Since dot-ELISA has recently been reported to be a sensitive, simple and method, we have compared it with the conventional microplate ELISA method. Sera of 124 leprosy patients, 136 household and professional contacts, and 92 controls were tested for a antibodies against a Mycobacterium leprae antigen using dot-ELISA on nitrocellulose membrane filters and microplate ELISA. The sensitive of the techniques was similar for multibacillary patients, but dot-ELISA was less sensitive for paucibacillary patients although it was more specific (100%) than ELISA (93,4%). Of 21 household contacts that gave a response by ELISA, 3 were also positive by dot-ELISA; one of these 3 developed indeterminate leprosy 12 months later and the other was diagnosed as borderline lepromatous after 28 months. These data indicate that dot-ELISA has a high spedificity and can be a useful tool in field evaluation