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Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e065, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564202


Abstract The aim of this review was to map the practice of spin in scientific publications in the dental field. After registering the review protocol (, a search was conducted in MEDLINE via PubMed, CENTRAL, Embase, Scopus, LILACS,, and OpenGrey databases in June 2023. Any study that evaluated the presence of spin in dentistry was eligible. Data were independently extracted in duplicate by two reviewers. After removing duplicates, 4888 records were screened and 38 were selected for full-text review. Thirteen studies met the eligibility criteria, all of which detected the presence of spin in the primary studies, with the prevalence of spin ranging from 30% to 86%. The most common types of spin assessed in systematic reviews were failure to mention adverse effects of interventions and to report the number of studies/patients contributing to the meta-analysis of main outcomes. In randomized controlled trials, there was a focus on statistically significant within-group and between-group comparisons for primary or secondary outcomes (in abstract results) and claiming equivalence/noninferiority/similarity for statistically nonsignificant results (in abstract conclusions). The practice of spin is widespread in dental scientific literature among different specialties, journals, and countries. Its impact, however, remains poorly investigated.

Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (En línea) ; 43(4): 219-222, dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551637


La escritura de artículos académicos es una competencia necesaria para la difusión del conocimiento científico y para el desarrollo profesional de quienes trabajan en diversas disciplinas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su importancia, esta habilidad compleja no suele ser enseñada en forma sistemática, lo que puede operar como una barrera para que los investigadores comuniquen los resultados de sus trabajos. En esta primera entrega, sintetizamos los principales consejos que han brindado expertos en la temática, añadiendo algunos de nuestra experiencia personal que consideramos útiles para facilitar el proceso de la escritura académica y el desarrollo de esta competencia en un contexto colaborativo. En una segunda entrega profundizaremos respecto de la problemática de la escritura de las diferentes secciones de un artículo científico y se ofrecerán consejos para optimizarla y volverla lo más eficaz posible. (AU)

Academic writing is essential for scientific knowledge dissemination and the professional development of those working in various disciplines. Yet, however important this complex skill is, it is not usually taught systematically, a fact that can act as a barrier for researchers to communicate the results of their work. In this first part, we synthesize the main tips provided by experts in the field, adding some of our personal experiences that they consider relevant to facilitate the process of academic writing and develop this skill in a collaborative context. In a second article, we will go deeper into the problem of writing the different sections of a scientific article and offer advice on ways to optimize it and make it as effective as possible. (AU)

Escritura , Comunicación y Divulgación Científica , Comunicación Académica , Inteligencia Artificial , Informe de Investigación , Escritura Médica
Medisan ; 27(5)oct. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1529014


Contar con una guía que establezca un formato único para la elaboración del informe correspondiente a las tesis de las especialidades de las ciencias médicas ha sido, hasta el momento, una necesidad de los tribunales y residentes. Por ello, en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba se propuso confeccionar una guía a tal efecto, en la cual se mantienen los aspectos formales y científicos establecidos previamente, pero se añaden elementos en el formato en cuanto a la escritura y la extensión general y por secciones. En este artículo se expone dicha guía, que se constituye en un instrumento de utilidad tanto para los especialistas de primer grado, al facilitar y perfeccionar la confección del trabajo de tesis, como para los tribunales estatales que tienen a su cargo la evaluación de estos informes.

Having a guide that establishes a single format for preparing the report corresponding to theses in medical science specialties has been, until now, a need for courts and residents. For this reason, at the University of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba it was proposed to prepare a guide for this purpose, in which the formal and scientific aspects previously established are maintained, but elements are added in the format in terms of writing and general extension and by parts. This article presents this guide, which constitutes a useful instrument both for first-degree specialists, by facilitating and perfecting the preparation of the thesis work, and for the state courts that are in charge of evaluating these reports.

Medisur ; 21(5)oct. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521222


Uno de los aspectos metodológicos esenciales de una investigación es la delimitación de los sujetos a estudiar. Este artìculo aborda la tendencia actual a una excesiva e injustificada declaración de los criterios de inclusión y de exclusión en todo tipo de investigación. Se defiende la idea de que una adecuada utilización de las categorías universo y muestra hace innecesaria la declaración de criterios de inclusión y de exclusión en el diseño metodológico de la mayoría de los proyectos de trabajo de terminación de la especialidad que presentan nuestros residentes.

One of the essential methodological aspects of an investigation is the delimitation of the subjects to be studied. This article addresses the current trend towards an excessive and unjustified statement of inclusion and exclusion criteria in all types of research. The idea is defended that an adequate use of the universe and sample categories makes it unnecessary to declare inclusion and exclusion criteria in the methodological design of most of the specialty completion work projects presented by our residents.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(4): 384-391, Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439464


Abstract Background The role of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in determining personality traits and neurobehavioral symptoms, collectively known as the interictal behavioral syndrome (also known as Geschwind syndrome or "Gastaut-Geschwind syndrome"), as well as the syndrome's association with the particular artistic expression of many epileptic litterateurs are well known in neurology and psychiatry. A deepening of emotionality along with a serious, highly ethical, and spiritual behavior have been described as positive personality changes among patients with chronic mesial-TLE. Objectives Our narrative-based clinical hypothesis aims at contributing to the ongoing debate on the association between TLE and artistic expression, as well as the latter's supposed implication for epileptology in general and the neuropsychology of epilepsy in particular. Methods Through an analysis of the biography, language, and literary work of Greek novelist Demosthenes Voutyras, we hypothesize that his mystical and dark writing style could be attributed to medial temporal interictal dynamics. Conclusions We suggest that the psycholiterary profile of Voutyras is consistent with the idiosyncratic characteristics of the temporal lobe personality, while a non-dominant temporal lobe contribution has been proposed.

Resumo Antecedentes O papel da epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT) na determinação de traços de personalidade e sintomas neurocomportamentais, coletivamente conhecidos como síndrome comportamental interictal (também conhecida como síndrome de Geschwind ou "síndrome de Gastaut-Geschwind"), bem como a associação da síndrome com o expressão de muitos literatos epilépticos são bem conhecidos em neurologia e psiquiatria. Um aprofundamento da emotividade juntamente com um comportamento sério, altamente ético e espiritual tem sido descrito como mudanças positivas de personalidade em pacientes com ELT mesial crônica. Objetivos A nossa hipótese clínica narrativa visa contribuir para o debate em curso sobre a associação entre ELT e a expressão artística, bem como a suposta implicação desta última para a epilepsia em geral e a neuropsicologia da epilepsia em particular. Métodos Através de uma análise da biografia, linguagem e obra literária do romancista grego Demóstenes Voutyras, levantamos a hipótese de que seu estilo de escrita místico e sombrio poderia ser atribuído à dinâmica interictal temporal medial. Conclusões Sugerimos que o perfil psicoliterário de Voutyras é consistente com as características idiossincráticas da personalidade do lobo temporal, enquanto uma contribuição do lobo temporal não dominante foi proposta.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(3): 469-472, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422671


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify the frequency of Cochrane systematic reviews and Cochrane systematic reviews protocols using (or planning to use) the risk of bias 2.0 tool to assess the risk of bias of the included randomized clinical trials. STUDY DESIGN: This is a meta-research study. METHODS: We included Cochrane systematic reviews or Cochrane systematic reviews protocols that planned to include randomized clinical trials. We assessed the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and screened for issues published after the launch of risk of bias 2.0 tool (2019-2022). Two independent investigators performed the study selection and data extraction. RESULTS: We analyzed 440 Cochrane systematic reviews and 536 Cochrane systematic reviews protocols. Overall, 4.8% of the Cochrane systematic reviews and 28.5% of the Cochrane systematic reviews protocols used or planned to use risk of bias 2.0 tool. Although low, adherence is increasing over time. In 2019, 0% of Cochrane systematic reviews used risk of bias 2.0 tool, compared to 24.1% in 2022. In Cochrane systematic reviews protocols, adherence increased from 6.9% in 2019 to 41.5% in 2022. A total of 274 (62.1%) Cochrane systematic reviews had their protocols published before 2018; only one used risk of bias 2.0 tool and reported the change of versions in the "Differences between protocol and revision" section. CONCLUSION: The Cochrane's risk of bias 2.0 tool has low adherence among Cochrane protocols and systematic reviews. Further efforts are necessary to facilitate the implementation of this new tool.

Medisur ; 21(1)feb. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440634


La investigación final que deben realizar los residentes para culminar la especialización es el instrumento creado en el proceso formativo de posgrado, para que aprenda y aplique los aspectos básicos de la metodología de la investigación médica. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo brindar una guía de consulta a estudiantes y docentes, sobre la estructura y presentación de los proyectos de investigación e informe final de los trabajos de terminación de la especialidad. Para ello se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica para la recopilación y clasificación de la bibliografía actualizada. Se brindan consideraciones de cómo elaborar el proyecto de investigación y el informe final y se especifica la información que deben tener ambos documentos. Se exponen elementos fundamentales sobre la estructura y presentación de los proyectos de investigación e informe final que podrán ser utilizados como guía de consulta para estudiantes y docentes.

The final research that residents must carry out to complete the specialization is the instrument created in the postgraduate training process, so that they learn and apply the basic aspects of medical research methodology. This work aims to provide a reference guide for students and teachers, on the structure and presentation of research projects and final report of completion of the specialty. For this, a bibliographic search was carried out for the compilation and classification of the updated bibliography. Considerations of how to prepare the research project and the final report are provided, and the information that both documents must have is specified. Fundamental elements on the structure and presentation of research projects and final report that can be used as a reference guide for students and teachers are exposed.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 67(4): e000612, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439227


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to report the experience of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) in osteoporotic patients for nine years, and their associated initiating factors. Materials and methods: The numbers of invasive oral procedures (IOP) (tooth extraction, dental implant placement, and periodontal procedures) and removable prostheses performed from January 2012 to January 2021 were obtained from the digital records of a large public dental center. There were an estimated 6,742 procedures performed in patients under osteoporosis treatment. Results: Two cases (0.03%) of MRONJ were registered in nine years amongst patients with osteoporosis who had dental treatment at the center. From the 1,568 tooth extractions, one patient (0.06%) developed MRONJ. There was also one case from the 2,139 removable prostheses delivered (0.05%). Conclusions: The prevalence of MRONJ associated with osteoporosis treatment was very low. The protocols adopted seem to be adequate for the prevention of this complication. The findings of this study reinforce the rare frequency of MRONJ associated with dental procedures in patients submitted to the pharmacological management of osteoporosis. An integral analysis of systemic risk factors and oral preventive strategies may be considered regularly in the dental treatment of these patients.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 26: e230038, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515044


RESUMO Objetivo: Apresentar reflexões teórico-metodológicas sobre elaboraçõo, tipos e funções dos modelos teóricos, bem como suas estruturas conceituais e de análise. Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio cujo processo de coleta do material foi realizado de forma não sistemática, eleito exclusivamente e baseado na linha de argumentaçõo e reflexão que os autores pretendem submeter à apreciaçõo e ao debate público. Resultados: Este trabalho apresenta reflexões sobre tipos e funções dos modelos teóricos, fundamentaçõo teórica nas pesquisas e reflexões sobre a importância dos modelos teóricos para as pesquisas em saúde pública e sua relaçõo com o processo de elaboraçõo, desenvolvimento e relato nos estudos científicos. Além disso, são descritos tipos de modelos teóricos referentes aos planos conceitual e empírico, e a importante elaboraçõo e descriçõo da junçõo de ambos para o fazer científico. Conclusão: Espera-se que este artigo levante discussões e reflexões sobre os métodos atuais que permeiam o fazer científico e fomentem a utilizaçõo dos modelos teóricos como base das pesquisas científicas em seu processo de elaboraçõo, desenvolvimento e relato.

ABSTRACT Objective: To present theoretical-methodological reflections on the elaboration, types, and functions of theoretical models as well as their conceptual and analytic frameworks. Methods: This is an essay, whose material collection was carried out in a non-systematic way, by electing studies exclusively based on the line of argument and reflection that the authors intend to submit to appreciation and public debate. Results: We present reflections on the types and functions of theoretical models, theoretical foundations in research, and reflections on the importance of theoretical models for public health research and their relation with the process of elaboration, development, and reporting in scientific studies. In addition, we describe types of theoretical models referring to the conceptual and empirical levels and the important elaboration and description of their combination for scientific practice. Conclusion: With this article, our intention is to stimulate discussions and reflections on current methods that permeate scientific practice and encourage the use of Theoretical Models as a basis for scientific research in its elaboration, development, and reporting process.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e226694, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1393022


Scientific research and publication play an important role during the training of dentists, but one of the most outstanding barriers is the authorship conditions of the journals. Aim: The objective of the study was to determine the accessibility to student publication in dental journals in the world. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out. 208 journals indexed in Scimago Journal & Country Rank that met inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. The instructions for the authors were reviewed, an email was subsequently sent to the journal contact and articles with student affiliation were searched in the database of each journal. For the analysis of the descriptive statistical data of frequencies and percentage, the IBM SPPS Statistics Standard Edition 22 program was used. Results: 208 journals were included, 77.67% accepted the student publication without condition. The United States, United Kingdom and India were the countries with the highest number of journals with student participation. Likewise, the journals of Q4 (85.70%), Q3 (85.40%) and Basic Sciences (100%), Dental Education (100%), Endodontic (100%), Geriatrics and Gerontology (100%) and Public Dental Health (100%), mostly accepted student authorship. Conclusion: It is concluded that 167 (77.67%) of the dental journals accept the publication of dental students without condition, being more frequent in journals positioned in Q4 (85.70%). Also, journals with thematic areas on Basic Sciences, Dental Education, Endodontic, Geriatrics and Gerontology and Public Dental Health

Estudiantes de Odontología , Artículo de Revista , Publicación Periódica , Informe de Investigación , Comunicación Académica
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 37(6): 937-941, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407329


ABSTRACT The anomalous origin of one pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta is a rare congenital heart disease, generally diagnosed based on the clinical information and on echocardiographic and computed tomography angiography findings. Here we report two neonates successfully treated with surgery early in life.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e226351, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1355010


Aim: This study aimed to assess the reporting characteristics of systematic review abstracts published in the proceedings of the Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO) meeting. Methods: We selected abstracts published in the SBPqO meeting proceedings of 2019 and 2020, mentioning that a systematic review was conducted in the title, objective or methods sections. One researcher performed the screening and the data extraction after a pilot test training. The following data were extracted: affiliation of the primary author, dental specialization, the term "systematic review" mentioned in the title, reporting of the objective, reporting of eligibility criteria, reporting of information sources, reporting of the number of included studies and if a meta-analysis was performed. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed with data summarized as frequencies. Results: We included 235 abstracts. A total of 20 studies were from the Universidade de Uberlândia (8.5%), and the main specialization was Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry, with 47 studies (20%). Most of the studies mentioned the term "systematic review" in the title (n=219; 93.2%) and reported the objective (n=231; 98.3%). A great majority of studies did not report the eligibility criteria (n=97; 41.3%) or it was classified as unclear (n=96; 40.8%). The great majority of studies only reported the databases searched (n=103; 43.8%) or databases and date of search (n=74; 31.5%). Most of the studies reported the number of included studies (n=204; 86.8%). Conclusion: Based on this study, the reporting characteristics of systematic review abstracts published in the proceedings of the SBPqO meeting are satisfactory. However, there is room for improvement

Congresos como Asunto , Investigación Dental/estadística & datos numéricos , Indización y Redacción de Resúmenes , Informe de Investigación , Revisiones Sistemáticas como Asunto
Medisur ; 20(6)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440611


Fundamento: las investigaciones originales representan la culminación de un proceso investigativo; ponen a prueba todas las capacidades del equipo investigador, desde la detección del problema y la conducción del estudio hasta la interpretación de los resultados y las propuestas de solución del problema. Objetivo: caracterizar las investigaciones originales presentadas en la Primera Jornada Científica Nacional sobre COVID-19, CovidCien2021. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte trasversal. Se incluyeron 57 trabajos presentados al evento. Variables: cantidad de investigaciones originales presentadas, de investigaciones estudiantiles o investigaciones profesionales, tipo de estudio, tipo de investigación, errores metodológicos más comunes, cantidad de autores. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva para el procesamiento y análisis de los resultados. Resultados: se presentaron 57 temas libres (32,6 %). Sobresalieron las investigaciones pertenecientes a estudiantes (32; 56,1 %). Destacaron las investigaciones de estudios observacionales descriptivos (50; 87,7 %) y las cuantitativas (50; 87,7 %). Prevalecieron los trabajos con cuatro y cinco autores (14; 24,6 %). Se observaron dificultades tales como ausencia del objetivo de la investigación y errores en la metodología que imposibilitan su reproducción. Conclusiones: las investigaciones observacionales descriptivas, en su mayoría cuantitativas, aportan elementos generales y particulares de un problema. Persiste la necesidad de educar en las buenas prácticas metodológicas a las futuras generaciones, para lograr una ciencia de calidad y excelencia.

Background: original investigations represent the fulfillment of a research process; it test all the research team's abilities, from detecting the problem and conducting the study to interpreting the results and proposing solutions to the problem. Objective: to characterize the original research presented at the COVID-19 First National Scientific Conference, CovidCien2021. Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out. 57 papers presented at the event were included. Variables: number of original researches presented, student investigations or professional investigations, type of study, type of research, most common methodological errors, number of authors. Descriptive statistics were used for processing and analysis of the results. Results: 57 free topics were presented (32.6%). Research belonging to students stood out (32; 56.1%). Descriptive observational studies (50; 87.7%) and quantitative studies (50; 87.7%) stood out. Papers with four and five authors prevailed (14; 24.6%). Difficulties such as the absence of the research objective and errors in the methodology that make its reproduction impossible were observed. Conclusions: descriptive observational researches, mostly quantitative, provide general and particular elements of a problem. There is a need to educate future generations in good methodological practices, in order to achieve science of quality and excellence.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 83(2): 95-103, abr.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403106


RESUMEN Introducción. La producción científica en el país puede ser impulsada al identificar su relación con las competencias requeridas para investigar en hospitales e institutos de salud de Lima. Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre las competencias en investigación y producción científica en médicos de hospitales e institutos de salud de Lima, Perú. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, analítico y correlacional, que incluyó a 100 médicos de hospitales e institutos de salud. Se aplicó el instrumento mejorado y validado denominado "Prueba para evaluar las competencias en Investigación" y se recolectó datos acerca de la producción científica de los médicos. Resultados. La edad media fue de 39 ± 8 años, la población predominante fue de sexo masculino, casados, con labor asistencial, contratados y con especialidad médica. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en las competencias teóricas y cognitivas de los médicos de hospitales e institutos de salud (p=0,005 y p=0,001 respectivamente). Las publicaciones de los médicos de institutos fueron significativamente mayores que los de hospitales (OR: 5,12; 95% IC: 2-12,9; p=0,0004). La competencia cognitiva se correlacionó a la producción científica de los médicos (r=0,4, p<0,001). Conclusiones. Se encontró relación entre la competencia cognitiva y subcompetencias en investigación (autoregulación, tolerancia a la incertidumbre, actitud crítica, apertura y curiosidad) y la producción científica en médicos de hospitales e institutos de salud de Lima.

ABSTRACT Introduction. Scientific production in the country can be promoted by identifying its relationship with the competencies required to investigate in hospitals and health institutes of Lima. Objective. To determine the relationship between competences in research and scientific production in Hospital Physicians and Health Institutes of Lima, Peru. Methods. A quantitative, analytical and correlational study was carried out, which included 100 doctors from hospitals and health institutes. The improved and validated instrument called "Test to evaluate research competencies" was applied and data was collected about the scientific production of doctors. Results. The mean age was 39 ± 8 years, the predominant population was male, married, with care work, contracted and with a medical specialty. Significant differences were found in the theoretical and cognitive competencies of doctors from Hospitals and Health Institutes (p = 0,005 and p = 0,001 respectively). The publications of physicians from institutes were significantly higher than those from hospitals (OR: 5,12; 95% CI: 2-12,9; p = 0,0004). Cognitive competence was correlated to the scientific production of doctors (r = 0,4, p <0,001). Conclusions. Cognitive competence and subcompetencies in research (self-regulation, tolerance to uncertainty, critical attitude, openness and curiosity) were related to scientific production in physicians from hospitals and health institutes of Lima.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 353-356, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-933555


Chinese Medical Association and L′Oréal Group jointly launched "China Skin & Hair Grant" from 2003 to 2018 to support Chinese dermatologists in skin and hair research. This program has not only helped improve the research capability of Chinese dermatologists, but also yielded abundant valuable Chinese population-based clinical and basic research results, and further enabled active academic communication through Chinese and international journals and conferences. This article summarizes main results of scalp- and hair-related research projects based on program records and publications.

Chinese Journal of Radiology ; (12): 1248-1253, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956783


Objective:To explore the current status of the artificial intelligence (AI) developments in medical imaging in China, and to provide data for the development of AI.Methods:In May 2022, the Radiology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and the China Medical Imaging AI Industry-University-Research Innovation Alliance jointly launched a nationwide survey on the application status and development needs of medical imaging AI in China in the form of a questionnaire. This survey was carried out for different groups of people, focusing on the clinical applications of medical imaging AI, enterprise development, and educational needs in colleges and universities, with the descriptive statistical analysis performed.Results:China′s medical imaging AI has made great progress in clinical applications, in enterprise developments, as well as in the education and teaching areas. In terms of clinical application, 90.8% (5 765/6 347) of the survey respondents had a preliminary understanding of AI. There were 62.1% (3 798/6 119) doctors confirmed the applications medical imaging AI products in their departments. AI products were applied in the whole process of medical imaging examination, especially in assistance of the diagnosis. The application of pulmonary nodules screening accounted for 89.5% (3 401/3 798) of all medical imaging AIs. The main factors restricting the rapid development of medical imaging AI included lack of experts [47.3% (3 002/6 347)], poor data quality [45.7% (2 898/6 347)] and imperfect function of the products [40.4% (2 566/6 347)]; in terms of enterprises, there were 65.4% enterprises with a scale of less than 100 employees (17/26), and 34.6% with a scale of more than 100 employees (9/26). The main group of the customers were the hospitals above the second level, accounting for about 92.3% (24/26); in terms of education, the number and quality of AI courses, practical operations and lectures currently carried out by schools vary between different levels. The AI courses for graduated students accounted for about 22.5% (86/381), which were the largest in number; while the proportion of AI courses for junior college students, undergraduates and regular trainees were less than 15%. More than 60% of the students thought it necessary for schools to establish AI courses. Among all the students, the master′s and doctoral candidates had the greatest demand for additional AI courses [84.8% (323/381)].Conclusions:The development and popularization of medical imaging AI in China continues to prosper, with opportunities and challenges coexisting. It is necessary to adhere to the orientation of clinical needs, and to realize the coordinated development of clinical application, enterprise development, as well as education and teaching.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956937


Non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) is highly malignant and has poor prognosis, in which stage ⅢA(N 2) NSCLC approximately accounts for 20%. Patients with stage ⅢA(N 2) NSCLC have high heterogeneity and distinct survival difference. Loco-regional recurrence and distant metastasis are the main causes of treatment failure. At present, whether stage ⅢA(N 2) NSCLC patients should receive postoperative radiotherapy(PORT) remains controversial. Such patients still lack high level proof to receive PORT.

Edumecentro ; 14: e1987, 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356191


RESUMEN Fundamento: la labor conjunta del sector educacional y de la salud en Cuba encamina sus esfuerzos hacia la prevención, y establece vínculos para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas que padecen del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad. Objetivo: describir resultados parciales de una investigación realizada en el municipio Santa Clara, provincia Villa Clara, basada en la atención integral a escolares con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, mediante la articulación de la educación primaria con instituciones de salud mental. Métodos: el estudio fue realizado con un enfoque cualitativo a partir del diseño de una investigación-acción y se utilizó el estudio de caso como estrategia de investigación en el periodo 2014-2019 en cuatro instituciones de la educación primaria y las respectivas áreas de salud mental. Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico y empírico, y entre las técnicas, el diario del investigador y el análisis de evidencias. Resultados: los obstáculos y progresos del propio proceso investigativo permitieron la concepción de la atención integral a escolares con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, y la materialización de su efectividad en la evolución de los escolares, la preparación de familias y docentes, y el intercambio entre las instituciones educativas y de salud. Conclusiones: la concepción de la atención integral a escolares con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad con una perspectiva multisectorial desde los sectores educativos y sanitarios involucra a docentes y especialistas de salud en una atención individualizada para reducir las consecuencias del trastorno.

ABSTRACT Background: the joint work of the educational and health sector in Cuba directs its efforts towards prevention, and establishes links to improve the quality of life of people suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Objective: to describe partial results of a research carried out in the Santa Clara municipality, Villa Clara province, based on comprehensive care for schoolchildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, through the articulation of primary education with mental health institutions. Methods: the study was carried out with a qualitative approach based on the design of an action research and the case study was used as a research strategy in the period from 2014 to 2019 in four primary education institutions and the respective areas of mental health. Methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used, and among the techniques, the researcher's diary and the analysis of evidence. Results: the obstacles and progress of the research process itself allowed the conception of comprehensive care for schoolchildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and the materialization of its effectiveness in the evolution of schoolchildren, the preparation of families and teachers, and the exchange between educational and health institutions. Conclusions: the conception of comprehensive care for schoolchildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with a multisectoral perspective from the educational and health sectors involves teachers and health specialists in individualized care to reduce the consequences of the disorder.

Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad , Informe de Investigación
Braz. j. oral sci ; 20: e211701, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1254532


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate how meta-analyses are conducted and reported in dentistry. Methods: We conducted a search to identify dentistry-related Systematic Reviews (SRs) indexed in PubMed in 2017 (from January 01 until December 31) and published in the English language. We included only SRs reporting at least one meta-analysis. The study selection followed the 4-phase flow set forth in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement (PRISMA), and it was independently conducted by two researchers. Data extraction was performed by one of three reviewers, and data related to conducting and reporting of the meta-analysis were collected. Descriptive data analysis was performed summarizing frequencies for categorical items or median and interquartile range for continuous data. Results: We included 214 SRs with meta-analyses. Most of the studies reported in the title that a meta-analysis was conducted. We identified three critical flaws in the included studies: Ninety (90) meta-analyses (43.1%) did not specify the primary outcome; most of the meta-analyses reported that a measure of statistical heterogeneity was used to justify the use of a fixed-effect or random-effects meta-analysis model (n=114, 58.5%); and a great part did not assess publication bias (n=106, 49.5%). Conclusion: We identified deficiencies in the reporting and conduct of meta-analysis in dentistry, suggesting that there is room for improvement. Educational approaches are necessary to improve the quality of such analyses and to avoid biased and imprecise results

Salud Bucal , Informe de Investigación , Revisiones Sistemáticas como Asunto
Medisur ; 19(4): 716-718, 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346577


RESUMEN El título de un artículo científico, de un proyecto de investigación o del informe final de una tesis tiene como intención brindar una información orientadora acerca del contenido del estudio. A partir de la relación problema de investigación-objetivo-título se realiza un análisis de una de las cualidades del título más señalizada: su extensión. Derivado de este análisis se concluye que en la valoración de la calidad del título de un trabajo de investigación, la prioridad, lo verdaderamente relevante, es su precisión y no su extensión.

ABSTRACT The title of a scientific article, a research project or the thesis final report is intended to provide guiding information about the content of the study. Based on the research problem-objective-title relationship, an analysis is made of one of the title´s most marked qualities: its extension. Derived from this analysis, it is concluded that in assessing the title of a research work´s quality, the priority, what is truly relevant is its precision and not its extension.