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Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(Supl. 1): 267-277, ago. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533898


Natural and human-made disasters have long played a role in shaping the environment and microbial communities, also affecting non-microbial life on Earth. Disaster microbiology is a new concept based on the notion that a disaster changes the environment causing adaptation or alteration of microbial populations-growth, death, transportation to a new area, development traits, or resistance-that can have downstream effects on the affected ecosystem. Such downstream effects include blooms of microbial populations and the ability to colonize a new niche or host, cause disease, or survive in former extreme conditions. Throughout history, fungal populations have been affected by disasters. There are prehistoric archeological records of fungal blooms after asteroid impacts and fungi implicated in the fall of the dinosaurs. In recent times, drought and dust storms have caused disturbance of soil fungi, and hurricanes have induced the growth of molds on wet surfaces, resulting in an increased incidence of fungal disease. Probably, the anticipated increase in extreme heat would force fungi adaptation to survive at high temperatures, like those in the human body, and thus be able to infect mammals. This may lead to a drastic rise of new fungal diseases in humans.

Los desastres naturales o los causados por el hombre impactan la formación de ecosistemas y comunidades microbianas, y también afectan las formas de vida no microbianas. Este concepto es conocido como "microbiología de desastres", una subespecialización de la microbiología, basada en los cambios ambientales generados por un desastre y las posibles adaptaciones o alteraciones de las poblaciones microbianas -crecimiento, muerte, trasporte a una nueva región, o adquisición de resistencia o de nuevas características- que influirán en el moldeamiento del ecosistema transformado. Algunos de los efectos de estas adaptaciones pueden ser: el surgimiento de poblaciones microbianas, la habilidad de colonizar nuevos nichos u huéspedes, la generación de nuevas enfermedades, o el crecimiento de microorganismos en condiciones que antes eran "extremas" para ellos. A lo largo de la historia, varias poblaciones de hongos han sido afectadas por desastres. Existen registros arqueológicos prehistóricos que evidencian la presencia y el crecimiento de hongos luego del impacto de asteroides, y otros de hongos relacionados con la extinción de los dinosaurios. Actualmente, las sequías y las tormentas de polvo causan perturbaciones en las comunidades de hongos del suelo, y los huracanes inducen el crecimiento de hongos filamentosos en superficies húmedas, lo que aumenta la cantidad de enfermedades por hongos. Además, con el aumento de las temperaturas extremas es posible que los hongos puedan adaptarse para sobrevivir a temperaturas más altas, equivalentes a las temperaturas corporales, y nuevas especies puedan infectar mamíferos. Esto puede llevar a un aumento drástico de las infecciones fúngicas en humanos.

Micología , Desastres Naturales , Cambio Climático , Hongos , Candida auris
Artículo en Español, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438259


INTRODUÇÃO: Os desastres são considerados eventos vitimadores que provocam danos psíquicos e sofrimento às pessoas atingidas e esses casos exigem que os psicólogos estejam cada vez mais preparados para atuar nessas circunstâncias. OBJETIVO: investigar a atuação do psicólogo frente a situações de desastres. A pesquisa se configurou como qualitativa com delineamento de pesquisa de campo. METODOLOGIA: Foram participantes cinco psicólogas com especializações na área de desastres e emergências. O instrumento utilizado para atingir os objetivos da pesquisa foi um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado composto por sete perguntas semiabertas. As entrevistas foram gravadas em áudio, transcritas na íntegra e analisadas por meio da análise de conteúdo. RESULTADOS: De acordo com os temas abordados pelas participantes, a atuação do psicólogo em desastres é dividida em: pré-desastre, durante o desastre e pós-desastre, o que dependerá do tipo de evento e condições apresentadas; as vítimas devem receber apoio integral, buscando minimizar os danos gerados pela tragédia. Ressalta-se que não é necessária uma atuação apenas depois que o desastre já ocorreu, mas há, além disso, toda uma preparação no prédesastre em locais que possuem maior propensão ao acontecimento destes eventos. CONCLUSÃO: O trabalho do profissional da Psicologia no campo dos desastres é de extrema importância para as vítimas, os parentes das vítimas, a comunidade como um todo e até para os profissionais envolvidos, podendo reduzir o estresse agudo, que é gerado a partir da experiência traumática, priorizando que o sujeito recupere sua capacidade cognitiva de agir e sentir a situação.

INTRODUCTION: Disasters are considered victimizing events that cause psychic damage and suffering to the people affected and these cases require psychologists to be increasingly prepared to act in these circumstances. OBJECTIVE: to investigate the role of the psychologist in the face of disaster situations. The research was configured as qualitative with a field research design. METHODOLOGY: Five psychologists with specializations in the area of disasters and emergencies participated. The instrument used to achieve the research objectives was a semi-structured interview guide composed of seven semi-open questions. The interviews were audio recorded, fully transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. RESULTS: According to the topics addressed by the participants, the psychologist's role in disasters is divided into: pre-disaster, during the disaster and post-disaster, which will depend on the type of event and conditions presented; victims must receive full support, seeking to minimize the damage generated by the tragedy. It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to act only after the disaster has already occurred, but there is, in addition, a whole pre-disaster preparation in places that are more prone to the occurrence of these events. CONCLUSION: The work of the Psychology professional in the field of disasters is extremely important for the victims, the victims' relatives, the community as a whole and even for the professionals involved, and can reduce the acute stress, which is generated from the experience trauma, prioritizing the subject to recover his cognitive ability to act and feel the situation.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Los desastres son considerados hechos victimizantes que provocan daño psíquico y sufrimiento a las personas afectadas, y estos casos exigen que los psicólogos estén cada vez más preparados para actuar en estas circunstancias. OBJETIVO: investigar el papel del psicólogo frente a situaciones de desastre. La investigación se configuró como cualitativa con diseño de investigación de campo. METODOLOGÍA: Participaron cinco psicólogos con especializaciones en el área de desastres y emergencias. El instrumento utilizado para lograr los objetivos de la investigación fue un guión de entrevista semiestructurado compuesto por siete preguntas semiabiertas. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas en audio, transcritas en su totalidad y analizadas mediante análisis de contenido. RESULTADOS: De acuerdo a los temas abordados por los participantes, el rol del psicólogo en desastres se divide en: predesastre, durante el desastre y postdesastre, lo que dependerá del tipo de evento y condiciones que se presenten; las víctimas deben recibir todo el apoyo, buscando minimizar los daños causados por la tragedia. Cabe señalar que no es necesario actuar solo después de que ya haya ocurrido el desastre, sino que existe, además, toda una preparación previa al desastre en los lugares más propensos a la ocurrencia de estos eventos. CONCLUSIÓN: La labor del profesional de la Psicología en el campo de los desastres es sumamente importante para las víctimas, los familiares de las víctimas, la comunidad en su conjunto e incluso para los profesionales involucrados, pudiendo disminuir el estrés agudo, que se genera a partir de la experiencia traumática, priorizando que el sujeto recupere su capacidad cognitiva para actuar y sentir la situación.

Desastres , Psicología , Desastres Naturales
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 112 p.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523676


As questões sobre as mudanças climáticas e sustentabilidade urbana têm ganhado mais notoriedade frente aos fenômenos observados mundialmente. Estes representados por inundações, furacões, chuvas com altos índices pluviométricos, estiagem, bem como suas consequências perante a saúde e vida econômica das pessoas, por exemplo. Em 2018, o Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC) divulgou por meio dos seus relatórios que a temperatura do planeta aumentou e propõe que políticas para o clima devem ser adotadas urgentemente. As cidades têm despontado como um ator fundamental em oferecer e implementar respostas às mudanças climáticas. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa teve objetivo investigar as interações entre ações de adaptação e mitigação no combate às mudanças climáticas, no contexto urbano, por meio de um estudo de caso sobre as experiências de políticas públicas e ações associadas ao clima na cidade de São Paulo. A metodologia adotada envolveu o levantamento de documentos, entrevistas e busca de casos na literatura. A partir dos resultados foi realizada análise com base na identificação da existência de interações entre ações de adaptação e mitigação, seus tipos de inter-relação (co-benefício, sinergias e trade-offs) e de que maneira essas ações e políticas públicas reverberaram na arena urbana, bem como identificação de melhores práticas relacionadas ao tema. A pesquisa oferece a análise sobre o processo de implementação de políticas públicas e ações normativas da cidade de São Paulo e contribuiu para formulação de quadro analítico para estudos dessa natureza adaptado às condições brasileiras.

Questions about climate change and urban sustainability have gained more notoriety in view of the phenomena observed worldwide. These represented by floods, hurricanes, rains with high rainfall, drought, as well as their consequences on people's health and economic life, for example. In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) disclosed through its reports that the planet's temperature has increased and proposes that climate policies should be adopted urgently. Cities have emerged as a key player in providing and implementing responses to climate change. In this sense, the research aimed to investigate the interactions between adaptation and mitigation actions in the fight against climate change, in the urban context, through a case study on the experiences of public policies and actions associated with the climate in the city of São Paulo. The adopted methodology involved the survey of documents, interviews and search of cases in the literature. Based on the results, an analysis was carried out based on identifying the existence of interactions between adaptation and mitigation actions, their types of interrelationship (co-benefit, synergies and trade-offs) and how these actions and public policies reverberated in the urban arena, as well as identifying best practices related to the theme. The research offers an analysis of the process of implementing public policies and normative actions in the city of São Paulo and contributed to the formulation of an analytical framework for studies of this nature adapted to Brazilian conditions.

Política Pública , Cambio Climático , Área Urbana , Calentamiento Global , Desastres Naturales
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508173


Introducción: Los desastres naturales generan un impacto negativo en la salud y vida de la población; sin embargo, existen escasos estudios cualitativos que aborden su repercusión en la vida, la salud mental y el imaginario de los afectados. Objetivo: Caracterizar las representaciones sociales del desastre natural que tienen las madres damnificadas del fenómeno del Niño Costero de una comunidad urbano-marginal de Lima, Perú. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa, exploratoria, basada en la metodología de las representaciones sociales. Se realizó en diciembre del 2019, en Lima, Perú. El muestreo fue no probabilístico intencional, debido al acceso al lugar y la disponibilidad hasta llegar al punto de saturación; se entrevistó en profundidad a 11 madres y luego se realizó análisis del discurso. Resultados: Emergieron tres categorías: vivir la vulnerabilidad socioambiental, reconfortarse con un ser divino y enfrentar la crisis ecológica. Conclusiones: Las mujeres damnificadas reconocen la vulnerabilidad socioambiental por su condición socioeconómica precaria y vivir en la ribera del río. Asimismo, no encuentran las estrategias para superar su situación y se refugian en la ayuda y protección de un ser divino; frente al desastre natural tienen conciencia de la crisis ecológica en la que viven y la necesidad de una respuesta integral y colectiva(AU)

Introduction: Natural disasters generate a negative impact on the health and life of the population; however, there are few qualitative studies addressing their impact on the life, mental health and imaginary of those affected. Objective: To characterize the social representations of the natural disaster held by mothers affected by "El Niño Costero" phenomenon in an urban-marginal community of Lima, Peru. Methods: A qualitative and exploratory research, based on the methodology of social representations, was conducted in December 2019, in Lima, Peru. The sampling was intentional nonprobabilistic, due to the access to the place and the availability until reaching the saturation point; in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 mothers and then discourse analysis was performed. Results: Three categories emerged: living the socioenvironmental vulnerability, being comforted by a divine being, and facing the ecological crisis. Conclusions: The affected women recognize their socioenvironmental vulnerability due to their precarious socioeconomic condition and the fact that they live on the riverbank. Likewise, they do not find any strategies for overcoming their situation and take refuge in the help and protection from a divine being instead. In the face of the natural disaster, they are aware of the ecological crisis in which they live and the need for an integral and collective response(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Enfermería en Salud Comunitaria/métodos , Desastres Naturales
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 53-58, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988139


Introduction@#In the event of a disaster, an airport serves two essential roles, as the central hub for incoming supplies such as food and medication and provide a lifeline to the affected communities, and as a coordination and information center to register, brief, and task for the incoming humanitarian organizations and rescue teams. What happens if the disaster itself impacts the airport? This paper describes the conditions at Palu airport during an earthquake and the state one year after. @*Method@#This is a qualitative study, utilizing information gathered from interviews, articles in newspapers, and reports from official websites. Findings from the official websites were confirmed with findings from newspapers or other printed media and were also confirmed with the results of the observations and interviews. The interviews were conducted with several key informants at the airport. Data were then analyzed verbatim and written in a narrative description. @*Result and Discussion@#Many factors contributed to the chaos at Palu Airport. The earthquake's impact was significant enough for a small airport such as Palu Airport. There was no clear incident command system and coordination between institutions within the airport and the city. There was a lack of disaster readiness planning and regular training before the earthquake. The first initial training in 2009 was not followed up. @*Conclusion@#The 2018-earthquake in Palu was a big disaster that impacted the airport. Lack of capacity was related to the discontinuity of the 2009 training into a continuous disaster management program. The unclear management system inside the airport and the local authority worsened the impact of the disaster on both the airport and the community.

Desastres Naturales
Edumecentro ; 14: e2192, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404638


RESUMEN Fundamento: el médico desempeña un importante papel ante la respuesta a desastres naturales producidos por peligros hidrometeorológicos, por lo que requiere una preparación que le permita disminuir las vulnerabilidades en la comunidad. Objetivo: diseñar una metodología que contribuya al desarrollo de competencias profesionales para la reducción de riesgos por desastres de origen natural producidos por peligros hidrometeorológicos para los Equipos Básicos de Salud. Métodos: se realizó un estudio cualitativo longitudinal y de desarrollo en los Equipos Básicos de Salud del Consejo Popular Caribe en la provincia Guantánamo en el año 2018 donde se emplearon métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemáticos. Resultados: se diseñó una metodología para el desarrollo de las competencias que deben poseer los Equipos Básicos de Salud para la reducción de riesgos por desastres de origen natural, producidos por peligros hidrometeorológicos, y se determinaron los referentes históricos para el desarrollo de este tipo de competencias. Conclusiones: el diseño de la metodología se sometió a la validación teórica por un grupo de especialistas, quienes opinaron que posee una estructura y metodología apropiadas, y es pertinente en la solución de las insuficiencias que presentan estos grupos en la asistencia primaria para enfrentar situaciones de este tipo.

ABSTRACT Background: the doctor plays an important role in the response to natural disasters caused by hydro-meteorological hazards, for which he requires preparation that allows him to reduce vulnerabilities in the community. Objective: to design a methodology that contributes to the development of professional skills for the reduction of risks due to natural disasters caused by hydro-meteorological hazards for Basic Health Teams. Methods: a qualitative longitudinal and development study was carried out in the Basic Health Teams of the Caribbean People's Council in the Guantánamo province in 2018, where theoretical, empirical and mathematical methods were used. Results: a methodology was designed for the development of the competencies that the Basic Health Teams must possess for the reduction of risks due to natural disasters, produced by hydro-meteorological hazards, and the historical references for the development of this type of competencies were determined. Conclusions: the design of the methodology was subjected to theoretical validation by a group of specialists, who considered that it has an appropriate structure and methodology, and is pertinent in solving the insufficiencies that these groups present in primary health care to face situations of this type.

Capacitación en Servicio , Estrategias de Salud , Educación Continua , Educación Médica , Desastres Naturales
Saúde Soc ; 31(4): e210541pt, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410136


Resumo A exposição a riscos naturais pode provocar impactos sobre a saúde. A precariedade das moradias, das condições de vida e a ausência de proteção social tornam a sobrevivência em áreas de risco um problema de saúde pública. Esta pesquisa buscou compreender o lugar que o risco natural ocupa na vida de moradoras de dois bairros mapeados como zonas de alto risco para escorregamentos em São José dos Campos (SP). Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa na qual a pesquisadora, acompanhada por agentes comunitários de saúde, entrevistou 12 moradoras e realizou observações etnográficas de campo. O risco percebido pelas entrevistadas, em seu contexto sociocultural, era de serem removidas de suas casas pelo poder público. Concluiu-se que estudos socioculturais na interface entre saúde coletiva e meio ambiente são fundamentais para redução da exposição de alguns grupos sociais ao risco natural e para a criação de políticas públicas que visem à diminuição das iniquidades.

Abstract Exposure to natural hazards can have an impact on health. The precariousness of housing, living conditions and the lack of social protection, make surviving in risk areas a public health issue. This research sought to understand the place that natural hazards occupy in the lives of female residents of two neighborhoods mapped as areas of very high risk for landslides in São José dos Campos (state of São Paulo). Qualitative research was carried out in which the researcher, accompanied by community health agents, interviewed 12 female residents and made field ethnographic observations. The risk perceived by the interviewees, in their sociocultural context, was of being removed from their homes by the government. In conclusion, sociocultural studies at the interface between collective health and the environment are essential to reduce the exposure of some social groups to natural hazards and to create public policies that seek to reduce inequities.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Gestión de Riesgos , Localización Geográfica de Riesgo , Ambiente , Deslizamientos de Tierra , Inestabilidad de Vivienda , Desastres Naturales , Política Pública , Investigación Cualitativa
An. venez. nutr ; 35(1): 16-29, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1412450


Los eventos naturales afectan directamente la alimentación y nutrición de personas. Se presentan las experiencias en Venezuela en las emergencias y desastres naturales con intervención nutricional (1999-2021). Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, sobre la revisión de documentos impresos y electrónicos. Se describen los aspectos generales y la intervención nutricional. Se estableció un sistema logístico-nutricional de adquisición y manejo de alimentos con estrategia alimentaria, para lograr sobrevivencia, restauración, mantenimiento de la salud y moral. El plan logístico-nutricional tuvo 3 fases: distribución de alimentos (porcionamientos momentáneos, bolsas combo y cestas de emergencias, menú de emergencia), control de calidad de alimentos e inventarios, canalización del uso de alimentos donados, diseño y distribución de comidas calientes en campamentos de rescate y personal médico en operaciones asistenciales. Se efectuaron inspecciones nacionales, se impartió educación para la salud y recomendaciones nutricionales, se efectuaron encuestas alimentarias transversales con recordatorio de 24 horas y porcentaje de efectividad de ingesta. En Vargas se atendieron 70.000 damnificados en 360 centros nacionales, movimiento de alimentos 2.532 t. mensuales, en Guasdualito 19.621 damnificados y 709,72 t. (101 centros), Mérida 14.000 damnificados y 750 t. (90 centros). La atención fue satisfactoria según inspecciones y encuestas y se conoció más sobre la alimentación y nutrición suministrada. La educación nutricional y sanitaria y las recomendaciones fueron primordial, para proteger la salud, mantener prácticas y conductas saludables. Se suministró una alimentación adecuada en tiempo oportuno a la población damnificada en todos los eventos naturales (inundaciones, COVID-19)(AU)

Natural events directly affect people's diet and nutrition. The lived experiences of emergencies and natural disasters with nutritional intervention (1999-2021) were presented as input and guidance. This is a descriptive study of printed and electronic documents were reviewed and synthesized. General aspects and the nutritional intervention are described. A logistic-nutritional system of food acquisition and handling was established with a food strategy, to achieve survival, restoration, health maintenance and morale. The logistic-nutritional plan had 3 phases: food distribution (momentary portions, combo bags and emergency baskets, emergency menu), quality control of food and inventories, channeling of the use of donated food, design and distribution of hot meals in rescue camps and medical personnel in assistance operations. National inspections were carried out, health education and nutritional recommendations were provided, cross-sectional food surveys were carried out with a 24-hour reminder and percentage of intake effectiveness. Vargas was attended: 70,000 victims in 360 national centers, food movement 2,532 t. monthly, Guasdualito: 19,621 victims and 709.72 t. (101 centers), Mérida: 14,000 victims and 750 t. (90 centers). The care was satisfactory according to inspections and surveys, knowing more about food and nutrition supplied. Nutritional and health education as the recommendations were paramount, to protect health, maintain healthy practices and behaviors. Adequate food was provided in a timely manner to the population affected in all natural events (floods, COVID-19)(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Alimentación de Emergencia , Inundaciones , Comidas , Desastres Naturales , Educación Alimentaria y Nutricional , Búsqueda y Rescate , Urgencias Médicas , Nutrición, Alimentación y Dieta
Investig. psicol. (La Paz, En línea) ; 26: 11-26, dic. 2021. ilus., tab.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348924


Los desastres naturales, aparte de las pérdidas económicas que generan, también pueden afectar el funcionamiento familiar y la satisfacción con la vida debido a los eventos adversos que se experimentan. Por ello, el principal objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la relación que existe entre la funcionalidad familiar y la satisfacción con la vida en la comunidad de San Antonio del Pedregal - Sector 1 en Lurigancho-Chosica, Perú; una de las zonas más afectadas por la presencia de huaicos (grandes aluviones frecuentes en las alturas andinas) desde la década de 1980 y que recientemente ha experimentado los efectos adversos del fenómeno del Niño de 2017. La investigación se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, con alcance correlacional y diseño no experimental de corte transversal; además, la muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 180 personas. Los resultados indican que, a pesar de los eventos vividos, las personas muestran un moderado funcionamiento familiar y se encuentran satisfechas con sus vidas. Las mujeres presentaron mayor puntaje en ambas variables en comparación con los varones, los mayores de 60 años reportaron mayor funcionalidad familiar y los menores de 30 años mostraron mejores resultados en la satisfacción con la vida.(AU)

Natural disasters, apart from economic losses, can also affect family functioning and life satisfaction due to the adverse events that are experienced. Therefore, the main purpose of the research was to know the relation between the family functionality and satisfaction with life in the community of San Antonio del Pedregal - Sector 1 in Lurigancho-Chosica, Peru; one of the geographical areas most affected by the presence of huaicos (frequent large floods in the Andean highlands) since the 1980s and that has recently experienced the adverse effects of the El Niño phenomenon of 2017. The research was correlational and transversal; furthermore, the study sample consisted of 180 local people. The results indicate that, despite the events experienced, people show moderate family functioning and are satisfied with their life. Women had a higher score in both variables compared to men, those over 60 years of age reported greater family functionality, and those under 30 years of age showed better results in life satisfaction.(AU)

Os desastres naturais, além das perdas econômicas, também podem afetar o funcionamento da família e a satisfação com a vida devido aos eventos adversos vivenciados. Portanto, o objetivo principal da investigação foi conhecer a relação entre a funcionalidade da família e a satisfação com a vida na comunidade de San Antonio del Pedregal - Setor 1 em Lurigancho-Chosica, Peru; uma das áreas geográficas mais afetadas pela presença de huaicos (grandes inundações frequentes no planalto andino) desde a década de 1980 e que recentemente experimentou os efeitos adversos do fenômeno El Niño de 2017. A investigação foi correlacional e transversal; além disso, a amostra do estudo foi composta por 180 pessoas locais. Os resultados indicam que, apesar dos eventos vivenciados, as pessoas apresentam funcionamento familiar moderado e estão satisfeitas com a vida. As mulheres obtiveram pontuação mais elevada em ambas as variáveis em relação aos homens, as maiores de 60 anos relataram maior funcionalidade familiar e as menores de 30 anos apresentaram melhores resultados na satisfação com a vida.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , El Niño Oscilación del Sur , Desastres Naturales , Aluvión , Inundaciones
New York; OCHA; aout 22, 2021. 16 p.
No convencional en Francés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284289


Après qu'un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,2 et une dépression tropicale aient frappé Haïti les 14 et 17 août derniers, ne faisant qu'aggraver la misère et le dénuement causés par une intensification des déplacements liés aux gangs, une insécurité alimentaire chronique et des chocs climatiques récurrents, les besoins humanitaires augmentent rapidement, dépassant la vitesse à laquelle les autorités nationales et les partenaires humanitaires peuvent atteindre les populations touchées. Le passage de la dépression tropicale Grace n'a fait qu'aggraver les conditions sur le terrain après le tremblement de terre, en déversant des pluies extrêmement fortes dans les mêmes régions du sud du pays qui ont subi l'impact du tremblement de terre quelques jours plus tôt et en retardant le déploiement rapide des évaluations sectorielles et l'acheminement de l'aide humanitaire vitale. Alors que le département du Sud-Est a été largement épargné par les conséquences du séisme dévastateur, les pluies diluviennes de Grace ont déclenché des inondations dans le département qui ont touché des centaines de foyers, générant des besoins concurrents issus de crises qui se superposent. Au 21 août, le bilan s'élevait à 2 207 morts, 12 268 blessés et 344 disparus. Ces chiffres augmentent d'heure en heure, car les équipes de recherche et de sauvetage ont de plus en plus de mal à trouver des survivants. Alors que le nombre de personnes gravement blessées ne cesse d'augmenter, la capacité de réaction du système de santé, déjà limitée, est de plus en plus mise à l'épreuve. Beaucoup de celles et ceux qui ont eu la chance de s'en sortir vivants se retrouvent maintenant sans abri, sans accès à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement, et plus exposés aux violences et aux abus, y compris aux violences basées sur le genre (VBG), car l'environnement de protection reste précaire. Selon la Direction générale de la protection civile (DGPC), 650 000 personnes ont besoin d'une aide humanitaire d'urgence dans les trois départements les plus touchés (Sud, Grand'Anse et Nippes). L'agriculture et les moyens de subsistance qui y sont liés ont été durement frappés dans les zones sinistrées, ce qui risque d'aggraver la sécurité alimentaire dans un pays où 4,4 millions de personnes, soit près de 40 % de la population, souffraient déjà d'insécurité alimentaire aiguë. Certaines des zones les plus touchées, comme le département des Nippes, ont déjà été confrontées aux conséquences négatives des sécheresses cycliques et de l'érosion des sols ces dernières années, ce qui a probablement poussé de nombreuses personnes à recourir à des mécanismes d'adaptation négatifs, car elles n'ont pas la capacité de faire face à la dernière crise.

Humanos , Sistemas de Socorro , Víctimas de Desastres , Terremotos , Desastres Naturales , Haití
New York; OCHA; Aug. 26, 2021. 13 p.
No convencional en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284291


Nearly two weeks after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake rocked south-western Haiti, humanitarian assistance has begun reaching some of the hardest-to-reach areas, where the most vulnerable are still unable to meet their urgent need for food, basic sanitation and hygiene and life-saving health services. In some remote rural areas, response personnel and relief supplies have yet to reach those most in need. The compounded impacts of the earthquake and Tropical Depression Grace have greatly exacerbated pre-existing needs. The UN System in Haiti estimates 650,000 people are in need of emergency humanitarian assistance, a concerning figure considering that 634,000 people across the three most affected departments ­ Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud ­ already needed multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance before the quake. As of the latest updates issued on 25 August, the Haitian Civil Protection General Directorate (DGPC) reported 2,207 deaths,12,268 injured and 320 missing. By 22 August, search-and-rescue crews had extracted 24 missing people from the rubble, including 4 children, who were airlifted to Camp-Perrin to receive emergency medical assistance. In the Sud Department, aftershocks continue almost two weeks after the initial quake on 14 August, creating widespread panic among the affected population. Some people whose homes are still standing in affected areas are choosing to sleep in the streets in fear that the structures may collapse at any moment.

Humanos , Sistemas de Socorro , Víctimas de Desastres , Terremotos , Desastres Naturales , Haití
New York; OCHA; aout 2021. 41 p.
No convencional en Francés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284292


Le 14 août à 8h30, heure locale, un séisme de magnitude 7,2 a frappé la côte sud-ouest d'Haïti, causant des dommages à grande échelle dans toute la péninsule sud du pays. Le puissant séisme de 10 km de profondeur s'est produit à 13 km au sud-est de PetitTrou- de-Nippes, dans le département des Nippes, une région déjà dévastée par l'ouragan Matthew en 2016. Deux jours seulement après le séisme, la dépression tropicale Grace a déversé des pluies extrêmement fortes dans le sud d'Haïti, provoquant des inondations dans les mêmes zones touchées par le séisme.

Humanos , Víctimas de Desastres , Terremotos , Desastres Naturales , Haití
New York; OCHA; Aug. 2021. 2 p. tab.
No convencional en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284293


Humanitarian needs are rapidly growing in the aftermath of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck south-west Haiti on 14 August 2021, badly affecting the departments of Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. The earthquake's devastating impact, while considered less catastrophic than the 2010 earthquake that left more than 220,000 people dead and 1.5 million injured, was later compounded with heavy rains from tropical depression Grace on 17 August. Overall, official reports indicate more than 2,200 deaths and more than 12,000 people injured. The consecutive impacts damaged or destroyed more than 130,000 homes, rendering thousands homeless and in urgent need of assistance.

Humanos , Sistemas de Socorro/economía , Víctimas de Desastres , Terremotos , Desastres Naturales , Haití
New York; OCHA; Aug. 2021. 38 p. tab.
No convencional en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284294


On 14 August at 8:30 am local time, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the south-western coast of Haiti causing large-scale damage across the country's southern peninsula. The powerful 10 km deep earthquake occurred 13km southeast of Petit-Troude-Nippes, in the department of Nippes, the same region devastated by Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Only two days after the quake, Tropical Depression Grace dumped extremely heavy rains in southern Haiti, causing flooding in the same quake-affected areas. Despite being much less catastrophic than the 2010 earthquake which left more than 220,000 people dead and 1.5 million injured, the impact of the 14 August earthquake has been devastating. According to the latest reports issued by the Haitian Civil Protection on 21 August, the death toll has now surpassed 2,200 with more than 12,200 people injured. Almost 53,000 homes have been destroyed and more than 77,000 have sustained damage. About 800,000 people have been affected and an estimated 650,000 people ­ 40 per cent of the 1.6 million people living in the affected departments ­ are in need of emergency humanitarian assistance. The back-to-back disasters are exacerbating preexisting vulnerabilities. At the time of the disaster, Haiti is still reeling from the 7 July assassination of President Jovenel Moïse and still facing an escalation in gang violence since June that has affected 1.5 million people, with at least 19,000 displaced in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince. The compounded effects of an ongoing political crisis, socio-economic challenges, food insecurity and gang violence continue to greatly worsen an already precarious humanitarian situation. Some 4.4 million people, or nearly 46 per cent of the population, face acute food insecurity, including 1.2 million who are in emergency levels (IPC 4) and 3.2 million people at crisis levels (IPC Phase 3). An estimated 217,000 children suffer from moderateto-severe acute malnutrition.

Humanos , Sistemas de Socorro , Víctimas de Desastres , Terremotos , Desastres Naturales , Haití
Washington; OPS; Aug. 23, 2021. 6 p. tab.
No convencional en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284313


As a result of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake on August 14, 2021, according to Haiti's Civil Protection agency (DGPC), 2,207 people have died, 12,268 people were injured, and 320 are missing. In the most affected departments ­ Sud, Grand'Anse and Nippes ­ around 53,000 houses were destroyed and more than 77,000 damaged. Rapid assessments reported 59 health facilities affected in Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud Departments: 27 severely damaged and 32 slightly damaged. In the affected departments, health sector evaluators are carrying out assessments to gather data on injured patients (hospitalizations, types of injuries and demographics) and the degree of damage to health facilities and needs. Logistics and security challenges continue limiting the delivery of supplies, deployment of personnel to affected areas and the transfer of patients to hospitals that are not overwhelmed. Health sector needs include: medical personnel, medicines, supplies and stock management, mental health and psychosocial support initiatives, implementation of preventive and control measures for communicable diseases, WASH operations in health facilities and shelters, rehabilitation of injured patients, among others

Humanos , Sistemas de Socorro , Víctimas de Desastres , Terremotos/mortalidad , Desastres Naturales/mortalidad , Haití
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280319


Introducción: Ante la posibilidad de un desastre natural, las personas con diabetes mellitus tienen necesidad de preparase anticipadamente, al ser más susceptibles a diversas complicaciones. Objetivo: Describir de manera general cómo repercuten los desastres naturales en la salud de las personas con diabetes mellitus y cómo disminuir sus consecuencias. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de literatura relevante sobre el tema en el primer bimestre de 2020. Se utilizaron como buscadores de información científica a Pubmed y a Google Académico. La estrategia de búsqueda incluyó los siguientes términos como palabras claves: diabetes mellitus, desastres naturales, medio ambiente y gestión del riesgo. Como criterios de elegibilidad, se evaluaron artículos de revisión, de investigación y páginas Web que, en general, tenían menos de 10 años de publicados, en idioma español, portugués e inglés, y que hicieran referencia específicamente al tema de estudio a través del título. Fueron excluidos los artículos que no cumplieron con estas condiciones. Esto permitió el estudio de 40 artículos, de los cuales 28 fueron referenciados. Conclusiones: Las personas con Diabetes mellitus son más vulnerables ante un desastre natural y el acceso limitado a la atención médica y los medicamentos representa un serio desafío para mantener el control glucémico. Los pacientes y la comunidad deben adoptar las medidas de prevención sugeridas por el médico y la enfermera de la familia, así como por la Defensa Civil. La falta de protocolos de emergencia preexistentes dificulta la superación de las barreras impuestas por el desastre natural(AU)

Introduction: Due to the possibility of any natural disaster, people with diabetes mellitus need to prepare in advance as they are more susceptible to various complications. Objective: To describe how natural disasters affect the health of people with diabetes mellitus and how to reduce such consequences. Methods: A relevant literature search on the subject was carried out in the first two months of 2020. Pubmed and Google Scholar were used as search engines for scientific information. The search strategy included the following terms as keywords: diabetes mellitus, desastres naturales [natural disasters], medio ambiente [environment] and gestión del riesgo [risk management]. As eligibility criteria, review articles, research articles, and web pages were assessed, as far as they had been published within less than ten years, in Spanish, Portuguese and English, and with specific reference, within the title, to the topic of interest. Articles that did not meet these conditions were excluded. This allowed the study of forty articles, of which 28 were referenced. Conclusions: People with diabetes mellitus are more vulnerable in case of natural disasters, while limited access to medical care and medications represents a serious challenge to maintain glycemic control. Patients and the community must adopt the prevention measures suggested by the family doctor and nurse, as well as by the Civil Defense. The lack of pre-existing emergency protocols makes it difficult to overcome the barriers imposed by any natural disaster(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Gestión de Riesgos/métodos , Diabetes Mellitus , Ambiente , Desastres Naturales
Texto & contexto enferm ; 29: e20180256, Jan.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1139737


ABSTRACT Objective: to identify in the national and international literature Primary Health Care actions in natural disasters. Method: an integrative literature review, which included 24 original surveys between 2006 and 2018 on natural disasters. Results: a qualitative analysis of the studies included primary care actions in the prevention and mitigation, preparation, response, and disaster recovery phases. Conclusion: Primary Health Care actions involve multidisciplinary teams, the community and families in the territory in which the teams operate, articulation in a network of intersectoral services, in managerial and educational dimensions to implement effective plans for disaster situations.

RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar en la literatura nacional e internacional las acciones de la atención primaria de salud en desastres naturales. Método: revisión integradora de la literatura, que incluyó 24 investigaciones originales entre 2006 y 2018 sobre desastres de origen natural. Resultados: el análisis cualitativo de los estudios contempló acciones de atención primaria en las fases de prevención y mitigación, preparación, respuesta, recuperación ante desastres. Conclusión: las acciones de atención primaria de salud involucran a los equipos multiprofesionales, la comunidad y las familias en el territorio donde operan los equipos, articulación en una red de servicios, intersectorial, en dimensiones gerenciales y educativas para la implementación de planes efectivos para situaciones de desastre.

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar na literatura nacional e internacional as ações de atenção primária à saúde em desastres naturais. Método: revisão integrativa de literatura, em que foram incluídas 24 pesquisas originais entre 2006 e 2018 sobre desastres de origem natural. Resultados: a análise qualitativa dos estudos contemplou ações de atenção primária nas fases de prevenção e mitigação, preparação, resposta, recuperação em desastres. Conclusão: ações de atenção primária à saúde envolvem equipes multiprofissionais, comunidade e famílias do território de atuação das equipes, articulação em rede de serviços, intersetoriais, em dimensões gerenciais e de educação para operacionalização de planos efetivos às situações de desastres.

Humanos , Atención Primaria de Salud , Gestión de Riesgos , Gestión en Salud , Desastres , Desastres Naturales
Bogotá; Organización Panamericana de la Salud; dic. 05, 2020. 7 p.
No convencional en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140276


A la fecha Colombia reporta 1.334.089 casos (9.297 casos nuevos en las últimas 24h) con un incremento nacional del 0,7% en las últimas 24h y 37.117 defunciones (183 las últimas 24 Horas) con un aumento nacional del 0,5% en las últimas 24h. Los departamentos y distritos que presentaron los aumentos relativos más altos de COVID-19 en los últimos 7 días fueron: Caldas 11,9% (2.070), Quindío 11,5% (1.397), Tolima 11,5% (2.445), Norte Santander 10,3% (2.075), Boyacá 9,3% (1.302), Casanare 9,0% (504), Cartagena 8,7% (2.044), Risaralda 7,8% (1.297), Santa Marta 7,3% (765), Santander 7,1% (2.658). La tasa de incidencia nacional es de 2.648,5 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes; los departamentos y/o distritos que superan la tasa nacional son en su orden: Bogotá (4.905,8), Amazonas (3.992,7), Barranquilla (3.590,0), San Andrés (3.433,7), Caquetá (3.275,8), Antioquia (3.247,0), Quindío (3.157,9), Cartagena (3.107,4), Huila (2.713,3), Meta (2.686,8). La tasa de mortalidad nacional es de 736,9 muertes por cada millón de habitantes; se observa una tasa de mortalidad mayor a la nacional en: Amazonas (1.556,6), Barranquilla (1.375,7), Caquetá (1.169,2), Bogotá (1.110,5), Santa Marta (943,2), Córdoba (904,3), Santander (893,5), Huila (870,3), Norte Santander (865,9), Quindío (831,8), Valle del Cauca (778,9).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Neumonía Viral/mortalidad , Infecciones por Coronavirus/mortalidad , Tormentas Ciclónicas/estadística & datos numéricos , Pandemias/prevención & control , Desastres Naturales/mortalidad , Colombia/epidemiología
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(4): e564, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1156515


Introducción: Cuba es un país tropical, asediado por disimiles fenómenos naturales, que cada vez son más frecuentes y agresivos; la confección de una multimedia como material de apoyo en la disciplina Preparación para la Defensa, tiene gran impacto desde el punto de vista económico y social. Objetivo: confeccionar una multimedia educativa sobre desastres naturales, que apoye la docencia de la asignatura para la adecuada preparación de estudiantes de las ciencias médicas. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico, en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, en el período de enero a mayo de 2018. El universo estuvo constituido por 110 estudiantes pertenecientes al quinto año de la carrera de Medicina. Se realizó una validación del producto mediante el método Delphi. Resultados: se confeccionó una multimedia educativa para la preparación de estudiantes de las ciencias médicas ante situaciones de desastres, se obtuvieron valoraciones de muy adecuado en la totalidad de los indicadores, se evidenció un aumento del nivel de conocimientos de los estudiantes, se constató un 49,1 por ciento de aprobados antes de aplicar la multimedia y un 93,6 percent después de aplicarla. Conclusiones: la multimedia permitió la incorporación de nuevos conocimientos acerca de los diferentes tipos de desastres en estudiantes de las ciencias médicas, se consideró una herramienta efectiva a generalizar en la docencia(AU)

Introduction: Cuba is a tropical country, beset by dissimilar natural phenomena that are becoming more frequent and aggressive; the preparation of a multimedia as support material in the discipline Preparation for Defense has a great impact from the economic and social point of view. Objective: to prepare an educational multimedia about natural disasters that supports the teaching of the subject for the adequate preparation of students of medical sciences. Methods: a technological development research was carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba, in the period from January to May 2018. The universe was made up of 110 students belonging to the fifth year of the Medicine career. Product validation was performed using the Delphi method. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. Results: an educational multimedia was prepared for the preparation of students of the medical sciences in situations of disasters, very adequate assessments were obtained in all of the indicators, an increase in the level of knowledge of the students was evidenced, confirming 49,1 percent of approved before applying multimedia and 93,6 percent after applying. Conclusions: multimedia allowed the incorporation of new knowledge about the different types of disasters in students of medical sciences, being considered an effective tool to generalize in teaching(AU)

Humanos , Adulto Joven , Programas Informáticos , Estudiantes de Salud Pública , Desastres Naturales , Cuba