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Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 24(3): e20190137, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1090281


RESUMO Objetivo Mapear e descrever a ocorrência de sintomas urinários e intestinais durante a infância e investigar o impacto de tais sintomas nas experiências vividas por crianças e suas famílias. Método Revisão sistemática de métodos mistos realizada nas bases eletrônicas MEDLINE/PUBMED, CINAHL, LILACS, PSYCINFO e EMBASE em julho de 2019, as quais geraram 3.020 referências. Após remoção das duplicatas, 2.521 títulos e resumos foram triados com filtro de tempo, e aplicado critérios de inclusão. Desses, 31 artigos foram lidos na íntegra e avaliados quanto à qualidade metodológica pelo Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool, resultando em 15 artigos como amostra final. Resultados Foram encontrados: sentimento de inferioridade, agressividade, culpa e vergonha. A revisão evidenciou, ainda, o impacto negativo dos sintomas urinários e/ou intestinais no contexto social da criança e de sua família, em especial, no ambiente escolar. Conclusão e implicações para a prática Essa revisão sistemática de métodos mistos evidencia a importância de trabalhar os impactos emocionais e sociais da criança, em especial os eventos no ambiente escolar. Se faz necessário subsidiar o profissional de saúde na assistência às famílias e crianças com sintomas urinários e/ou intestinais, no sentido de prover um cuidado ampliado, valorizando as necessidades biopsicoemocionais da díade criança-família.

RESUMEN Objetivo Mapear y describir la ocurrencia de síntomas urinarios e intestinales durante la infancia e investigar su impacto en las experiencias de los niños y sus familias. Método Revisión sistemática de métodos mixtos, realizada en las bases de datos electrónicas MEDLINE/PUBMED, CINAHL, LILACS, PSYCINFO, EMBASE en julio de 2019, las cuales generaron 3,020 referencias. Después de eliminar los duplicados, se seleccionaron 2.521 títulos y resúmenes con filtro de tiempo, y se aplicaron criterios de inclusión. De esos, 31 artículos fueron totalmente leídos y evaluados en cuanto a la calidad metodológica por Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool, resultando en 15 artículos como muestra final. Resultados Fueron encontrados: sentimiento de inferioridad, agresividad, culpa y vergüenza. También se notó el impacto negativo de los síntomas urinarios y/o intestinales en el contexto social de los niños y sus familias, especialmente en el escolar. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica Esta revisión sistemática resalta la importancia de abordar los impactos emocionales y sociales de los niños, especialmente en la escuela. Se necesita subsidiar el profesional de salud en la atención a las familias y niños con síntomas urinarios y/o intestinales, a fin de proporcionar un cuidado ampliado, valorando las necesidades biopsicosociales de la díada niño-familia.

ABSTRACT Objective To map and describe the occurrence of urinary and intestinal symptoms during childhood and to investigate the impact of such symptoms on the experiences of children and their families. Method Systematic review of mixed methods, performed in the electronic databases MEDLINE/PUBMED, CINAHL, LILACS, PSYCINFO and EMBASE in July 2019, which generated 3,020 references. After removal of duplicates, 2,521 titles and abstracts were screened with time filter, and application of inclusion criteria. Among these, 31 articles were read in full and evaluated as for methodological quality by the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool, resulting in 15 articles as the final sample. Results The following results were found: feeling of inferiority, aggressiveness, guilt and shame. The review also showed the negative impact of urinary and/or intestinal symptoms in the social context of children and their families, especially in the school environment. Conclusion and Implications for practice: This systematic review of mixed methods highlights the importance of addressing children's emotional and social impacts, especially events in the school environment. It is necessary to subsidize the health professional in assisting families and children with urinary and/or intestinal symptoms, in order to provide expanded care, valuing the biopsychosocial needs of the child-family dyad.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Familia , Síntomas del Sistema Urinario Inferior/diagnóstico , Incontinencia Urinaria , Estreñimiento , Encopresis , Enuresis Nocturna , Incontinencia Fecal , Síntomas del Sistema Urinario Inferior/psicología
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 95(6): 628-641, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056653


ABSTRACT Objective: To identify and describe the protocols and clinical outcomes of urotherapy interventions in children and adolescents with bladder bowel dysfunction. Method: Systematic review carried out in June 2018 on Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL),Excerpta Medica dataBASE (EMBASE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Cochrane Library, and PsycInfo databases. Clinical trials and quasi-experimental studies carried out in the last ten years in children and/or adolescents with bladder and bowel symptoms and application of at least one component of urotherapy were included. Results: Thirteen clinical trials and one quasi-experimental study were included, with moderate methodological quality. The heterogeneity of the samples and of the methodological design of the articles prevented the performance of a meta-analysis. The descriptive analysis through simple percentages showed symptom reduction and improvement of uroflowmetry parameters. The identified urotherapy components were: educational guidance, water intake, caffeine reduction, adequate voiding position, pelvic floor training, programmed urination, and constipation control/management. Conclusion: This review indicates positive results in terms of symptom reduction and uroflowmetry parameter improvement with standard urotherapy as the first line of treatment for children and adolescents with bladder bowel dysfunction. It is recommended that future studies bring contributions regarding the frequency, number, and time of urotherapy consultations.

RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar e descrever os protocolos e desfechos clínicos das intervenções de uroterapia em crianças e adolescentes com disfunção vesical e intestinal. Método: Revisão sistemática realizada em junho de 2018 nas bases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Excerpta Medica dataBASE (EMBASE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Cochrane Library e PsycInfo. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos e estudos quase-experimentais dos últimos 10 anos, em crianças e/ou adolescentes com sintoma urinário e intestinal e aplicação de no mínimo um componente de uroterapia. Resultados: 13 ensaios clínicos e 1 estudo quase-experimental foram incluídos, sendo a qualidade metodológica moderada. A heterogeneidade da amostra e de delineamento metodológico dos artigos impediu a realização de meta-análise. A análise descritiva por meio de percentual simples demonstrou redução dos sintomas e melhora dos parâmetros de urofluxometria. Os componentes de uroterapia identificados foram: orientação educacional, ingestão hídrica, redução de cafeína, posicionamento adequado para eliminação, treinamento do assoalho pélvico, micção programada e controle/manejo da constipação. Conclusão: Esta revisão sinaliza resultados positivos em termos de redução de sintomas e melhora nos parâmetros de urofluxometria com aplicação de uroterapia padrão como primeira linha de tratamento nos casos de crianças e adolescentes com disfunção vesical e intestinal. Recomenda-se que estudos futuros tragam contribuições no que tange a frequência, número e tempo para as consultas de uroterapia.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Trastornos Urinarios/terapia , Enfermedades de la Vejiga Urinaria/terapia , Enfermedades Gastrointestinales/terapia , Estreñimiento/terapia , Encopresis/terapia
Ludovica pediátr ; 22(4): 5-11, dic.2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDNPAR, ARGMSAL | ID: biblio-1048765


La inestabilidad vesical y la constipación son manifestaciones clínicas frecuentes en la consulta pediátrica y predisponen a un problema urológico significativo,provocando una disfunción vésico-intestinal (DVI), que ocasiona complicaciones en el funcionamiento normal del sistema urinario, con enuresis, incontinencia de orina, micción frecuente, encopresis y episodios recurrentes de infección urinaria.Es fundamental el interrogatorio exhaustivo sobre los hábitos evacuatorios,tiempo de control de esfínteres, hábitos alimenticios y maduración psicofísica para no equivocar el rumbo, y llegar a un correcto diagnóstico y posterior tratamiento, evitando tratamientos inútiles y la pérdida de tiempo y frustraciones del paciente y la familia.El presente trabajo intenta dar un poco de luz en este problema, insistiendo en la importancia del médico pediatra como factor fundamental en la pesquisa y diagnóstico de la disfunción vésico-intestinal

Bladder instability and constipation are frequent clinical manifestations in pediatric practice, and predispose to a significant urological problem, causing a vesical-intestinal dysfunction (DVI), which causes complications in the normal functioning of the urinary system, with enuresis, urinary incontinence, frequent urination, encopresis and recurrent episodes of urinary infection.Comprehensive interrogation of evacuation habits, sphincter control time, eating habits and psychophysical maturation is essential to avoid misguiding the course,and to arrive at a correct diagnosis and subsequent treatment, avoiding useless treatments and the loss of time and frustrations of the patient and the family.The present work tries to give a little light on this problem, insisting on the importance of the pediatrician as a fundamental factor in the investigation and diagnosis of vesical-intestinal dysfunction

Niño , Estreñimiento , Enuresis , Encopresis
Acta méd. costarric ; 58(4): 166-170, oct.-dic. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-827673


Resumen:Antecedentes:el estreñimiento crónico en la población pediátrica es una patología frecuente que puede afectar la calidad de vida del paciente y el entorno familiar. Se presenta la experiencia inicial de la Clínica de Manejo Intestinal, en la que se incluyen pacientes con patologías médicas y quirúrgicas de difícil manejo.Metodología:se revisaron los expedientes clínicos de la Clínica de Manejo Intestinal del Hospital "Dr. Maximiliano Peralta Jiménez", incluyendo todos los pacientes valorados desde junio de 2012 hasta junio de 2015. Se tomaron como pacientes activos, aquellos que se encuentran en control en la clínica, y como resueltos aquellos pacientes que fueron manejados inicialmente y luego referidos a la consulta externa de pediatría o cirugía.Resultados:se obtuvieron 77 pacientes, 25 activos (35%) y 52 resueltos (65%), que fueron referidos de las consultas de Pediatría y Cirugía Pediátrica, por estreñimiento de difícil manejo. De los pacientes activos, los diagnósticos son: 16 pacientes (64%) estreñimiento funcional, 6 pacientes (24%) enfermedad de Hirschsprung, 1 paciente (4%) con Síndrome de Mowat Wilson, 1 paciente con espina bífida, 1 paciente con ptosis del colon transverso. El motivo de consulta de los pacientes activos fue estreñimiento crónico en 20 (80%), enfermedad de Hirschsprung en 3 (12%) y encopresis en 2 pacientes (8%); los síntomas asociados de este grupo de pacientes fueron: dolor abdominal en 10 (40%), vómito en 3 (12%) y manchado en 19 (76%). De los 52 pacientes resueltos, 32 son hombres (61,5 %) y 20, mujeres. 44 pacientes (84,6%) tienen diagnóstico de estreñimiento funcional, 6 (11,5%) de enfermedad de Hirschsprung, 1 (1,9%) de ano imperforado con fístula perineal, y 1 con estenosis anal. El motivo de consulta fue estreñimiento crónico en 47 pacientes (90%), estenosis anal en 1 (1,9%), enfermedad de Hirschsprung en 1 (1,9%), fecalomas en 1 (1,9%), malformación anorrectal en 1 (1,9%) y enfermedad pélvica inflamatoria también en 1 paciente (1,9%).Conclusiones:los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar las causas más frecuentes de referencia de los pacientes con estreñimiento referidos a la Clínica de Manejo Intestinal del Hospital "Dr. Maximiliano Peralta Jiménez". De todos los pacientes referidos por estreñimiento de difícil manejo, se detectaron 15 (19%) de resolución quirúrgica.

Abstract:Background:Chronic constipation in the pediatric population is a common pathology that can affect the quality of life of the patient and the family. The initial experience at the Bowel Management Clinic is presented; patients with medical and surgical pathologies are included.Methodology:the clinical files from the Bowel Management Clinic at the Hospital "Dr. Maximiliano Peralta Jiménez" were reviewed, including all the patients evaluated between June 2012 to June 2015. The patients considered as active, are those who are presently in control at the clinic and patients considered as solved those patients who were evaluated initially and then referred to the pediatric outpatient clinic or surgery.Results:77 patients were included, 25 were active patients (35%) and 52 solved (65%), that were referred from the pediatric and pediatric surgery outpatients clinic for difficult management constipation. In the active patients the diagnoses are: 16 patients (64%) functional constipation, 6 patients (24%) Hirschsprung's disease, 1 patient (4%) with Mowat Wilson's Syndrome, 1 patient with spina bifida and 1 patient with ptosis of the transverse colon. The motive for consultation of the active patients was a chronic constipation in 20 patients (80%), Hirschsprung's disease in 3 (12%) and encopresis in 2 patients (8%); the associated symptoms of this group of patients were: abdominalpain in 10 patients (40%), vomit in 3 patients (12%) and soiling in 19 patients (76%) From the 52 solved patients, 32 are men (61.5%) and 20 women. 44 patients (84.6%) have diagnosis of functional constipation, 6 (11.5%) Hirschsprung's disease, 1 patient (1.9%) imperforated anus with perineal fistula and 1 patient with anal stenosis. The motive for consultation was chronic constipation in 47 patients (90%), anal stenosis in 1 (1.9%), anorectal malformation in 1 (1.9%) and inflammatory pelvic disease also in 1 patient (1.9%).Conclusions:The obtained results allow us to identify the most frequent causes of referral patients with chronic constipation to the Bowel Management Clinic at the Hospital "Dr. Maximiliano Peralta Jiménez". From all the patients referred for constipation of difficult management 15 (19 %) were detected for surgical resolution.

Humanos , Colostomía/estadística & datos numéricos , Estreñimiento/complicaciones , Encopresis/complicaciones , Enfermedad de Hirschsprung
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-61672


PURPOSE: Each ethnic group has a unique life style, including diets. Life style affects bowel movement. The aim of this study is to describe the results of colon transit time (CTT) tests in Korean children who had chronic functional constipation based on highly refined data. METHODS: One hundred ninety (86 males) out of 415 children who performed a CTT test under the diagnosis of chronic constipation according to Rome III criteria at Konkuk University Medical Center from January 2006 through March 2015 were enrolled in this study. Two hundreds twenty-five children were excluded on the basis of CTT test result, defecation diary, and clinical setting. Shapiro-Wilk and Mann-Whitney U, and chi-square tests were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The median value and interquartile range (IQR) of CTT was 54 (37.5) hours in Encopresis group, and those in non-encopresis group was 40.2 (27.9) hours (p<0.001). The frequency of subtype between non-encopresis group and encopresis was statistically significant (p=0.002). The non-encopresis group (n=154, 81.1%) was divided into normal transit subgroup (n=84, 54.5%; median value and IQR of CTT=26.4 [9.6] hours), outlet obstruction subgroup (n=18, 11.7%; 62.4 [15.6] hours), and slow transit subgroup (n=52, 33.8%; 54.6 [21.0] hours]. The encopresis group (n=36, 18.9%) was divided into normal transit subgroup (n=8, 22.2%; median value and IQR of CTT=32.4 [9.9] hours), outlet obstruction subgroup (n=8, 22.2%; 67.8 [34.8] hours), and slow transit subgroup (n=20, 55.6%; 59.4 [62.7]hours). CONCLUSION: This study provided the basic pattern and value of the CTT test in Korean children with chronic constipation.

Niño , Humanos , Centros Médicos Académicos , Colon , Estreñimiento , Defecación , Diagnóstico , Dieta , Encopresis , Etnicidad , Corea (Geográfico) , Estilo de Vida
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 15(1): 79-93, jan.-abr. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-767492


Estudos têm demonstrado que a encoprese, transtorno relacionado ao controle esfincteriano, pode trazer impactos significativos para a vida do indivíduo, tais como baixa autoestima e déficit em interação social. Apesar de reconhecido o importante comprometimento que tal transtorno pode causar no desenvolvimento infantil, a literatura científica tem dado pouca importância ao tema, apresentando um baixo número de publicações sobre o assunto. Dessa forma, este artigo investigou as publicações nacionais em psicologia relacionadas à encoprese entre os anos de 1994 a 2013 nas bases de dados Lilacs e Scielo. Foram encontrados 231 artigos em toda a publicação para este assunto e período, e selecionados cinco para a análise, sendo aqueles que relatavam intervenção em encoprese. Desses artigos, quatro foram publicados na mesma revista e descreveram intervenções comportamentais, sendo três do mesmo autor. O quinto artigo era da abordagem psicanalítica. As pesquisas foram realizadas com crianças e adolescentes e as intervenções comportamentais tiveram êxito com remissão dos sintomas encopréticos. Os dados afirmam a deficiência em publicações na área e número restrito de pesquisadores investigando o tema, que é de relevância significativa.

Studies have shown that encopresis, related to bowel control disorder, can bring significant impact for the individual life, such as low self-esteem and deficits in social interaction. Despite the significant impairment recognized that this disorder can have on child development, the scientific literature has given little attention to the theme, with a low number of publications on the subject. Thus, this paper investigated Brazilian publications in psychology related to encopresis between 1994 and 2013 in data base Lilacs and Scielo. 231 articles were found and were selected those that reported only intervention in encopresis. There were five articles and four published by the same journal and described behavioral interventions, and one author wrote three. The other one was psychoanalytic. The surveys were conducted with children and adolescents and behavioral interventions have been successful with remission of encopresis symptoms. The data affirm the deficiency in publications in the area and possibly limited number of psychologists investigating the issue, which is of significant importance.

Los estudios han demostrado que la encopresis, relacionado con el trastorno intestinal control, pueden aportar importantes para la vida del individuo, tales como la baja autoestima y déficit en los efectos de interacción social. A pesar del deterioro significativo reconocido que este trastorno puede tener en el desarrollo del niño, la literatura científica ha prestado poca atención al tema, con un bajo número de publicaciones sobre el sujeto. Por lo tanto, este trabajo investiga las publicaciones brasileñas en psicología relacionada con encopresis entre los años 1994 y 2013 en las basis Lilacs e Scielo. Se encontraron 231 artículos e seleccionaron solamente artículos que informaron la intervención in encopresis. Se encontraron cinco artículos, y cuatro en la misma revista con intervenciones conductuales, siendo tres de lo mismo autor. Lo quinto articulo era de la psicoanálisis. Las encuestas se llevaron a cabo con las personas y las intervenciones conductuales han tenido éxito con la remisión de los síntomas encopréticos. Los datos confirman la deficiencia en las publicaciones de la zona y posiblemente limitado número de psicólogos que investiga el asunto, que es de gran importancia.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Desarrollo Infantil , Encopresis/psicología
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 150-151, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-221372


Several medications are reported to be effective in treatment of encopresis. However, mechanisms of action related to these drugs are not known. We report a patient with ADHD and encopresis whose encopretic signs have disappeared with long acting methylphenidate while they have not changed with atomoxetine.

Humanos , Encopresis , Metilfenidato , Clorhidrato de Atomoxetina
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 253-258, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-88914


OBJECTIVE: There are no published prevalence estimates of elimination disorders and their association with disruptive-behavior disorders among children in the Asian region using standardized diagnostic interviews. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of elimination disorders and its association with disruptive-behavior disorders in a representative sample of children in Seoul, Korea. METHODS: The diagnosis of enuresis and encopresis was derived from parent-reported data for "enuresis and encopresis," collected using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children, from a representative sample of 6- to 12-year-old children (n=1,645) who participated in the 2005 Seoul Child and Adolescent Mental Health Survey. Prevalence data for attention deficit and disruptive-behavior disorders were collected from the same sample. RESULTS: The overall 12-month prevalence of nocturnal enuresis and encopresis was 1.8% and 0.6%, respectively. Enuresis and encopresis prevalence in boys was significantly greater than that in girls. Enuresis and encopresis was most common at 7 to 9 years of age. Enuresis was significantly associated with ADHD (OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.0-6.9) and conduct disorder (CD; OR 4.7, 95% CI 1.0-22.4). CONCLUSION: Enuresis is significantly associated with ADHD and CD, so these conditions must be assessed together during the evaluation of children with enuresis.

Adolescente , Niño , Humanos , Pueblo Asiatico , Déficit de la Atención y Trastornos de Conducta Disruptiva , Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad , Comorbilidad , Trastorno de la Conducta , Diagnóstico , Trastornos de Eliminación , Encopresis , Enuresis , Salud Mental , Enuresis Nocturna , Prevalencia
Scientific and Research Journal of Army University of Medical Sciences-JAUMS. 2012; 10 (1): 93-95
en Persa | IMEMR | ID: emr-128951


Some major orthopedics characteristics and abnormalities of Down syndrome [DS] include hypotonia and limbs abnormalities including the short and wide hands with shortened metacarpus and digits, hypoplasia of middle phalanx of the fifth finger and simian crease. We report an 8 year-old male case of DS associated with thumb duplication is presented to our Pediatrics Clinic. He was referred to our clinic for enuresis and encopresis and with left thumb duplication. To our knowledge, this is the first case of DS to be reported from Iran associated with thumb duplication

Humanos , Masculino , Pulgar/anomalías , Enuresis , Encopresis , Polidactilia
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 32(3): 754-767, 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-660772


A incontinência fecal, também conhecida como encoprese, é um transtorno de evacuação que acarreta prejuízos ao desenvolvimento psicossocial e orgânico da criança e do adolescente, e que demanda atenção e cuidado de pais e profissionais de saúde. No amplo contexto de tratamento da encoprese, a psicoterapia constitui importante recurso, sendo a terapia comportamental apontada como uma das modalidades mais promissoras e eficazes para o tratamento dessa dificuldade de eliminação. Este artigo apresenta o estudo dos efeitos do manejo comportamental de quadro de incontinência fecal em um adolescente de 14 anos, atendido em clínica-escola de Psicologia do interior do Estado de São Paulo durante 14 meses. A partir do referencial teórico da análise do comportamento, foi desenvolvido, em contexto psicoterápico, um conjunto de estratégias comportamentais com o cliente, bem como orientações aos pais, visando à gradativa extinção encoprética. No decorrer desse processo, o cliente apresentou significativas aquisições comportamentais de uso regular do banheiro e adequado controle esfincteriano, monitoradas semanalmente, que possibilitaram a plena extinção das ocorrências de sujidade, sendo avaliado o efeito em follow-up realizado três meses após o encerramento dessa intervenção...

Fecal incontinence, also known as encopresis, is an evacuation disorder that causes losses in the organic and psychosocial development of children and adolescents, which requires attention and care from parents and health professionals. In the broad context of treatment of encopresis, psychotherapy is an important resource, and behavior therapy identified as one of the most promising and effective modalities for the treatment of difficult elimination. This article presents a study about the effects of behavioral management of fecal incontinence in an adolescent attended in school-clinical psychology in the state of São Paulo for 14 months. From the theoretical and technical tools of behavior analysis, behavioral strategies were developed in the context of psychotherapy with the client as well as guidance for the parents, seeking gradual extinction of encopresis. During this process, the client had significant behavioral acquisitions of regular use of the bathroom and proper toilet training, monitored weekly, which enabled the full dissolution of soiling, and the effect was evaluated in follow-up conducted three months after the end of this intervention...

La incontinencia fecal, también conocida como encopresis, es un trastorno de evacuación que acarrea perjuicios en el desarrollo psicosocial y orgánico de niños adolescentes, lo que demanda atención y cuidado de padres y profesionales de salud. En el amplio contexto de tratamiento de la encopresis, la psicoterapia se constituye como recurso importante, siendo la Terapia Conductual apuntada como una de las modalidades más promisoras y eficaces para tratamiento de esta dificultad de eliminación. Este artículo presenta el estudio de los efectos del manejo del comportamiento de cuadro de incontinencia fecal en un adolescente de 14 años, atendido en clínica escuela de Psicología del interior del estado de São Paulo durante 14 meses. A partir del referencial teórico del Análisis del Comportamiento, fue desarrollado en contexto psicoterápico un conjunto de estrategias de comportamiento con el cliente, así como orientaciones a los padres, visando a la gradual extinción encoprética. En el transcurso de este proceso, el cliente presentó significativas adquisiciones de comportamiento de uso regular del baño y adecuado control de esfínter, monitoreados semanalmente, que posibilitaron la plena extinción de las ocurrencias de suciedad, siendo evaluado el efecto en follow-up realizado tres meses después del cierre de esta intervención...

Humanos , Adolescente , Adolescente , Terapia Conductista , Incontinencia Fecal , Psicología Clínica , Encopresis , Psicología
Rev. GASTROHNUP ; 13(1): 58-65, ene.-abr. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-645095


A título provisional considero con zoólogos y anatómicos que el hombre tiene más de mono que de ángel y carece de títulos para envanecerse y engreírse” Santiago Ramón y Cajal. El estreñimiento es un problema vinculado a la cultura y al medio ambiente. Si no se cambia el mundo exterior (medio ambiente), no se puede cambiar el medio interior (tracto digestivo). No hay animales estreñidos en el Reino Salvaje. La aganglionosis o Enfermedad de Hirschprung, afecta a 1 de cada 6000 recién nacidos. El 5% de las consultas pediátricas son por estreñimiento. Decir estreñido dietético o cultural, da una idea de que un cambio de dieta o de cultura (o actitudes) no brinda una solución al problema.

A provisional title with zoologists and anatomical consider that the man has more than monkey angel and no titles to boast and concei ted" Sant iago Ramón y Cajal . Constipation is a problem related to culture and the environment. Failure to change the outside world (environment), you can not change the internal environment (tract). No animals in the Wild Kingdom constipated. The aganglionosis orHirschsprung's disease, affects 1 in every 6000 newborns. 5% of pediatric visits are for constipation. To say dietary or cultural constipated, gives an idea that a change of diet or culture (or attitudes) does not provide a solution to the problem.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Estreñimiento/clasificación , Estreñimiento/diagnóstico , Estreñimiento/epidemiología , Cultura , Dieta , Encopresis , Conducta Alimentaria
Rev. bras. colo-proctol ; 30(4): 414-418, out.-dez. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-589137


INTRODUÇÃO: A constipação crônica é doença comum na infância, ocorrendo em 5 a 10 por cento dos pacientes pediátricos, considerada a segunda maior causa de procura nos consultórios de pediatria, sendo a encoprese decorrente de constipação grave associada à impactação fecal no reto. Dentre os exames diagnósticos, a manometria anal é utilizada para a avaliação de pacientes com distúrbios funcionais, como a constipação intestinal e a incontinência fecal, em alguns serviços para a avaliação de pacientes com encoprese, pois pode trazer informações sobre o mecanismo evacuatório e possíveis lesões esfincterianas anais. OBJETIVO: Verificar alterações manométricas em pacientes com encoprese. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo de 40 manometrias anais de crianças constipadas com encoprese (G1) e 12 crianças constipados sem encoprese (G2). Foram obtidos os seguintes dados: pressões de repouso, contração e evacuação do canal anal e ampola retal, ponto de maior pressão, reflexo inibitório anal e sensibilidade retal. As manometrias foram realizadas com o aparelho Alacer de perfusão com 8 canais. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças nas pressões de repouso, contração e evacuação do canal anal entre os grupos. Chamou-nos a atenção a ausência de necessidade de maior volume retal para desencadear o reflexo inibitório anal. Não houve diferença da incidência de anismus entre os dois grupos, demonstrando que não se trata de fator importante na manutenção da encoprese, mas sim da constipação. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve necessidade de maior volume para desencadear o reflexo inibitório anal. O anismus não foi diferente entre os dois grupos, não sendo importante na manutenção da encoprese.

INTRODUCTION: Chronic constipation is a common childhood disorder that affects 5 to 10 percent of pediatric patients, being the second most common cause for seeking medical help, with the encopresis arising out of severe constipation being associated with fecal impaction in the rectum. Among diagnostic exams, anal manometry is used to evaluate patients with functional disorders such as constipation and fecal incontinence, and in some procedures for the evaluation of patients suffering from encopresis, as it provides information on the defecation mechanism and any potential anal sphincter injuries. OBJECTIVE: To verify manometric alterations in patients with encopresis. METHODS: A study was conducted based on 40 anal manometries of constipated children with encopresis (G1) and 12 constipated children without encopresis (G2). The following data were obtained: pressure at rest, contraction and evacuation of the anal canal and the rectal ampulla, point of highest pressure, anal inhibitory reflex and rectal sensitivity. The manometries were performed with an 8-channel perfusion device manufactured by Alacer. DISCUSSION: No differences were found with respect for pressures at rest, contraction and evacuation of the anal canal between groups. Our attention was drawn to the lack of need for an increased rectal volume to trigger the anal inhibitory reflex. There was no difference in the incidence of anismus between groups, which shows that it is not a relevant factor in the maintenance of the encopresis, but of constipation. CONCLUSION: An increase in rectal volume was not required to trigger the anal inhibitory reflex. Anismus was not different in the two groups, being unimportant in the maintenance of encopresis.

Humanos , Niño , Estreñimiento , Encopresis , Incontinencia Fecal , Manometría
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-108384


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical features and factors contributing to treatment outcome for chronic functional constipation in children. METHODS: We analyzed the medical records of patients with constipation, who visited the inpatient or outpatient clinic of the Department of Pediatrics of Pusan National University Hospital, between January 1998 and December 2007. The clinical features, outcomes, and factors affecting the treatment response according to the main drug (lactulose vs. PEG 4000) were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS: Two hundred forty children (142 males and 98 females) were enrolled in this study. The mean age was 51.2+/-37.9 months. The duration of symptoms was 32.6+/-33.7 months. The accompanying symptoms were as follows: encopresis, 91 (30.4%); abdominal pain, 76 (31.6%); and blood-tinged stool, 37 (15.4%). The treatment response was achieved earlier in females (p<0.001), patients with accompanying symptoms (p<0.05), and patients treated with PEG 4000 (p=0.001). The duration of symptoms (p<0.05) and stool frequency before treatment (p<0.05) were related to a delayed treatment response. Relapse occurred in 7 children, all of whom were treated successfully later. CONCLUSION: Factors contributing to treatment response are female gender, accompanying symptoms, duration of symptoms, and stool frequency before treatment. PEG 4000 is superior to lactulose in response time and taken into consideration as a primary drug for the treatment of functional constipation of children. Early treatment and sufficient treatment time may also be important factors to achieve an early response and prevent relapse.

Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Dolor Abdominal , Instituciones de Atención Ambulatoria , Estreñimiento , Encopresis , Pacientes Internos , Lactulosa , Registros Médicos , Pediatría , Tiempo de Reacción , Recurrencia , Resultado del Tratamiento
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-237187


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To characterize the symptoms of neurogenic intrapelvic syndrome and the pathogenic mechanisms.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>A total of 537 patients with neurogenic intrapelvic syndrome were treated in the Takano Hospital between 2001 and 2005. Clinical data were analyzed retrospectively.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The mean age was 58.5 years old. There were 205 males and 332 females. There were 80 patients(14.9%) who presented with only one symptom with anorectal pain being the most common one (43.8%, 35/80). One hundred and fifty-six(29.1%) patients had two symptoms with anorectal pain and difficult evacuation being the most common combination (26.3%, 41/156). There were 144 patients (26.8%) complained of 3 symptoms and the most common combination was anorectal pain, difficult evacuation, and abdominal discomfort (30.0%, 43/144). A combination of 4 symptoms was reported in 105 patients(19.6%) with the combination of anorectal pain, incontinence, abdominal discomfort, and lumbar discomfort being the most often(65.7%, 69/105). In addition, there were 52 patients(9.7%) who had above 5 symptoms simultaneously. The frequencies of the 5 symptoms were 73.6% for anorectal pain, 27.9% for incontinence, 69.6% for difficult evacuation, 55.3% for abdominal discomfort, and 53.6% for lumbar discomfort.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>Symptomatology of neurogenic intrapelvic syndrome is complicated. The pathogenic mechanism may be related to concurrent dysfunction of sacral nerve and pelvic splanchnic nerve.</p>

Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Encopresis , Dolor Pélvico , Estudios Retrospectivos , Síndrome
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-175070


PURPOSE: We aimed to determine the ideal age for initiating toilet training and investigate the factors influencing the training. METHODS: The study population comprised 1,370 children aged 2-6 years, who visited the pediatric clinics in Jeonju, Iksan, and Gunsan. Their parents were given questionnaires in order to gather data about the types of diapers used, ages when toilet training was initiated and completed for each day and night, its adverse effects, and the educational level and employment and economic status of the mothers. RESULTS: The toilet training initiation age was low for those living in the country, having an elder sibling(s), and using cloth diapers, and for those whose mothers were employed and had a low economic status. The training completion age was 22.9 months when the training was initiated before the age of 18 months; this was lower than the training completion ages of 25.9 and 31.0 months when the training was initiated at the age of 18-24 months and after 25 months, respectively. However, the required durations in these cases were 8.4, 5.6, and 3.8 months, respectively. Encopresis and refusal occurred more often when the training was initiated before the age of 18 months than when initiated after this age. CONCLUSION: Toilet training should begin at least after the age of 18 months considering the developmental status of infants. It is recommended for the future researchers to develop specific guidelines regarding toilet training.

Anciano , Niño , Humanos , Lactante , Disulfiram , Empleo , Encopresis , Madres , Padres , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Control de Esfínteres
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 28(4): 846-861, dez. 2008. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-514589


Este trabalho consiste no relato do atendimento, em ludoterapia comportamental, de Lara (4 anos e 5 meses), que apresentava encoprese secundária retentiva, o que acarretava um intervalo entre as defecações superior a 72 horas. Método: a avaliação consistiu em entrevista com pais e babás, observação na escola, sessões lúdicas e sessões lúdicas familiares; as intervenções enfatizaram o uso de filme de animação, atividades lúdicas e brinquedos para obter a habituação comportamental e realizar o treino do toalete. Resultado: após a intervenção, utilizando filme de animação, Lara defecou no consultório, manteve o comportamento diário de defecação durante 18 meses de acompanhamento e apresentou três acidentes críticos nesse período. Discussão: o filme de animação é sugerido como a principal intervenção para a mudança de comportamento de Lara. Provavelmente, após observar os personagens do filme de animação realizando o treino de toalete e obterem adesivos, Lara foi reforçada vicariamente e aprendeu a relação entre o comportamento dos personagens (treino do toalete) e a conseqüência obtida por eles (adesivo). A brincadeira com as bonecas utilizadas no filme é concebida como um tipo de mediação lúdica.

This paper is a report of the treatment of Lara (4 years and 5 months old) who was experiencing secondary retentive encopresis, with an interval of over 72 hours between defecations. Methods: the evaluation was conducted through interviews with the parents and the nannies, observation at school, individual play sessions and family play sessions; the interventions focused on the use of animated films, play activities and toys to develop behavioral habits and toilet training. Results: after the intervention with the animated film, Lara defecated in the office and had daily defecations during the next 18 months of treatment; she had three serious accidents in this period. Discussion: most likely, after watching the characters’ toilet training and the stickers they got in the animated film, Lara was vicariously reinforced and learned the relationship between the behavior of the characters (toilet training) and the consequent reward (sticker). The game with the dolls used in the film is considered a type of play mediation.

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Encopresis , Habituación Psicofisiológica , Aprendizaje , Ludoterapia/educación , Psicoterapia
Pediatr. día ; 24(4): 20-26, sept.-oct. 2008.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-547383


La encopresis es un problema común en la infancia que se presenta en escenarios pediátricos, psiquiátricos y psicológicos y tiene un impacto significativo en el funcionamiento social y emocional del niño y en su familia.

Humanos , Niño , Encopresis/diagnóstico , Encopresis/psicología , Encopresis/terapia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Encopresis/epidemiología , Encopresis/etiología , Anamnesis , Examen Físico , Pronóstico
Ludovica pediátr ; 10(2): 71-73, mar. 2008. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-575294
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 17(1/2,supl.3): S202-S207, dez. 2007.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-552122


Objetivos: conhecer as características clínicas da constipação intestinal na infância em um ambulatório especializado. Métodos: foram estudadas 167 crianças com constipação intestinal atendidas no Ambulatório de Gastroenterologia Pediátrica da UFMG. Os dados obtidos foram analisados no programa SPSS. Resultados: 61,1% dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino, 60,2% tinha história familiar de constipação, a média de início dos sintomas foi de 22,1 meses e 68,9% dos pacientes evacuavam em intervalos iguais ou superiores a três dias. Quanto a faixa etária de procura pelo gastroenterologista, 12,57% eram lactentes, 43,11% pré-escolares, 26,35% escolares e 17,97% adolescentes. Os sintomas e sinais mais frequentes (p<0,05) foram: consistência das fezes aumentadas em 85% dos casos, sensação de esvaziamento retal incompleto em 44,4%, dor à evacuação em 70,7%, distensão abdominal em 68,3%, dor abdominal em 73%, calibre das fezes aumentado em 68,3%, manobras de retenção em 61,8%, massa fecal em 64,2%. Estiveram presente: escape fecal em 70,5%, encoprese em 30,0%, trauma emocional principiante em 24,5%, história de nascimento de irmão mais novo em 22% e ansiedade familiar em 45,5%. Conclusão: embora a maior procura seja da faixa etára de pre-escolar, os sintomas iniciam-se nos lactentes. Sinais e sintomas mais frequentes: aumento da consistência e do calibre das fezes, sensação de esvaziamento retal incompleto, dor à evacuação, dor e distensão abdominal. A alta frequencia de complicações pode se dever à procura tardia ao especialista ou ao atraso em se fazer o diagnóstico. Fatores contribuintes: história familiar positiva para constipação, traumas emocionais e nascimento de irmão mais novo.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Estreñimiento/epidemiología , Encopresis , Incontinencia Fecal