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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e76740, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556396


Objetivo: analisar o cenário de vacinação contra Covid-19 na população privada de liberdade em um estado do Nordeste brasileiro. Método: estudo do tipo observacional e ecológico, com os dados extraídos do Sistema de informações penitenciário brasileiro e dos boletins publicados pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, referentes a outubro de 2021 a junho de 2022, submetidos à análise estatística descritiva, por meio de frequências absolutas e relativas. Resultados: verificou-se que, entre 4.345 pessoas privadas de liberdade com a primeira dose de vacinação contra Covid-19, apenas 573 possuíam a segnda dose e nenhuma a terceira dose. Conclusão: evidenciou-se que, apesar da vacinação ser um benefício, ainda é um grande desafio para ser implementada para a população privada de liberdade, visto que, mesmo sendo considerados grupos prioritários, o acesso a esse direito foi prejudicado para esses indivíduos.

Objective: to analyze the Covid-19 vaccination scenario in the population deprived of liberty in a state in the Brazilian Northeast. Method: observational and ecological study, with data extracted from the Brazilian Penitentiary Information System and the bulletins published by the National Council of Justice, referring to October 2021 to June 2022, submitted to descriptive statistical analysis, using absolute and relative frequencies. Results: it was found that of the 4,345 people deprived of their liberty who had received the first dose of Covid-19 vaccination, only 573 had received the second dose and none had received the third dose. Conclusion: it was evident that, although vaccination is a benefit, it is still a major challenge to implement it for the population deprived of their liberty, since even though they are considered priority groups, access to this right has been hampered for these individuals.

Objetivo: analizar el escenario de vacunación contra el Covid-19 en la población privada de libertad en un estado del Nordeste brasileño. Método: estudio observacional y ecológico, con datos extraídos del Sistema de Información Penitenciaria de Brasil y boletines publicados por el Consejo Nacional de Justicia, correspondientes al periodo entre octubre de 2021 y junio de 2022, sometidos a análisis estadístico descriptivo, utilizando frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: se encontró que, de las 4.345 personas privadas de libertad con la primera dosis de la vacuna contra el Covid-19, solo 573 contaban con la segunda dosis y ninguna tenía la tercera dosis. Conclusión: se observó que, pese a que la vacunación es un beneficio, sigue siendo un gran desafío implementarla para la población privada de libertad, ya que, si bien se los consideran grupos prioritarios, el acceso a este derecho se vio afectado para estos individuos.

Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556624


La pandemia de COVID-19 demostró que las políticas públicas relacionadas con la propiedad intelectual y el derecho de la competencia no fueron adecuadas o suficientemente articuladas para permitir el acceso oportuno de la población a las vacunas de manera equitativa, debido a distorsiones en su fabricación, distribución y venta cuando éstas estuvieron disponibles durante la pandemia. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar, desde una perspectiva jurídica, si los problemas observados se originan en una inadecuada aplicación de la legislación que regula la propiedad intelectual y su relación con otras políticas públicas vinculadas a la competencia, o, eventualmente, en el ejercicio abusivo de tales derechos, y que, como consecuencia, distorsionaría el proceso de competencia en los mercados nacionales y regionales.

The COVID 19 pandemic demonstrated that public policies related to intellectual property and competition law were not adequate or sufficiently articulated to allow timely access to vaccines in an equitable manner, due to distortions in the manufacture, distribution, and sale of COVID-19 vaccines when they were available during the pandemic. This research aims to analyze, from a legal perspective, whether the observed problems originate in an inadequate application of intellectual property legislation and its relationship with other public policies related to competition, or, eventually, in the abusive exercise of such rights, which, as a consequence, would distort the process of competition in national and regional markets.

A pandemia de COVID 19 demostrou que as políticas públicas relacionadas com a propriedade intelectual e o direito de competência não foram adequados ou suficientemente articulados para permitir o acesso oportuno da população às vacinas de maneira equitativa, devido a distorções na fabricação, distribuição e venda de vacinas COVID-19, quando estavam disponíveis durante a pandemia. Esta investigação tem como objetivo analizar, desde uma perspectiva jurídica, se os problemas observados se originam em uma inadequada aplicação da legislação que regula a propriedade intelectual e sua relação com outras políticas públicas vinculadas à competência ou, eventualmente, no exercício abusivo de tais direitos, e que, como consequência, distorceria o processo de competência nos mercados nacionais e regionais.

Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 19(1)jun. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569560


El Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social inició con el plan de vacunación contra el SARS COV 2, priorizando en la primera etapa a los grupos de mayor vulnerabilidad, quienes correspondían entre otros al personal de salud; en ese sentido el Programa Ampliado de Inmunizaciones (PAI) ha iniciado con el proceso de selección y capacitación de los personales de enfermería en los lineamientos técnicos y operativos del plan de vacunación, sistema de información y de vigilancia de eventos supuestamente atribuidos a la vacunación e inmunización. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de reacciones adversas de las vacunas contra el COVID 19 (CoronaVac®, Astrazeneca® y Covaxin®) en personal de salud de los sectores públicos y privados de la XIV Región Sanitaria Canindeyú. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo de corte transversal. Resultados: Entre los efectos leves de mayor frecuencia fueron el dolor en el sitio de aplicación, siendo para la vacuna Covaxin® en un 63.6% y para la vacuna Astrazeneca® 62.8%. Con relación a los efectos generales la dispepsia fue la reacción más observada (86.6% para la vacuna Covaxin® y 83.3% para vacuna CoronaVac®), y falta de energía y motivación (vacuna Astrazeneca® con un 34.9%). Discusión: el estudio muestra claramente que existen diferencias en la observación de efectos leves provocados por diferentes vacunas. En esta oportunidad se han observado tres vacunas, resaltando que estos efectos leves son comunes, frecuentes y generalmente temporales en las vacunas.

The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare began the vaccination plan against SARS COV 2, prioritizing in the first stage the most vulnerable groups, which corresponded, among others, to health personnel; In this sense, the Expanded Immunization Program (PAI) has begun the process of selection and training of nursing personnel in the technical and operational guidelines of the vaccination plan, information system and surveillance of events supposedly attributed to vaccination and immunization. Objective: Determine the incidence of adverse reactions to COVID 19 vaccines (CoronaVac®, Astrazeneca® and Covaxin®) in health personnel from the public and private sectors of the XIV Canindeyú Health Region. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study. Results: Among the most frequent mild effects were pain at the application site, being 63.6% for the Covaxin® vaccine and 62.8% for the Astrazeneca® vaccine. In relation to the general effects, dyspepsia was the most observed reaction (86.6% for the Covaxin® vaccine and 83.3% for the CoronaVac® vaccine), and lack of energy and motivation (Astrazeneca® vaccine with 34.9%). Discussion: The study clearly shows that there are differences in the observation of mild effects caused by different vaccines. On this occasion, three vaccines have been observed, highlighting that these mild effects are common, frequent and generally temporary in vaccines.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-6, maio. 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1570682


Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores associados à adesão à vacina contra hepatite B em gestantes expostas à sífilis. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa analítica, com abordagem quantitativa, realizada em uma capital do nordeste brasileiro. Participaram gestantes com diagnóstico de sífilis. Utilizou-se um instrumento previamente validado para coleta de dados. A pesquisa atendeu os aspectos éticos. Resultados: Do total de 73 participantes, 43,8% estavam no primeiro trimestre, 53,4% com faixa etária de 26 a 38 anos, 80,8% casadas ou em união estável, 57,5% com menos de 12 anos de estudos, 94,5% não brancas, 61,7% sem renda. À adesão à vacina contra hepatite B foi verificada em 57 gestantes (78%). E teve associação com escolaridade (p= 0,057) e ter um trabalho remunerado (p= 0,028). Conclusão: À adesão à vacinação contra Hepatite B foi elevada quando comparada com populações chaves, contudo abaixo da meta proposta pelo ministério da saúde. Gestantes mais esclarecidas e que tinha alguma remuneração iniciaram o prénatal no primeiro trimestre e tiveram maior adesão a vacina. Recomenda-se aproveitar oportunidades para atualização do cartão vacinal. (AU)

Objective: To evaluate the factors associated with adherence to the hepatitis B vaccine in pregnant women exposed to syphilis. Methods: This is analytical research, with a quantitative approach, carried out in a capital city in northeastern Brazil. Pregnant women diagnosed with syphilis participated. A previously validated instrument was used for data collection. The research met the ethical aspects. Results: Of the total of 73 participants, 43.8% were in the first trimester, 53.4% were aged between 26 and 38 years, 80.8% were married or in a stable relationship, 57.5% had less than 12 years of schooling, 94.5% non-white, 61.7% without income. Adherence to the hepatitis B vaccine was verified in 57 pregnant women (78%). And it was associated with schooling (p=0.057) and having a paid job (p=0.028). Conclusion: Hepatitis B vaccination adherence was high when compared to key populations, but below the target proposed by the Ministry of Health. More informed pregnant women who had some remuneration started prenatal care in the first trimester and had greater adherence to the vaccine. It is recommended to take advantage of opportunities to update the vaccination card. (AU)

Objetivo: Evaluar los factores asociados a la adherencia a la vacuna contra la hepatitis B en gestantes expuestas a sífilis. Métodos: Se trata de una investigación analítica, con enfoque cuantitativo, realizada en una ciudad capital del noreste de Brasil. Participaron mujeres embarazadas con diagnóstico de sífilis. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó un instrumento previamente validado. La investigación cumplió con los aspectos éticos. Resultados: Del total de 73 participantes, el 43,8 % se encontraba en el primer trimestre, el 53,4 % tenía entre 26 y 38 años, el 80,8 % estaba casado o en relación estable, el 57,5 % tenía menos de 12 años de escolaridad, el 94,5 % no -blanco, 61,7% sin ingresos. Se verificó la adherencia a la vacuna contra la hepatitis B en 57 gestantes (78%). Y se asoció con la escolaridad (p=0,057) y tener trabajo remunerado (p=0,028). Conclusión: La adherencia a la vacunación contra la Hepatitis B fue alta en comparación con las poblaciones clave, pero por debajo de la meta propuesta por el Ministerio de Salud. Las gestantes más informadas y con algún ingreso económico iniciaron el control prenatal en el primer trimestre y tuvieron mayor adherencia a la vacuna. Se recomienda aprovechar las oportunidades para actualizar el carné de vacunación. (AU)

Vacunas contra Hepatitis B , Sífilis , Mujeres Embarazadas
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 325-330, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552680


Neste artigo de opinião, apresento uma breve história do desenvolvimento de vacinas, comentando sobre as formas clássicas de produção de vacinas utilizando o próprio agente infeccioso. Em seguida, abordo as vacinas virais, discutindo seus benefícios e dificuldades e a questão dos sorotipos virais, bem como as vacinas bacterianas e seu relativo sucesso. Apresento nossos estudos sobre doença cardíaca reumática e o desenvolvimento de uma vacina contra infecções estreptocócicas. Também discuto plataformas vacinais, especialmente os sucessos alcançados com vacinas de vetores virais não replicantes e, acima de tudo, o grande êxito das vacinas de RNA mensageiro (mRNA). As vacinas de mRNA tornaram-se possíveis somente após os avanços obtidos com a substituição de nucleotídeos que reduziam a ação da imunidade inata. Serão todas as vacinas desenvolvidas a partir de mRNA no futuro? Em seguida, abordo a questão das vias de administração de vacinas, seja por via subcutânea, intradérmica, intramuscular ou nasal. Exponho dados do meu laboratório sobre o desenvolvimento de uma vacina de instilação nasal que induziu uma resposta de proteção da mucosa, prevenindo a infecção e, consequentemente, a transmissão do SARS-CoV-2. Posteriormente, discuto quais vacinas futuras poderiam ser desenvolvidas para além das doenças infecciosas agudas. Por fim, discuto as vantagens do desenvolvimento de vacinas seguras, eficazes e de uso múltiplo, bem como a forma de torná-las acessíveis à população mundial, promovendo a equidade em saúde.

In this opinion article, I provide a brief history of vaccine development, commenting on the classic ways of producing vaccines using the infectious agent itself. I address viral vaccines, discussing their benefits and challenges and the issue of viral serotypes, as well as bacterial vaccines and their relative success. I present our studies on rheumatic heart disease and the development of a vaccine against streptococcal infection. I also discuss vaccine platforms, highlighting the success achieved with non-replicating viral vector-based vaccines and, especially, with messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. mRNA vaccines only became possible after the advances provided by the replacement of nucleotides that reduced the action of the innate immune system. Will all vaccines be made from mRNA in the future? Then, I address the issue of vaccine administration routes, whether subcutaneously, intradermally, intramuscularly, or intranasal. I present data from my laboratory on the development of an intranasal vaccine that induced a protective mucosal response, preventing infection and, consequently, the transmission of SARSCoV- 2. I discuss which future vaccines could be developed beyond acute infectious diseases. Finally, I discuss the advantages of developing safe, effective, multiple-use vaccines and how to make them accessible worldwide by promoting health equity.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XXI
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública ; 48(1): 268-278, 20240426.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555837


O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar a experiência do desenvolvimento de uma proposta de educação continuada executada pela equipe de enfermagem com agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS), considerando como foco a vacinação infantil. Trata-se de um relato de experiência elaborado e vivenciado por enfermeiro e acadêmico de enfermagem em novembro de 2019, com a participação de duas equipes pertencentes a uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do município de Arapiraca (AL). Através da metodologia de ensino da problematização por meio do Arco de Maguerez, foram realizadas oficinas e ações educativas para os ACS, a partir das necessidades relatadas por esses profissionais em relação à vacinação infantil. Tais atividades proporcionaram maior aproximação com a realidade vivenciada por quem ocupa a posição de educador e incentivador do cuidado da saúde durante a visita domiciliar. Além disso, enfatizaram a importância do enfermeiro enquanto responsável pela educação continuada da equipe. Verificou-se ainda que o diálogo aberto e horizontal, de modo empático, proporcionou a construção de uma ferramenta eficaz, de fácil manuseio e de baixo custo, que gerou uma melhor memorização e segurança não somente para os ACS nas visitas domiciliares, mas também nas atividades de outros profissionais atuantes no campo da promoção da saúde infantil.

This study reports the experience of developing an educational product based on continued education carried out by a nursing team with community health agents (CHA) considering childhood vaccination as the focus. This is an experience report that was prepared and experienced by a nurse and nursing student in November 2019, with the participation of two teams belonging to a basic health unit in the municipality of Arapiraca, Alagoas, Brazil. Using the problematization teaching methodology by Arco de Marguerez, workshops and educational actions were carried out for the CHA based on the needs they reported regarding childhood vaccination, which provided a greater approximation with the reality experienced by those in the position of educators and encouragers of health care during home visits. Furthermore, it emphasized the importance of nurses as responsible for the team's continuing education. It was also verified that open and horizontal dialogue empathetically provided the construction of an effective, easy to use, low cost tool, bringing better memorization and safety not only for community agents during home visits but also in activities from other professionals working in the field of child health promotion.

El objetivo de este estudio fue reportar la experiencia de desarrollo de una propuesta de educación continua realizada por el equipo de enfermería con agentes comunitarios de salud (ACS), considerando como enfoque la vacunación infantil. Este es un reporte de experiencia elaborado y vivido por un enfermero y un estudiante de enfermería en noviembre de 2019, con la participación de dos equipos de una unidad básica de salud de la ciudad de Arapiraca, Brasil. Utilizando la metodología de enseñanza de problematización del Arco de Maguerez, se realizaron talleres y acciones educativas para ACS a partir de las necesidades reportadas por estos profesionales con relación a la vacunación infantil. Estas actividades proporcionaron una mayor aproximación a la realidad vivida por quienes ocupan la posición de educador y motivador del cuidado de la salud durante la visita domiciliaria. Además, destacaron la importancia del enfermero como responsable de la formación continua del equipo. También se constató que el diálogo abierto y horizontal, de manera empática, propició la construcción de una herramienta efectiva, fácil de usar y de bajo costo, que generó una mejor memorización y seguridad no solo para los ACS durante las visitas domiciliarias, sino también en las actividades de otros profesionales que trabajan en el campo de la promoción de la salud infantil.

Humanos , Niño , Programas de Inmunización
Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 35(1): 11-16, ene.-mar. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1566310


Objetivos: estudiar los efectos secundarios y el riesgo de exacerbación de la en-fermedad después de la vacunación COVID-19 en una muestra de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES). Materiales y métodos: estudio retrospectivo que investigó 101 pacientes con LES. Se determinó la actividad de la enfermedad mediante el Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) antes y después de dos dosis de la vacuna contra el SARS-COv-2. Se registraron los efectos secundarios después de la vacunación. Resultados: los pacientes que recibieron dos dosis de la misma vacuna fue-ron el 10,3% para CoronaVAc, el 42,2% para Pfizer y el 47,3% para AstraZeneca. Se detectaron efectos secundarios en el 76,2% y la mayoría fue leve/moderado. Los más frecuentes fueron: dolor local (62,3%), cefalea (36,6%) y fatiga (34,6%). El cambio en la mediana del SLEDAI antes de la primera dosis y después de la segunda no fue estadísticamente significativo (p=0,68). Solo el 4,1% de los individuos aumentó el SLEDAI ≥ de 3 puntos. Conclusiones: la vacunación contra la COVID-19 fue bien tolerada y segura en pacientes con LES.

Objectives: to study the side effects and the risk of disease flare after COVID-19 vaccination in Brazilian patients with Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE). Materials and methods: this retrospective study investigated a sample of 101 SLE patients for disease activity through the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) prior to and after two vaccine doses against SARS-COv-2. Side effects after vaccination were recorded. Results: in this sample, patients receiving two doses of the same vaccine were 10.3% for CoronaVAc; 42.2% for Pfizer, and 47.3% for AstraZeneca. Side effects were detected in 76.2% of them, and most of them were mild and moderate; the most common were local pain (62.3%), headache (36.6%), and fatigue (34.6%). The SLEDAI prior to the first dose and after the second dose did not change significantly (p=0.68). Only 4.1% of individuals had increased in SLEDAI ≥than 3 points. Conclusions: vaccination against COVID-19 was well tolerated and safe in SLE patients

Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 66-74, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567620


Background and Objectives: Since its appearance in 2019, multiple risk factors have been identified for presenting a severe form of COVID-19 and different vaccines have also been developed to prevent severe manifestations. However, despite a vaccination history, some cases progress to complications or even death. The objective of this study was to determine the strength of the association between the severity of COVID-19 and the history of vaccination in patients treated at a public reference hospital in Mexico City. Methods: This was a non-experimental, retrospective, and analytical epidemiological study of cases and controls. The study population was people treated at a concentration hospital for COVID-19 care between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022, in Mexico City. Results: 132 participants (44 cases and 88 controls) were included in the study. The risk factors most strongly associated with COVID-19 severity were age greater than or equal to 60 years, presenting 22 breaths per minute at the first medical evaluation, systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 millimeters of mercury, and a history of at least one chronic comorbidity. However, vaccination history was associated with 94% (OR 0.06) lower odds of developing severe COVID-19 compared to those without a history of vaccination, regardless of the presence of associated risk factors. Conclusion: Lacking a history of vaccination and presenting any of the identified risk factors confer higher odds of developing severe forms of the disease.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: Desde o seu aparecimento em 2019, foram identificados múltiplos fatores de risco para a apresentação de uma forma grave de COVID-19 e foram desenvolvidas diferentes vacinas para prevenir o aparecimento de manifestações graves. No entanto, apesar de um histórico de vacinação, alguns casos podem evoluir para complicações ou mesmo para a morte. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a força de associação entre a gravidade da COVID-19 e o histórico de vacinação em pacientes atendidos em um hospital público de referência na Cidade do México. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico não-experimental, retrospectivo e analítico, de casos e controles. A população do estudo foram indivíduos atendidos em um hospital de concentração para atendimento à COVID-19 entre 1 de julho de 2021 e 30 de junho de 2022, na Cidade do México. Resultados: 132 participantes (44 casos e 88 controles) foram incluídos no estudo. Os fatores de risco mais fortemente associados à gravidade da COVID-19 foram idade superior ou igual a 60 anos, apresentar 22 respirações por minuto na primeira avaliação médica, pressão arterial sistólica superior ou igual a 140 milímetros de mercúrio e histórico de pelo menos uma comorbidade crônica. No entanto, histórico de vacinação foi associado a uma probabilidade 94% (OR 0,06) menor de desenvolver COVID-19 grave em comparação com aqueles sem histórico de vacinação, independentemente da presença de fatores de risco associados. Conclusão: A ausência de histórico de vacinação e a presença de algum dos fatores de risco identificados conferem maiores probabilidades de desenvolver formas graves da doença.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivos: Desde su aparición en 2019, se han identificado múltiples factores de riesgo para presentar una forma grave de COVID-19 y también se han desarrollado distintas vacunas que previenen la aparición de manifestaciones de gravedad. Sin embargo, a pesar del antecedente de vacunación, algunos casos se complican o incluso fallecen. El objetivo del este estudio fue determinar la fuerza de asociación entre la gravedad de la COVID-19 con el antecedente de vacunación en pacientes atendidos en un hospital público de referencia de la Ciudad de México. Métodos: Estudio epidemiológico no experimental, retrospectivo y analítico, de casos y controles. La población de estudio fueron personas atendidas en un hospital de concentración para la atención de COVID-19 entre el 1 de julio de 2021 y el 30 de junio de 2022 en la Ciudad de México. Resultados: 132 participantes (44 casos y 88 controles) fueron incluidos en el estudio. Los factores de riesgo más fuertemente asociados con la gravedad de la COVID-19 fueron la edad mayor o igual a 60 años, presentar 22 respiraciones por minuto en la primera valoración médica, tensión arterial sistólica mayor o igual a 140 milímetros de mercurio y el antecedente de al menos una comorbilidad crónica. No obstante, el antecedente de vacunación se asoció con 94% (RM 0.06) menos posibilidades de desarrollar COVID-19 grave con respecto a aquellos sin antecedente vacunal, independientemente de la presencia de los factores de riesgo asociados. Conclusión: carecer del antecedente de vacunación y presentar alguno de los factores de riesgo identificados confieren las mayores posibilidades de presentar formas graves de la enfermedad.(AU)

Salud Pública , Vacunación Masiva , Vacunación , Gravedad del Paciente , Vacunas contra la COVID-19 , COVID-19/complicaciones
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(1): 73-84, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565135


RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar aspectos críticos de la Cadena de Frío en el Perú Metodología: Estudio descriptivo. Se analizaron datos del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) y del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) de los años 2020-2021, así como los registros administrativos de las Estrategias Sanitarias Regionales de inmunizaciones del MINSA en 2020. Se consideraron aspectos técnicos de la Norma Técnica de Manejo de cadena de frío, como es obsolescencia, dotación, funcionalidad y capacidad de almacenamiento. Resultados: En el año 2020, en términos de obsolescencia el 61.8% de los equipos de cadena de frío a nivel nacional presentaban obsolescencia, siendo regiones claves como Lima Metropolitana (capital del país) la más afectada con un 88%. En cuanto a la dotación de equipos, el 9% de los establecimientos de salud del primer nivel carecen de equipos de refrigeración, siendo Loreto la región con mayor déficit 46%, seguida de Huancavelica con un 21% de brecha. En términos de funcionamiento, se registra que el 84% de los equipos a nivel nacional funcionan, y el 16% reportan fallas técnicas, lo cual representa alto riesgo en la seguridad y potencia inmunogénica de las vacunas a prever. En términos de capacidad, al considerar el almacenamiento trimestral o mensual para las vacunas contra la COVID-19 u otras emergencias sanitarias se identificaron brechas significativas. Conclusiones: Existen riesgos en la operatividad, suministro y capacidad de almacenamiento de las vacunas del esquema nacional de inmunizaciones de Perú incluso ante emergencias sanitarias.

ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to identify critical aspects of the Cold Chain in the immunization process in Peru. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted, analyzing data from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Ministry of Health (MINSA) for the years 2020-2021, as well as administrative records from the MINSA's Regional Health Strategies for immunizations in 2020. Technical aspects established in the Health Technical Standard for Cold Chain Management, such as obsolescence, allocation, functionality, and storage capacity were taken into account. Results: In the year 2020, at the national level, 61.8% of the cold chain equipment showed obsolescence, with some regions exceeding 75%, with Lima's metropolitan region being the most affected at 88%. Concerning equipment allocation, 9% of the first-level health facilities lacked refrigeration equipment, with Loreto having the highest deficit (46%), followed by Huancavelica with a 21% gap. The overall equipment functionality nationwide was 84%, meaning that 16% of health facilities experienced technical failures, affecting vaccine's storage capacity and posing risks to their safety and immunogenicity. Significant gaps were identified when considering quarterly or monthly storage for COVID-19 vaccines or other health emergencies. Conclusions: This study highlights potential risks in the operability and storage capacity of the national immunization program's vaccines in Peru during contingencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic or other health emergencies.

Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 35(1): 11-16, ene. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565227


Abstract Objectives: to study the side effects and the risk of disease flare after COVID-19 vaccination in Brazilian patients with Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE). Materials and methods: this retrospective study investigated a sample of 101 SLE patients for disease activity through the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) prior to and after two vaccine doses against SARS-COv-2. Side effects after vaccination were recorded. Results: in this sample, patients receiving two doses of the same vaccine were 10.3% for CoronaVAc; 42.2% for Pfizer, and 47.3% for Astra-Zeneca. Side effects were detected in 76.2% of them, and most of them were mild and moderate; the most common were local pain (62.3%), headache (36.6%), and fatigue (34.6%). The SLEDAI prior to the first dose and after the second dose did not change significantly (p=0.68). Only 4.1% of individuals had increased in SLEDAI ≥than 3 points. Conclusions: vaccination against COVID-19 was well tolerated and safe in SLE patients.

Resumen Objetivos: estudiar los efectos secundarios y el riesgo de exacerbación de la enfermedad después de la vacunación COVID-19 en una muestra de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES). Materiales y métodos: estudio retrospectivo que investigó 101 pacientes con LES. Se determinó la actividad de la enfermedad mediante el Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) antes y después de dos dosis de la vacuna contra el SARS-COv-2. Se registraron los efectos secundarios después de la vacunación. Resultados: los pacientes que recibieron dos dosis de la misma vacuna fueron el 10,3% para CoronaVAc, el 42,2% para Pfizer y el 47,3% para AstraZeneca. Se detectaron efectos secundarios en el 76,2% y la mayoría fue leve/moderado. Los más frecuentes fueron: dolor local (62,3%), cefalea (36,6%) y fatiga (34,6%). El cambio en la mediana del SLEDAI antes de la primera dosis y después de la segunda no fue estadísticamente significativo (p=0,68). Solo el 4,1% de los individuos aumentó el SLEDAI ≥ de 3 puntos. Conclusiones: la vacunación contra la COVID-19 fue bien tolerada y segura en pacientes con LES.

Rev. am. med. respir ; 24(1): 4-21, ene. 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569593


RESUMEN Los adultos fumadores, con comorbilidades, y los ancianos tienen mayor riesgo de contraer infecciones pulmonares y de tener peor evolución. La neumonía adquirida en la comunidad debida a virus, neumococo, además de otras bacterias y microorga nismos "atípicos" afecta tanto a adultos sanos como enfermos. La vacuna antigripal se diseña el verano anterior orientada a las cepas esperadas para la temporada siguiente. Su eficacia depende fundamentalmente de la variante viral que finalmente sea la responsable del brote. La vacuna anti-neumocócica polisacárida existe desde 1983 y será inexorablemente reemplazada por vacunas conjugadas de mayor eficacia, que previenen la infección por los serotipos presentes en la vacuna. La inmunización contra SARS-CoV-2 aceleró la reducción del contagio y la gravedad de COVID-19 notablemente. La vacuna acelular para Bordetella pertussis no está en el calendario de adultos, aun cuando vacunarlos fortalece el control del contagio infantil. La vacunas doble bacteriana (difteria y tétanos), y triple (doble + pertusis), y contra sarampión, varicela, rubeola, HPV, Haemophylus influenzae, meningococo, herpes zóster, fiebre hemorrágica argentina y fiebre amarilla están disponibles, pero son de uso limitado. Nuevas vacunas, como la recientemente aprobada por los CDC contra el virus sincicial respiratorio, pronto estarán disponibles.

ABSTRACT Adult smokers, subjects with comorbidities, and the elderly are at higher risk of pulmo nary infections and worse outcomes. Community-acquired pneumonia due to viruses, pneumococcus, other bacteria, and "atypical" microorganisms affects healthy and sick adults. The flu vaccine is designed the previous summer for the strains expected for the following season. Its effectiveness depends fundamentally on the viral variant ultimately responsible for the outbreak. The anti-pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine has been available since 1983 and it is expected to be replaced by conjugate vaccines which are more effective in preventing infection due to serotypes present in the vaccine. Immuniza tion against SARS-CoV-2 diminished contagion and severity of COVID-19 remarkably. The acellular vaccine for Bordetella pertussis is not on the schedule for all adults, even when vaccinating them strengthens the control of contagion in children. Double bacterial (diphtheria and tetanus), triple (double + pertussis), measles, varicella, rubella, HPV, Haemophilus influenzae, meningococcal, herpes zoster, Argentine hemorrhagic fever, and yellow fever vaccines are available, but their use is limited. New vaccines such as the one recently approved by the CDC against respiratory syncytial virus will soon be available.

Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 94-106, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531520


La infección por el virus SARS-CoV-2, conocida como COVID-19, ha causado alta morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. Después de haber descifrado el código genético del virus y haber desarrollado un gran trabajo investigativo en la creación de vacunas, con diversas estrategias de acción, se ha logrado disminuir la morbi mortalidad. Fue necesario acelerar el proceso de producción de vacunas, lo cual estuvo facilitado por el avanzado conocimiento científico en el campo de la genética y la virología, para brindar a la especie humana una protección eficaz y segura contra la agresiva y progresiva infección. Las vacunas se clasifican de acuerdo con su mecanismo de acción, existen vacunas basadas en vectores virales que no se replican, vacunas recombinantes, otras basadas en virus atenuados y virus inactivos, y (la gran novedad de la ciencia actual) las vacunas basadas en ARN mensajero y ADN. Estas últimas han demostrado una gran eficacia y seguridad en la prevención de la infección por el SARS-CoV-2, también han impactado de manera fuerte, por lo que han reducido la infección y la mortalidad en la población. En consecuencia, cada día que pasa desde que se inició el periodo de vacunación mundial, se evidencia una reducción en la curva de contagio y mortalidad por COVID-19.

The infection produced by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, known as COVID-19, has caused high morbidity and mortality across the world. After having deciphered the virus's genoma and carried out investigative endeavors that led to the creation of a variety of vaccines with different mechanisms of action, it has been possible to decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with the virus. It was necessary to accelerate the vaccine production process, which was facilitated by advanced scientific knowledge within the disciplines of genetics and virology, in order to provide the human species with a safe and effective form of protection against the aggressive and progressive infection. Vaccines are classified differently depending on their action mechanisms: there are some based on non-replicating viral vectors, recombinant vaccines, ones that are based on attenuated or inactivated viruses, and (the greatest novelty of current scientific developments) vaccines based on DNA and messenger RNA. The latter has demonstrated significant efficacy and safety in the prevention of the SARS-CoV-2 infection as observed in preliminary studies, and they have meaningfully impacted the population by reducing the rates of infection and mortality. As a result, decreased levels of spread of and mortality from COVID-19 have been evidenced across the globe following the beginning of the vaccine distribution period.

A infecção pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, conhecido como COVID-19, tem causado elevada morbidade e mortalidade no mundo. Depois de ter decifrado o código genético do virus e de ter realizado um grande trabalho de investigação na criação de vacinas, com diversas estratégias de ação, a morbilidade e a mortalidade foram reduzidas. Foi necessário acelerar o processo de produção de vacinas, facilitado por conhecimentos científicos avançados no domínio da genética e da virologia, para proporcionar à espécie humana uma proteção eficaz e segura contra a infecção agressiva e progressiva. As vacinas são classificadas de acordo com seu mecanismo de ação, existem vacinas baseadas em vetores virais que não se replicam, vacinas recombinantes, outras baseadas em virus atenuados e vírus inativos, e (a grande novidade da ciência atual) vacinas baseadas em RNA mensageiro e ADN. Estas últimas demonstraram grande eficácia e segurança na prevenção da infecção por SARS-CoV-2, mas também tiveram um forte impacto, razão pela qual reduziram a infecção e a mortalidade na população. Consequentemente, a cada dia que passa desde o início do período global de vacinação, fica evidente uma redução na curva de contágio e mortalidade por COVID-19.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 106-112, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006212


@#CpG oligonucleotide(CpG ODN)is a synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide containing non-methylated CpG,which has broad application prospects in disease prevention and clinical treatment. Among them,B class CpG ODN is widely used in vaccine research because of its strong immune stimulation and some motifs have entered the clinical research stage. At the same time,the problem of bacterial resistance in clinical treatment has become increasingly serious,and the development of bacterial vaccine with B class CpG ODN as adjuvant has become a research hotspot. This paper reviewed the current research status and related progress of the existing B class CpG ODN 1826,2006,2007 and 1668 motifs in bacterial vaccines,with a view to providing a reference for the subsequent development and application of bacterial vaccines.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 589-592, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016916


Objective@#To evaluate the implementation of vaccination certificate verification in Guizhou Province from 2020 to 2022, so as to provide reference for improving the efficiency of vaccination certificate verification and vaccine re inoculation work.@*Methods@#Data was drawn from the 2020-2022 report on the verification of vaccination certificates for children entering daycare and enrollment in various cities and prefectures in Guizhou Province. In July, 2021, Guizhou Province began to implement a new inspection scheme with close cooperation between health and education departments, moving forward the gateway, parents using "Guizhou CDC" WeChat official account for self inspection, and a long term supervision and assessment mechanism. A comparative analysis was conducted on the evaluation of vaccination certificate verification rate, vaccination certificate holding rate, full revaccination rate of the National Immunization Program (NIP) for children and full vaccination rate of the NIP vaccine before(2020) and after(2021 and 2022) the implementation of the new plan. Chi square test was used for statistical analysis.@*Results@#The rate of vaccination certificate verification of children enrolled in kindergarten and primary school in Guizhou Province increased from 99.85% in 2020 to 100% in 2022, the rate of holding certificate increased from 99.55% in 2020 to 99.91% in 2022, the rate of full vaccination NIP vaccines for kindergarten and primary school entry increased from 78.95% in 2020 to 96.59% in 2022, and the rate of full revaccination increased from 42.40% in 2020 to 79.19% in 2022 ( χ 2=2 203.19, 3 651.67, 291 896.31, 103 938.76, P < 0.01 ).@*Conclusions@#From 2020 to 2022, the rates of full vaccination and the full revaccination for NIP vaccine among children entering kindergarten in Guizhou Province have increased year by year. Each region should fully utilize the achievements of immunization planning informatization construction to establish effective inspection work ideas, and ensure that eligible children complete the full vaccination process of the national immunization plan vaccine.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017117


@#Abstract: Heterologous boost COVID-19 vaccination can solved the problem of decreased efficacy caused by single dose of vaccine. Heterologous booster with adenoviral-vectored COVID-19 vaccine (Ad5-nCoV) following primary immunization with inactivated COVID-19 vaccines is a widely-used vaccination strategy in clinic, while different routes of Ad5-nCoV administration exist and pose a question which route could be more optimal. In this study, we comprehensively evaluated and compared the vaccine immunity induced in mice immunized according to three different vaccination regimens: “3×phosphate buffered solution(3× PBS)”, “2×inactivated vaccine + 1×inactivated vaccine (3×INA)”, “2×inactivated vaccine + 1×Ad5-nCoV (intramuscular)[2×INA+Ad5(im)]”and“2×inactivated vaccine + 1×Ad5-nCoV (intranasal)[2×INA+Ad5(in)]”. We found that heterologous booster with Ad5-nCoV, irrespective of the route of administration, induced significantly higher levels of anti-Spike IgG and subclasses (IgG1and IgG2c), Spike-specific T cells, class-switched Spike+ memory B cells (MBCs) than homologous booster with 3rd dose of inactivated COVID-19 vaccine. Of note, compared with the intramuscular given, intranasal given of Ad5-nCoV as a booster dose clearly induced higher levels of serum and bronchoalveolar bavage fluid anti-spike immunoglobulin A, and moreover, induced stronger infiltration of major innate effector cells like neutrophils, natural killer cells and dendritic cells into the lung tissue, which suggested that mucosal vaccine responses are generated upon intranasal booster with Ad5-nCoV. Altogether, our study analyzed the vaccine immunity induced by different COVID-19 vaccines administered using different regimens, which may guide the clinical use of other types of prophylactic vaccines aiming to mount improved vaccine responses.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 12-15, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018868


Vaccination is the most cost-effective means of prevention and control of infectious diseases,and is a prioritized strategy for responding to pandemic diseases.Based on experience related to research and development of vaccines for coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19),we used literature research and expert consultation methods to screen thirty key technologies in nine sub-fields of vaccine technology,which were ranked according to the importance,urgency,innovation and feasibility so as to show where every key technology stood in relation to others in the pineline.The priorities of development of key technologies for vaccines in response to major emerging infectious diseases were recommended to provide reference for related decision-makers in their effort to rationalize research resources and maximize the benefits.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029528


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the major pathogens of acute respiratory infections, becoming a huge global burden. Virus-receptor interactions play a key role in the pathogenesis of RSV infection. The distribution of receptors influences the cellular and the tissue tropism of RSV as well as the viral replication and proliferation in the host. However, the RSV receptors are currently unknown, which is one of the reasons that hinders the development of RSV vaccines and therapeutic drugs. In this study, the existing RSV receptors are reviewed with the hope to provide ideas for the research of RSV vaccines and therapeutic drugs.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 1021-1025, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030797


Hepatitis B vaccination is the most economical and effective way to prevent HBV infection. The advances in molecular biology and genetic engineering have continuously improved the manufacturing process of vaccines, and hepatitis B vaccine has gradually developed from the initial plasma-derived vaccine to the currently used recombinant vaccine. Preventive hepatitis B vaccine has been clinically tested in patients with HBsAg seroclearance to increase the level of anti-HBs, with certain safety and efficacy. As one of the multiple targets for new drugs in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, a therapeutic hepatitis B vaccine based on HBsAg is already in the stages of research and development and clinical trial.

Journal of Modern Urology ; (12): 284-289, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031660


As an emerging cancer treatment modality, immunotherapy has shown promising efficacy in a variety of solid tumors, but it has failed to achieve a breakthrough in the treatment of prostate cancer.This review aims to provide an overview of the current applications of immunotherapy for prostate cancer, including immune-checkpoint inhibitors, cancer vaccines and chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T), briefly describe the mechanisms of various immunotherapy modalities, summarize the results of clinical trials, and discuss the challenges and prospects.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 817-821, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036353


Objective@#To understand the impact of social media usage on the human papilloma virus(HPV) vaccination willingness among college students in Xinjiang, so as to provide a theoretical basis for early prevention of HPVrelated diseases and preventive education.@*Methods@#From March to April 2022, a total of 834 college students were selected from three universities including Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Normal University and Xinjiang Medical University by stratified cluster random sampling method for online and offline surveys. The demographic characteristics, social media usage, risk perception, HPV vaccination willingness were obtained through questionnaires, and the Logistic regression analysis method was used to explore the role of HPV vaccine risk perception between social media use and HPV vaccination willingness of college students.@*Results@#Associations were found between social media use (contact intensity, satisfaction, trust), risk perception (risk perception disorder, risk perception benefit) and HPV vaccination willingness among college students (r=0.37, 0.34, 0.35; 0.25, 0.31, P<0.05). Risk perception benefit had an intermediary effect between social media contact intensity, social media satisfaction, social media trust and HPV vaccination willingness, and the intermediary effects were 0.03 (95%CI=0. 01-0.06), 0.04(95%CI=0.02-0.07), 0.04(95%CI=0.01-0.06),and the proportions of intermediary effect were 18.00%, 26.35%, 23.00%, respectively.Risk perception disorder had an intermediary effect between social media satisfaction and HPV vaccination willingness [0.02 (95%CI=0.00-0.04)], and the intermediary effect accounts for 11.36%.@*Conclusions@#Risk perception benefit is the most important related factors of HPV vaccine willingness, which plays an intermediary effect between social media usage and the willingness to HPV vaccination. HPV publicity and education should be strengthened on social media platforms to promote HPVrelated knowledge and awareness of active prevention of HPV infection among college students.