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Rev. biol. trop ; 63(3): 639-646, jul.-sep. 2015. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-778073


Abstract:Clams of the genus Donaxare worldwide the dominating group of the invertebrate community on sandy beaches. They are primary consumers that provide a significant abundance and biomass to the ecosystem. In the Caribbean, Donax striatushas an important role for nature and human, nonetheless studies on the population dynamics of this beach clam are scarce and no information exists on secondary production of this species. Growth parameters and secondary production of D. striatuswere estimated from February 2008 to November 2009 at Las Balsas beach, Northeastern Cuba, in order to provide basic information for management purposes. In each month 45 samples were taken by means of a PVC corer of 0.025 m2 area and sieved with a 1 mm mesh. Animals were measured and weighted with and without shell. A total of 5 471 specimens were collected during the sampling period. Shell length ranged from 2.7-33.3 mm. Growth parameters estimated from length frequency data were Lm = 36.1 mm, K= 0.8/yr and t0 = 0.2/yr. The growth performance resulted in values of 0'= 3.02. Life span was 2.4 yrs and mortality rate was 3.07 /yr. In 2008, mean abundance of D. striatusranged between 17.1770.7 ind./m2. In 2009 the lowest mean abundance was 34.4 and the highest was 892.5 ind./m2. During 2009 biomass and production was more than twice higher in comparison with 2008. Individual production showed highest values in the 24 mm shell size (3.74 g/m2.yr) and 25 mm (0.71 g/m2.yr), considering mass with shell and without shell, respectively. During 2009 abundance of individuals with 15 mm shell length or more increased resulting in higher biomass and production, compared to 2008. Using the conversion factor of wet mass to ash free dry mass (AFDM), annual production ranged between 2.87-6.11 g AFDM/m2.yr, resulting in a turnover rate (P/B) between 5.11 and 3.47 in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The rapid growth and high turnover rate of D. striatussuggest a rapid recovery of the population. These results support the idea that this beach clam is an important resource at Las Balsas beach. Thus its exploitation must continue with caution, and only at the level of a recreational fishery.

Resumen:Los estudios sobre la dinámica poblacional de la almeja de playa Donax striatusson escasos y no existe información sobre la producción secundaria de alguna población de esta especie. Los parámetros del crecimiento y la producción secundaria de D. striatusfueron estimados a partir de datos de muestreo obtenidos entre febrero 2008 y noviembre 2009 en playa Las Balsas en la zona norte oriental de Cuba para aportar información básica para su manejo. Cada mes se recolectaron 45 muestras usando un núcleo de PVC de 0.025 m2, el sedimento fue tamizado en malla de 1 mm. Los individuos recolectados fueron medidos y pesados con concha y sin concha. La longitud de la concha fue de 2.7-33.3 mm. Los parámetros de crecimiento estimados a partir de las frecuencias de tallas fueron: Lm= 36.1 mm, K= 0.8/año y t0 = 0.2/año. El índice de crecimiento fue de 0'= 3.02. El tiempo de vida estimado de 2.4 años y la mortalidad 3.07/año. En 2008 la abundancia media de D. striatusfluctuó entre de 17.1-770.7 ind/m2. En 2009 la menor abundancia fue de 34.4 y la mayor de 892.5 ind/ m2. En 2009 la biomasa y la producción fueron más del doble que las estimadas en 2008. La mayor producción somática individual fue aportada por individuos de 24 mm (3.74 g/m2.año) y 25 mm (0.71 g/m2.año), considerando la masa total con concha y sin concha respectivamente. Durante 2009 la abundancia de individuos de 15 mm de longitud o más, se incrementó resultando en mayor bio-masa y producción en comparación con 2008. Usando el factor de conversión de peso húmedo a peso seco libre de cenizas (PSLC), la producción anual en 2008 fue de 2.87 y en 2009 fue 6.11 g PSLC/m2.año, lo que resulta en una tasa de renovación (P/B) de 5.11 en 2008 y 3.47 en 2009. Estos resultados apoyan la idea que la almeja de playa es un recurso importante y su explotación debe continuar con cautela y solo a un nivel de una pesquería recreativa.

Animales , Humanos , Bivalvos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Mariscos/clasificación , Biomasa , Bivalvos/clasificación , Cuba , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.1): 287-298, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958140


Resumen El presente estudio describe la dinámica de la población del bivalvo Anadara tuberculosa conocido en Costa Rica como piangua, en varios manglares de Golfito y Playa Blanca de Puerto Jiménez, Golfo Dulce en la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. El estudio está basado en varios muestreos realizados mensualmente durante el periodo 2008-2010. A cada individuo recolectado se midió la longitud, el peso total y el peso fresco para calcular variables como el rendimiento, densidad y distribución de esta especie. La población de pianguas en los manglares de Golfito presentó mayor densidad (2.77 individuos/m2) que el manglar de Playa Blanca (0.14 individuos/m2). Se observó que los individuos de Playa Blanca presentaron mayor longitud (48.35mm) que los reportados para los manglares de Golfito (42.51mm), este último valor, por debajo del mínimo de extracción estipulado por Ley. Playa Blanca presentó también el mayor peso total (36.35g) que Golfito (24.48g). Este aumento del peso total en los individuos de Playa Blanca incide en que el rendimiento de la carne en este manglar resulte menor (17.01%) que en Golfito (23.45%). Los resultados sugieren que la población de A. tuberculosa puede encontrase en estado de reducción en estos manglares y por consiguiente, es necesario implementar proyectos de repoblamiento de este molusco en los manglares del Golfo Dulce, en conjunto con proyectos de manejo en una acción en conjunto con las autoridades gubernamentales responsables, organizaciones no gubernamentales y la Sociedad Civil, para hacer de esta especie un recurso que sea sostenible y aprovechada por diferentes actores de la comunidad.

Abstract The density, population, length, yield and sex proportion of the Anadara tuberculosa Sowerby (1833) were studied in the mangroves of Golfito and Playa Blanca, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica from 2008-2010. A. tuberculosa was more abundant in Golfito mangroves (2.77 units m2), than Playa Blanca mangrove (0.14 units m2). The average lengths were 42.1mm for Golfito (under the Costa Rican legal minimal length for exploitation: 47mm) and 48.35mm for Playa Blanca mangrove. Maximum densities in Golfito were measured in the outlet of Purruja River (mangrove of Purruja) and mangroves Congo, Ceibo y la Trocha. The average total weights were 24.48g for Golfito and 36.35g for Playa Blanca. The condition index (a meat yield measurement) was higher in Golfito (23.45%) than in Playa Blanca (17.01%). The male ratio was 1:1. These results suggest that A. tuberculosa population is declining in these mangroves. Therefore, it's necessary to implement repopulation projects of the mollusc in the mangroves of Golfo Dulce, in conjunction with government authorities, NGOs and civil society. Mangrove workers and consumers are needed in that potential projects, to make the mollusc a sustainable natural resource exploited by different community members. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 287-298. Epub 2015 April 01.

Animales , Bivalvos/clasificación , Arcidae/clasificación , Humedales , Costa Rica
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(3): 969-976, jul.-sep. 2014. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-753667


Mollusks are some of the most important, abundant and diverse organisms inhabiting not only aquatic ecosystems, but also terrestrial environments. Recently, they have been used for bioremediation of aquaculture effluents; nevertheless, for that purpose it is necessary to analyze the capacity of a particular species. In this context, an experimental investigation was developed to evaluate the performance of two bivalves C. gnidia and D. ponderosa, collected from areas with or without shrimp aquaculture effluents. For this, the filtration capacity (as clearance rate) as well as the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates were measured following standard methods. The clearance rate was significantly higher for D. ponderosa from impacted areas, when com- pared to C. gnidia, from both areas. Contrarily, the oxygen consumption was greater for C. gnidia from impacted areas compared to D. ponderosa from both areas. The same tendency was observed for the ammonia excretion with the highest rates observed for C. gnidia from impacted areas, whereas no differences were observed among D. ponderosa from both areas. The results suggest that both species developed different strategies to thrive and survive under the impacted conditions; D. ponderosa improved its filtration efficiency, while C. gnidia modified its oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion. We concluded that both species, and particularly D. ponderosa, can be used for bioremediation purposes.

Los moluscos son algunos de los organismos más importantes, abundantes y diversos que habitan no solo ecosistemas acuáticos sino también terrestres. Recientemente ellos han sido utilizados para la biorremediación de efluentes acuícolas; para este propósito, es necesario conocer la capacidad de especies particulares que funcionan como biorremediadores. En este contexto, se evaluó la eficiencia de filtración (medida como tasa de clarificación), así como las tasas de consumo de oxígeno y excreción amoniacal en los bivalvos D. pon- derosa y C. gnidia recolectados en áreas impactadas y no impactadas por efluentes de granjas camaroneras. La tasa de clarificación fue mayor para D. ponderosa procedente de áreas impactadas, comparada con la de C. fluctifraga en las dos áreas de recolecta. Contrariamente, la tasa de consumo de oxígeno fue superior en C. gnidia en las áreas impactadas al compararla con organismos de áreas no impactadas y con D. ponderosa de las dos áreas de recolecta. La tasa de excreción amoniacal siguió una tendencia similar con valores más altos para C. gnidia en áreas impactadas, mientras que no se observaron diferencias para D. ponderosa entre las áreas de recolecta. Los resultados sugieren que ambas especies desarrollan diferentes estrategias para adaptarse y sobrevivir bajo condiciones de impacto; D. ponderosa mejora su eficiencia de filtración y C. gnidia modifica su consumo de oxígeno y excreción amoniacal. Se concluye que ambas especies, pero sobre todo D. ponderosa pueden ser utilizadas con propósitos de biorremediación.

Animales , Compuestos de Amonio/metabolismo , Acuicultura/métodos , Bivalvos/fisiología , Consumo de Oxígeno/fisiología , Penaeidae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Biodegradación Ambiental , Bivalvos/clasificación , Purificación del Agua/métodos
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3,supl.1): S167-S170, 8/2014.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-732280


Freshwater mussel species are in global decline. Anthropogenic changes of river channels and the decrease of autochthonous fish population, the natural hosts of mussels larval stages (glochidia), are the main causes. Therefore, the conservation of mussel species depends not only on habitat conservation, but also on the availability of the fish host. In Portugal, information concerning most of the mussel species is remarkably scarce. One of the most known species, Unio pictorum is also in decline however, in the basins of the rivers Tua and Sabor (Northeast of Portugal), there is some indication of relatively large populations. The aforementioned rivers can be extremely important for this species conservation not only in Portugal, but also in the remaining Iberian Peninsula. Thus, it is important to obtain data concerning Unio pictorum bioecology (distribution, habitat requirements, population structure, genetic variability, reproductive cycle and recruitment rates), as well as the genetic variability and structure of the population. Concomitantly, information concerning fish population structure, the importance of the different fish species as “glochidia” hosts and their appropriate density to allow effective mussel recruitment, will also be assessed. The achieved data is crucial to obtain information to develop effective management measures in order to promote the conservation of this bivalve species, the conservation of autochthonous fish populations, and consequently the integrity of the river habitats.

As espécies de mexilhões de água doce estão em declínio global. Mudanças antropogénicas do canal dos rios e diminuição das populações de peixes autóctones, os hospedeiros naturais do mexilhão nos estágios larvais (glochidia), são as principais causas. Portanto, a conservação de espécies de mexilhão depende não só da conservação dos habitats, mas também da disponibilidade do hospedeiro peixe. Em Portugal, a informação relativa à maioria das espécies de mexilhão é extremamente escassa. Uma das espécies mais conhecidas, Unio pictorum também está em declínio, no entanto, nas bacias dos rios Tua e Sabor (Nordeste de Portugal), existe indicação de populações relativamente grandes. Os rios acima mencionados podem ser extremamente importantes para a conservação das espécies, não só em Portugal, mas também na restante Península Ibérica. Assim, é importante obter dados relativos à bioecologia do Unio pictorum (distribuição, requisitos de habitat, estrutura populacional, variabilidade genética, ciclo reprodutivo e as taxas de recrutamento), bem como a variabilidade e estrutura genética da população. Concomitantemente, informações sobre a estrutura da população de peixes, a importância das diferentes espécies de peixes como hospedeiros e sua densidade adequada para permitir o recrutamento eficaz do mexilhão, também será avaliada. Os resultados obtidos serão cruciais para obter informações que permitam o desenvolvimento de medidas de gestão eficazes, a fim de promover a conservação destas espécies de bivalves, a conservação das populações de peixes autóctones e, consequentemente, a integridade dos habitats fluviais.

Animales , Bivalvos/genética , Variación Genética , Flujo Génico/genética , Repeticiones de Microsatélite/genética , Bivalvos/clasificación , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Peces , Interacciones Huésped-Parásitos , Portugal , Ríos
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3,supl.1): S016-S022, 8/2014. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-732283


The composition of the diets of 66 species of fishes was investigated from September 2009 to June 2010 in three subsystems of the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Brazil), following invasion by the two mollusk species Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) and Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774), and the macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. Limnoperna fortunei was consumed in all three subsystems and occurred in the diet of 15 fish species, with a high proportion in the diet of Leporinus obtusidens. Corbicula fluminea was present in the diet of Pterodoras granulosus caught in the Paraná and Ivinheima subsystems. Hydrilla verticillata occurred in the diet of Schizodon nasutus caught in the Ivinheima and Paraná subsystems. It is not yet possible to evaluate the potential of these species to control invasive mollusks in the study area or the impact of these species on the structure of the food chain. Omnivorous and herbivorous fishes in the study area may have little impact on the population of H. verticillata.

A composição da dieta de 66 espécies de peixes foi investigada de setembro de 2009 a junho de 2010, em três subsistemas da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná (Brasil), após a invasão das espécies de molusco Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) e Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774), e da macrófita Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. Limnoperna fortunei foi consumida em todos os subsistemas amostrados e ocorreu na dieta de 15 espécies de peixes, com grande participação na dieta de Leporinus obtusidens. Corbicula fluminea esteve presente na dieta de Pterodoras granulosus coletados nos subsistemas Paraná e Ivinheima. Hydrilla verticillata ocorreu na dieta de Schizodon nasutus, capturados nos subsistemas Ivinheima e Paraná. Até o momento não é possível avaliar o potencial destas espécies para controlar moluscos invasores na área de estudo ou o impacto destas espécies sobre a estrutura das cadeias alimentares. Peixes omnívoros e herbívoros da área de estudo podem ter pouco impacto sobre a população de H. verticillata.

Animales , Bivalvos/clasificación , Dieta/clasificación , Cadena Alimentaria , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Peces/fisiología , Especies Introducidas , Brasil , Peces/clasificación , Contenido Digestivo , Estaciones del Año , Especificidad de la Especie
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(2): 473-482, Jun.-Aug. 2014. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-715445


Anadara tuberculosa is one of the most important bivalves along the Western Pacific coast because of its commercial value. Nevertheless, the variability in growth, longlife span, natural mortality and reproductive parameters of this mangrove cockle has not yet been described. The aim of this study was to analyze these lifehistory traits in three areas of the Southern coast of Ecuador. Empirical and length-based methods were used to estimate these biological parameters. Body size data were collected from the commercial fishery between 2004 and 2011 in landing ports near to the Archipelago of Jambeli [Puerto Bolivar (PB), Puerto Jeli (PJ) and Puerto Hualtaco (PH)]. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for combined sex were estimated between 70.87 to 93.45mm for L∞ and 0.22 to 0.80/year for k. The growth indices (Φ’) ranged from 3.17 to 3.85, while the overall growth performance (OGP) ranged from 5.03 to 5.82. The mean of long-life span (t max), size and age at maturity (L50% and t50%) were estimated in 7.71±2.53years, 39.13±2.24mm and 1.46±0.56years for PB; 9.51±2.85years, 37.78±1.95mm and 1.37±0.41years for PJ and 5.81±2.11years, 39.73±3.31mm and 0.94±0.41years for PH. Natural mortality (M) ranged from 0.46 to 1.28/year. We concluded that significant intra-specific variation was observed in a temporal scale in Φ’ and OGP indices as well as L50% and M. Therefore, temporal changes in these life-history traits should be taken into account when assessing the status of the mangrove cockle fishery.

La pesquería de la concha prieta (Anadara tuberculosa) es una de las más importantes a lo largo de la costa del Pacifico. Las variaciones intra-especificas en el crecimiento, longevidad, mortalidad natural y parámetros reproductivos de la concha prieta, aún no han sido descritas. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar esos parámetros biológicos en tres áreas al Sur de Ecuador. Métodos empíricos y basados en tallas fueron empleados para estimar los parámetros de historia de vida. Los datos de tallas analizados correspondieron al periodo 2004-2011 y son provenientes del muestreo de los desembarques de los puertos adyacentes al Archipiélago de Jambeli [Puerto Bolivar (PB), Puerto Jeli (PJ) y Puerto Hualtaco (PH)], al Sur de Ecuador. Los parámetros de crecimiento oscilaron entre 70.87 y 93.45mm de L∞ y 0.22 a 0.80/año de k. Mientras que los índices de crecimiento entre 3.17 a 3.85 de Φ’ y 5.03 a 5.82 de OGP. Los valores promedio de longevidad (t max), talla y edad de madurez (L50% y t50%) fueron de 7.71±2.53años, 39.13±2.24mm y 1.46±0.56años en PB; 9.51±2.85años, 37.78±1.95mm y 1.37±0.41años en PJ y de 5.81±2.11años, 39.73±3.31mm y 0.94±0.41años en PH. Las estimaciones de mortalidad natural (M) oscilaron entre 0.46 y 1.28/año. Importantes cambios intra -especificos se observaron a escala temporal tanto en los índices Φ’ y OGP, así como en L50% y M. Por lo tanto, se sugiere considerar las variaciones temporales en los parámetros biológicos de A. tuberculosa, al momento de caracterizar el estatus de su pesquería y más aun si es sometida a altos niveles de extracción.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Bivalvos/fisiología , Bivalvos/clasificación , Bivalvos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Ecuador , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Especificidad de la Especie
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(2): 551-565, Jun.-Aug. 2014. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-715452


The Rhizophora mangle roots form a complex ecosystem where a wide range of organisms are permanently established, reproduce, and find refuge. In this study, we assessed the diversity of bivalves and gastropods that inhabit red mangrove roots, in isla Larga, Mochima, Venezuela Sucre state. Bimonthly collections were made from January 2007 to May 2008, in four study areas denominated: South, North, East and West. In each area, five mangrove roots were sampled, and the specimens were obtained. We analyzed a total of 180 roots and a total of 35 bivalve species and 25 gastropod species were found. The most abundant bivalves were: Isognomon alatus, Isognomon bicolor, Ostrea equestris, Crassostrea rhizophorae and Brachidontes exustus; among gastropods, the most common where: Littorina angulifera, Cymatium pileare and Diodora cayenensis. The months with the highest abundances and number of individuals for both groups were January and July 2007, and March 2008. The mangrove ecosystem in isla Larga, presented a number of individuals and species higher than those reported for other regions in Venezuela and the Caribbean. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (2): 551-565. Epub 2014 June 01.

Las raíces del mangle rojo forman un complejo ecosistema donde se reproducen, refugian y establecen de manera permanente una gran diversidad de organismos. En este estudio, se evaluó la diversidad de bivalvos y gasterópodos que habitan las raíces del mangle rojo Rhizophora mangle, en isla Larga, Bahía de Mochima, estado Sucre Venezuela. Se realizaron recolectas bimensuales desde enero 2007 hasta mayo 2008, en cuatro zonas de estudio denominadas: zona sur, norte, este y oeste. En cada zona se muestrearon cinco raíces de mangle, de donde se obtuvieron los especímenes. Se analizaron un total 180 raíces y se contabilizaron 35 especies de bivalvos y 25 de gasterópodos. Los bivalvos más abundantes fueron: Isognomon alatus, Isognomon bicolor, Ostrea equestris, Crassostrea rhizophorae y Brachidontes exustus, mientras que los gasterópodos más frecuentes: Littorina angulifera, Cymatium pileare y Diodora cayenensis. Los meses donde se observaron las mayores abundancias de especies y número de individuos fueron enero y julio 2007 y marzo 2008. El ecosistema de manglar en isla Larga, presentó un número de individuos y especies superior al reportado en otros trabajos realizados en Venezuela y otras regiones del Caribe.

Animales , Bivalvos/clasificación , Ecosistema , Gastrópodos/clasificación , Rhizophoraceae , Biodiversidad , Raíces de Plantas , Densidad de Población , Rhizophoraceae/clasificación , Estaciones del Año , Venezuela
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(3): 1167-1174, sep. 2013. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-688467


Growth models of marine animals, for fisheries and/or aquaculture purposes, are based on the popular von Bertalanffy model. This tool is mostly used because its parameters are used to evaluate other fisheries models, such as yield per recruit; nevertheless, there are other alternatives (such as Gompertz, Logistic, Schnute) not yet used by fishery scientists, that may result useful depending on the studied species. The penshell Atrina maura, has been studied for fisheries or aquaculture supplies, but its individual growth has not yet been studied before. The aim of this study was to model the absolute growth of the penshell A. maura using length-age data. For this, five models were assessed to obtain growth parameters: von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, Logistic, Schnute case 1 and Schnute and Richards. The criterion used to select the best models was the Akaike information criterion, as well as the residual squared sum and R² adjusted. To get the average asymptotic length, the multi model inference approach was used. According to Akaike information criteria, the Gompertz model better described the absolute growth of A. maura. Following the multi model inference approach the average asymptotic shell length was 218.9mm (IC 212.3-225.5) of shell length. I concluded that the use of the multi model approach and the Akaike information criteria represented the most robust method for growth parameter estimation of A. maura and the von Bertalanffy growth model should not be selected a priori as the true model to obtain the absolute growth in bivalve mollusks like in the studied species in this paper.

El molusco bivalvo Atrina maura (Sowervy 1835) habita aguas marinas someras y estuarios en la costa del Pacífico desde Baja California, México hasta Perú. Es un organismo cuyo crecimiento individual ha sido insuficientemente modelado. El objetivo del estudio fue modelar su crecimiento individual absoluto mediante el uso de datos de longitud a la edad obtenidos de una región del Golfo de California. Los parámetros fueron obtenidos con el uso de cinco modelos de crecimiento; von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, Logístico, Caso 1 de Schnute y Schnute & Richards. Se seleccionó el mejor modelo usando el criterio de información de Akaike, AIC, pero se calcularon también la suma de residuos al cuadrado y la R² ajustada. Para obtener la longitud asintótica se siguió el enfoque de inferencia multi modelo IMM. Según el AIC el modelo que mejor describe el crecimiento absoluto de A. maura es el de Gompertz y colocó en cuarto lugar jerárquico el de von Bertalanffy. La longitud asintótica promedio encontrada, siguiendo la IMM, fue de 218.9mm (IC 212.3-225.5) de longitud de concha. Se concluye que tanto la IMM como el AIC representan las herramientas más sólidas para evaluar parámetros de crecimiento individual de A. maura y que el modelo de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy no debe ser seleccionado a priori como la opción para describir el crecimiento individual en moluscos bivalvos como la especie estudiada.

Animales , Bivalvos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Modelos Biológicos , Bivalvos/clasificación
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(2): 669-682, Jun. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-675459


Bivalve aggregations constitute a microhabitat for a wide variety of organisms in intertidal, subtidal and deep-water marine benthic habitats. Increase in density of bivalve beds could offer more crevices and substratum for the associated fauna, affecting community composition. Beds of the Atlantic Pearl Oyster (Pinctada imbricata) and the Turkey Wing (Arca zebra) of contrasting population densities were evaluated to determine the composition and structure of the associated macrofauna of three taxa (Crustacea Decapoda, Mollusca and Echinodermata). We evaluated plots of three levels of bed density in both species, the associated fauna were identified and counted. Other species were collected by qualitative samples. Univariate and multivariate descriptors were tested comparing the associated fauna between the beds of two species at three levels of density. In these beds a total of 104 species belonging to 58 families were recorded. Mithraculus forceps (Majidae), Crucibulum auricula (Calyptraeidae) and Ophiotrix angulata (Ophiothrichidae) were the most common species found in these assemblages. The medium and high-density bivalve beds exhibited greater species number, abundance, Shannon diversity, evenness, taxonomic diversity, and taxonomic distinctness of associated fauna, than low-density bivalve beds. Moreover, multivariate analysis detected different assemblages of associated fauna between beds with different densities. Additionally, similarities were found in the communities of macrofauna in both beds of P. imbricata and Arca zebra. Our results suggest that bivalve aggregations at Cubagua Island provide additional habitat for macrofauna living in other shallow habitats such as Thalassia beds, corals and rocky environments. Bed density, associated with topographic complexity, represents an important factor for the composition and complexity of the associated fauna.

Las agregaciones de bivalvos constituyen un microhábitat para una gran variedad de organismos en el ambiente intermareal, submareal y en aguas profundas. Agregaciones de la ostra perla (Pinctada imbricata) y pepitona (Arca zebra) a diferentes densidades poblacionales se evaluaron para determinar la composición y estructura comunitaria de la macrofauna asociada en tres taxa (Crustacea Decapoda, Mollusca y Echinodermata). La hipótesis nula de no diferencias en descriptores univariados y multivariados fue probada comparando la fauna asociada entre las agregaciones de las dos especies a tres niveles de densidad. En estas agregaciones se identificaron 102 especies de 55 familias. Mithraculus forceps (Majidae), Crucibulum auricula (Calyptraeidae) y Ophiotrix angulata (Ophiothrichidae) fueron las especies más comunes encontradas en estas asociaciones. Las densidades medias y altas de las agregaciones de bivalvos presentaron mayor número de especies, abundancia, diversidad de Shannon, equidad, diversidad taxonómica y distinción taxonómica de la fauna asociada que las agregaciones de baja densidad poblacional. Análisis multivariados detectaron diferentes estructuras de los ensambles de la fauna asociada en agregaciones de bivalvos con densidad baja en comparación con los de densidad media y alta. Adicionalmente no se detectaron diferencias en la fauna asociada entre las especies. La densidad de las agregaciones de bivalvos, asociada a la complejidad topográfica, es un factor importante para la composición de la fauna asociada.

Animales , Bivalvos/clasificación , Decápodos/clasificación , Ecosistema , Equinodermos/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Moluscos/clasificación , Densidad de Población , Venezuela
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(4): 1807-1818, Dec. 2012. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-662249


The Snout Otter Clam, Lutraria philippinarum is a regularly harvested bivalve species for food and also as a source of income in the Philippines. For sustainable supply of this resource in the wild, efficient and effective management strategies are needed, and the evaluation of its reproductive biology and fishery are required. In this study, the reproductive biology and fishery of L. philippinarum in the Philippines were examined monthly from January to December 2010 in North Bais Bay, Manjuyod, Negros Oriental and Philippines. For reproductive biology, otter clams were sampled, and sex ratio (by microscopic observation), size at sexual maturity, shell length (with a vernier caliper), gonad development (by histological examination as resting, developing, mature, spawning and spent) and spawning season were determined. Other information such as water temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen were also measured. To obtain information on the L. philippinarum fishery, interviews were conducted in Negros Oriental, Bohol, Cebu and Sarangani. A total of 677 snout otter clams were sampled. The study showed that L. philippinarum sex ratio was 1:1.15 and showed no significant difference from 1:1 ratio. Males attained its first sexual maturity at 43mm shell length while the females at 46mm. Histological examination on gonad development indicated that gametogenesis, maturation and spawning season of L. philippinarum occurred throughout the year with two spawning peaks, January and June. Changes in water temperature in North Bais Bay may have influenced the spawning peaks of L. philippinarum. Data on the fishery of L. philippinarum revealed that the Catch Per Unit Effort of L. philippinarum in the Philippines ranged from 0.2kg/hr-man to 1.25kg/hr-man suggesting low shell catch. We recommend that some mature individuals have to be left in the population to allow in situ breeding.

Lutraria philippinarum es una especie de bivalvo recolectada regularmente para la alimentación y como fuente de ingreso en las Filipinas. Para el suministro sostenible de este recurso en la naturaleza, se necesitan estrategias de manejo efectivas, así como la evaluación de su biología reproductiva y pesquera. Se examinaron estos aspectos mensualmente de enero-diciembre 2010 en North Bais Bay, Manjuyod, Negros Oriental, Filipinas. Se tomó medida del tamaño a la madurez sexual, proporción de sexos (con observación microscópica), longitud de la concha (con calibrador vernier), desarrollo de gónadas (con examinación histológica del descanso, desarrollo, madurez, desove y gasto) y época de desove. Para obtener información de la pesquería de L. philippinarum, se realizaron entrevistas en Negros Oriental, Bohol, Cebu y Sarangani. Un total de 677 ostras fueron muestreadas. Se encontró que la proporción de sexos fue 1:1.15 y no se observó diferencia significativa de la proporción 1:1. Los machos alcanzaron la madurez sexual a la longitud de concha de 43mm mientras que las hembras a 46mm. El análisis histológico del desarrollo de las gónodas indicó que la gametogénesis, maduración y desove ocurren durante todo el año con dos picos de desove, enero y junio. Los datos sobre la pesquería revelaron que la captura por unidad de esfuerzo de L. philippinarum osciló entre 0.2kg/h hombre a 1.25kg/h hombre que sugieren baja captura de conchas. Recomendamos que algunos individuos maduros tienen que ser dejados en la población para permitir la reproducción in situ.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Bivalvos/fisiología , Maduración Sexual/fisiología , Tamaño Corporal , Bivalvos/clasificación , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Reproducción/fisiología , Estaciones del Año
Braz. j. biol ; 72(3): 569-576, Aug. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-649346


This study characterized the reproductive cycle of the stout razor clam Tagelus plebeius in the estuary of the Cachoeira River, Ilhéus, Bahia, northeastern Brazil. Samples of 20 animals per collection were taken biweekly from August 2005 to August 2006. The 480 specimens were measured on the antero-posterior axis (length) and then removed from the shell. After macroscopic analysis, the gonads were fixed in Davidson's solution, processed by routine histology and stained by Harris hematoxylin and eosin. The gonads of both males and females appeared milky white, without sexual dimorphism. Microscopic analyses indicated a M: F ratio of 1.06: 1 and continuous reproduction of T. plebeius in the region. The period from August to October showed the most intense spawning. This study provides another example of continuous reproduction of bivalves in tropical waters, and because this species is a heavily exploited fishery resource in the region, it draws attention to the need for a management plan aimed at reducing harvests.

Neste estudo, objetivou-se caracterizar o ciclo reprodutivo de Tagelus plebeius na região estuarina do Rio Cachoeira, Ilhéus-Bahia. As amostragens, 20 animais/coleta, foram feitas quinzenalmente, entre agosto de 2005 e agosto de 2006. Os 480 animais, depois de medidos quanto ao seu eixo ântero-posterior (comprimento), foram removidos da concha e, após análise macroscópica, as gônadas foram fixadas em solução de Davidson, processadas por técnica rotineira de histologia e coradas com hematoxilina de Harris e eosina. As gônadas de machos e fêmeas apresentaram aspecto branco leitoso e não houve dimorfismo sexual. As análises microscópicas evidenciaram razão sexual M:F de 1,06:1 e reprodução contínua de T. plebeius na região. O período entre agosto e outubro foi caracterizado como o de maior eliminação de gametas. O estudo fornece outro exemplo de reprodução contínua de bivalves em regiões tropicais e, por ser um recurso pesqueiro intensamente explorado na região, chama a atenção para a criação de um plano de manejo que vise à redução de sua coleta.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Bivalvos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Gónadas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Maduración Sexual/fisiología , Brasil , Bivalvos/anatomía & histología , Bivalvos/clasificación , Estuarios , Gónadas/anatomía & histología , Reproducción/fisiología , Estaciones del Año
Braz. j. biol ; 72(2): 249-256, May 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-639433


The maintenance of the freshwater mussels' community in lakes is determined by abiotic factors at the local scale and at regional scale by interspecific relations between the larvae of bivalves and fish host. Whereas the distribution pattern at local scale, our goal was to understand the abundance and community composition of bivalves and relate the environmental agents structuring this community. We sampled 20 lakes in the floodplain of the Cuiabá River using a standardized method of sampling. To evaluate the effect of environment on the community we applied multivariate inferential analyses. We found 1.143 individuals alive belonging into six species distributed at the family Hyriidae, Mycetopodidae, Sphaeridae and Corbiculidae. The results showed that in the Pantanal the bivalve assemblage structure is influenced locally by organic matter and particle size, variables that reflect the intense interactions between water-sediment. However it is important to emphasize that these environmental characteristics are the result of the dynamics of this system which is dependent on the flood pulse, a regional factor.

A manutenção da comunidade de bivalves límnicos em lagos é determinada por fatores abióticos em escala local e em escala regional pelas relações interespecíficas entre as larvas do bivalve e o peixe hospedeiro. Considerando o padrão de distiribuição em escala local, nosso objetivo foi conhecer a abundância e a composição da comunidade de bivalves e relacionar os agentes de estruturação desta comunidade. Foram amostrados 20 lagos na planície de inundação do rio Cuiabá usando método padronizado de amostragem. Para avaliar o efeito dos fatores abióticos sobre a comunidade aplicamos análises multivariadas inferenciais. Encontramos 1.143 indivíduos vivos, distribuidos em seis espécies pertencentes às famílias Hyriidae, Mycetopodidae, Sphaeridae e Corbiculidae. Os resultados demonstraram que no Pantanal, a estrutura da assembléia de bivalves é influenciada localmente pela matéria orgânica e granulometria, variáveis que refletem as intensas interações entre água-sedimento. No entanto é importante ressaltar que tais características ambientais são resultantes da dinâmica deste sistema o qual é dependente do pulso de inundação periódico, um fator de escala regional.

Animales , Bivalvos/clasificación , Ecosistema , Lagos , Brasil , Lagos/química , Densidad de Población , Estaciones del Año
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(supl.2): 77-92, abr. 2012. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-657836


Invertebrates associated with the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis at Playa Blanca, Bahía Culebra, Costa Rica. The coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the planet, not only because their reef-building species but also because of the species that live above, on, inside and below them. Corals of the genus Pocillopora are recognized globally by harboring an important fauna of invertebrates among their branches, many of those considered obligate symbionts. The present investigation describes the fauna of invertebrates associated with the reef-building coral P. damicornis in Bahía Culebra, Costa Rica, their densities, frequencies, richness and diversities from 2003 to 2004. Five coral colonies were collected every 3-4 months at Playa Blanca within Bahía Culebra. A total of 448 individuals in 35 species were found: Harpiliopsis depressa, Trapezia ferruginea, Alpheus lottini, Fennera chacei, and Petrolisthes haigae, and the bivalve Lithophaga aristata, the predominant species. November was the month with the highest richness, diversity and taxonomic distinctiveness, while August had the lowest values. In general terms, the rainy season showed greater richness of species than the dry season. The species collected and their densities and abundances were similar to other sites along the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Bahía Culebra has been losing coral cover, which could have consequences on the diversity and abundances of associated corals organisms. These consequences include loss in the fertility of those organisms, a reduction in its function as cleaners and protection from coral predators, putting in risk their diversity, affecting the stocks of predatory fish that depends on them. Carrying out permanent monitoring of the associated cryptofauna of the coral Pocillopora is crucial to quantify losses or recoveries in the composition of associated invertebrates, and therefore in the functions that they perform in this ecosystem.

Los arrecifes coralinos son uno de los ecosistemas más diversos en el planeta, tanto por los organismos constructores como por aquellos que viven encima, sobre, dentro y debajo de ellos. Los corales del genero Pocillopora son reconocidos mundialmente por albergar una importante fauna de invertebrados entre sus ramas, los cuales son considerados como simbiontes obligatorios en una gran cantidad de casos. La presente investigación describe la fauna de invertebrados asociados al coral Pocillopora damicornis en Bahía Culebra, Costa Rica, describiendo sus densidades, frecuencias, riquezas y diversidades a través del tiempo. Para esto se colectaron 5 colonias cada 3-4 meses en Playa Blanca, Bahía Culebra. En total se encontraron 448 individuos en 35 especies, siendo Harpiliopsis depressa, Lithophaga aristata, Trapezia ferruginea, Alpheus lottini, Fennera chacei, y Petrolisthes haigae las especies predominantes. Noviembre fue el mes en el que se encontraron los mayores valores en los índices de riqueza, diversidad y diferenciación taxonómica, mientras que agosto fue el que presento los valores más bajos de todos. En términos generales, la época lluviosa mostro mayor riqueza de especies que la época seca. Así mismo, las especies colectados y los valores obtenidos son muy similares a otras zonas del Pacifico Oriental Tropical. Culebra ha venido sufriendo una perdida en la cobertura coralina, que podría tener consecuencias en la diversidad y abundancia de organismos asociados a corales. Estas consecuencias incluyen perdida en la fecundidad de estos organismos, una reducción en su función como limpiadores y protectores de depredadores del coral, poniendo en riesgo su diversidad, lo que puede afectar los stocks de peces depredadores que depende de ellos. Realizar monitoreos permanentes de la criptofauna asociada al coral Pocillopora va a ser determinante para cuantificar perdidas o recuperaciones en la composición de invertebrados asociados, y por ende en las funciones que estos desempeñan en este ecosistema.

Decápodos/clasificación , Bivalvos/clasificación , Crustáceos/clasificación , Antozoos , Equinodermos/clasificación , Gastrópodos/clasificación , Arrecifes de Coral , Costa Rica , Peces
Braz. j. biol ; 71(3): 629-634, Aug. 2011. ilus, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-597170


The aim of this work was to register the occurrence of Anodontites tenebricosus (Bivalvia: Mycetopodidae) in the Sapucaí river basin, municipality of São Joaquim da Barra, São Paulo state, Brazil, associating its occurrence to the environment in which they are found, besides providing conchological data to contribute to the identification of the species. Fifty one specimens of Anodontites tenebricosus were studied regarding their conchological and morphometrical aspects. Strong correlations were found between the morphometric variables, the correlation between 'length and height of the shell' being the most significant. The characteristics of the shells of A. tenebricosus found in the Sapucaí river basin resemble the descriptions of the species found in the literature; therefore, we are able to expand the area of occurrence of the species for the state of São Paulo.

Os objetivos deste trabalho foram registrar a ocorrência de Anodontites tenebricosus (Bivalvia: Mycetopodidae) na bacia do rio Sapucaí, no município de São Joaquim da Barra, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, associando sua ocorrência ao ambiente em que são encontrados, além de fornecer dados conquiliológicos que contribuem para a identificação da espécie. Cinquenta e um espécimes de Anodontites tenebricosus foram estudados sob aspectos conquiliológicos e morfométricos. Foram encontradas fortes correlações entre as variáveis, sendo a correlação entre "comprimento e altura da concha" a mais significativa. As características das conchas de A. tenebricosus encontradas na bacia do rio Sapucaí assemelham-se às descrições da espécie na literatura; podemos, assim, ampliar a área de ocorrência da espécie para o estado de São Paulo.

Animales , Bivalvos/clasificación , Brasil , Bivalvos/anatomía & histología , Bivalvos/química , Sedimentos Geológicos/análisis , Ríos
Braz. j. biol ; 71(3): 679-686, Aug. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-597175


The aim of this study was to characterize the reproductive cycle of Anomalocardia brasiliana, typical of the estuarine region of the Cachoeira River, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. For this purpose, 20 specimens were collected biweekly between August 2005 and August 2006 on an intertidal bank (14º 48' 23" S and 39º 02' 47" W). The animals were measured on the anteroposterior axis (length), examined macroscopically and removed from the shell and fixed in Davidson's solution. Subsequently, the tissues were impregnated in paraffin, cut into 7 mm sections and stained with Harris hematoxylin and eosin (HE). The slides were examined under a light microscope. The water temperature at the site ranged from 24 to 30.5 ºC (mean: 27.4 ºC; SD ± 1.9), salinity from zero to 23 (mean: 13.7; SD ± 7.5) and rainfall from 28.3 mm to 248.8 mm monthly (yearly mean: 130 mm). The sample (n = 478) showed a sex ratio (M: F) of 1: 1.2 (p < 0.05) and no cases of hermaphroditism. There was no sexual dimorphism. Males and females showed reproductive synchrony. The reproductive cycle was continuous, with releases of gametes mainly in spring, summer and autumn. These results are similar to those found in other regions, but there was no reproductive rest period as reported for populations in higher latitudes.

Neste estudo objetivou-se caracterizar o ciclo reprodutivo de Anomalocardia brasiliana da região estuarina do rio Cachoeira, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. Para tal, 20 espécimes foram coletados quinzenalmente, entre agosto de 2005 e agosto de 2006, em um banco entremarés da região (14º 48' 23" S e 39º 02' 47" W). Os animais foram medidos quanto ao seu eixo ântero-posterior (comprimento), analisados macroscopicamente, retirados da concha e fixados em solução de Davidson. O processamento posterior dos tecidos incluiu impregnação em parafina, obtenção de cortes com 7 mm de espessura e coloração com Hematoxilina de Harris e Eosina (HE). As lâminas foram examinadas em microscopia de luz. A temperatura da água do local variou de 24 a 30,5 ºC (média: 27,4 ºC; DP ± 1,9), a salinidade de zero a 23 (média: 13,7; DP ± 7,5) e a precipitação pluviométrica mensal de 28,3 mm a 248,8 mm (valor médio anual: 130 mm). A população analisada (n = 478) apresentou proporção sexual (M: F) de 1: 1,2 (p < 0,05) e nenhum caso de hermafroditismo. Não houve dimorfismo sexual. Machos e fêmeas apresentaram sincronismo reprodutivo e o ciclo de reprodução foi contínuo, com pequenos picos de liberação de gametas principalmente na primavera, no verão e no outono. Esses resultados foram similares aos encontrados em outras regiões, porém não houve um período de repouso sexual propriamente dito, como está relatado em populações de latitudes mais altas.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Bivalvos/fisiología , Ríos , Brasil , Bivalvos/clasificación , Reproducción/fisiología , Estaciones del Año
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(1): 151-157, mar. 2011. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-638052


Megapitaria squalida (Bivalvia: Veneridae) fishery landings and temperature relationship in Bahía de la Paz, México. The clam Megapitaria squalida is a fishing resource with increasing importance in Northwestern Mexico. Nevertheless, this fishery has shown important variations that could be related to environmental factors. To assess this, monthly landings of M. squalida were analyzed during 2002-2005 for Bahía de La Paz, B.C.S., and were related with monthly time series of sea surface temperature, derived from MODIS-Aqua Sensor. The results showed a positive and significant relationship between sea surface temperature and clam landings. The likely impact of anomalous conditions of sea temperature on this resource is discussed. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 151-157. Epub 2011 March 01.

La almeja chocolate Megapitaria squalida es un recurso pesquero con creciente importancia en el noroeste de México al registrarse un incremento en los volúmenes de captura. Sin embargo, esta pesquería ha observado variaciones importantes en las capturas que podrían estar relacionadas con factores ambientales. Se obtuvieron datos mensuales de producción de M. squalida durante 2002- 2005 y se estimaron series de tiempo de temperatura superficial del mar en la Bahía de La Paz B.C.S. a partir de imágenes mensuales derivadas del sensor MODIS-Aqua. Los resultados indican una relación positiva significativa entre la temperatura superficial del mar y los volúmenes de captura, razón por la cual nuestro trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar las relaciones entre capturas de Megapitaria squalida (Bivalvia: Veneridae) y la temperatura superficial del mar en La Bahía de la Paz, Baja California Sur, México.

Animales , Bivalvos/clasificación , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Temperatura , México , Océanos y Mares , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(1): 131-145, mar. 2010. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637813


Somatic condition of the clam Polymesoda solida (Veneroidea: Corbiculidae) in the rainy season of the Salamanca Island Natural Park, Colombian Caribbean. The estuarine clam Polymesoda solida is the main fishery resource in the Salamanca Island Natural Park. I sampled the clam in three interconnected lagoons (Poza Verde, El Torno and Atascosa) during the rainy period (April to November 2004). Sixty individuals were monthly collected by hand on each lagoon; 30 to analyze two condition indexes (relationship between body and shell weight and between soft dry and wet weight), yield (meat percentage) and length-weight relationships. Maturity of female gonad smears was assessed on the remaining individuals. Measures of salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, transparency and depth, were also taken at the collection places. Increases of the condition indexes occurred when the Magdalena River showed some decreases in its level, especially at Poza Verde and El Torno. The condition indexes were higher at 27-33mm, (range where maturity size was reached). Clams from Poza Verde, the lagoon nearest to the Magdalena River, had the highest values in condition indexes, yield, fresh weight and maturity frequency. Yield was directly correlated to the condition indexes and sexual maturity. The condition index (body weight/shell weight) showed a highest multiple regression coefficient with salinity, pH and transparency (R²=74%), indicating the relevance of the hydrological regime in the regulation of the condition of the organisms. P. solida seems to be more adapted to the lowest salinities of the system (0.0-0.4), corresponding to Poza Verde, where the influence of the Magdalena river is more direct and steady. Additionally, differences found between sites in the assessed variables, emphasize the importance of considering spatial heterogeneity of this kind of lagoon estuaries, and should be taken into account for future fisheries management in the rainy period and conservation of P. solida populations. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (1): 131-145. Epub 2010 March 01.

Se evaluó la condición somática de la almeja Polymesoda solida en tres lagunas del Parque Isla de Salamanca (abril a noviembre de 2004), durante el periodo lluvioso. En 60 individuos por laguna, se analizaron mensualmente índices de condición, rendimiento, relación talla-peso y madurez gonadal en fresco. También se midió salinidad, temperatura, pH, oxígeno disuelto, transparencia y profundidad del agua. Los mayores índices de condición coincidieron con descensos en el nivel del río Magdalena, especialmente en Poza Verde y El Torno. Estos índices fueron más altos en tallas entre 27mm y 33mm, donde también se ubicó la talla media de madurez sexual. En Poza Verde, laguna con mayor influencia del río, se presentaron los mayores índices de condición, rendimiento, peso húmedo y frecuencia de madurez, revelando una mejor condición de los organismos. El índice de condición (peso cuerpo/ peso concha) presentó mayor coeficiente de regresión múltiple con la salinidad, pH y transparencia, sugiriendo la importancia del régimen hidrológico en su regulación. Las diferencias espaciales en las variables evaluadas, resaltan la necesidad de tener en cuenta la heterogeneidad de este tipo de estuarios para la conservación y manejo adecuado de la pesquería de P. solida.

Animales , Bivalvos/anatomía & histología , Agua Dulce/análisis , Gónadas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Estaciones del Año , Maduración Sexual/fisiología , Bivalvos/clasificación , Bivalvos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Colombia , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Oxígeno/análisis , Lluvia , Salinidad , Temperatura
Braz. j. biol ; 69(4): 993-999, Nov. 2009. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-532442


Increased tourist activity in coastal regions demands management strategies to reduce impacts on rocky shores. The highly populated coastal areas in southeastern Brazil are an example of degradation caused by development of industry and tourism. Among different shore impacts, trampling has been intensively studied, and may represent a significant source of stress for intertidal fauna. A randomised blocks design was applied to experimentally study the effects of two different trampling intensities on richness, diversity, density and biomass of the rocky shore fauna of Obuseiro beach, Guarujá, southeastern Brazil. Blocks were distributed in two portions of the intertidal zone, dominated respectively by Chthamalus bisinuatus (Cirripedia) and Isognomon bicolor (Bivalvia). Blocks were trampled over three months, simulating the vacation period in Brazil and were monitored for the following nine months. Results indicate that Chthamalus bisinuatus is vulnerable to trampling impacts. Richness, diversity and turn-over index tended to be higher in trampled plots four months after trampling ceased. In general, results agree with previous trampling studies, suggesting that even low intensities of trampling may cause some impact on intertidal communities. Management strategies should include isolation of sensitive areas, construction of boardwalks, visitor education and monitoring programmes. In Brazil, additional data obtained from experimental studies are necessary in order to achieve a better understanding of trampling impacts on rocky shore communities.

O aumento da atividade turística em áreas costeiras nas últimas décadas faz necessária a adoção de estratégias de manejo para reduzir os impactos gerados às comunidades de costões rochosos. A região costeira do sudeste brasileiro possui bons exemplos de degradação causada pelo turismo e desenvolvimento industrial. Dentre os diferentes distúrbios causados pela visitação, o pisoteio têm sido estudado de forma intensa e pode representar uma fonte significativa de impactos para as comunidades da zona entre-marés. Neste projeto, foi aplicado um desenho de blocos randômicos para se avaliar experimentalmente os efeitos de duas intensidades de pisoteio na riqueza, diversidade, densidade, recobrimento e biomassa da fauna de um costão situado na praia do Obuseiro, no município do Guarujá, São Paulo, Brasil. Os blocos foram alocados em dois povoamentos diferentes, dominados respectivamente por Chthamalus bisinuatus (Cirripedia) e Isognomon bicolor (Bivalvia). O pisoteio foi aplicado durante três meses, simulando a temporada de férias no Brasil, e os blocos foram monitorados nos nove meses seguintes. Os resultados indicaram que Chthamalus bisinuatus é vulnerável aos impactos do pisoteio. Os índices de riqueza, diversidade e turnover apresentaram uma tendência ao aumento nas áreas pisoteadas quatro meses após o término do pisoteio. No geral, os resultados concordam com estudos anteriores e sugerem que mesmo baixas intensidades do distúrbio podem causar impacto às comunidades bentônicas. Estratégias de manejo devem envolver o isolamento de áreas sensíveis, a construção de passarelas, a educação dos visitantes e o monitoramento das comunidades impactadas. No Brasil, a realização de maior quantidade de estudos experimentais é necessária para a melhor compreensão dos impactos do pisoteio nas comunidades de costões rochosos.

Animales , Humanos , Bivalvos/fisiología , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Recreación , Thoracica/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Bivalvos/clasificación , Densidad de Población , Thoracica/clasificación
Braz. j. biol ; 69(4): 1153-1163, Nov. 2009. ilus, mapas
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-532460


Diplodon rhombeus fontainianus (Orbigny, 1835), belongs to the family Hyriidae Swainson 1840, the distribution of which is restricted to South America and Australasia. This species, endemic to Brazil, occurs in the central-southern geographical region, Upper Paraná Basin and Atlantic Microbasins Espirito Santo to Paraná states. The mollusk lives buried in muddy substrata, has similar sized adductor muscles, and is dioecious, lacking sexual dimorphism. The apertures are simple (type AII of Yonge, 1948, 1957) as in Diplodon rotundus gratus, Castalia undosa martensi, Castalia undosa undosa and mantle fusion is present only in the base of the exalant aperture. The inhalant aperture exhibits tentacles originating from the inner fold while the exhalant aperture has no tentacles. The ctenidia are type D (of Atkins, 1937). A well-developed marsupium is present in the inner demibranch. The association between the ctenidia and the labial palps belongs to category I (of Stasek, 1963). The stomach constitutes a type IV structure (of Purchon, 1958). The posterior sorting area (psa) presents two pouches in Diplodon rhombeus fontainianus. Among the Hyriidae, the presence of these pouches has also been described in several species of Hyriidae from South America. The organization of the gut in the visceral mass follows the same pattern seen in the Hyriidae already studied: Castalia undosa martensi, Castalia undosa undosa, Diplodon.rotundus gratus,Diplodon charruanus and Diplodon pilsbryi.

Diplodon rhombeus fontainianus (Orbigny, 1835) pertence à família Hyriidae Swainson 1840, cuja distribuição restringe-se à América do Sul e Austrália. A espécie, endêmica no Brasil, ocorre na região Centro Sul, na bacia superior do Paraná e microbacias da costa atlântica do Estado do Espírito Santo até o Estado do Paraná. Os moluscos vivem enterrados em substratos lodosos, têm os músculos adutores aproximadamente do mesmo tamanho, são dióicos faltando dimorfismo sexual. As aberturas são simples, tipo AII de Yonge (1948, 1957) semelhantes a Diplodon rotundus gratus, Castalia undosa martensi, Castalia undosa undosa e a fusão do manto ocorre apenas na dobra interna na base da abertura exalante. A abertura inalante exibe tentáculos de origem da dobra interna e a exalante não possui tentáculos. Os ctenídios são do tipo D (de Atkins, 1937). O marsúpio, presente na demibrânquia interna, é bem desenvolvido. O estômago pertence ao tipo IV (de Purchon, 1958). A área de triagem posterior (psa) em Diplodon rhombeus fontainianus é caracterizada pela presença de duas bolsas. Entre os Hyriidae, estas bolsas foram descritas em várias espécies presente na América do Sul. A organização do intestino na massa visceral segue o mesmo padrão visto em Hyriidae já estudados tais como: Castalia undosa martensi, Diplodon delodontus wimanii,Diplodon rotundus gratus, Castalia undosa martensi, Diplodon charruanus, Diplodon pilsbryi e Castalia undosa undosa.

Animales , Bivalvos/anatomía & histología , Bivalvos/clasificación
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 16(2): 95-99, 2009.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491383


O mexilhão Perna perna é a espécie de molusco bivalve predominante nas fazendas marinhas de todo o Brasil. O monitoramento bacteriológico de moluscos comercializados deve ser realizado frequentemente devido aos bivalves serem capazes de bioacumular patógenos presentes na coluna d’água onde crescem. Os mexilhões são animais filtradores utilizados para alimentação humana. Portanto, a contaminação ambiental afeta tanto a sanidade do animal quando a Saúde Coletiva. Os níveis de coliformes totais e termotolerantes presentes nos moluscos foram determinados através da técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de abril de 2007 a março de 2008. Os níveis de coliformes totais nos tecidos dos mexilhões variaram de 0,27 a 160,94 NMP.g-1, enquanto os termotolerantes estiveram entre < 0,18 e 35,73 NMP.g-1. É possível que os coliformes presentes em tais concentrações sejam capazes de tornar os moluscos mais susceptíveis a fatores de estresse durante sua comercialização. Análises específicas para cada organismo patogênico e substâncias tóxicas precisam ser desenvolvidas.

The most predominant species of bivalve mollusc cultivated in Brazil’s marine farms is the brown mussel Perna perna. Bacteriological monitoring of commercialized shellfish has to be carried out frequently due to their ability to concentrate pathogens from the water column where they grow up. Mussels are filter-feeding animals used in human diet. Therefore, environmental contamination not only does affect their own sanitation, but also the public health. Total and fecal coliform levels present in shellfish were determined by the Most Probable Number (MPN) technique from April 2007 to March 2008. Total and thermotolerant coliform mean concentrations varied from 0,27 to 160,94 NMP.g-1 and < 0,18 to 35,73 NMP.g-1, respectively. There is a probability that such coliform concentrations are likely to turn mussels more susceptible to stress factors during their commercialization. Specific analyses for each pathogen and toxic substances are still to be carried out.

Animales , Bivalvos/clasificación , Coliformes/análisis , Bioacumulación/efectos adversos , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Técnicas Bacteriológicas/métodos