abordagem qualitativa com entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise temática. Os resultados foram organizados em duas categorias: Formação profissional: ultrapassando o tecnicismo em busca da promoção à saúde; e Educação moral, valores e cidadania: a promoção da saúde na contramão dos valores neoliberais. É fundamental a discussão sobre a formação profissional em busca de um cuidado mais humanizado na universidade de modo a promover indivíduos críticos e com capacidade de refletir, transformar e recriar o seu trabalho. Além disso, a educação moral e a promoção da saúde buscam elementos para transformação do status quo que vai além das práticas médicas e engloba a promoção da cultura da paz e de direitos humanos e à emancipação do ser humano.

Abstract The concept of childhood has changed according to the economic and power structures of society, as well as the values that influence the care of children and adolescents. With neoliberalism, constitutional rights were reduced, the values defended in the Constitution were devalued and Civil Society Organizations became responsible for the care of this population. This study, carried out in 2018, aimed to analyze how values and professional training influence health promotion in the care of children and adolescents in a Civil Society Organization in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil. The research used a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. The results were organized into two categories: Professional training: overcoming technicality in search of health promotion; and Moral education, values and citizenship: health promotion against neoliberal values. It is essential to discuss professional training in search of more humanized care at the university in order to promote critical individuals with the capacity to reflect, transform and recreate their work. In addition, moral education and health promotion seek elements to transform the status quo that goes beyond medical practices and encompasses the promotion of a culture of peace and human rights and the emancipation of human beings.

Resumen El concepto de infancia se ha modificado de acuerdo con las estructuras económicas y de poder de la sociedad, así como los valores que influyen en el cuidado de los niños y las niñas y de los adolescentes. Con el neoliberalismo, los derechos constitucionales se redujeron, los valores defendidos en la Constitución, se desvalorizan y las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil pasaron a ser las responsables por la atención de este sector de la población. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar como los valores y la formación profesional contribuyen en la promoción de la salud en la atención a niños, niñas y adolescentes en una Organización de la Sociedad Civil de la ciudad Florianópolis, em Brasil. La encuesta, realizada em 2018, utilizó un abordaje cualitativo con entrevistas semiestructuradas y análisis de tema. Los resultados fueron organizados en dos categorías: Formación profesional: superando el tecnicismo en busca de la promoción de la salud; y Educación moral, valores y ciudadanía: la promoción de la salud a contramano de los valores neoliberales. Es fundamental la discusión sobre la formación profesional en busca de un cuidado más humanizado en la universidad de manera que se promuevan individuos críticos y con capacidad de reflexionar, transformar y recrear su trabajo. Además de eso, la educación moral y la promoción de la salud buscan elementos para la transformación del status quo que va más allá de las prácticas médicas y engloba la promoción de la cultura de la paz y de derechos humanos y la emancipación del ser humano.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Educación , Capacitación Profesional , Sociedad Civil , Promoción de la Salud
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 16(2): 685-694, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-978565


Resumen (descriptivo): El objetivo central del artículo es proponer unos criterios para el análisis y evaluación de casos en la educación moral. Los criterios que se proponen son cuatro: 1) la identificación de los dilemas morales que se encuentran en la narración del caso; 2) el análisis de las circunstancias y hechos; 3) la consistencia argumentativa; y 4) la justificación moral de las alternativas de decisión. Estos criterios sirven para orientar los procesos pedagógicos en el aula a partir de casos con dilemas que fortalecen el desarrollo del juicio moral. Los docentes pueden adoptar los criterios para orientar sus clases y evaluar el desempeño de sus estudiantes. Los criterios propuestos pueden ser implementados tanto en la educación básica y media como superior.

Abstract (descriptive): The central objective of the article is to propose different criteria for the analysis and evaluation of cases in moral education. The article proposes four criteria: 1) the identification of moral dilemmas that are identified in the narration of the case; 2) the analysis of facts and circumstances; 3) argumentative consistency and 4) the moral justification of the alternatives for moral decisions that students identify. These criteria serve to guide pedagogical processes in the classroom through cases with dilemmas that strengthen the development of students' moral judgment. Teachers can adopt these criteria for use in their classrooms and to evaluate the performance of their students. The proposed criteria can be implemented in both secondary and higher education.

Resumo (descritivo): O principal objetivo do trabalho é propor critérios para a análise e avaliação de casos na educação moral. Os critérios propostos são quatro: 1) a identificação de dilemas morais encontrados na narrativa do processo; 2) Análise das circunstâncias e fatos; 3) consistência argumentativa e 4) a justificação moral das alternativas decisão moral feitas pela mesma. Estes critérios servem para orientar os processos de aprendizagem na sala de aula a partir de casos com dilemas que fortalecem o desenvolvimento do juízo moral. Os professores podem adotar os critérios para orientar suas aulas e avaliar o desempenho de seus alunos. Os critérios propostos podem ser implementados tanto no ensino primário e secundário como superior.

Informes de Casos , Desarrollo Moral , Ética
Psicol. pesq ; 11(1): 1-2, jun. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-895837


Investigamos a concepção de justiça de professoras do ensino fundamental. Realizamos entrevistas com base no método clínico piagetiano. Verificamos que a temática dos direitos foi abordada pelas participantes em todas as perguntas e justificativas do estudo. Por outro lado, obtivemos poucas referências com relação à igualdade e à equidade. Também encontramos citações que versam sobre a oportunidade de desenvolvimento pessoal, o julgamento e a punição, a valorização ou desvalorização da vida e da profissão, entre outros. De maneira geral, os dados mostram que as concepções de justiça possuem predominância de características da moral autônoma. No entanto, chamamos a atenção para a ocorrência de dados que revelam a existência de traços de uma moral heterônoma na concepção das docentes.

We investigated the conception of justice of primary school teachers. We conducted interviews based on Piaget’s clinical method. We found that the thematic of rights was addressed by participants in all questions and rationale of the study. Moreover, we found few references in relation to equality and fairness. We also find quotes that talk about the opportunity for personal development, trial, and punishment, the appreciation or depreciation of life and profession, among others. Overall, the data show that the conceptions of justice have predominant features of autonomous morality. However, we draw attention to the occurrence of data that reveal the existence of heteronomous moral traits in the teachers’ conception.

Rev. CEFAC ; 19(1): 41-53, jan.-fev. 2017. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-842595


RESUMEN Objetivo: describir la representación social del êthos de la fonoaudiología. Métodos: investigación de tipo cualitativo, por medio de análisis de contenido a entrevistas focalizadas, realizadas a fonoaudiólogas/os de las regiones de Valparaíso y Metropolitana de Chile. Resultados: del análisis de las entrevistas se levantaron 7 categorías de análisis denominadas: experiencias, habilidades, actuaciones profesionales, creencias, valores, fundamentación ética e identidad profesional que permiten visualizar la existencia de un desafío en la disciplina fonoaudiológica en profundizar sus bases reflexivas. Conclusiones: para que la fonoaudiología se integre a la discusión bioética y asuma su propio discurso ético se hace necesario continuar estudiando las bases reflexivas de la disciplina y enriquecer así su êthos profesional.

ABSTRACT Purpose: to describe the social representation of Speech Therapists’ ethos. Methods: qualitative research based on content analysis. The method consisted in focalized interviews to speech therapists from Valparaíso and the Metropolitan regions of Chile. Results: the data collected from the interviews was divided into seven categories called: experiences, skills, professional actions, beliefs, values, ethical foundation and professional identity. This information let us see the need the Speech Therapy discipline has to deepen its reflective practice. Conclusion: for Speech Therapy to become part of the bioethical discussion and have its own ethic discourse it is necessary to continue developing the reflective practice in order to strengthen the professional ethos.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1537-1540, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664785


Improving moral quality is the primary goal of moral education in university students.At the moment when the doctor-patient relationship is getting tense day by day,strengthening medical ethics education for medical students has important practical significance and guiding function.This paper analyzed the synchronization of medical ethics education and moral education and put forward that medical ethics education should be run through the whole process of education of medical students.Meanwhile,this paper explored the path of medical ethics education for medical students from aspects of strengthening occupation ideal education,making effective use of curriculum resources,expanding the path of medical ethics education,building a field of medical ethics education,establishing consciousness of medical ethics innovation and so on.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 191-194, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-509536


The humanistic thinking of life philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) observed inlife activities is different from western theories and methods,which is more about life experience and feeling and rich in practical significance.The life philosophy of TCM is also different from traditional Chinese culture.The intuitive feeling of life is one of the main characteristics of life philosophy of TCM.Students of TCM soak in traditional Chinese medicine culture and are influenced by the thinking of real life caused by the care of realbody in TCM.Chinese medicine education should fully mobilize the tacit knowledge of life education in TCM,play excellent tradition of Chinese traditional life philosophy,and cultivate the life moral quality in students of TCM.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 14(2): 1389-1404, July-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-836147


Este artículo analiza prácticas escolares de socialización política fundamentadas en pedagogías críticas, derivadas en procesos de formación de subjetividades en jóvenes, aquí denominadas procesos de subjetivación. Es una investigación cualitativa desarrollada en cuatro instituciones educativas de Medellín, Colombia. Su objetivo es analizar experiencias inspiradas en pedagogías críticas (“Escuelas Críticas”), en sus posibilidades y límites de configurar procesos de subjetivación, para propiciar el encuentro de los sujetos consigo mismos y con otros, creándose líneas de fuga a la matriz escolar moderna. Estas experiencias formativas se configuran a partir de transacciones entre elementos de matrices pedagógicas críticas, liberales y pastorales. La investigación aplica el método de análisis estructural de contenido (Hiernaux), tanto a textos de autores de pedagogías críticas (Freire, Giroux), como a testimonios de educadores y fuentes documentales.

This article presents the qualitative research conducted in four educational institutions in Medellin, Colombia. Its aim is to examine the educational practices of political socialization based on critical pedagogies (Critical Schools). These practices generate the formation of subjectivities in young people, here called subjectivization processes. The study aims to understand the possibilities and the limits of these processes in promoting encounters of the subjects with themselves and with others, creating alternative paths (lignes de fuite) within the modern school model. These formative experiences are configured through transactions between elements from critical, liberal or pastoral models of teaching. The research uses a method of structural content analysis (Hiernaux) along with texts by classic thinkers from critical pedagogies (Freire, Giroux) and testimonies from educators and other documentary sources.

Este artigo analisa as práticas escolares de socialização política fundamentadas em pedagogias críticas, que geram processos de formação de subjetividades nos jovens, aqui referidos como processos de subjetivação. É uma pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida em quatro instituições de ensino de Medellín (Colômbia), cujo objetivo é analisar experiências inspiradas em pedagogias críticas (“escolas críticas”). Procura-se entender as possibilidades e os limites dos processos de subjetivação para promover o encontro dos sujeitos com eles mesmos e com outros, criando caminhos alternativos ao modelo escolar moderno. Estas experiências formativas configuram-se a partir de transações entre elementos de matrizes pedagógicas críticas, liberais e pastorais. A pesquisa aplica o método de análise estrutural de conteúdo (Hiernaux), tanto em textos de autores de pedagogias críticas (Freire, Giroux), quanto a depoimentos de educadores e a fontes documentais.

Humanos , Educación , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas , Socialización
Psicol. educ ; (43): 47-57, dez. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-842179


Este artigo apresenta uma análise de teses, dissertações e artigos que tratam da educação moral na escola. A coleta dos dados foi feita em bases eletrônicas, nas quais foram localizadas 85 produções. A análise se deu mediante o apoio dos softwares Alceste e Simi. Entre os achados destaca-se que a maioria das pesquisas é procedente da região Sudeste, grande parte das investigações é de natureza empírica e tem na observação e na entrevista os principais instrumentos para a coleta de dados. Os resultados evidenciaram a formação de quatro classes distintas. A classe 1, concentrando mais de 70% das informações analisadas, constituiu-se como a mais significativa e assinalou para a necessidade de se construir na escola um espaço para a formação ética dos alunos, bem como para a construção de valores e da autonomia moral. Já a classe 3 tratou dos conflitos no âmbito da sala de aula como sendo um processo de difícil resolução. Por fim, as classes 2 e 4 evidenciaram, respectivamente, os ambientes de pesquisa e os aspectos metodológicos que dão luz a essas produções científicas.

This paper presents an analysis of theses, dissertations and articles addressing moral education in schools. Electronic data bases were surveyed, in which 85 works were found. The analysis was aided by software ALCESTE and SIMI. The findings revealed that most researches were developed in the Southeast region, great part of investigations are empirical, and observation and interview have been the main data collection instruments. Results also highlighted four distinct classes. Class 1, concentrating over 70% of the information analyzed was the most significant and pointed to the need to build in school a space for ethical training of students as well as for the construction of values​​and moral autonomy. Class 3, on the other hand, addressed conflicts in classroom as a difficult process. Finally, classes 2 and 4 showed, respectively, the research environments and the methodological aspects that give birth to these scientific productions.

Este artículo presenta un análisis de las tesis, disertaciones y artículos que tratan de la educación moral en la escuela. La investigación se realizó en las bases de datos electrónicas, en el cuales fueran localizados 85 producciones. El análisis se realizó mediante el apoyo de los software ALCESTE y SIMI. Entre los resultados destaca que la mayoría de la investigación proviene de la región sudeste, gran parte de la investigación es empírica y tiene en la observación y entrevista las principales herramientas para la recopilación de datos. Los resultados mostraron la formación de cuatro clases distintas. Clase 1 - concentrando más de 70 % de la información analizada - se constituyó el más significativo y señaló la necesidad de construir en la escuela un espacio para la formación ética de los estudiantes , así como para la construcción de valores y autonomía moral. Clase 3 - trataron los conflictos dentro del aula como un proceso de difícil resolución. Por último, las clases 2 y 4 mostraron, respectivamente, el entorno de las investigaciónes y los aspectos metodológicos que dan origen a estas producciones científicas.

Liberabit ; 22(2): 161-171, jul.-dic. 2016. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-990132


O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o processo de construçâo e validaçâo da Escala de Concepçôes Educativas Morais (ECEM). A ECEM é um instrumento que investiga as concepçôes educativas de pais e mâes sobre os construtos obediência, respeito, justiça e autonomia, pensados na relaçâo com seus filhos. Participaram do estudo 860 pais e mâes representativos das cinco regiôes do Brasil. A análise de conteúdo descreveu e confirmou a construçâo dos itens e a referência aos seus construtos. A análise fatorial confirmatória sugeriu como aceitável a estrutura multifatorial confirmando os quatro construtos (GFI = 0.933, AGFI = 0.919 e RMSEA = 0.0702). A ECEM apresentou-se, portanto, como um instrumento de medida com características psicométricas adequadas. Em relaçâo aos instrumentos de medida de juízo e competência moral mais utilizados no Brasil, a ECEM apresenta a originalidade da possibilidade de investigaçâo das concepçôes morais dos participantes sobre os tipos de relaçôes sociais que se estabelecem no tocante aos construtos obediência, respeito, justiça e autonomia.

The purpose of this article is to present the process of construction and validation of the Scale of Moral Educational Conceptions (SMEC). The SMEC is an instrument that investigates the educational conceptions of parents in relation to the constructs of obedience, respect, justice and autonomy conceived in relation to their children. The study included 860 fathers and mothers representing the five regions of Brazil. The content analysis described and confirmed the construction of the items and the reference to the constructs. The confirmatory factor analysis suggested as acceptable to the multifactorial structure, confirming the four constructs (GFI = 0.933, AGFI = 0.919 and RMSEA = 0.0702). Therefore, the SMEC is a measuring instrument with adequate psychometric characteristics. In relation to the instruments of measurement of judgment and moral competence more used in Brazil, the SMEC presents the original possibility of investigating the moral conceptions of the participants in relation to the types of social relationships that are established with regard to the constructs of obedience, respect, justice and autonomy

Bol. psicol ; 65(143): 193-210, jul. 2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-791635


O artigo apresenta uma pesquisa que investigou comparativamente os conceitos sobre educação moral de graduandos de Pedagogia de duas universidades públicas. Participaram da pesquisa 58 alunos, sendo 29 de cada uma, as quais foram consideradas como dois grupos. Os alunos do Grupo A não tinham a temática da moralidade contemplada na grade curricular, mas os do Grupo B tinham. A hipótese principal do estudo era que os graduandos do Grupo B, tenderiam a apresentar respostas melhor elaboradas do que os do Grupo A. Os alunos responderam por escrito um questionário com 10 questões, sendo metade sobre a formação e a outra sobre os conceitos de educação moral. A hipótese foi parcialmente confirmada. As respostas do Grupo B foram mais assertivas e coerentes que as do Grupo A. Porém as respostas de ambos os grupos foram pouco aprofundadas teoricamente, revelando que esses futuros educadores têm carência de conhecimentos na área do desenvolvimento e educação moral.

This article presents a study that compared Teachers Education students concepts about moral education. The number of participants was 58 students, divided equally in two different public universities. Students of Group A did not have the subject of morality teached in the curriculum, but Students of Group B did. Students answered a written questionnaire containing 10 questions, half of the questions about their training and the other questions about the concepts of moral education. The main hypothesis of the study was that Group B undergraduates would have better elaborated responses compared to the answers of students from Group A. The hypothesis was partially confirmed. Group B responses were more assertive and coherent than those of Group A. But the answers found in both groups were theoretically superficial, revealing that these future educators have deficiencies in their knowledge about development and moral education.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Desarrollo Moral , Estudiantes , Universidades