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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39048, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428234


In intensive beef cattle production systems, silage, corn, soy bean, and their coproducts are commonly used as feed. However, these ingredients are highly susceptible to contamination by fungi and mycotoxins, which may lead to immunological challenges and reduce animal production. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of mycotoxin contamination of diet on intake, digestibility, and performance of heifers. Twenty non-pregnant (Nellore) heifers (age, >18 months; initial body weight, 348±30 kg) were used and randomly distributed in two treatments: (1) control (non-contaminated diet) and (2) zearalenone-contaminated diet (300 ppb). The diet comprised 70% corn silage and 30% concentrate. Individual dry matter intake and digestibility were estimated using external and internal markers. Heifer body weight was evaluated every week without fasting to calculate performance. The experimental design was completely randomized. Each animal was considered one experimental unit. Assumptions were tested for variance analyses (error normality, independence of errors, and homogeneity of variances) (p<0.05). There were no differences in dry matter intake (p=0.96) and digestibility (p=0.62). Performance (kg/day) did not vary as a function of zearalenone ingestion (p=0.68). Therefore, contamination of diet with 300 ppb zearalenone did not affect the intake, digestibility, and performance of feedlot-finished heifers.

Bovinos , Micotoxicosis , Alimentación Animal
Acta toxicol. argent ; 29(2): 67-76, dic. 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364281


Abstract Mycotoxins contaminate agricultural commodities, which contaminates animals. These toxins can damage vital organs, such as the liver, as well as the epithelial tissue. Among these mycotoxins are aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), which can occur simultaneously in food. In broilers, mycotoxicosis has an economic impact due to several factors, such as low feed conversion rate, incidence of other diseases, and interference with reproductive capacity, all of which may lead to a public health problem. The aim of the present study was to histologically assess, through the I See Inside (ISI) method, harmful effects on broiler liver, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum in the presence of AFB1 and CPA isolatedly and simultaneously. Groups challenged with mycotoxins showed significant damage to both gut and liver fragments. All challenged-groups in all fragments impaired the parameters analyzed for intestinal epithelium. In the liver, AFB1 was predominantly harmful when the parameters were analyzed separately, but when analyzing the total ISI score, CPA was also found to be harmful to this organ. The other point analyzed was the great variation between the weights of the birds contaminated by mycotoxin while the negative control group presents a lesser variation.

Resumen Las micotoxinas contaminan los productos agrícolas, que a su vez contaminan a los animales. Estas toxinas pueden dañar órganos vitales, como el hígado y el tejido epitelial. Entre estas micotoxinas se encuentran la aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) y el ácido ciclopiazónico (CPA), que pueden hallarse simultáneamente en los alimentos. En los pollos de engorde, la micotoxicosis tiene un impacto económico debido a varios factores, como la baja tasa de conversión alimenticia, la incidencia de otras enfermedades y la interferencia de la capacidad reproductiva, que pueden llevar a un problema de salud pública. El objetivo de la presente investigación es la de evaluar histológicamente, a través del método "I See Inside" (ISI), los efectos nocivos sobre el hígado, duodeno, yeyuno e íleon de pollos de engorde en presencia de AFB1 y CPA de forma aislada y simultánea. Los grupos desafiados con micotoxinas presentaron un daño significativo tanto en el intestino como en los fragmentos del hígado. Todos los grupos tratados tuvieron alteraciones en los parámetros analizados para el epitelio intestinal. En el hígado, AFB1 fue predominantemente dañino cuando los parámetros se analizaron por separado, pero al examinar la puntuación ISI total, también se encontró que el CPA era perjudicial para este órgano. Otra cuestión que fue investigada fue la gran variación entre los pesos de las aves contaminadas por micotoxinas mientras el grupo de control negativo presentó una variación menor.

Animales , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/diagnóstico , Micotoxicosis/patología , Pollos/anatomía & histología , Micotoxinas/toxicidad
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(9): 717-725, Sept. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143426


This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of mycotoxins on the performance of horses through physiological parameters, and hematology and serum biochemistry analyses. The essay lasted 40 days, with 12 days for adaptation and 28 days of experimentation. In the experimental stage, the horses were distributed in a completely randomized design, with three treatments with four animals each. The treatments used were 0 (control), 50 ppb and 100 ppb of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) added to a concentrate in a basal diet. The basal diet contained mycotoxins from feedstuffs naturally contaminated. The exercise test was performed over the 21th day of the experimental stage. The exercise consisted in an interval training test with a warm-up of 17 mins at a trot followed by three gallops of 450m/min. The heart rate was monitored between the gallops. Before the exercise test and immediately after the third gallop, the physiological and blood parameters were evaluated, and continued up to 48 hours after the exercise. The results of the physiological, hematological and biochemical parameters were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and compared by the Tukey test at 5% of significance. The presence of AFB1 in the diet influenced the alkaline phosphatase activity, which presented higher values in horses fed diet with inclusion of 100 ppb AFB1, suggesting a hepatotoxic activity associated with the others mycotoxins naturally present in the feedstuffs.(AU)

Esta pesquisa foi conduzida para avaliar o efeito de micotoxinas no desempenho de equinos com avaliações fisiológicas e análises hematológicas e da bioquímica sérica. O ensaio durou 40 dias, com 12 dias de adaptação e 28 dias de experimentação. Na fase experimental, os equinos foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em três tratamentos, com quatro animais cada. Os tratamentos utilizados foram 0 (controle), 50 ppb e 100 ppb de Aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) adicionada ao concentrado de uma dieta basal. A dieta basal continha alimentos naturalmente contaminados por micotoxinas. O teste de desempenho foi executado no 21º dia da fase experimental por meio de teste intervalado consistindo em aquecimento ao trote por 17 minutos, seguido de três galopes de 450m/min. A frequência cardíaca (FC) foi monitorada entre os galopes. Antes do exercício e imediatamente após o terceiro galope, os parâmetros fisiológicos e sanguíneos foram avaliados e continuaram sendo monitorados até 48 horas após o exercício. Os resultados dos parâmetros fisiológicos, hematológicos e bioquímicos foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e comparados pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. A presença de AFB1 na dieta influenciou a atividade da fosfatase alcalina, que apresentou valores mais elevadas na dieta com inclusão de 100 ppb de AFB1, sugerindo uma atividade hepatotóxica associada às outras micotoxinas naturalmente presentes nos alimentos.(AU)

Animales , Condicionamiento Físico Animal , Micotoxicosis/veterinaria , Aflatoxinas/toxicidad , Análisis de la Marcha/veterinaria , Caballos/sangre , Alimentación Animal/toxicidad , Esfuerzo Físico
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(4): 244-250, Apr. 2019. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1002814


This study described the epidemiological and clinical-pathological aspects of 25 outbreaks of neurological diseases in cattle caused by plants and mycotoxins in Santa Catarina state. Six of them were due to Sida carpinifolia poisoning, five to Solanum fastigiatum, five to Phalaris angusta, three to Claviceps paspali, three to Claviceps purpurea, and three outbreaks were of unknown etiology. The clinical signs observed in the affected cattle were mild to severe and characterized by generalized muscle tremors, incoordination, hypermetria, wide-based stance, intentional head tremors, dull staring eyes, and frequent ear twitching, with convulsions in some cases. At necropsy, lesions were observed only for P. angusta poisoning, characterized by gray-greenish discoloration in thalamus and midbrain. Microscopically, rarefaction and/or disappearance of Purkinje neurons with substitution by Bergmann cells were observed for S. carpinifolia and S. fastigiatum poisoning. For P. angusta poisoning, thin granular brown-yellowish pigment was observed in the cytoplasm of some neurons. Gross and microscopic findings were not observed in three outbreaks of tremorgenic disease of unknown etiology. Experiments conducted with leaves, flowers and seeds of Ipomoea indivisa and Ipomoea triloba, as well as with maize and soybean residues contaminated with Ipomoea spp. did not reproduced clinical signs.(AU)

Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos e clinico-patológicos de 25 surtos de enfermidade neurológica em bovinos no estado de Santa Catarina causadas por plantas e micotoxinas. Destes, seis corresponderam a intoxicação por Sida carpinifolia, cinco por Solanum fastigiatum, cinco por Phalaris angusta, três por Claviceps paspali, três por Claviceps purpurea e três surtos de etiologia não definida. Os sinais clínicos observados nos bovinos afetados eram de intensidade leve a acentuada e caracterizados por tremores musculares generalizados, incoordenação, hipermetria, aumento da base de sustentação, balanço contínuo de cabeça, olhar atento e movimentos frequentes de orelhas, e em alguns surtos convulsões. Por meio de necropsia foram observadas alterações somente na intoxicação por P. angusta as quais caracterizaram por coloração cinza-esverdeada no tálamo e mesencéfalo. Na histologia, rarefação e/ou desaparecimento de neurônios de Purkinje com substituição por células de Bergmann foram observadas na intoxicação por S. carpinifolia e S. fastigiatum. Na intoxicação por P. angusta foi observado no citoplasma de alguns neurônios do tronco encefálico com pigmentação finamente granular marrom-amarelada. Nos três surtos de enfermidade tremorgênica com etiologia não definida não foram observadas lesões macroscópicas e microscópicas. Experimentos com folhas, flores e sementes de Ipomoea indivisa e Ipomoea triloba e resíduos de milho e soja contaminados com sementes destas duas plantas não produziram alterações clínicas.(AU)

Animales , Bovinos , Intoxicación por Plantas/veterinaria , Intoxicación por Plantas/epidemiología , Ergotismo/veterinaria , Malvaceae/envenenamiento , Solanum/envenenamiento , Poaceae/envenenamiento , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso/etiología , Micotoxicosis/veterinaria , Convolvulaceae
Arch. med ; 18(2): 432-438, 2018/11/19.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-980828


El amitraz es un insecticida utilizado en el control de plagas, el cual corresponde a un agonista adrenérgico central y periférico, cuya naturaleza aromática altamente lipofílica le permite una amplia absorción por cualquier vía de administración. Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente de 35 años de edad, atendido en el servicio de urgencias después de la ingesta de 50 ml de Startox® (amitraz). Ingresa con somnolencia, bradicardia, hipotensión, pupilas mióticas, hiperglicemia y acidosis metabólica, por lo que se brindan medidas iniciales de soporte vital, con posterior vigilancia cardiorrespiratoria en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. El cuadro refleja la proximidad clínica de la intoxicación por amitraz y la causada por otros tóxicos, en especial organofosforados y carbamatos..(AU)

Amitraz is an insecticide used in the control of pests, which corresponds to a central and peripheral drenergic agonist whose highly lipophilic aromatic nature allows a broad absorption by any route of administration. We present the clinical case of a 35-year-old patient treated in the emergency department after the intake of 50 ml of Startox® (amitraz). She enters with drowsiness, bradycardia, hypotension, miotic pupils, hyperglycemia and metabolic acidosis, so initial measures of life support are provided, with subsequent cardiorespiratory monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit. The table reflects the clinical proximity of amitraz poisoning and that caused by other toxicants, especially organophosphates and carbamates..(AU)

Humanos , Micotoxicosis , Control de Plagas
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(6): 1110-1116, jun. 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955429


Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos das doenças causadas por fungos e oomicetos na população de equinos na região sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul, estabelecendo as taxas epidemiológicas, suas causas e sua importância sanitária na região. Foi realizada a epidemiologia descritiva por meio do cálculo da incidência das doenças encontradas ao longo dos anos e verificada a existência de associação entre a ocorrência dessas enfermidades e o sexo, a raça e a estação do ano. Entre os anos de 1978 e 2014 a pitiose teve prevalência de 49,71% (86/173), as micotoxicoses 30,05% (52/173), sendo 45 casos de leucoencefalomalácia e sete de ergotismo. As micoses tiveram prevalência de 19,65% (34/173), sendo as dermatofitoses as mais prevalentes com 58,82% (20/34) dos casos. As espécies de dermatófitos mais frequentemente isoladas foram Trichophyton mentagrophytes 60% (12/20), Trichophyton equinum 25% (5/20) e Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis e Trichophyton verrucosum ambos responsáveis por 5% (1/20) das infecções. Rinosporidiose foi diagnosticada em 35,29% (12/34) dos casos. Micoses uterinas causadas por Candida albicans e Cryptococcus laurentii foram observadas em 5,88% (2/34) dos casos. Alergia por Cladosporium sp. teve um registro. De acordo com as incidências calculadas entre 1990 e 2014 a pitiose teve incidência mediana (IM) 2,98 e distância interquartil (DI) =3,82, as fêmeas tiveram chance 4,18 vezes maiores de desenvolver a doença, a enfermidade ocorre independente das estações climáticas. A leucoencefalomalácia teve IM=0,0; DI 1,00 e equinos machos tiveram 3,4 vezes mais chance de desenvolver a doença que fêmeas, no inverno a possibilidade de ocorrência dessa enfermidade foi seis vezes maior. O ergotismo teve IM = 0,00; DI = 0,000, rinosporidiose IM=0,00; DI=0,088 e dermatofitose IM=0,00; DI=0,935. A pitiose foi mais prevalente entre as doenças encontradas, podendo ser considerada endêmica na região. Considera-se que a magnitude das doenças possa ser ainda maior dentro do rebanho equino, uma vez que as doenças descritas não são de notificação obrigatória e algumas são bem conhecidas por veterinários e proprietários, que muitas vezes não fazem a confirmação laboratorial do diagnóstico.(AU)

The epidemiological aspects of diseases caused by fungi and oomycetes in horses in southeastern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is described. The epidemiological rates, their causes, and health importance in the region were established. A descriptive epidemiology study was carried out in relation of potential risk factors. The impact on these diseases in the region was measured. From 1978 to 2014, pythiosis had a prevalence of 49.71% (86/173), and mycotoxicoses of 30.05% (52/173), with 45 cases of leukoencephalomalacia and 7 of ergotism. The prevalence of fungal infections was 19.65% (34/173) of cases. Dermatophytosis was the most prevalent fungal infection with 58.82% (20/34) of cases. The most isolated dermatophyte species were Trichophyton mentagrophytes 60% (12/20), Trichophyton equinum 25% (5/20) and Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis, and Trichophyton verrucosum, both responsible for 5% (1/20) of infections. Rhinosporidose was diagnosed in 35.29% (12/34) of cases. Uterine mycosis caused by Candida albicans and Cryptococcus laurentii was observed at 5.88% (2/34) of cases. Cladosporium sp. allergy was noted in one record. According to the incidence from 1990 to 2014, pythiosis had median incidence (MI) of 2.98 and interquartile range (DI) of 3.82. Mares were 4.18 times likely to develop the disease then males. The disease occurs in the region in every season. Leukoencephalomalacia had MI of 0.0; DI 1.00 and male horses were 3.4 times more likely than mares to develop the disease. Leukoencephalomalacia was 6 times more likely to occur during winter. Ergotism had MI of 0.00; DI of 0.000, rhinosporidiosis MI of 0.00, DI of 0.088 and ringworm MI of 0.00, and DI of 0.935. In the study pythiosis had the highest prevalence among the diseases observed, and may be considered endemic in the region. The magnitude of the diseases observed may be even greater within the equine herd, since these diseases are not of obligatory notification and some are well known by veterinarians and owners, who often do not obtain a laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis.(AU)

Animales , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Pitiosis/epidemiología , Caballos/microbiología , Micosis/epidemiología
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 76: 1-8, 2017. tab, graf


Cladosporium spp. is a group of dematiaceous food-relevant fungi which are well dispersed in the environment causing food spoilage and poisoning. Considering the importance of fungalcontamination, natural drugs to control their growth have become important. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory effects of two monoterpenoids, (geraniol and citronellol), against strains of Cladosporium carrioni, C. cladosporioides, and C. oxysporum. Methods: The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Fungicide Concentration (MFC) of the drugs were determined by microdilution. The effects of test drugs on mycelial dry weight, conidia germination, and conidiogenesis of Cladosporium spp. were also investigated using a hemacytometer. Respective MIC and MFC values of citronellol varied from 256 to 512 µg/mL, and from 256 to 2048 µg/mL. The MIC and MFC of geraniol varied similarly to citronellol. Conidia germination, mycelial dry weight, and conidiogenesis of Cladosporium spp. were reduced by the test-drugs at 1/2MIC, MIC and 2xMIC (p<0.05). These measurable cell events are essential for fungal infection and development infoods. The action of citronellol and geraniol against Cladosporium spp. suggest that the drugs may serveas effective agents for controlling fungal contamination and growth in foods.

Cladosporium spp. é um grupo de fungos dematiáceos relevantes para os alimentos, que podem ser dispersos pelo ambiente e causar deterioração e intoxicação alimentar. Considerando a importância da contaminação fúngica, os produtos naturais usados para controlar seu crescimentosão importantes. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos inibitórios de dois monoterpenoides, geraniol e citronelol, contra cepas de Cladosporium carrioni, C. cladosporioides eC. oxysporum. A Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) e Concentração Fungicida Mínima (CFM) das drogas foram determinadas por microdiluição. Os efeitos das drogas-teste sobre a massa micelialseca, a germinação de conídios e a conidiogênese de Cladosporium spp. também foram investigados utilizando um hemocitômetro. Os valores de CIM e CFM do citronelol variaram de 256 a 512 μg/mLe de 256 a 2048 μg/mL, respectivamente. CIM e CFM de geraniol variaram de forma semelhante. A germinação de conídios, massa micelial seca e conidiogênese de Cladosporium spp. foram inibidaspelas drogas-teste 1/2CIM, CIM e 2xCIM (p<0,05). Esses eventos celulares são essenciais para a infecção e desenvolvimento fúngico em alimentos. A ação de citronelol e geraniol contra Cladosporium spp. sugere que podem servir como agentes eficazes para controlar a contaminação fúngica e o seucrescimento em alimentos.

Humanos , Productos Biológicos , Cladosporium , Contaminación Ambiental , Abastecimiento de Alimentos , Monoterpenos , Micotoxicosis
Acta toxicol. argent ; 24(2): 128-133, set. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-837860


Se presentan dos casos clínicos de intoxicación por A. lilloi, hongos silvestres, que fueron recolectados por quienes los consumieron. Ambas pacientes desarrollaron sintomatología digestiva y evolucionaron a la falla hepática. La consulta tardía retrasó el diagnóstico y el tratamiento, pero igualmente la evolución de ambas pacientes fue favorable.

Two clinical cases of poisoning A. lilloi, wild mushrooms, which were collected by those who consumed themdebe, are presented. Both patients developed gastrointestinal symptoms and progressed to liver failure. The late consultation delayed diagnosis and treatment, but nevertheless the evolution of both patients was favorable.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Micotoxinas/envenenamiento , Amanita , Fallo Hepático/terapia , Micotoxinas/metabolismo , Uruguay/epidemiología
Rev. med. interna Guatem ; 20(1): [1-8], ene.-mar. 2016. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-986291


La intoxicación por hongos, especialmente con fines alimenticios, es un importante problema terapéutico. El hongo Chlorophyllum molybdites, es uno de los principales agentes causantes de intoxicación en países Latinoameri-canos, debido a su similitud con el hongo Agaricus comestible. Se presentan dos casos de intoxicación por Chlorophyllum molybdites los cuales fueron ingeridos y posteriormente desarrollaron manifes-taciones clínicas. Se presenta con su revisión bibliográfica centrada en las diferentes opciones terapéuticas...(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Persona de Mediana Edad , Micotoxicosis/tratamiento farmacológico , Intoxicación por Setas/prevención & control , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/etiología , Agaricales/clasificación , Guatemala
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 33(1): 96-102, ene.-mar. 2016. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-782668


A pesar de ser una patología rara la intoxicación por hongos puede llegar a ser potencialmente mortal, principalmente si se habla del Amanita phalloides, el cual contiene toxinas capaces de producir alteraciones gastrointestinales y falla hepática aguda. La amatoxina, uno de sus componentes es letal a dosis de 0.1 mg/kg y el manejo posterior a su ingesta no cuenta con pautas claramente establecidas, el mismo va a depender del tiempo que haya transcurrido desde la ingesta del hongo y puede llegar a ser tan invasivo como un trasplante hepático.

Despite it is a rare disease, the fungus poisoning can be lethal, mainly if it is with Amanita phalloides. This fungus have toxins that produce gastrointestinal alterations and acute liver failure. The amatoxin is one of its main components, its letal dosis is 0,1mg/kg and it doesn't have a established treatment, the outcome depends of the elapsed time between the ingest of the fungus and the medical treatment, which can be even a liver transplant.

Humanos , Agaricus phalloides , Fallo Hepático , Micotoxicosis
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(5): 451-455, May 2015. tab, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-759375


A fumonisina B1 (FB1) é um metabólito secundário produzido principalmente por Fusarium verticilioides em diversos tipos de alimentos, principalmente o milho, o qual constitui a base para composição de rações para várias espécies de animais domésticos. A FB1é particularmente tóxica para suínos, cujas manifestações clínicas são evidentes em animais expostos a altas concentrações de FB1 na ração (em geral, acima de 30mg/kg). No entanto, são escassos os estudos sobre os efeitos da FB1em suínos alimentados com rações contendo baixas concentrações de fumonisinas, as quais são mais prováveis de serem encontradas em condições de campo. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da exposição de leitões a baixos níveis de FB1 na ração, durante 28 dias, sobre o ganho de peso, consumo de ração, peso relativo de órgãos e aspectos histológicos do baço, fígado, pulmões, rins e coração. Vinte e quatro leitões foram distribuídos em 4 grupos experimentais e alimentados com rações contendo 0mg (controle), 3,0mg, 6,0mg ou 9,0mg FB1/kg de ração. As diferentes dietas não afetaram (P>0,05) o ganho de peso e nem o peso relativo dos órgãos analisados. Não foram constatadas lesões macroscópicas ou histopatológicas no baço, fígado, rins e coração. No entanto, foram observadas lesões histopatológicas nos pulmões de todos os suínos alimentados com rações contaminadas com fumonisinas, indicando que nenhum dos níveis de FB1 usados no experimento poderia ser considerado como seguro para suínos. São necessários novos estudos sobre os mecanismos de ação tóxica da FB1 em suínos, sobretudo em condições de exposição prolongada a baixos níveis de contaminação na ração.

Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a secondary metabolite produced mainly by Fusarium verticilioides in several types of foods, particularly corn, which is the basis for composition of feed for several domestic animals. FB1 is particularly toxic to pigs, being the clinical manifestations evident in animals exposed to high concentrations of FB1 in the diet (generally above 30mg/kg). However, there are few studies on the effects of FB1 on pigs fed rations containing low concentrations of fumonisin, which are most probably found under field conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of a 28-day exposure of piglets to low levels of FB1 in the feed on the weight gain, feed consumption, organ weights and histological aspects of the spleen, liver, lungs, kidneys and heart. Twenty-four pigs were assigned into 4 experimental groups and fed diets containing 0mg (control), 3.0mg, 6.0mg or 9.0mg FB1/kg diet. The different diets did not affect (P>0.05) the weight gain or the weight of organs examined. There were no macroscopic or histological lesions in the spleen, liver, kidneys and heart. However, histological lesions were found in the lungs from all animals fed rations containing fumonisin, hence indicating that none of the FB1 levels used in the experiment could be considered as safe for piglets. Further studies on the mechanisms of toxic action of FB1 in pigs are needed, particularly under conditions of prolonged exposure to low contamination levels in the diet.

Animales , Fumonisinas/análisis , Fumonisinas/toxicidad , Alimentación Animal/toxicidad , Alimentación Animal , Aumento de Peso , Zea mays/toxicidad , Edema Pulmonar/veterinaria , Esfingolípidos/biosíntesis , Esfingolípidos/efectos adversos , Micotoxicosis/veterinaria , Pulmón/fisiopatología
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(1): 23-28, 01/2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-746555


A qualidade da dieta ofertada às vacas em lactação é uma preocupação dos agentes de saúde devido à possibilidade da detecção de micotoxinas prejudiciais a saúde humana e animal. Os objetivos do trabalho foram avaliar o perfil da micobiota, determinar a atividade de água (Aa) e a ocorrência natural de aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) em dietas ofertadas a vacas em lactação de fazendas leiteiras no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As amostragens das dietas foram realizadas diretamente dos cochos de lote de 15 vacas, em dois dias consecutivos com intervalos de 24h e a cada 15 dias, perfazendo um período de 45 dias de amostragens por fazenda. A purificação e determinação de AFB1 foram realizadas em colunas de imunoafinidade e Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). O estudo da micobiota presente nas amostras das dietas (288) revelou que as leveduras foram predominantes em todas as dietas (83,97 a 99,98%). Foram isolados 15 gêneros de fungos filamentosos, com os gêneros Aspergillus spp (20,09%), Fusarium spp (14,16%) e Penicillium spp (11,48%) os mais prevalentes. As contagens de Unidades Formadoras de Colônias por grama de alimento (UFC. g-1) variaram de 102 a 1011. A atividade de água das amostras variou entre 0,91 a 0,98. Foi detectada a presença de AFB1 em 31,44% das amostras com teores entre 1,68 a 194,51μ Medidas de boas práticas de produção, estocagem e utilização devem ser tomadas para diminuir a ocorrência de AFB1 nas dietas ofertadas às vacas em lactação...

The quality of the diet offered to lactating cows is a concern to health officials the possibility of detecting mycotoxins harmful to human and animal health. The objectives were to evaluate the profile of mycoflora, determine the water activity (Aw) and the natural occurrence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in diets offered to lactating cows from dairy farms in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Samples of the diets were taken directly from the troughs batch of 15 cows, on two consecutive days at intervals of 24 hours and every 15 days with a period of 45 sampling days per farm. Purification and determination of AFB1 were performed on immunoaffinity columns and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The study of mycobiota present in samples of diets (288) revealed that yeast cells were predominant in all diets (83.97 to 99.98%). 15 genera were isolated from filamentous fungi, with Aspergillus spp (20.09%), Fusarium spp. (14.16%) and Penicillium spp. (11.48%) the most prevalent. The counts of colony forming units per gram of food (UFC.g-1) ranged from 102 a1011. The water activity of the samples ranged from 0.91 to 0.98. We have detected the presence of AFB1 in 31.44% of samples with levels between 1.68 a 194.51μ Measures of good production, storage and use should be taken to reduce the occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in the diet offered to lactating cow...

Animales , Femenino , Bovinos , Aflatoxina B1/aislamiento & purificación , Bovinos/microbiología , Lactancia , Micotoxicosis/veterinaria , Alimentación Animal/toxicidad , Cromatografía Liquida/veterinaria , Microbiología del Agua
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 36(3): 333-341, jul.-set. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-848561


Fumonisins (FBs) are mycotoxins produced by Fusarium molds. Several works have shown contamination of maize by this toxin. Fumonisin B1 (FB-1) is found in greatest proportion (about 70%), resistant to several industrialization processes. In that context, the objective of this work was to analyze the effect of administering a diet contaminated with FB- 1 on the morphophysiology of the kidneys of 21-day old male Wistar rats. The animals were divided into 2 groups: G0 (with animals receiving feed free of FBs) and G6 (6mg of FB1 kg-1 of feed). The diet was administered during 42 days. After that period, the animals were placed in metabolic cages for urine collection, blood was collected for analysis of plasma creatinine, and the kidneys were fixed and stained with Masson's trichrome. We observed that FB1 administration did not affect feed intake, body weight gain and animal growth. The normal levels of plasma creatinine suggest that the toxin did not lead to glomerular lesion. There was also no change in water intake, osmolarity and excretion of sodium in urine. However, there was a significant increase in urine volume and potassium excretion in urine, with mild tubulointerstitial changes in the outer cortex for the group receiving the mycotoxin.

Fumonisinas (FBs) são micotoxinas produzidas por fungos do gênero Fusarium. Diversos trabalhos demonstraram a contaminação do milho por essa toxina. A fumonisina B1 (FB-1) é encontrada em maior proporção (cerca de 70%), sendo resistente a vários processos de industrialização. De acordo com este contexto, o trabalho em foco teve como objetivo analisar o efeito da administração de dieta contaminada com FB-1 sobre a morfofisiologia renal de ratos Wistar machos, com 21 dias de idade. Os animais foram divididos em 2 grupos: G0 (ração isenta de FBs) e G6 (alimentados com 6mg de FB1 kg-1 de ração). A dieta foi administrada por 42 dias. Após esse período, os animais foram colocados em gaiolas metabólicas para coleta da urina, o sangue foi coletado para análise da creatinina plasmática, e os rins fixados e corados pelo Tricrômico de Masson. Observou-se que a administração de FB1 não afetou o consumo de ração, o ganho de peso e crescimento dos animais. A normalidade nos níveis da creatinina plasmática sugere que a toxina não induziu lesão glomerular. Não houve alteração na quantidade de água ingerida, na osmolaridade e na excreção urinária do sódio. No entanto houve aumento significativo no volume urinário e na excreção urinária do potássio e presença de alterações tubulointersticiais de intensidade leve no córtex externo, no grupo que recebeu a micotoxina.

Ratas , Riñón/anatomía & histología , Micotoxicosis , Nefritis Intersticial , Nefrotomía
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631396


Sago haemolytic disease is a rare but sometimes fatal disease found primarily in the coastal regions of Papua New Guinea and among groups in which sago is a primary source of carbohydrate. It has been known since 1961 and fungi consistently have been suspected of being involved. Investigations carried out on stored sago and samples recovered from poisoning episodes have failed to indicate the consistent presence of mycotoxins. However, fungi (especially Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, Trichoderma) with strong haemolytic activity have been associated with sago, particularly when stored in open-weave baskets and sago-leaf-wrapped bundles. The haemolytic activity has been attributed to fatty acids (principally oleic, palmitic, linoleic) contained primarily in the fungal hyphae. It is hypothesized that when these acids are released through hyphal breakdown during digestion and are present in individuals with a low serum albumin level, free fatty acid excess occurs resulting in red cell membrane destruction and intravascular haemolysis. In extreme cases, blood transfusion is required. Methods of storage providing high levels of access to oxygen favour the development of fungi: eg, leaf-encased bundles and open-weave storage favour growth over that seen in starch stored under water, such as in earthen vessels. Ensuring storage does not exceed 3-4 weeks, encouraging anaerobic conditions of the starch and maintaining protein nutrition in communities where sago is relied upon should alleviate outbreak episodes.

Humanos , Anemia Hemolítica/epidemiología , Cycas , Carbohidratos de la Dieta/envenenamiento , Manipulación de Alimentos , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/epidemiología , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Papúa Nueva Guinea/epidemiología
Toxicological Research ; : 43-52, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-118065


Zearalenone (ZEN) is a non-steroidal estrogenic mycotoxin produced by several species of Fusarium that are found in cereals and agricultural products. ZEN has been implicated in mycotoxicosis in farm animals and in humans. The toxic effects of ZEN are well known, but the ability of an alkaline Comet assay to assess ZEN-induced oxidative DNA damage in Chang liver cells has not been established. The first aim of this study was to evaluate the Comet assay for the determination of cytotoxicity and extent of DNA damage induced by ZEN toxin, and the second aim was to investigate the ability of N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA) to protect cells from ZEN-induced toxicity. In the Comet assay, DNA damage was assessed by quantifying the tail extent moment (TEM; arbitrary unit) and tail length (TL; arbitrary unit), which are used as indicators of DNA strand breaks in SCGE. The cytotoxic effects of ZEN in Chang liver cells were mediated by inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of oxidative DNA damage. Increasing the concentration of ZEN increased the extent of DNA damage. The extent of DNA migration, and percentage of cells with tails were significantly increased in a concentration-dependent manner following treatment with ZEN toxin (p < 0.05). Treatment with a low concentration of ZEN toxin (25 microM) induced a relatively low level of DNA damage, compared to treatment of cells with a high concentration of ZEN toxin (250 microM). Oxidative DNA damage appeared to be a key determinant of ZEN-induced toxicity in Chang liver cells. Significant reductions in cytolethality and oxidative DNA damage were observed when cells were pretreated with NACA prior to exposure to any concentration of ZEN. Our data suggest that ZEN induces DNA damage in Chang liver cells, and that the antioxidant activity of NACA may contribute to the reduction of ZEN-induced DNA damage and cytotoxicity via elimination of oxidative stress.

Humanos , Acetilcisteína , Animales Domésticos , Proliferación Celular , Grano Comestible , Ensayo Cometa , ADN , Daño del ADN , Electroforesis , Estrógenos , Fusarium , Hígado , Micotoxicosis , Estrés Oxidativo , Zearalenona
Braz. j. microbiol ; 41(2): 345-348, Apr.-June 2010. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-545340


Aflatoxins are mycotoxins that have important toxic effects on human and animal health, even if consumed at low doses. The oral administration of piperine (1.12 mg/kg) during 23 days in rats seemingly interfered with the toxicity of aflatoxins, decreasing hepatic injuries and the leukocyte depletion in experimentally intoxicated animals.

Animales , Ratas , Aflatoxinas/aislamiento & purificación , Aflatoxinas/toxicidad , Micotoxicosis , Micotoxinas , Piperidinas/aislamiento & purificación , Piperidinas/toxicidad , Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Presión , Métodos , Ratas , Métodos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 30(5): 418-422, maio 2010. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-554291


Um surto de aflatoxicose crônica é relatado em bezerros de raça leiteira. Quarenta bezerros holandeses machos de quatro meses de idade e aproximadamente 100kg eram mantidos em gaiolas individuais de 1,5 x 1,5m e alimentados com uma ração constituída por feno de alfafa, milho quebrado e substituto de leite. Seis bezerros (15 por cento) morreram após apresentar uma doença caracterizada por mau desenvolvimento geral, diarreia, pelagem áspera, dor abdominal, tenesmo, prolapso de reto e bruxismo. Alguns bezerros "deitavam e rolavam" no chão da gaiola. A duração do curso clínico, segundo observado pelos proprietários, foi de 2-3 dias; muitos terneiros desse lote que não morreram permaneceram pouco desenvolvidos. Três bezerros foram necropsiados. Os achados de necropsia incluíam fígado firme e castanho-claro, marcados hidrotórax e ascite, e edema do mesentério, mesocólon e das dobras da mucosa do abomaso. Os principais achados histopatológicos estavam restritos ao fígado e consistiam de fibrose, moderada megalocitose, hiperplasia de ductos biliares e lesão veno-oclusiva. A procura por contaminação de Senecio spp. no feno de alfafa resultou negativa. A análise do milho do alimento dos bezerros por cromatografia de camada delgada revelou 5.136ppb de aflatoxina B1. O diagnóstico de aflatoxicose foi feito baseado nos sinais clínicos e patologia característicos, na ausência de Senecio spp. na alimentação dos terneiros e na presença de altos níveis de aflatoxina no milho da alimentação dos bezerros.

An outbreak of chronic aflatoxicosis is reported in dairy calves. Forty 4-month-old male Holstein calves of approximately 100kg were kept in individual cages of 1.5 x 1.5m and were fed a ration constituted by alfalfa hay, broken corn and milk substitute. Six calves (15 percent) died after presenting a disease characterized by general unthriftiness, diarrhea, rough hair coats, abdominal pain, prolapsed rectum, grinding of teeth, and lying down and rolling. The clinical course, as observed by the owners, was 2-3 days; however many calves in this lot that did not die, remained underdeveloped. Three calves were necropsied. Necropsy findings included firm, light tan livers and marked hydrothorax, ascites and edema of the mesentery, mesocolon and of the mucosal folds of the abomasum. Main histopathological changes were restricted to the liver and consisted of fibrosis, moderate megalocytosis, biliary duct hyperplasia and veno-occlusive disease. The search for Senecio spp. contamination in the alfalfa hay resulted negative. The analysis by thin layer chromatography of the corn fed to calves revealed 5,136 ppb of aflatoxin B1. A diagnosis of aflatoxicosis was made based on the characteristic clinical signs and pathology, on the absence of Senecio spp. in the food and on the presence of high levels of aflatoxin in the corn fed to the calves.

Animales , Masculino , Bovinos , Aflatoxinas/envenenamiento , Aspergillus/patogenicidad , Alimentación Animal/toxicidad , Hepatopatías/veterinaria , Micotoxicosis/veterinaria
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 68(1): 91-95, jan.-abr. 2009. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-542101


A avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de produtos armazenados, utilizados como plantas medicinais, é fundamental para garantir a segurança alimentar, em função do potencial micotoxigênico apresentado por algumas espécies de fungos. No presente trabalho foram realizados o isolamento, a quantificação e a identificação de fungos potencialmente produtores de micotoxinas em amostras de chás de camomila (Chamomilla recutita L.), erva-doce (Pimpinella anisum L.) e erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St.-Hil.), adquiridas em estabelecimentos comerciais da cidade de Curitiba, PR, Brasil. As amostras foram analisadas nas formas de infusão fria, de infusão tradicional e de cocção. Não houve diferenças significativas nos valores de UFC/g nas amostras de camomila, erva-mate e erva-doce analisadas na forma de infusão. Foram observadas diferenças significativas em amostras de camomila e erva-doce em forma de infusão fria em relação às demais formas de processamento de amostras, contudo essas não foram evidentes nas amostras de erva-mate. Os principais gêneros de fungos isolados das amostras analisadas foram Aspergillus sp (35,9%); Penicillium sp (9,4%); Fusarium sp (0,21%); Rhizopus sp (11,5%), Ulocladium sp (18,4%) e Mycelia sterilia (6,84%). Entre os fungos potencialmente toxigênicos, o Aspergillus sp foi o mais frequente nos três tipos de chás, seguido de Penicillium sp e Fusarium sp. Considerando que os fungos com potencial micotoxigênico persistem mesmo após a infusão ou cocção, recomenda-se que estratégias sejam desenvolvidas para garantir a qualidade e a segurança alimentar dos produtos consumidos pela população.

, Ilex paraguariensis , Matricaria , Micotoxicosis , Micotoxinas , Pimpinella
Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2009; 8 (5): 97-104
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-91828


Consumption of mycotoxic foods is associated with several cases of human poisoning, or mycotoxicosis, sometimes resulting in death. Phytopreventive inhibition of Aspergillus parasiticus growth and its aflatoxin production by the essential oils extracted from Thymus kotschyanus Boiss and Hohen and Zataria multiflora Boiss. is reported in this study. Minimal inhibitory concentration [MIC], minimal fungicidal concentration [MFC] and fungicidal kinetics of the oils were determined and compared with each other. The oils from the above mentioned plants were found to be strongly fungicidal and inhibitory to aflatoxin production. Both oils inhibited aflatoxin B[1] [AFB[1]] production by A.parasiticus. T. kotschyanus and Z. multiflora oils at 25 ppm concentration, reduced AFB1 levels by 100% and 47.87% respectively. Aflatoxin production was significantly inhibited at lower than fungistatic concentration of both oils. The analysis of oils by GC and GC/MS led to identification of 27 and 22 components in T. kotschyanus and Z. multiflora Boiss. respectively which were very similar to each other. Prevention of fungal growth and aflatoxin production by natural compounds is recom

Micotoxicosis , Mortalidad , Aspergillus , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana , Antifúngicos , Thymus (Planta)
Horiz. méd. (Impresa) ; 8(2): 48-52, dic. 2008. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-677730


Objetivo: Las micotoxinas son un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, como ejemplo las aflatoxinas y las ocratoxinas son carcinogénicas y tóxicas respectivamente a nivel de partes por billon "ppb", la comunidad europea ha impuesto límites permisibles para la concentración de ocratoxina presente en alimentos, el objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la confiabilidad de una prueba barata y eficaz "ELISA" en la medición de la ocratoxina en Capsicun annuum. Material y Método: En este trabajo se evaluó el parámetro principal de confibilidad del ELISA Veratox Neogen y el ELISA kit R-Biopharm utilizando la T de Student y los índices de correlación entre los ELISA y el método referencial HPLC. Resultados: El resultado de la T de Student fue t0,05(2)(18)=0,86tabla=2,101 y los coeficientes de correlación entre los ELISAS y el HPL fueron 0.91 y 0.8 para el kit Veratox Neogen y el kit Biopharm. Conclusión: La mejor correlación del ELISA respecto al método referencial HPLC fue usando el kit "Veratox" Neogen con un valor de 0.91.

Objective: Mycotoxins are important in public health, especially aflatoxin and ochratoxin because they are very toxic at the level of parts per billion "ppb". The objective of this study is to evaluate an inexpensive and reliabe method, "ELISA" to measure the level of ochratoxin and compare it with the referencial method "High Performance Liquid Chromatography-HPLC". Material and Methods: We evaluated the data showed by the ELISA method using the Veratox and R- Biopharm Kits and HPLC using the Student's t-test and the coefficients of correlation between ELISA and HPLC. Results: The Student's t-test was t0, 05 (2) (18) = 0.86 table = 2.101 the coefficients of correlation between the ELISA and HPL were 0.91 and 0.8 using the Veratox Neogen and R-Biopharm kits respectively. Conclusion: The best coeffient of correlation between the referencial method HPLC and ELISA was 0.91 using the Veratox "Neogen kit.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Aflatoxinas , Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Presión , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Micotoxicosis , Micotoxinas , Ocratoxinas