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Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 11(3): 261-265, set. 2017. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-893260


ABSTRACT: Osteomyelitis is an infection that affects bone and bone marrow, it occurs due to inoculation of microorganisms either directly or by continuous accumulation through a hematogenous way. Female patient, 64 years old, presenting an increase of volume of the parotid masseteric region and right submandibular region, with approximately two weeks of evolution, which had a slightly fluctuating, hyperemic and hyperthermic indurated consistency; the patient complained of severe pain. CT scan and biopsy was indicated. It is imperative to identify the causative agent; the use of antibiotics must be complemented by surgical treatment to eliminate the possibility of a remaining infection.

RESUMEN: La osteomielitis es un proceso infeccioso que afecta al hueso y medula ósea y que se produce debido a la inoculación de microorganismos ya sea de manera directa, por continuidad o bien por medio de la vía hematógena. Paciente femenino de 64 años de edad que presentaba aumento de volumen en región submandibular derecha refiriendo dolor intenso con evolución de 2 semanas aproximadamente, el cual era de consistencia indurada ligeramente fluctuante, hiperémico e hipertérmico; la paciente se quejaba de dolor intenso, se indicó TC y biopsia. En estos casos para tener éxito en el tratamiento el uso de antibióticos debe complementarse con desbridamiento quirúrgico, aunado a un seguimiento estrecho para descartar la posibilidad de una infección remanente.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Osteomielitis/diagnóstico , Enfermedades Mandibulares/diagnóstico , Osteomielitis/cirugía , Osteomielitis/tratamiento farmacológico , Osteonecrosis/diagnóstico , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Supuración , Radiografía Panorámica , Enfermedades Mandibulares/cirugía , Enfermedades Mandibulares/tratamiento farmacológico , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Enfermedad Crónica , Fístula Dental/diagnóstico , Desbridamiento , Estudios Controlados Antes y Después , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico
Rev. medica electron ; 39(3): 451-459, may.-jun. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-902185


Introducción: frecuentemente las infecciones de la cavidad bucal son el resultado del deterioro que provoca la caries con exposición de la pulpa dental. Una higiene dental descuidada o inadecuada, y complicaciones asociadas a enfermedades periodontales, son otras de las causas, que pueden incidir en la aparición de procesos infecciosos. Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento del absceso alveolar agudo en los pacientes mayores de 19 años en la consulta de urgencia estomatológica del poblado de Alacranes, Municipio Unión de Reyes. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en pacientes mayores de 19 años, del área de Alacranes municipio Unión de Reyes. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por los pacientes que acudieron a la consulta de urgencia estomatológica, de enero de 2011 a enero 2012. Con previo consentimiento informado la muestra la constituyó 135 pacientes, con patológica de absceso alveolar agudo, teniendo en cuenta las variables: edad, sexo, etiología y complicaciones. Los datos obtenidos fueron registrados en una base de datos y se procesaron estadísticamente. Resultados: los grupos de 20-29 años y el sexo masculino fueron los más afectados, con 38 % y 54.8 %, respectivamente. La causa fundamental fue la caries dental con un 91.8 %. La celulitis facial resultó la complicación más frecuente. Conclusiones: la etiología más usual del absceso alveolar agudo fue la caries dental. Los pacientes afectados que no recibieron una puntual asistencia sufrieron complicaciones (AU).

Introduction: frequently, oral cavity infections are due to the deterioration caused by caries with dental pulp exposition. An inadequate and careless dental hygiene and complications associated to periodontal diseases are other reasons the may lead to the occurrence of infectious processes. Objective: Characterise the behaviour of the absceso alveolar acute in the greater patients of 19 years in the query of urgency estomatológica of the populated of Alacranes, municipality Union de Reyes. Materials and Methods: a descriptive, observational study was carried out in patients elder 19 years old, in the health area Alacranes, municipality Union de Reyes. The studied universe was formed by the patients assisting to the dentist emergency consultation from January 2011 to January 2012. With previous informed consent, the sample was formed by 135 patients with acute alveolar abscess, taking into account the following variables: age, sex, etiology and complications. The obtained data were recorded in the database and statistically processed. Results: the most affected groups were the 20-29 years-old group and the male sex, with 38 % and 54.8 % respectively. Dental caries was the main cause with 91.8 %. Facial cellulitis was the most frequent complication. Conclusions: dental caries was the most usual etiology of the acute alveolar abscess. The affected patients who did not receive opportune health care suffered complications (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Pacientes , Absceso Periapical/epidemiología , Enfermedades de la Boca/epidemiología , Absceso Periapical/clasificación , Absceso Periapical/complicaciones , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Enfermedades Periodontales/complicaciones , Enfermedades Periodontales/epidemiología , Anomalías Maxilofaciales/complicaciones , Anomalías Maxilofaciales/epidemiología , Caries Dental/complicaciones , Caries Dental/epidemiología , Enfermedades de la Boca/complicaciones
Odontol. pediatr. (Lima) ; 15(2): 162-168, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-835091


Actualmente, se han publicado diversos casos cl¡nicos que describen la esterilizaci¢n de la lesi¢n pulpar en dientes deciduos como un tratamiento alternativo a la pulpectom¡a, evitando la exodoncia en dientes con necrosis pulpar y absceso. El procedimiento incluye: anestesia local, aislamiento absoluto, apertura cameral, remoci¢n de la pulpa cameral, ampliaci¢n de la entrada a los conductos, colocaci¢n de una pasta triantibi¢tica y la restauraci¢n. Se presenta el reporte de caso de una ni¤a de 4 a¤os de edad, la cual acude a la Cl¡nica Estomatol¢gica Central de la Facultad de Estomatolog¡a Roberto Beltr n de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; con dolor, aumento de volumen en la regi¢n inferior izquierda y movilidad de la pieza 75. Radiogr ficamente se observa reabsorci¢n de la ra¡z distal de 1/3 y una lesi¢n osteol¡tica a nivel de la furcaci¢n. Por lo cual se decide realizar el tratamiento endod¢ntico no instrumentado de conductos, acompa¤ado de controles hasta los 12 meses, donde cl¡nicamente permanece asintom tico acompa¤ado con una regeneraci¢n de tejidos blandos, y radiogr ficamente una aposici¢n ¢sea en furca. Se concluye que el tratamiento endod¢ntico no instrumentado, muestra resultados prometedores y podr¡a ser una alternativa a la pulpectom¡a y/o exodoncia en dientes deciduos en algunos casos.

Now a days, clinical cases has been published in which describes the esterilization of pulpar lesi¢n on primary teeths as an alternative treatment to the pulpectomies avoiding the toot extractions on primary and necrotics or abscessed teeth. The procedure includes: local anesthesia, isolation with a rubber dam, remove the necrotic tissue from the coronal portionof the pulp chamber, enlarged of the canal orificie and a three mix paste placed over the pulpar floor. A case of 4 years old girl is presented in this work , that went to “Cl¡nica Estomatol¢gica Central de la Facultad de Estomatolog¡a Roberto Beltr n de la Universidad Cayetano Heredia”, with pain, mandibular left posterior swelling and mobility of her mandibular left second primary molar. X-ray shows 1/3 distal root resorption and furcation radiolucency. The clinical procedure ofnon- instrumented endodontic treatment was performed successfully and 12 months posterior controls was maded, in which soft tissue healing was showed, increased trabeculation in the furcation area, normal mobility and the patient was symptom-free. It concludes that this treatment shows promising results for the future pediatric dentistry and is an alterantive to pulpectomy and tooth extraction.

Humanos , Femenino , Preescolar , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Diente Primario/lesiones , Necrosis de la Pulpa Dental/diagnóstico
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 51(2): 187-194, abr.-jun. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-725101


Introducción: el procedimiento de regeneración ósea guiada ha demostrado ser una técnica exitosa para promover el llenado de defectos óseos presentes, así como para aumentar las dimensiones de rebordes alveolares atróficos previo a rehabilitación protésica convencional o implanto soportada. Objetivo: describir la utilización clínica de injerto aloplástico de b-fosfato tricálcico como material de relleno en la regeneración de defectos óseos alveolares. Presentación del caso: se presentó el caso de una paciente femenina de 57 años de edad quien acudió a la consulta odontológica por presencia de supuración en un diente anterosuperior, como consecuencia de un proceso infeccioso apical. Al examen clínico se observó resto radicular de incisivo central superior izquierdo e incisivo lateral superior izquierdo; radiográficamente se observó fractura radicular de incisivo central superior derecho. Posterior a la extracción de los restos radiculares, se empleó la técnica de regeneración ósea guiada, utilizando injerto aloplástico de b-fosfato tricálcico con una membrana de colágeno reabsorbible. Tres meses posteriores al tratamiento, se observó aumento en altura y anchura del reborde alveolar, con lo que se logró la conformidad estética y funcional deseada. Conclusión: el caso presentado revela resultados clínicos satisfactorios gracias a la neoformación de hueso observada y a la planificación adecuada del tratamiento con regeneración ósea guiada, por lo que el uso de injerto óseo, específicamente el injerto aloplástico b-fosfato tricálcico, en combinación con las membranas de barrera, se sugiere para el manejo de los defectos óseos alveolares(AU)

Introduction: the procedure of guided bone regeneration has proven to be a successful technique to promote the filling of bone defects and enlarge the dimensions of atrophic alveolar ridges prior to conventional or implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation. Objective: describe the clinical use of b-tricalcium phosphate alloplastic graft as a filler material in the regeneration of alveolar bone defects. Case report: a female 57-year-old patient presented at dentistry consultation with exudate from an upper anterior tooth due to apical infection. Clinical examination revealed root rests of the upper left central incisor and upper left lateral incisor. Radiography showed root fracture of the upper right central incisor. Upon extraction of the root rests, guided bone regeneration technique was performed, using b-tricalcium phosphate alloplastic grafting with a resorbable collagen membrane. Three months after treatment, an increase in height and width of the alveolar ridge was observed, achieving the desired aesthetic and functional status. Conclusions: satisfactory clinical results in terms of bone neoformation are due to adequate therapeutic planning and the employment of guided bone regeneration. Use of bone grafting, specifically alloplastic graft of b-tricalcium phosphate in combination with barrier membrane, is thus suggested for the management of alveolar bone defects(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Trasplante Óseo/rehabilitación , Regeneración Tisular Guiada Periodontal/efectos adversos
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154554


We report two cases in which cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was essential for the establishment of the diagnosis of periapical lesions. CBCT allows a three-dimensional assessment of a specific region with no superimposition of structures. Therefore, its use is recommended when radiographic images are not sufficient for the diagnosis.

Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico por imagen , Radiografía Dental/métodos
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154539


Context: Accurate assessment of periapical status is critical in diagnosis, treatment planning, and evaluation of healing. Novel imaging modalities like sonography offer promising results with reduced radiation risks. Aims: To evaluate the potential of ultrasound imaging technique together with the application of color Doppler to differentiate between periapical lesions of endodontic origin. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients with periapical lesions of endodontic origin who were already scheduled for undergoing endodontic surgery were examined further using sonography. Color Doppler was performed to assess blood flow. Information on the size of the lesion, its content, and vascular supply was gained and recorded by means of ultrasound images. The sonographic images were analyzed and discussed with an expert sonologist, and a tentative diagnosis between a periapical cyst and periapical granuloma was made. Endodontic surgery and histopathological examination was done for each case and the results were compared. Results: The sonograms revealed the lesions within the bone in three dimensions and their contents, that is, fluids or tissues or blood vessels. Measurements of the periapical lesions in three dimensions were also obtained. Of the twenty cases studied, ultrasound could detect periapical granulomas in all 9 cases and radicular cysts in all 11 cases. Conclusion: Ultrasound imaging had the potential to be used for the evaluation of periapical lesions of endodontic origin. However, further studies are required to establish a definite correlation.

Humanos , Humanos , Absceso Periapical/anatomía & histología , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico por imagen , Ultrasonografía Doppler en Color/estadística & datos numéricos
São Paulo; s.n; 2013. 84 p. ilus, tab. (BR).
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-867042


Abscessos e granulomas periapicais são considerados lesões inflamatórias relacionadas a elementos dentários, com origem em infecções do tecido pulpar e periapical. É pouco conhecido o papel da interleucina 17 (IL-17) nessas lesões, uma citocina que participa ativamente de uma classe de resposta imunológica recentemente descrita, denominada Th17. A resposta Th17 tem sido caracterizada pela produção de IL-17 por linfócitos CD4+ e tem sido associada à instalação e perpetuação do processo inflamatório, bem como a intenso recrutamento de neutrófilos. Este estudo tem como foco investigar a expressão dessa citocina em lesões de abscesso e granuloma periapicais, com a intenção de verificar se há diferenças de expressão entre essas duas lesões, já que a presença de infiltrado neutrofílico difere bastante entre elas. Testes imuno-histoquímicos para IL-17, CD4 (para identificação de linfócitos T CD4+), CD8 (para identificação de linfócitos T CD8+) e elastase (para identificação de células inflamatórias polimorfonucleadas) foram realizados em casos de abscesso (n=25) e granuloma (n=25) periapicais, selecionados do acervo do Serviço de Patologia Cirúrgica da Disciplina de Patologia Bucal da FOUSP. Foi obtida a porcentagem da área de células com expressão positiva para os marcadores citados. Também foi realizada a quantificação de células CD4+/IL-17+ e CD8+/IL-17+ detectadas por imunofluorescência nessas mesmas biópsias

Foram realizados testes estatísticos de Friedman e Mann-Whitney, para se verificarem as diferenças entre as porcentagens de marcação imuno-histoquímica obtidas para o abscesso e o granuloma, bem como teste de correlação de Spearman, para se verificar se havia correlação entre a expressão de IL-17 e os demais marcadores. Nos casos de abscesso periapical, houve expressão intensa de elastase, seguida de IL-17 e CD8, cujas respectivas porcentagens de expressão não diferiram estatisticamente entre si, mas foram significativamente maiores do que a da expressão do CD4 (p<0,0001). No teste de correlação de Spearman, houve correlação positiva significante entre IL-17 e CD8 (rs = 0,5944, p=0,0415), mas não entre IL-17 e elastase e IL-17 e CD4. Na quantificação de células duplamente positivas pela técnica da imunofluorescência houve significantemente mais células CD4+/IL-17+ do que CD8+/IL-17+ (p=0,0250). Nos casos de granuloma periapical, observou-se que a porcentagem de área de marcação do CD4 foi significativamente maior em relação a da elastase (p=0,0055), do CD8 (p=0,0200) e da IL-17 (p=0,0210). Houve correlação positiva significativa entre IL-17 e elastase (rs = 0,5604, p=0,0463), mas não entre IL-17 e os demais marcadores. Na quantificação de células duplamente positivas pela técnica da imunofluorescência houve significância maior para células CD4+/IL-17 do que de células CD8+/IL-17+ (p=0,0470). Na comparação da porcentagem de área de marcação entre abscesso e granuloma, a porcentagem de IL-17 foi significativamente maior nos abscessos (p=0,0114)

Periapical abscess and periapical granulomas are considered inflammatory lesions related to dental infections originated from pulpal and periodontal tissues. There is little information about the role of interleukin 17 (IL-17) on these lesions. IL-17 is a cytokine pertaining to a new class of immunological response termed Th17. Th17 response has been characterized by the IL-17 release by CD4+ lymphocytes and has been associated to stabilization and perpetuation of the inflammatory process, as well as to neutrophil recruitment. The present study focused on the investigation of the IL-17 expression in periapical abscess and periapical granuloma, in order to verify if there are differences between the lesions that could be related to level of neutrophil infiltrate. Immunohistochemical tests to IL-17, CD4 and CD8 (to identify different lymphocyte population) and elastase (to detect neutrophils) were performed in the periapical abscess (n=25) and granuloma (n=25) biopsies, selected from the collection of Surgical Pathology Service of the Department of Oral Pathology FOUSP. Percentage of the labeling area showing positive expression was obtained for the all cited markers. Counting of CD4+/IL17+ and CD8+/IL7+ cells detected by immunofluorescence was also performed. Friedman´s and Mann-Whitney non-parametric statistical tests were applied for the labeling area percentages in order to detect the significant differences between abscess and granuloma. Spearman´s correlation test was adopted to verify whether there was a correlation between IL-17 and the other markers

In the periapical abscess biopsies, elastase, IL-17, and CD8 were intensively labeled, with area percentage significantly higher than that observed for CD4 (p<0.0001). By the Spearman correlation test, there was significant positive correlation between IL-17 and CD8 (rs = 0.5944, p=0.0415), but not between IL-17 and elastase, and IL-17 and CD4. In the double staining by immunofluorescence there was significantly more CD4+/IL17+ cells than CD8+/IL17+ cells (p=0.0250). In the periapical granulomas, CD4 labeling area percentage was significantly higher than those for elastase (p=0.0055), CD8 (p=0.0200), and IL-17 (p=0.0210). There was significant positive correlation between IL-17 and elastase (rs = 0.5604, p=0.0463), but not between IL-17 and the other markers. The most frequent double staining cells were CD4+/IL17+ cells in the comparison with CD8+/IL17+ cells (p=0.0114). In conclusion, IL-17 labeling area percentage is higher in the abscess than in the granuloma; in the granulomatous lesions the IL-17 expression is directly proportional to the neutrophil infiltration. These results may indicate that the Th17 response participates to the acute phase of the apical inflammatory process

Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Citocinas/uso terapéutico , Granuloma Periapical/diagnóstico , Inmunohistoquímica/métodos , Interleucinas
Braz. dent. j ; 22(4): 306-311, 2011. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-595661


A retrospective survey was designed to identify diagnostic subgroups and clinical factors associated with odontogenic pain and discomfort in dental urgency patients. A consecutive sample of 1,765 patients seeking treatment for dental pain at the Urgency Service of the Dental School of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, was selected. Inclusion criteria were pulpal or periapical pain that occurred before dental treatment (minimum 6 months after the last dental appointment), and the exclusion criteria were teeth with odontogenic developmental anomalies and missing information or incomplete records. Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed to assess clinical presentation of pain complaints including origin, duration, frequency and location of pain, palpation, percussion and vitality tests, radiographic features, endodontic diagnosis and characteristics of teeth. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to analyze association between pulpal and periapical pain and independent variables. The most frequent endodontic diagnosis of pulpal pain were symptomatic pulpitis (28.3 percent) and hyperreactive pulpalgia (14.4 percent), and the most frequent periapical pain was symptomatic apical periodontitis of infectious origin (26.4 percent). Regression analysis revealed that closed pulp chamber and caries were highly associated with pulpal pain and, conversely, open pulp chamber was associated with periapical pain (p<0.001). Endodontic diagnosis and local factors associated with pulpal and periapical pain suggest that the important clinical factor of pulpal pain was closed pulp chamber and caries, and of periapical pain was open pulp chamber.

Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado para identificar fatores clínicos e de diagnóstico associado com a dor de origem odontogênica. Foram selecionados 1765 pacientes que buscaram tratamento para dor odontogênica no Serviço de Urgência da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Os critérios de inclusão foram dor de origem pulpar ou periapical antes do tratamento dentário (mínimo de 6 meses depois da última consulta odontológica), e os critérios de exclusão foram dentes com anomalias de desenvolvimento e falta de informações ou registros incompletos. Avaliações clínicas e radiográficas foram realizadas para se obter as características clínicas de dor, incluindo origem, duração, frequência e localização da dor, testes de palpação, percussão e vitalidade pulpar, aspectos radiográficos, diagnóstico endodôntico e características dos dentes. Os testes qui-quadrado e regressão logística múltipla foram utilizados para verificar a associação entre a dor de origem pulpar e periapical e variáveis independentes. O diagnóstico endodôntico de dor de origem pulpar mais frequente foi pulpite sintomática (28,3 por cento) seguido por pulpalgia hiper-reativa (14,4 por cento), e o mais frequente de dor de origem periapical foi periodontite apical sintomática infecciosa (26,4 por cento). Análise de regressão revelou que câmaras pulpares fechadas e cáries estavam altamente associadas à dor pulpar e, inversamente, câmara pulpar aberta estava associada à dor periapical (p<0,001). O diagnóstico endodôntico e fatores locais associados com dor de origem pulpar e periapical sugerem que os fatores clínicos importantes das dores pulpares foram câmaras pulpares fechadas e cáries, e de dor periapical foi câmara pulpar aberta.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Enfermedades de la Pulpa Dental/diagnóstico , Enfermedades Periapicales/diagnóstico , Odontalgia/diagnóstico , Prueba de la Pulpa Dental , Restauración Dental Permanente , Restauración Dental Provisional , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Caries Dental/diagnóstico , Fístula Dental/diagnóstico , Dimensión del Dolor , Palpación , Percusión , Técnica de Perno Muñón , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Periodontitis Periapical/diagnóstico , Pulpitis/diagnóstico , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Tratamiento del Conducto Radicular , Factores de Tiempo , Fracturas de los Dientes/diagnóstico
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 27(5): 191-193, maio 2007.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-459922


No tratamento endodôntico a presença de bactérias é a maior preocupação. A presença de bactérias nos túbulos dentinários, foraminas apicais e no delta apical é considerado como falha de procedimento. Alguns estudos revelam que após o tratamento endodôntico em sessão única, bactérias ainda permanecem em estruturas dentais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o tratamento endodôntico em uma ou duas sessões, usando hidróxido de cálcio associado ao paramonoclorofenol canforado (PMCC) como "curativo de demora". Foram utilizados quatro cães, onde dois animais foram submetidos a tratamento em sessão única e os outros em duas sessões. Foram utilizados no estudo 40 dentes: segundo e terceiro pré-molares superiores e segundo, terceiro e quarto pré-molares inferiores divididos em dois grupos. Foi realizada abertura coronária dos dentes, expondo a câmara pulpar por 60 dias. Após este período o grupo tratado em sessão única foi obturado com guta-percha e óxido de zinco e eugenol e o grupo tratado em duas sessões recebeu o PMCC que permaneceu no canal por 30 dias e, após, foi obturado com o mesmo material do outro grupo. Controle clínico e radiográfico foram realizados quinzenalmente e após 60 dias foi retirado um bloco contendo dente e periodonto para análise histopatológica e microbiológica. A análise histopatológica revelou intensa resposta inflamatória em todos os grupos. A análise microbiológica apresentou redução microbiana mais acentuada no grupo tratado em sessão única. Contudo, bactérias ainda foram observadas nos dois grupos evidenciando que nenhum tratamento utilizado foi totalmente eficiente.

During a root canal therapy the microbiota is the major concern. Bacteria present in dentinal tubules, apical foramens and apical delta is related to failure of this procedure. Some studies reveal that during endodontic treatment in one session bacteria still remain in dental structures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the endodontic treatment in one or two sessions, using calcium hydroxide plus camphorated paramonochlorophenol (CMCP) with temporary endodontic medicaments. Four dogs were used, and two animals were submitted the treatment in one session only and the others in two sessions. Premolar teeth were used in this study: second and third upper premolar teeth and second, third and fourth lower premolar teeth were divided into two groups. Opening of the pulp chamber was performed with burns, and the pulp was exposed for 60 days. After this period the group treated in only session was obtured with gutta-percha and zinc oxide and eugenol, and the group treated in two sessions received the CMCP that remained in the canal per 30 days and was afterwards obtured with the material of the other group. Clinical and radiographical control was performed twice a week, and after 60 days a small block containing the teeth, surrounding periapical tissues and the periodontium was removed for histological and microbiological study. Histological analysis revealed intense inflammatory response in both groups. Microbiological analysis showed a more severe microbial reduction in the group treated in one session. However, bacteria were still observed in the two groups, indicating that none of the treatments presented total efficiency.

Absceso Periapical/cirugía , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Absceso Periapical/veterinaria , Perros , Endodoncia/métodos , Gutapercha/uso terapéutico , Hidróxido de Calcio/uso terapéutico
JAMC-Journal of Ayub Medical College-Abbotabad-Pakistan. 2006; 18 (2): 88-89
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-77334


Odontogenic cutaneous sinus tract is a rare but well documented condition. It is usually misdiagnosed as a local skin lesion and maltreated by systemic antibiotics and/ or surgical excision with eventual recurrence. This is because the primary etiology is incorrectly determined. We came across a 38 year old patient who presented with a cutaneous lesion on her left cheek with frequent purulent discharge and was not responding to systemic antibiotics. The case history, diagnosis and management of this condition is presented here

Humanos , Femenino , Endodoncia , Piel , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 40(1)ene.-abr. 2003. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-360457


Se analizaron factores que pudieran predisponer a una infección odontogénica grave que requiera cuidados intensivos. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo a 100 pacientes ingresados consecutivamente con infección odontogénica severa en el Hospital Manuel Ascunce Domenech de Camagüey desde 1999 al 2001. A partir de las historias clínicas se estudiaron diferentes variables que incluyeron parámetros médicos, sociales y procedimientos dentales previos. Se prestó particular atención al resultado de los cultivos bacterianos. La edad media de los 59 pacientes masculinos y 41 femeninos fue de 41 ± 15,8 años; 18 pacientes requirieron cuidados intensivos. El 41 por ciento de los pacientes era de bajo nivel de escolaridad; 11 pacientes graves (61,1 por ciento) y 42 no graves (51,2 por ciento) eran fumadores. Dos pacientes (11,1 por ciento) de los graves y 8 (9,8 por ciento) de los no graves referían consumo excesivo de bebidas alcohólicas. La prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas fue mayor entre los no graves (31,7 por ciento). La afección subyacente más común fue la osteítis periapical 70 por ciento de los episodios infecciosos), seguido por la extracción dental en el 27,5 por ciento de los graves y 10,9 por ciento de los no graves. Ninguno de estos factores predijo la necesidad de cuidados intensivos. No existieron diferencias significativas en cuanto a síntomas, demora en solicitar atención médica, procedimientos dentales previos o terapéutica antimicrobiana. Predominaron los estreptococos aerobios (grupo S. milleri) asociados con bacterias anaerobias variadas. No se encontraron variables sociales o clínicas predictoras de un curso grave en infecciones odontogénicas. Todos los pacientes deben ser cuidadosamente monitoreados para evitar complicaciones severas(AU)

Those factors that may predispose to a severe odontogenic infection requiring intensive care were analyzed. An observational descriptive study was conducted among 100 patients that were consecutively admitted with severe odontogenic infection at "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" Hospital, in Camagüey, from 1999 to 2001. Different variables, including medical and social parameters and previous dental procedures were studied based on the medical histories. Special emphasis was made on the results of the bacterial cultures. The mean age of the 59 male patients and 41 female patients was of 41 ± 15.8. 18 patients needed intesive care. 41 percent of the patients had a low educational level. 11 severe patients (61.1 percent) and 42 non-severe (51.2 percent) were smokers. 2 patients (11.1 percent) of the severe and 8 (9.8 percent) of the non-severe drank alcoholic beverage excessively. The prevalence of chronic diseases was higher among the non-severe (31.7 percent). The most common underlying affection was periapical osteitis (70 percent of the infectious episodes ) followed by tooth extraction in 27.5 percent of the severe and 10.9 percent of the non-severe. None of these factors predicted the need of intensivce care. There were no significant differences concerning symptoms , delay to request medical attention, previous dental procedures or antimicrobial therapeutics. The aerobial streptococcus (S. Milleri group) associated with varied anaerobial bacteria predominated. No social or clinical variables prediciting a severe course in odontogenic infections were found. All the patients should be carefully monitored to prevent severe complications(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores de Riesgo , Infección Focal Dental/etiología , Enfermedades de la Boca/etiología , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 53(3): 197-200, maio-jun. 1999. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-250449


O abscesso periapical agudo é uma patologia comum na clínica odontológica, podendo evoluir para processos infecciosos com o comprometimento de estruturas importantes da cabeça e do pescoço. Dessa forma, é imprescindível estabelecer a terapêutica adequada o mais rápido possível, evitando complicaçöes maiores. Neste estudo procuramos discutir sobre características de formaçäo e evoluçäo dos abscessos periapicais agudos, bem como sobre o tratamento e o prognóstico dessa patologia aguda

Absceso Periapical/complicaciones , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Absceso Periapical/patología , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico , Infecciones , Absceso Periapical/cirugía
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent ; 1998 Jun; 16(2): 40-3
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-114879


Odontodysplasia is a relatively uncommon condition that can affect both primary and permanent dentition. It is characterized by defective formation of both enamel and dentin, with enlarged pulp chambers and root canals with open apices. It is usually a localised condition where one or few teeth may be involved. Sometimes, an entire quadrant or more than one quadrant may be involved but generalized involvement is extremely rare. An interesting case of a generalized odontodysplasia affecting both primary and permanent dentition in an eight year old girl is presented here.

Niño , Esmalte Dental/anomalías , Fístula Dental/diagnóstico , Cavidad Pulpar/anomalías , Dentina/anomalías , Femenino , Humanos , Odontodisplasia/diagnóstico , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Ápice del Diente/anomalías , Decoloración de Dientes/patología , Diente Primario/anomalías
Claves odontol ; 4(26): 3-6, 8-12, jul.-ago. 1997. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-201640
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 51(3): 247-9, maio-jun. 1997. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-203076


Säo apresentados os transtornos mais freqüentes ocasionados por dentes inclusos e suas soluçöes clínicas, além de se efetuar uma breve revisäo da literatura sobre o assunto. Em razäo do grande número de problemas que podem estar associados aos dentes inclusos e suas conseqüências nas diferentes especialidades, os autores sugerem que se façam proservaçöes radiográficas sempre que se detecte a presença de um dente incluso sem indicaçäo de remoçäo cirúrgica

Humanos , Diente no Erupcionado/anatomía & histología , Diente no Erupcionado/diagnóstico , Diente no Erupcionado/patología , Diente no Erupcionado/fisiopatología , Quiste Dentígero/diagnóstico , Quiste Dentígero/etiología , Erupción Dental/fisiología , Estética Dental , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Absceso Periapical/etiología , Absceso Periodontal/diagnóstico , Absceso Periodontal/etiología
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 80(2): 116-24, abr.-jun. 1992.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-115356


El tratamiento de las emergencias endodónticas requiere del práctico general la aplicación de conocimientos y experiencia en el diagnóstico y el alivio de la inflamación aguda de la pulpa y tejidos periapicales. Esta supresión de la sintomatología dolorosa y el procedimiento más adecuado para procurar el drenaje de la supuración en el absceso alveolar agudo debe ser realizado sin complicar la continuación del tratamiento en sesiones posteriores

Necrosis de la Pulpa Dental/diagnóstico , Necrosis de la Pulpa Dental/terapia , Urgencias Médicas , Absceso Periapical/diagnóstico , Absceso Periapical/terapia , Periodontitis/diagnóstico , Periodontitis/terapia , Pulpitis/diagnóstico , Pulpitis/terapia , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico , Pulpectomía , Odontalgia