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Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(1): 43-47, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1443991


O objetivo deste artigo é relatar um caso de COG em sínfise mandibular, tratado com enucleação e osteotomia periférica. Relato de Caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 58 anos de idade, foi encaminhada para avaliação de uma lesão mandibular, apresentando-se assintomática no momento da consulta. Foi observado um leve aumento de volume vestibular na região da sínfise mandibular, sem sensibilidade ao toque. Na tomografia foi observada imagem hipodensa, multiloculada, bem delimitada, na região de sínfise, próxima as raízes dentárias e a basilar mandibular, além de um dente incluso intralesional. Foi realizada biópsia incisional e exame histopatológico, através do qual foi estabelecido o diagnóstico de COG. Como forma de tratamento, o paciente foi submetido a enucleação com curetagem de toda lesão e a osteotomia periférica, além da remoção do dente incluso. Após um ano de acompanhamento, a paciente encontra-se livre de recorrências. Conclusão: Por fim, este caso destaca a importância de um tratamento eficaz de COG com a osteotomia periférica, considerando o tamanho da lesão, suas características e sua localização, a fim de reduzir suas chances de recidiva... (AU)

The aim of this article is to report a case of COG in mandibular symphysis, treated with enucleation and peripheral osteotomy. Case Report: A 58-yearold female patient was referred for evaluation of a mandibular lesion, instrument was asymptomatic at the time of consultation. An increase in vestibular volume was observed in the region of the mandibular symphysis, without sensitivity to touch. The tomography showed a hypodense, multiloculated, well-delimited image in the symphysis region, close to tooth roots and a mandibular basilar, in addition to an intralesional impacted tooth. An incisional biopsy and histopathological examination were performed, through which the diagnosis of COG was established. As a form of treatment, the patient underwent enucleation with curettage of the entire lesion and peripheral osteotomy, in addition to removal of the impacted tooth. After a year of follow-up, the patient is free from recurrences. Conclusion: Finally, this case highlights the importance of an effective treatment of COG with peripheral osteotomy, considering the size of the lesion, its characteristics and its location, in order to reduce its chances of recurrence... (AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es reportar un caso de COG en la sínfisis mandibular, tratado con enucleación y osteotomía periférica. Caso Clínico: Paciente femenino, de 58 años de edad, fue remitida para valoración de lesión mandibular, presentándose asintomática al momento de la consulta. Se observa ligero aumento de volumen vestibular en la región de la sínfisis mandibular, sin sensibilidad al tacto. En la tomografía se observó una imagen hipodensa, multiloculada, bien delimitada en la región de la sínfisis, próxima a las raíces dentarias y la base de la mandíbula, además de un diente intralesional. Se realizó biopsia incisional y examen histopatológico, a través del cual se estableció el diagnóstico de GOC. Como forma de tratamiento, el paciente fue sometido a enucleación con curetaje de toda la lesión y osteotomía periférica, además de extracción del diente impactado. Después de un año de seguimiento, un paciente está libre de recurrencias. Conclusión: Finalmente, este caso destaca la importancia de un tratamiento efectivo de la GOC con osteotomía periférica, considerando el tamaño de la lesión, sus características y su ubicación, para reducir sus posibilidades de recurrencia... (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Recurrencia , Quistes Maxilomandibulares , Osteotomía Maxilar , Quistes Odontogénicos
RFO UPF ; 24(1): 132-140, 29/03/2019. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1049257


Objetivo: relatar dois casos de displasia cemento-óssea florida, descrevendo a evolução clínico-radiográfica ao longo de 5 anos em um paciente assintomático e a abordagem cirúrgica em um caso sintomático. Relato de caso 1: paciente, melanoderma, sexo feminino, 56 anos de idade, encaminhada ao Serviço de Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial da Universidade Federal da Bahia, por cirurgião-dentista clínico que notou alterações imagiológicas em radiografia panorâmica de rotina. Apesar da importante extensão da lesão em maxila e mandíbula, não havia qualquer sintoma ou sinal clínico de infecção. A paciente foi acompanhada durante 5 anos, com exames de imagem bianuais e medidas clínicas profiláticas. Relato de caso 2: paciente, melanoderma, sexo feminino, 57 anos, apresentou-se ao ambulatório de cirurgia queixando-se de atraso em cicatrização após remoção de um dente. A radiografia panorâmica e a tomografia computadorizada, em conjunto com dados clínicos, permitiram o diagnóstico de displasia cemento-óssea florida com infecção secundária. A paciente foi abordada por meio de osteotomia em região do defeito em mandíbula. A análise microscópica do espécime obtido confirmou a alteração displásica cementoide. Os sinais e sintomas regrediram e a paciente segue em acompanhamento. Considerações finais: a displasia cemento-óssea florida, portanto, é uma doença pouco frequente, cujas manifestações podem demandar diferentes abordagens. É importante o domínio clínico do cirurgião-dentista, uma vez que o diagnóstico equivocado pode guiar a escolhas terapêuticas com resultados insatisfatórios. (AU)

Objective: the objective of this article is to report two cases of florid cemento-osseous dysplasia describing the clinical-radiographic evolution over 5 years in an asymptomatic patient and the surgical approach in a symptomatic one. Case report 1: patient, melanoderma, female, 56 years old, referred to the service by a clinical Dentist who noticed imaging alterations in a routine panoramic radiography. Despite the important extension of the maxillary and mandibular lesion, there was no clinical sign or symptom of infection. The patient has been followed for 5 years with biannual imaging exams and prophylactic clinical measures. Case report 2: patient, melanoderma, female, 57 years old, presented to the surgery outpatient complaining of delay in healing after removal of a tooth. Panoramic X-ray and Computed Tomography together with clinical data allowed the diagnosis of florid cemento-osseous dysplasia with secondary infection. The patient was approached through osteotomy in the region of the mandible defect. The microscopic analysis of the specimen confirmed the dysplastic cementenoid alteration. Signs and symptoms regressed and the patient is in follow up. Final considerations: florida cementoosseous dysplasia is an infrequent disease, whose manifestations may require different approaches. The clinical domain of the Dentist is important, since misdiagnosis can lead to therapeutic choices with unsatisfactory results. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Osteomielitis/terapia , Displasia Fibrosa Ósea/terapia , Osteomielitis/diagnóstico por imagen , Radiografía Panorámica , Resultado del Tratamiento , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Displasia Fibrosa Ósea/diagnóstico por imagen , Osteotomía Maxilar/métodos
RFO UPF ; 24(1): 22-30, 29/03/2019. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1048239


Introdução: os bisfosfonatos são um grupo de medicamentos utilizados no tratamento de doenças osteolíticas, tais como mieloma múltiplo, osteoporose e doença de Paget. Uma complicação tardia dessa medicação é a osteonecrose em ossos maxilares. Esta é definida como desenvolvimento de osso necrótico na cavidade bucal de paciente em tratamento atual ou prévio com bisfosfonato, após sofrer algum procedimento cirúrgico bucal invasivo, sem ter realizado radioterapia. Objetivo: descrever, por meio de relatos de casos, a opção de técnica cirúrgica para tratamento da osteonecrose por bisfosfonatos. Materiais e método: em todos os casos relatados, a terapêutica cirúrgica contou com osteotomia e remoção cirúrgica do sequestro ósseo, debridamento, irrigação com soro fisiológico e sutura contínua simples. Resultados: o controle clínico pós-operatório evidenciou boa cicatrização, melhora considerável da lesão e reepitelização significativa, em curto e longo período. Conclusão: os pacientes devem passar por um criterioso exame odontológico, antes do uso desses medicamentos. Nenhum tratamento cirúrgico invasivo deve ser realizado durante a terapia com esses fármacos. (AU)

Introduction: Bisphosphonates are a group of medications used to treat osteolytic diseases such as multiple myeloma, osteoporosis, and Paget's disease. A late complication of this medication is osteonecrosis in the maxillary bones. It is defined as the development of necrotic bone in the oral cavity of a patient under current or with previous treatment with bisphosphonate and subjected to some invasive oral surgical procedure without radiotherapy. Objective: This study aimed to describe, through case reports, the option of a surgical technique for the treatment of osteonecrosis with bisphosphonates. Materials and Method: In all cases reported, surgical therapy included osteotomy and surgical removal of bone sequestration, debridement, irrigation with saline solution, and simple continuous suture. Results: The postoperative clinical control revealed satisfactory healing, considerable lesion improvement, and significant short- and long-term re-epithelialization. Conclusion: Patients should be subjected to a careful dental examination before using these medications. No invasive surgical treatment should be performed during therapy with these drugs. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Osteonecrosis de los Maxilares Asociada a Difosfonatos/cirugía , Osteotomía Maxilar/métodos , Radiografía Dental , Resultado del Tratamiento , Osteonecrosis de los Maxilares Asociada a Difosfonatos/patología , Osteonecrosis de los Maxilares Asociada a Difosfonatos/diagnóstico por imagen
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 12(4): 362-367, dic. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-975758


RESUMEN: Uno de los objetivos de la cirugía maxilofacial es devolver anatomía, función y estética a través de distintas técnicas quirúrgicas. Dentro de los tejidos utilizados para esto se encuentra el cuerpo adiposo de la mejilla (CAM). La gran evidencia clínica existente y el conocimiento que se tiene acerca de este tejido ha permitido poder utilizarlo como injerto o colgajo para el tratamiento de una serie de condiciones que afectan al territorio maxilofacial con buenos resultados tanto estéticos como funcionales. Describir las diferentes indicaciones que tiene el CAM como colgajo e injerto autólogo para el tratamiento de las distintas anomalías que afectan al territorio maxilofacial. Se realizó una búsqueda entre abril y junio de 2018 utilizando 3 bases de datos electrónicas: PubMed, EBSCO y Cochrane. Las palabras clave utilizadas fueron buccal fat pad, bichat's fat pad y oral surgery con la selección del término booleano AND y OR. Se seleccionaron aquellos estudios publicados entre los 2014 y 2018, de texto completo. Se seleccionaron 17 artículos de que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión; 2 revisiones sistemáticas, 8 ensayos clínicos, 6 estudios observacionales y una serie de casos. El uso del CAM como injerto y colgajo para la corrección de anomalías en el territorio maxilofacial es una técnica versátil y predecible. La totalidad de los estudios analizados avalan su uso en dicho campo. Se necesitan más estudios clínicos aleatorizados, con un mayor número de casos, seguimiento a largo plazo y parámetros a evaluar para establecer una conclusión final sobre el uso del CAM en las diversas aplicaciones de la cirugía maxilofacial.

ABSTRACT: One of the main objectives of maxillofacial surgery is to restore patient normal anatomy, function and esthetic. Among the various tissues used to achieve the above, is the buccal fat pad. Currently, there is sufficient clinical evidence and knowledge regarding this tissue type, to approve its use as graft or flap, in order to treat a number of conditions that affect the maxillofacial area. Furthermore, it has shown various esthetical as well as functional results. The purpose of this narrative review is to describe different indications of the buccal fat pad, as a flap and autologous graft in treating various maxillofacial abnormalities. A search was conducted between april and june 2018 using 3 electronic data bases: PubMed, EBSCO and Cochrane library. Key words used were buccal fat pad, Bichat's fat pad y oral surgery using Boolean terms AND/ OR. Studies published between 2014 and 2018 were selected. For the study, 17 complete text studies that met the inclusion criteria were selected; two systematic reviews, eight randomized clinical trials, six observational studies and one case series. The use of the buccal fat pad as flap and graft for correcting maxillofacial abnormalities, is a predictable and versatile technique. The total number of studies analyzed, support its use in this surgical field. In conclusion and despite these results however, there is a need for further randomized clinical trials with a greater number of cases, long term follow up, and greater parameter assessment to support the use of the buccal fat pad in maxillofacial surgery.

Humanos , Cirugía Bucal/métodos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Orales/métodos , Osteotomía Maxilar/métodos , Tejido Adiposo/anatomía & histología , Tejido Adiposo/cirugía
Rev. chil. cir ; 70(5): 418-424, 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-978008


Introducción: El tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) es una causa importante de morbimortalidad en la población hospitalaria y quirúrgica. Esta entidad tiene mecanismos fisiopatológicos bien definidos y descritos, además, de factores de riesgo que permiten una clasificación de los pacientes según diversos modelos de valoración, los cuales permiten adoptar medidas profilácticas. En el ámbito de la cirugía maxilofacial se han descrito bajos niveles de incidencia. Sin embargo, hay evidencia bastante limitada y representa un problema de salud al cual se le ha prestado poca atención en la literatura. Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer la incidencia de tromboembolismo venoso en pacientes sometidos a cirugía ortognática. Material y Método: Se evaluaron en forma retrospectiva fichas clínicas de 86 pacientes operados de cirugía ortognática entre octubre de 2006 y enero de 2016 en el Hospital Clínico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Se identificaron 2 casos de tromboembolismo pulmonar, lo cual corresponde a una incidencia de 2,6%. Sin embargo, no se obtuvo un espacio muestral suficiente para lograr identificar factores de riesgo específicos en esta población. Conclusiones: A pesar de la baja incidencia de TEV en pacientes sometidos a cirugía maxilofacial, es fundamental considerar el riesgo individual del paciente y el riesgo que implica la cirugía. La prolongación del tiempo quirúrgico, la estadía hospitalaria y la inmovilización prolongada pueden determinar un riesgo mayor de desarrollar este tipo de complicación, por lo tanto, es necesario considerarla y saber prevenirla de manera adecuada.

Introduction: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in surgical patients. This entity has well defined and described pathophysiological mechanisms, in addition to risk factors that allow a classification of patients according to different assessment models, which allow to adopt prophylactic measures. In maxillofacial surgery, low levels of incidence have been described. However, there is quite limited evidence and represents a health problem that has received little attention in the literature. Objective: To determine the incidence of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. Material and Method: Retrospectively, 86 patients who underwent orthognathic surgery was evaluated between October 2006 and January 2016 at the Hospital Clínico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Two cases of pulmonary thromboembolism were identified, which corresponds to an incidence of 2.6%. Despite the low incidence of VTE in patients undergoing maxillofacial surgery, it is essential to consider the individual risk of the patient and the risk involved in surgery. The prolongation of surgical time, the hospital stay and prolonged immobilization can determine a greater risk of developing this type of complication, therefore it is necessary to consider it and know how to prevent it in an adequate way.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Tromboembolia Venosa/epidemiología , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Ortognáticos/efectos adversos , Incidencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Medición de Riesgo , Tromboembolia Venosa/etiología , Tromboembolia Venosa/prevención & control , Tempo Operativo , Osteotomía Mandibular/efectos adversos , Osteotomía Maxilar/efectos adversos , Tiempo de Internación
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 4(4): 1245-1250, dic. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282098


The objective of this study was to evaluate the soft tissue changes after anterior maxillary osteotomy using cone beam computed tomography. The study included twelve patients diagnosed as suffering from an excess of the anterior part of maxilla and required surgical correction by anterior maxillary osteotomy. Assessment of Cone beam computed tomography in evaluation the soft tissue changes. All cases subjected to anterior maxillary osteotomy using modified Cuper technique. Follow up of cases was does clinically and radio- graphically by cone beam computed tomography. The results of the study proved that the statistically significant increase in mean Nasolabial angle after 6 months was 5.2 degrees, the mean value of nasal width after 6 months was 0,9mm. The mean value of Philtrum length was 3.3mm. In conclusion, Cone Beam Computed Tomography can be used to obtain dimensionally accurate linear and angular measurement from bony maxillofacial structure and landmarks and allows accurate, three-dimensional imaging of hard and soft tissues

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios en los tejidos blandos después de la osteotomía maxilar anterior mediante tomografía computarizada con haz cónico. El estudio incluyó a doce pacientes diagnosticados que sufrían un exceso de la parte anterior del maxilar y requirió corrección quirúrgica mediante osteotomía maxilar anterior. Evaluación de la tomografía computarizada del haz cónico en la evaluación de los cambios de tejidos blandos. Todos los casos sometidos a osteotomía maxilar anterior con la técnica de Cuper modificada. El seguimiento de los casos se realizó de forma clínica y radiográfica mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico. Los resultados del estudio demostraron que el aumento estadísticamente significativo en el ángulo Nasolabial medio después de 6 meses fue de 5,2 grados, el valor medio del ancho nasal después de 6 meses fue de 0,9mm. El valor medio de la longitud de Philtrum fue de 3,3mm. En conclusión, la tomografía computarizada Cone Beam se puede utilizar para obtener mediciones lineales y angulares dimensionales precisas a partir de la estructura ósea maxilofacial ósea y permite obtener imágenes precisas y tridimensionales de los tejidos duros y blandos

Humanos , Adulto , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos , Osteotomía Maxilar
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 17(2): 45-49, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1281711


A Síndrome da Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS) é uma doença com alto índice de morbidade e mortalidade, que compromete 5% da população mundial, sendo 9% dos homens e 4% das mulheres da idade adulta. O avanço maxilomandibular (AMM) tem sido indicado como tratamento cirúrgico da doença nas formas moderada e grave. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever um relato de caso de um paciente 33 anos, gênero feminino, Classe II de Angle. Ao exame polissonográfico, foi constatada a ocorrência de 47 apneias/ hora de sono, e, na radiografia cefalométrica de perfil, observou se um estreitamento das vias áreas superiores. Foi realizado AMM e mentoplastia para aumentar o volume das vias aéreas. A paciente evoluiu com redução acentuada dos sintomas e consequente melhoria em sua qualidade de vida. Atualmente, o AMM é a opção cirúrgica mais bem sucedida para o tratamento da SAOS de moderada a grave... (AU)

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality, which commits 5% of the world population and 9% of men and 4% of women in adulthood. The maxilomandibular advancement (AMM) has been indicated as surgical treatment in moderate and severe forms. The aim of this study is to describe a case report of a patient 33 years old, female, Angle Class II. In polysomnography examination, it was found the occurrence of 47 apneas per hour during sleep and lateral cephalometric radiograph was observed a narrowing of the upper airway. It was performed AMM and genioplasty to increase the volume of the airways. The patient progressed with a significant reduction of symptoms and consequent improvement in their quality of life. Currently, the maxilomandibular advancement is the most successful surgical option for the treatment of moderate to severe OSAS... (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Apnea , Avance Mandibular , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Ortognáticos , Cirugía Ortognática , Osteotomía Maxilar
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-61668


BACKGROUND: The Le Fort I osteotomy is one of the most widely used and useful procedure to correct the dentofacial deformities of the midface. The changes of the maxilla position affect to overlying soft tissue including the nasal structure. Postoperative nasal septum deviation is a rare and unpredicted outcome after the surgery. There are only a few reports reporting the management of this complication. CASE PRESENTATION: In our department, three cases of the postoperative nasal septum deviation after the Le Fort I osteotomy had been experienced. Via limited intraoral circumvestibular incision, anterior maxilla, the nasal floor, and the anterior aspect of the septum were exposed. The cartilaginous part of the nasal septum was resected and repositioned to the midline and the anterior nasal spine was recontoured. Alar cinch suture performed again to prevent the sides of nostrils from flaring outwards. After the procedure, nasal septum deviation was corrected and the esthetic outcomes were favorable. CONCLUSION: Careful extubation, intraoperative management of nasal septum, and meticulous examination of pre-existing nasal septum deviation is important to avoid postoperative nasal septum deviation. If it existed after the maxillary osteotomy, septum repositioning technique of the current report can successfully correct the postoperative septal deviation.

Deformidades Dentofaciales , Maxilar , Osteotomía Maxilar , Tabique Nasal , Osteotomía , Columna Vertebral , Suturas
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 30(1): e132, 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-952053


Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of segmental osteotomy on the blood vessels and osteoclasts in rats using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and histomorphometric analysis. After segmental osteotomy was performed around the maxillary first molars of 36 male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 72), the samples were divided into a control group (no displacement), 0.5 D group (0.5 mm buccal displacement) and 1.0 D group (1.0 mm buccal displacement) (n = 24/group). At 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after surgery, changes in the blood vessel volume were investigated using micro-CT with perfusion of radiopaque silicone rubber. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) staining was used for histomorphometric analysis. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (rmANOVA) was performed to compare the volume of blood vessels and number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts among the groups. Regarding blood vessel volume, the displacement groups had no significant effects, while the time points had significant effects (p = 0.014). The blood vessel volume at 1 week was significantly smaller than that at 2, 4, and 8 weeks (p = 0.004, p = 0.026, and p = 0.005, respectively). Regarding TRAP cell count, the displacement groups had no significant effects, while the time points had significant effects (p < 0.001). The number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts at 8 weeks was significantly smaller than that at 1, 2, and 4 weeks (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, and p = 0.002, respectively), and the count at 4 weeks was smaller than that at 1 week (p = 0.011). Therefore, a regional osteoclast-related acceleratory phenomenon was maintained until 4 weeks after surgery.

Animales , Masculino , Ratas , Proceso Alveolar/irrigación sanguínea , Alveolectomía/métodos , Osteotomía Maxilar/métodos , Osteoclastos , Valores de Referencia , Factores de Tiempo , Recuento de Células , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Ratas Sprague-Dawley , Microtomografía por Rayos X , Proceso Alveolar/diagnóstico por imagen , Fosfatasa Ácida Tartratorresistente , Diente Molar
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-56078


A 19-year-old woman presented to our dental clinic with anterior crossbite and mandibular prognathism. She had a concave profile, long face, and Angle Class III molar relationship. She showed disharmony in the crowding of the maxillomandibular dentition and midline deviation. The diagnosis and treatment plan were established by a three-dimensional (3D) virtual setup and 3D surgical simulation, and a surgical wafer was produced using the stereolithography technique. No presurgical orthodontic treatment was performed. Using the surgery-first approach, Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy and mandibular bilateral intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy setback were carried out. Treatment was completed with postorthodontic treatment. Thus, symmetrical and balanced facial soft tissue and facial form as well as stabilized and well-balanced occlusion were achieved.

Femenino , Humanos , Adulto Joven , Aglomeración , Clínicas Odontológicas , Dentición , Diagnóstico , Maloclusión , Maloclusión de Angle Clase III , Osteotomía Maxilar , Diente Molar , Osteotomía , Prognatismo
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 23(3): 162-166, jul.-sept. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-706385


La elevación de seno maxilar usando la técnica de osteotomos es un procedimiento menos invasivo, que reduce el tiempo operatorio, y minimiza las molestias postoperatorias del paciente. El presente reporte de caso presenta y discute las indicaciones para realizar la técnica de osteótomos para la elevación de seno maxilar a-traumática, en un reborde residual disminuido acompañado de la colocación de implante inmediato (Técnica de Summer). Se observa radiográficamente la ganancia de altura ósea.

The maxillary sinus lift using the osteotome technique is a less invasive procedure, reducing operative time and minimizes postoperative discomfort of the patient. This case report presents and discusses the indications for osteotomes technique for maxillary sinus lift-traumatic decrease in residual ridge accompanied by immediate implant placement (Technique of Summer). Showed radiological bone height gain.

Humanos , Adulto , Femenino , Osteotomía Maxilar , Seno Maxilar/cirugía
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 375-378, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-983765


Pulmonary fat embolism (PFE) and pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) are common post-operative complications of orthopedic surgical procedures, but are reported less often following maxillofacial plastic surgical procedures, especially with respect to PFE. Thrombi, or together with fat emboli in pulmonary vessels can induce hemorrhagic infarction and cause death. Herein this report introduced a death due to pulmonary hemorrhagic infarction following maxillofacial plastic surgery. The female patient underwent several osteotomies of the mandible, zygomas and autologous bone grafting within a single operation. The operative time was longer than normal and no preventive strategies for pulmonary embolism were implemented. The patient died 20 days after hospital discharge. The autopsy confirmed pulmonary hemorrhagic infarction. The fat emboli and thrombi were also noted in the pulmonary vessels, which were thought to have resulted from the maxillofacial osteotomy. Suggestions were offered to forensic pathologists that risk factors of PFE and PTE, such as the type and length of surgery, the surgical sites, and the preventive strategies, should be considered when handling deaths after maxillofacial operations.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Autopsia , Causas de Muerte , Embolia Grasa/complicaciones , Resultado Fatal , Patologia Forense , Infarto/etiología , Osteotomía Maxilar , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Embolia Pulmonar/complicaciones , Cirugía Plástica/efectos adversos , Tromboembolia/complicaciones
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-158331


OBJECTIVES: This study sought to evaluate fixation methods and determine the best method for the postoperative stabilization of maxillary osteotomy. For our analysis we performed a three-dimensional finite element analysis of stress distribution on the plate, screw, and surrounding bone, as well as displacement onto the plate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We generated a model using synthetic skull scan data; an initital surface model was changed to a solid model using software. Modified anterior segmental osteotomy (using Park's method) was made using the program, and four different types of fixation methods were used. An anterior load of 100 N was applied on the palatal surface of two central incisors. RESULTS: The Type 1 (L-shaped) fixation method gave stresses of 187.8 MPa at the plate, 45.8 MPa at the screw, and 15.4 MPa at the bone around the plate. The Type 2 (I-shaped) fixation method gave stresses of 186.6 MPa at the plate, 75.7 MPa at the screw, and 13.8 MPa at the bone around the plate. The Type 3 (inverted L-shaped) fixation method gave stresses of 28.6 MPa at the plate, 29.9 MPa at the screw, and 15.3 MPa at the bone around the plate. The Type 4 (I-shaped) fixation method gave stresses of 34.8 MPa at the plate, 36.9 MPa at the screw, and 14.9 MPa at the bone around the plate. The deflection of the plates for the four fixation methods was 0.014 mm, 0.022 mm, 0.017 mm, and 0.018 mm, respectively. CONCLUSION: The Type 3 (inverted L-shaped) fixation method offers more stability than the other fixation methods. We therefore recommend this method for the postoperative stabilization of maxillary osteotomy.

Desplazamiento Psicológico , Análisis de Elementos Finitos , Osteotomía Maxilar , Osteotomía , Cráneo
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-177862


An 18-year-old male presented severe hypodontia due to hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia was treated with Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy with simultaneous sinus floor augmentation using the mixture of cortical autogenous bone graft harvested from iliac crest and organic Bio-Oss to position the maxilla in a right occlusal plane with respect to the mandible, and to construct adequate bone volume at posterior maxilla allowing proper implant placement. Due to the poor bone quality at other sites, ridge augmentation with onlay graft was done to construct adequate bone volume allowing proper implant placement, using tissue harvested from the iliac bone. Seven implants were placed in the maxilla and 7 implants were inserted in the mandible and screw-retained metal ceramic FPDs were fabricated. The two year follow up data showed that dental implants should be considered as a good treatment modality for patients with ectodermal dysplasia.

Adolescente , Humanos , Masculino , Anodoncia , Cerámica , Implantes Dentales , Oclusión Dental , Ectodermo , Displasia Ectodérmica , Estudios de Seguimiento , Incrustaciones , Mandíbula , Maxilar , Osteotomía Maxilar , Minerales , Boca , Cirugía Ortognática , Elevación del Piso del Seno Maxilar , Trasplantes
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-64110


PURPOSE: The primary objective in applying surgical splints is the restoration of normal occlusal relations through proper positioning of the teeth and bony structures. The splints were fabricated by specially educated physicians and personnel with dental training or a dental laboratory. The aim of this article is to introduce the easy availability and fabrication method of acrylic splints. METHODS: Acrylic is the most easily, rapidly, and cheaply obtained material among various splints. Acrylic splints are especially rigid, strong, easily adjustable and repairable, translucent, light-weighted, and well tolerated by the oral mucosa. Thus, the use of acrylic occlusal splints have been popularly applied. RESULTS: Surgical prosthetic splints have been used in the following; treatment of complex facial bone fractures, correction of maxillomandibular disharmonies, segmental maxillary osteotomies, reconstruction of the mandible, treatment of mandibular fractures in children, night guards in sleep bruxism, and repairment of TMJ dysfunctions. CONCLUSION: The use of acrylic splints have been popularly applied because of its good aspects and various purposes. However, its use is restricted because the process is time consuming, costly, and absolutely dependent on a dental technician in plastic surgery. This article presents the easy construction of splints made directly by the operator so that it may help analyze the patient's occlusion on dental casts and aid in building an operation plan.

Niño , Humanos , Técnicos Dentales , Huesos Faciales , Laboratorios Odontológicos , Mandíbula , Fracturas Mandibulares , Osteotomía Maxilar , Mucosa Bucal , Ferulas Oclusales , Bruxismo del Sueño , Férulas (Fijadores) , Cirugía Plástica , Articulación Temporomandibular , Diente
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-68187


Binder's syndrome has some characteristic signs, such as orbital hypotelorism, shortened and flat noses, diminutive columella, crescent shaped nostrils, acute nasolabial angle, convex upper lip, class III malocclusion, absent anterior nasal spine, and maxillary hypoplasia. Binder's syndrome patients usually need the correction of the following three: the hypoplatic nose, the perialar flatness due to underdevelopment of the piriform margin, and the hypoplastic maxilla with its malocclusion. The authors treated eleven(n=14) patients through various surgical techniques depending on the clinical signs. In order to correct the nasomaxillary hypoplasia, the autogenous bones, the autogenous cartilages and the alloplastic implants were used. In three patients with severe nasomaxillary retrusion, the combined Le Fort I and II osteotomies and the perinasal osteotomy were performed. The results were analyzed using the proportion indices from the preoperative and postoperative lateral photographs of the patients. The postoperative values of all the proportion indices were significantly higher compared to the preoperative ones. For nasal dorsal augmentation, columellar lengthening and peripiriform augmentation, autogenous bone grafts were found to be very effective. The use of high-density porous polyethylene sheets for columellar lengthening was preferred over the use of nasal septal cartilages. Two types of osteotomy were the most effective for nasomaxillary augmentation in severe deformity.

Humanos , Cartílago , Anomalías Congénitas , Labio , Maloclusión , Maxilar , Osteotomía Maxilar , Nariz , Órbita , Osteotomía , Polietileno , Columna Vertebral , Trasplantes