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Odontol. vital ; (39): 56-75, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550587


Resumen Los pacientes que se encuentran bajo tratamiento de anticoagulantes orales, presentan alteraciones en distintas etapas de la hemostasia, lo que conlleva a tener implicancias y consideraciones médico/quirúrgicas durante su atención. En la actualidad, no existe un consenso en relación con el manejo odontológico de estos pacientes que serán sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos, llevando a protocolos clínicos que siguen diversas posturas, como la de disminuir la ingesta farmacológica del anticoagulante, sustituir con heparina y la de mantener el tratamiento bajo control. Objetivo Establecer el manejo estomatológico del paciente que se encuentra en tratamiento de anticoagulante oral mediante una revisión profunda de la literatura Materiales y método Se realizó una búsqueda de revisión bibliográfica manualmente de artículos indexados a las bases de datos de PUBMED y EBSCO que correspondiesen a las palabras "cirugía bucal", "anticoagulantes", "atención dental" y "hemorragia oral". En cuanto a los criterios de inclusión, se consideraron revisiones bibliográficas, estudios observacionales, ensayos clínicos, guías, revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis publicados entre noviembre de 2005 y 2022, en idiomas inglés o español. Conclusiones Existen múltiples protocolos para la atención del paciente anticoagulado que será sometido bajo procedimiento de cirugía oral menor. Es importante considerar el anticoagulante utilizado, motivo, control de este, el procedimiento a realizar en el paciente y medidas hemostáticas tanto intra como postoperatorias por realizar, tras analizar lo anterior, se advierte que disminuir la ingesta del fármaco para realizar el procedimiento, puede ser más perjudicial al paciente como al clínico, por lo tanto se sugiere mantener el tratamiento antitrombótico y realizar un correcto manejo médico/quirúrgico.

Abstract Patients undertaking oral anticoagulant treatment may experience alterations in different stages of hemostasis, which lead to medical/surgical implications and considerations during their care. Currently, there is no consensus regarding the dental management of these patients, as they go through surgical procedures. This leads to clinical protocols that follow numerous approaches, such as reducing the pharmacological intake of the anticoagulant, replacing it with heparin, and maintaining the controlled treatment. Objective: To establish the stomatological management of the patient undergoing oral anticoagulant treatment through an in depth review of the literature. Materials and Method: A manual bibliographic review search of articles indexed to the PUBMED and EBSCO databases corresponding to the words "oral surgery", "oral bleeding", "anticoagulants" and "dental management" was performed. Regarding the inclusion criteria: bibliographic reviews, observational studies, clinical trials, guidelines, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses published between November 2005 and 2022, in English or Spanish, were considered. Conclusion: There are multiple protocols for the care of the anticoagulated patient who will undergo a minor oral surgery procedure. It is important to reflect on the anticoagulant used, the reason for it, its supervision, the surgical procedure that will be undertaken by the patient, and both intraoperative and postoperative hemostatic measures to be implemented. After analyzing the above, it is noted that reducing the intake of the drug to perform the surgical procedure may be harmful to the patient and to the clinician, therefore it is suggested to maintain the antithrombotic treatment and carry out a correct medical/surgical management.

Humanos , Cirugía Bucal/métodos , Anticoagulantes/uso terapéutico , Hemorragia Bucal/tratamiento farmacológico , Atención Odontológica
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (En línea) ; 43(4): 200-205, dic. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1537495


La hemorragia producida por lesión de la arteria lingual en la base de la lengua por cirugías o por tumores es infrecuente. La mayor frecuencia en la indicación de abordajes transorales para tratar diferentes patologías que afectan la orofaringe requiere que el equipo quirúrgico tenga experiencia en el manejo de esta complicación. La ligadura de la arteria lingual en el cuello es una técnica quirúrgica muy eficaz para solucionar la hemorragia, pero es importante conocer las posibles variantes anatómicas que puede tener la arteria en su trayecto cervical. Debido a su baja incidencia se propone como objetivo describir dos casos clínicos de pacientes que tuvieron hemorragias graves por lesión de la arteria lingual en la base de la lengua, producidas por daño quirúrgico y por erosión por tumor. [AU]

The bleeding caused by injury to the lingual artery at the base of the tongue due to surgery or tumors is infrequent. The increased frequency in the indication of transoral approaches to treat different pathologies affecting the oropharynx requires the surgical team to have experience in managing this complication. Ligation of the lingual artery in the neck is a very effective surgical technique to solve the bleeding; however, it is essential to be aware of the possible anatomical variants the artery may have in its cervical trajectory. Due to its low incidence, we propose to describe two clinical cases of patients who had severe bleeding due to a lesion of the lingual artery at the base of the tongue, produced by surgical damage and erosion due to a tumor. [AU]

Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Lengua/cirugía , Lengua/irrigación sanguínea , Hemorragia Bucal/terapia , Lengua/anatomía & histología , Ligadura/métodos
Odovtos (En linea) ; 25(1)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422188


The evidence to characterize oral health during adolescence in Costa Rica is limited. This lack of adequate research makes it difficult to develop appropriate health policies for this subgroup of the population. This is particularly important because adolescence is the period during which good health habits must take root in order to foster good physical and cognitive development. This study aims to determine the prevalence of tooth loss, bleeding on probing and malocclusion in Costa Rican male adolescents at the ''Colegio Técnico Profesional San Agustín'' (St. Augustine's Technical High School) located in the province of Cartago. Data was collected from 428 male adolescents aged 12-22 years in a cross-sectional study during 2019. Prevalence of tooth loss was calculated as the number of individuals having lost at least one tooth. The average number of teeth lost by individuals was also recorded. The bleeding on probing was an indicator used as a proxy parameter for monitoring periodontal health where the presence of bleeding on probing and calculus was also recorded. Malocclusion was measured using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). The results showed that the prevalence of tooth loss, bleeding on probing and malocclusion was of 19%, 70.0% and 98%, respectively. It was also found that 81% of the participants had all their teeth, 11% had lost 1 tooth, 8% had lost more than one tooth of which 0.5% had lost more than 5 teeth. Considering a general classification of periodontal problems based on bleeding on probing and presence of calculus, the prevalence of periodontal problems increases to 92%. Regarding the DAI, the category identifying a very severe malocclusion was the most prevalent in the sample (88%). It is alarming the high prevalence of tooth loss, bleeding on probing, and malocclusions in a sample of Costa Rican male adolescents, compared to similar studies in other countries. The overarching conclusion of this study is that oral diseases represent an important health problem that urgently need proper public health action.

La evidencia para caracterizar la salud bucal durante la adolescencia en Costa Rica es limitada. Esta falta de investigación adecuada dificulta el desarrollo de políticas de salud convenientes para este subgrupo de la población. Esto es particularmente importante porque la adolescencia es el período durante el cual se deben arraigar buenos hábitos de salud para fomentar un buen desarrollo físico y cognitivo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de pérdida de piezas dentales, sangrado al sondeo y maloclusión en adolescentes varones costarricenses del Colegio Técnico Profesional San Agustín ubicado en la provincia de Cartago. Se recopilaron datos de 428 adolescentes varones de 12 a 22 años en un estudio transversal durante 2019. La prevalencia de pérdida de piezas dentales se calculó como el número de individuos que habían perdido al menos una pieza dental. También se registró el número promedio de dientes perdidos por individuos. El sangrado al sondeo fue un indicador utilizado como parámetro para el seguimiento de la salud periodontal donde también se registró la presencia de sangrado al sondeo y cálculo dental. La maloclusión se midió utilizando el Índice Estético Dental (DAI, por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados mostraron que la prevalencia de pérdida de piezas dentales, sangrado al sondeo y maloclusión fue del 19%, 70,0% y 98%, respectivamente. También se encontró que el 81% de los participantes tenían todos sus dientes, el 11% había perdido 1 pieza dental, el 8% había perdido más de una pieza dental, de los cuales el 0,5% había perdido más de 5 piezas dentales. Considerando una clasificación general de problemas periodontales basada en sangrado al sondeo y presencia de cálculo, la prevalencia de problemas periodontales aumenta al 92%. En cuanto al DAI, la categoría que identifica una maloclusión muy severa fue la más prevalente en la muestra (88%). Es alarmante la alta prevalencia de pérdida de piezas dentales, sangrado al sondeo y maloclusiones en una muestra de adolescentes varones costarricenses, en comparación con estudios similares en otros países. La conclusión general de este estudio es que las enfermedades bucodentales representan un importante problema de salud que necesita urgentemente una acción adecuada de salud pública.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Pérdida de Diente/diagnóstico , Maloclusión/diagnóstico , Hemorragia Bucal/diagnóstico , Costa Rica
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(2): 1100812, may.-ago. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417278


Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el nivel de pre- sión arterial (PA) y la hemorragia post-exodoncia aplicando medidas de hemostasia local en pacientes bajo tratamiento con warfarina. Materiales y métodos: Este estudio se realizó sobre 30 pacientes (15 hombres y 15 mujeres) bajo tratamiento anti- coagulante oral (TACO) con warfarina. Los pacientes concu- rrían al programa de TACO del Hospital y Centro de Referen- cia de Salud El Pino (HEP y CRS). Se les realizaron una o dos extracciones dentales (n=38) sin suspensión del anticoagulan- te oral a pacientes que tuvieran un coeficiente internacional normalizado (INR) del día menor o igual a 3. Se aplicaron medidas de hemostasia local con gasa compresiva y/o sutura en 30 de las extracciones dentales. Los procedimientos quirúr- gicos fueron llevados a cabo en el Servicio Dental del CRS y HEP. Se registraron las siguientes variables: 1) PA previa a la exodoncia, 2) PA a los 30 minutos, 3) Presencia o ausencia de hemorragia a los 30 minutos post-exodoncia y 4) PA y presen- cia o ausencia de hemorragia a las 24 horas post-exodoncia. Se estudió la relación entre el nivel de PA y la hemorragia post-exodoncia. Resultados: De todos los pacientes evaluados, ninguno presentó hemorragia post-exodoncia en los distintos momen- tos de evaluación, independientemente de cuál fuera su PA. No se encontraron efectos de la variable PA ­considerando valores de PA sistólica (PAS) por debajo de 140 mmHg y de PA diastólica (PAD) menores a 90 mmHg- en relación con la hemorragia post-exodoncia. Conclusión: De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en este estudio, la presión arterial con PAS <140 mmHg y PAD <90 mmHg no es un factor que influya en el sangrado post-exodoncia en pacientes bajo tratamiento con warfarina con ≤3 (AU)

Aim: To establish the relationship between blood pres- sure (BP) level and post-exodontic hemorrhage by applying local hemostasis measures in patients under warfarin treat- ment. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in 30 patients (15 men and 15 women) under oral anticoagu- lant (OAC) treatment with warfarin. The patients attended the TACO program of the "Hospital y Centro de Referencia de Salud el Pino (HEP y CRS)". One or two dental extractions (n=38) were performed in the patients that had an INR low- er or equal to 3, without suspending the oral anticoagulant treatment, applying local hemostasis measures with compres- sive gauze and/or suture in 30 of the extractions. The surgical procedure was carried out in the Dental Department of the CRS and HEP. The following variables were registered: 1) BP prior to extraction, 2) BP after 30 minutes, 3) presence or absence of hemorrhage after 30 minutes post-exodontia and 4) BP and presence or absence of hemorrhage 24 hours post-exodontia. The relation between BP level and post-exo- dontic bleeding was studied. Results: Considering all the examined patients, none of them presented post-exodontic hemorrhage at any of the dif- ferent moments of evaluation, regardless of their BP level. No effect of the BP variable ­considering a range of systolic BP SBP) below 140 mmHg and a diastolic BP (DBP) under 90 mmHg- was found in relation to post-exodontic hemorrhage. Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, blood pressure with SBP <140 mmHg and DBP <90 mmHg is not an influential factor in post-exodontic bleeding in patients under warfarin treatment with ≤3 (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Extracción Dental/efectos adversos , Warfarina , Hemorragia Bucal/prevención & control , Presión Arterial , Anticoagulantes , Chile , Relación Normalizada Internacional , Servicio Odontológico Hospitalario
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 6(2): 55-59, jun. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247432


Introduction: There are different protocols for the management of anticoagulated patients that can be used when performing oral surgical procedures. Objective: To report the previous eva-luation and management of a hemorrhagic complication in the maxillofacial region in a patient undergoing oral anticoagulant therapy and the recommendations described in the literature for these patients. Clinical Case: Sixty-eight year old male patient, hospitalized in the cardiology unit due to heart failure, pending surgery for valve replacement. Treating physician requests evaluation for dental infection foci by a maxillofacial surgeon. Prior to medical examination and corresponding blood tests, four carious teeth are extracted, controlling hemostasis with local measures. During the night of the same day, the patient is referred again to the dental unit be-cause of an alveolorrhagia, being treated and controlled with new local measures; new standard blood tests are performed. Forty-eight hours later the patient presents an increase of volume in the right mandibular region compatible with hematoma and ecchymosis. It is decided to perform treatment, removing sutures, collagen and draining through the alveolus. Subsequently, new local measures are performed and the anticoagulant is suspended for 24 hrs. Conclusion: There are different care protocols for patients undergoing anticoagulant treatment in the literature, so each patient should be studied in advance to define what is the best therapeutic procedure to prevent complications.

Humanos , Masculino , Anciano , Hemorragia Bucal/complicaciones , Anticoagulantes/uso terapéutico , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Orales , Anticoagulantes/efectos adversos
ImplantNewsPerio ; 2(6): 1015-1021, nov.-dez. 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-880484


Objetivo: descrever a anatomia do ramo intraósseo da artéria alveolar superior posterior (riAASP) na parede lateral do seio maxilar. Material e métodos: 31 pacientes se encaixaram nos critérios de inclusão para a pesquisa. Avaliou-se a presença ou não do riAASP, sua distância até o assoalho do seio maxilar e até a crista alveolar, e seu diâmetro nas regiões dentais posteriores bilateralmente em maxila, comparando regiões dentadas com edentadas através de TCFCs. Resultados: o riAASP foi identificado em 21 pacientes (67,7%), sendo mais visualizado na região de primeiro molar. Foram avaliadas 248 regiões dentais de 31 pacientes, onde o riAASP foi visualizado e mensurado em 153 regiões (61,7%). Quanto mais posterior era a região, maior era o diâmetro do vaso, tanto para regiões dentadas quanto para as edentadas, e o diâmetro médio encontrado foi de 1,2 mm. A distância do riAASP até o assoalho do seio maxilar nas regiões dentadas não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante nas diferentes regiões dentais. Já nas regiões edentadas, quanto mais posterior foi a região, menor foi esta distância. Em relação à distância da artéria até a crista alveolar, quanto mais anterior era a região dental, mais distante da crista o riAASP se posicionou. Conclusão: o conhecimento anatômico, a solicitação de exames de tomografi a computadorizada, a interpretação no planejamento pré-operatório e a habilidade do cirurgião poderão eliminar ou diminuir os acidentes relacionados à hemorragia do riAASP durante a cirurgia de levantamento do seio maxilar.

Objective: to define the anatomy of the intraosseous branch of the posterior superior alveolar artery (ioPSAA) in the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. Material and methods: 31 patients meet the inclusion criteria for the study. The presence or absence of ioAASP, its distance to the floor of the maxillary sinus, to the alveolar crest and its diameter, were evaluated in the posterior dental regions bilaterally in the maxilla, comparing edentulos and dentate regions through CBCTs. Results: the ioPSAA was identifi ed in 21 patients (67.7%), being more visualized in the 1st molar region. A total of 248 dental regions of 31 patients were evaluated, where ioAASP was visualized and measured in 153 regions (61.7%). The diameter of the artery increases as it runs posteriorly in the maxilla, for both toothed and edentate regions. The mean diameter found was 1.2 mm. The distance from the ioPSAA to the maxillary sinus fl oor in the dentate regions did not present a statistically significant difference in the different dental regions. In the edentate regions, the more posterior the region, the smaller the distance to the sinus floor. Regarding the distance from the artery to the alveolar crest, the more anteror the dental anterior, the greater the distance of ioPSAA from the alveolar crest. Conclusion: anatomical knowledge, the need for CT scans, its interpretation in the preoperative planning, and the surgeon's ability, may eliminate or reduce the accidents related to riAASP hemorrhage during maxillary sinus surgery.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Implantación Dental , Arteria Maxilar/anatomía & histología , Hemorragia Bucal/prevención & control , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Orales , Elevación del Piso del Seno Maxilar , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 105(2): 70-77, jun. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-908058


El temor a desarrollar un sangrado excesivo lleva a los especialistas a suspender el tratamiento con antiagregantes plaquetarios -de rutina en pacientes con patología cardíaca isquémica, fibrilación atrial y stents coronarios, entre otros- antes de un procedimiento quirúrgico. La interrupción pone en riesgo la vida del paciente, pues estas terapias se utilizan para la prevención de accidentes trombóticos. Este trabajo se propuso realizar una revisión bibliográfica de los pacientes en terapia con antiagregantes plaquetarios sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos odontológicos. Labúsqueda se efectuó por medio del portal PubMed a partir de palabras clave como exodontia, aspirin, antiplatelet therapy y clopidogrel. Se incluyeron aquellos artículos que hacen referencia a la indicación y el manejo de la terapia con antiagregantes plaquetarios –en monoterapia o terapia dual– antes deuna cirugía dentoalveolar. El riesgo de sangrado intraoperatorio es ciertamente mayoren los pacientes en terapia con antiagregantes plaquetarios. Sin embargo, el sangrado posoperatorio no lo es, puespuede ser controlado satisfactoriamente con medidas locales. Además, la prevención del peligro de sangrado no compensael riesgo de tromboembolismo que implica la suspensión dela terapia.Los procedimientos quirúrgicos en pacientes con antiagregantes plaquetarios pueden llevarse a cabo de forma segura,sin alteración o modificación de la terapia, siempre y cuando se tomen las medidas pertinentes de hemostasia, y mientras sean realizados por un profesional con la experiencia necesaria. De todas formas, se aconseja consultar al médico especialista antes de interrumpir cualquier terapia.

The fear of developing an excessive bleeding leads thespecialists to discontinue the treatment with antiplatelet drugsbefore a surgical procedure increasing the risk of thromboembolicevents in patients. These therapies are used routinely forthe prevention of thrombotic events in patients with ischemicheart disease, atrial fibrillation and coronary stents, amongothers.The aim was to review the literature about the case ofpatients under antiplatelet therapy in need of surgical dentalprocedures. The following search terms were used in PubMed:exodontia, aspirin, antiplatelet therapy, clopidogrel. Articlesthat made a reference to the indication and management ofboth mono and dual antiplatelet therapy in patients who areundergoing dentoalveolar surgery were included.The risk of intraoperative bleeding is certainly greater forpatients on therapy with antiplatelet agents. However this isnot due to postoperative bleeding that can be satisfactorilycontrolled with local measures and this increased risk is notworth the risk of thromboembolism which the interruption ofthe therapy involves.Surgical procedures in patients receiving antiplateletagents can be safely carried out without alteration or modification of the therapy. It is important to implementappropriate hemostasis measures and the procedures haveto be conducted by a dentist with adequate experience inthis type of cases. Similarly, it is advisable to consult aphysician to decide if therapy discontinuation is appropriate.

Humanos , Atención Dental para Enfermos Crónicos/métodos , Isquemia Miocárdica/complicaciones , Inhibidores de Agregación Plaquetaria/uso terapéutico , Factores de Riesgo , Extracción Dental/normas , Aspirina/farmacología , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/complicaciones , Dipiridamol/uso terapéutico , Hemostáticos/normas , Hemorragia Bucal/prevención & control
ImplantNewsPerio ; 1(5): 883-887, jul.-ago. 2016. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-847686


O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar um caso clínico de hemorragia transoperatória na região anterior de mandíbula. Um paciente do sexo masculino, 77 anos de idade e portador de hipertensão arterial foi indicado para reabilitação com implantes osteointegráveis na região anterior de mandíbula. No transoperatório, após fresagem para preparação do leito para instalação dos implantes, observou-se hemorragia oriunda do assoalho de boca, ocasionando aumento severo da base de língua associado ao aumento de pressão arterial do paciente. A utilização de medicação anti-hipertensiva e ansiolítica foi a manobra inicial realizada para controle da hemorragia. Na sequência, foram realizadas duas incisões bilateralmente no assoalho de boca, com o intuito de drenar o sangue. O paciente foi mantido em observação por um período de duas horas, com monitorização de seus sinais vitais, estes mantendo-se dentro da normalidade e sem evolução do edema. O paciente foi liberado com as devidas orientações, visto que este acidente foi de difícil controle e os implantes osteointegrados não foram instalados naquele momento. Existe um eminente risco de hemorragias, quando há intervenção na região anterior da mandíbula para a instalação de implantes osteointegráveis. Porém, pacientes com comprometimentos sistêmicos e/ou que fazem uso de medicamentos anticoagulantes são mais predispostos. A fenestração da cortical lingual pode ser uma situação clínica que pode levar a um quadro hemorrágico. Saber aplicar condutas de emergência é um fator que pode salvar a vida dos pacientes, e alterações anatômicas locais podem favorecer o acidente hemorrágico.

The aim of this paper is to describe a clinical case of transoperative bleeding in the anterior mandibular region. A 77 years-old male patient having arterial hypertension was scheduled for dental implant placement. After the osteotomy for implant preparation, abundant bleeding was observed at the fl oor of the mouth, with severe tongue swelling and an increase on blood pressure. The basic management consisted of anti-hypertensive and anxiolytic medication, with two lateral incisions to drain blood, vital signs monitoring. The edema subsided and no airway obstruction or speech problems were observed thereafter. The patient was discarded with appropriate recommendations, and the implants were not installed in the same surgical consultation. There is a considerable risk of bleeding in the anterior mandibular region. However, patients with systemic diseases or under anti-coagulation therapy are more prone. Fenestration of the lingual cortical plate could be a possible reason for profuse bleeding. The clinician must know how to manage these situations to save the patient since local anatomic changes can favor the hemorrhagic accident.

Humanos , Masculino , Anciano , Implantes Dentales , Hematoma , Suelo de la Boca , Hemorragia Bucal , Osteotomía
Rev. ADM ; 72(6): 314-319, nov.-dic. 2015. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-786689


Antecedentes: La cirugía del tercer molar inferior retenido es unprocedimiento de rutina en la práctica de la cirugía bucal. Varias complicaciones surgen como resultado de esta intervención quirúrgica. Entre las más frecuentes se encuentran: dolor, infl amación, trismo, hemorragia, equimosis, alveolitis, infección, parestesia y dificultad para comer. Objetivos: El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la incidencia de complicaciones postoperatorias en la cirugía del tercer molar inferior retenido en pacientes de la Unidad Académica deOdontología de la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit a fin de tenerlas en cuenta y tomar las respectivas precauciones, ya sea para tratar de evitarlas en lo sucesivo o bien, para reconocerlas y darles tratamiento. No se incluye dolor, infl amación ni trismo. Material y métodos: Este estudio fue longitudinal y prospectivo de siete días consecutivos y de 30 días en total en 38 pacientes entre 16 y 38 años de edad. Se evaluaron las complicaciones postoperatorias relacionadas con la cirugía del tercer molar inferior. Resultados: Participaron 38 pacientes; 29 del género femenino (76.3 por ciento) y 9 del masculino (23.7 por ciento) de entre 16 y 38 años, con un promedio de edad de 23.16 ± 5.2 años. La complicación más frecuente fue la difi cultad para masticar seguida de equimosis...

Background: Impacted lower third molar surgery is a routine pro-cedure in the practice of oral surgery. However, there are various complications associated with the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars, the most common being pain, swelling, trismus, hemor-rhaging, ecchymosis, dry socket, infection, paresthesia, and diffi culty with chewing. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of postoperative complications following impacted lower third molar surgery in patients at the Academic Unit of Dentistry of the Autonomous University of Nayarit, so as to ensure these are taken into account and that the respective precautions are taken, either by attempting to avoid them in the future or to recognize and treat them. Pain, infl ammation and trismus are not analyzed in this paper. Material and methods: A longitudinal prospective study of 38 patients between the ages of 16 and 38 years old (with an average age 23.1) was carried out over seven consecutive days, with follow up examination performed at 15 and 30 days. The postoperative complications associated with lower third molar surgery were assessed. Results: 38 patients took part; 29 females (76.3%) and 9 males (23.7%) between the ages of 16 and 38 years, with a mean age of 23.16 ± 5.2 years old. The most common complication was diffi culty with chewing followed by ecchymosis...

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/clasificación , Diente Impactado/cirugía , Extracción Dental/efectos adversos , Tercer Molar/cirugía , Distribución por Edad y Sexo , Alveolo Seco/etiología , Equimosis/etiología , Hemorragia Bucal/etiología , Estudios Longitudinales , México , Músculos Masticadores/fisiopatología , Estudios Prospectivos , Parestesia/etiología , Interpretación Estadística de Datos , Trismo/etiología
ImplantNews ; 12(6): 807-811, nov.-dez. 2015.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-850954


A hemofilia é um distúrbio hemorrágico hereditário comum, caracterizada como uma desordem cromossômica ligado ao fator X, causando uma variedade de mutações no fator VIII (hemofilia A) e IV (hemofilia B). O objetivo do presente estudo foi, atráves de uma revisão da literatura, enfatizar os cuidados que o cirurgião-dentista deve ter na cirurgia oral com pacientes hemofílicos. Atualmente, quando se segue um protocolo, com fatores de reposição, antibiótico profilático, medidas hemostáticas locais e técnicas operatórias adequadas, o risco de hemorragia para pacientes hemofilícos, durante ou após cirurgias orais, diminui significativamente.

Hemophilia A is a common inherited bleeding disorder, characterized as a chromosome X-linked recessive bleeding factor, causing a variety of mutations in factors VIII (hemophilia A) and IV (hemophilia B). The aim of this study was, through a literature review, to emphasize the care with hemophilic patients in oral surgery. When an adequate protocol is followed, with spare factors, antibiotic prophylaxis, local hemostatic and appropriate surgical technique, the risk of hemorrhage for hemophilic patients during or after oral surgery signifi cantly decreases.

Humanos , Hemofilia A , Hemofilia B , Técnicas Hemostáticas , Cirugía Bucal , Hemorragia Bucal , Hemorragia Posoperatoria
São Paulo; s.n; 2014. 102 p. ilus, tab. (BR).
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-867209


A terapia antiplaquetária dual, cada vez mais tem sido utilizada como uma forma de abordagem terapêutica em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana (DAC), e principalmente em portadores de stents farmacológicos. Drogas antiplaquetárias, quando associadas, aumentam o risco de sangramento, isto faz com que muitos profissionais recomendem a suspensão da medicação antes de qualquer procedimento cirúrgico odontológico, entretanto, a suspensão desta terapia expõe os pacientes portadores de stent coronariano à riscos adversos de eventos trombóticos. Por consequência, permanece desafiador e controverso o manejo odontológico cirúrgico de pacientes coronariopatas em uso de terapia antiplaquetária dual. Diante disso, foi realizado uma pesquisa clínica com o objetivo de avaliar quantitativamente o sangramento trans-operatório de extração dentária de pacientes em uso de terapia antiplaquetária dual (AAS + clopidogrel). Este estudo caso-controle, incluiu 38 pacientes com DAC sob terapia antiplaquetária dual com AAS e clopidogrel (grupo de estudo = GE) e 35 pacientes com doença cardiovascular sem nenhum uso de medicação antiplaquetária (grupo controle = GC), ambos com indicação de extração dentária. No dia do procedimento cirúrgico, foi realizado exame de hemograma completo, coagulograma e agregação plaquetária por turbidimetria, utilizando agonistas de adrenalina, adenosina difosfato e ácido araquidônico, no GC e pelo Verifynow no GE, e no, trans-operatório mensurada a quantidade de sangramento por meio da coleta de sangue aspirado. O GE demonstrou um sangramento mais intenso do que o GC, estatisticamente significante, com média de quantidade de sangramento 1,0 e 0,6 ml/min, respectivamente. Métodos hemostáticos locais foram suficientes para controlar o sangramento e em nenhum dos casos houve episódios de hemorragia no trans e/ou pós-operatório

A agregação plaquetária, no GC, apresentou características de hipoagregabilidade, sendo estatisticamente significante apenas o efeito da adrenalina na quantidade de sangramento ocorrido durante o procedimento cirúrgico (p-valor 0,018). No GE, a agregação plaquetária não demonstrou resultados estatísticos significantes, no entanto, foram encontrados 11 (28,94%) pacientes considerados resistentes à terapia com ácido acetilsalicílico com valores de ARU entre 550 a 700 e 12 (31,57%) pacientes considerados não respondedores ao clopidogrel, com valores de PRU acima de 230. De acordo com os nossos resultados, pacientes portadores de DAC, em uso de terapia antiplaquetária dual, AAS + clopidogrel, apresentam maior quantidade de sangramento, mas que pode ser controlado com medidas hemostáticas locais, não sendo necessária a suspensão da terapia antiplaquetária para extração de até três dentes

Dual-antiplatelet therapy has been used as a therapeutic approach for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), mainly for those bearing pharmacological stents. The association of antiplatelet a drug increases the risk of bleeding, and for that reason many professionals withdraw the medications prior to any dental surgical procedure. Though, when this therapy is discontinued, patients with coronary stent are exposed to adverse risks of thrombotic events. As a consequence, dental surgical management of patients with CAD and on dual-antiplatelet therapy remains challenging and controversial. On this basis, a clinical research was developed with the aim to evaluate the amount of bleeding that occurs during the intraoperative period of tooth extraction procedures in patients with CAD who are either undergoing dual-antiplatelet therapy (AAS + clopidogrel). This case-control study comprised 38 patients diagnosed with CAD and on dual-antiplatelet therapy, AAS and clopidogrel (study group = SG) and 35 patients with cardiovascular disease, but not on antiplatelet therapy (control group = CG), both requiring tooth extraction. A complete blood count, blood clotting test and platelet aggregation by turbidimetry using epinephrine agonists, adenosine diphosphate and arachidonic acid were carried out on the day of the operation in the CG and using the Verifynow in the SG. The amount of bleeding was measured during the intraoperative period by means of aspirated blood collection

The statistically significant mean volumes of bleeding were 1.0 e 0.6 mL/min for both SG and CG, respectively. The SG showed a more intense bleeding compared to the CG. Local hemostatic measures showed to suffice for controlling possible bleeding problems and in none of the procedures there were intra-operative and/ or post-operative bleeding episodes. Platelet aggregation, for the CG, demonstrated platelet hypoagregability, and only the epinephrine effect was statistically significant for the amount of bleeding during the surgical procedure (p-value 0.018). In the SG, platelet aggregation has not shown statistically significant values. Nonetheless, 11 patients (28.94%) were resistant to acetylsalicylic acid demonstrating ARU values between 550 and 700, 12 patients (31.57%) have not responded to clopidogrel therapy, and the PRU values were above 230. According to the results of this study, individuals with CAD and on dual-antiplatelet therapy (AAS + Clopidogrel), demonstrated a greater amount of bleeding, which can be minimized by using local haemeostatics and not suspending the antiplatelet drug for tooth extraction

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Cirugía Bucal , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/complicaciones , Extracción Dental/métodos , Hemorragia Bucal/diagnóstico
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 262-265, 2013.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-293623


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate the feasibility of continuation of aspirin before tooth extraction in the elderly.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The patients enrolled in this study were the elderly requiring a single non-impacted tooth extraction. 300 elderly outpatients used lidocaine local infiltration anesthesia, 200 patients without using aspirin before tooth extraction served as control group I, 100 patients with prolong use of aspirin before tooth extraction as observation group I. 300 elderly outpatients used compound articaine local infiltration anesthesia, 200 patients without using aspirin before tooth extraction served as control group II, 100 patients with prolong use of aspirin before tooth extraction as observation group II.Bleedings at 5, 10, 30 min, 24 h after tooth extraction were observed and the relationship between postoperative bleeding and intake of aspirin was analyzed.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>There was no significant difference at 5, 10, 30 min, 24 h in postoperative bleeding after extraction between control group I and observation group. The incidence of bleeding of observation group II after tooth extraction at 5 min was higher than that of control group II and there was no significant difference at 10, 30 min, 24 h between the two groups.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>Continuation of aspirin have no influence on postoperative bleeding. Therefore we suggest that there was no indication to discontinue aspirin for the elderly before a single non-impacted tooth extraction.</p>

Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anestesia Local , Aspirina , Lidocaína , Hemorragia Bucal , Inhibidores de Agregación Plaquetaria , Hemorragia Posoperatoria , Extracción Dental
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-142934


Bleeding is a common sequela of oral and periodontal surgery. Generally, bleeding is self-limiting. Following traumatic injury or surgical procedures, hemorrhage can range from a minor leakage or oozing at the site, to extensive bleeding leading to complete exsanguinations. Significant postsurgical hemorrhage following periodontal surgery is uncommon due to the primary closure of the soft tissues. This case report describes the unique formation of a "liver clot" or "currant jelly clot" following periodontal flap surgery. The likelihood of this may be attributed to many factors, like infection, intrinsic trauma, presence of foreign bodies like splinter of bone, a fleck of enamel, or a piece of dental restorative dressing material that may cause repeated, delayed organization of blood coagulum.

Colágeno , Hemostasis/fisiología , Humanos , Hemorragia Bucal/etiología , Hemorragia Posoperatoria/etiología , Hemorragia Posoperatoria/cirugía , Trasplante de Piel , Cirugía Bucal/complicaciones , Trombosis/etiología
Rev. chil. cir ; 64(2): 169-175, abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-627094


Introduction: The aim of this paper is to show our experience in the management of intractable bleeding facial trauma during the past 10 years to determine its impact on our environment and outline the basic principles of treatment. Methods: A retrospective study of all patients with maxillofacial trauma and uncontrollable bleeding from 1999 to 2009. Inclusion criteria were oro-nasal bleeding secondary to maxi-llofacial trauma requiring emergency treatment by a specialist, without other associated lesions that could be a source of bleeding. We obtained demographic information, mechanism of injury, diagnosis of injury, hemodynamic status, type and timing of tamponade, definitive surgical treatment, results and evolution. Results: 21 patients in the study period, a true incidence of 0.002 percent. 7 patients (33.3 percent) with trauma naso-septal; 5 (23.8 percent) with panfacial fractures, and 7 (33.3 percent) with variable involvement of the upper and middle face. Nine patients (42.9 percent) had isolated facial injuries. Only 5 patients (23.8 percent) had hemodynamic compromise. Thirteen patients (61.9 percent) required posterior nasal packing with or without another procedure to control bleeding. Eight patients (38.1 percent) required early reduction and internal fixation as definitive treatment. Conclusions: Maxillofacial trauma uncontrollable bleeding is uncommon and rarely is the primary cause of hypovolemic shock. It should be suspected in patients with facial injuries from hours bleeding. The packing, suturing of wounds and reduce/OTS are the mainstays of early treatment.

Introducción: El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar nuestra experiencia en el manejo de la hemorragia incoercible por trauma facial durante los últimos 10 años, para determinar su incidencia y delinear los principios básicos del tratamiento. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo de todos los pacientes con hemorragia incoercible por trauma maxilofacial entre 1999 y 2009. Criterios de inclusión fueron hemorragia oro-nasal secundaria a traumatismo maxilofacial, sin otras lesiones asociadas que pudieran ser fuente de hemorragia, que requirió de tratamiento de urgencia por un especialista. Se obtuvo información demográfica, mecanismo de injuria, diagnóstico del traumatismo, estado hemodinámico, tipo y momento del tratamiento especializado, tratamiento quirúrgico definitivo, resultados y evolución. Resultados: 21 pacientes en el período de estudio, con incidencia real de 0,002 por ciento. Destacan 7 pacientes (33,3 por ciento) con trauma nasoseptal, con o sin heridas faciales; 5 (23,8 por ciento) con fracturas panfaciales; 7 (33,3 por ciento) con compromiso variable del tercio superior y medio de la cara. Nueve pacientes (42,9 por ciento) presentaron lesiones faciales aisladas. 5 pacientes (23,8 por ciento) presentaron compromiso hemodinámico. Trece pacientes (61,9 por ciento) necesitaron un taponamiento nasal posterior, asociado o no a otro procedimiento para el control de la hemorragia. Ocho pacientes (38,1 por ciento) necesitaron reducción y osteosíntesis precoz como tratamiento definitivo. Conclusiones: La hemorragia incoercible por trauma maxilofacial es poco frecuente y rara vez es la causa primaria de shock hipovolémi-co. Se la debe sospechar especialmente en pacientes con lesiones faciales que llevan horas con sangrado, aún de poca cuantía, pero persistente. El taponamiento, sutura de heridas y reducción/OTS precoz son los pilares de su tratamiento.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Hemorragia/etiología , Hemorragia/terapia , Traumatismos Maxilofaciales/complicaciones , Urgencias Médicas , Epistaxis/etiología , Epistaxis/terapia , Fijación Interna de Fracturas , Hemorragia Bucal/etiología , Hemorragia Bucal/terapia , Hemorragia/epidemiología , Incidencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Traumatismos Maxilofaciales/terapia
Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal. 2012; 32 (2): 199-202
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-146050


The objective of this study was to see post extraction bleeding associated with long term maintenance dose of aspirin 75mg-150mg without discontinuation. This study was conducted at Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from January 2009 to June 2010. Patients for simple single tooth extraction and on aspirin [75-150 mg] were included. Patients with systemic disease like hematologic, renal, or liver disease, bone marrow disorders, alcoholism, or any concurrent medication affecting hemostasis such as anticogulants or anti-inflammatory drugs and patients who needed extractions of deciduous teeth, surgical extractions, extractions in different quadrants, or multiple extractions [>1 tooth] were excluded. Patients were evaluated for immediate and late post extraction bleeding. A total of 254 patients were studied. Patients were categorized into two groups with equal number of patients in each group i.e. 127 each. Group 1 [study] on maintenance dose of Aspirin 75-150mg while group 2 [control] were not taking aspirin. In aspirin group 05 [03.93%] patients had post extraction prolonged immediate bleeding while 03 [02.36%] were in control group. This difference was not statistically significant [p=0.722]. In aspirin group 02 [01.57%] patients had late bleeding at 12 hour post extraction while one [0.78%] patient suffered in control group [p=1.00]. The bleeding was successfully controlled with pressure on gauze and no patient required suturing or re-hospital visit. There was no bleeding in post extraction period at 24 and at 48 hours. It was concluded that simple tooth extraction in patients on long term maintenance dose of 75-150mg aspirin without discontinuation is safe as far as post extraction bleeding is concerned

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Aspirina/efectos adversos , Hemorragia Bucal/etiología , Hemorragia Posoperatoria/etiología , Hemostasis/efectos de los fármacos , Agregación Plaquetaria/efectos de los fármacos
SQUMJ-Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal. 2012; 12 (3): 330-335
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-146126


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the HemCon Dental Dressing [HDD] in controlling post extraction bleeding and to ascertain its role in healing of extraction wounds, as compared to control. The 40 participants in the study were all receiving oral antiplatelet therapy [OAT]. A total of 80 extractions were conducted without altering the patients' drug therapy. The extraction sites were divided into 2 groups: one group received a HDD, and the control group where the conventional method of pressure pack with sterile gauze under biting pressure [followed by suturing if required] was used to achieve haemostasis. All HemCon treated sites achieved haemostasis sooner [mean = 53 seconds] than the control sites [mean = 918 seconds] which was statistically significant [P <0.001]. Postoperative pain in the HDD group [1.74] was also significantly lower than in the control group [5.26] [P <0.001]. Approximately 72.5% of HDD-treated sites showed significantly better postoperative healing when compared to the control site [P <0.001]. HDD proved to be an excellent haemostatic agent that significantly shortened the bleeding time following dental extraction in patients on OAT. Additionally, HDD offered significantly improved post-operative healing of the extraction socket and less postoperative pain

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Hemostáticos , Hemorragia Bucal/prevención & control , Alveolo Seco/etiología , Apósitos Periodontales , Hemorragia Posoperatoria/prevención & control , Extracción Dental/efectos adversos , Inhibidores de Agregación Plaquetaria/efectos adversos
San Salvador; s.n; 2012. 51 p. Tab, Graf, Ilus.
Tesis en Español | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1223407


Esta investigación de tipo retrospectiva y descriptiva, trata sobre la prevalencia de complicaciones hemorrágicas en pacientes tratados con antiagregantes plaquetarios atendidos en el área de cirugía de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de El Salvador (FOUES), durante Enero 2011 a Junio 2012, contando con una muestra de 150 historias clínicas en las que se incluyeron ambos sexos, mayores de 40 años, por ser población en riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares. El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer la frecuencia de pacientes bajo tratamiento con antiagregantes plaquetarios y la relación de este con la frecuencia de complicaciones hemorrágicas durante o posterior a una intervención quirúrgica. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó una lista de cotejo en la que se midieron las variables dependientes e independientes con sus respectivos indicadores haciendo uso estricto de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Posterior a la recolección de todos los datos, estos se procesaron a través del programa estadístico SPSS 18, por sus siglas en ingles (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences versión Pasw18), donde se realizó un análisis de frecuencia con variables, y se observó que de 245 historias clínicas evaluadas un 49.38% presentaron complicaciones hemorrágicas y un 50.61% no presentaron complicaciones hemorrágicas, que en total suman un 100%; de los cuales el 42.04% fueron complicaciones hemorrágicas intraoperatorias, 7.34% fueron complicaciones hemorrágicas postoperatorias primarias y un 50.61% no presentaron complicaciones hemorrágicas. Por lo que se concluyó que si existe una relación en la prevalencia de complicaciones hemorrágicas intra y postoperatorias, entre los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares y tratados crónicamente con antiagregantes plaquetarios.

Hemorragia Bucal , Farmacología , Cirugía Bucal , Inhibidores de Agregación Plaquetaria
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-24889


INTRODUCTION: In today's society, the rapid and appropriate care of the dental emergency patients is much more important. So, a retrospective study on the characteristics of emergency dental injuries and diseases will be very meaningful. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective clinical study was carried by reviewing the radiographic films and emergency chart of 11,493 patients who had visited the emergency room of Hallym Sacred heart Hospital and were treated in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from January 2006 to December 2010. RESULTS: The male to female ratio was 1.9:1. The highest monthly incidence was observed in May (10.4%) and June (8.9%) and the peak age distribution was the first decade (56.0%), followed by the second decade (16.0%). Trauma was the most common cause in dental emergency patients, followed in order by toothache, odontogenic infection, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and oral hemorrhage. Soft tissue injury was most prevalent in the trauma group, followed by tooth injury and facial bone fractures. In the tooth injury group, tooth fracture (56.7%) showed the highest incidence followed in order by tooth subluxation (18.2%), tooth concussion (16.9%), tooth avulsion (11.5%) and alveolar bone fractures (3.7%). In the facial bone fracture group, mandibular fractures (81.8%) showed the highest incidence followed in order by maxilla fractures (15.7%), nasal bone fractures (9.0%), zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures (5.4%), orbital bone fractures (2.5%). In mandibular bone fractures, the most common location was the symphysis (70.1%), followed in order by the mandibular angle (33.0%), mandibular condyle (22.8%) and mandibular body (13.6%). In the infection group, a submandibular space abscess (46.2%) was most common followed in order by a buccal space abscess (17.4%), canine space abscess (16.9%) and submental space abscess (12.3%). TMJ dislocation (89.3%) showed the highest incidence in the TMJ disorder group, followed by TMJ derangement (10.7%). In the other group, a range of specific symptoms due to post operation complications, trigeminal neuralgia, chemical burns and foreign body aspiration were reported. CONCLUSION: For the rapid and appropriate care of the dental emergency patients, well-organized system should be presented in oral and maxillofacial surgery. And it is possible under analysis of pattern and the variation of the dental emergency patients.

Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Absceso , Distribución por Edad , Quemaduras Químicas , Luxaciones Articulares , Urgencias Médicas , Huesos Faciales , Cuerpos Extraños , Fracturas Óseas , Corazón , Incidencia , Cóndilo Mandibular , Fracturas Mandibulares , Maxilar , Hueso Nasal , Hemorragia Bucal , Órbita , Estudios Retrospectivos , Traumatismos de los Tejidos Blandos , Cirugía Bucal , Articulación Temporomandibular , Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular , Diente , Avulsión de Diente , Fracturas de los Dientes , Traumatismos de los Dientes , Odontalgia , Neuralgia del Trigémino , Película para Rayos X