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Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535338


In recent years, there have been international references to the vocal approach for the specific group of transgender individuals, although the Latin American literature is still very timid on this matter. The purpose of this article is to identify the current norms, statistics, and vocal approach towards transgender individuals in Chile and Argentina, considering the experience of two speech and language pathologists with more than twenty years of experience on voice therapy. Reflections were made on the transgender reality in these countries, the limitations in the implementation of the depathologization of the transgender group were outlined, some current and unreliable statistics were presented, some innovative actions in the public system were highlighted, and the lack of knowledge about the benefits of vocal work for transgender men and women was discussed. The identified aspects could benefit from multicenter research that strengthens speech therapy actions with this group, contributing to depathologization and positive approach.

Desde los últimos años es posible encontrar referencias internacionales sobre el abordaje vocal al grupo específico de las personas transgénero, aunque la literatura latinoamericana sigue muy tímida en este asunto. La propuesta de este artículo es identificar las normas vigentes, estadísticas y abordaje vocal hacia las personas transgénero en Chile y Argentina, considerando la experiencia de dos fonoaudiólogas con más de veinte años de experiencia en terapia vocal. Se hicieron reflexiones sobre la realidad transgénero en los países citados, se delinearon las limitaciones en la puesta en práctica de la despatologización del grupo transgénero, se expusieron algunas estadísticas -vigentes y poco confiables-, se plasmaron algunas acciones novedosas en el sistema público y el desconocimiento sobre los beneficios del trabajo vocal en hombres y mujeres transgénero. Los aspectos detectados podrían beneficiarse de investigaciones multicéntricas que fortalezcan acciones fonoaudiológicas con este grupo, contribuyendo a la despatologización y el abordaje positivo.

CoDAS ; 36(2): e20230050, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520738


RESUMO Objetivo realizar a adaptação transcultural dos instrumentos Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) e o Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) para o português brasileiro. Método o estudo foi desenvolvido em duas etapas: adaptação transcultural e pré-teste. 1. Adaptação transcultural: foi composta por uma equipe de dois fonoaudiólogos e dois não-fonoaudiólogos, sendo responsáveis pela tradução para o português (um fonoaudiólogo e um não-fonoaudiólogo nativos do português brasileiro - PB e falantes do inglês), de modo independente, com posterior consenso realizado pelos pesquisadores; retrotradução para o inglês (um fonoaudiólogo e um não-fonoaudiólogo nativos do inglês e falantes do PB); análise da versão final por um comitê (um tradutor, um metodologista, e três fonoaudiólogos). 2. Etapa de pré-teste: os instrumentos foram aplicados em 38 indivíduos transgêneros (29 mulheres trans, 2 travestis e 7 homens trans), sendo acrescido na chave de resposta a opção "não aplicável". Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e inferencial. Resultados No processo de adaptação transcultural do VCS houve ajustes em cinco itens do questionário, quatro deles quanto à forma e um quanto ao conteúdo. Para o TSC também foram necessários ajustes quanto a forma em cinco itens. No pré-teste, para todos os itens dos instrumentos, a opção não aplicável apresentou proporção significativamente menor que as opções da chave de resposta dos instrumentos. Por fim, foi obtida uma versão traduzida e adaptada para o português dos dois instrumentos. Conclusão Os instrumentos foram transculturalmente adaptados para o português brasileiro e nomeados como Escala de Congruência Vocal e Escala de Congruência da Pessoa Transgênero.

ABSTRACT Purpose to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of the Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) and the Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) instruments into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods the study was developed in two stages: cross-cultural adaptation and pre-test. 1. Cross-cultural adaptation: it was composed of a team of two speech therapists and two non-speech therapists, being responsible for the translation of the instruments into Portuguese (a speech therapist and a non-speech therapist native to Brazilian Portuguese - BP and English speakers, independently, with subsequent consensus achieved by the researchers; back-translation of the instruments into English (a speech therapist and a non-speech therapist who are native speakers of English and speakers of BP); analysis of the final version by a committee (a translator, a methodologist, and three speech therapists). Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Results In the cross-cultural adaptation process of the VCS there were adjustments in five items of the questionnaire, four of them in terms of form and one in terms of content. necessary adjustments regarding form in five items. In the pre-test, for all VCS and TSC items, the non-applicable option had a significantly lower proportion than the instrument response key options (p<0.001, for all). Finally, a translated and adapted version for Brazilian Portuguese of the Vocal Congruence Scale (VCS) and the Transgender Scale Congruence (TSC) instruments was obtained. Conclusion The VCS and TSC were transculturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and named as Vocal Congruence Scale and Transgender Person Congruence Scale.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e00642023, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528338


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é compreender o repertório de formas de ação política mobilizadas na construção das políticas públicas de saúde para travestis e transexuais em Manaus, Amazonas. A pesquisa etnográfica que sustenta este estudo combinou observação participante nos múltiplos espaços onde as políticas de saúde se gestam e entrevistas com membros de duas organizações trans existentes em Manaus, entre janeiro de 2016 e julho de 2018. Reconstruiu-se quatro formas de ação mobilizadas na luta por políticas de saúde, classificadas conforme algumas categorias nativas, a modo de tipos ideais: as de confronto, de articulação, de visibilidade e de colaboração, tendo a sociedade manauara como público e agentes do Judiciário, do Legislativo e do Executivo municipal e estadual, por vezes, como adversários, ou como aliados.

Abstract This article describes the political action repertoire mobilized in the construction of public health policy for trans persons in the Manaus, capital city of the state of Amazonas, in northern Brazil. It is based on ethnographic research combining participant observation in the multiple sites where these policies are constructed and interviews with members of two transgender rights organizations in Manaus, between January 2016 and July 2018. Four modes of political action were reconstructed, as ideal types, named after native categories: those of confrontation, others of "articulation", the ones seeking visibility and others collaboration. Each mode has the local society as public and agents of the municipal and state Judiciary, Legislative and Executive bodies sometimes as adversaries, sometimes as allies.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e18622023, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528349


Resumo Este artigo de opinião consiste em uma entrevista realizada com Leonardo Peçanha, um homem negro trans, ativista no campo dos direitos humanos e dos direitos das pessoas trans e pesquisador do campo da Saúde Coletiva. Na conversa que se segue Leonardo Peçanha, de forma interseccional, reflete sobre o lugar da beleza, modificações corporais e atividade física no processo de transição de gênero de sujeitos homens trans e transmasculinos, como também toca no tema das (im)possibilidades das pessoas trans no campo dos esportes de alto rendimento e nos conta sobre o concurso de beleza Mister Trans Brasil.

Abstract This opinion article consists of an interview with Leonardo Peçanha, a Black trans man, a human rights and trans people rights activist and a researcher in Collective Health. In this interview, he reflects intersectionally on the place of beauty, body changes, and physical activity in the gender transition process of trans and transmasculine men. He discusses the (im)possibilities of trans people in high-performance sports and tells us about the Mister Trans Brazil beauty pageant contest.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e02682023, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528367


Resumo O trabalho analisou o processo de construção do nome social e aspectos relacionados em pessoas trans de um município de porte médio do Sul do Brasil. Foram utilizados dados qualitativos de um estudo de método misto descritivo e exploratório. Incluíram-se pessoas autodeclaradas trans com 18 anos ou mais. Foram conduzidos três grupos focais com dez participantes. Estes, com idade variando entre 19 e 52 anos, apresentam nome social documentado, porém metade ainda não fez a alteração nos registros civis. A técnica da análise de conteúdo produziu duas categorias: "construção do nome social como instrumento de validação da identidade trans" e "impactos da construção do nome social na autoaceitação e nas relações familiares e sociais". Os resultados reforçam a importância do respeito ao nome como forma de contribuição para a afirmação de gênero de sujeitos trans. O nome esteve atrelado às suas vivências, individualidades e valores. Seu uso adequado, muito mais do que o cumprimento de uma legislação, significou respeito às possibilidades diversas da existência humana. Espera-se que os resultados apresentados possam ser utilizados como ferramenta de reconhecimento acerca das questões e nuances que permeiam a construção do nome social, bem como contribuam para a validação identitária.

Abstract This study analyzed the construction process of the chosen name and related aspects among transgender individuals from a medium-sized municipality in southern Brazil. Qualitative data from a descriptive and exploratory mixed-method study was used. Self-declared trans people aged 18 or over were included. Three focus groups were conducted with ten participants. These individuals, aged between 19 and 52 years, have a documented chosen name, but half have not yet changed their civil records. The content analysis technique produced two categories: "construction of the chosen name as an instrument for validating the transgender identity" and "impacts of the construction of the chosen name on self-acceptance and on family and social relationships." The results reinforce the importance of respecting the name as a way of contributing to the gender affirmation of transgender individuals. The name was linked to the experiences, individuality and values of these individuals. Its proper use, much more than respect for legislation, meant respect for the different possibilities of human existence. It is expected that the results presented can be used as a tool for recognizing the issues and nuances that permeate the construction of the chosen name and contribute to identity validation.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e220904pt, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536860


Resumo O gênero é uma categoria social diretamente ligada à determinação da saúde, mas tem sido frequentemente limitado às categorias de masculino e feminino, invisibilizando demandas importantes de identidades que fogem ao binarismo, como no caso de identidade transgênero (travestis e transexuais). A teoria do estresse de minorias de gênero categoriza fatores de estresse e resiliência relevantes para explicar como as vivências ligadas ao gênero impactam de maneira desproporcional pessoas transgênero, especialmente em desfechos de saúde mental. Nesse contexto, este estudo analisa a relação entre acesso e uso de serviços de saúde e os fatores de estresse e resiliência de travestis e mulheres transexuais no interior do nordeste brasileiro. Foi conduzida uma pesquisa qualitativa em saúde: dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco mulheres trans adultas, residentes da região do Cariri, Ceará. Observou-se homogeneidade no acesso à saúde, mas todas as entrevistadas enfrentaram situações de estresse durante a utilização. Identificaram-se fatores de resiliência que levam essa população a buscar cuidados de saúde fora do sistema de saúde, devido a suas dificuldades de uso. Portanto, evidencia-se a necessidade de discutir a amplitude e o progresso do processo transexualizador e a capacidade de aplicação da Política Nacional de Saúde Integral de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transgêneros no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde no interior do nordeste brasileiro.

Abstract Gender is a social category directly linked to health determination, but it has often been constrained to the categories of male and female, obscuring significant demands from identities that go beyond this binary framework, such as transgender identities (travestis and transsexuals). Gender minority stress is a theory that categorizes stress and resilience factors relevant to explaining how gender experiences disproportionately impact transgender individuals, particularly in mental health outcomes. Given this context, this study examines the relations between user access and use of health services and the stress and resilience factors of travestis and transgender women in northeastern Brazil. A qualitative health research was conducted with data collected by means of semi-structured interviews with five adult trans women residing in the Cariri region, Ceará state. Health access was homogeneous, yet all interviewees faced stress-inducing situations during service use. Resilience factors were identified, leading this population to seek healthcare outside the state system due to use challenges. These findings highlight the need to discuss the breadth and progress of gender affirming care and the applicability of the National Policy of Comprehensive Healthcare for LGBT individuals within the Brazilian National Health System in northeastern Brazil.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e230086pt, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551059


Resumo As pessoas trans estão expostas a diferentes situações de vulnerabilidade que se entrecruzam, causando impactos negativos no processo saúde-doença-cuidado. Para melhor compreender essa questão, buscamos conhecer as experiências de sete estudantes trans de uma universidade pública de Minas Gerais, a partir de entrevistas norteadas por roteiro semiestruturado. As falas foram analisadas pela perspectiva da análise de conteúdo, e as categorias finais foram tensionadas com estudos das ciências sociais e da saúde coletiva. De forma geral, as narrativas se diferenciaram daquelas que compõem a maioria das pesquisas sobre o tema no Brasil, sobretudo em relação à manutenção de vínculos familiares e ao acesso à universidade pública. Nesse sentido, formulamos a hipótese de que a interação desses elementos com outros marcadores de diferenças pode contribuir positivamente para o estabelecimento de alianças e estratégias, a fim de lidar com o regime de inteligibilidade das identidades de gênero e com as dificuldades de acesso à educação, ao trabalho e à saúde. Compreender essa dinâmica e suas limitações, em uma perspectiva em que o individual se enlaça ao coletivo, possibilitou evidenciar o funcionamento da (hétero)normatividade nos processos de segregação de pessoas trans, assim como refletir sobre ações políticas que possam transformar essa realidade social efetivamente.

Abstract Transgender people are exposed to different situations of vulnerability that intersect, having negative impacts on the health-illness-care process. To better understand this issue, we sought to know the experiences of seven transgender undergraduates at a public university in Minas Gerais, from semi-structured interviews. The narratives were analyzed on the perspective of content analysis, and the final categories juxtaposed with studies of social sciences and public health. In general, the narratives are different from those which account for most of the research on the theme in Brazil, especially regarding maintaining family bonds and the access to public universities. Hence, we formulated the hypothesis that the interaction between these elements and other markers of differences can positively contribute to establishing alliances and strategies to deal with the regime of gender identity intelligibility and the constraints of access to education, work, and health. Understanding these dynamics and their limitations, under the perspective in which the individual and the collective are intertwined, enabled us to highlight the role of (hetero)normativity in the segregation processes of transgender people, as well as reflecting on the political actions that might effectively transform this social reality.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535321


Objective: To verify the relationship between smoking, age, schooling, and the vocal self-perception of trans women. Methods: Cross-sectional observational quantitative study conducted with 24 trans women over 18 years old, living in their affirmed gender for a minimum of 6 months. Data collection involved selected questions from the translated and authorized Portuguese version of the Trans Woman Voice Questionnaire (TWVQ) and information regarding age, education, occupation, and smoking status. All variables were analyzed descriptively, and the association with smoking was assessed using Pearson's Chi-square, Fisher's Exact, Student's T, and Mann-Whitney tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The mean age of trans women was 28.2 +/- 6.5 years (range: 21 - 48). Most participants (41.6%) had completed their high school education and pursued diverse careers. Regarding smoking habits, 58.3% of women were either current smokers or had smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime. A statistically significant association was found between smoking and age (p = 0.001), with smokers having a lower average age (24.9 years) compared to nonsmokers (32.9 years). However, no statistical significance was observed between smoking, education, and self-perception of vocal femininity. Only 9 (37.5%) trans women perceived their voices as feminine, while 17 (70.7%) desired a more feminine-sounding voice. Limitation: The limited sample size in this study may have constrained the ability to detect significant differences between the analyzed groups using statistical tests. Conclusion: The smoking prevalence was notably high among younger trans women. However, there was no statistically significant difference in vocal self-perception between those who smoked and those who did not. The majority of trans women expressed a desire for their voices to sound more feminine, particularly among smokers.

Objetivo: Verificar la relación entre el tabaquismo, edad, escolaridad y la autopercepción vocal de mujeres trans. Métodos: Estudio observacional transversal cuantitativo realizado con 24 mujeres trans mayores de 18 años, que viven en su género afirmado durante 6 meses. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron preguntas seleccionadas de la versión portuguesa traducida y autorizada del Trans Woman Voice Questionnaire (TWVQ) y datos sobre edad, educación, ocupación y tabaquismo. Todas las variables se analizaron descriptivamente y la asociación con el tabaquismo se realizó mediante las pruebas Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, Exacta de Fisher, T de Student y Mann Whitney, con un nivel de significación del 5%. Resultados: La edad promedio de las mujeres trans fue de 28,2 +/- 6,5 (rango 21 - 48). La mayoría de las participantes (41,6%) había terminado la escuela secundaria con carreras muy diversas. Respecto al tabaquismo, el 58,3% de las mujeres fuman actualmente o han fumado al menos 100 cigarrillos en su vida. Hubo una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el tabaquismo y la edad (p = 0,001), en la que la edad promedio entre los fumadores (24,9 años) fue menor que la de los no fumadores (32,9 años). No hubo significación estadística entre el tabaquismo, la educación y la autopercepción vocal. Solo 9 (37,5%) mujeres trans actualmente consideran su voz femenina y 17 (70,7%) dijeron que la voz ideal podría sonar más femenina. Limitación: La pequeña casuística puede haber limitado la identificación de diferencias entre los grupos analizados a través de pruebas estadísticas. Conclusión: El tabaquismo fue alto entre las mujeres trans, especialmente las más jóvenes. La autopercepción vocal no fue estadísticamente diferente entre los grupos de fumadores y no fumadores. La mayoría de las mujeres trans dijeron que sus voces podrían sonar más femeninas, especialmente las fumadoras.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551377


An incompatible voice with one's own identity is a theme frequently pointed out by the transgender population in speech therapy sessions. Speech therapy is a technique that allows the adjustment of the speaker's voice within a range of possibilities. The speech-language pathologist's role is to provide training, guidance, and counseling to this population, taking into account the specificities of each individual. In light of this, this study aims to report the experience of undergraduate students and speech-language professionals in providing care to the transgender population in a communication laboratory. Initially, key concepts, such as the differences between sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation, are presented. Topics addressed include the violence suffered by the transgender population, the pursuit of vocal adaptation, the creation and development of the communication clinic, the support and assistance provided by professionals to the transgender population and their families, as well as the procedures adopted by the clinic. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that speech therapy has demonstrated the importance of individual-centered care, legitimizing the guarantee of promoting the users' health. Furthermore, the importance of the speech-language professional in the vocal and communicative improvement of this population, which is often stigmatized, is emphasized (AU).

Voz incompatível com a própria identidade é um tema frequentemente apontado pela população transgênera em atendimentos fonoaudiológicos. A fonoterapia é uma técnica que permite a adequação da voz do falante, dentro de um campo de possibilidades. Ao fonoaudiólogo cabe o treinamento, a orientação e o aconselhamento dessa população, levando em conta as especificidades de cada indivíduo. Diante disso, este estudo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência de estudantes de graduação e profissionais de Fonoaudiologia no atendimento voltado à população transgênera em um laboratório de comunicação. Inicialmente são apresentados conceitos-chave, tais como as diferenças entre sexo, gênero, identidade de gênero, e orientação sexual. São abordados temas como a violência sofrida pela população trans, a busca pela adequação vocal, a criação e o desenvolvimento do ambulatório de comunicação, o acolhimento e o suporte prestado pelos profissionais à população trans e a seus familiares, além dos procedimentos adotados pelo ambulatório. Dentre as conclusões, destaca-se que a assistência fonoaudiológica tem mostrado a importância do cuidado centrado no indivíduo, legitimando a garantia da promoção de saúde dos usuários. Ademais, é destacada a importância do profissional de fonoaudiologia no aprimoramento vocal e comunicativo dessa população que é frequentemente estigmatizada (AU).

Humanos , Calidad de la Voz , Entrenamiento de la Voz , Servicios de Salud para las Personas Transgénero
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 11272, out./dez. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518411


Investigar a percepção do homem transexual sobre acesso e utilização da atenção ginecológica em serviços da Atenção Primária à Saúde no SUS. Estudo qualitativo e descritivo. A população foi de cinco participantes; todos homens trans, residentes em municípios do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas virtuais, entre o final de 2021 e início de 2022. Para análise dos dados obtidos, a técnica de Bardin foi utilizada. O desrespeito e o despreparo dos profissionais de saúde no atendimento foram indicados em todas as entrevistas, dificultando o acesso à saúde da população LGBTQIAP+. Baixa procura da população trans pelo serviço de saúde por receio e medo de (re)viver experiências traumatizantes indica que o enfermeiro de serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde necessita desenvolver conhecimento e habilidades para acolher a população transexual, a fim de garantir humanização do atendimento.

To investigate the perception of transgender men of access and use of gynecological care in Primary Health Care services in SUS. A qualitative, descriptive study. A population of five participants, all transgender men, living in cities of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data collection occurred via online interviews between late 2021 and early 2022. To analyze data, the Bardin technique was used. The lack of respect and preparation of health professionals in service were mentioned in all interviews. This hindered access of the LGBTQIAP+ population. Low demand from the transgender population for health services due to dread and fear of (re)experiencing traumatizing situations suggests that the Primary Health Care services professional must build knowledge and skills to welcome the transgender population in order to guarantee humanized services.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222139


Transgender care needs a multidisciplinary team approach. The awareness about transgender health has increased over the past few years in India. The pyramid of transgender health helps to demystify the care of transgender individuals. The 7 S's of lifestyle modification need to be followed in the routine clinical care of transgender individuals. The individuals also need psychological care and support, metabolic and medical care, endocrine management, and later surgery in some cases. The policy makers can use the pyramid to decide about financial help to the community for their holistic care. The physicians involved in the care of transgender individuals can also take guidance about comprehensive care and management of transgender and gender diverse individuals.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223141


Background: In the Indian subcontinent, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community, commonly referred to as the third gender or transgender, is expected to exceed one million by 2030. Data on dermatologic conditions of the transgender population is deficient. Aims: This study aimed to identify the common dermatological concerns and dermatologic procedures of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community of India. Methods: This cross-sectional survey analysed the transgender participants of a non-institutionalised population in India via health camps that included 51 adult participants who self-identified as trans men and trans women. Results: This study included 51 participants aged 20–49 years, of which the majority (94%) were trans women. The common dermatological problems were terminal hairs over the face, beard distribution, androgenetic alopecia, scars of gender-affirming surgeries, facial melanosis with topical steroid damaged skin and the need for facial feminisation procedures among trans women, while trans men had testosterone-related acne, androgenetic alopecia. Overall, 40.6% of participants reported dissatisfaction with one or more of their body parts. Laser hair removal was the most common gender-affirming dermatologic procedure. Conclusion: This study provides an essential overview of the common dermatological conditions and procedures in the Indian lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons have insufficient access to dermatological services due to inadequate exposure and fear of discrimination. Even though transgender patients also present with similar dermatologic conditions as the general population, they have distinct cosmetic and treatment concerns during the period of transition owing to hormone-related or surgery-related changes. Addressing these challenges through enhancing dermatology residency training programs should be the focus of tomorrow. Limitations: Considering convenience sampling and representative bias, further studies need to be conducted involving multiple study locations and larger sample sizes.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217428


Background: The transgender population is a marginalized social group often targeted for mistreatment and discrimination. This study specifically examined the experiences of transgender people across a range of cate-gories such as: education, employment outcomes, health awareness and mental health status. The study aimed to gain an understanding about the respondents’ unique experiences of discrimination being transgender and health awareness. Materials and Methods: The research applied descriptive qualitative phenomenology design. The study was conducted at Department of Community Medicine, Government Omandurar Medical College and Hospital, Chennai on Trans genders using in-depth interview with an open-ended question semi structured Question-naire after obtaining the informed consent among 4 Transgenders till the data saturation happens. The Tran-scriptions Data were then analyzed using the Colaizzi method. Results: Marginalized socially and economically, Family and peer rejections, Lack of Job opportunities, Con-tinuous rejection and omission leads to Begging and Active Night life (Survival Sex). Health Care Professionals has less knowledge about the transgender health, sex affirmation surgery is still least preferred among doc-tors. NGOs roles are very significant in their quality of life, Periodic medical examination including HIV. Conclusion: Transgender’s and the word are to be transformed as Third Gender. The Social acceptance from the public will do wonders in their life.

Femina ; 51(6): 380-384, 20230630. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512430


Transgênero (trans) é um termo que alberga toda a diversidade de gênero. A incongruência de gênero faz parte desse espectro e refere-se à pessoa cuja identidade de gênero é oposta ao sexo que lhe foi atribuído no nascimento. A terapia hormonal de afirmação de gênero, bem como a cirurgia de afirmação de gênero, é necessária para adequar o corpo ao gênero ao qual a pessoa se identifica. Os homens trans necessitam da terapia com testosterona, que visa reduzir as concentrações de estradiol e incrementar a testosterona circulante para níveis fisiológicos masculinos, resultando em masculinização. A mulher trans receberá o estradiol, associado ou não a um antiandrogênico, visando reduzir a testosterona e incrementar o estrogênio para níveis femininos, resultando em feminização. A cirurgia de afirmação de gênero é, frequentemente, requerida para completar as modificações fenotípicas para o homem e a mulher trans. O ginecologista e obstetra tem um papel crucial no provimento de cuidados a essa população. O presente artigo visa sistematizar algumas ações que o ginecologista e obstetra pode oferecer e que têm potencial para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos homens e mulheres trans. (AU)

Transgenero (trans) is an umbrella term that encompasses all gender diversity. Gender Incongruity is part of this spectrum and refers to the person whose gender identity is opposed to the sex assigned to them at birth. Gender-affirming hormone therapy as well as gender-affirming surgery are necessary to adapt the body to the gender to which the person identifies. Trans men require testosterone therapy to reduce estradiol concentrations and increase circulating testosterone to male physiological levels resulting in masculinization. Trans women will receive estradiol associated or not with an antiandrogenic to reduce testosterone and increase estrogen to female levels resulting in feminization. gender-affirming surgery is often required to complete phenotypic modifications for trans men and women. The gynecologist and obstetrician plays a crucial role in to provide care to this population. This article aims to systematize some actions that the gynecologist and obstetrician can offer to improve the quality of life of trans men and women. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Atención a la Salud/ética , Ginecología , Neoplasias de la Próstata/prevención & control , Testosterona/administración & dosificación , Neoplasias de la Mama/prevención & control , Anticoncepción , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas , Estradiol/administración & dosificación , Estrógenos/administración & dosificación , Tromboembolia Venosa/prevención & control , Ginecólogos , Obstetras
Rev. argent. salud publica ; 15: 87-87, jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449444


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN El acceso a la salud para las personas trans ha sido históricamente obstaculizado por el estigma y la discriminación institucional. A pesar de los avances legales y sociales en materia de reconocimiento de derechos de los últimos años, todavía se identifican barreras para su efectivo cumplimiento. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir las principales barreras en la accesibilidad a los consultorios inclusivos (CI) y analizar las necesidades específicas de la población trans que se atiende en la provincia de Buenos Aires (PBA). MÉTODOS Se presenta un subanálisis de un estudio cualitativo más amplio realizado en 2017, cuyo objetivo fue relevar información sobre demandas sanitarias, accesibilidad y calidad de atención de los servicios de salud específicos para población de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans (LGBT) en ocho efectores de la PBA. La muestra fue intencional, conformada por 29 entrevistas semiestructuradas a referentes y profesionales y 2 grupos focales con masculinidades y feminidades trans, respectivamente. Se realizó un análisis temático. RESULTADOS Se identificaron barreras organizacionales y simbólicas, sobre todo en los CI que funcionan en hospitales. Entre las simbólicas, se evidencia la persistencia de prácticas patologizantes en salud mental. DISCUSIÓN Los CI brindan una respuesta satisfactoria, pero transitoria. Es necesario transversalizar la perspectiva de género a todas las intervenciones en salud.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Access to health for trans people has historically been hampered by institutional stigma and discrimination. Despite the legal and social advances achieved in recent years in terms of recognition of rights, barriers to effective enforcement are still identified. The objective of this work was to describe the main barriers to access inclusive healthcare services and analyze the specific needs of trans people receiving healthcare in the province of Buenos Aires (PBA). METHODS A subanalysis of a wider qualitative study conducted in 2017 is presented, its objective was to collect information on healthcare needs, accessibility and quality of care of health services specific for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) population in eight healthcare providers of PBA. The sample was intentional, including 29 semi-structured interviews to social organization leaders and professionals, and 2 focus groups with trans masculinities and femininities, respectively. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. RESULTS Organizational and symbolic barriers were identified, especially in inclusive healthcare services functioning in hospitals. One of the symbolic ones was the persistence of pathologizing practices in mental healthcare. DISCUSSION Inclusive healthcare services provide a satisfactory, but temporary response. It is necessary to adopt a cross-cutting gender perspective for all healthcare interventions.

FEMINA ; 51(4): 245-249, 20230430. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512402


O homem transgênero apresenta alta susceptibilidade às neoplasias de colo uterino devido à escassez de exames preventivos. O estudo objetiva levantar informações acerca dos desafios e estratégias para a promoção do rastreio e prevenção do câncer cervical em homens transgênero. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, desenvolvida em seis etapas a partir da pergunta norteadora: "Quais os desafios e estratégias atuais para a promoção do rastreio efetivo e prevenção de câncer de colo uterino em homens transgênero?". Utilizaram-se descritores combinados com operador booleano "cervical cancer" AND "transgender persons", e foram incluídos artigos completos de 2018 a 2022. Verificou-se que os desafios enfrentados incluem preconceito, despreparo profissional e susceptibilidade à disforia de gênero. Estudos mostraram benefícios relacionados ao uso de swabs vaginais autocolhidos para reduzir o impacto psicológico do exame Papanicolaou, com vistas a reduzir os desafios enfrentados por essa população, e a necessidade de implementar estratégias que aumentem a adesão aos serviços de saúde.

Transgender men are highly susceptible to cervical cancer due to the lack of preventive screening exams. This study aims to gather information about the challenges and strategies for promoting cervical cancer screening and prevention in transgender men. This is an integrative review, developed in six stages, based on the guiding question: "What are the current challenges and strategies for promoting effective screening and prevention of cervical cancer in transgender men?". Descriptors combined with Boolean operator "cervical cancer" AND "transgender persons" were used and full articles from 2018 to 2022 were included. It was found that the challenges faced include prejudice, professional unpreparedness and susceptibility to gender dysphoria. Studies have shown benefits related to the use of self-collected vaginal swabs to reduce the psychological impact of the Pap smear exam, aiming to reduce the challenges faced by this population and to implement strategies to increase adherence to health services.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Neoplasias del Cuello Uterino/prevención & control , Disparidades en Atención de Salud , Barreras de Acceso a los Servicios de Salud
FEMINA ; 51(4): 250-256, 20230430. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512404


Objetivo: Apesar de 0,69% da população brasileira em idade reprodutiva se identificar como transgênero, os cuidados relacionados ao ciclo gravídico-puerperal e ao planejamento gestacional ainda são desconhecidos pelos profissionais de saúde. Métodos: Esta revisão narrativa avaliou o planejamento gestacional e contracepção; a possibilidade do emprego de técnicas de reprodução assistida segundo as recomendações do Conselho Federal de Medicina no Brasil; e a gestação, pré-natal e puerpério na população transgênero. Resultados: Dos 664 artigos encontrados no PubMed e Embase, 29 foram considerados para a confecção desta revisão. O uso da testosterona por trans masculinos, apesar de promover amenorreia, não é considerado um método contraceptivo. Contraindicações aos métodos hormonais devem seguir as mesmas orientações propostas para as mulheres cisgênero. Cuidados pré-natais não diferem dos habituais, Pessoas transgênero podem desejar amamentar. Conclusão: O desconhecimento das melhores práticas voltadas para o acolhimento e seguimento das pessoas transgênero pode resultar em negligência aos cuidados essenciais durante esse período. O conhecimento e a validação dessas identidades e o preparo das equipes são essenciais para melhorar o acesso dessa população às redes de saúde.

Objective: Although 0.69% of the Brazilian population of reproductive age identify themselves as transgender, care related to the pregnancy-puerperal cycle and pregnancy planning is still unknown to health professionals. Methods: This narrative review assessed pregnancy planning and contraception; the possibility of using Assisted Reproduction Technologies according to the recommendations of the Federal Council of Medicine in Brazil; and pregnancy, prenatal, and puerperium in the transgender population. Results: Of the 664 articles found in PubMed and Embase, 29 were considered for the compilation of this review. The use of testosterone by transgender male, despite promoting amenorrhea, is not considered a contraceptive method. Contraindications to hormonal methods should follow the same guidelines for cisgender women. Prenatal care and delivery should not differ from the usual. Transgender might be able to breastfeed. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge for transgender follow-up may result in neglect of prenatal care. Knowledge and validation of these identities and staff training are essential to improve the access of this population to health networks.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Anticoncepción/métodos , Prejuicio , Testosterona/efectos adversos , Lactancia Materna , Personal de Salud/educación , Servicios de Salud Reproductiva , Salud Reproductiva , Barreras de Acceso a los Servicios de Salud
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 63-80, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430587


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar las características de artículos científicos publicados durante el último quindenio respecto a la atención en salud a personas trans en América Latina y el Caribe. Se desarrolló una revisión sistematizada de artículos publicados en cuatro bases de datos, entre los años 2005 y 2020, en la que se encontraron 20 estudios que fueron objeto de análisis. En su mayoría, estos dan cuenta de las percepciones que tienen las comunidades trans y, en menor frecuencia, las experiencias de los profesionales de la salud sobre la atención en salud. Los resultados permiten identificar barreras que influyen en los procesos de atención y los desafíos para mejorarla. Sobresale la formación deficiente e insuficiente en los profesionales sobre identidades trans y los enfoques diferenciales y afirmativos del género, y la necesidad de fortalecer los abordajes integrales entre las comunidades académicas, de la salud y la generación de políticas públicas transformativas.

Abstract Health care is important for the transitions of people with trans life experiences and to strengthen the processes of health and disease. Health professionals are educating and accompanying agents; however, the literature frequently reports that there are barriers perceived by professionals regarding their competencies to accompany such processes, in addition to others related to social representations regarding trans identities, the limited scientific evidence regarding the processes of gender reaffirmation and representing the communities themselves according to their historical and sociocultural characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of scientific articles published during 15 years regarding health care for trans persons in Latin America and the Caribbean. A systematized review of articles published in four databases between 2005 and 2020 was carried out. 20 studies were analyzed in the research. Most of them report the perceptions of trans communities and, less frequently, the experiences of health professionals on health care. The results allow the identification of barriers that influence the processes of care and the challenges to improve it. The deficient and insufficient training of professionals on trans identities and differential and affirmative gender approaches stand out, as well as the need to strengthen comprehensive approaches among the academic and health communities and the generation of trans affirmative public policies. On the other hand, the results evidence a construction of science with respect to gender that is cisnormative and invisibilizes gender diversities. In addition, many of the studies establish vertical relationships between participants, including researchers, which generates research dynamics in which trans communities are considered more as informants and less as expert peers, community researchers or participants in a collaborative and co-creative research process. These findings support the need and renew the urgency to generate processes of knowledge construction with and for trans communities that allow nurturing educational, social, public policy and health spaces that represent their needs for gender transitions, in case the person considers so, and that welcome in an integral and humanized way the processes of health and disease. Research on health and health care in trans communities both in Colombia and in the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean does not show the implementation of health policies focused on the community and that respond to their health needs. Health professionals, around the world, should accompany from care actions focused on the processes of self-identification and self-determination of gender. Being recognized and made visible based on gender identities and expressions has a positive impact on the mental health of trans people and their well-being. In professional practice, it is important and essential to overcome the barriers of social inequality, promoting a critical social vision and understanding of the reality of this population. It is necessary to expand research from gender diversities and separate from the LGBTIQ+ umbrella given the complex social, cultural, biological, and psychological diversities faced by each community. As for health professionals, it is necessary to deepen the measurement and understanding of attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, skills and gaps identified by all staff, from doctors and nurses to institution managers. This in order to articulate and triangulate information and develop intervention programs aimed at comprehensive and accessible care, especially for their reports about the little information on sexual and gender diversity received during their professional training process and organizational culture. Finally, each country should develop clinical guidelines based on local, national, and international evidence that responds to the psychological and sociocultural needs and experiences of trans communities that include the process of gender transitions from hormone therapy, affirmative surgeries and other non-binary processes of gender expressions, family, psychosocial support, and community accompaniment.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 13(1): 29-41, ene.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519889


Abstract Sexuality changes associated with the medical transition in transgender women are not well known; the few studies present discrepancies in labeling their sexual orientation and controlling surgery conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the self-reported sexual response to audiovisual sexual stimulation protocol in androsexual transgender women on hormone replacement therapy. This study also evaluated their sexual functioning to support the empirical protocol. Participated androsexual transgender women with (n = 16) and without hormone therapy (n = 15) in a non-sex reassignment surgery condition. Androsexual cisgender men (n = 25) and women (n = 24) also were included as contrast groups. All participants were assessed with the Short Form of the Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire; then watched video clips with neutral and sexual content and informed their sexual responses through two self-report scales adapted from the Film Scale. The results showed trans women with hormone therapy, compared to trans women without treatment, experienced a less selective sexual response to sexual stimuli. Also, they registered the lowest scores for every sexual functioning except for pleasure. In conclusion, transgender women on hormone therapy without sex reassignment surgery showed fluidity in their self-reported sexual response and reduced sexual functioning.

Resumen Poco se conoce de los cambios en la sexualidad de las mujeres transgénero que se encuentran bajo un proceso de transición médica. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el autoinforme de la respuesta sexual de las mujeres transgénero bajo terapia hormonal y sin cirugía de reasignación de sexo ante un protocolo de estimulación sexual audiovisual, así como el funcionamiento sexual general para robustecer los resultados del protocolo. Participaron mujeres transgénero sin cirugía de reasignación de sexo con (n = 16) y sin terapia hormonal (n = 15), así como hombres (n = 25) y mujeres (n = 24) cisgénero como grupos de contraste. Todas las personas que participaron reportaron una atracción androsexual. Se evaluaron con la Versión Abreviada del Cuestionario de Cambios en el Funcionamiento Sexual, posteriormente observaron videos con contenido neutro y actividad sexual entre dos mujeres, dos hombres y entre mujer y hombre, y reportaron su respuesta sexual a través de dos escalas de autoinforme adaptadas de la Film Scale. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres trans bajo terapia hormonal, a comparación de las mujeres trans sin tratamiento, tuvieron una respuesta sexual menos selectiva, aunque esta fue similar a la de las mujeres cisgénero, además puntuaron más bajo para todos los rubros del cuestionario de funcionamiento sexual, excepto para el placer. En conclusión, las mujeres transgénero en terapia hormonal muestran fluidez en su respuesta sexual autoinformada, así como una disminución en el funcionamiento sexual. Estos datos pueden ofrecer un entendimiento más amplio del tratamiento médico y psicológico, con la finalidad de mejorar la atención a la población trans.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2023 Mar; 8(1): 39-42
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222721


In spite of the Supreme Court’s recognition of transgender and LGBTQIA+ rights, there has been a negligent and insensitive attitude in India to the question of rendering respect to individuals of all sexual and gender identities. No framework for ensuring better protection from societal discrimination faced by the LGBTQIA+ community has been drawn up; hence discrimination continues in society and in healthcare. This article aims to provide an understanding of the terms frequently encountered with the LGBTQIA+ population and orient healthcare professionals to be better equipped at using the correct terms in their everyday practice, as a step towards a more inclusive healthcare system.