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Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20190348, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132239


Abstract The effect of the anatomical structure of tomato skin may be significant for quality determination at the harvest point, but the definitions of cells that constitute the skin of fleshy fruits, such as tomato, are still unclear, providing contradictory descriptions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidermal tissue of different genetic materials of tomato processing (IT761, U2006, TC2736, CVR2909 and F3060) and maturation stage, in order to compare and choose genetic materials with morphological characteristics of the epidermis region more appropriate for the bulk transport. Micrographs were used for cell measurements using the Image J software. Cuticle undergoes thickening during fruit growth, and reduction in full maturation. Genetic materials presenting fruits with thicker cuticle at the harvest stage (CVR2909, F3060 and IT761) were more advantageous due to their mechanical resistance. Cuticle deposition ends before full fruit maturation, resulting in a decrease in the amount of cutin per surface unit, consequently decreasing cuticle thickness in the ripe fruit. The characteristics observed in the tomato fruit mesocarp clearly showed the disruption of the cell wall during the fourth maturation stage related to loss of fruit firmness. Among the new genetic materials, F3060 has a greater potential to become cultivated for industrialization due to its morphological characteristics, such as elevated cuticle thickness and high values for width, height, perimeter and area of epidermal cells in full maturation stage, which make it suitable for bulk transport.

Solanum lycopersicum/citología , Epidermis de la Planta/citología , Distribución Aleatoria , Solanum lycopersicum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Solanum lycopersicum/genética
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62: e19180231, 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055402


Abstract Nectandra megapotamica (Spreng.) Mez. it is a native tree species of the Atlantic Forest, commonly known as canela-preta. The species has some anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antirheumatic properties among others. In this work the use of frozen plant material for microscopy analysis was tested. In addition, the leaf morpho-anatomy of the species was characterized which allowed to perform a structural description and to identify structures of secretion and storage of essential oil. The plant material was prepared for analyzes in optical, fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. The leaf anatomy shows glabrous epidermis, unistratified, paracytic stomata, absence of trichomes, polyhedral epidermal cells. Some typical family characteristics were observed as a closed arc-shaped bicollateral bundle vascular system and dorsiventral mesophyll. The structures of secretion and storage of essential oil were identified as secretory cavities.

Aceites Volátiles , Bosques , Nectandra amare/análisis , Epidermis de la Planta , Estomas de Plantas
Braz. j. biol ; 75(2): 368-371, 05/2015. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-749688


Studies on the anatomy of Piper leaves demonstrate the presence of a subepidermal tissue distinct from the adjacent epidermis, which cells show thin walls and hyaline contents. Some authors consider such cells a hypodermal tissue, while others refer to them as components of a multiple epidermis. In this study, the nature of this subepidermal tissue was investigated through the analysis of leaf ontogeny in three Piper species. The analysis showed that the referred tissue originates from the ground meristem and, thus, should be considered a hypodermis. The studied species suggests that the role of the hypodermis would be to protect the photosynthetic apparatus from excess light, regulating the intensity of light reaching the chlorophyll parenchyma.

Os estudos de anatomia foliar de espécies de Piper revelam a presença de um tecido subepidérmico distinto da epiderme e cujas células apresentam paredes finas e conteúdo hialino. Estas células são referenciadas por alguns autores como um tecido hipodérmico e por outros, como sendo constituintes de uma epiderme múltipla. Nesse estudo verificou-se a natureza deste tecido subepidérmico a partir da análise da ontogênese foliar de três espécies de Piper. A análise revelou que o referido tecido tem origem do meristema fundamental e, portanto, deve ser denominado de hipoderme. Para as espécies avaliadas, sugere-se que a hipoderme teria função de, proteger o aparato fotossintético do excesso de luminosidade, regulando a intensidade luminosa que atinge o parênquima clorofiliano.

Meristema/citología , Piper/citología , Epidermis de la Planta/citología , Hojas de la Planta/citología , Clorofila/fisiología , Fluorescencia , Meristema/fisiología , Fotosíntesis/fisiología , Piper/fisiología , Epidermis de la Planta/fisiología , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología
Dominguezia ; 31(2): 17-24, 2015. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1005210


Phoradendron bathyoryctum Eichler (Viscaceae) es una planta hemiparásita que crece en la República Argentina sobre varias especies arbóreas. Se utiliza en medicina popular de la misma manera que el muérdago europeo (Viscum album L. ­Viscaceae­), para disminuir la presión arterial. Los muérdagos, a veces, pueden ser susceptibles de epiparasitismo, o también sufrir el ataque de diferentes agentes fitopatógenos. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los cambios anatómicos que se producen en las hojas de Ph. bathyoryctum cuando son afectadas por algún agente infeccioso. Se colectaron ejemplares sanos e infectados, los últimos, con lesiones foliares superficiales. Se realizaron técnicas de raspado, diafanizado y obtención de epidermis en las hojas de los ejemplares. También se practicaron reacciones histoquímicas. En las hojas infectadas se observó una destrucción progresiva de los estomas y cambios en el resto de los tejidos epidérmico y subepidérmico, que dieron como resultado la formación de estructuras visibles macroscópicamente, y semejantes a lenticelas foliares. De acuerdo con las observaciones realizadas y por comparación con la bibliografía consultada, se supone que el daño foliar se inicia en el estoma donde se producen cambios estructurales hasta su destrucción, la modificación de las células adyacentes y la formación de lesiones superficiales en las hojas infectadas. En cuanto al agente, si bien no se pudo determinar en esta oportunidad, podría asociarse a algún tipo de virus. Se sugiere realizar futuros estudios para confirmar si los virus son los causantes de las lesiones. (AU)

Humanos , Epidermis de la Planta , Viscaceae , Infecciones , Argentina , Plantas Medicinales , Muérdago , Fotomicrografía , Viscaceae , Phoradendron
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(2): 819-827, Jun.-Aug. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-715474


Rice cultivars are affected directly and indirectly by the insect sogata. The mechanical damage or direct loss, is produced after feeding and ovoposition on the young leaves tissues, while the indirect damage is produced after the transmission of the Rice hoja blanca virus. We studied the morpho-anatomic structures associated with the resistance of the mechanical damage produced by the insect, in six rice cultivars, including controls for resistance and susceptibility (Makalioka and Bluebonnet 50), during August 2011, in Fundacion Danac, Venezuela. Samples were taken from leaf 3, where cuticle thickness, presence of macrohair, microhair and silica bodies in the second third of the leaf was evaluated. A significant difference to thickness of the cuticle, the presence of microhair in the leaves, and presence of silica bodies was observed among cultivars, determining a significant correlation among the number of macrohair and microhair in the adaxial leaf blade with the presence of silica bodies, and thickness of the cuticle and number of posed insects. Thickness of the cuticle and presence of silica bodies in the intercostals space of microhair and macrohair showed to be the variables most related to mechanical damage and resistance mechanism.

El arroz es afectado directa e indirectamente por el insecto sogata. El daño directo o mecánico es debido a la postura de huevos y alimentación del tejido foliar por parte del insecto y el daño indirecto que ocurre es por la trasmisión del virus de la hoja blanca del arroz. El ensayo fue conducido en la Fundación DANAC en agosto 2011, con la finalidad de evaluar las estructuras morfoanatómicas asociadas con la resistencia al daño mecánico en seis cultivares de arroz que incluyen a los testigos de resistencia y susceptibilidad (Bluebonnet 50 y Makalioka). En el tercio medio de la tercera hoja, se evaluaron las variables grosor de la cutícula, presencia de macropelos, micropelos y cuerpos silíceos. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre los cultivares para el grosor de cutícula, número de micropelos y presencia de cuerpos silíceos, se determinó una correlación significativa entre el número de macro-pelos y micropelos en la cara adaxial con la presencia de cuerpos silíceos y el grosor de la cutícula y el número de insectos posados a las 96h. El grosor de la cutícula y la presencia de cuerpos silíceos en los espacios intercostales de los micropelos y macropelos mostraron ser los caracteres más relacionados con la resistencia al daño mecánico y los mecanismos de resistencia al insecto.

Animales , Hemípteros/fisiología , Oryza/parasitología , Epidermis de la Planta/parasitología , Hojas de la Planta/parasitología , Interacciones Huésped-Parásitos , Hemípteros/clasificación , Oryza/citología , Epidermis de la Planta/citología , Hojas de la Planta/citología , Venezuela
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-300224


Based on the research of plant taxonomy and botanical investigation, microscopic characteristics of the root, stem, leaf transverse section and powder of Atropa belladonna were studied for identification of the herb. The research detailed and made clear to the description identification and microscopic characteristics of officinal parts of the herbs. The work provided reference for the identification of A. belladonna herbs and pieces of work in the future, as well as a theoretical basis for the further research, development, medicinal use and the upgrading of quality standards.

Atropa belladonna , Biología Celular , Microscopía , Métodos , Epidermis de la Planta , Biología Celular , Hojas de la Planta , Biología Celular , Raíces de Plantas , Biología Celular , Tallos de la Planta , Biología Celular , Estomas de Plantas , Biología Celular , Plantas Medicinales , Biología Celular
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(3): 1053-1065, sep. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-688459


The survival of plants in epiphytic environments depends on vegetative adaptations capable to defraud different stresses. Based on the structural diversity of the Orchidaceae, the current study has the objective of relating the anatomical structure of Dichaea cogniauxiana and Epidendrum secundum with the distinct environments where they live. It was expected that, despite structural similarities as strategies for resource acquisition, some peculiar variations related to the distinct light microenvironments (inside or in the edge of the nebular forest, near to “campo rupestre” area) might be found. Leaves and roots of both species were collected in a nebular forest located at a “campo rupestre” area at Serra da Piedade, Brazil), in January and February 2005. D. cogniauxiana is adhered to trunks, in sites with high atmospheric humidity and shaded, while E. secundum is located at the edge of the nebular forest, in more luminous sites. The leaves of E. secundum had thicker cuticle and higher number of stomata per area than those of D. cogniauxiana, characteristics coherent with their distinct pattern of exhibition to sun light. The suprastomatic chambers formed by the thicker cuticle may function as a barrier of resistance to water evaporation. The succulence of the leaves of E. secundum propitiates organic acids storage at night, and the storage of starch may be involved in PEP-carboxylase metabolism, both propitiating CAM mechanism. Roots with larger number of cell layers of the velamen, and specialized thick walled cortical cells (both in E. secundum) help water absorption and indicate better adaptation to an environment with intense solar radiation and a probable higher water deficit. The remarkable cell wall thickening of E. secundum exodermis can confer more efficient protection against the excess of transpiration at the border of the nebular forest. On the other hand, besides D. cogniauxiana be epiphyte, it is in a low position - in a shaded environment and with high relative humidity. Its thin thickened velamen permits the entrance of the low available light, and photosynthesis, producing oxygen and helping to avoid hypoxia condition. As features registered for D. cogniauxiana and E. secundum roots, we can depict the velamen, distinct exodermis and endodermis, and specialized thick walled cortical cells as characteristic of epiphytic plants.

La sobrevivencia de las plantas epífitas a su ambiente depende de las adaptaciones vegetativas que les permiten afrontar diferentes tipos de estrés. Basado en la diversidad estructural de las Orchidaceae, el presente estudio tiene por objetivo relatar la estructura anatómica de Dichaea cogniauxiana y Epidendrum secundum con relación a los distintos ambientes donde viven. Hojas y raíces fueron recolectados en un bosque nuboso de un campo rupestre en la Serra da Piedade, Brasil. Dichaea cogniauxiana está adherida a los troncos, en sitios con alta humedad atmosférica y sombra, mientras que E. secundum está localizada en el margen del bosque nebular, en sitios más iluminados. Las hojas de E. secundum tienen una cutícula más gruesa y un mayor número de estomas por área que las de D. cogniauxiana, características coherentes con los diferentes patrones de exhibición a la luz del sol. Las cámaras supraestomáticas formadas por la cutícula pueden funcionar como una barrera de resistencia a la evaporación del agua. La suculencia de las hojas de E. secundum propicia el almacenamiento de ácidos orgánicos por la noche, y el almacenamiento de almidón puede estar implícito en el metabolismo de la PEP-carboxilasa. Las raíces con mayor velamen y especializadas paredes gruesas de las células corticales (ambas en E. secundum) ayudan a la absorción e indican una mejor adaptación al ambiente con intensa radiación solar y probable alto déficit de agua. El engrosamiento de la pared celular en la exodermis de E. secundum puede conferir una protección más eficaz contra el exceso de transpiración en el margen del bosque nebular. Por otra parte, D. cogniauxiana además de ser epífita, está en una posición baja, en un ambiente sombreado y con una alta humedad relativa. Su velamen delgado permite la entrada de la baja luz disponible y la fotosíntesis, produciendo oxígeno que ayuda a evitar la condición hipóxica.

Adaptación Fisiológica/fisiología , Ecosistema , Orchidaceae/fisiología , Árboles , Brasil , Orchidaceae/clasificación , Fotosíntesis/fisiología , Epidermis de la Planta/fisiología , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Simpatría
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(2): 539-546, Jun. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-675449


The genus Zamia is morphologically and ecologically the most diverse of the order Cycadales. Throughout its history this genus has been restricted to the New World and is presently almost entirely restricted to the Neotropics. Unusual anatomical traits of the leaflets, such as the sunken stomata and thick cuticle, are common in this and related genera. The objective of this research was to study and compare the leaflet anatomy of Zamia acuminata and Z. pseudomonticola and establish possible phylogenetic relationships between the anatomical traits and the near relatives of these species. The leaf material was obtained from living plants and then processed for electron microscopy study. We found that both species are very similar to each other and to Z. fairchildiana, and that they share several unusual traits with other species of the genus, such as the parenchyma morphology, the spatial distribution of tissues between the veins and the stomata morphology. The main differences between these species were seen in their fiber clusters and in the abundance of trichome basal cells on the epidermis. The anatomical similarities between the three species could be the result of their close phylogenetic relationship and the divergences between them could be the result of recent speciation during the Pleistocene, resulting from geological changes in Southern Costa Rica.

Zamia es morfológica y ecológicamente el género más diverso del orden Cycadales. Este género siempre ha estado restringido a América, pero en la actualidad habita principalmente en la región neotropical. Características anatómicas inusuales en los foliolos como los estomas hundidos y las cutículas gruesas son comunes en Zamia y géneros afines. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en comparar la anatomía de los foliolos de Zamia acuminata y Z. pseudomonticola y establecer posibles relaciones filogenéticas entre las características anatómicas y los parientes cercanos de esta especie. Las hojas de las especies seleccionadas fueron obtenidas de plantas vivas y luego procesadas para el estudio por microscopía electrónica. Ambas especies son muy similares entre sí y respecto a Z. fairchildiana y comparten varias características en común con otras especies del género como son la morfología del parénquima, de los estomas y la distribución espacial de tejidos alrededor de las haces vasculares. Las diferencias más notables entre especies se vieron a nivel de sus paquetes de fibras y en la abundancia de células basales de los tricomas en la epidermis. Las similitudes anatómicas entre estas tres especies pueden ser el resultado de su cercanía filogenética y las diferencias podrían ser el resultado de especiación durante el Pleistoceno, producto de los eventos geológicos y cambios sucedidos en el sur de Costa Rica en esa época.

Epidermis de la Planta/ultraestructura , Hojas de la Planta/ultraestructura , Zamiaceae/ultraestructura , Costa Rica , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Filogenia , Zamiaceae/clasificación
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 29(3): 562-569, may/june 2013. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-914542


Platonia insignis Mart. (Clusiaceae) é conhecida na Amazônia brasileira como "bacuri" e apresenta grande importância econômica no Estado do Pará, especialmente na zona do Salgado, onde o extrativismo vegetal é considerado uma das principais fontes de renda da população. Para complementar o conhecimento biológico da espécie, foi realizado o estudo de caracterização anatômica das folhas de quinze espécimes procedentes de três áreas de floresta secundária do nordeste do Pará, Município de Bragança, na localidade de Benjamin Constant; do Município de São Caetano de Odivelas e da ilha do estuário guajarino de Mosqueiro. Foram aplicadas técnicas histológicas de dissociação de epidermes, secções histológicas, testes microquímicos e análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os resultados mostram cutícula espessa, cera epicuticular em crosta, raros tricomas, folhas anfiestomáticas com estômatos paracíticos, presença de colênquima angular e de estruturas secretoras. No estudo não foram observadas diferenças na estrutura foliar dos espécimes, porém foi constatada a existência de plasticidade fenotípica.

Platonia insignis Mart. is known in the Brazilian Amazon as "bacuri" and has great economic importance in the State of Pará, especially in the zona do Salgado, where the extraction of plants is considered a major source of income to the population. To complement the biological knowledge of the species, the study was conducted to characterize leaf anatomical fifteen specimens from three areas of secondary forest in northeastern Pará, Municipality of Bragança, in the town of Benjamin Constant, in São Caetano de Odivelas island estuary Guajarina Mosqueiro. Histological techniques were applied to dissociation of epidermis, the histological sections, microchemical tests and analysis in scanning electron microscopy. The results show a thick cuticle, epicuticular wax crust, rare trichomes, leaves with amphistomatic paracytic stomata, presence of collenchyma and secretory structures. In the study there were no differences in leaf structure of the specimens, however, was found to contain phenotypic plasticity.

Hojas de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Epidermis de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Clusiaceae/anatomía & histología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-318698


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To clarify the origin and provide pharmacognostical evidences for the leaves of 5 species in Chloranthus.</p><p><b>METHOD</b>Histological observation and microscopic identification through different slice-making techniques were applied to the research.</p><p><b>RESULT</b>There were subtle differences between the histological characteristics. In microscopical identification, the different structures of vascular bundles in veins were observed, appendages and non-glandular hairs were distinct.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The method can be used to distinguish the features of 5 species in Chloranthus. This article offers information for the further research and exploitation of Chloranthus.</p>

Magnoliopsida , Farmacognosia , Epidermis de la Planta , Hojas de la Planta , Haz Vascular de Plantas , Plantas Medicinales , Especificidad de la Especie
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(3): 1137-1148, Sept. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-659575


Smilax L. in Brazil is represented by 32 taxa and it is a taxonomically difficult genus because the plants are dioecious and show wide phenotypic variation. The analysis and use of leaf anatomy characters is recognized as a frequently successful taxonomic method to distinguish between individual taxon, when floral material is absent or minute differences in flowers and foliage exist such as in Smilax. The aim of this study was to characterize the anatomical features of the aerial organs in Smilax syphilitica collected from the Atlantic Rainforest, in Santa Teresa-ES and the Smilax aff. syphilitica from the Amazon Rainforest, in Manaus, Brazil. For this, a total of three samples of Smilax were collected per site. Sample leaves and stems were fixed with FAA 50, embedded in historesin, sectioned on a rotary microtome, stained and mounted in synthetic resin. Additionally, histochemical tests were performed and cuticle ornamentation was analyzed with standard scanning electron microscopy. S. syphilitica and S. aff. syphilitica differed in cuticle ornamentation, epidermal cell arrangement and wall thickness, stomata type and orientation, calcium oxalate crystal type, and position of stem thorns. Leaf blades of S. syphilitica from the Amazon Rainforest have a network of rounded ridges on both sides, while in S. aff. syphilitica, these ridges are parallel and the spaces between them are filled with numerous membranous platelets. Viewed from the front, the epidermal cells of S. syphilitica have sinuous walls (even more pronounced in samples from the Amazon); while in S. aff. syphilitica, these cells are also sinuous but elongated in the cross-section of the blade and arranged in parallel. Stomata of S. syphilitica are paracytic, whereas in S. aff. syphilitica, are both paracytic and anisocytic, and their polar axes are directed towards the mid-vein. Calcium oxalate crystals in S. syphilitica are prisms, whereas in S. aff. syphilitica, crystal sand. Thorns occur in nodes and internodes in S. syphilitica but only in internodes in S. aff. syphilitica. These features have proven to be of diagnostic value and may support a separation into two species, but future studies are needed to confirm that S. aff. syphilitica is indeed a new taxon.

Smilax L. en Brasil está representado por 32 táxones y es un género difícil en lo que respecta a su taxonomía porque las plantas son diocas y presentan mucha variación fenotípica. El análisis y uso de los caracteres anatómicos de la hoja es reconocido frecuentemente como un exitoso método taxonómico para distinguir entre los táxones individuales cuando las flores están ausentes o hay diminutas diferencias. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar los rasgos anatómicos de los órganos aéreos en Smilax syphilitica recolectados en el Bosque Atlántico en Santa Teresa- ES y de Smilax aff. syphilitica del Amazonas, Manaus, Brasil. Un total de tres muestras fueron recolectadas por sitio. Las muestras fueron fijadas en FAA 50, sumergidas en historesina, seccionadas en un micrótomo rotatorio, teñidas y montadas en resina sintética. Se hicieron pruebas histoquímicas y la ornamentación de la cutícula fue analizada con microscopía electrónica de barrido estándar. S. syphilitica y difirieron en la ornamentación de la cutícula, la disposición de células epidérmicas y el grosor de la pared, tipo y orientación de estomas, tipo de cristal de oxalato de calcio y la posición de las espinas del tallo. Estas características han probado ser de valor diagnóstico y pueden apoyar la separación de dos especies, pero se necesitan futuros estudios para confirmar que S. S. aff. syphiliticaaff. syphilitica es un nuevo taxon.

Epidermis de la Planta/ultraestructura , Hojas de la Planta/ultraestructura , Smilax/clasificación , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Hojas de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Smilax/anatomía & histología , Smilax/ultraestructura
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-288663


This study was performed to determine the ability of eliminating sodium nitrite and blocking nitrosamine synthesis by anthocyanin from the skin of Alpinia galanga. purified by macroporous resin. The test was conducted under the condition of the simulated human gastric juice (pH 3.0, 37 degrees C) with VitC as positive control. The results showed that the max capability of eliminating sodium nitrite was 87.14%, which is 1.6 times sronger than that of VitC, and the max capability of blocking nitrosamine synthesis was 97.82%, which is 8 times sronger than that of VitC.

Humanos , Alpinia , Química , Antocianinas , Farmacología , Antioxidantes , Farmacología , Ácido Ascórbico , Farmacología , Jugo Gástrico , Química , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Hidrólisis , Nitrosaminas , Metabolismo , Epidermis de la Planta , Química , Nitrito de Sodio , Metabolismo
Hoehnea ; 38(4): 609-659, 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-877630


(Estudios epidérmicos en helechos y licófitas medicinales de Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina). Se realiza un análisis epidérmico de los órganos vegetativos y reproductivos de 28 helechos y licófitas medicinales, que crecen en Córdoba (Argentina). Los objetivos fueron: a) caracterizar en detalle la epidermis de todos los órganos; b) contribuir a la diferenciación de taxones estrechamente relacionados y c) proveer información adicional para un adecuado control de calidad de los helechos medicinales que se comercializan. Se describen en detalle distintos tipos de pelos, escamas, microescamas, estructuras de respiración y características de las células epidérmicas. Para cada taxón, se provee una descripción acompañada de dibujos lineales y fotomicrografías. Se describen por primera vez pelos y escamas inéditos y se mencionan tipos de estomas novedosos en varios taxones. Desde el punto de vista taxonómico, el indumento y los tipos de estomas fueron los caracteres más significativos para diferenciar taxones. El aporte al control de calidad queda resumido en los caracteres diagnósticos de la clave y en la iconografía que permiten la identificación de una especie cuando la droga vegetal se encuentra fragmentada o pulverizada.

Helechos/clasificación , Epidermis de la Planta , Estomas de Plantas/clasificación , Argentina , Fotomicrografía , Plantas Medicinales
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(2): 557-568, jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-638103


Leaf epidermis ultrastructure of Zeugites (Poaceae: Panicoideae). The genus Zeugites comprises eleven species of neotropical grasses and it is principally distributed in Mexico, with some species extending to the Caribbean region, Central and South America. In this work, leaf epidermis ultrastructure of 11 species is described by the use of scanning electron microscopy. At least three specimens per species, that included herbarium and collected specimens, were used. An identification key and specific descriptions are included, in which the distinctive epidermal features are highlighted. The taxonomic valuable characters found were the following: presence or absence of prickles and macrohairs, intercostals short cells form and silica body form. Based on leaf epidermis characteristics, Zeugites species can be arranged into three groups: (1) species that lack prickles (Z. americana, Z. mexicana, Z. pringlei, Z. munroana and Z. sagittata); and lack macro hairs, with the exception of Z. pringlei; (2) species that have prickles (Z. latifolia and Z. smilacifolia); (3) species that have both, prickles and macrohairs (Z. capillaris, Z. hackelii, Z. pittieri and Z. sylvatica). The morphological features of leaf epidermis, support the relationship between the tribes Centotheceae and Paniceae. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 557-568. Epub 2011 June 01.

El género Zeugites incluye once especies de pastos con distribución neotropical, en México, el Caribe, Centro y Sudamérica. En este trabajo se describe la epidermis foliar de las once especies, se utilizaron técnicas de microscopía electrónica de barrido y revisaron al menos tres especímenes de cada especie, algunas muestras proceden de ejemplares de herbario y otras fueron recolectadas por la primera autora. Se presenta una clave y descripciones para las especies del género, en las cuales se resaltan las características epidérmicas distintivas. Los caracteres que resultaron informativos, desde el punto de vista taxonómico fueron: la presencia o ausencia de aguijones y macropelos, la forma de las células cortas intercostales y la forma de los cuerpos de sílice. Con base en estas características, las especies de Zeugites se pueden separar en tres grupos: (1) especies que no presentan aguijones (Z. americana, Z. mexicana, Z. pringlei, Z. munroana y Z. sagittata) y que con excepción de Z. pringlei tampoco presentan macropelos; (2) especies que presentan sólo aguijones (Z. latifolia y Z. smilacifolia); y (3) especies que presentan aguijones y macropelos (Z. capillaris, Z. hackelii, Z pittieri y Z. sylvatica). Las características morfológicas de la epidermis foliar, sustentan la relación de las tribus Centotheceae y Paniceae.

Epidermis de la Planta/ultraestructura , Hojas de la Planta/ultraestructura , Poaceae/ultraestructura , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Poaceae/clasificación
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 13(4): 467-474, 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-611451


Objetivou-se, com a realização da pesquisa, avaliar modificações fisiológicas e anatômicas em plantas de melissa, cultivadas sob malhas termorrefletoras (Aluminet®), em diferentes níveis de sombreamento, visando conhecer a plasticidade fenotípica em resposta de adaptação a diferentes quantidades de luz. Os tratamentos foram caracterizados por plantas submetidas a pleno sol e a 20 e 60 por cento de intensidade luminosa, e arranjados conforme o delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC). As quantificações de clorofila foram feitas em quatro repetições, as medições das epidermes e parênquimas foram repetidas 15 vezes e utilizou-se 10 repetições para as avaliações das características de cloroplastos e grãos de amido destes. Plantas submetidas a 20 por cento de intensidade luminosa apresentaram maior quantidade de clorofila a e, portanto, maior razão clorofila a/b. Comparativamente, as folhas de melissa a pleno sol e a 60 por cento de luz apresentaram células da epiderme adaxial mais espessas, mas as células da epiderme abaxial mostraram características encontradas em folhas de sombra, ou seja, mais finas. Quanto maior a intensidade luminosa, maior o número de cloroplastos, porém, a pleno sol mostraram-se mais finos e com menor área. Os grãos de amido de plantas cultivadas sob ambientes sombreados tiveram maior área e ocuparam maior parte nos cloroplastos de plantas a 60 por cento de intensidade luminosa. Assim, plantas de melissa, quando submetidas ao sombreamento, tiveram plasticidade fenotípica.

The aim of this study was to evaluate physiological and anatomical modifications in lemon balm plants, cultivated under thermo-reflector nets (Aluminet®) at different levels of shading, in order to understand the phenotypic plasticity in adaptation response to different light quantities. The treatments were characterized by plants subjected to full sun and 20 and 60 percent of luminous intensity, and arranged in completely randomized design (CRD). The quantifications of chlorophylls were done in four replicates, the measurements of epidermis and parenchymas were repeated 15 times and 10 replicates were used to evaluate characteristics of chloroplasts and their starch grains. Plants subjected to 20 percent of luminous intensity showed higher quantity of chlorophyll a and, therefore, higher chlorophyll a/b ratio. Lemon balm leaves under full sun and 60 percent of light showed thicker adaxial epidermis cells, but the abaxial epidermis cells showed characteristics found in shaded leaves, i.e., they were slender. The higher the light intensity, the larger the number of chloroplasts; however, under full sun, they were slender and had smaller area. The starch grains of leaves grown under shaded environments showed larger area and, at 60 percent of luminous intensity, occupied the largest part of chloroplasts. Thus, lemon balm plants, subjected to shading conditions, showed phenotypic plasticity.

Adaptación Biológica/fisiología , Adaptación Biológica/genética , Adaptación a la Oscuridad/fisiología , Adaptación a la Oscuridad/genética , Melissa/análisis , Plantas Medicinales/crecimiento & desarrollo , Plantas Medicinales/genética , Brasil , Cloroplastos/fisiología , Cloroplastos/genética , Cloroplastos/química , Epidermis de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Epidermis de la Planta/fisiología , Epidermis de la Planta/genética
Neotrop. entomol ; 39(6): 1002-1007, nov.-dic. 2010. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-572484


Brazil is one of the world's largest tomato producer, but considerable part of the production is lost due to the attack of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) B biotype. Resistant germoplasm plants can be an important method for B. tabaci control in integrated pest management approaches. The attractiveness and ovipositional preference of B. tabaci for 17 tomato genotypes were evaluated in a free-choice test. Trials were set up in a randomized block design with ten replicates. Each replicate (one tomato plant per pot) was placed in a cage (80 x 50 x 50 cm) and infested with 1,000 adults during four days. Linear correlation tests were applied between the number of insects and eggs and number of trichomes in each tomato genotype. LA716, LA444-1 and PI134418 genotypes were the least attractive, while the 'Santa Clara' was the most attractive; PI134417 trapped the largest number of adults. LA716 genotype (4.1 eggs/leaflet and 2.1 cm²/eggs per leaflet) was the least preferred for whitefly oviposition; NAV1062, 'Fanny', LA1335, 'Santa Clara' and IAC294 were the most preferred genotypes. The glandular trichomes density was negatively correlated with whitefly's attractiveness and oviposition per leaflet and per leaf, and positively with the number of trapped insects. The non-glandular trichomes density was negatively correlated with the number of trapped insects and positively with whitefly's oviposition per cm²/leaflet andper cm²/leaf. LA716 had high antixenosis level (ovipositional nonpreference) toward B. tabaci B biotype related with type IV glandular trichome.

Animales , Hemípteros/anatomía & histología , Hemípteros/fisiología , Solanum lycopersicum/parasitología , Oviposición , Especificidad del Huésped , Hemípteros/clasificación , Solanum lycopersicum/genética , Epidermis de la Planta
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 82(3): 653-662, Sept. 2010. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-556801


The growth in thickness of monocotyledon stems can be either primary, or primary and secondary. Most of the authors consider this thickening as a result of the PTM (Primary Thickening Meristem) and the STM (Secondary Thickening Meristem) activity. There are differences in the interpretation of which meristem would be responsible for primary thickening. In Cordyline fruticosa the procambium forms two types of vascular bundles: collateral leaf traces (with proto and metaxylem and proto and metaphloem), and concentric cauline bundles (with metaxylem and metaphloem). The procambium also forms the pericycle, the outermost layer of the vascular cylinder consisting of smaller and less intensely colored cells that are divided irregularly to form new vascular bundles. The pericycle continues the procambial activity, but only produces concentric cauline bundles. It was possible to conclude that the pericycle is responsible for the primary thickening of this species. Further away from the apex, the pericyclic cells undergo periclinal divisions and produce a meristematic layer: the secondary thickening meristem. The analysis of serial sections shows that the pericycle and STM are continuous in this species, and it is clear that the STM originates in the pericycle.The endodermis is acknowledged only as the innermost layer of the cortex.

O crescimento em espessura do caule de monocotiledônea pode ser primário, ou primário e secundário. A maioria dos autores consideram o espessamento resultante do MEP (Meristema de Espessamento Primário) e do MES (Meristema de Espessamento Secundário). Há divergências de qual seria o meristema responsável pelo espessamento primário. Em Cordyline fruticosa o procâmbio forma feixes vasculares de dois tipos: traços foliares colaterais (com proto e metaxilema e proto e metafloema), e feixes caulinares concêntricos (com metaxilema e metafloema). O procâmbio também forma o periciclo, a camada mais externa do cilindro vascular, constituída por células menores e menos coradas que se dividem irregularmente, formando novos feixes vasculares. O periciclo dá continuidade à atividade procambial, originando somente feixes concêntricos. Concluiu-se ser o periciclo responsável pelo espessamento primário desta espécie. Mais distante do ápice as células pericíclicas passam a sofrer divisões periclinais originando o Meristema de Espessamento Secundário. A análise dos cortes seriados mostra que o periciclo e o MES são contínuos nesta espécie, ficando claro que o periciclo origina oMES. A endoderme é reconhecida, apenas, como a camada mais interna do córtex.

Magnoliopsida/citología , Diferenciación Celular/fisiología , Epidermis de la Planta/citología , Tallos de la Planta/citología , Magnoliopsida/clasificación , Magnoliopsida/crecimiento & desarrollo , Epidermis de la Planta/fisiología , Tallos de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 12(2): 188-194, abr.-jun. 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-578953


Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. é uma arvore brasileira endêmica da Caatinga e tem diversos usos no Nordeste. As sementes apresentam dormência tegumentar e o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar tratamentos pré-germinativos com ácido sulfúrico concentrado para superar a dormência. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 9 tratamentos, sendo 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 e 240 minutos de imersão em ácido sulfúrico concentrado P.A. com três repetições de 50 sementes, em dois experimentos. No experimento 1 foram usadas sementes recém coletadas e a avaliação foi feita durante 140 dias. No experimento 2 foram usadas sementes armazenadas por 5 meses e a avaliação feita durante 100 dias. Ziziphus joazeiro apresenta dormência imposta pelo endocarpo que envolve as sementes, e é necessário o uso de ácido sulfúrico durante 180 minutos para sementes recém-coletadas e por 240 ou 270 minutos, para sementes armazenadas por 5 meses para se atingir 80 por cento de emergência. O tempo de armazenamento das sementes pode influenciar a resposta germinativa, com emergência mais rápida após o armazenamento por 5 meses.

Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. is a Brazilian tree endemic to Caatinga and has been largely used in the Northeast of Brazil. Its seeds present tegument dormancy and this work aimed to evaluate pre-germinative treatments with concentrated sulfuric acid to break dormancy. Experimental design was completely randomized, with 9 treatments, i.e. 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, and 240 min of immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid A.R. with three replicates of 50 seeds, in two experiments. In experiment 1, newly collected seeds were evaluated for 140 days. In experiment 2, 5-month stored seeds were evaluated for 100 days. Ziziphus joazeiro presents dormancy imposed by the endocarp that involves the seeds, and sulfuric acid should be used for 180 min on newly collected seeds and for 240 or 270 min on 5-month stored seeds in order to reach 80 percent emergence. Seed storage time may influence the germinative response, with faster emergence after 5-month storage.

Germinación , Epidermis de la Planta , Fenómenos Químicos/métodos , Ácidos Sulfúricos , Tratamiento Térmico/métodos , Ziziphus/embriología , Etnobotánica , Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-344596


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To accumulate taxonomic data of the leaf epidermal features of the medicinal species of Euonymus.</p><p><b>METHOD</b>Twenty-nine materials of 21 taxa (including 16 species, 4 varieties and 1 form) representing 5 sections of Euonymus are examined by using both of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.</p><p><b>RESULT</b>The form of epidermal cells in Euonymus is usually polygonal or irregular. The stomata were anomocytic in all the species examined except E. maackii and E. bungeanus var. semipersistens. Stomatal types of all species studied may be anomocytic, anisocytic, cycolocytic or the transitional types among them.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The results show that some characteristics (including cuticular membrane, shape of guard cells, inner margin of outer stomatal rim, outer stomatal rim and stomata type) of the leaf epidermis can provide some anatomical evidence for the classification. The characteristics of leaf epidermis support following treatments: E. acanthocarpus var. longipes, E. acanthocarpus var. scandens and E. acanthocarpus var. sutchuanensis should be merged into E. acanthocarpus; E. bungeanus var. semipersistens should be merged into E. maackii; E. hamiltonianus f. lanceifolius should be merged into E. hamiltonianus.</p>

China , Euonymus , Química , Clasificación , Microscopía , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Epidermis de la Planta , Química , Clasificación , Hojas de la Planta , Química , Clasificación , Estomas de Plantas , Química , Clasificación , Plantas Medicinales , Química , Clasificación