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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58676, Mar. 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559329


Abstract Introduction: The endoparasite Dendrogaster argentinensis infects the intertidal brooder sea star Anasterias antarctica. This sea-star species is in the highest trophic level in the Beagle Channel. Objective: To study the effects of parasitism by D. argentinensis on the fitness and reproduction of A. antarctica. Methods: Adults from the brooder sea-star were collected from the rocky intertidal of Ensenada Zaratiegui bay (54°51' S & 68°29' W), Argentina. Eight seasonal samplings were performed (four seasons in two years) in the upper and low intertidal. During dissection, parasites were removed, and all organs were extracted and weighed separately. Results: Dendrogaster argentinensis prevalence was the highest for the region (20.4 %). Parasitized individuals were more frequent in the low intertidal in all seasons, with a higher difference in summer, where it is likely that the higher temperatures and strong winds could make the upper intertidal more challenging for a parasitized individual. Five parasitized individuals were castrated. Generally, the gonadal (GI) and somatic (pyloric caeca, PCI; stomach, SI; body wall, WI) indexes were lower in parasitized than non-parasitized individuals. Conclusions: Parasitism by D. argentinensis negatively affects A. antarctica condition. It affects reproduction because it reduces the GI, and can also produce castration. The parasite competes for the sea-stars' energetic resources, also decreasing the individual's capacity for feeding (reduced stomach) and growth (reduced body wall).

Resumen Introducción: El endoparásito Dendrogaster argentinensis infecta a la estrella de mar Anasterias antarctica, especie que se encuentra en el nivel trófico más alto del Canal Beagle. Objetivo: Estudiar los efectos del parasitismo de D. argentinensis en la condición fisiológica y reproducción de A. antarctica. Métodos: Adultos de la estrella de mar incubadora fueron recogidos del intermareal rocoso de la bahía Ensenada Zaratiegui (54°51' S & 68°29' W). Se realizaron ocho muestreos estacionales (cuatro temporadas en dos años) en el intermareal superior y bajo. Durante la disección, se removieron los parásitos, y todos los órganos, los cuales fueron pesados por separado. Resultados: La prevalencia de D. argentinensis fue la más alta de la región (20.4 %). Los individuos parasitados fueron más frecuentes en el intermareal bajo en todas las estaciones, siendo la mayor diferencia en verano, donde es probable que las temperaturas más altas y los fuertes vientos puedan hacer que el intermareal superior sea más desafiante para un individuo parasitado. Se observaron cinco individuos parasitados que estaban castrados. Generalmente, los índices gonadales (GI) y somáticos (ciego pilórico, estómago, y pared del cuerpo) fueron menores en los individuos parasitados que no parasitados. Conclusiones: El parasitismo de D. argentinensis afecta negativamente la condición fisiológica de A. antarctica. Afecta a la reproducción en términos de bajo GI y puede causar castración. El parásito compite por los recursos energéticos de las estrellas de mar, disminuyendo también la capacidad del individuo para alimentarse (reducción del estómago) y crecer (reducción de la pared del cuerpo).

Animales , Parásitos/microbiología , Estrellas de Mar/parasitología
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253451, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345553


Abstract Root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita is among the biotic factors which has greatly affected both the yield and the quality of the tomato crop. The egg parasitic nematode, Purpureocillium lilacinum (Pl) is considered as one of the most promising agents in controlling and overcoming this plant pathogen. The nematicidal effect of the native isolate Pl AUMC 10149 on second stage juvenile's survival and egg hatching of M. incognita at different times of exposure was tested in vitro. The obtained data showed that Pl gave a maximum percentage of J2 mortality (97.6%) and egg hatching inhibition (79.8%) after 72 hours of exposure. The potentiality of Pl as well as Bio-Nematon to control M. incognita infecting tomato was conducted using different times of application in vivo. Nine treatments with five replicates were used for such bioagents compared with the nematicide Oxamyl. Each seedling was inoculated with 1000 J2s of nematode/pot and 10 mL of Pl (1x1010 CFU/mL) or Bio-Nematon spore suspension (1x108 CFU/mL) 10mL/pot. The results indicated that the most effective treatments in reducing nematode population, number of galls and egg masses of M. incognita in plant roots was performed with treatment by Pl pre-planting and post-infection with Pl (Rf 1.9) giving a significant enhancement in plant length (64.9%), fresh weight (72.52%) and shoot dry weight (163.41%) without negatively impacting environment. Therefore, the present study confirmed that using P. lilacinum AUMC 10149 can be used as a practical supplement to environmentally friendly disease management of root-knot nematodes in Egypt.

Resumo O nematoide-das-galhas Meloidogyne incognita está entre os fatores bióticos que afetaram enormemente a produção e a qualidade da cultura do tomate. O nematoide parasita de ovos, Purpureocillium lilacinum (Pl), é considerado um dos mais promissores agentes no controle e superação desse fitopatógeno. O efeito nematicida do isolado nativo Pl AUMC 10149 na sobrevivência de juvenis de segundo estágio e na eclosão dos ovos de M. incognita em diferentes momentos de exposição foi testado in vitro. Os dados obtidos mostraram que o Pl deu um percentual máximo de mortalidade de J2 (97.6%) e inibição da eclosão dos ovos (79.8%) após 72 horas de exposição. A potencialidade de Pl e de Bio-Nematon para controlar M. incognita infectando tomate foi conduzida em diferentes tempos de aplicação in vivo. Nove tratamentos com cinco repetições foram usados ​​para tais bioagentes em comparação com o nematicida Oxamyl. Cada muda foi inoculada com 1.000 J2s de nematoide / vaso e 10 mL de Pl (1×1010 CFU/mL). Ou suspensão de esporos Bio-Nematon (1×108 CFU/mL) 10mL/pot. Os resultados indicaram que os tratamentos mais eficazes na redução da população de nematoides, número de galhas e desovas de M. incognita nas raízes das plantas foram realizados com Pl pré-plantio e pós-infecção com Pl (Rf 1.9), dando um aumento significativo no comprimento da planta (64.9%), massa fresca (72.52%) e massa seca da parte aérea (163.41%) sem impactar negativamente o meio ambiente. Portanto, o presente estudo confirmou que o uso de P. lilacinum AUMC 10149 pode ser usado como um suplemento prático para o manejo ecologicamente correto de nematoides-das-galhas no Egito.

Animales , Tylenchoidea/patogenicidad , Solanum lycopersicum/parasitología , Agentes de Control Biológico , Hypocreales
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e249472, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364512


Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina, is the most common rust disease of wheat. The fungus is an obligate parasite capable of producing infectious urediniospores. To study the genetic structure of the leaf rust population 20 RAPD primers were evaluated on 15 isolates samples collected in Pakistan. A total of 105 RAPD fragments were amplified with an average of 7 fragments per primer. The number of amplified fragments varied from 1 to 12. GL Decamer L-07 and GL Decamer L-01 amplified the highest number of bands (twelve) and primer GL Decamer A-03 amplified the lowest number of bands i.e one. Results showed that almost all investigated isolates were genetically different that confirms high genetic diversity within the leaf rust population. Rust spores can follow the migration pattern in short and long distances to neighbor areas. Results indicated that the greatest variability was revealed by 74.9% of genetic differentiation within leaf rust populations. These results suggested that each population was not completely identical and high gene flow has occurred among the leaf rust population of different areas. The highest differentiation and genetic distance among the Pakistani leaf rust populations were detected between the leaf rust population in NARC isolate (NARC-4) and AARI-11and the highest similarity was observed between NARC isolates (NARC-4) and (NARC-5). The present study showed the leaf rust population in Pakistan is highly dynamic and variable.

A ferrugem da folha, causada por Puccinia triticina, é a ferrugem mais comum do trigo. O fungo é um parasita obrigatório, capaz de produzir urediniósporos infecciosos. Para estudar a estrutura genética da população de ferrugem da folha, 20 primers RAPD foram avaliados em 15 amostras de isolados coletadas no Paquistão. Um total de 105 fragmentos RAPD foram amplificados com uma média de 7 fragmentos por primer. O número de fragmentos amplificados variou de 1 a 12. GL Decamer L-07 e GL Decamer L-01 amplificaram o maior número de bandas (doze), e o primer GL Decamer A-03 amplificou o menor número de bandas, ou seja, um. Os resultados mostraram que quase todos os isolados investigados eram geneticamente diferentes, o que confirma a alta diversidade genética na população de ferrugem da folha. Os esporos de ferrugem podem seguir o padrão de migração em distâncias curtas e longas para áreas vizinhas. Os resultados indicaram que a maior variabilidade foi revelada por 74,9% da diferenciação genética nas populações de ferrugem. Esses resultados sugeriram que cada população não era completamente idêntica e um alto fluxo gênico ocorreu entre a população de ferrugem da folha de diferentes áreas. A maior diferenciação e distância genética entre as populações de ferrugem da folha do Paquistão foram detectadas entre a população de ferrugem da folha no isolado NARC (NARC-4) e AARI-11 e a maior similaridade foi observada entre os isolados NARC (NARC-4) e (NARC-5). O presente estudo mostrou que a população de ferrugem da folha no Paquistão é altamente dinâmica e variável.

Triticum/parasitología , Biomarcadores , Plagas Agrícolas , Hongos/genética , Puccinia/genética
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE002191, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1527574


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a eficácia antimicrobiana de um dispositivo fixo emissor de luz UV-C na desinfecção de diferentes superfícies do ambiente hospitalar e sua eficácia antifúngica na qualidade do ar. Métodos Estudo quase-experimental realizado em uma unidade de internação hospitalar, que utilizou o Bioamostrador de ar Andersen® de seis estágios para análise do ar; e na avaliação das superfícies, utilizaram-se três suspensões de microrganismos (Acinetobacter sp. MDR, Escherichia coli e Klebsiella pneumoniae produtora de KPC) para contaminar o ambiente. Para ambos foram feitas coletas pré (controle) e pós-acionamento da luz UV-C (teste). Resultados Na avaliação do ar houve uma redução importante da contagem de colônias após a luz UV-C e não foram encontrados fungos patogênicos ou toxigênicos em nenhum dos dois momentos. Em relação à desinfecção das superfícies, nenhum crescimento bacteriano foi observado após a intervenção da luz, demonstrando 100% de inativação bacteriana nas condições testadas. Conclusão A utilização da tecnologia com emissão de luz UV-C fixa foi eficaz e pode ser considerada uma intervenção promissora para protocolos de desinfecção de superfícies hospitalares.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la eficacia antimicrobiana de un dispositivo fijo emisor de luz UV-C para la desinfección de diferentes superficies del ambiente hospitalario y su eficacia antifúngica en la calidad del aire. Métodos Estudio cuasi experimental realizado en una unidad de internación hospitalaria, en que se utilizó el biomuestreador de aire Andersen® de seis etapas para el análisis del aire. En el análisis de las superficies, se utilizaron tres suspensiones de microorganismos (Acinetobacter sp. MDR, Escherichia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de KPC) para contaminar el ambiente. En ambos se tomó una muestra antes (control) y después de accionar la luz UV-C (prueba). Resultados En el análisis del aire hubo una reducción importante del recuento de colonias después de la luz UV-C y no se encontraron hongos patógenos ni toxigénicos en ninguno de los dos momentos. Con relación a la desinfección de las superficies, no se observó ningún crecimiento bacteriano después de la intervención de la luz, lo que demuestra un 100 % de inactivación bacteriana en las condiciones analizadas. Conclusión El uso de la tecnología con emisión de luz UV-C fija fue eficaz y puede ser considerada una intervención prometedora para protocolos de desinfección de superficies hospitalarias.

Abstract Objective To evaluate a fixed UV-C light emitting device for its antimicrobial effectiveness in the disinfection of distinct surfaces and its antifungal effectiveness on air quality in the hospital environment. Methods This quasi-experimental study was conducted in a hospital inpatient unit, in which a six-stage air Biosampler (Andersen®) was used for air analysis. In the evaluation of surfaces, three suspensions of microorganisms (Acinetobacter sp. multidrug-resistant, Escherichia coli, and KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae) were used to contaminate the environment. In both evaluations, pre- (control) and post-activation of UV-C light (test) collections were made. Results In the air evaluation, an important reduction was observed in the colony count after irradiation with UV-C light, and pathogenic or toxigenic fungi were not found in either of the two moments. Regarding the disinfection of surfaces, no bacterial growth was observed after the application of UV-C light, showing 100% bacterial inactivation under the tested conditions. Conclusion The use of fixed UV-C light emission technology was effective and can be considered a promising intervention for hospital surface disinfection protocols.

Rayos Ultravioleta , Desinfección/métodos , Control de Infecciones , Aire/parasitología , Microbiología del Aire , Hospitalización , Estudios de Evaluación como Asunto , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados no Aleatorios como Asunto
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1565596


La neurocisticercosis es una de las infecciones parasitarias más frecuentes, originada por la larva de la Taenia solium al invadir el sistema nervioso central. Esta patología es endémica de algunos países de África, y está relacionada con hábitos dietéticos, costumbres, higiene y factores socioeconómicos, con mayor incidencia en pacientes escolares y adolescentes, aunque puede presentarse a cualquier edad. Su clínica es variable, unida a criterios epidemiológicos que hacen indispensable al médico de asistencia realizar examen clínico y estudios imagenológicos. Se presenta el caso clínico de una niña de 10 años de edad procedente de Kuito-Bie, Angola, que acude a consulta de neurología, con pérdida de la visión de aproximadamente seis meses de evolución, disminución de la fuerza muscular, episodios de alucinaciones, lenguaje incoherente y convulsiones tónico-clónicas generalizadas de siete días de evolución. Se solicita, de urgencia, una tomografía axial computarizada de cráneo, donde se confirma neurocisticercosis activa, con epilepsia sintomática en el curso de la misma. Los hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos permiten un diagnóstico oportuno y tratamiento eficaz, lo que determina la evolución clínica de la neurocisticercosis en la infancia, según el estadio clínico y la respuesta inmunológica del huésped(AU)

Neurocysticercosis is one of the most frequent parasitic infections caused by the larva of Taenia solium when invading the central nervous system. This pathology is endemic to some African countries, and is related to dietary habits, customs, hygiene and socioeconomic factors, with a higher incidence in school patients and adolescents, although it can occur at any age. Its clinical symptoms are variable, linked to epidemiological criteria that make it essential for the attending physician to perform a clinical examination and imaging studies It is presented the clinical case of a 10-year-old girl from Kuito-Bie, Angola, who attended the neurology clinic with vision loss of approximately 6 months of evolution, decreased muscle strength, episodes of hallucinations, incoherent speech, and generalized tonic-clonic seizures of 7 days of evolution. An emergency computed axial tomography of the skull was requested, where active neurocysticercosis is confirmed, with symptomatic epilepsy in its course. Clinical and imaging findings allow timely diagnosis and effective treatment, which determines the clinical evolution of neurocysticercosis in childhood, depending on the clinical stage and the host's immune response(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Convulsiones/epidemiología , Epilepsias Mioclónicas/diagnóstico , Neurocisticercosis/epidemiología , Taenia solium/parasitología
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e250931, 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360206


The red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, 1964 (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae), an insect pest originating in Australia and which feeds only on Eucalyptus L'Hér. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae) plants, has spread to several countries. The populations of this insect commonly reach high populations on Eucalyptus plants since its entry into Brazil, and also indicated an unrecorded behavioral. The objectives of this study were to describe a peculiar adaptation in the feeding habit of G. brimblecombei and to register the new habit. The oviposition and feeding by G. brimblecombei, commonly, on the leaves of Eucalyptus, started to occur, also, on lignified twigs. This suggests a not yet recorded adaptation of this insect to reduce insect × plant intraspecific competition.

O psilídeo de concha, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, 1964 (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae), um inseto praga originário da Austrália e que se alimenta apenas de plantas de Eucalyptus L'Hér. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), se espalhou por vários países. Esse inseto, geralmente, atinge grandes populações em plantas de Eucalyptus desde sua entrada no Brasil e, também, indicou um comportamento diferente. Os objetivos deste estudo foram descrever uma adaptação peculiar no hábito alimentar de G. brimblecombei e registrar o novo hábito. A oviposição e alimentação por G. brimblecombei, geralmente, nas folhas de Eucalyptus, passaram a ocorrer, também, em ramos lignificados. Isso sugere uma adaptação diferente desse inseto para reduzir a competição intraespecífica inseto × planta.

Animales , Oviposición , Conducta , Eucalyptus/parasitología , Hemípteros/crecimiento & desarrollo
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e252836, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360210


The bioecology and infestation aspects of Neotuerta platensis Berg, 1882 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on plants are poorly known. This insect fed on the leaves of common purslane, Portulaca oleracea L. (Portulacaceae) for two consecutive years, which triggered its study in the following five years in Januária, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The objective of this work was to study the bioecology and infestation aspects of N. platensis on P. oleracea plants in the field and laboratory. The mean duration (± SD) of the egg, larva and pupa stages was 3.6 ± 0.89, 11.5 ± 2.81 and 10.7 ± 1.97 days, respectively. The mean numbers of egg masses and eggs per female (± SD) were 3.8 ± 1.16 and 891.6 ± 116.83, respectively. The percentage of infested plants was 59, 74, 0, 78 and 75% and the mean numbers of larvae per plant (± SD) ranged from 0.7 ± 0.45 to 1.6 ± 0.49 individuals, respectively from 2015 to 2019. Neotuerta platensis larvae infested P. oleracea plants in four out of five years evaluated.

Os aspectos de bioecologia e infestação de Neotuerta platensis Berg, 1882 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em plantas são pouco conhecidos. Esse inseto se alimentou das folhas de beldroega comum, Portulaca oleracea L. (Portulacaceae) por dois anos consecutivos, o que desencadeou seu estudo nos cinco anos seguintes em Januária, Minas Gerais, Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a bioecologia e os aspectos da infestação de N. platensis em plantas de P. oleracea em campo e laboratório. A duração média (± DP) dos estágios de ovo, larva e pupa foi de 3,6 ± 0,89, 11,5 ± 2,81 e 10,7 ± 1,97 dias, respectivamente. Os números médios de posturas e ovos por fêmea (± DP) foram de 3,8 ± 1,16 e 891,6 ± 116,83, respectivamente. A porcentagem de plantas infestadas foi de 59, 74, 0, 78 e 75% e os números médios de larvas por planta (± DP) variaram de 0,7 ± 0,45 a 1,6 ± 0,49 indivíduos, respectivamente de 2015 a 2019. Larvas de N. platensis infestaram plantas de P. oleracea em quatro dos cinco anos avaliados.

Animales , Portulaca/parasitología , Larva , Lepidópteros
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(5): 465-471, oct. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521871


INTRODUCCIÓN: La diarrea aguda continúa siendo una de las principales causas de morbilidad en niños; sin embargo, el diagnóstico etiológico presenta limitaciones dada la baja sensibilidad de los métodos tradicionales. OBJETIVO: Describir los microorganismos identificados en niños que acudieron al Servicio de Urgencia (SU) de un hospital universitario en Santiago, Chile, por diarrea aguda y a los que se le solicitó panel molecular gastrointestinal. MÉTODOS: Se revisaron fichas clínicas y resultados de panel gastrointestinal realizados entre junio de 2017 y marzo de 2020. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 198 pacientes, edad promedio de 54,5 meses y 60,6% (120/198) de sexo masculino. La positividad del panel fue de 78,8% (156/198) con 35,3% (55/156) de las muestras polimicrobianas. Se identificaron 229 microorganismos, de los cuales 72,9% (167/229) corresponden a bacterias, 25,8% (59/229) a virus y 1,3% (3/229) a parásitos. Destacaron Campylobacter spp. y Escherichia coli enteropatógena (ECEP) como las bacterias más frecuentemente identificadas. Los pacientes con detección de Campylobacter spp. presentaron con mayor frecuencia fiebre (p = 0,00). ECEP se aisló principalmente (82,5%) en muestras polimicrobianas. DISCUSIÓN: Los resultados enfatizan el potencial que poseen los estudios moleculares para mejorar el diagnóstico etiológico de la diarrea, pero a la vez llevan a cuestionar el rol patogénico de algunos microorganismos identificados.

BACKGROUND: Acute diarrhea continues to be one of the main causes of morbidity in children, however the etiologica diagnosis presents limitations given the low sensitivity of traditional methods. AIM: To describe the microorganisms identified in children who attended the emergency department (ED) in Santiago, Chile, due to acute diarrhea and to whom a gastrointestinal panel was requested as part of their study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Clinical records and results of the gastrointestinal panel carried out between June 2017 and March 2020 were reviewed. RESULTS: 198 patients were included, the average age was 54.5 months and 60.6% (120/198) were males. Positivity was 78.8% (156/198) with 35.3% (55/156) of the samples being polymicrobial. 229 microorganisms were identified, of which 72.9% (167/229) corresponded to bacteria, 25.8% (59/229) to viruses, and 1.3% (3/229) to parasites. Campylobacter spp. and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) were the most frequently identified bacteria. Patients with detection of Campylobacter spp. presented a higher frequency of fever (p = 0.00). EPEC was isolated in 82.5% of the cases in polymicrobial samples. DISCUSSION: The results emphasize the potential of molecular studies to improve the etiological diagnosis of diarrhea and at the same time lead to question the pathogenic role of some microorganisms.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Diarrea/diagnóstico , Heces/microbiología , Parásitos/aislamiento & purificación , Estaciones del Año , Bacterias/aislamiento & purificación , Virus/aislamiento & purificación , Chile , Estudios Retrospectivos , Diarrea/etiología , Diarrea/epidemiología , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital , Heces/parasitología
Rev. méd. Maule ; 38(1): 71-76, jun. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562384


The biliary pathology, is undoubtedly one of the most frequent surgical pathologies in Chile, statistical data establish the incidence of biliary pathology in over 20 years 30% of women have biliary lithiasis, of these 10% will present some complication as it is coledocolithiasis. On the other hand, hepatic fascioliasis or dystomatosis is a disease caused by hepatic fasciola, or duela, sabuaypé or Distomun hepaticum, corresponds to a flatworm, trematode of the digenea class, with affinity to stay in liver tissue, which when performing the biological cycle of the parasite can be the cause of choledocholithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis, among others. We present a clinical case of chronic intracholedocianfasciolitis diagnosed by ERCP3,4. METHODS: Descriptive observational study, in addition to a systematic review in databases such as Pub-Med/MEDLINE, Elsevier, Cochrane and manually through the Internet in journals and public bodies. This work seeks to collect information from different authors regarding its incidence, management and established treatments. RESULTS: Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined to analyze the characteristics of the selected articles. We present the clinical case of a 47-year-old female patient, with a history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and egg allergy who went to the Emergency Department due to a picture characterized by epigastralgia of 3 days of evolution. During endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP), 2 suggestive images of lyte are seen inside that finally result in 2 apparent live parasites.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Enfermedades del Conducto Colédoco/parasitología , Enfermedades del Conducto Colédoco/diagnóstico por imagen , Endosonografía/métodos , Fascioliasis/diagnóstico por imagen , Colangiopancreatografia Retrógrada Endoscópica/métodos , Enfermedades del Conducto Colédoco/tratamiento farmacológico , Técnicas de Laboratorio Clínico , Fasciola hepatica , Fascioliasis/tratamiento farmacológico
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 30(2): 59-63, abr./jun. 2023. il.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1562864


The present study recorded the consumption of paca and agouti meat and revealed the presence of hydatid cysts in the livers of these rodents in extractivist communities in Brazilian Amazonia. A total of 42 families (with a median four of members per household) were interviewed, of which 98% (n=41) reported the consumption of paca and 86% (n=36) the consumption of agouti. Structures consistent with hydatid cysts were detected more frequently in the liver tissue of the pacas (74% ­ 31 of 42 samples) than the agoutis (26% ­ 11/42). The parasitological analysis of a paca liver confirmed the presence of E. vogeli. The consumption of the meat of these rodents and the confirmation of infection by E. vogeli represent preoccupying risk factors for the inhabitants of these forest communities, given that the uncooked viscera of both rodents are often fed to domestic dogs.

O presente estudo registrou o consumo de carne de paca e cutia e revelou a presença de cistos hidáticos nos fígados desses roedores em comunidades extrativistas da Amazônia brasileira. Foram entrevistadas 42 famílias (mediana quatro membros/família), destas 98% (n=41) informaram o consumo de paca e 86% (n=36) o consumo de cutia. Estruturas compatíveis com cistos hidáticos foram relatadas com maior frequência em fígados de pacas 74% (31/42) do que em cutias 26% (11/42). A análise parasitológica de um fígado de paca confirmou a presença de E. vogeli. O consumo da carne desses roedores e a confirmação da infecção por E. vogeli representam fatores de risco preocupantes para os moradores dessas comunidades florestais, uma vez que as vísceras cruas de ambos os roedores são utilizadas na alimentação de cães domésticos.

Animales , Zoonosis/parasitología , Equinococosis/veterinaria , Cuniculidae/parasitología , Dasyproctidae/parasitología , Caza , Hígado/parasitología , Animales Salvajes/parasitología , Carne/análisis
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(2): 180-193, mar. 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555375


Parasitic habit plants arouse great interest for their extraordinary growth adaptations and produce different secondary metabolites that allow them to survive the extreme conditions in which they develop. This can provide a range of compounds with multiple uses. However, those plants have been poorly explored and there is very little information about their natural compounds, some healing properties attributed to several communities have been scientifically supported. Articles were consulted in databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, Scielo, Science Direct, Scopus) considering the biological activity reported until June 2021. Parasitic plants present mainly antibacterial activity, some species antifungal moderate activity, and to a lesser extent were found reports of antiprotozoal activity. The composition of parasitic plants should continue to be investigated, which could be an alternative to combat various microorganisms that cause diseases, even resistant to traditional medicines.

Las plantas parásitas despiertan gran interés por sus adaptaciones extraordinarias de crecimiento, y producir diversos metabolitos secundarios que les permiten desarrollarse en condiciones extremas, lo que puede brindar un abanico de compuestos con múltiples usos. Sin embargo, estas plantas han sido pobremente exploradas y es muy poca la información que se tiene de sus compuestos naturales, se han soportado científicamente algunas propiedades curativas, atribuidas por diferentes comunidades. Se consultaron artículos en bases de datos (Google Scholar, PubMed, Scielo, Science Direct, Scopus), teniendo en cuenta la actividad biológica reportada hasta agosto de 2019. Las plantas parásitas presentan principalmente actividad antibacteriana, algunas especies con actividad antifúngica moderada, y en menor proporción reportes de actividad antiprotozoaria. Debe continuarse indagando la composición molecular de estas plantas, lo que podría ser una alternativa para combatir diversos microorganismos causantes de enfermedades, incluso aquellos resistentes a los medicamentos tradicionales.

Plantas/parasitología , Interacciones Huésped-Parásitos , Antiinfecciosos/química
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 30(1): 24-28, jan./mar. 2023. il.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1532122


A bovinocultura possui grande importância na economia brasileira, entretanto, enfermidades afetam a produção, ocasionando perdas econômicas, como a miíase. O agente causador da miíase é Cochliomyia hominivorax, mosca-da-bicheira. Os agentes são aptos às regiões tropicais e subtropicais no Brasil, e exibem resistência parasitária aos fármacos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a ocorrência de C. hominivorax em bovinos no estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Foram escolhidas 19 propriedades de bovinos leiteiros e de corte, distribuídas em 11 municípios maranhenses. Foi indagado, por questionário, o manejo, os medicamentos utilizados e o custo de prevenção relacionado à mazela. Os bovinos foram examinados por inspeção, recolhendo-se parcialmente as larvas encontradas na superfície corporal. O número de larvas por bovino, local das lesões, a origem e complicações foram observadas e anotadas. Em seguida, os espécimes coletados foram acondicionados em frascos individuais, por hospedeiro amostrado, contendo álcool a 70°Gay-Lussac (GL). No laboratório as larvas das moscas foram examinadas em estereomicroscópio e identificadas pela sua morfologia. Verificou-se que mais de 60% (12/19) das propriedades possuíam bovinos parasitados. Dentre os 4.509 animais observados, 0,57% (26/4509) estavam parasitados com as larvas de C. hominivorax. Encontraram-se infestações no umbigo (50%), bem como na tábua do pescoço (42%), vulva (4%) e chifre (4%). Conclui-se que houve uma baixa prevalência de miíase causada por C. hominivorax em bovinos no estado do Maranhão, porém a prevenção e cuidados sanitários sempre devem ser adotados pelos pecuaristas.

Cattle breeding has great importance in the Brazilian economy, however, diseases affect production, causing economic losses, such as myiasis. The causative agent of myiasis is Cochliomyia hominivorax, the screwworm fly. The agents are suitable for tropical and subtropical regions in Brazil, and exhibit parasitic drug resistance. The objective of this work was to verify the occurrence of C. hominivorax in cattle in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. In the first stage, 19 dairy and beef cattle properties were chosen, distributed in 11 municipalities in Maranhão. Questionnaires asked about the management, the drugs used and the cost of prevention related to the disease. The cattle were examined by inspection, partially collecting the larvae found on the body surface. The number of larvae per bovine, location of lesions, origin and complications were observed and noted. Then, the collected specimens were placed in individual flasks, per sampled host, containing alcohol at 70°Gay-Lussac (GL). In the second stage, the fly larvae were identified in the laboratory, examined under a stereomicroscope and identified by their morphology and analysis of perithematics plaques and respiratory spiracles. It was found more that 60% (12/19) of the properties had parasitized cattle. Among the 4.509 animals observed, 0.57% (26/4509) were parasitized with the larvae of C. hominivorax. Infestations were found in the navel (50%), as well as in the neck plate (42%), vulva (4%) and horn (4%). It is concluded that there was a low prevalence of myiasis caused by C. hominivorax in cattle in the state of Maranhão, but prevention and health care should always be adopted by livestock farmers.

Animales , Bovinos , Infección por Gusano Barrenador/veterinaria , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/parasitología , Prevalencia , Ganado/parasitología , Carga de Parásitos/veterinaria , Larva/parasitología , Miasis/veterinaria
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 30(1): 29-34, jan./mar. 2023. il.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1532533


O presente estudo teve como objetivo detectar por meio da Reação em cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) a frequência de Ehrlichiacanis, Babesia spp. e Anaplasma platys em cães, relacionando a prevalência dos achados hematológicos aos resultados positivos pela PCR. Foram avaliadas 209 amostras de sangue de cães atendidos em clínica veterinária particular do município de Queimados, RJ, Brasil, no período de julho a outubro de 2014. Foram realizados hemograma completo e extração de DNA para técnica de PCR. Do total de 209 animais, 19,1% (40/209) animais apresentaram resultado positivo para hemoparasitos pela técnica de PCR. Destes, 52,5% (21/40) foram positivos para E. canis, 27,5% (11/40) positivos para Babesia spp. e 10% (4/40) positivos para A. platys. Quatro animais (1,91%), dos 209 testados, foram positivos para pelo menos dois agentes, caracterizando assim coinfecção. Dos 40 cães positivos para algum dos agentes testados, 25 (62,5%) estavam trombocitopênicos. Ou seja, 15 cães (37,5%) reagiram positivos para hemoparasitos, mas não apresentavam trombocitopenia. A anemia foi um achado comum, sobretudo nas infecções por Babesia spp., 100% (11/11) e E.canis, 90,5% (19/21). A técnica de PCR foi um importante método diferencial na detecção das principais hemoparasitoses caninas, juntamente com os achados clínicos e hematológicos para o diagnóstico preciso da infecção em questão.

The present study aimed to detect, by means of Polimerase chain reaction (PCR), the frequency of Ehrlichia canis, Babesia spp. and Anaplasma platys in dogs, relating the prevalence of hematological findings to positive PCR results. A total of 209 blood samples from dogs treated at a private veterinary clinic in the city of Queimados, RJ, Brazil, from July to October 2014 were evaluated. Complete blood count and DNA extraction were performed for the PCR technique. Of the total of 209 animals, 19.1% (40/209) animals were positive for hemoparasites by the PCR technique. Of these, 52.5% (21/40) were positive for E. canis, 27.5% (11/40) were positive for Babesia spp. and 10% (4/40) positive for A. platys. Four animals (1.91%) of the 209 tested were positive for at least two agents, thus characterizing coinfection. Of the 40 dogs positive for any of the agents tested, 25 (62.5%) were thrombocytopenic. That is, 15 dogs (37.5%) were positive for hemoparasites, but did not have thrombocytopenia. Anemia was a common finding, especially in infections by Babesia spp., 100% (11/11) and E. canis, 90.5% (19/21). The PCR technique was an important differential method in the detection of the main canine hemoparasitoses, together with the clinical and hematological findings for the accurate diagnosis of the infection in question.

Animales , Perros , Infecciones Protozoarias en Animales/diagnóstico , Babesia/parasitología , Sangre/parasitología , Recolección de Muestras de Sangre/veterinaria , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa/veterinaria , Ehrlichia canis , Perros/parasitología , Carga de Parásitos/veterinaria , Anaplasma , Anemia/veterinaria
Protein & Cell ; (12): 87-104, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971615


The larval stages of the cestode parasites belonging to the genus Echinococcus grow within internal organs of humans and a range of animal species. The resulting diseases, collectively termed echinococcoses, include major neglected tropical diseases of humans and livestock. Echinococcus larvae are outwardly protected by the laminated layer (LL), an acellular structure that is unique to this genus. The LL is based on a fibrillar meshwork made up of mucins, which are decorated by galactose-rich O-glycans. In addition, in the species cluster termed E. granulosus sensu lato, the LL features nano-deposits of the calcium salt of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (Insp6). The main purpose of our article is to update the immunobiology of the LL. Major recent advances in this area are (i) the demonstration of LL "debris" at the infection site and draining lymph nodes, (ii) the characterization of the decoy activity of calcium Insp6 with respect to complement, (iii) the evidence that the LL mucin carbohydrates interact specifically with a lectin receptor expressed in Kupffer cells (Clec4F), and (iv) the characterization of what appear to be receptor-independent effects of LL particles on dendritic cells and macrophages. Much information is missing on the immunology of this intriguing structure: we discuss gaps in knowledge and propose possible avenues for research.

Animales , Calcio , Equinococosis/parasitología , Echinococcus/inmunología , Echinococcus granulosus/inmunología , Mucinas
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997254


Echinococcosis is a zoonotic parasitic disease caused by infection with Echinococcus species. As the drug of first choice for treatment of echinococcosis, albendazole suffers from problems of large doses and remarkable adverse reactions in clinical therapy. Development of novel drugs against echinococcosis is of urgent need. Recently, great advances have been achieved in the research on traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of echinococcosis. This review summarizes the progress of researches on traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of echinococcosis, aiming to provide insights into development of anti-echinococcosis drugs.

Animales , Humanos , Medicina Tradicional China , Equinococosis/parasitología , Albendazol/uso terapéutico , Zoonosis , Echinococcus multilocularis
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997256


Blastocystis is a common unicellular intestinal protozoa in humans and animals, and the most common clinical manifestations of infections include abdominal pain and diarrhea. Based on the sequence of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene, 28 subtypes of B. hominis (ST1 to ST17, ST21 and ST23 to ST32) have been characterized. Previous studies have demonstrated that B. hominis infection is strongly associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other intestinal diseases, which threatens the health and quality of life among patients with B. hominis infection and is considered as an important public health problem. This review summarizes the progress of researches on B. hominis infection among IBD and IBS patients during the past 20 years, so as to provide insights into management of blastocystosis in China.

Animales , Humanos , Síndrome del Colon Irritable/parasitología , Infecciones por Blastocystis/complicaciones , Calidad de Vida , Blastocystis hominis/genética , Heces/parasitología , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/parasitología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003610


OBJECTIVE@#To understand the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of human ocular thelaziasis patients in China.@*METHODS@#Case reports regarding human ocular thelaziasis cases in China were retrieved in international and national electronic databases, including CNKI, VIP, CBM, Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, Wanfang Database, PubMed and Web of Science from 2011 to 2022. Patients' gender, age, clinical symptoms, treatment, recurrence, site of infections, time of onset, affected eye, affected sites, number of infected Thelazia callipaeda, sex of T. callipaeda and source of infections were extracted for descriptive analyses.@*RESULTS@#A total of 85 eligible publications were included, covering 101 cases of human ocular thelaziasis, including 57 males (56.44%) and 44 females (43.56%) and aged from 3 months to 85 years. The main clinical manifestations included foreign body sensation (56 case-times, 22.49%), eye itching (38 case-times, 15.26%), abnormal or increased secretions (36 case-times, 14.46%), tears (28 case-times, 11.24%) and eye redness (28 case-times, 11.24%), and conjunctival congestion (50 case-times, 41.67%) was the most common clinical sign. The most common main treatment (99/101, 98.02%) was removal of parasites from eyes using ophthalmic forceps, followed by administration with ofloxacin and pranoprofen. In publications presenting thelaziasis recurrence, there were 90 cases without recurrence (97.83%) and 2 cases with recurrence (2.17%). Of all cases, 51.96% were reported in four provinces of Hubei, Shandong, Sichuan, Hebei and Henan, and ocular thelaziasis predominantly occurred in summer (42.19%) and autumn (42.19%). In addition, 56.45% (35/62) had a contact with dogs.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The human thelaziasis cases mainly occur in the continental monsoon and subtropical monsoon climate areas such as the Yellow River and the Yangtze River basin, and people of all ages and genders have the disease, with complex clinical symptoms and signs. Personal hygiene is required during the contact with dogs, cats and other animals, and individual protection is required during outdoor activities to prevent thelaziasis.

Animales , Perros , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Bibliometría , China/epidemiología , Estaciones del Año , Infecciones por Spirurida/epidemiología , Thelazioidea , Oftalmopatías/parasitología