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Salud mil ; 42(2): e702, 20230929. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531727


Ernest Shackleton ha sido en la historia, un personaje que dejó huella como ejemplo de resiliencia y liderazgo. En 1914 realizó como jefe de expedición su segundo viaje antártico, frustrado por el hundimiento de su buque insignia. La operación de rescate del grueso de la tripulación varada en el continente más meridional lo llevó a recalar en Montevideo. Desde este puerto partió el buque Instituto de Pesca N°1, con tripulación de Uruguay y Shackleton incluido, no logrando completar el salvamento. De esta acción nació el aprecio hacia la persona del explorador por parte del gobierno de la República. En su postrer travesía, ya fallecido llegó a las Islas Georgia del Sur y a su cuerpo se le realizó un proceso de conservación para ser traído a nuestro país y continuar viaje al puerto de origen en Inglaterra. Es en esa circunstancia que el gobierno del doctor Baltasar Brum solicitó a la Comisión Permanente del Parlamento, se le rindieran honores fúnebres de Ministro de Estado. El embalsamado del cuerpo fue realizado el 30 de enero de 1922, por parte de personal médico y técnico del Hospital Militar, así como los honores que le rindieron por el Servicio de Sanidad del Ejército y la Armada.

Ernest Shackleton has been in history, a character who left his mark as an example of resilience and leadership. In 1914, as expedition leader, he made his second Antarctic voyage, frustrated by the sinking of his flagship. The operation to rescue the bulk of the crew stranded on the southernmost continent led him to Montevideo. The Instituto de Pesca N°1, with Uruguayan crew and Shackleton included, departed from this port, but was unable to complete the rescue. From this action was born the appreciation of the explorer by the government of the Republic. In his last voyage, when he died, he reached the South Georgia Islands and his body underwent a preservation process to be brought to our country and continue his voyage to the port of origin in England. It is in this circumstance that the government of Dr. Baltasar Brum requested the Permanent Commission of the Parliament to pay him the funeral honors of a Minister of State. The embalming of the body was carried out on January 30, 1922, by medical and technical personnel of the Military Hospital, as well as the honors rendered by the Army and Navy Health Service.

Ernest Shackleton deixou sua marca na história como um exemplo de resiliência e liderança. Em 1914, ele fez sua segunda viagem à Antártica como líder da expedição, frustrado pelo naufrágio de seu navio principal. A operação para resgatar a maior parte da tripulação encalhada no continente mais ao sul o levou a Montevidéu. O Instituto de Pesca N°1, com tripulação do Uruguai e Shackleton incluído, partiu desse porto, mas não conseguiu concluir o resgate. Essa ação deu origem ao reconhecimento do explorador pelo governo da República. Em sua última viagem, quando morreu, chegou às Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e seu corpo foi preservado para que pudesse ser trazido ao nosso país e continuar sua viagem até o porto de origem na Inglaterra. Foi nessa circunstância que o governo do Dr. Baltasar Brum solicitou ao Comitê Permanente do Parlamento que lhe prestasse as honras fúnebres de um Ministro de Estado. O embalsamamento do corpo foi realizado em 30 de janeiro de 1922, pela equipe médica e técnica do Hospital Militar, bem como as honras prestadas a ele pelo Serviço de Saúde do Exército e da Marinha.

Humanos , Masculino , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Navíos/historia , Viaje/historia , Personal Militar/historia , Uruguay , Reino Unido , Regiones Antárticas
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(2): 255-258, feb. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522076


The challenges of practicing medicine in small ships on remote sites involve limited resources, lack of specialized support, and longer interactions with a patient in an isolated environment. This report describes the successful management of a patient who suffered a major injury after fell from the stairs in an expedition ship in the Southern Ocean in the Antarctic route. The patient was managed by the onboard physician for four days until the medical evacuation was possible.

Los desafíos de practicar la medicina en barcos pequeños en sitios remotos implican recursos limitados, falta de apoyo especializado e interacciones más prolongadas con el paciente en un entorno aislado. Este manuscrito describe el manejo exitoso de un paciente quien sufrió un trauma mayor producto de una caída en un barco de expedición en el Océano Austral en la ruta Antártica. El paciente fue manejado por el médico de a bordo durante cuatro días hasta que fue posible realizar la evacuación médica.

Humanos , Expediciones , Navíos , Medicina
Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases ; (12): 301-303, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986032


Carbon dioxide is a simple asphyxial gas, with low concentrations having an excitatory effect on the respiratory center, while high concentrations have an inhibitory effect on the respiratory center. Simple carbon dioxide poisoning is rarely seen clinically. This article reviews and analyzes the treatment process of 9 cases of acute inhalation carbon dioxide poisoning in a cargo ship carbon dioxide leakage accident in May 2019, summarizes clinical treatment experience, and provides timely and effective treatment for acute pulmonary edema caused by acute inhalation carbon dioxide poisoning. In particular, the application of hormones has a good prognosis, improving clinicians' understanding of the disease.

Humanos , Dióxido de Carbono , Navíos , Accidentes , Edema Pulmonar , Resultado del Tratamiento , Intoxicación , Accidentes de Trabajo
Santiago de Chile; Chile. Ministerio de Salud; jul. 2021. 26 p.
No convencional en Español | LILACS, BRISA, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1509561


ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO A raíz de la pandemia por COVID-19 y con el objetivo de limitar su propagación, el Gobierno de Chile ha implementado diferentes medidas para identificar tempranamente casos nuevos, aislar rápidamente los casos confirmados e indicar cuarentena a sus contactos estrechos. Los protocolos o definiciones epidemiológicas se han ido adecuando en la medida que aumenta el conocimiento respecto al comportamiento del SARS-CoV-2 y a la contingencia epidemiológica. Actualmente, el Ministerio de Salud se encuentra evaluando las condiciones que exigirá a cruceros para operar en aguas chilenas. En consecuencia, el equipo del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional del Departamento de Epidemiología solicita esta síntesis con el objetivo de describir los requisitos de la operación de cruceros y medidas para los pasajeros establecidas en diferentes países. METODOLOGÍA Primero se elaboró un listado de los países con mayor concurrencia de pasajeros de cruceros. Posteriormente, se identificaron organismos internacionales de referencia en materias de salud pública y asuntos marítimos. Luego de establecer los países y organizaciones de interés, se buscó en sus páginas gubernamentales. Se complementó con una búsqueda no estructurada de buscadores web no científicos. Se incluye información de 10 países: Estados Unidos, España, Italia, México, Reino Unido, China, Bahamas, Jamaica, Australia e Israel. 4 organismos internacionales RESULTADOS Las condiciones aplicadas por los países o las recomendadas realizadas por organismos internacionales son las siguientes: -Cruceros: monitoreo y reporte de la situación epidemiológica; protocolos de la naviera para la prevención y mitigación de riesgo sanitario; fortalecimiento de insumos y de profesional médico a bordo; adquisición de seguros médicos en caso de brotes; adquisición de seguros o acuerdos con residencias para aislamiento o cuarentena; entrenamiento, requisitos y protección a la tripulación; distanciamiento y reducción del número de pasajeros al 50% de la capacidad máxima. -Pasajeros: ausencia de síntomas o de indicación de aislamiento, uso de mascarilla, distanciamiento físico, realización de test para COVID-19 y presentar certificado de vacunación en caso de poseerlo. -Algunos países mantienen cerradas las actividades de cruceros en sus costas, otros las han restringido a viajes domésticos y otros no las han iniciado por decisión de las propias navieras.

Navíos , Control Sanitario de Viajeros , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Chile , Guías como Asunto
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54(34): 1-4, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SES-SP, SESSP-CVEPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1087486


In February 2020, a Chinese cargo ship docked at the Port of Santos with reports of crew members with a feverish and respiratory condition. A team was gathered to verify the existence of suspected cases of COVID-19 inside the vessel and define its clearance. All 25 crew members were interviewed, and no suspected cases were found. The vessel was then cleared for port activities. The investigation resulted from the implementation of the contingency plan to face a public health emergency of international importance and several surveillance entities cooperated. DESCRIPTORS: Coronavirus Infections, epidemiology. Coronavirus Infections, prevention & control. Ships. International Health Regulations.

Navíos , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Betacoronavirus
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 34, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1127250


ABSTRACT In February 2020, a Chinese cargo ship docked at the Port of Santos with reports of crew members with a feverish and respiratory condition. A team was gathered to verify the existence of suspected cases of COVID-19 inside the vessel and define its clearance. All 25 crew members were interviewed, and no suspected cases were found. The vessel was then cleared for port activities. The investigation resulted from the implementation of the contingency plan to face a public health emergency of international importance and several surveillance entities cooperated.

RESUMO Em fevereiro de 2020, um navio de carga vindo da China atracou no Porto de Santos com relato de tripulantes com quadro febril e respiratório. Uma equipe foi mobilizada para verificar a existência de casos suspeitos de COVID-19 dentro da embarcação e definir a liberação da embarcação no porto. Todos os 25 tripulantes foram entrevistados e não foram encontrados casos suspeitos. Então a embarcação foi liberada para atividades no porto. A investigação resultou da aplicação do plano de contingência diante de uma emergência de saúde pública de importância internacional e houve a colaboração de diversas entidades de vigilância.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Neumonía Viral/prevención & control , Navíos , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles/métodos , Brotes de Enfermedades/prevención & control , Infecciones por Coronavirus/prevención & control , Pandemias/prevención & control , Brasil , China/etnología , COVID-19 , Indonesia/etnología , Persona de Mediana Edad
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 79, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1127251


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To apply the THOR 2 multi-criteria support system to select the Brazilian navy's most suitable hospital care vessel (NAsH) to support the fight against the covid-19 pandemic. METHODS: We used the first three stages of the Soft Systems Methodology for structuring and modeling of the problem. For the evaluation and ordering of alternatives, we used the Thor 2 multi-criteria support system, comparing four classes of NAsH in the light of their operational and hospital criteria: "Dr. Montenegro," "Soares Meirelles," "Oswaldo Cruz" and "Tenente Maximiano." The chosen ship would support the amazon hospital system, which has an increasing number of cases of covid-19. RESULTS: After the application of the methods, we analyzed three distinct scenarios of ordering the alternatives, which allowed a robust sensitivity analysis, conferring greater transparency and reliability to the decision-making process. The NAsH "Oswaldo Cruz" was selected to be used in the fight against the pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: This study brings valuable contribution to academia and society, since it represents the application of a multi-criteria decision-aid method in the state of the art to contribute to the solution of a real problem that affects millions of people in Brazil and worldwide.

RESUMO OBJETIVO: Aplicar o método multicritério THOR 2 para selecionar o navio de assistência hospitalar (NAsH) da Marinha do Brasil mais indicado para apoiar o combate à pandemia de covid-19. MÉTODOS: Para a estruturação e modelagem do problema, foram usados os três primeiros estágios da Soft Systems Methodology. Já para a avaliação e ordenação das alternativas, foi utilizado o método de análise multicritério Thor 2, comparando quatro classes de NAsH à luz de seus critérios operativos e hospitalares: "Dr. Montenegro", "Soares Meirelles", "Oswaldo Cruz" e "Tenente Maximiano". O navio escolhido apoiaria o sistema hospitalar do Amazonas, que apresenta número cada vez maior de casos de covid-19. RESULTADOS: Após a aplicação dos métodos, foi possível analisar três cenários distintos de ordenação das alternativas, o que permitiu uma análise de sensibilidade robusta, conferindo maior transparência e confiabilidade ao processo decisório. O NAsH "Oswaldo Cruz" foi selecionado para ser empregado no combate à pandemia. CONCLUSÕES: Este trabalho traz valiosa contribuição para academia e sociedade, uma vez que representa a aplicação de um método de auxílio à decisão multicritério no estado da arte para contribuir com a solução de um problema real que afeta milhões de pessoas no Brasil e no mundo.

Humanos , Neumonía Viral/prevención & control , Navíos , Conducta de Elección , Infecciones por Coronavirus/prevención & control , Pandemias/prevención & control , Hospitales , Neumonía Viral/epidemiología , Brasil/epidemiología , Infecciones por Coronavirus/epidemiología , COVID-19
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 36(3): 392-399, jul.-sep. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058758


RESUMEN Objetivos. Evaluar el riesgo entomológico de Aedes aegypti durante el recorrido fluvial en embarcaciones con rutas fronterizas de Loreto. Materiales y métodos . La población de estudio fueron los mosquitos presentes en tres embarcaciones con rutas fronterizas en Loreto. El riesgo entomológico de Aedes se determinó mediante ovitrampas, revisión de criaderos, colecta e identificación taxonómica de mosquitos adultos. Resultados . El riesgo entomológico varió según trayecto y época. Se identificó un riesgo entomológico medio a muy alto en época de creciente y en la ruta de ida hacia las zonas fronterizas. La población vectorial predominante en época de vaciante fue Mansonia sp. (74,8%), Culex sp. (12,8%) y Aedes aegypti (0,4%); en creciente predominó Culex sp. (45,1%), Mansonia sp. (26,8%) y Aedes aegypti (19,7%). En ningún caso se evidenció Aedes albopictus. Conclusiones. Existe riesgo entomológico de moderado a alto durante la etapa de creciente en las embarcaciones fluviales que viajan desde Iquitos hacia las zonas fronterizas de Loreto. Nuestros resultados evidencian que las embarcaciones fluviales son un medio de dispersión de Aedes aegypti.

ABSTRACT Objectives. To assess the entomological risk of Aedes aegypti in boats traversing border river routes in Loreto. Materials and Methods. The study population consisted of mosquitoes present in three boats covering border routes in Loreto. The entomological risk of Aedes was determined through ovitraps, the inspection of breeding sites, and the collection and taxonomic identification of adult mosquitoes. Results. The entomological risk varied according to the route and the season. A medium to very high entomological risk was identified in the high-water season and on the outward route to the border areas. The predominant vector population in the low-water season was Mansonia sp. (74.8%), Culex sp. (12.8%), and Aedes aegypti (0.4%); in the high-water season, Culex sp. (45.1%), Mansonia sp. (26.8%), and Aedes aegypti (19.7%). In no case did we find Aedes albopictus. Conclusions. There is moderate to high entomological risk during the high-water season in riverboats traveling from Iquitos to the border areas of Loreto. Our results show that river boats are a means of expansion of Aedes aegypti.

Animales , Humanos , Navíos , Aedes , Mosquitos Vectores , Perú , Densidad de Población , Medición de Riesgo , Ríos , Entomología/métodos
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 32(1): 72-78, Jan.-Fev. 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-989023


Resumo Objetivo: Conhecer a prevalência de manifestações oculares em trabalhadores portuários e identificar fatores associados. Métodos: Estudo transversal em um Porto marítimo do extremo Sul do Brasil. Participaram 232 trabalhadores. Para coleta dos dados utilizou-se entrevista estruturada. Foi utilizado teste t de Student para amostras independentes, a fim de comparar as médias dos trabalhadores com manifestações oculares, por meio dos qualificadores em grau no mínimo moderado (presença de manifestações oculares) e aqueles sem manifestações oculares ou grau leve (ausência de manifestações oculares). O teste de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado no caso de assimetria. O teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson ou o teste exato de Fisher foram usados para comparar proporções e a análise de Regressão de Poisson foi usada para controlar os fatores de confusão. Resultados: A prevalência de manifestações oculares autorreferidos foi 92,2%. As manifestações oculares foram: coceira/prurido (49,1%), irritação (41,4%), ardor (39,2%), lacrimejamento (34,9%), sensação de cansaço (32,3%), alteração na pigmentação ocular (26,7%), dor (17,7%), ressecamento dos olhos (14,2%) e sensação de pressão atrás dos olhos (9,9). A utilização de filme para envelopar mercadoria contribuiu para maior prevalência de manifestações oculares. Já a utilização de luvas como equipamento de proteção individual auxiliou na menor prevalências dessas manifestações. Conclusão: Acredita-se que os achados do presente estudo possam subsidiar a avaliação clínica do enfermeiro na abordagem de trabalhadores portuários, assim como direcionar o planejamento e a implementação de cuidados socioambientais condizentes com as necessidades de saúde desses e de outros trabalhadores.

Resumen Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia de manifestaciones oculares en trabajadores portuarios e identificar factores asociados. Métodos: Estudio transversal en un puerto marítimo del extremo sur de Brasil. Participaron 232 trabajadores. Para la recolección de los datos se utilizó una entrevista estructurada. Se utilizó la prueba t de Student para muestras independientes, para comparar las medias de los trabajadores con manifestaciones oculares, a través de los calificadores en grado como mínimo moderado (presencia de manifestaciones oculares) y aquellos sin manifestaciones oculares o grado leve (ausencia de manifestaciones oculares). La prueba de Mann-Whitney fue utilizada en el caso de asimetría. La prueba del Chi-cuadrado de Pearson o la prueba exacta de Fisher se utilizaron para comparar proporciones y el análisis de Regresión de Poisson se utilizó para controlar los factores de confusión. Resultados: La prevalencia de manifestaciones oculares autorreferidas fue del 92,2%. Las manifestaciones oculares fueron: picazón / prurito (49,1%), irritación (41,4%), ardor (39,2%), lagrimeo (34,9%), sensación de cansancio (32,3%), alteración en la pigmentación ocular (26,7%), dolor (17,7%), sequedad de los ojos (14,2%) y sensación de presión detrás de los ojos (9,9). La utilización de una película para embalar mercancías contribuyó a una mayor prevalencia de manifestaciones oculares. La utilización de guantes como equipo de protección individual ayudó en la menor prevalencia de esas manifestaciones. Conclusión: Se cree que los hallazgos del presente estudio pueden subsidiar la evaluación clínica del enfermero en el abordaje de trabajadores portuarios, así como dirigir la planificación y la implementación de cuidados socioambientales que estén de acuerdo con las necesidades de salud de esos y de otros trabajadores.

Abstract Objective: To understand the prevalence of ocular manifestations in port workers and identify associated factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out in a seaport in southern Brazil. A total of 232 workers participated in the study. Structured interviews were applied for data collection. Student's t-test was used for independent samples to compare the means of workers with ocular manifestations, applying qualifiers with a moderate minimum level (presence of ocular manifestations) and with a low level or without ocular manifestations (lack of ocular manifestations). The Mann-Whitney test was used for cases of asymmetry. Pearson's Chi-square and Fisher's exact test were carried out to compare the rates, whereas Poisson Regression was used to control the confounding factors. Results: The prevalence of self-reported ocular manifestations was 92.2%. Ocular manifestations were: itching/pruritus (49.1%), rash (41.4%), burning (39.2%), lacrimation (34.9%), fatigue (32.3%), change in ocular pigmentation (26.7%), pain (17.7%), eye dryness (14.2%), and pressure sensation behind the eyes (9.9%). The use of film for wrapping goods contributed to a higher prevalence of ocular manifestations. The use of gloves as personal protective equipment led to a lower prevalence of these manifestations. Conclusion: The findings of the current study may contribute to the clinical assessment of nurses in approaching port workers, as well as to guide the planning and implementation of social and environmental care in line with the health needs of these or other workers.

Humanos , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Navíos , Prevalencia , Salud Laboral , Manifestaciones Oculares , Grupos Profesionales , Estudios Transversales , Entrevistas como Asunto
The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine ; : 134-139, 2019.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786660


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze an injury scene during fly fish boat riding (FBR).METHODS: We conducted survey on 12 patients who had humerus shaft fractures during FBR between 2011 and 2016 at three university-based emergency rooms. Individual information, injury mechanism, classification of humerus shaft fracture, and combined injury were recorded from medical document and telephone interview.RESULTS: The injury happened when the kite was turned over and fall into the water in 10 patients (82%); the kite was turned over in the air in one patient (9%), and a leash between kite and boat was broken in one patient (9%). All patients showed 12-B1 or 12-B3 type distal humerus shaft fracture. And there were combined contralateral distal humeral shaft fractures in two patients, vertebral compression fracture in one patient, and radial nerve injury in four patients.CONCLUSION: Riding position and injury mechanism such as turning over may affect distal humerus shaft fractures with butterfly fragment during FBR.

Humanos , Mariposas Diurnas , Clasificación , Dípteros , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital , Fracturas por Compresión , Fracturas del Húmero , Húmero , Entrevistas como Asunto , Nervio Radial , Navíos , Agua
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 26: e20054, jan.-dez. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1004076


Objetivo: analisar a contribuição da formação em enfermagem para a (re)construção da identidade profissional de enfermeiros e sua expressão pós-ingresso no mercado de trabalho. Método: estudo qualitativo com abordagem socio-histórica, realizado entre setembro de 2013 a maio de 2014, que utilizou a história oral, em entrevistas com dezesseis egressos e quatro docentes do curso de Enfermagem e Obstetrícia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Resultados: ma análise de conteúdo constatou-se a importância da formação na construção da identidade profissional de enfermeiros, mas que estes também contribuíram para o reconhecimento da profissão. Reconhecendo-se, nesta dialética, que os processos de socializações, ao mesmo tempo em que influenciam a construção de identidades dos sujeitos são por eles reestruturados. Conclusão: evidenciou-se a ação educativa dos docentes, não só como mediadores da aprendizagem, mas por promoverem também o reconhecimento social e contribuírem à constituição da identidade profissional desses egressos.

Objective: to examine the contribution of nursing education to (re)constructing nurses' professional identity and its expression after their admission to the labor market. Method: this qualitative, socio-historical study was conducted between September 2013 and May 2014, using oral history in interviews of sixteen graduates and four professors of the Nursing and Obstetrics course at Rio Grande do Norte Federal University. Results: content analysis showed the importance of training in the construction of nurses' professional identity, but the nurses themselves also contributed to gaining recognition for the profession. It was recognized that, in this dialectic, socialization processes both influence the construction of subjects' identities and are restructured by them. Conclusion: evidence was found of the educational action of teachers, not only as mediators of learning, but also by their fostering social recognition and helping constitute the professional identity of these alumni.

Objetivo: analizar la contribución de la formación en enfermería a la (re)construcción de la identidad profesional de enfermeros y su expresión post-ingreso en el mercado de trabajo. Método: estudio cualitativo con enfoque socio-histórico, realizado entre septiembre de 2013 y mayo de 2014, que utilizó la historia oral, en entrevistas junto a dieciséis egresados y cuatro profesores del curso de Enfermería y Obstetricia de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Norte. Resultados: en el análisis de contenido se constató la importancia de la formación en la construcción de la identidad profesional de enfermeros, pero que éstos también contribuyeron para el reconocimiento de la profesión. Reconociendo, en esta dialéctica, que los procesos de socializaciones, al mismo tiempo que influyen en la construcción de identidades de los sujetos, son reestructurados por ellos. Conclusión: se evidenció la acción educativa de los profesores, no sólo como mediadores del aprendizaje, sino por promover el reconocimiento social y contribuir a la constitución de la identidad profesional de esos egresados.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Educación en Enfermería/historia , Capacitación Profesional , Navíos
Rev. bras. enferm ; 71(5): 2454-2460, Sep.-Oct. 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-958722


ABSTRACT Objective: Understand the structuring and operation of the Nursing Service on the hospital ship HOPE and the relations between Nursing from North America and from Rio Grande do Norte. Method: Qualitative, sociohistorical research, developed by consulting documentary and oral sources. Results: The analysis revealed the categories: The HOPE Project: impressions of its nurses and Nursing on the hospital ship SS HOPE: Brazilian impressions. These categories revealed a Nursing Service similar to that of a general hospital, ordered by scales and which functioned uninterruptedly in the three shifts. Final considerations: The Nursing Service consisted exclusively of nurses; followed a hierarchical system; with accumulation of administrative and care functions; strict, precise and technical execution of the work. The language and cultural barriers do not seem to have compromised the Exchange and the work system in counterparts.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Comprender la estructuración, el funcionamiento del Servicio de Enfermería del buque hospital SS HOPE y las relaciones entre la Enfermería norteamericana y la norte-rio-grandense. Método: Investigación cualitativa, socio-histórica, realizada a partir de consultas a fuentes documentales y orales. Resultados: El análisis llegó a las categorías: El Proyecto HOPE - impresiones de sus enfermeras y La Enfermería del buque hospital SS HOPE - impresiones brasileñas. Estas categorías revelaron un Servicio de Enfermería similar al de un hospital general, ordenado por escalas y que funcionaba ininterrumpidamente en los tres turnos. Consideraciones finales: El Servicio de Enfermería estaba compuesto exclusivamente de enfermeras, obedecía a un sistema de jerarquía con acumulación de funciones administrativas y asistenciales, la ejecución del trabajo se realizaba de manera rígida, precisa y técnica, y las barreras idiomáticas y culturales parecen no haber comprometido el intercambio y el sistema de trabajo en contrapartes.

RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender a estruturação, o funcionamento do Serviço de Enfermagem do navio-hospital SS HOPE e as relações entre a Enfermagem norte-americana e a norte-rio-grandense. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, sócio-histórica, realizada a partir de consultas a fontes documentais e orais. Resultados: A análise chegou às categorias: O Projeto HOPE: impressões de suas enfermeiras e A Enfermagem do navio-hospital SS HOPE: impressões brasileiras. Essas categorias revelaram um Serviço de Enfermagem similar ao de um hospital geral, ordenado por escalas e que funcionava, ininterruptamente, nos três turnos. Considerações finais: O Serviço de Enfermagem era composto, exclusivamente, de enfermeiras, obedecia a um sistema de hierarquia com acúmulo de funções administrativas e assistenciais, a execução do trabalho era realizada de maneira rígida, precisa e técnica, e as barreiras idiomáticas e culturais parecem não ter comprometido o intercâmbio e o sistema de trabalho em contrapartes.

Humanos , Navíos/métodos , Altruismo , Proceso de Enfermería/tendencias , Brasil , Investigación Cualitativa , Enfermeras Internacionales/tendencias , América del Norte
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 52(4): 650-675, jul.-ago. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-957559


Resumo Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto da Agência Barco na inclusão financeira da população ribeirinha da ilha de Marajó. Para tal, foram coletados dados via observação direta e entrevistas com clientes e funcionários da Agência Barco na ilha de Marajó, os quais foram analisados por meio de análise léxica e de conteúdo. As categorias obtidas foram, então, interpretadas vis-à-vis um modelo de inclusão financeira desenvolvido a partir da literatura existente. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a Agência Barco tem conseguido fornecer, parcialmente, acesso a produtos e serviços financeiros. Entretanto, a falta de educação financeira básica da população ribeirinha da ilha de Marajó tem sido um obstáculo para o adequado uso dos serviços financeiros disponíveis, impedindo uma inclusão financeira sustentável.

Resumen Esa investigación tiene por objetivo evaluar el impacto de la Agência Barco en la inclusión financiera de la población de las riberas de la isla de Marajó. Así, han sido recolectados datos por médio de observación directa e de entrevistas semi-estructuradas con los clientes e empleados de la Agência Barco en la isla de Marajó, los cuales han sido analizados por médio de análises léxica y de contenido. Las categorias obtenidas fueran interpretadas vis-à-vis un modelo de inclusión financeira desarollado desde la literatura existente. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que la Agência Barco há logrado éxito en suplir, parcialmente, acceso a los productos y servicios financieros. Sin embargo, la falta de educación financiera básica ha impedido que la poblácion haga uso adecuado de los servicios financieros ofertados, lo que ha impedido una inclusión financiera sostenible.

Abstract This research aims to assess the impact of the Agência Barco (a branch of a bank that operates in a boat) on the financial inclusion of the riverine population of the Marajó island. Empirical research was carried out through direct observation and semi-structured interviews applied to users and employees of the Agência Barco. Lexical and content analyses were then applied in order to identify the elements for the financial inclusion of this population. The categories obtained through this technique were interpreted vis-à-vis a financial inclusion model developed from the existing literature. The research results show that the Agência Barco has managed to supply partial access to financial products and services. However, the lack of basic financial education of the riverine population of the Marajó island has hindered adequate use of the financial services provided, hampering sustainable financial inclusion.

Navíos , Crecimiento y Desarrollo , Tecnología de la Información
Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine ; : 18-2018.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762530


BACKGROUND: The olfactory bulb is anatomically exposed and thus can be directly damaged by external stimulation. This can occur as an occupational injury owing to contact with organic solvents or other causes. We present cases of eight patients who sustained occupation-related exposure to potentially toxic substances and later presented with signs and symptoms of anosmia. We examined the occupational and medical characteristics of the patients and evaluated their work-relatedness. CASE PRESENTATION: Case 1: A 50-year-old man performed high-frequency heat treatments for approximately 11 years. He experienced decreased senses for olfaction and taste during the later years culminating in the diagnosis of anosmia after 3 years (high work-relatedness). Case 2: A 54-year-old man whose work involved exposure to various organic solvents, such as spray painting and application of paint and thinners for approximately 4 years, was subsequently diagnosed with anosmia based on rhinorrhea, headache, and loss of olfaction (high work-relatedness). Case 3: A 44-year-old-man who performed spray painting for approximately 17 years developed anosmia (high work-relatedness). Case 4: A 44-year-old man was involved in ship engine cleaning once a month, for approximately 7 h per cleaning session; he was diagnosed with anosmia based on loss of olfaction (low work-relatedness). Case 5: A 41-year-old man worked in ship building block construction for approximately 13 years; anosmia diagnosis was based on loss of olfaction (low work-relatedness). Case 6: A 47-year-old woman performed product inspection and labeling at a plant manufacturing automobile parts; anosmia diagnosis was based on decreased olfaction and taste (low work-relatedness). Case 7: A 50-year-old woman performed epoxy coating in a plant manufacturing automobile parts; anosmia diagnosis was based on diminishing olfaction (low work-relatedness). Case 8: A 57-year-old woman performed cleaning of the area where mobile phone parts were manufactured; anosmia diagnosis was based on diminishing olfaction (low work-relatedness). CONCLUSION: The study results confirmed work-relatedness when the subject was young, and the duration of exposure was long without any other cause of anosmia. Regarding compensation for occupational diseases, work-relatedness can be recognized as a relative concept.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Automóviles , Teléfono Celular , Compensación y Reparación , Diagnóstico , Cefalea , Calor , Enfermedades Profesionales , Traumatismos Ocupacionales , Trastornos del Olfato , Bulbo Olfatorio , Pintura , Pinturas , Plantas , Navíos , Olfato , Solventes
Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance ; : 182-187, 2018.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718775


The 2016–2017 surveys on the external quality assessment scheme for serologic tests for syphilis in Korea were conducted by the Korean Association of External Quality Assessment Service. Proficiency testing (PT) panels consisting of three pooled serum samples were shipped to 430 and 432 laboratories participating in the program in the 1st and 2nd trials of 2016 and 465 and 503 laboratories in the 1st and 2nd trials of 2017, respectively. The rates of returning results were 94.2% and 50.2% for non-treponemal and treponemal tests, respectively, in the 1st trial of 2016; 94.7% and 49.5% in the 2nd trial of 2016; 94.2% and 49.5% in the 1st trial of 2017; and 92.8% and 48.7% in the 2nd trial of 2017, respectively. The most commonly used methods for non-treponemal tests were rapid plasma reagin (RPR) card test, followed by RPR turbidoimmunoassay and venereal disease research laboratory tests. The most commonly used methods for treponemal tests were Treponema pallidum particle agglutination, followed by immunochromatographic assay, Treponema pallidum latex agglutination, chemiluminescence immunoassay, and fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption. The accuracy rates of the 2017 PT for non-treponemal and treponemal tests were 92.5%–99.8% and 93.3%–100.0%, respectively, which were significantly lower compared to the 98.4%–100.0% and 97.0%–100.0% in 2016. A possible explanation for the lower accuracy rates in the 2017 PT survey is the matrix effect caused by pooling multiple individual serum samples. These data suggest that pooling of serum samples obtained from a small number of donors may help avoid the matrix effect affecting standard materials used for syphilis serology PT.

Humanos , Aglutinación , Inmunoensayo , Cromatografía de Afinidad , Corea (Geográfico) , Látex , Luminiscencia , Plasma , Pruebas Serológicas , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual , Navíos , Sífilis , Donantes de Tejidos , Treponema pallidum
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 574-583, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714990


OBJECTIVE: This study is a prospective observational study on 75 late-adolescent survivors of a large passenger ship accident from immediately after the accident to one year later. METHODS: Assessments of student survivors were conducted on day 2 and at months 1, 6, and 12. The PTSD Checklist (PCL), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), State subscale of the State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), and Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) were administered. RESULTS: When the assessments for day 2 and month 12 were compared, all the scales, except the PCL-avoidance subscale, showed a significant improvement in symptoms among males. However, among females, all the scales, except the PCL-re-experience subscale and the STAI-S, failed to show a significant improvement. All the symptoms for both males and females showed a pattern that decreased to the lowest level at month 1 (camp-based controlled intervention period), then increased at months 6 and 12 (voluntary individual treatment after returning to school). CONCLUSION: The rapid deterioration of psychological symptoms was found during the chronic phase, when students returned to their daily routines and received voluntary individual therapy. There is a need to screen high-risk adolescents and be more attentive to them during this period.

Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Ansiedad , Lista de Verificación , Desastres , Estudios de Seguimiento , Estudio Observacional , Estudios Prospectivos , Navíos , Trastornos del Inicio y del Mantenimiento del Sueño , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Sobrevivientes , Pesos y Medidas
Annals of Clinical Microbiology ; : 36-39, 2018.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715234


The Korean Society of Clinical Microbiology (KSCM) has supported participation in the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (ESCMID) Summer School for several years. The school is held every year in Europe for one week and in 2017 was held at the Borstel Research Center, located in Borstel, a small town near Hamburg, Germany. A total of 80 participants from 26 countries attended and included 42.5% (34) males, 57.5% (46) females, and most were residents. The summer school was held for 6 days except for moving time, and there were 29 lectures, 4 small group tutorials, and 80 student presentations. The lecture subject areas included overall topics of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. Experts from all over Europe gave lectures explaining the basics as well as recent discoveries. Small group tutorials were mainly focused on tuberculosis. Student presentations included active discussions by the students regarding their research subjects or cases. There were also social events such as dinners, visiting museums, cruise ship excursions, and watching outdoor play. Based on personal experience, I recommend young KSCM members attend the ESCMID Summer School because communicating with people from various countries broadens horizons despite a long itinerary and a busy schedule.

Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Citas y Horarios , Enfermedades Transmisibles , Europa (Continente) , Alemania , Intercambio Educacional Internacional , Clase , Comidas , Museos , Sujetos de Investigación , Navíos , Tuberculosis