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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 43-49, mayo 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558483


Resumen Los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) y los Tras tornos por Déficit de Atención Hiperactividad (TDAH) son Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo (TN) que coexisten frecuentemente y que tienen factores etiológicos, bio lógicos, clínicos en común. La comorbilidad de ambos TN se asocia a un retraso en el diagnóstico del TEA o un diagnóstico que nunca llegan a recibir y es frecuente el desarrollo de alteraciones perceptivas, emocionales, cognitivas y conductuales relacionadas con la Desregu lación Emocional (DE). Cuando ambos TN no son diag nosticados en infancia, frecuentemente reciben diag nósticos equivocados en edades más tardías, siendo el más frecuente el Trastorno Límite de Personalidad (TLP). Se analiza la presentación clínica de la asociación del TEA y el TDAH, la asociación con DE, diferenciación del TLP y evaluación e intervención. La comorbilidad TEA, TDAH, DE, es un trastorno más severo, asociado a poli farmacología y a ingresos hospi talarios.

Abstract Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) are Neurodevelop mental Disorders (ND) that frequently coexist together and have etiological, biological, and clinical factors in common. The comorbidity of both neurodevelopmental disorders is associated with a delay or lack of ASD di agnosis and the development of perceptual, emotional, cognitive and behavioral alterations related to Emotional Dysregulation (ED) is common. When both TN are not diagnosed in childhood, they frequently receive wrong diagnoses at later ages, the most frequent being Border line Personality Disorder (BPD). The clinical presentation of the association of ASD and ADHD, the association with ED, differentiation of BPD, and evaluation and intervention are here analyzed. The comorbidity ASD, ADHD, ED is a more severe disorder associated to polypharmacology and hospital admissions.

Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 69-78, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab.
Artículo en Español | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526716


Introducción. El trastorno somatomorfo se caracteriza por la presentación de múltiples síntomas físicos que no pueden ser atribuidos a otra enfermedad física, mental o al uso de sustancias, teniendo como comorbilidad más prevalente a los trastornos de personalidad. Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de trastorno somatomorfo, sus características principales y diferentes rasgos de personalidad entre pacientes con lumbalgia crónica. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado con pacientes ingresados en el servicio de neurocirugía del Hospital General del Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de la escala Screening for Somatoform Symptoms 2 y la escala InternationalPersonality Disorder Examination. Las variables cualitativas fueron analizadas a través de frecuencias absolutas. Las variables cuantitativas fueron analizadas a través de medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Los análisis estadísticos fueron realizados en el programa Statistical Package for the Social Sicience, versión 26. Resultados. Se incluyeron 60 pacientes, 40 de ellos mujeres, 31 entre los 41 y 60 años. Veintiocho pacientes presentaron ocho o más síntomas, excluyéndose dolor lumbar. Cuarenta y cinco pacientes reportaron sintomatología por más de un año. Cincuenta y tres pacientes presentaron trastorno somatomorfo. Los trastornos de personalidad más frecuentes fueron obsesivo-compulsivos (31), límites (21) y paranoides (21). Conclusión. Los pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico que requieren ingreso hospitalario presentan una alta frecuencia de trastornos somatomorfos, con dolor en piernas o brazos como síntoma principal; además, estos pacientes se caracterizan por presentar en su mayoría rasgos de personalidad obsesivo-compulsivos.

Introduction. The somatoform symptoms disorder is characterized by multiple psychical symptoms that can't be attributed to another physical or mental health diagnosis or drug abuse, having personality disorders as the most common comorbidity. Objective. To determine the frequency of somatoform disorders, it's most important characteristics and different personality traits among patients with chronic back pain. Methodology. Cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with patients admitted to the neurosurgery department of the General Hospital of the Salvadoran Social Security Institute. Data collection was carried out using the Screening for Somatoform Symptoms 2 scale and the International Personality Disorder Examination scale. The qualitative variables were analyzed through absolute frequencies. The quantitative variables were analyzed through measures of central tendency and dispersion. The statistical analyzes were carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 26. Results. The study included 60 patients, 40 of them women, 31 between 41 and 60 years old. Twenty-eight patients presented eight or more symptoms, excluding low back pain. Forty-five patients reported symptoms for more than one year. Fifty-three patients presented somatoform disorder. The most frequent personality disorders were obsessive-compulsive (31), borderline (21) and paranoid (21). Conclusion. Patients with chronic lower back pain who require hospital admission have a high frequency of somatoform disorders, with the main symptom being pain in the legs or arms; furthermore, these patients are characterized by mostly presenting obsessive-compulsive personality traits

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , El Salvador
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 225-231, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025516


Objective:To describe the prevalence of anxiety symptom and personality disorder among medical aesthetic clients,and explore related factors of anxiety symptoms among them.Methods:Totally 788 clients who consulted in a cosmetic plastic surgery department were recruited in a tertiary hospital in Beijing from November 2021 to July 2023.Using the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4(PDQ-4)and the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale(SAS)as assessment instruments,with a cutoff point of 42 and 50 points respectively,for screening out personality disorder and anxiety symptom.Statistical analysis was conducted by analysis of variance,chi-square tests,multivari-ate linear regression and logistic regression.Results:The rate of anxiety symptom among the medical aesthetic cli-ents was of 15.23%(120/788),and the prevalence of personality disorder was 3.50%(28/788).Age was nega-tively associated with SAS scores(β=-0.82,P=0.009),PDQ-4 score was positively associated with SAS score(β=0.15,P<0.001),eye plastic surgery,facial contouring and minimally invasive plastic surgery were positively associated with SAS score(β=2.00-3.64,P<0.05).Conclusion:The younger and the more prominent the per-sonality dysfunction the clients are,the severer anxiety symptom they have.The clients who consult for eye plastic surgery,facial contouring,and minimally invasive plastic surgery have severer anxiety symptom.

Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 46: e20220486, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536919


Abstract Objective Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious and extremely prevalent mental disorder. Early diagnosis is vital for treatment. However, there are no specific screening instruments validated for Brazilian Portuguese. This study aimed to adapt the McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder (MSI-BPD) to the Brazilian context. The MSI-BPD is a self-report instrument based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5), that enables fast and reliable assessment of BPD, with measures of sensitivity (SN) and specificity (SP) similar to the diagnostic interview for the DSM-5 (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-V Axis II Disorders [SCID-II]), taken as the gold standard. Methods Two independent translations, a synthesis version, back-translation, and analysis by experts were employed to create the final version of the instrument in Brazilian Portuguese. The translated instrument was administered to 1,702 adults aged 18-59 years to verify evidence of validity relating to content, internal structure, relationship with other variables, and reliability. Results The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses show that the one-factor structure is adequate. The scale showed satisfactory internal consistency (Kuder-Richardson coefficient [KR-20] of Cronbach's alpha = 0.691) and good test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.802). Logistic regression analysis using the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5-Brief Form (PID-5-BF) (DSM-5) as reference established an ideal cut-off point of eight symptoms, with adequate SN (0.79) and SP (0.75), similar to the original instrument. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.830 (95% confidence interval: 0.802-0.858), with a positive predictive value of 89.2%. Conclusion The Brazilian version of the MSI-BPD has adequate psychometric properties for use as a BPD screening tool by clinicians.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559696


1). La vida de Ludwig van Beethoven experimentó un cambio existencial al morir su hermano y dejar a su hijo Karl en tutoría compartida con su madre Johanna. 2). Casi sin haber tenido relación con su sobrino, se desencadena una necesidad emocional intensa e inesperada de convertirse en su único tutor, objetivo que consigue derrotando legalmente a su madre. 3). La relación Beethoven-Karl se desarrolla plagada de disputas, vigilancia, exigencias, control, como si el compositor viviera por vez primera lo que siempre se había negado, llegar a ser padre. 4). El intento de suicidio del sobrino le señala a Beethoven que convertirse en padre significa permitir que el hijo llegue a ser diferente a las arrogantes y desmesuradas ambiciones y expectativas personales, pero esta señal extrema fue insuficiente para hacerle entender que el otro siempre es un peligro porque muestra una verdad oculta intolerable y dolorosa del propio sí-mismo.

Ludwig van Beethoven's life underwent an existential change when his brother died and left his son Karl in shared tutorship with his mother Johanna. 2. Almost without having had any relationship with his nephew, an intense and unexpected emotional need to become his sole guardian is triggered, an objective that he achieves by legally defeating his mother. 3. The Beethoven-Karl relationship develops plagued by disputes, surveillance, demands, control, as if the composer were experiencing for the first time what he had always denied himself, becoming a father.4. The nephew's suicide attempt points out to Beethoven that becoming a father means allowing the son to become different from the arrogant and inordinate personal ambitions and expectations, but this extreme signal was insufficient to make him understand that the other is always a danger because it shows a hidden and painful truth of one´s own self.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559700


La violencia contra los niños es una preocupación muy importante en el sistema de salud pública. El filicidio es un acto deliberado de una madre o un padre que mata a su propio hijo. El objetivo de este estudio es describir un caso de filicidio asociado a la presencia del Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad (TLP), analizando la evaluación de la imputabilidad criminal relacionada con este caso, utilizando el criterio biopsicológico. Medidas de protección a los niños deben ser ofrecidas de forma activa cuando los padres tienen estrés y falta de equilibrio emocional, y al mismo tiempo deben cuidar a los niños.

Violence against children is a very important concern in the public health system. Filicide is a deliberate act of a mother or father killing his own child. The aim of this study is to describe a case of filicide associated with the presence of borderline personality disorder, discussing the evaluation of criminal imputability related to this case, using the biopsychological criterion. Child protection measures should be actively offered when parents have stress and lack of emotional balance while needing to care for children.

Medwave ; 23(11): e2757, 31-12-2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524714


El presente reporte de caso describe a un paciente varón de 19 años, que presentaba como principales síntomas frialdad emocional, ausencia de relaciones cercanas, problemas para experimentar placer con otras personas y carencia de motivación para trabajar o retomar sus estudios. Se diagnosticó un trastorno de personalidad esquizoide, producto de esquemas maladaptativos tempranos como inhibición, privación emocional, aislamiento social e inadecuación. Asimismo, se evidenció un contexto familiar rígido y fragmentado, con ausencia afectiva de padres y direccionado hacia normas estrictas en la conducta. El objetivo del estudio fue intervenir desde un enfoque clínico cognitivo los esquemas maladaptativos tempranos y síntomas que mantenían los rasgos de trastorno esquizoide de la personalidad en el paciente. Para esto se realizó una terapia cognitiva conductual, con técnicas como debates, imágenes para reparentalizar, asignación de tareas, uso del humor, entrenamiento de habilidades sociales, entre otros. Como conclusión se puede manifestar que los esquemas maladaptativos tempranos mantenían la sintomatología de personalidad esquizoide. Por último, se demostró a través de un criterio clínico y psicométrico que la terapia cognitiva conductual disminuyo las conductas de personalidad esquizoide en el paciente.

The present case report describes a 19-year-old male patient whose main symptoms were emotional coldness, absence of close relationships, difficulty experiencing pleasure with other people, and lack of motivation to work or to continue his studies. A schizoid personality disorder was diagnosed as a product of early maladaptive patterns such as inhibition, emotional deprivation, social isolation, and inadequacy. Likewise, a rigid and fragmented family context was evidenced, with an affective absence of parents and a focus on strict behavioral rules. The study aimed to intervene, from a cognitive clinical approach, the early maladaptive patterns and symptoms that maintained the features of schizoid personality disorder in the patient. For this purpose, cognitive behavioral therapy was carried out, with techniques such as debates, images to reparentalize, assignment of tasks, use of humor, and social skills training, among others. In conclusion, it can be stated that the early maladaptive patterns maintained the schizoid personality symptomatology. Finally, it was demonstrated through clinical and psychometric criteria that cognitive behavioral therapy decreased schizoid personality behaviors in the patient.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Trastorno de Personalidad Esquizoide/diagnóstico , Trastorno de Personalidad Esquizoide/psicología , Emociones , Padres , Aislamiento Social , Cognición
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536115


Introducción: El espectro de la conducta suicida (CS) es nuclear en la clínica y el tratamiento del trastorno límite de personalidad (TLP). Los rasgos patológicos del TLP intervienen como factores de riesgo de CS en confluencia con otras variables clínicas y sociodemográficas asociadas con el TLP. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en evaluar los rasgos de personalidad específicos del TLP que se relacionan con la CS. Métodos: Se realiza un estudio transversal, observacional y retrospectivo, de una muestra de 134 pacientes con diagnóstico de TLP según los criterios del DSM-5. Se utilizan los cuestionarios de Millon-II, Zuckerman-Kuhlman y Barrat para valorar distintos parámetros de la personalidad. Se realizan comparaciones por variables mediante las pruebas de la x2 y de la t de Student. La asociación entre variables se analiza mediante regresión logística multivariada. Resultados: Se objetivan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la CS y relacionadas y la dimensión neuroticismo-ansiedad en el test de Zuckerman-Kuhlman. Asimismo se relaciona de manera significativa con la subescala fóbica y antisocial del Millon-II. La impulsividad medida con las pruebas de Zuckerman-Kuhlman y Barrat no aparece relacionada con la CS. Conclusiones: Los resultados presentados plantean el papel de los rasgos fóbicos, antisociales y del neuroticismo como posibles rasgos de personalidad del TLP relacionados con la CS. Incluso se propone una importancia mayor que el de la impulsividad dentro de la relación del TLP con la CS. De cara al futuro, estudios longitudinales permitirían aumentar la evidencia científica de los hallazgos presentados. © 2021 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier Espafña, S.L.U. Todos los derechos reservados.

Introduction: The spectrum of suicidal behaviour (SB) is nuclear in the clinic andmanagement of borderline personality disorder (BPD). The pathological personality traits of BPD intervene as risk factors for SB in confluence with other clinical and sociodemographic variables associated with BPD. The objective of this work is to evaluate the specific personality traits of BPD that are related to SB. Methods: A cross-sectional, observational and retrospective study was carried out on a sample of 134 patients diagnosed with BPD according to DSM-5 criteria. The Millon-II, Zuckerman-Kuhlman and Barrat questionnaires were used to assess different personality parameters. Variable comparisons were made using the test and the Student's t-test. The association between variables was analysed using multivariate logistic regression. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed between SB and related factors and the neuroticism-anxiety dimension in the Zuckerman-Kuhlman test. It is also significantly related to the phobic and antisocial subscale of the Millon-II. Impulsivity measured with the Zuckerman-Kuhlman and Barrat tests does not appear to be related to SB. Conclusions: The results presented raise the role of phobic, antisocial and neuroticism traits as possible personality traits of BPD related to SB, suggesting an even greater importance within the relationship between BPD and SB than that of impulsivity. Looking to the future, longitudinal studies would increase the scientific evidence for the specified findings. © 2021 Asociacio´n Colombiana de Psiquiatria. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(1): 1-16, ene.-abr. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1428056


Estruturas de interação são padrões repetitivos que ocorrem entre terapeuta e paciente, mesmo que am-bos não sejam conscientes disso. Na pesquisa empíri-ca, elas ajudam a compreender como se estabelece o processo de mudança em psicoterapia. Nesse sentido, esta investigação utilizou 68 sessões de psicoterapia psicanalítica de um caso de uma jovem paciente com Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline (tpb) com o objetivo de identificar as estruturas de interação e sua correlação com o tempo de tratamento. Os dados fo-ram gravados em vídeo e posteriormente codificados através do Psychotherapy Process Q-Set (pqs), por duplas de juízes treinados na metodologia Q-Sort. A partir desses dados, foi realizada a análise fatorial do tipo Q de componentes principais que indicou quatro estruturas de interação, sendo fator 1: Colaborativo; fa-tor 2: Resistência; fator 3: Aliança/Ruptura e fator 4: Apoio/Encorajamento. As estruturas indicaram que a interação se voltou para o trabalho de manutenção da interação colaborativa, através de uma posição empá-tica do terapeuta, direcionado para o reconhecimento dos estados internos do paciente. Apesar do trabalho colaborativo, a resistência também surgiu como um padrão repetitivo. O terapeuta se tornou diretivo com intervenções estruturadas e questionando o paciente, desta forma contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da capacidade de mentalização. Implicações sobre o pro-cesso psicoterápico e indicações para estudos futuros são apresentados com o intuito de contribuir na com-preensão sobre o tratamento de pacientes com tpb em psicoterapia psicodinâmica.

Las estructuras de interacción son patrones repetitivos que ocurren entre el terapeuta y el paciente, incluso si ambos no son conscientes de esto. En la investigación empírica ayudan a comprender cómo se establece el proceso de cambio en psicoterapia. En tal sentido, esta investigación utilizó 68 sesiones de psicoterapia psicoanalítica del caso de un paciente joven con Tras-torno Límite de la Personalidad (tlp) para identificar las estructuras de interacción y su correlación con el momento del tratamiento. Los datos fueron grabados en video y posteriormente codificados utilizando el Q-Set Proceso de Psicoterapia (pqs), por pares de jueces en-trenados en la metodología Q-Sort. Con base en estos datos, se realizó un análisis factorial del tipo Q de componentes principales, el cual indicó cuatro estructuras de interacción, siendo factor 1: Colaborativo; factor 2: Resistencia; factor 3: Alianza/Disrupción y factor 4: Apoyo/Estímulo. Las estructuras indicaron que la interacción se tornó al trabajo de mantener la interacción colaborativa, a través de una posición empática del terapeuta, dirigida al reconocimiento de los estados internos del paciente. A pesar del trabajo colaborativo, la resistencia también surgió como un patrón repetitivo. El terapeuta se volvió directivo con intervenciones estructuradas cuestionando al paciente, contribuyendo así al desarrollo de la capacidad mentalizadora. Se presentan implicaciones en el proceso psicoterapéutico e indicaciones para futuros estudios con el objetivo de contribuir a la comprensión del tratamiento de pacientes con tlp en psicoterapia psicodinámica.

Interaction structures are repetitive patterns of interaction between therapist and patient, even if they are not conscious of it. In empirical research, they help to un-derstand how the process of change in psychotherapy is established. In this sense, the current research used 68 sessions of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in a young patient with Borderline Personality Disorder (bpd) to identify the interaction structures and their correlation with different moments of treatment. The sessions were recorded on video and later encoded through the Psy-chotherapy Process Q-Set (PQS) by pairs of judges trained in Q-Sort methodology. A factor analysis of the Q-type of main components was performed based on these data, which indicated four interaction structures. Factor 1: Collaborative; factor 2: Resistance; factor 3: Alliance/Rupture; and factor 4: Support/Encornment. The structures indicated the interaction became a work of maintenance of the collaborative interaction through an empathic position of the therapist, focused on recognizing the patient's internal states. Despite the collaborative work, resistance also appeared as a repetitive pattern. The therapist became more directive with more structured interventions questioning the patient, thus, contributing to the development of the capacity of mentalization. Implications for the psychotherapeutic process and in-dications for future studies are presented to contribute to the comprehension of the treatment of patients with bpd in psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Humanos , Pacientes , Personalidad , Psicoterapia , Investigación , Terapéutica , Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe , Análisis Factorial
Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 416-421, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998147


BackgroundThe comorbidity rate of bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD) is high, and the cognitive impairment of comorbidity patients is more serious. ObjectiveTo explore the difference of cognitive function between bipolar disorder patients with BPD or not, so as to provide references for clinical diagnosis and treatment. MethodsUsing simple random sampling, 60 patients with bipolar disorder comorbidity BPD treated in the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University from April 2021 to April 2022 were selected as the research group, including 33 patients with bipolar depression and 27 patients with bipolar mania. At the same time, 60 patients with bipolar disorder were randomly selected as the control group, including 35 patients with bipolar depression and 25 patients with bipolar mania. The cognitive function of patients was evaluated by the Chinese version of Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) and the Stroop Color Word Test. ResultsThe immediate memory, visual span, speech function and total score of RBANS in the comorbid group were lower than those in the non-comorbid group, and the differences were statistically significant (t=-2.356, -2.138, -3.306, -2.729, P<0.05 or 0.01). The single word time, single color time, double word time and double color time in Stroop Color Word Test in comorbid group were longer than those in non-comorbid group, and the differences were statistically significant (t=4.808, 3.341, 5.249, 5.167, P<0.01). The immediate memory, visual span, speech function and total score in RBANS of bipolar depression patients with comorbid BPD were lower than those of bipolar depression patients without comorbid BPD (t=-2.446, -2.407, -2.231, -2.078, P<0.05), and the time of single word, single color, double word and double color in Stroop Color Word Test were longer than those of non-comorbid BPD patients (t=-3.652, 3.035, 4.406, 5.016, P<0.01). The speech function and total score of RBANS in bipolar manic patients in comorbid group were higher than those in non-comorbid group (t=-2.777, -2.347, P<0.05 or 0.01), and the time of single word, single color, double word and double color in Stroop Color Word Test were longer than those in non-comorbid group (t=3.600, 2.658, 2.943, 4.337, P<0.05 or 0.01). ConclusionThe cognitive impairment of bipolar disorder patients comorbid with BPD is more severe than that of patients without comorbid with BPD. [Funded by Medical Science Research Project of Hebei Province in 2022 (number, 20221407)]

Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 40: e200158, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440115


Objective: The objective was to investigate if perpetrators of sexual offenses against children and adolescents with and without psychopathy differ regarding cognitive aspects. Method: A total of 30 male inmates participated in the study, divided into two groups: one that included psychopaths and the other with non-psychopaths. The instruments used were: protocol for collecting information on criminal court records; Rorschach test according to the Performance Assessment System, considering the cognitive variables and the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised Scale. Results: The results indicate that psychopaths exhibit greater impairment in the organization of thoughts, as well as greater vulnerability to the general personality disruption. The best regression model showed that 55% of psychopathy can be explained by a greater propensity to a general personality disorder (EII-3 β: 4.77; p-value < 0.001), associated with the predisposition to be arrested at a young age (β: -0.26; p-value = 0.004). Conclusion: The efficiency of the R-PAS is observed in the identification of cognitive failures in psychopath perpetrators of sexual violence and perpetrators of sexual violence, and its usefulness is enhanced, when associated with other behavioral measures in the identification of this type of personality profile.

Objetivo: O objetivo foi investigar se autores de violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes, com e sem psicopatia, se diferenciam em relação aos aspectos cognitivos. Método: Participaram do estudo 30 reeducandos cumprindo pena em regime fechado, divididos em dois grupos: um composto pelos psicopatas e outro pelos não psicopatas. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: protocolo de coleta de informações no processo criminal; teste de Rorschach, de acordo com o Sistema de Avaliação por Performance, considerando as variáveis cognitivas, e; a escala Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. Resultados: Os resultados indicaram que o grupo de psicopatas apresentou maiores prejuízos na organização do pensamento, bem como maior vulnerabilidade à desorganização geral da personalidade. O melhor modelo de regressão identificou que 55% da psicopatia pode ser explicada por uma maior propensão ao desajuste geral da personalidade (EII-3 β: 4.77; p-value < 0.001), associada à predisposição a ser preso ainda jovem (β: -0.26; p-value = 0.004). Conclusão: A eficiência do R-PAS é observada na identificação de falhas cognitivas em psicopatas autores de violência sexual e autores de violência sexual, e sua utilidade é potencializada, quando associada a outras medidas comportamentais na identificação desse tipo de perfil de personalidade.

Prueba de Realidad , Prueba de Rorschach , Trastorno de Personalidad Antisocial
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535313


Introducción: La investigación actual y los artículos rastreados sobre adversidad temprana y sesgos cognitivos en pacientes con trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP) evidencian la relación entre estas variables y la gravedad de los síntomas clínicos de este trastorno. Objetivo: Revisar sistemáticamente la evidencia de la relación entre adversidad temprana, sesgos cognitivos y agudización de los síntomas del TLP. El vacío investigativo tiene que ver con el tipo específico de adversidad temprana y su relación con el tipo específico de sesgos cognitivos y el curso del TLP de pacientes con este diagnóstico. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura y para reportar la evidencia se utilizó la versión 2020 de la declaración Prisma. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron Scopus, Pubmed, Web of Science y PsycInfo. En la búsqueda también se incluyeron bases de datos de literatura gris como Google Académico, Open Gray y WorldCat. Resultados: En total se incluyeron en el estudio 13 artículos que satisficieron criterios de originalidad, temática estudiada (adversidad temprana, funcionamiento cognitivo y sintomatología límite) y población indicada (pacientes con diagnóstico de TLP). Conclusiones: Si bien existe evidencia de que la adversidad temprana en general es un factor de riesgo para el TLP, se necesita más investigación para comprender los tipos específicos de adversidad que pueden estar más fuertemente relacionados con el desarrollo del TLP. Si bien algunos estudios han identificado sesgos cognitivos en individuos con TLP, poco se conoce sobre el modo en que estos sesgos se desarrollan y cambian con el tiempo, o según la etapa de exposición del paciente a la adversidad temprana.

Introduction: Current research and articles on early adversity and cognitive biases in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) demonstrate the relationship between these variables and the severity of the clinical symptoms of this disorder. Objective: The aim was to systematically review the evidence of the relationship between early adversity, cognitive biases, and exacerbation of symptoms of borderline personality disorder. The research gap concerns the particular type of early adversity and its relationship with the specific type of cognitive biases and the course of BPD in patients with this diagnosis. Methodology: We conducted a systematic literature review, and the Prisma statement version 2020 was used to report the evidence. The databases consulted were Scopus, Pubmed, Web of Science, and PsycInfo. Gray literature databases, such as Google Scholar, Open Gray, and WorldCat, were also included in the search. Results: We included 13 articles in the study that met the criteria for originality, studied theme (early adversity, cognitive functioning, and borderline symptomatology), and target population (patients diagnosed with a personality disorder). Conclusions: We found that while there is evidence that early adversity, in general, is a risk factor for BPD, further research is needed to understand the specific types of adversity that may be more strongly related to the development of BPD. In addition, although some studies have identified cognitive biases in individuals with BPD, little is known about how these biases develop and change over time or according to the stage of the patient's exposure to early adversity.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 56: e12484, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420761


Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe psychiatric condition that affects up to 2.7% of the population and is highly linked to functional impairment and suicide. Despite its severity, there is a lack of knowledge about its pathophysiology. Studies show genetic influence and childhood violence as factors that may contribute to the development of BPD; however, the involvement of neuroinflammation in BPD remains poorly investigated. This article aimed to explore the pathophysiology of BPD according to the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), inflammatory cytokines, and oxidative stress substances that exacerbate neuronal damage. Few articles have been published on this theme. They show that patients with BPD have a lower level of BDNF and a higher level of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-6 in peripheral blood, associated with increased plasma levels of oxidative stress markers, such as malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine. Therefore, more research on the topic is needed, mainly with a pre-clinical and clinical focus.

Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 45: e20210315, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424716


Abstract Humanity is sporadically subjected to leaders with deviant behavior, ego problems, or psychiatric disorders, potentially leading to social instability. Bipolar disorder is not common in all populations, but, coincidentally, studies suggest that it affected two sovereigns that were contemporaries, King George III of England, who died 201 years ago, and Queen Maria I of Portugal, who died 205 years ago. They lived during a time when Europe was in turmoil with the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, which also coincided with the rise of psychiatry. Both monarchs were forced to have prince regents rule in their place, due to their emotional decline, and they shared the same medical consultant, Francis Willis.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515141


Objetivo: Mapear la evidencia científica respecto de las autolesiones no suicidas y trastorno límite de la personalidad en adolescentes de muestras comunitarias o clínicas en el contexto internacional. Introducción: Las autolesiones no suicidas corresponden a un importante campo de investigación en el espectro de suicidio, no obstante, son diversas las perspectivas para su conceptualización. La literatura señala ampliamente la comorbilidad entre las autolesiones no suicidas y el trastorno límite de la personalidad. Métodos: Scoping review basada en la metodología propuesta por el Joanna Briggs Institute. Se utilizaron las bases de datos Ovid, Science Direct, Proquest, Biblioteca Virtual de Salud y Web of Science. La búsqueda fue realizada en fuentes publicadas del 2011 hasta noviembre de 2021 en idiomas español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: La muestra final estuvo conformada por 12 artículos extraídos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se encontraron cuatro categorías: curso longitudinal de las autolesiones no suicidas y trastornos límite de la personalidad en adolescentes, marcadores neuronales-fisiológicos de las autolesiones no suicidas y trastornos límite de la personalidad en adolescentes y riesgos psicosociales asociados a las autolesiones no suicidas y trastornos límite de la personalidad. Conclusiones: Se requieren más estudios interdisciplinares en el campo de las autolesiones no suicidas y trastornos límite de la personalidad en adolescentes. Se evidencia la necesidad de estudiar el curso longitudinal, marcadores neuronales-fisiológicos y riesgos psicosociales para mejorar la especificad de las intervenciones en muestras clínicas.

Objective: To map the scientific evidence regarding non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorder in adolescents from community or clinical samples in the international context. Introduction: Non-suicidal self-harm corresponds to an important field of research in the suicide spectrum; however, there are diverse perspectives for its conceptualization. The literature widely points out the comorbidity between non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorder. Methods: Scoping review based on the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. The Ovid, Science Direct, Proquest, Virtual Health Library and Web of Science databases were used. The search was carried out in sources published from 2011 to November 2021 in Spanish, English and Portuguese languages. Results: The final sample consisted of 12 extracted articles that met the inclusion criteria. Four categories were found: longitudinal course of non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorders in adolescents, neuronal-physiological markers of non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorders in adolescents, and psychosocial risks associated with non-suicidal self-harm and borderline disorders. of personality. Conclusions: More interdisciplinary studies are required in the field of non-suicidal self-harm and borderline personality disorders in adolescents. The need to study the longitudinal course, neuronal-physiological markers and psychosocial risks is evident to improve the specificity of interventions in clinical samples.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 51(4): 293-300, oct.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423878


ABSTRACT Objective: The present study aims to establish a clinical cut-off for the Grandiosity dimension, using item-level evaluation procedures. Methods: Participants were 5,387 adults, including outpatients diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), outpatients diagnosed with other personality disorders, and adults from the community. We administered the self-reported Grandiosity scale from the Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory 2 (IDCP-2). The equating procedure was applied to generate theta scores for participants who did not answer all items. Results: The Wright map revealed that outpatients scored high on the latent continuum of the Grandiosity scale. Group comparison showed large effect sizes for the mean difference between patients and non-patients. The ROC curve supports a cut off at a -0.45 score in theta standardisation, which yields a high sensitivity (91%) and moderate specificity (58%). Moreover, the PPP (71%) and NPP (79%) values suggest that the scale is able to identify NPD patients in 71% of cases, and people without NPD in 79% of cases. Conclusions: The findings suggest the IDCP-2 Grandiosity scale is useful as an NPD screening tool. Possible clinical applications for the scale are described and the limitations of the study are discussed.

RESUMEN Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo establecer un corte clínico para la dimensión Grandiosidad, utilizando procedimientos de evaluación a nivel de ítem. Métodos: Los participantes fueron 5.387 adultos, entre pacientes ambulatorios diagnosticados con trastorno de personalidad narcisista (NPD), pacientes ambulatorios diagnosticados con otros trastornos de la personalidad, y adultos de la comunidad. Se administró la escala de Grandiosidad autoinformada del Inventario Dimensional Clínico de Personalidad 2 (IDCP-2). El procedimiento de ecualización se aplicó para generar puntuaciones theta para los participantes que no respondieron a todos los ítems. Resultados: El mapa de Wright reveló que los pacientes ambulatorios estaban ubicados en los niveles altos en el continuo latente de la escala de Grandiosidad. La comparación grupal mostró tamaños de efecto grandes para la diferencia de medias entre pacientes y no pacientes. La curva ROC confirma un corte en -.45 puntos en la estandarización theta que produce una alta sensibilidad (91%) y una especificidad moderada (58%). Además, los valores de PPP (71%) y NPP (79%) indican que la escala puede identificar a los pacientes con NPD en el 71% de los casos y las personas sin NPD en el 79% de los casos. Conclusiones: Los resultados indican que la escala de Grandiosidad del IDCP-2 es útil como instrumento de evaluación para NPD. Se describen posibles aplicaciones clínicas para la escala y se discuten las limitaciones del estudio.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 51(4): 330-334, oct.-dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423883


RESUMEN La diferencia clínica entre el trastorno bipolar y el trastorno límite de la personalidad siempre ha sido un reto diagnóstico, sobre todo con el trastorno bipolar tipo II, y con los cuadros subumbrales, lo cual abre un sesgo diagnóstico con las consiguientes repercusiones de un tratamiento no adecuado. Ambas afecciones reciben en gran proporción un diagnóstico previo equivocado. En este artículo se hace énfasis en las principales diferencias clínicas entre ambas enfermedades. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con una larga historia de síntomas psiquiátricos que se inició en la infancia, con muchas dificultades en su funcionamiento, que cumplían criterios de ambos trastornos, lo cual apunta a comorbilidad; en el seguimiento respondió favorablemente a los psicofármacos, y su diagnóstico se inclinó hacia el espectro bipolar, por la notable mejoría. Sin embargo, no debe dejarse de lado la comorbilidad por su alta presentación.

ABSTRACT The clinical difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder has always been a diagnostic challenge, especially with type II bipolar disorder and subthreshold symptoms, opening a diagnostic bias with the consequent repercussions of inappropriate treatment. Both pathologies are often misdiagnosed initially. The objective of this article is to emphasise the main clinical differences between the two pathologies. We present the case of a patient with a long history of psychiatric symptoms that started in childhood, with considerable functional impairment, who met the criteria for both disorders, pointing to comorbidity. During follow-up, she responded favourably to psychotropic drugs, pushing the diagnosis towards the bipolar spectrum, due to the notable improvement. However, comorbidity should not be neglected due to its high presentation.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 44(5): 469-477, Sept.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403778


Objective: To evaluate the impact of defense mechanisms at baseline on depressive symptoms after brief psychotherapies and after 6-months of follow-up among depressed patients with and without cluster B personality disorders (PDs). Methods: This quasi-experimental study nested within a randomized clinical trial included a clinical sample of adults (18-60 years) diagnosed with major depressive disorder using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III was applied to assess PD, the Defense Style Questionnaire 40 was used to analyze defense mechanisms, and the Beck Depression Inventory was used to measure the severity of depressive symptoms. Adjusted analysis was performed by linear regression. Results: The final sample consisted of 177 patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder, of whom 39.5% had cluster B PDs. Immature defenses at baseline significantly predicted the persistence of depressive symptoms at post-intervention and at 6-months of follow-up only in patients with PDs. Conclusion: In depressed patients with cluster B PDs, immature defenses predicted a poor response to brief therapies. The assessment of immature defenses at baseline can help identify patients at greater risk of poor therapeutic results and enable more appropriate treatment choices.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226304


Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, occupational field or financial affairs. Narcissistic personality disorder individual generally unhappy and disappointed. They believe they deserve admiration. According to Acharya Charak, Unnmad, is the Manasvyadhi is which understood as the disturbed condition of the Manas (mind), Buddhi (understanding), Samjna (consciousness), Gynana (perception), Smriti (memory), Bhakti (inclination), Sheela (character), Chesta (behaviour), and Achara (conduct). As a result, Citta gets disturbed and in turn causes impairment of Budhhi. Due to this, the individual person feels different sign and symptoms like loss of confidence, irrelevant talk, biased willing and thinking, deprived memory, decision and responsiveness. The signs and symptoms of Asura Graha Unmada (AG) such as Jihma Drishtim, Dushtaatmaanaam, Krodhanam, Atruptam, Sasweda Gaatram, Deva, Braahmana, Guru Dveshinam, etc show similarity with deceitfulness, exploitation, antisocial, aggressiveness, impulsivity, negative emotionality, grandiosity, dysphoria, alcohol abuse, and physical violence features commonly found in various personality disorders such as Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) , Bipolar Disorder (BD), and NPD and others personality disorder or comorbid condition among them. Manasa Vyadhi, Graha Rogas are less focused topic in Ayurveda. The aim of this article to explain Asura Graha Unmada and its correlation with contemporary view. After proper review it is concluded that the signs and symptoms of Asura Graha (AG) Unmada such as Jihma Drishtim, Dushtaatmaanaam, Krodhanam, Atruptam, Sasweda Gaatram, Deva, Braahmana, Guru Dveshinam, etc shows similarity with various personality disorders.

Rev. Bras. Psicoter. (Online) ; 24(1): 125-138, jan-abr. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1371677


A contratransferência (CT) é um elemento do relacionamento terapêutico que possui valor clínico, especialmente com pacientes com personalidade borderline (PB). Este estudo, qualitativo e exploratório, visou identificar os sentimentos despertados em psicoterapeutas frente a um caso de paciente com PB, buscando compreendê-los em relação às características da paciente ou da sua narrativa, bem como explorar de que forma a CT seria idealmente manejada. Oito psicoterapeutas assistiram ao vídeo de uma sessão real com paciente com PB e, após, responderam a uma entrevista. As transcrições das entrevistas foram analisadas com o método Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR). Os dados organizaram-se em relação às facetas da CT, características da paciente que mobilizam afetos, e manejo da CT. Os resultados sugerem que pacientes com PB tendem a suscitar sentimentos intensos, vinculados a sua história e seu funcionamento em situação observacional, apontando para a viabilidade do método para o estudo empírico da CT. Resultados de estudos como esse podem ser utilizados como guia para jovens terapeutas compreenderem o mundo interno dos seus pacientes. A validação empírica de hipóteses clínicas fortalece a teorização e enriquece a prática psicanalítica.(AU)

Countertransference (CT) is an element of the therapeutic relationship that has clinical value, especially with borderline personality patients (BP). This qualitative and exploratory study aimed to identify the feelings aroused in psychotherapists in the case of a BP patient, seeking to understand them in relation to the patient's characteristics or her narrative, as well as exploring how the CT would be ideally managed. Eight psychotherapists watched the video of a real session with a BP patient and responded to an interview. The interview transcripts were analyzed using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method. The data were organized in relation to the facets of the CT, characteristics of the patient that mobilize affections, and management of the CT. The results suggest that patients with BP tend to elicit intense feelings, linked to their history and functioning, in an observational situation, pointing to the feasibility of the method for the empirical study of CT. Results from studies like this one can be used as a guide for young therapists to understand the inner world of their patients. Empirical validation of clinical hypotheses strengthens theorization and enriches psychoanalytic practice.(AU)

La contratransferencia (CT) es un elemento de la relación terapéutica que tiene valor clínico, especialmente en pacientes con personalidad límite (BP). Este estudio cualitativo y exploratorio tuvo como objetivo identificar los sentimientos que despiertan los psicoterapeutas en el caso de un paciente con BP, buscando comprenderlos en relación con las características de la paciente o su narrativa, así como explorar cómo se manejaría idealmente la CT. Ocho psicoterapeutas vieron el video de una sesión real y luego respondieron a una entrevista. Las transcripciones de las entrevistas se analizaron utilizando el método de Investigación Cualitativa Consensual (CQR). Los datos se organizaron en relación a las facetas del CT, características del paciente que movilizan afectos y manejo de la CT. Los resultados sugieren que los pacientes con BP tienden a provocar sentimientos intensos, ligados a su historia y funcionamiento, en una situación de observación, lo que apunta a la viabilidad del método para el estudio empírico de la CT. Los resultados de estudios como este pueden usarse como una guía para que los terapeutas jóvenes comprendan el mundo interior de sus pacientes. La validación empírica de hipótesis clínicas fortalece la teorización y enriquece la práctica psicoanalítica.(AU)

Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe , Contratransferencia , Psicoterapeutas