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Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440514


El embrión, en condiciones normales, es concebido en la trompa y migra al útero. Un pequeño porcentaje que no llega a completar esta migración, se convierte en embarazo ectópico. Se presentó el caso de un embarazo ectópico abdominal con feto vivo; paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, multigesta con 4 partos eutócicos a término. A las 37 semanas de edad gestacional se remitió al Hospital Provincial de Bié por presentar dolor abdominal difuso, de moderada intensidad, que se exacerbaba con los movimientos fetales. Se realizó la cesárea, se encontró un embarazo ectópico abdominal con feto vivo y placenta implantada en fondo uterino, epiplón y colon transverso. Se dejó placenta in situ para un posterior seguimiento.

The embryo, under normal conditions, is conceived into the fallopian tube and migrates to the uterus. A small percentage of the embryos that do not complete this migration become an ectopic pregnancy. We present a 32-year-old female patient with multiple gestation pregnancies and 4 normal term deliveries who had an abdominal ectopic pregnancy with a live fetus. She was referred to Bié Provincial Hospital at 37 weeks' gestation due to diffuse abdominal pain of moderate intensity, which was exacerbated by fetal movements. A cesarean section was performed; an abdominal ectopic pregnancy with a live fetus and the placenta implanted in the uterine fundus, omentum, and transverse colon was found. The placenta was left in situ for further follow-up.

Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo Ectópico , Cesárea
Medwave ; 23(1): e2647, 28-02-2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419177


Abdominal pregnancy is defined as one that occurs outside of the uterus and fallopian tubes in the abdominal cavity. We present the case of a 30-year-old Peruvian female patient from Lima with a surgical history of exploratory laparotomy due to tubal ectopic pregnancy and appendectomy without further relevant personal or family histories. She attended the emergency room of a social security hospital in Peru with a referral from a district hospital and a diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy at 14 weeks of gestational age without previous prenatal controls. Symptomatology at hospital admission was colic-type abdominal pain in the hypogastrium without vaginal bleeding, fluid loss or fever. During hospitalization, she underwent an exploratory laparotomy with embolization of the uterine artery, left salpingectomy, and removal of the abdominal ectopic pregnancy. The evolution was favorable after the surgery, and she was discharged. Without further complications, she continues her controls at the obstetrics and gynecology outpatient service without complications.

El embarazo abdominal es aquel embarazo que ocurre fuera del útero y las trompas de Falopio en la cavidad abdominal. Presentamos el caso de una paciente peruana de 30 años proveniente de la ciudad de Lima, con antecedentes quirúrgicos de laparotomía exploradora por embarazo ectópico tubárico y apendicectomía, sin otras patologías ni antecedentes familiares de importancia. La paciente acude al servicio de urgencias de un hospital del seguro social en Perú derivada de un hospital distrital con diagnóstico de embarazo abdominal a las 14 semanas de edad gestacional, sin controles prenatales previos. La sintomatología al ingreso hospitalario fue dolor abdominal de tipo cólico a nivel del hipogastrio, sin sangrado vaginal, pérdida de líquidos o fiebre. Durante su hospitalización se le realizó una laparotomía exploratoria con embolización de la arteria uterina, salpingectomía izquierda y extracción del embarazo abdominal. La evolución fue favorable tras la intervención quirúrgica, siendo dada de alta. Actualmente continúa sus controles en el servicio de consulta externa del servicio de ginecología y obstetricia sin complicaciones.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Embarazo Abdominal/cirugía , Embarazo Abdominal/diagnóstico , Embarazo Tubario/cirugía , Embarazo Tubario/diagnóstico , Útero , Dolor Abdominal/etiología , Salpingectomía/efectos adversos
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 57: 18, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432151


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of attending antenatal classes on fear of childbirth and antenatal stress in nulliparous pregnant women. METHODS A total of 133 nulliparous pregnant women participated in the study, which had a quasi-experimental design. Data were collected by a descriptive data form, the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire, and the Antenatal Perceived Stress Inventory (APSI). RESULTS A significant correlation was found between antenatal class attendance and having a high schooling level and an intended pregnancy (p < 0.05). The mean fear of childbirth score of pregnant women was 85.50 ± 19.41 before the training and 76.32 ± 20.52 after the training, and the difference between these scores was significant (p < 0.01). Fear of childbirth score were not significantly different between the intervention group and the control group. The mean APSI score of pregnant women in the intervention group was 22.32 ± 6.12 before the training and 21.79 ± 5.97 after the training. However, this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.70). CONCLUSION The fear of childbirth score decreased significantly in the intervention group after the training.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Embarazo Abdominal , Atención Prenatal , Diagnóstico Prenatal , Parto , Miedo , Educación Prenatal
Med. UIS ; 35(3): 27-33, dic. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534819


El embarazo ectópico abdominal es una patología poco frecuente, la cual consiste en un embarazo con implantación dentro de la cavidad abdominal y fuera del útero y sus anexos; siendo el menos frecuente de los embarazos ectópicos, y representando el 1 % de los casos. Sin embargo, cuando se presenta, la tasa de mortalidad materno-fetal es alta, por lo que representa una urgencia médica con complicaciones graves como hemorragia obstétrica. El diagnóstico requiere un alto grado de sospecha, debido a que el sangrado menstrual regular puede estar presente. Se presenta el caso de una paciente primigestante con embarazo ectópico abdominal en segundo trimestre, con manejo definitivo quirúrgico y posterior evolución materna favorable al postquirúrgico, sin embargo, con resultado perinatal adverso para el recién nacido. La importancia de este caso radica en su diagnóstico oportuno, por el cual se logró evitar complicaciones que pusieran en riesgo la vida de la paciente.

Abdominal ectopic pregnancy is a rare pathology, it is expressed by a pregnancy with implantation inside the abdominal cavity and outside the uterus and its annexes, being specifically the least frequent of ectopic pregnancies, representing 1% of cases. When it occurs, the maternal-fetal mortality rate is high1. The diagnosis requires a high degree of suspicion, due to regular menstrual bleeding may be present. It is a medical emergency with serious complications such as obstetric hemorrhage. We present the case of a prime pregnant patient with abdominal ectopic pregnancy in the second trimester with definitive surgical management, and subsequent maternal evolution favorable to post-surgery, however, with adverse perinatal outcome for the newborn. The importance of this case lies in its timely diagnosis, by which it was possible to avoid complications that put the patient's life at risk.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Embarazo Ectópico , Ultrasonografía , Muerte Perinatal , Embarazo Abdominal , Aborto Espontáneo , Ultrasonografía Prenatal , Técnicas y Procedimientos Diagnósticos , Diagnóstico , Muerte Fetal
Yenagoa Medical Journal ; 4(3): 43-53, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | AIM | ID: biblio-1391996


A linear relationship between gestational age and fetal thoracic size has been observed, with growth occurring at a regular rate from 16 to 40 weeks.Objective: To determine the fetal chest circumference in normal late second and third-trimester pregnancies in a Nigerian population.Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on gravid women with normal singleton pregnancies at 22 ­ 38 weeks gestational age. We recruited 440 eligible gravid women. The fetal gestational age was estimated from the last menstrual period and an early first trimester ultrasound report (< 10 weeks). The fetal chest circumference was measured on an axial view of the fetal chest after ensuring adequate visualisation of the four cardiac chambers, both fetal lungs and ribs. The other fetal biometric parameters were determined using the previously established guidelines. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and regression analysis were used as appropriate. Statistical tests were considered significant at P ≤ 0.05.Results: The mean age of the subjects was 29.8 ± 4.6 years (range = 18-45 years). The chest circumference of the fetuses ranged from 16.56 ± 0.29 cm to 30.87 ± 6.88 cm. The fetal chest circumferences increased with advancing gestational age (16.56 ± 0.29 cm at 22 weeks to 30.87 ± 6.88 cm at 37 weeks gestational age). There was strong positive correlation between chest circumference and menstrual gestational age (r=0.85, p=<0.0001), biparietal diameter (r=0.88, p<0.0001), abdominal circumference (r=0.90, p<0.0001) and fetal length (r=0.88, p<0.0001).Conclusion: The fetal chest circumference grew as the pregnancy progressed. There was a positive linear correlation between fetal chest circumference and menstrual gestational age as well as the other fetal biometric parameters.

Embarazo Abdominal , Ultrasonografía , Edad Gestacional , Mujeres
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964846


@#Abdominal pregnancy resulting in lithopedion is a rare condition constituting only 0.0054% of all pregnancies. This is a case of a 48-year-old Gravida 6 Para 3 (3-0-2-2) who consulted at the emergency room for an ultrasound finding of abdominal pregnancy. The patient had previous imaging done which showed a live intrauterine pregnancy until her fourth ultrasound, showing fetal death in utero. After several months without passage of the products of conception, a repeat ultrasound showed an abdominal pregnancy. Diagnosis of abdominal pregnancies may be difficult, thus it is important to utilize other imaging modalities to confirm the diagnosis. The mainstay for treatment for abdominal pregnancies is laparotomy. However, due to the possible severe hemorrhage that may arise intraoperatively, preoperative and postoperative arterial embolization of feeding vessels may be performed, as was done in the case discussed.

Embarazo Abdominal
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 85(1): 60-67, feb. 2020. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092776


ANTECEDENTES El embarazo ectópico abdominal es el menos habitual de los embarazos ectópicos, con una prevalencia situada entre el 0.9 - 1.4%. La mortalidad materna es elevada, alcanzando un 20% y la viabilidad fetal mínima. El manejo médico en estas situaciones es complicado ya que no está bien establecido debido a su baja frecuencia. CASO CLÍNICO Mujer de 35 años, con antecedente de esterilidad por endometriosis y salpinguectomía bilateral. Tras 5 fecundaciones in vitro (FIV) consigue una primera gestación, con finalización mediante cesárea por no progresión de parto. Acude a urgencias en su segundo embarazo, logrado tras 3 (FIV), con edad gestacional de 7 semanas. Presenta sangrado vaginal escaso y la ecografía demuestra a nivel de Douglas y hacia fosa iliaca izquierda un saco gestacional de 3 cm con embrión sin latido cardiaco de 5 mm. El nivel de β-hcg es de 1477 mUI/ml. Se diagnostica de gestación ectópica abdominal y se opta por actitud expectante dada la estabilidad clínica de la paciente. En un control a las 48h la β-Hcg es de 464 mUI/ml y la paciente se mantiene estable. En controles posteriores se observan niveles descendentes de β-Hcg y tras un mes la resolución es completa. CONCLUSIÓN El embarazo ectópico abdominal es una entidad poco frecuente pero con una alta tasa de mortalidad. Aunque lo más común es optar por un abordaje quirúrgico es necesario individualizar cada caso y basarse en la clínica y las diferentes pruebas diagnósticas para seleccionar aquellos casos que se pueden beneficiar de un manejo conservador.

BACKGROUND Abdominal ectopic pregnancy accounts for only 0.9-1.4% of all ectopic pregnancies. The maternal mortality rate is high (up to 20%) and fetal viability mínimum. The managment, specially the conservatory management of these cases is difficult because of our limited experiencie due to its low frecuency. CASE PRESENTATION 35-year-old woman, with history of sterility due to endometriosis that required bilateral laparoscopic salpinguectomy. Her first pregnancy (after 5 in vitro fertilization cicles (IVF)) finalized with a caesarean section because of to the lack of labour progresion. She was admitted to our emergency department during her second pregnancy (after 3 IVF cicles), with 7 weeks of gestational age. She had a little vaginal bleeding. Ultrasound scan showed a 5mm gestational sac with a 3mm embryo without cardiac activity in the pouch of Douglas. The β-Hcg level was 1477mUI/ml. The final diagnosis was ectopic abdominal pregnancy and it was decided to undertake an expectant management because she was clinically stable. The β-Hcg level after 48 hours was 464 mUI/ml. In subsequent examinations β-Hcg showed descending levels and after one month the resolution was completed. CONCLUSION Abdominal ectopic pregnancy is very infrequent but it has a high mortality rate. The most common approach is surgical but it is necessary to study all signs and diagnostic tests to select patients that could get profit from a conservatory management.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Embarazo Abdominal/diagnóstico , Fertilización In Vitro/efectos adversos , Salpingectomía/efectos adversos , Infertilidad Femenina/etiología , Embarazo Abdominal/sangre , Embarazo Ectópico , Ultrasonografía Prenatal , Gonadotropina Coriónica Humana de Subunidad beta/sangre , Espera Vigilante , Tratamiento Conservador
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 41(2): 129-132, Feb. 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003528


Abstract Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of pregnancy-related death during the first trimester, and it occurs in 1 to 2% of pregnancies. Over 90% of ectopic pregnancies are located in the fallopian tube. Abdominal pregnancy refers to an ectopic pregnancy that has implanted in the peritoneal cavity, external to the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. The estimated incidence is 1 per 10,000 births and 1.4%of ectopic pregnancies. Lithopedion is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy, and it occurs when the fetus from an unrecognized abdominal pregnancymay die and calcify. The resulting "stone baby" may not be detected for decades andmay cause a variety of complications. Lithopedion is a very rare event that occurs in 0.0054% of all gestations. About 1.5 to 1.8% of the abdominal babies develop into lithopedion. There are only ~ 330 known cases of lithopedion in the world. We describe a lithopedion that complicated as intestinal obstruction in a 71-year-old woman.

Resumo A gravidez ectópica é a principal causa de morte materna no primeiro trimestre, e ocorre em 1 a 2% das gestações. Mais de 90% ocorrem nas tubas uterinas. Gravidez abdominal refere-se à gravidez ectópica implantada na cavidade peritoneal, externamente ao útero e às tubas uterinas.Aincidência estimada éde 1 por 10mil nascimentos e 1,4%das gravidezes ectópicas. A litopedia é um tipo raro de gravidez ectópica, e ocorre quando o feto de uma gravidez abdominal não reconhecida morre e se calcifica. O "bebê de pedra" resultante pode não ser detectado por décadas, e pode causar complicações futuras. A litopedia é um evento muito raro que ocorre em 0,0054% de todas as gestações. Cerca de 1,5 a 1,8% dos bebês abdominais se tornam litopédios. Existem somente cerca de 330 casos conhecidos de litopedia no mundo. Descrevemos uma litopedia que se agravou, tornando-se uma obstrução intestinal, em uma idosa de 71 anos.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Anciano , Embarazo Abdominal , Feto , Enfermedades del Íleon/etiología , Obstrucción Intestinal/etiología , Calcinosis/complicaciones , Adherencias Tisulares/etiología , Dolor Pélvico/etiología , Litiasis/complicaciones , Obstrucción Intestinal/cirugía
Rev. inf. cient ; 98(4): 540-552, 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1023982


Introducción: el embarazo ectópico es una de las afecciones que más incrementan la morbilidad y la mortalidad maternas. La incidencia varía de 1:40 a 1:100 embarazos. Se caracteriza por la implantación del embrión dentro de la cavidad peritoneal, por fuera de la trompa de Falopio, el ovario y el ligamento ancho del útero. Objetivo: familiarizar a los médicos generales timorenses con las características clínicas, la etiopatogenia y el diagnóstico y el manejo de esta condición obstétrica. Método: se presentó un caso clínico de embarazo ectópico abdominal atendido por un equipo multidisciplinarios de profesionales cubanos colaboradores en el Hospital Referal Maubisse (República Democrática de Timor Leste). Se revisó la literatura sobre el tema en bases de datos electrónicas (SciELO, ClinicalKey, RedALyC, Scopus, PubMed, Clinical Evidence, Cochrane). Se realizó una selección por título y resumen por los tres autores, en caso de encontrar una diferencia se sometió a un cuarto evaluador. Resultados: el examen clínico y la ultrasonografía abdominal posibilitaron el diagnóstico de embarazo ectópico abdominal con feto muerto. Se realizó laparotomía y se encontró un feto de 17 semanas en estado de momificación y maceración aséptica, ubicado en el fondo de saco de Douglas. Fue posible la extracción completa del tejido placentario sin complicaciones transoperatorias y evolución satisfactoria. Conclusiones: el cuadro clínico es inespecífico y aunque se reconoce el valor diagnóstico de la ecografía abdominal, al no existir signos específicos y ante la ausencia de imágenes ultrasonográficas características, se hace indispensable una laparotomía exploradora(AU)

Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy is one of the conditions that most increase maternal morbidity and mortality. The incidence varies from 1:40 to 1: 100 pregnancies. It is characterized by implantation of the embryo into the peritoneal cavity, outside the fallopian tube, the ovary and the broad ligament of the uterus. Objective: to familiarize Timorese general practitioners with the clinical characteristics, etiopathogenesis and diagnosis and management of this obstetric condition. Method: A clinical case of abdominal ectopic pregnancy was presented attended by a multidisciplinary team of Cuban professionals collaborating at the Hospital Referal Maubisse (Democratic Republic of Timor Leste). Literature on the subject was reviewed in electronic databases (SciELO, ClinicalKey, RedALyC, Scopus, PubMed, Clinical Evidence, Cochrane). A selection was made by title and summary by the three authors, in case of finding a difference it was submitted to a fourth evaluator. Results: the clinical examination and abdominal ultrasonography made it possible to diagnose abdominal ectopic pregnancy with dead fetus. Laparotomy was performed and a 17-week fetus was found in a state of mummification and aseptic maceration, located at the bottom of Douglas's sac. It was possible the complete extraction of the placental tissue without transoperative complications and satisfactory evolution. Conclusions: the clinical picture is nonspecific and although the diagnostic value of abdominal ultrasound is recognized, as there are no specific signs and in the absence of characteristic ultrasound images, an exploratory laparotomy is essential(AU)

Introdução: A gravidez ectópica é uma das condições que mais aumentam a morbimortalidade materna. A incidência varia de 1:40 a 1: 100 gestações. É caracterizada pelo implante do embrião na cavidade peritoneal, fora da trompa de Falópio, do ovário e do ligamento largo do útero. Objectivo: familiarizar os clínicos gerais timorenses com as características clínicas, etiopatogenia e diagnóstico e tratamento desta condição obstétrica. Método: Foi apresentado um caso clínico de gravidez ectópica abdominal, atendido por uma equipe multidisciplinar de profissionais cubanos que colaboraram no Hospital Referal Maubisse (República Democrática de Timor Leste). A literatura sobre o assunto foi revisada em bancos de dados eletrônicos (SciELO, ClinicalKey, RedALyC, Scopus, PubMed, Clinical Evidence, Cochrane). Uma seleção foi feita por título e resumo pelos três autores; no caso de encontrar diferença, foi submetida a um quarto avaliador. Resultados: o exame clínico e a ultrassonografia abdominal possibilitaram o diagnóstico de gravidez ectópica abdominal com feto morto. Foi realizada laparotomia e um feto de 17 semanas foi encontrado em estado de mumificação e maceração asséptica, localizado no fundo do saco de Douglas. Foi possível a extração completa do tecido placentário sem complicações transoperatórias e evolução satisfatória. Conclusões: o quadro clínico é inespecífico e, embora o valor diagnóstico da ultrassonografia abdominal seja reconhecido, pois não há sinais específicos e na ausência de imagens ultrassonográficas características, é essencial uma laparotomia exploradora(AU)

Humanos , Embarazo Abdominal/cirugía , Embarazo Abdominal/diagnóstico por imagen , Laparotomía
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741716


We reported a case of secondary abdominal pregnancy with placental implantation into the fallopian tube, diagnosed at 16 weeks, in a woman admitted to the emergency room complaining of syncopal attacks. The best approach would be termination of the pregnancy, taking into consideration the high risk to the mother and the low possibility of alive and healthy birth. We had to perform an urgent surgical intervention due to the fact that the patient was in a clinically unstable condition, which was related to hemoperitoneum. If placental implantation is on abdominal organs or vessel the best approach would be to ligate the cord and to leave placenta in situ. Taking into consideration the place of placental implant, the removal of the fallopian tube with the placenta was the safest approach in this case. The best and most acceptable form of treatment would be individualized in case of rare form of ectopic pregnancy.

Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital , Trompas Uterinas , Hemoperitoneo , Laparotomía , Madres , Parto , Placenta , Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo Ectópico , Ultrasonografía
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 82(3): 338-344, jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-899914


ANECEDENTES El embarazo ectópico abdominal es raro; con baja incidencia y ausencia de sintomatología especifica que dificulta el diagnóstico y no existan criterios para el diagnóstico y tratamiento. OBJETIVO se presenta un caso de embarazo intra-ligamentario de 16 semanas de gestación y se hacer una revisión de la literatura sobre el manejo y comparación de los resultados. CASO CLÍNICO Mujer de 32 años de edad, gestas 3 partos 2; desconoce fecha de ultima menstruación; y control de la fertilidad con condón; acude por presentar dolor abdominal, sin datos de irritación peritoneal; se le realiza ultrasonido y se diagnostica embarazo de 16 semanas con muerte fetal; con sospecha embarazo abdominal; se realiza laparotomía exploradora para extracción fetal, dejando la placenta in situ, y manejo con metotrexate dejando la placenta in situ y egresado al tercer día sin complicaciones. CONCLUSIÓN el embarazo abdominal es raro, de difícil diagnostico; que requiere la extracción quirúrgica y dejar la placenta in situ y manejo adyuvante con metrotexate; reportándose buenos resultados; pero, existe escasa información sobre la fertilidad futura.

BACKGROUND The abdominal ectopic pregnancy is rare; with low incidence and absence of specific symptomatology diagnosis difficult and there are no criteria for the diagnosis and treatment. OBJECTIVE a case of intra-ligament 16 weeks of gestation pregnancy occurs and a review of literature on the handling and comparison of results is done. CASE REPORT Female 32 years old, deeds 3 births 2; known last menstrual period; and fertility control with a condom; comes because of abdominal pain without peritoneal irritation; Ultrasound was performed 16 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with fetal death; abdominal suspected pregnancy; laparotomy for fetal extraction is performed, leaving the placenta in situ, and leaving management methotrexate placental site and discharged on the third day uncomplicated. CONCLUSION abdominal pregnancy is rare, difficult to diagnose; requiring surgical removal and leave the spot and adjuvant use with methotrexate placenta; good results being reported; but there is little information on future fertility.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Embarazo Abdominal/cirugía , Embarazo Abdominal/tratamiento farmacológico , Metotrexato/uso terapéutico , Laparotomía
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 68(1): 71-82, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-900741


RESUMEN Objetivo: Reportar dos casos de embarazo ectópico abdominal avanzado, con buen resultado materno / perinatal, y revisar la literatura disponible con respecto al manejo de la placenta y el pronóstico de esta entidad. Materiales y métodos: Se describen dos casos de embarazo ectópico abdominal avanzado en los que se realizó extracción de la placenta, con feto viable y resultado perinatal favorable. Estos fueron atendidos en una institución de cuarto nivel de complejidad,ubicada en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura registrada en las bases de datos Medline vía PubMed, con los términos de búsqueda: "embarazo abdominal", "embarazo esplénico", "embarazo hepático", "embarazo omental" y "embarazo peritoneal". La búsqueda se limitó a artículos publicados durante los últimos doce años en inglés y español. Resultados: Se recuperaron 228 referencias, de las cuales 42 artículos cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión que informan un total de 74 pacientes con embarazo ectópico abdominal. En cuanto al manejo de la placenta, la remoción de la misma se informó en 42 casos (58%). La mortalidad materna se presentó en 4 casos (4,1%), todos por hemorragia posparto. Un total de 60 pacientes (81%) presentaron complicaciones, la más frecuente fue hemorragia en 38 de ellas (51%). En cuanto al resultado perinatal, se encontró una mortalidad perinatal del 43%. Conclusión: El manejo de la placenta es el punto clave del que podría depender la frecuencia de complicaciones maternas. Se requieren estudios prospectivos que evalúen el manejo más seguro y efectivo de esta condición.

ABSTRACT Objective: Report two cases of advanced ectopic abdominal pregnancy with good maternal/perinatal outcomes, and to review the literature available regarding the management of the placenta and the prognosis for this condition. Materials and methods: Description of two cases of advanced ectopic abdominal pregnancies with viable fetuses and favourable perinatal outcomes, in which the placenta was removed. The cases were seen at a Level IV institution in the city of Cali, Colombia. Review of the literature registered in the Medline data base via Pubmed using the search terms "abdominal pregnancy", "splenic pregnancy", "hepatic pregnancy", "omental pregnancy" and "peritoneal pregnancy". The search was limited to articles published in English and Spanish during the past 12 years. Results: Overall, 228 references were retrieved, of which 42 articles reporting on a total of 74 patients with ectopic abdominal pregnancy met the inclusion criteria. Regarding the management of the placenta, it was removed in 42 cases (58%). There were 4 cases of maternal mortality (4,1%) all of them due to postpartum bleeding. Complications occurred in 60 patients (81%), bleeding being the most frequent in 38 of them (51%). As for perinatal outcome, perinatal mortality was 43.8%. Conclusion: Placental management is the the key determinant factor of the frequency of maternal complications. Prospective studies to assess the safest and most effective management of this condition are required.

Femenino , Embarazo , Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo Ectópico
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-633046


Abdominal pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy. This type of pregnancy poses a difficult situation since it can incur high morbidity to mother and the fetus. Diagnosis is often difficult and surgical management should be multidisciplinary in approach. This paper presents a case 29-year-old who presents as missed abortion, subsequently diagnosed with abdominal pregnancy. Embolization of major vessels prior to evacuation of products of conception in abdominal pregnancy is a management option to prevent catastrophic complications such as hemorrhage.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Embarazo , Aborto Retenido , Embolización Terapéutica , Feto , Morbilidad , Madres , Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo Ectópico , Hemorragia , Laparotomía
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960569


@#<p style="text-align: justify;">Abdominal pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy. This type of pregnancy poses a difficult situation since it can incur high morbidity to mother and the fetus. Diagnosis is often difficult and surgical management should be multidisciplinary in approach. This paper presents a case 29-year-old who presents as missed abortion, subsequently diagnosed with abdominal pregnancy. Embolization of major vessels prior to evacuation of products of conception in abdominal pregnancy is a management option to prevent catastrophic complications such as hemorrhage.</p>

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Embarazo , Aborto Retenido , Embolización Terapéutica , Feto , Morbilidad , Madres , Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo Ectópico , Hemorragia , Laparotomía
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-110651


Uterine serosal pregnancy is an extremely rare form of ectopic pregnancy. This is a report of a 35-year-old primigravida woman who was diagnosed with uterine serosal pregnancy via laparoscopic intervention. A 35-year-old woman (gravida 1, para 0) was referred from a local clinic for a ruptured left tubal pregnancy at amenorrhea 5+0 weeks with elevated serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin (16,618 mIU/mL). A pregnancy on the left posterior wall of the uterine serosa was diagnosed during the operation and successfully treated with laparoscopic surgery as a conservative management strategy to enable fertility preservation. With the advantages of ultrasonography and laparoscopy, an early diagnosis of a primary abdominal pregnancy located on the left posterior wall of the uterine serosa was made, prior to the occurrence of severe intra-abdominal massive hemorrhage, which was then treated laparoscopically as a conservative management strategy enabling the preservation of fertility.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Amenorrea , Gonadotropina Coriónica , Diagnóstico Precoz , Fertilidad , Preservación de la Fertilidad , Hemorragia , Laparoscopía , Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo Ectópico , Embarazo Tubario , Membrana Serosa , Ultrasonografía
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-100495


We report on an abdominal pregnancy in human immunodeficiency virus-positive mother, currently on antiretroviral therapy, which was discovered incidentally while training the obstetric ultrasound capacity building program. Although abdominal pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy, it may be more common in women with HIV infection because they tend to have a higher rate of sexually transmitted diseases than the general population. The positive diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy is difficult to establish and is usually missed during prenatal assessment particularly in settings that lack routine ultrasound examination as is the case in most developing countries. For the management of abdominal pregnancy, surgical intervention is recommended and removal of the placenta is a key controversy. Ultrasonography is considered the front-line and most effective imaging method and an awareness with a high index of suspicion of abdominal pregnancy is vital for reducing associated high maternal and even higher perinatal mortality.

Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Creación de Capacidad , Países en Desarrollo , Diagnóstico , VIH , Infecciones por VIH , Métodos , Madres , Mortalidad Perinatal , Placenta , Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo Ectópico , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual , Ultrasonografía
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 27(2): 4470-4472, 2016. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-987503


Debido a la baja incidencia de embarazos ectópicos abdominales y, más aún, de la formación de litopedion, se reporta el caso de una paciente de 84 años quien consulta por cuadro clínico de colelitiasis y pancreatitis de origen biliar, con hallazgo incidental de litopedion en cavidad abdominal de más de 40 años, documentado y diagnosticado por medio de radiografía convencional de abdomen y confirmado con tomografía computarizada multidetector (TCMD). Se realizó una revisión de la literatura mundial sobre los aspectos clínicos, radiológicos y patológicos del embarazo abdominal con presentación de litopedion

Due to the low incidence of abdominal ectopic pregnancy and, even more, of the formation of lithopedion, the case of an 84-years-old female patient is presented, who was admitted with clinical symptoms of cholelithiasis and biliary pancreatitis, with an incidental finding of lithopedion in the abdominal cavity, of more than 40 years. It was documented and diagnosed using conventional abdominal radiography, and confirmed with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). The article presents a review of world literature on the clinical, radiological and pathological features of abdominal pregnancy with lithopedion.

Humanos , Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo , Muerte Fetal
Biociencias ; 11(2): 103-107, 2016. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-969429


En este artículo se informa un caso y se revisa la literatura acerca de embarazo abdominal. Se reporta el caso de una paciente joven de 24 años, multigestante, con embarazo pobremente controlado, quien acude al servicio de urgencias de un hospital de III nivel de complejidad de la ciudad de Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia con cuadro clínico de dolor abdominal. Posterior a rastreo ecográfico realizado en el servicio y con evidencia de anhidramnios, es realizada cesárea de urgencia con hallazgo de embarazo abdominal con producto vivo a término. La madre es llevada a unidad de cuidados intensivos con evolución satisfactoria y dada de alta junto al recién nacido. Se pre-senta una revisión de la epidemiología, cuadro clínico y manejo

In this article a case and a review of the literature about abdominal pregnancy are reported. The patient was a young multiparous woman with a poorly controlled pregnancy who arrived to emergency room with abdominal pain, which began three days ago, later was perform an ultrasonographic examination that revealed oligohydram-nios. Was performed an emergency cesarean section with abdominal pregnancy and finding a live and term fetus. Mother was followed in intensive care unit with a satisfactory postoperative evolution. Mother and child were discharged a few days later. We discuss the epidemiology, clinical manifestations and management.

Embarazo , Embarazo Abdominal , Útero , Niveles de Atención de Salud , Parto
Femina ; 43(5): 225-234, set.-out. 2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-771218


A gestação é um período de significativas modificações no organismo materno, que objetivam promover a homeostase do binômio materno-fetal. Sob o ponto de vista hepático, demais das alterações conspícuas à gravidez, deve o obstetra detectar precocemente anomalias envolvendo o fígado, que complicam até 3% das gestações e são responsáveis por elevada mortalidade materna e perinatal. Por outro lado, certas doenças hepáticas têm sua história natural modificada quando ocorrem durante a gestação, demandando cuidados especiais de uma equipe multidisciplinar que envolva o obstetra e o hepatologista. Este artigo revisa as modificações fisiológicas do sistema hepático na gravidez, assim como suas alterações hepáticas mais prevalentes no Brasil. O objetivo é auxiliar e fornecer orientações ao obstetra e guiar o melhor cuidado das pacientes a fim de prevenir e reduzir as complicações hepáticas na gravidez.(AU)

Pregnancy is a period of significant changes in the mother's organism aimed at promoting the mother-fetus homeostasis. From the hepatic standpoint, the obstetrician should detect early the abnormalities attacking the liver, which complicates up to 3% of pregnancies and are responsible for high rates of maternal and perinatal mortality. On the other hand, some liver diseases have their natural evolution changed when they occur during the pregnancy, requiring special care of a multidisciplinary team involving obstetrician and hepatologist specialists. This study presents the physiological changes of the hepatic system during pregnancy, as well as the most prevalent pregnancy hepatic disorders occurring in Brazil. It aims to help the obstetrician and guide the best patient care to prevent and reduce hepatic complications in pregnancy.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Complicaciones del Embarazo/etiología , Hígado/fisiopatología , Hepatopatías/complicaciones , Hepatopatías/diagnóstico , Preeclampsia/etiología , Embarazo Abdominal/fisiopatología , Colestasis Intrahepática/complicaciones , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas , Síndrome HELLP/etiología , Hígado Graso/complicaciones , Hiperemesis Gravídica/complicaciones
Horiz. méd. (Impresa) ; 15(3): 74-76, jul.-set. 2015. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-781154


El embarazo ectópico (EE) es la implantación del óvulo fecundado fuera de la cavidad uterina, su incidencia ha aumentado en las últimas décadas. El EE abdominal es una forma rara, localizado a nivel de la cavidad peritoneal fuera de la cavidad uterina. Para su diagnóstico se usan los criterios de Studdiford. Tiene una alta morbilidad y mortalidad materna asociada. Presentamos el caso de una segundigesta de 33 años, casada. Con parto vaginal previo y FUM incierta, con ciclos menstruales irregulares, en tratamiento con progestágenos durante dos meses, y sangrado menstrual por 8 días durante el último mes. Ingresa por emergencia con signos de shock hipovolémico. Se realizó laparotomía y se confirmó diagnóstico. Se extrajo feto y anexos con evolución favorable...

Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is the implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity, its incidence has increased in recent decades. The abdominal EP is a rare form, located at the level of the peritoneal cavity outside the uterine cavity. For diagnostic criteria used Studdiford. lt has a high maternal morbidity and mortality associated. We report the case of a patient 33 years old, married. Prior vaginal delivery and LMP uncertain, with irregular menstrual cycles, progestogen therapy for two months, and menstrual bleeding for 8 days during the last month. Enteres by emergency with signs of hypovolemic shock. Laparatomy was performed and confirmed diagnosis. Fetus and Annexes fetus and extracted with favorable evolution...

Humanos , Adulto , Femenino , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Embarazo Abdominal , Embarazo Ectópico