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Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.2): 159-171, Apr.-Jun. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958165


Resumen En los arrecifes de coral, existen especies claves que mantienen en equilibrio las comunidades. La ausencia de una especie clave genera cambios importantes en la estructura y dinámica comunitaria de los taxa coexistentes. En este estudio se analizó la comunidad íctica arrecifal durante un periodo posterior al evento de mortandad masiva del erizo Diadema mexicanum, reportado en mayo de 2009 en La Entrega, Huatulco. Se realizaron censos visuales mensualmente de agosto 2009 a julio 2010. Con datos previos (febrero 2006-enero 2007) en los que se usó la misma metodología y los de este estudio, se comparó la abundancia y riqueza de especies y se calcularon los índices de Diversidad de Shannon, Equidad de Pielou y Dominancia de Simpson entre el periodo previo y posterior al evento de mortandad. Se probó la existencia de diferencias significativas entre ambos periodos mediante MDS, PERMANOVA y SIMPER. Los resultados mostraron que existió un incremento significativo en la abundancia después del evento y el MDS y PERMANOVA mostraron que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el ensamblaje de peces en La Entrega entre los dos periodos analizados. De acuerdo con el análisis SIMPER, la disimilitud observada entre periodos fue determinada por las especies Haemulon maculicauda, Thalassoma lucasanum, Selar crumenophthalmus y Stegastes acapulcoensis. Los resultados indican que el disturbio generado por la mortandad de D. mexicanum tuvo efectos importantes en la comunidad íctica de hábitos alimenticios similares, afectando importantemente a S. acapulcoensis y en menor grado a otros herbívoros como Scarus gobban y Prionurus punctatus, mientras que algunas especies carnívoras también incrementaron en abundancia, lo cual sugiere que la desaparición del erizo y en consecuencia su efecto competitivo, probablemente propició el incremento en otros invertebrados que constituyen alimento para las especies carnívoras.

Abstract Coral reefs have key species that control the community structure and composition, and exert influence on the stability and permanence of the reefs. When a key species is lost, there are important effects in the structure and diversity of the coexistent taxa. We analyzed the reef fish community in a period subsequent to the mass mortality event of the sea urchin Diadema mexicanum, reported in May 2009 in La Entrega, Huatulco, Mexico. Visual censuses were carried out monthly from August 2009 to July 2010 in order to record abundance and species richness. The data were used concurrently with data generated previously (February 2006-January 2007) in La Entrega using the same methodology in order to obtain community ecological Indices (Shannon´s diversity, Pielou´s evenness and Simpson´s dominance). Significant differences in fish assemblages regarding the periods before and after the die-off were tested using MDS, PERMANOVA, and SIMPER. The results showed a significant increase of abundance of fishes after the event of mass mortality, compared to the period previous to the event. There were significant differences in fish assemblages between periods.The dissimilarity between the periods was explained by the presence of Haemulon maculicauda (28.96%), Thalssoma lucasanum (22.17%), Selar crumenophthalmus (12.93%) and Stegastes acapulcoensis (11.44%). Our results suggest that the disturbance produced by the disappearance of D. mexicanum had important effects on the icthic community with feeding habits similar to those of the urchin, affecting more importantly to S. acapulcoensis and in less intensity to other herbivores such as Scarus gobban and Prionurus punctatus; meanwhile other fishes which are carnivores (for instance H. maculicauda) also increased importantly in abundance, suggesting that the disappearance of the urchin and in consequence its competitive effect, probably also propitiated a significant increase of other invertebrates which constitute the food source for carnivores. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 2): 159-171. Epub 2015 June 01.

Animales , Erizos de Mar/clasificación , Erizos de Mar/patogenicidad , Mortalidad , Ecosistema , Conducta Alimentaria , Arrecifes de Coral , México
Middle East Journal of Family Medicine [The]. 2006; 4 (5): 38-41
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-79686


The aim of this study was to report the common marine animal injuries sustained by Jordanian children. A prospective study of 152 patients, who sustained different marine animal injuries in the Gulf of Aqaba and treated at Princess Haya Hospital during the period from January 2004 to January 2006. One hundred and fifty two children who sustained marine animal injuries were managed with marked male predominance [9.9:1]. Injuries were most frequent during July [32.9%] and during the night [75%]. Sea Urchin was incriminated in 136[89.5%], while Lionfish and Stonefish were the cause of 14[9.2%] and 2[1.3%] respectively. All injuries were involving the limbs, with feet injured in 130 [85.5%] and h and s in 22[14.5%]. Only 20[13.1%] patients required admissions to the hospital. Although no deaths were reported, variable severe systemic and local manifestations were caused by Stonefish, whereas Sea Urchin and Lionfish presented mainly with local reactions. All patients injured by Stonefish were managed in the intensive care unit and Stonefish antivenom was given. Sea Urchin was the commonest cause of injuries while Stonefish was the cause of most serious injuries

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Animales , Erizos de Mar/patogenicidad , Venenos de los Peces/efectos adversos , Venenos de los Peces/toxicidad , Niño/complicaciones , Estudios Prospectivos